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Chit Chat >> Ask LongLocks >> stroppy scalp!

Message started by Aphrodite on Sep 10th, 2003 at 12:11pm

Title: stroppy scalp!
Post by Aphrodite on Sep 10th, 2003 at 12:11pm
:'(  I have only recently decided to grow my hair long - the longest it has been is shoulder length due to it being so thin - so I am going into the unknown! However, I have to wash my hair everyday but all the shampoos I use seem to make my scalp feel agrivated and sometimes even sting! What is the kindest shampoo to use or ingredients I should look out for? (my hair also does tend to fall out a lot)

Title: Re: stroppy scalp!
Post by Rapunzel on Sep 11th, 2003 at 12:47pm
Egads, it sounds to me like you have an allergy, especially if your scalp is stinging.  I'd get myself to a doctor right away and see what the problem is.  Your situation is very unusual, there's no reason this should happen no matter how often you wash your hair.

Once you rule out or resolve any allergy issues, I suggest you try natural hair care products such as Nature's Gate.  And make sure that you don't scratch your scalp or use very hot water when you shampoo.  Be gentle!

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