LongLocks Salon
Hair Care >> Hair Coloring >> Colouring long hair, but not all of it......?

Message started by Eloise87 on Jun 23rd, 2005 at 10:42am

Title: Colouring long hair, but not all of it......?
Post by Eloise87 on Jun 23rd, 2005 at 10:42am
Okay, so I want to grow my hair really long, at the moment it is about mid-back length. The thing is, it is a sort of medium brown colour which reeeally suits my complexion, but its just a bit of a dull colour.

So, I was wondering, would it look strange if I just coloured the middle to end parts, like a light honey sort of colour? So it would be the colour near my face that suited me, but the rest would be a nicer colour for the hair...


Title: Re: Colouring long hair, but not all of it......?
Post by Lisabelle on Jun 23rd, 2005 at 11:44am
Hi Eloise!

Hmm.... your hair might look a little strange if you do this.  I wish I could see a pic of your hair first just to get an idea. ???

Title: Re: Colouring long hair, but not all of it......?
Post by Eloise87 on Jun 23rd, 2005 at 2:03pm
Heya! Thanks for ur reply, unfortunately I don't have any photos of my hair :(
I just had an idea tho, there is a shop in my city which sells hair extensions, so I might go and experiment with different colours!
I am new to this long hair thing, but I want reeeeally long fairy-tale hair!!!  But it really has to be in good condition, otherwise it won't look nice hey.

Title: Re: Colouring long hair, but not all of it......?
Post by bikerbraid on Jun 23rd, 2005 at 4:57pm
Coloring hair and having extra long hair are difficult to achieve at the same time.  If you are looking for something to "brighten" your hair, you might consider using henna instead of a hair color.  Even a "no color" henna would add shine to your hair.

Title: Re: Colouring long hair, but not all of it......?
Post by eKatherine on Jun 23rd, 2005 at 8:38pm
Yes, you can get some colors pinchbraided in. It'll last a couple of months, and synthetic is available in many wonderful colors, both natural and wild. There should be no damage if you remove them carefully.

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