LongLocks Salon
Chit Chat >> Ask LongLocks >> stars and stones?

Message started by strawberryfine on Aug 10th, 2004 at 8:57pm

Title: stars and stones?
Post by strawberryfine on Aug 10th, 2004 at 8:57pm
I apologize; I know this is not the right place, but where is the right place to ask:

What do the stars and gemstones listed by members on the board mean?

Curiosity is killing me...


Title: Re: stars and stones?
Post by Rapunzel on Aug 11th, 2004 at 3:21am
They have to do with how many posts you've made... you work way up to five stars (I think, LOL!) and diamond level.  I do believe the levels are more specifically described in the Salon News board.  It was a lonnnnng time ago when I made that post, I'm pretty sure that's where it is!   :)

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