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Hair Care >> Au Natural >> Help Someone!

Message started by bvkerbear on Aug 21st, 2007 at 3:21pm

Title: Help Someone!
Post by bvkerbear on Aug 21st, 2007 at 3:21pm
This is probably posted somewhere else but, I'm new and I have questions.

I want to try an olive oil treatment for my hair tonight, though I'm not sure excatly how to do it? Will it give me greasy hair? How long should I leave it on for? Should I condition after I wash it out and shampoo, or is that too much conditioning?

I have medium blonde hair with lighter blonde highlights. My hair is halfway down my back, and it's about medium thickness. It's not oily or dry, just normal. I usually use pantene Blonde Expressions shampoo and conditioner (love it), and I have NEVER tried any hair treatments. (like everyone else here)  

I know, crazy right?  :D

Are there any hair treatments that would be right for me? For my type of hair? What would you guys reccomend? I know, a lot of questions, but I have to learn!

Thanks everyone!

Title: Re: Help Someone!
Post by bikerbraid on Aug 21st, 2007 at 4:06pm
Olive oil might be a bit heavy for your hair, but you can't hurt anything by trying it.  

If you are wanting to do a deep conditioning, I'd work the oil into your hair, put a shower cap over your head and hair, then wrap your head with a warm towel (not hot, just warm).  When the towel has cooled and your hair and head have returned to a normal temp, wash the oil from your hair and condition as usual.  You can leave the oil on as long as you want - some people will sleep with the oil on their hair and wash in the morning.

Since you are using Pantene products which have -cones, I would suggest that you also consider doing a vinegar rinse about once a week.  This will help prevent the product from building up on your hair and making it feel crunchy on the ends.

Good luck!

Title: Re: Help Someone!
Post by bvkerbear on Aug 21st, 2007 at 4:23pm
what are cones? sorry if I sound stupid.
Are they bad for your hair? Is it silicone?

Good ideas anyway! Thank you!

Title: Re: Help Someone!
Post by bikerbraid on Aug 21st, 2007 at 5:10pm
Sorry about not explaining what -cones are.  They are silicone derived ingredients and they typically end with "cone".  These can build up on the hair and "strangle" it, preventing moisture from getting to the hair shaft.  Moisture is what keeps your hair flexible and soft.  If your hair is not flexible, it will start to split and/or break.  

Some hair can handle the -cones better than others.  (Some hair thrives on them!) But it is important to keep your hair from too much buildup from these and other ingredients.  The vinegar rinse and/or a clarifying wash periodically will help keep your hair shiny and soft.

Title: Re: Help Someone!
Post by bvkerbear on Aug 21st, 2007 at 5:28pm
Thanks soo much!  :)

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