LongLocks Salon
Hair Types >> Oh So Fine >> long hair styles

Message started by carolyn6040 on Apr 26th, 2005 at 4:27am

Title: long hair styles
Post by carolyn6040 on Apr 26th, 2005 at 4:27am
Anyone have any websites that show styles/cuts suitable for long straight thin fine hair.  My hair is a bit above elbow length.

Title: Re: long hair styles
Post by bikerbraid on Apr 26th, 2005 at 10:15am

There are a number of hairstyles shown in the HairStyles Gallery.  Looking through the Customer Gallery and Wedding HairStyles might also help.

Title: Re: long hair styles
Post by carolyn6040 on Apr 26th, 2005 at 10:05pm
Thanks for those links.  I am actually looking for styles/cuts for when I wear my hair out.  I have a fringe (bangs I think you call them in US) but the rest is all the one length.  As my hair is fine I feel that the length is dragging it down so it just hangs.  I was thinking about maybe some layers at the front but being a typical long haired girl I am reluctant to start cutting into it if its not going to suit.  If I can get some pictures I can ask my hairdresser what would suit.

Title: Re: long hair styles
Post by bikerbraid on Apr 27th, 2005 at 1:15am
I understand your reluctance to cut - I'm the same way.

Maybe pulling just some of your hair back into a braid or small bun and leaving the rest down?

A french braid always looks nice, even with fine hair.

French braiding along the front, or rope twists can also create some depth and texture for you.

To create more "volume" with your hair, you could damp braid, sock roll or rag curl your damp hair which will give you waves or curls.

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