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Message started by 2red on Sep 4th, 2005 at 6:39pm

Title: Need a good line I can stick with
Post by 2red on Sep 4th, 2005 at 6:39pm
I am tired of jumping from one brand to another and not having one line to use. Looking for some high quality, non-wax, protein treatments--conditioner, shampoo, etc. My hair seems to do better with protein. I have looked at some other boards and there do not seem to be many protein based products out there. Any ideas?

Title: Re: Need a good line I can stick with
Post by gabi on Sep 4th, 2005 at 9:15pm
Hi and Welcome 2red

We vary a lot here in terms of what we like.  Some of us actually do like to jump around, some like to make there own.

I don't like to push my favorite here but you may certainly read my diary.  Our diaries are interactive.


Title: Re: Need a good line I can stick with
Post by 2red on Sep 4th, 2005 at 9:41pm
Thanks  :)

I will definitely peruse a bit more and read what people have to say.

Title: Re: Need a good line I can stick with
Post by bikerbraid on Sep 7th, 2005 at 10:44am
I don't have any suggestions myself..... proteins tend to build up on my hair and make it crunchy, so I try to minimize my use of them.  

As Gabi said, several of our regulars here use their journals to outline the products that they are using and what has worked/not worked for them.  You can also check out the Product Reviews board here for additional information on products people have tried.

Good luck in finding the products that work best for you - and be sure to report back so others can learn from your experiences!

Title: Re: Need a good line I can stick with
Post by juri on Sep 7th, 2005 at 8:54pm
I'm not sure about the shampoo, but Suave Naturals Milk & Honey has milk protein in it. I use it for daily conditioning and the 1st C in a CWC. It does make my hair a little crunchy if I use too much, but an ACV rinse takes care of that problem.

Title: Re: Need a good line I can stick with
Post by puertoriquena on Sep 16th, 2005 at 7:41pm
isn't Sauve a low quality brand?

Title: Re: Need a good line I can stick with
Post by bikerbraid on Sep 16th, 2005 at 7:52pm
Suave is an inexpensive brand, but not necessarily low quality.  Each person's hair reacts to products differently, so you have to find what works for you.  Prices is not always the best indicator for what will work on your hair.

Title: Re: Need a good line I can stick with
Post by panpeus on Sep 16th, 2005 at 8:16pm
I <33333 Suave.  It works so well for pre conditioning.  (Like in CO or CWC.)

Title: Re: Need a good line I can stick with
Post by NaturalRogue on Sep 16th, 2005 at 10:50pm
Just my 2 cents. I've been extremely impressed with Suave Milk and Honey. I remember way back before I was going to grow long hair, that I was not impressed with Suave products; however, once I decided to stop using 'cone conditioners and used Suave for CO washes, I became very impressed. It cleans the hair very well (conditioner, now, I can't speak for the shampoo anymore). The plus side is that it's dirt cheap.

Now that I've used up my product endorsement space... As everyone has mentioned, everyone's hair is different. I understand your frustration; I too wanted to find a routine that I could follow and my hair would "play along". I've realized, in the course of my studies, that depending on many factors, hair will behave differently. So my new goal, and I recommend the same goal for all, is to find routines based upon season and what you are doing to to your hair at the moment.

I've found hair to be very finicky <sp?> based upon biochemistry, stress, and season. Each element requires different kinds of treatment. The trick, challenge, adventure (depending upon you perspective) is to find the routine that works upon the various circumstances.

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