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Chit Chat >> Letting Your Hair Down >> Bicycle Trip

Message started by bikerbraid on Aug 1st, 2003 at 11:33am

Title: Bicycle Trip
Post by bikerbraid on Aug 1st, 2003 at 11:33am
Hey all!  Just a quick note to let you know I will gone for the next week.  Hubby and I are off for our week long biking trip in Wisconsin.  ;D  We will bike from the NE corner of the state (Marinette) to the SE (Port Washington).  We camp out at local high schools along the way (There are semis that move our gear from overnight spot to overnight spot so we can just bike and enjoy the beautiful scenery).  I live for this trip each year - not to mention training for it.  The down side of the trip is managing my now waist length hair with the sometimes dismal shower facilities available to us.  >:(  I will keep my hair in braids or ropes most of the time and wash my hair only when I have determined there is enough water pressure to properly rinse the shampoo.  In the past I have found that just rinsing my head after a day of biking is "good enough" for a day or two as long as I keep it braided.

Hope everyone has a great hair week while I am gone.  :D

Title: Re: Bicycle Trip
Post by Rapunzel on Aug 1st, 2003 at 6:26pm
Why don't you look into a "waterless" shampoo?  They make them for campers.  Sorry, I can't offer any brand names offhand, but maybe someone else can.

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