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Message started by American Woman on Jul 18th, 2005 at 3:03am

Title: What A  Differance
Post by American Woman on Jul 18th, 2005 at 3:03am
Since I made up my mind to grow my hair to at least the end of  my spine, I decided to look for ideas to get my hair in shape.

I found this place a few days ago. Wow what a differance. My hair has always been easy maintanance despite its faults (breakage, frizz & split prone)
t styles itself.
My hair is now super super soft, less frizzy, swings . The under layers had always felt soft, the top layer always felt like a brillo pad. lol
Nd shine!
What do I attribute this to?
1.oiling. I'm  using shortening right now. my hair loves it. I probably use more than you all recomend, but my hair soaks it right up.
2. Less brushing. I use a wide tooth comb.  remember reading a magazine a few months ago that said not to brush wavy hair, but comb it and I scoofed and thought " I'd never get a comb through this mop without tearing half the hair out of my head " The comb just glides through my hair with nary a tangle. Must be that oiling.8
Ya know, I really thought that my hair would be in much better condition when it was growing out from the short short cut in 2002. I don't color, heat style, use gel ect or anything OR fight against it's natural tendencies.

So I've been doing everything right except brushing instead of combing. And not oiling. Whodda thunk? Where have you guys been all my life??

Title: Re: What A  Differance
Post by Anais Satin on Jul 18th, 2005 at 3:30am
We've been here having the same wakeup calls, meanwhile.

Welcome and nice to meet you, American Woman! :D I've had the same change in hair texture after I stopped brushing.

Faery blessings

Title: Re: What A  Differance
Post by Galadriel on Jul 18th, 2005 at 5:35am
Sometimes a change can happen almost overnight! I felt just the same when I joined the boards, stopped brushing, started oiling and braiding. Little tricks can make all the difference. :D

Title: Re: What A  Differance
Post by bikerbraid on Jul 18th, 2005 at 10:45am
Glad you've received such instant success!  :D

I'm sure as you continue to follow the hair care suggestions from here, you will continue to notice improvements with your hair.  Congratulations!

Title: Re: What A  Differance
Post by AtlantisAllure on Jul 18th, 2005 at 3:33pm
Isn't this place amazing? I know exactly what you mean about how your shaped up almost imediately. I find it quite interesting that you use shortening on your hair, I think I may have to try it! If you don't want to go on a special hunt for hair oil or buy online...You could try olive oil. I use 100% pure olive oil rather than EVOO, because I cant stand the smell.  :P Just an idea. I look forward to getting to know you and your hair.

Title: Re: What A  Differance
Post by PreciousLocks on Jul 18th, 2005 at 3:43pm
It's amazing how forgiving our hair really is, considering all the abuse we heap on it in the name of "style" and "good looks"! ;D

Title: Re: What A  Differance
Post by American Woman on Jul 18th, 2005 at 7:42pm

wrote on Jul 18th, 2005 at 3:33pm:
Isn't this place amazing? I know exactly what you mean about how your shaped up almost imediately. I find it quite interesting that you use shortening on your hair, I think I may have to try it! If you don't want to go on a special hunt for hair oil or buy online...You could try olive oil. I use 100% pure olive oil rather than EVOO, because I cant stand the smell.  :P Just an idea. I look forward to getting to know you and your hair.

I keep it in a little cosmetic case. I was using it as lip balm- it makes lips silky too. You wouldn't believe what it does for my my rough, dry cuticles. And in this hot,humid weather, I don't even need to microwave it,it's so melted  :D I can't wait to add a little of my fav perfume oil to it.

Hi to everybody else and thanks for the welcome.

Title: Re: What A  Differance
Post by wishing4longhair on Jul 19th, 2005 at 2:29pm

wrote on Jul 18th, 2005 at 3:03am:
2. Less brushing. I use a wide tooth comb.  remember reading a magazine a few months ago that said not to brush wavy hair, but comb it and I scoofed and thought " I'd never get a comb through this mop without tearing half the hair out of my head " The comb just glides through my hair with nary a tangle. Must be that oiling.8

Where did you get your comb? I'm looking for a good comb I can use. Any suggestions on where to look?

Title: Re: What A  Differance
Post by American Woman on Jul 19th, 2005 at 5:55pm
Would you believe I got it at the Dollar Store? THe spaces between the tines are about half an 1/2 inch and no seams.
It's purple too!
I was probably ripping more hair out of my head with a brush. (slaps self in head)

Title: Re: What A  Differance
Post by American Woman on Jul 19th, 2005 at 6:02pm

wrote on Jul 18th, 2005 at 3:33pm:
Isn't this place amazing? I know exactly what you mean about how your shaped up almost imediately. I find it quite interesting that you use shortening on your hair, I think I may have to try it! If you don't want to go on a special hunt for hair oil or buy online...You could try olive oil. I use 100% pure olive oil rather than EVOO, because I cant stand the smell.  :P Just an idea. I look forward to getting to know you and your hair.

I wanted to add about olive oil- I remember trying this in the late 70's early 80's when hot oil treatments were all the rage and not being too impressed. It was hard to rinse out and didn't do much.
The shortening rinses out with one shampooing, plus absorbs easily as a leave in. And it takes away the frizziessssss and makes my hair so sillllkyyy. (as she goes dancing merrily down the hall singing)

Title: Re: What A  Differance
Post by Galadriel on Jul 20th, 2005 at 4:33pm
What exactly is shortening? Some sort of oil?  ???

*ignorant European*

Title: Re: What A  Differance
Post by AtlantisAllure on Jul 20th, 2005 at 6:10pm
Galadriel - Shortening is something one can use to make baked goods, grease pans with, or fry chicken lol...Mostly known as Crisco. My Mother used to use it on her feet...She would slather a lot on, cover her feet in bread bags, then socks and go to bed. I could never do it because I cannot have things on my feet while sleeping! She still claims it works quite well.

Title: Re: What A  Differance
Post by American Woman on Jul 20th, 2005 at 8:47pm
Yeah, except it's solid, with a creamy texture. It'll melt. It's silular to lard but usually made from vegetable fat, but sometimes beef.

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