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Hair Care >> Hair Coloring >> Please help a Confused Hair girl!!!!

Message started by brunette123 on Apr 1st, 2005 at 10:37pm

Title: Please help a Confused Hair girl!!!!
Post by brunette123 on Apr 1st, 2005 at 10:37pm
PLEASE RESPOND!!!!!!!! Ok so heres my story in a nut shell. I naturally have medium brown hair, but over the years I've done lots of blonde highlights and different lightening things. Now I want to go back to being an all over brunette but maybe alittle darker brown shade than my natural color. MY QUESTION is: If I just got highlights again in blonde, and I use a SEMI-PERMANENT hair dye will the highlights turn a diff. color than the rest of my unhighlighted hair. I'm hoping it will so I can get my money's worth still, and it won't be a total waste of money. Also, has anyone ever used semi-permanant that lasts a month, and what brands do you suggest for a first timers who's never dyed all their hair? thanks girls!!!!!  :D

Title: Re: Please help a Confused Hair girl!!!!
Post by Babyfine on Apr 2nd, 2005 at 1:16pm
I'm in the same boat as you are- I have highlighted hair that I would like to go back to my natural colour.  Sorry I don't have any advice, though!  I don't know what to do, either.  I've thought about henna, later on down the line.  I'm just growing mine out now, with two-toned hair. But that's no help to you.  I would got to a salon and see what they suggest, to get you through it with the least damage. Sorry I'm no help!

Title: Re: Please help a Confused Hair girl!!!!
Post by Sherry on Apr 2nd, 2005 at 4:40pm
Be careful because high-lighted hair can be very pourous and you can end up with something you don't want. You can go to a salon and have them color it or you can use Natural Instincts 06 Linen but don't mix it like the instructions say. Mix 1 oz shampoo, 1 oz developer, and 1 oz color.Apply to damp hair and keep it on for 5-10 min.  This makes a glaze and will tone down your highlights. It really works well I just did it 2 weeks ago because my hair was getting too blonde from high lights. Good luck!

Title: Re: Please help a Confused Hair girl!!!!
Post by eKatherine on Apr 2nd, 2005 at 9:04pm
It's tricky. It's very likely that coloring your hair back to your natural color will turn your highlights green or greenish-gray. You could color them red in order to counteract this effect, but perhaps you should get it done professionally.

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