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Hair Care >> Long Hair Care >> Chlorine...DAMAGE?!!

Message started by JDgirl on Mar 24th, 2004 at 12:35am

Title: Chlorine...DAMAGE?!!
Post by JDgirl on Mar 24th, 2004 at 12:35am
im a competitive swimmer, and im in the pool @least 5 times a week. My hair isnt blonde, so im not worried about the green haha, but does excess amounts of chlorine damage my hair? ???

Title: Re: Chlorine...DAMAGE?!!
Post by bikerbraid on Mar 24th, 2004 at 3:29am
As a blonde I know all too well what chlorine does to hair.  I swear I spent most of my life before 18 with "snot green" hair.  Back then we had no idea what the pool chemicals were doing to our hair.

Being in the pool alot, you need to make sure the chemicals are being removed from you hair or they will dry it out.  There are shampoos out there specifically for swimmers, Ultra Swim is one my son and I both have tried.  It worked OK, not fantastic, but OK.  What we both found worked best was Aussie Mega shampoo and Aussie 3 Minute Miracle conditioner.

If I know I am going swimming now, I will put conditioner or jojoba oil in my hair before swimming (jojoba for lakes, conditioner for pools).  Then rinse with clean, fresh water when you get out.

What are your events?  I used to compete when I was a kid - distances were my specialties - 500m, 800m and the mile.  

Title: Re: Chlorine...DAMAGE?!!
Post by JDgirl on Mar 25th, 2004 at 12:24am
Thanks for the advice  ;D...my events are 50free, 100free, 400freerealy, 200freerelay...im currently trying to break a highschool record in the 50 freestyle... although my time has  to be knocked down over a second  ;)...oh well im a freshman and i have till im a senior!! haha

Title: Re: Chlorine...DAMAGE?!!
Post by bikerbraid on Mar 25th, 2004 at 1:52am
What's your current best time and the school record for the 50 free?

Title: Re: Chlorine...DAMAGE?!!
Post by JDgirl on Mar 25th, 2004 at 11:35pm
My time for the 50 free is around a 27...like probably 27:04 -- the school record for girls is 25:22 -- one of my friends that was on the boys' swim team was trying to break my highschool boys' record in the 50free-- his time was 23:85 and the record was 23:05...he never broke the record after the reg. season, sectionals, and states...and hes graduating this year and not swimming in college  :( he was really upset...hopefully i can get my time down over the next 3 years hah

Title: Re: Chlorine...DAMAGE?!!
Post by bikerbraid on Mar 26th, 2004 at 2:27am
That's a pretty decent time - congrats!  If you work hard you should be able make your goal!  Hang in there and swim hard!

Title: Re: Chlorine...DAMAGE?!!
Post by JDgirl on Mar 26th, 2004 at 2:29am
ill try to...thats if my hair doest weigh me down..its gettin long lol

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