LongLocks Salon
Hairstyles and Styling >> Celebrity Hair Styles >> Jessica Alba

Message started by gabi on Jun 29th, 2005 at 7:30am

Title: Jessica Alba
Post by gabi on Jun 29th, 2005 at 7:30am
Now here is a girl who is dark colored and totally convincing as a blonde IMO.  Check out the cover of SHAPE.  It gives her a totally different look, but it looks believable ...g

Title: Re: Jessica Alba
Post by panpeus on Jun 29th, 2005 at 3:14pm
I agree.  I used to watch Dark Angel and want her dark haircolor.

Title: Re: Jessica Alba
Post by AtlantisAllure on Jun 29th, 2005 at 5:37pm
I think she looks becoming as a blonde and definitely wayyyy better than most people who are not blondes by nature...But I still feel that with a complexion such as hers, she looks nicer with dark hair. :) I think maybe why her blonde hair matches better is she has never went BRIGHT blonde. If I am remembering correctly, she has always had honey colored blondes,rather than trying to go platinum and getting canary yellow instead. Which I imagine Lindsey Lohans hair looks like before retouching the photos!

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