LongLocks Salon
Hair Care >> Long Hair Care >> A quick Question, not sure where to put this...

Message started by Kiraela on Apr 17th, 2007 at 8:22pm

Title: A quick Question, not sure where to put this...
Post by Kiraela on Apr 17th, 2007 at 8:22pm
I was looking up Fia's Hairtyping system, mostly to figure out what all those weird numbers/letters meant. I have a strange question. What would my hair be classified as? I have loose S waves throughout, but with ringlet curls around my ears and neck.

Title: Re: A quick Question, not sure where to put this..
Post by La Diosa on Apr 17th, 2007 at 10:13pm
Well, it is possible for a person to have two different hair types.  You're most likely a combo of 2 and 3.  This info should help you determine if you are an a, b or c.  
2a - loose, stretched out S-waves throughout the hair
2b - shorter, more distinct S-waves (similar to waves from braiding damp hair)
2c - distinct S-waves and the odd spiral curl forming here and there

3a - big, loose spiral curls
3b - bouncy ringlets
3c - tight corkscrews

Here's the link to Fia's Hairtyping page just in case you don't have it. http://homepage.mac.com/annsofie.henriksson/hairtyping/Personal27.html

Title: Re: A quick Question, not sure where to put this..
Post by Kiraela on Apr 18th, 2007 at 12:58am
Thanks! I hadn't had the original link, All i saw was the text version. The pictures cleared it up, I'm apparently a 2a with some 2c characteristics. my little downy curls would probably spiral if they would just grow long enough. it appears that the hair around my ears and neck's terminal length is 3 or 4 inches.:( it would be so interesting to have some spirals, too.
Thanks again, though, La Diosa!

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