LongLocks Salon
Hair Care >> Au Natural >> Rose Water

Message started by Sara on Jan 18th, 2005 at 11:49pm

Title: Rose Water
Post by Sara on Jan 18th, 2005 at 11:49pm
I remember someone in this forum mentioning rose water as part of their hair routine. Is this beneficial to the hair?

Title: Re: Rose Water
Post by Galadriel on Jan 19th, 2005 at 5:39am
It might have been me  ;D -I've fallen love with it, and it seems to be beneficial for my hair.

Genuine rose water consists of distilled water and maroc rose (though I've seen once a cheap version sold as "rosewater" that had only the rose scent in common with the real thing).

I mist my hair with it once or twice a day. This has helped to reduce static, seems to make my hair softer, and has a lovely scent that expels the smell of unwashed head which is great if one tries to prolong the interval between washes.

Give it a try :) If you don't like to use it in your hair, it can be used also for face.

Title: Re: Rose Water
Post by styg on Jan 19th, 2005 at 5:36pm
galadriel where do you buy your rose EO?

Title: Re: Rose Water
Post by Galadriel on Jan 20th, 2005 at 5:12am
I don't buy rose EO and mix it myself- I buy ready mixed product called "rose water" from a health food store. They also sell EO:s.

Aren't health food stores real treasure chests for long hair devotees?!  ;D

Title: Re: Rose Water
Post by styg on Jan 20th, 2005 at 6:31pm
yeah ... i should go hunt for some.

Title: Re: Rose Water
Post by Valerie on Jan 20th, 2005 at 11:26pm

I saw some of the rosewater at the Sunflower market near me and thought of you, but didn't want to buy it unless I knew that is what you were talking about.  I also saw a recipe on another site to boil fresh red rose petals in distilled water and use that.  Sounded great, but it would depressing to cut up a dozen fresh roses right away, and could get expensive, especially this time of year!

Title: Re: Rose Water
Post by Sara on Jan 20th, 2005 at 11:33pm
Exactly! Those flowers are so beautiful.  Humm, maybe if we had time, we could grow roses of our own...maybe that will be better, if we can't find the water at a store. Humm, also you might try Whole Body.

Title: Re: Rose Water
Post by Galadriel on Jan 21st, 2005 at 4:11am
I've used two brands of rosewater. One that lists as ingredients Aqua Rosa Damascena, Methyparaben and Prophylparaben and one that lists just Aqua Rosa Damascena. I haven't noticed any difference between these, except lightly different scent.

I think that if you intend to make rosewater yourself, you should also grow your roses. Rosa Damascus is the only rose species that is used for rose water- others produce too "mild" petals and are unsuitable. If I remember correctly, it is a small shrub. Commercially sold roses are often bred appearance, not scent in mind. Also, they're often sprayed with pesticides and God knows what chemicals that aren't probably good for hair.

Title: Re: Rose Water
Post by styg on Jan 21st, 2005 at 4:29pm
i wanted to buy damascus rose  EO but it is beyond expensive lol. and i don't want those paraben in my hair.  :(

Title: Re: Rose Water
Post by Sakina on Jan 21st, 2005 at 7:24pm
I started using rosewater on my hair after reading the raves from Galadriel.  I have wavy hair and when its dry I use the rosewater to dampen my hair to bring the wave back  :)
I get my rosewater from the health food store, it's called Rose Petals Rosewater from the Heritage Products line.  This line is based on recommendations in the Edgar Cayce readings.  Nothing but water and hydroessential rose oil in this brand.

Title: Re: Rose Water
Post by Sara on Jan 21st, 2005 at 11:17pm

That is the link to the heritage rose water!

Title: Re: Rose Water
Post by Sara on Mar 31st, 2005 at 12:53am
I finally got the Heritage Rose Water!! I found it at Whole Foods market!

Title: Re: Rose Water
Post by lanivishnu on May 14th, 2005 at 6:15am
I think I've also read somewhere here that it can be used for frizzies...maybe I was hallucinating, I can't remember  ??? Is it true? I *hate* my frizzies...

Title: Re: Rose Water
Post by Galadriel on May 14th, 2005 at 6:22am
My hair used to be frizzy. Rose water really helps, but not because there's something especially effective in it. Frizziness just means that hair is too dry.

Rose water, like any misting will add the necessary moisture quickly right to where it's needed, and that's why it works. I love the light, nice smell of rose water -it makes me remember to mist ofteen- but I know people who achieve just as good results with mixing some nice EO with water.

Title: Re: Rose Water
Post by lanivishnu on May 14th, 2005 at 6:36am
Thanks Galadriel  :) I just put in a bid for some rosewater on Ebay ($5 for 4oz) so I'm looking forward to giving it a try. I love ebay - I also recently found a seller that supplies shea butter - they get it themselves from Ghana and extract the butter by hand, so there's no middle-man. Pretty cheap too, I think - 1lb for $5 plus $7 shipping. That will have to wait for a while, though, because I'm a bit broke until I get paid at the end of the week   :o

that seller's site is http://search.ebay.com.au/_W0QQfgtpZ1QQfrppZ25QQsassZbuyitnowgoshQQssPageNameZSTRKQ3aMEFSQ3aMESOI
just in case you were interested!

Title: Re: Rose Water
Post by maggie on Oct 3rd, 2005 at 3:12pm
I have never used rosewater for my hair, but have been using it for my skin.  
One of my customers here ( I have a flower shop) would come by and i would give him rose petals from my older roses that i felt weren't sellable anymore, he would take them & in exchange he would come back a few weeks later with bottles of rosewater for me.  He also used them in some all natural facial cleansers and skin lotions that he made, good stuff.  I have since learned how to make my own cleanser, but have not tried my own rosewater yet.  As posted by Galadriel, I was always concerned that the roses being used were in fact commercial roses, and not garden grown.  I,m sure that the growers of these roses do use certain pesticides and growth agents, not to mention the floral preservatives used in the water on my end of the process.  I'm sure that none of that is very good for the skin or hair.  However, I will say that I was always pleased with the results of the products, they made my skin feel very soft and healthy.  I am going to look into my local health food store to see what they carry, after reading this thread, I am curious as to the effects on my hair.

Title: Re: Rose Water
Post by momof6 on Oct 18th, 2005 at 3:30pm
I do have my own rose garden and other than to keep the red ants off of them (thats only at the base 16 in. around the bushes) I do not put pesticides on them. My youngest boy has learning disabilities due to pesticides. I am going to try and make some rose water from my garden. Yes it's October, but I have subzero roses that only bloom in cold weather as well as regular summer roses. I will let you all know how it does!  :D

Title: Re: Rose Water
Post by maggie on Oct 18th, 2005 at 3:52pm
Sounds lovely momof6!  You really have six children?  Oh my goodness!  You should go over to the new member boards and introduce yourself, we'd love to know more about you!

Weclome!  ;D

Title: Re: Rose Water
Post by momof6 on Oct 25th, 2005 at 11:37am
I have not gotten to make the rose water yet, bare with me! I am a bit slow sometimes.

Title: Re: Rose Water
Post by momof6 on Oct 27th, 2005 at 10:35am
:o shhhhhhh! I got busy and the roses, ahh didn't make it! ???

Title: Re: Rose Water
Post by maggie on Oct 27th, 2005 at 1:12pm
Don't worry, we won't call the rose police on you this time!

....but next time....... :o

Title: Re: Rose Water
Post by Tarrenae on Jan 4th, 2006 at 5:33pm
I got some rose water spray from the health food store,it has glycerine added to it,it mentions its a good moisturizer,would glycerine be benefical to the hair???

Title: Re: Rose Water
Post by Sakina on Jan 5th, 2006 at 12:10am
I think the glycerine will weigh down your hair.  It will also draw moisture to it, which will cause big, poofy, frizzy hair if you have any wave or curl.

I've purchased the same product, used it on my skin, though.

Better keep looking for pure rosewater.

Good Luck!

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