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Hair Care >> Hair Coloring >> Calling users of Henna......

Message started by Babyfine on Dec 15th, 2005 at 4:43pm

Title: Calling users of Henna......
Post by Babyfine on Dec 15th, 2005 at 4:43pm
I've been really thinking of switching to henna or at least cassia.
It's been 6 months since my last chemical dye.
I love the idea that henna won't damage and I will start with marigold first(which I know isn't real henna)
At any rate, I've heard that henna will pull out or relax your curl which I don't want.  So now I don't know what to do.
There's even a thread about it over at henna for hair.
The one thing I'm liking about my fine thin-nothing there hair is that as since I've found the boards and overhauled my hair care routine-My hair has gotten wavier and wavier. I classified myself as a 1c at first- now I'm at least a 2b in the summer.  And I've gotten rid of the frizz.  The waves give me some much needed body.
I need to color as I'm not ready to deal with these greys- don't want to use chemical color if I don't have to
Does henna pull out your wave-curl?

Title: Re: Calling users of Henna......
Post by bikerbraid on Dec 15th, 2005 at 5:25pm
I'm not a henna user, but from what I know of henna/cassia, it coats the hair, which would tend to reduce your waves.  However, the coating is also known to add body to the hair.

If you do decide to try this - I'd love know how it works out for you.  I quit coloring my hair a few years ago, and have enough grey to be noticable.  Henna would not be an option for me, but I've been interested in cassia to condition my hair and maybe add a bit of golden color to the grey.

Title: Re: Calling users of Henna......
Post by Babyfine on Dec 15th, 2005 at 6:29pm
I've not used cassia but I've heard a lot of good things about it. Alot of people use who want condition and body but not the red color.
I've been getting some noticeable greys, too just recently in the front- since I haven't colored or highlighted for 6 months.
The other thing that causes me to waffle on henna or even cassia is the commitment- what if I use it once- decide I don't like it then I can never use any other color over that hair- unless it's cut off.

Title: Re: Calling users of Henna......
Post by Beesan16 on Dec 15th, 2005 at 7:52pm
Actually henna does not coat the hair, qouted from the henna for hair site "Natural henna does NOT have metals, lead, nor does it coat the hair.  Henna leaves the hair thick, strong and silky!  Only pre made boxes of “henna colors” have these toxic metals that damage your hair". Though the hennatannic acid coats the hair to seal in natural oils, and tighten the cuticles.

Religously i'm not allowed to use chemical dye cuz it coats the hair- water is supposed to reach every single bit of your body when we wash before prayer- so the only other option is henna because hair soaks it up.

and my mom has curly hair and uses henna regularly, and i use it too. So good luck :)

Title: Re: Calling users of Henna......
Post by Babyfine on Dec 15th, 2005 at 9:08pm
Thanks, Beesan 16
What type of henna do you and your mom use?

Title: Re: Calling users of Henna......
Post by Sasha on Dec 15th, 2005 at 10:33pm
I have wavy hair and use both henna and senna.  My hair is just as fine and wavy now as when I started using henna last summer.  I personally think my waves look better now.  My hair is much stronger and it is in much better condition.  The color in my avatar picture is my naturally dark blonde hair dyed with a mixture of half henna, half senna in strong chamomile tea with lemon juice for dye release and some olive oil for ease of rinsing.

Henna contains a protein that bonds with your hair, according to what I have read.  I recommend using only the body-art quality henna.  Anything in a box that looks like hairdye runs the risk of containing unlisted ingredients which can damage your hair to the point of complete destruction depending on what they are and what is already on your hair.  

Whatever you decide to use, you should start collecting shed hair from your comb and make tiny batches to test.  This way you can see how your hair looks and feels after henna without danger to the hair on your head.  You said you are starting with the marigold.  Do you mean Rainbow Henna?  I used it a couple times but after more research I would not use it again.  I buy my henna and senna ('blonde henna'...it is a different plant) at the local natural foods co-op in bulk.  

This site http://www.hennaforhair.com/ will give you a ton of information, recipes and advice.  You can also order henna and other herbs, including sample sizes so you can experiment til you get a recipe you like.  I highly recommed Fia's Smooth Gelled Henna, Teabag Method recipe.  I used it and my single cup of senna became a liter and a half of dye.  It is also much easier to get in and out of your hair and does not clog the shower drain.

I absolutely love what henna does for my hair.  It is so shiny that in the sunlight it has an almost metallic gleam.  It is also softer, more conditioned and much much stronger.

Title: Re: Calling users of Henna......
Post by Beesan16 on Dec 15th, 2005 at 10:57pm
My moms' friend is from Sudan, and she brought us some. Then she used Moroccomethod which she liked, NOW we found something at Wholefoods Market that we will try sometime soon...I'll keep you updated on that part.

HTH :)

Title: Re: Calling users of Henna......
Post by Babyfine on Dec 16th, 2005 at 1:21pm
Thanks for your post, Sasha.  Your hair looks beautiful.
No, I wasn't interested in Rainbow Research.   I was looking at the Marigold on Morrocco methods site.  I have used several of his products and I'm very pleased(although I know henna is different).
Henna sounds like a lot of work and mess for me but I am interested in the strengthening and general health issues like you mentioned, and I know chemical dyes aren't good. I don't want red and I'm a little intimidated by the mixes on hennaforhair so that's why I want to start with something like marigold first.  I may order her cassia, though, to get a feel for the whole process.
Beesan16- thanks, I was looking at Morrocco's hennas to try first.

Title: Re: Calling users of Henna......
Post by AshenLady on Jun 29th, 2006 at 3:58am
I have always heard NEVER use henna on gray hair(s)...they will turn bozo orange.

Does anyone know if this is true?

Title: Re: Calling users of Henna......
Post by bikerbraid on Jun 29th, 2006 at 10:17am
Henna provides red coloring.  Using henna on grey hair could result in orange hair.  I would certainly recommend testing it before using it on your head.

If you are interested in the conditioning effects of henna, you might consider cassia.  Although this is not actually henna, it is similar, but has no color.  A strand test would still be advised, but I know of many light blondes that use cassia for conditioning.

Title: Re: Calling users of Henna......
Post by novusfemina on Jun 29th, 2006 at 2:15pm
I have a few gray hairs near my scalp, so I've taken to mixing some "colored" henna for the top of my head.

And no, I've never had "orange" hair, though the grey hair does color differently.  It's a little bit brighter, for one, and it also tends to get rid of that.. wire-y feeling that greys sometimes have.

I would try a strand test, though, just to make sure you like the way the color develops.  :)

Hope this helps!

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