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Hair Types >> Oh So Fine >> Smoothing Shampoo and Conditioner Question

Message started by EisPrinzessin on Jul 14th, 2006 at 3:51pm

Title: Smoothing Shampoo and Conditioner Question
Post by EisPrinzessin on Jul 14th, 2006 at 3:51pm
Now that I've solved the flyaway question (with your help, of course!) I have another.

I still have some shorter strands that curl up and stick out all over, basically from the breakage I had incurred from the evil $12.95 BlowFryer. I've been told they will stick up and out until they grow long enough to settle down (plus, I have slightly wavy hair, which means the shorter the pieces, the more they almost curl ). Would a smoothing shampoo and/or conditioner help?

I was looking at V05 Silk Experiences Lavender smoothing shampoo and conditioner (99 cents for the two together this week!!!!!!!!!!) or would try a more expensive brand if someone's had a great experience with it. What does everyone think? And, I'll probably keep doing a once a week CO/deep conditioner, since it seems to help, too. (And if anyone has any homemade smoothing deep conditioner recipes they'd share, I'd appreciate that, too!)

Title: Re: Smoothing Shampoo and Conditioner Question
Post by rhpetunia on Jul 15th, 2006 at 3:18pm
I don't have an exact solution, per se, but I think as the damage grows out they will calm down.  Also, watch for splits on the damaged strands and snip the end off if you see a split. If they split they won't calm down.  Also, discontinuing the blow fryer and effective conditioning will calm them down.  I guess these are longer term solutions.  

On this board there are divergent preferences for how to condition.  Some like all natural (me included) and some say cheapie conditioners work the best.  I'm sure others will have better advice on this.  What many seem to find effective is to not overuse shampoo, and some use no shampoo at all.  But if something seems to be working for you, stick with it.  If you are not satisfied you can always try something else.

I have almost a layer from former damage, only mine is from pre-LongLocks Salon metal barette clasp abuse.  As they grow out they look better (I've trimmed probably all of them individually by now), and when I roll my hair they actually add volume and now I like them.

Good luck - there's always the perfect solution somewhere!

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