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Hair Care >> Hair Coloring >> Removing hair color from skin

Message started by jessieofcanterbury on Jul 2nd, 2006 at 4:03am

Title: Removing hair color from skin
Post by jessieofcanterbury on Jul 2nd, 2006 at 4:03am
Just wanted to share this tip with  those of you who want to remove hair dye from skin along the hairline.

I dye my hair every 5 weeks to cover my greys. I use a semipermanant, it just fades out.

My skin takes the dye better than my hair. If there's any dye left on my skin, it stays on my skin for days. The hairdresser has tried that special stuff to remove it and it never works. My sister in law uses cigarette ashes and scrubs it into the dye on the skin and it does come off but then your skin is red and raw and it actually hurts so it's not worth it.

Lately I tried something so simple and it works like a charm.

I take a Q-tip and put a bit of Tea Tree Oil on it and I very carefully rub it over my skin along the hairline being careful to avoid the hair itself. It comes off so easily. I rinse it with cold water and it's all gone. Like magic.

Title: Re: Removing hair color from skin
Post by Angel Spun on Jul 2nd, 2006 at 5:29am
Petroleum jelly works the same way for this purpose.  ;)

Title: Re: Removing hair color from skin
Post by jessieofcanterbury on Jul 2nd, 2006 at 6:21am
Angel Spun, I actually did try the petroleum jelly once long ago but it didn't work for me. Just greased up my hairline. LOL

My skin sucks up the color and the hairdresser always tries really hard to get it off of me with no luck. Tea tree oil was the first thing that worked for me.

Title: Re: Removing hair color from skin
Post by Angel Spun on Jul 2nd, 2006 at 3:29pm
lol Wow, that's awful! hehe Maybe your skin has colouring envy?

Honestly, I've never tried either method. I don't colour my hair anymore, and when I did, it didn't touch my skin. And if it did, it always rinsed off easily.

My mother & her best friend colour their hair all the time, and they have what look like terry cloth bands that they wear all along the hairline.  ???  Sorry, I don't know the exact name for these.

Title: Re: Removing hair color from skin
Post by jessieofcanterbury on Jul 3rd, 2006 at 4:38am
Oh Angel Spun interesting I've never seen those terry band things, I do know that I've only been coloring my hair for six years and have tried several things but only the one method worked for me.

I used to look at other ladies with the coloring on their skin and think, how can they go around looking like that but after having it happen to me, I no longer judge. The longest it stayed on my skin was 5 days. I hate that. I have ultra stubborn sideburns and we really have to slather it on and let it sit, I always ask whoever it is to be careful, but to no avail.

In any case now I've found remedy that works for  me. :)

Title: Re: Removing hair color from skin
Post by ulrikke on Sep 5th, 2006 at 6:48pm
Just put on lotion on your face/hairline/neck before you start coloring your hair, then you can wash it of easily afterwards.

Title: Re: Removing hair color from skin
Post by Lisabelle on Sep 5th, 2006 at 7:29pm
I use to use Biore face wash to get the dye off of skin. Man that was years ago! ;D

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