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Hair Care >> Long Hair Care >> Travelling with growing hair

Message started by PreciousLocks on Jan 20th, 2005 at 12:10am

Title: Travelling with growing hair
Post by PreciousLocks on Jan 20th, 2005 at 12:10am
Has anyone got some tips on hair care while travelling -- do's or don'ts? I will be going to Uganda on a missions trip in March.  I am hoping by then I will be able to get my hair in updos with greater ease - both from longer length and from practice.  Trying to figure out which hair toys would be best without taking my entire collection (meager though it is) is a daunting task :-/.
(My sister told me getting my hair short would be best, I replied "nope, short hair requires blow-drying and daily hair washing.  Neither is likely to be available daily."  To her credit we hadn't seen each other for several months to a year so she didn't know how much my hair had already grown out. ;D)

Title: Re: Travelling with growing hair
Post by bikerbraid on Jan 20th, 2005 at 12:48am
I moved this here, so others can respond as well.

Uganda for a mission trip!  Wow!  I'm sure it will be an experience you will never forget.

You don't mention what kind of conditions you will be living in or how long you will be there.  I've found that extreme traveling requires simplicity with the hair.  Keeping your hair braided or up in a bun all the time will be easiest.  Don't take anything you wouldn't want to lose.  Get some inexpensive wooden chop sticks that have a smooth finish and use those or plastic sticks for buns.  You may find that you will lose your sticks frequently - especially if working outdoors or with children.  (Kids LOVE to steal hair sticks!).

Fabric scrunchies and other hair friendly hair ties - lots of them! Again - you might find them "disappearing" frequently.

A large scarf might be useful also for protecting your hair and hiding the greasies.  

Try to start extending the length of time between washings - you may not have good access to water for washing your hair.  I found that just rinsing the hair will work fairly well, rather than trying to shampoo when the water is limited.  

Hope this helps a bit.

Title: Re: Travelling with growing hair
Post by Sakina on Jan 21st, 2005 at 1:45pm
Just a thought...
perhaps take some cornstarch with you to clean your scalp if you are concerned about water.  Maybe just as a backup.
Safe journey!

Title: Re: Travelling with growing hair
Post by PreciousLocks on Jan 21st, 2005 at 9:15pm
Thanks for the tips!  This is an unusual trip as I won't know all the details of where & what until we get to Kampala.  It is a short trip - 9 days start to finish.  
Fortunately I have already been lengthening the time between washings, using cornstarch should also help if needed ;)

Title: Re: Travelling with growing hair
Post by PreciousLocks on Jan 30th, 2005 at 7:10pm
I've been taking short weekend trips the last 2 weeks and found my CO routine just didn't make the grade.  I got to the point that even a light shampooing didn't seem to clean my hair.  :P  
I finally went back to my previous habit and then got a second shampoo in a few days when I went for a trim.  That finally did the trick and made me feel like my hair was really clean again. :)
When my hair is longer (which is short for these long hair boards ;)) I don't wash my hair but 1-2 times a week anyway.  I'll have to keep experimenting to see how it goes.

BTW the Uganda trip is postponed till later this year, but I may be going to Morocco in March.   8)   :o
(The Morocco trip would be with "Wheels for the World" - we deliver and fit wheelchairs to those who need them around the world, part of "Joni and Friends" ministry)

Title: Re: Travelling with growing hair
Post by bikerbraid on Jan 31st, 2005 at 10:35am
Experimenting seems to be a never ending state with long hair.  Just as you think you've found a routine that will work, something will change.  Keep trying things and adjust as necessary!

Your trips sound facinating.

Title: Re: Travelling with growing hair
Post by CurlyBrunette on Mar 1st, 2005 at 2:23am
I know I am a bit late with a reply but when I travel the most comfortable way for me to wear my hair is in 2 braids.  I call them Heidi braids.  They are especially comfortable on an airplane ride so you can rest your head back in the seat without the lump from a french braid or bun.  Have a great trip whatever your destination may be. :)

Title: Re: Travelling with growing hair
Post by PreciousLocks on Mar 1st, 2005 at 11:07pm
CurlyBrunette - thanks for the idea.  I actually did a version of the "Heidi" braids last night to sleep and they were comfortable for that so traveling would be comfortable also.  Of course I couldn't make them look as good this morning when I was trying to re-create a similar version for work :P  

Title: Re: Travelling with growing hair
Post by CurlyBrunette on Mar 2nd, 2005 at 2:24am
Your welcome PreciousLocks!  I'm glad it worked out for you.  I used to feel funny going out doing errands around town wearing my hair like my DD5 does!  Now I am confident with the 2 braids and its a comfortable style especially when you are wearing a hat in the winter and you cant fit a big bun under it!

Title: Re: Travelling with growing hair
Post by bikerbraid on Mar 2nd, 2005 at 10:07am
You mean, as an adult I'm not supposed to wear braids in public??  OH MY!!!  Once again I have broken the fashion laws.  I don't know what I would do if I couldn't wear my Heidi braids when biking, running errands, camping, gardening, or whatever!   ;D

Title: Re: Travelling with growing hair
Post by Valerie on Mar 3rd, 2005 at 11:44am
While I was at the stylist getting my hair colored I was reading through the magazines (I usually try to avoid such things), according to what I read braids are the new hip style.  Good to know we're the trend setters.   ;D

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