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Chit Chat >> New Member Introductions >> Just starting out!!!

Message started by legomypago on Nov 22nd, 2004 at 1:20am

Title: Just starting out!!!
Post by legomypago on Nov 22nd, 2004 at 1:20am
Hi all I'm lego and my hair is almost 20 inches long, is permed and dyed red, badly damaged but working to fix it. I don't really have any favorite products yet, but right now I'm using the off brand of herbal essence shampoo and using infusium 23 leave in treatment once or twice a week. I am struggling with not cutting my hair because of all the damage. I really want to grow my hair long though and am working hard at it. I am taking prenatal vitamins and Ultra Nourishair from gnc don't know if its gunna help yet because I just bought it 2 weeks ago. But i know the prenatals help. I don't have any hair accesories really mainly lil clips and scrunchies, I do have a pair of hair sticks but I have a hard time using them.  :)

Title: Re: Just starting out!!!
Post by Rua on Nov 22nd, 2004 at 8:05am
Welcome Lego!

Yay! Another redhead joins the scene! What do you usually dye your hair with, can I ask?

Perming and colouring together always is quite a bit harsher on your hair. (I know cuz I've done it!) But it sounds like you are taking the right steps to working through any damage you've got. Prenatals are very good.

Look forward to seein your posts 'round the boards!  ;D

Title: Re: Just starting out!!!
Post by bikerbraid on Nov 22nd, 2004 at 10:29am

Title: Re: Just starting out!!!
Post by legomypago on Nov 22nd, 2004 at 2:17pm
Well I use what ever color I find is the redist lol. I try to get something without amonium, but that was then if I dye it now, I'm gunna try to find something thats a little more natural. I love red hair unfortunitly mines not natural, my sister whom I don't like got the red hair in the family and destroys it by putting highlights in it.

Title: Re: Just starting out!!!
Post by Rua on Nov 22nd, 2004 at 3:14pm
Isn't that the way it goes!!

I suppose as women, we have it permanantly ingrained in us to want what we don't have.

I can understand where you're coming from. My sister can grow hair like you wouldn't believe. And yet whenever I visit her, I watch in horror as she jams and snaps the hairbrush through her hair because she doesn't have the patience for it.

** CRINGE **

Title: Re: Just starting out!!!
Post by VictoriaLynn on Nov 22nd, 2004 at 11:05pm

Lynn   :)

Title: Re: Just starting out!!!
Post by legomypago on Nov 30th, 2004 at 6:07pm
Hello all I'm finally back. I just got moved in my new house and finally got the internet back up. And I need to start fresh with my hair routine. I have been neglecting it, not putting it up at night before bed, letting the wind blow it all over. Its terrible but I didn't have time for it with all the packing and unpack but now that all that is finished I have more time for my hair yay!!!! Oh and the water is much softer here. I lived in the city before and the water was hard yuck.

Title: Re: Just starting out!!!
Post by Rua on Nov 30th, 2004 at 8:05pm
Congrats and all the best in your new home!
How exciting!  ;D

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