LongLocks Salon
Hair Care >> Au Natural >> Yee Olde Haire Recipies.

Message started by Kaylin on Apr 5th, 2005 at 4:08pm

Title: Yee Olde Haire Recipies.
Post by Kaylin on Apr 5th, 2005 at 4:08pm

Hair goop and suff from an 1880's perspective.
Thought you guys might be interested, as they are technically "Natural" remedies.


Title: Re: Yee Olde Haire Recipies.
Post by bikerbraid on Apr 5th, 2005 at 5:22pm
Thanks for sharing that.  Very interesting recipes.  Some of the ingredients might be a bit difficult to find today!  ;D  (and doubtful you'd want to use them!!)

Title: Re: Yee Olde Haire Recipies.
Post by Kaylin on Apr 5th, 2005 at 8:30pm

wrote on Apr 5th, 2005 at 5:22pm:
Thanks for sharing that.  Very interesting recipes.  Some of the ingredients might be a bit difficult to find today!  ;D  (and doubtful you'd want to use them!!)

Yeah, I bet they would be. Oil of Rosemary and Nutmeg aren't that hard to find though, and both have qualities for improoving circulation.
Mix a few drops of those perhaps in some Jojoba oil warm to skin temperature, dress through your hair, put a cap on and leave in over-night. Might be good to improove scalp circulation and sebum production.


Title: Re: Yee Olde Haire Recipies.
Post by Sakina on Apr 6th, 2005 at 3:33am
Very interesting.  No wonder people didn't wash frequently-all that work!

Title: Re: Yee Olde Haire Recipies.
Post by Autumn on Apr 6th, 2005 at 5:35am
Very interesting, THANKS! ;D

Title: Re: Yee Olde Haire Recipies.
Post by Lisabelle on Jun 7th, 2005 at 12:09pm
Neat!  Thanks for sharing!   8)

Title: Re: Yee Olde Haire Recipies.
Post by bugeyedmonster2 on Jul 7th, 2006 at 4:29am
This link  has changed....


That will take you to the main hair page and if you look at your left hand menu you will see the hair care recipies.

And looking at the recipies... I do remember an old native american rumor that involved using animal fat on your hair.  It kept your braids in good shape and was good for the hair.  But I'd imagine lard on the hair smelled awful.  Another I'd heard was it kept lice away.  Which was probably true, lice like dry hair, they'd have trouble hanging on to a slick oily hair/scalp.

But I keep wondering what it smelled like, larded hair in the summertime.  ???


Title: Re: Yee Olde Haire Recipies.
Post by bikerbraid on Jul 10th, 2006 at 12:57am

wrote on Jul 7th, 2006 at 4:29am:
But I keep wondering what it smelled like, larded hair in the summertime.  ???

Eeeeeeewwwwwww!!!!  No thanks on the lard in my hair - especially in the summer.   :P  I do use jojoba oil or aloe vera on my hair when I braid it and and want it to stay "neat" all day.  If it is the day before washday, I use an extra amount of oil and consider it an extra conditioning!  ;D

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