LongLocks Salon
Hairstyles and Styling >> Hair Care Product Reviews >> Dove Shampoo and Conditioner

Message started by drummergirl08 on Jul 17th, 2004 at 12:06am

Title: Dove Shampoo and Conditioner
Post by drummergirl08 on Jul 17th, 2004 at 12:06am
Yesterday I bought a Herbal Essence I'd never tried with jojoba oil, yay.  Anyways, I just saw a commercial for Dove Shampoo and Conditioner.  Has anyone tried it?  Is it any good?  Thanks!
                                                        , Dayne-Brenna

Title: Re: Dove Shampoo and Conditioner
Post by flaming_bunny on Jul 17th, 2004 at 5:29pm
i used it but didnt like it cos my hair loves cones and it didnt have any. whilst it did leave my hair really soft, my scalp got greasy really quickly cos its so gentle.
if you dont use cones...its a good shampoo/conditioner.

Title: Re: Dove Shampoo and Conditioner
Post by drummergirl08 on Jul 17th, 2004 at 8:47pm
My hair likes both cones and non-cones, i have individually fine hair and as a whole my hair is a normal thickness.  I was more concerned if it pervented breakage and split-ends like the commercial said.

Title: Re: Dove Shampoo and Conditioner
Post by flaming_bunny on Jul 18th, 2004 at 10:37am
to be honest, i dont think its any better at protecting hair than other shampoos...cos of the lack of cones my splits were huge. try it if you can get a sample...your hair might love it.

if you want to protect your hair from breakage and splits....try fructus long and strong. im forever going on about it but it really has helped my hair. just remeber to clarify regularly.

Title: Re: Dove Shampoo and Conditioner
Post by drummergirl08 on Jul 18th, 2004 at 12:53pm
That sounds good, but Long&Strong hasn't come-out where I live in NC yet.  Oh well, I'll keep watch.
                                         Thanks,            Dayne-Brenna

Title: Re: Dove Shampoo and Conditioner
Post by Babyfine on Jul 18th, 2004 at 8:58pm
I've used Dove S/c for Fine, thin color treated hair.
I liked it but it didn't do anything better than other
products I've used.

Title: Re: Dove Shampoo and Conditioner
Post by heatherdaisyy on Jul 29th, 2004 at 3:16pm
Hey Guys

I tried Dove shampoo and conditioner a while ago and found it very hard to use. I found that both were so thin and mild that i had to use a bucket load just to cover my hair. The condition of my hair also suffered. I was expecting something really moisturising from dove but was really dissappointed.

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