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Chit Chat >> Ask LongLocks >> Eggs?

Message started by candylipsgurl on Jun 21st, 2004 at 12:49am

Title: Eggs?
Post by candylipsgurl on Jun 21st, 2004 at 12:49am
Will eggs strip a relaxer? :-/

Title: Re: Eggs?
Post by Rapunzel on Jun 21st, 2004 at 7:07am
I'm not sure what you mean by "strip."  If you mean remove, the answer is no.  Nothing will remove a relaxer just like nothing will "remove" a perm.  You can always reprocess the hair and either curl it or straighten it again, but to do so would be incredibly damaging to your hair.  Perms and relaxers actually break down the structure of your hair and reform it... this is why they wreak such havoc.  To do it twice would be folicide ;)  Unfortunately, there is no way to remove the process other than to cut the hair.

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