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Hairstyles and Styling >> Celebrity Hair Styles >> HairWorld on PBS television

Message started by bugeyedmonster2 on Jul 23rd, 2007 at 1:07am

Title: HairWorld on PBS television
Post by bugeyedmonster2 on Jul 23rd, 2007 at 1:07am
If you have PBS in your neck of the woods, check for a special called "HairWorld: The Pursuit of Excellence."   I've only seen a little bit, but while the styles are wild, the hair is sooo blow-fried and treated.  

Of course, if you like short hair, why not do lots of wild things with it.  If you keep it short, then the damage grows out eventually and you have a new bit to play with again.  (And yes, I used to know folks who went to the salon every month.)

I also grew up in the 80s, so I saw hair go from the short puffy curly softy cloud look (achieved by lots of hairspray and hot curling devices) to the mohawk punk look with hair standing on end looking like a plate of armour that someone could be impaled upon.  So I've got a bit nicer view towards mistreating your hair.    Like I said, if you are determined to keep it short, then mistreat it all you want.  

Anyway, here's the link and information for the showon the local PBS station here in Dallas, TX.

HairWorld: The Pursuit of Excellence
Wednesday, July 25, 7:00pm
Highlights of the International HairWorld Championships.

Repeat showing at Saturday, July 28, 5:00am

It's part of a series and close to the end of the page.


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