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Message started by carolyn6040 on May 16th, 2005 at 2:40am

Title: Really bad at doing hair
Post by carolyn6040 on May 16th, 2005 at 2:40am
I have long (BSL) straight fine thin hair but am really bad at doing hair.  I even struggle to get a pony tail or english braid to look half decent, cannot get smooth or even.  Any suggestions???

Also wondering, I read a lot about hair stix so am interested in trying them but concerned with my 'inability' to do hair how easy are they to use and what length stix should I get?

Title: Re: Really bad at doing hair
Post by bikerbraid on May 16th, 2005 at 11:32pm
Learning to work with longer hair takes practice.  Your hair is a good length to be working on your french braids as well as a simple bun.  Don't worry about perfection, it will come with practice.

Your first hair sticks can be 5 - 6" long.  If you want to practice - try using a pencil (make sure the point isn't too sharp).  Shorter sticks can be used, but this is a length that is easily found and worked with.

Title: Re: Really bad at doing hair
Post by PreciousLocks on May 16th, 2005 at 11:39pm
hmmm   Practice, practice, practice as the saying goes.  (i've never liked having to practice at anything ;))

I have fine, straight hair too and I'm not a great stylist either.  I do find some styles work better depending on the length of time since it was washed.  (Freshly washed hair won't stay up at all for me).  I "cheat" and use a bun cover (Galadriel uses a bun net).  That seems to be my fall-back style at this point.  

Sometimes I think I'm just all thumbs, others I decide I haven't got the right hair toys, or my hair isn't long enough for what I want to do (just shoulder length with a few shorter layers).

Anyone have suggestions for all the "slubs" we get trying to braid, etc?  I haven't yet figured out how they happen so I haven't been too succesful in avoiding them.

Title: Re: Really bad at doing hair
Post by carolyn6040 on May 17th, 2005 at 3:04am
Thanks, might have to get some sticks and have a try.  I saw a post descirbing how to use them but does anyone have instructions with step by step pictures, or do they come with the sticks?

Title: Re: Really bad at doing hair
Post by Galadriel on May 17th, 2005 at 6:17am
No. You might want to check Hairstyles gallery- there are pictures of hairstyles that use hairsticks. Also, Customer Gallery is interesting.

I think that the easiest style with hairsticks is cinnamon bun (aka. cinnabun). All you have to do is coil the hair into a bun and weave a pair of hairsticks through it.

Some people prefer to start with cheap hairsticks to see, whether it's a good idea to invest to more expensive ones. In my opinion, this is not quite as good an idea as it sounds. Cheap plastic hairsticks are difficult to work with- they snap easily, are slippery, too light and often way too long. After learning to style with quality hairsticks I have been able to work with my cheap sticks (on the rare occassions I've wanted to use them  ::) ), but before buying my first good pair, I could use them as ornaments only. So, I recommend that you invest into a pair of good hairsticks. In my opinion, LL hairsticks are the best one can get, but if you're scared of the price, there are a few brands that work reasonably well and are much cheaper.

EDIT: spell check

Title: Re: Really bad at doing hair
Post by greek_lady on May 17th, 2005 at 7:05am
Hi Carolyn
I am all thumbs and very clumsy, so I am really not good in the updo's department. BUT even *I* can do a simple bun. You can't be worse than I am ;D ;D
Instructions don't come with the sticks but I'll give you all my hairdos links, I hope it helps  :)















Also there's the page of hairstyles in this LL-hairsticks site, but I'm sure you've found this one already.

Title: Re: Really bad at doing hair
Post by NaturalRogue on May 17th, 2005 at 10:32pm
As the lasses say, it takes practice. Being an all thumbs kind of guy, I must say it took me a long time. It was especially frustrating not being able to see what my fingers were doing! I knew I could easily braid other people's hair, but my own was a mystery.

One day, suddenly, unexpectedly, things will *click* into place and you'll be a pro. Since my first day of successfully braiding my hair (2 weeks ago), I keep at it every day. One of these days I'll try a french braid, then I'll be able to rid myself of the "wispies"!

Title: Re: Really bad at doing hair
Post by carolyn6040 on May 18th, 2005 at 10:28pm

wrote on May 17th, 2005 at 7:05am:

Thanks, this link was great as it had a video showing how to put the hair fork in properly

Title: Re: Really bad at doing hair
Post by Lovebug on May 20th, 2005 at 6:40am
I guess the only thing I can add is that it seems to be much easier to french braid WITHOUT a mirror.  Much too confusing trying to see what you're doing and to figure out which way to move in a mirror.

Just keep at it, you'll get it !!


Title: Re: Really bad at doing hair
Post by BraiderSC on May 20th, 2005 at 4:36pm

wrote on May 16th, 2005 at 11:39pm:
Anyone have suggestions for all the "slubs" we get trying to braid, etc?  I haven't yet figured out how they happen so I haven't been too succesful in avoiding them.

This is hard to explain, but I'll try  ;)
"slubs" happen like this.  When you pull back a section of hair to add into your braid, most of the hairs are lying flat against your head (the smooth-looking part), but some of them are sticking up in a hump (that's the slub).

To fix it while braiding: when you gather a new section of hair to add, finger-comb it straight towards the point on your head where it will be added to the braid.  Don't gather new sections by pulling them straight out away from your head!  If you do that, it will form a slub when you pull it back to add it to the braid.

Fixing it after the braid has been completed: carefully slide a slender instrument (such as a hairstick or the tip of your little finger) under the hair in front of the slub.  Pull it back over the slub.  This does two things: it smoothes the slub itself a little, and it loosens the surrounding hair just enough to blend in the slub.

Title: Re: Really bad at doing hair
Post by PreciousLocks on May 20th, 2005 at 8:57pm
Thanks BraiderSC.  I've been trying to do both of those things, but I will pay more attention to combing it back into the braid.

Title: Re: Really bad at doing hair
Post by Bardic Love on Jul 7th, 2005 at 5:56pm

It was especially frustrating not being able to see what my fingers were doing! I knew I could easily braid other people's hair, but my own was a mystery.

Ah yes, it's the same for me. I can't do a bun for myself yet and I can't do a single braid down the back, but I can and usually do, a braid over the shoulder or two low "pigtail" braids. I especially like those. I'too have been practicing with hairsticks and hairpins- haven't made much progess, but I'm still working on it. I guess it takes some of us longer to get it, while some people were born to style.

Title: Re: Really bad at doing hair
Post by khrome on Jul 7th, 2005 at 11:47pm

wrote on May 16th, 2005 at 2:40am:
Also wondering, I read a lot about hair stix so am interested in trying them but concerned with my 'inability' to do hair how easy are they to use and what length stix should I get?

I just started getting interested in sticks also, and for me it just takes practice and getting the feel for what direction your 'do is going in, so that you can put your sticks in a direction that causes your hair to tense against it.  

I started practicing with chopsticks before I bought any sticks - this is a good way to decide on a length.  They are the disposable kind from restaurants with the rounded end (versus the square ends - square ends can pull your hair out).   Put them in far enough only to the point where it feels like it's holding your hair.  Then measure the excess, subtract from the length of the stick, then add about an inch to give yourself room.  

Over time, I found I could get away with smaller sticks on the same 'do, so it just takes experimenting.  

Hope this helps!  

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