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Hairstyles and Styling >> Celebrity Hair Styles >> Crystal Gayle

Message started by bikerbraid on Oct 8th, 2006 at 8:43pm

Title: Crystal Gayle
Post by bikerbraid on Oct 8th, 2006 at 8:43pm
I was watching Extreme Home Makeover tonight and they had a shot with Crystal Gayle!  Her hair was about mid calf, but I was surprised at how thin it looked.  When I've seen PR shots of her, it always looked so thick.  None the less, it was amazing to see.

Title: Re: Crystal Gayle
Post by Sakina on Oct 9th, 2006 at 12:42am
Wow!  I haven't seen her in years.  Its great she's still keeping it long, maybe she needs a trim for those thin ends?

Title: Re: Crystal Gayle
Post by oldkathy on Oct 9th, 2006 at 1:05pm
I knew her hair was long, but I had no idea it was that long!  I thought hip length or so.  Wow!

Title: Re: Crystal Gayle
Post by bikerbraid on Oct 9th, 2006 at 3:20pm
I've seen her hair to the floor.  I read a interview with her where she said she would let her hair grow to the floor, then cut it to just below her knees.  Apparently she has very fast growing hair.

Title: Re: Crystal Gayle
Post by Angel Spun on Oct 9th, 2006 at 4:14pm
She's always been one of my unofficial hair idols.  ;)

Her hair actually used to be longer than floor length! It would drag behind her when she walked. I vaguely remember her talking about her sister, Loretta Lynn, stepping on it while they were on stage together. hehe

Title: Re: Crystal Gayle
Post by Joanna on Feb 10th, 2008 at 10:59am
Crystal Gayle my true inspiration i remember as a kid watching her in a show, i was about 6 at the time and I turned to my dad and said one day im going to have hair like hers, 32 years on and im going for it this time after years of long cut short, she has beautiful hair. i haven't seen a recent picture of her, so she remains ever young in my mind just look at this hair http://www.edcug.org/news/Crystal-Gayle-Hair.jpg beautiful!

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