LongLocks Salon
Bad Hair Day >> Living With Hair Loss >> has anyone tried lasercomb?it promises thicker

Message started by Curlygirl22 on Mar 18th, 2005 at 3:37pm

Title: has anyone tried lasercomb?it promises thicker
Post by Curlygirl22 on Mar 18th, 2005 at 3:37pm
i have seen it on dateline and i wonder if anyone has heard anything about it or has tried it. its promises thicker fuller hair.

Title: Re: has anyone tried lasercomb?it promises thicker
Post by bikerbraid on Mar 18th, 2005 at 5:19pm
$645 US is a lot of money!  It looks like it has been used primarily with male pattern baldness.  The laser energy, I would assume stimulates the hair follicle.  If a person was not suffering from hair loss, I doubt the lasercomb would provide any noticible difference.  

It can't have any impact on hair that already exists, since it is not living cells.

Here is a link for more information HairMax Lasercomb.

Title: Re: has anyone tried lasercomb?it promises thicker
Post by Curlygirl22 on Mar 19th, 2005 at 7:36pm
thanks bikerbraid.

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