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Hair Care >> Au Natural >> Chamomile rinse results

Message started by Aphrodite on Aug 9th, 2004 at 9:27am

Title: Chamomile rinse results
Post by Aphrodite on Aug 9th, 2004 at 9:27am
Thought I would report back on results - you guys might remember me asking about using dried chamomile flowers as a rinse - well I did it yesterday and it worked! I boiled up a jug of water over the dried flowers (which I had dried for a few days on tin foil until they were crunchy) I then left the mixture all afternoon to cool, keeping it covered all the time then poured it over my head and let my hair dry in the sun. it has made it very streaky - just like highlights. I will definately do it again. Not sure how long it will last though - does it just lighten up your hair for a while or does it actually bleach it? ;D So if any of you want to lihgten up your blonde hair - give it a go!

Title: Re: Chamomile rinse results
Post by bikerbraid on Aug 9th, 2004 at 10:31am
Sounds like you got great results - thanks for the "report".  

Now I just have to find some chamomile flowers!

Title: Re: Chamomile rinse results
Post by Kate on Aug 12th, 2004 at 8:21am
Chamomille rinses coat the hair shaft, so your hair is not being bleached (i.e. damaged) in any way.

Sounds like you made quite a concentrated decoction! What proportions of water and flowers did you use?


Title: Re: Chamomile rinse results
Post by Aphrodite on Aug 12th, 2004 at 8:36am
I guess there were about fifteen flowers in a pint and a half... do you think that's too many??

Title: Re: Chamomile rinse results
Post by Kate on Aug 13th, 2004 at 8:55am
No, that doesn't sound like a lot actually. I probably use about that ratio, I just seem to get less of an effect that you. I don't think you CAN use too much (from a damage perspective) - I find that my hair starts looking yellowish if I do chamomille rinses too frequently. The good (or bad) thing is that it washes out when you clarify!

Let us know how long the lightening effect lasts! :-)


Title: Re: Chamomile rinse results
Post by maggie on Mar 20th, 2006 at 5:16pm
This sounds really interesting, I don't think that Aphrodite is around the boards anymore, so has anyone else tried this before?  So, chamomile will actually safely lighten hair, is this right?  Hmmmm..... ???

Title: Re: Chamomile rinse results
Post by bikerbraid on Mar 20th, 2006 at 5:45pm
Chamomile does not actually lighten the hair - it provides a golden coating on the hair, that gives the appearance of highlights.  It only works on light brown and lighter hair.

Title: Re: Chamomile rinse results
Post by maggie on Mar 20th, 2006 at 6:30pm
Oh, thanks BB!  I have dark chestnut hair, so I guess it wouldn't be of much use to me.  ???

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