LongLocks Salon
Hair Care >> Au Natural >> safflower oil

Message started by stacyp on Apr 29th, 2007 at 4:36am

Title: safflower oil
Post by stacyp on Apr 29th, 2007 at 4:36am
i was supposed to be buying sunflower oil, but was on the phone at the grocery store, and bought safflower oil instead.  does anyone use it?  is it any good or should i take it back?

Title: Re: safflower oil
Post by Curlgirl64 on Apr 29th, 2007 at 7:29am
Sure,you can use it!  See if your hair likes it. :)

Title: Re: safflower oil
Post by stacyp on Apr 30th, 2007 at 3:04am
my hair is just in love with coconut oil, i'm afraid to quit!

i'm going to do a heavy oiling/braid with the safflower tonight and see what happens in the morning.

Title: Re: safflower oil
Post by Curlgirl64 on Apr 30th, 2007 at 11:42am
I know how your hair feels :)  Let us know how it works out!

Title: Re: safflower oil
Post by Angel Spun on Apr 30th, 2007 at 4:01pm
Safflower oil can be found in many hair and body products and is very similar to sunflower oil. I'm not sure if it's heavy or light, but you should be able to use it on your hair.

Title: Re: safflower oil
Post by stacyp on Apr 30th, 2007 at 11:56pm
it felt really light and my hair feels pretty soft today.  i did put a lot on, so not all of it absorbed and i couldn't quite rinse it all out this morning, but then i didn't use any shampoo.  maybe i'll use it more, since i like use the coconut oil on my skin and i'm going through it at a lightning pace.
i've been dabbing the coconut oil under my eyes and my fine smile lines have totally disappeared.  yay for nature!

Title: Re: safflower oil
Post by Curlgirl64 on May 1st, 2007 at 7:04am
yay!  Natural has some great recipes,huh!

Title: Re: safflower oil
Post by stacyp on May 6th, 2007 at 7:43pm
ok, so it ended up taking 5 days for the safflower to absorb/wash out of my hair.  i did two acv rinses and two light shampooings and then just left it alone.  i woke up this morning and FINALLY the ends of my hair don't look greased.  they are extraordinarily soft though, probably the first time i can remember the ends of my hair feeling as soft and sleek as the top of my head.  yay!

i might try it again, although obviously just a drop or two and save the coconut oil for heavy  night time oilings, since i know i can get that out the next morning!

Title: Re: safflower oil
Post by Curlgirl64 on May 7th, 2007 at 7:44am
Sounds like it was a good thing to experiment with!

Title: Re: safflower oil
Post by Elizabeth on Jun 14th, 2007 at 2:26am
I tend to use too much oil.I have oiled my ends so many times and ended up doing heavy oiling instead ;D.My children just laugh at me when that happens.They find it funny that I wash my hair and then put oil back in afterwards. ;D ::)

Title: Re: safflower oil
Post by joeydog 1992 on Jun 14th, 2007 at 6:52pm
I am just curious, other than the fact that it is hard to get the oil out, is heavy oiling something that should be done sparingly?  That is to say, is it bad for your hair in the end?

Title: Re: safflower oil
Post by Elizabeth on Jun 15th, 2007 at 7:37am
Heavy oiling is very good for all hairtypes.If you find it difficult to wash it out just put oil on your ponytail and stay away from the scalp.Coconutoil and oliveoil puts strength back in your hair.I usually leave the oil in for a couple of hours.Good luck! ;)

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