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Chit Chat >> Ask LongLocks >> How thin is too thin to grow it long?

Message started by sweet_violet on Jul 10th, 2003 at 2:19pm

Title: How thin is too thin to grow it long?
Post by sweet_violet on Jul 10th, 2003 at 2:19pm
I started growing my hair out 4 years ago.  It is only 27 3/4 inches long (since I've been cutting it and trimming splits as I find them).  My hair is baby fine resulting in a 2 1/4 inch ponytail at the back of my head :'(  Should I not grow it out?  I would love to... don't want it to look "un-pretty" though :-[  I sent you a picture by e-mail of how it looks now... since I can't post on here... (no web space).  I'm hoping I'm just in the final shedding phase and my hair is showing the effects. Help~~This is the first thing I've done selfishly for me.

Title: Re: How thin is too thin to grow it long?
Post by Rapunzel on Jul 11th, 2003 at 5:40am
Unfortunately, I didn't receive your picture so I can't see your hair, but I can tell you one thing without seeing it... you do what YOU want to do!  My hair is very fine and isn't terribly thick, and I'd venture to guess it's about 38" long or so.  If you want long hair, let it grow!  Don't let anyone else's opinion of how your hair should look influence you into making decisions that would make you unhappy.  If you've been letting it grow for four years, it sure sounds like you want it long to me!

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