LongLocks Salon
Hair Types >> Raven Hair >> pretty black hair on HGTV today...

Message started by Kiraela on Aug 29th, 2007 at 8:24pm

Title: pretty black hair on HGTV today...
Post by Kiraela on Aug 29th, 2007 at 8:24pm
I'm watching a show(designed to sell) on Home and garden TV..(HGTV) and the home owners Jay and Christina Patel,  but what caught me is that the Christina's hair is glossy, shiny black, and hip length. Their daughter Divya, maybe 5, was wearing a waist length braid, with a tassel that stretched down to hip! VERY PRETTY. Christina, Divya, wherever you are in TX... many thanks for having such beautiful hair!

I wish I had TV capabilities on my computer, I'd take a screenshot for you guys.

There was even a bit where Christina, dressed the designer, Lisa La Porta up in a Sari... way cool.

Title: Re: pretty black hair on HGTV today...
Post by bikerbraid on Aug 30th, 2007 at 9:29am
I don't have cable or satelite TV, so I don't get that show - but isn't it great when you see someone with fantastic long hair??!!  

Title: Re: pretty black hair on HGTV today...
Post by Kiraela on Aug 30th, 2007 at 2:28pm
It really is!

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