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Hair Care >> Au Natural >> Soapwort

Message started by mellie on Oct 10th, 2007 at 8:26am

Title: Soapwort
Post by mellie on Oct 10th, 2007 at 8:26am
Just wanted to see if anyone else has used soapwort to shampoo with? I got some and I absolutely love it!!!

I am thinking of trying to grow soapwort in my garden so I have access to it as I need it. Has anyone ever tried growing it either? It's a pretty plant!


Title: Re: Soapwort
Post by Tara on Oct 10th, 2007 at 9:49am
hm, I don't know a thing about soapwart!  How do you shampoo with it?

Title: Re: Soapwort
Post by mellie on Oct 11th, 2007 at 8:39am
You take the roots and soak them overnight. Then use that water (throw out the roots) in your hair, on your skin, and for delicate fabrics too. It is fantastic! My hair felt and looked fabulous!! I also added in some herbal infusions and a drop of lavender oil for a pretty smell too.


Title: Re: Soapwort
Post by earthnut on Feb 6th, 2008 at 2:52pm
Soapwort is very easy to grow - in fact too easy! It can be downright weedy and a nuisance. It's pretty, there are double-flowered varieties too, but I suggest growing it in a bug tub or an area surrounded by concrete so it won't take over your garden. It spreads by underground runners, like mint.

There are also other plants that have saponins - ceanothus, snowberry, soapberry, soap lily, agave, to name a few. Look up "saponin" and you'll find lots on info about it and the plants that contain it.

Do you use soapwort in leu of shampoo or conditioner? Or in addition?

Title: Re: Soapwort
Post by mellie on Mar 31st, 2008 at 9:12am
Cool, thanks for the tip!

I use soapwort in lieu of shampoo. Every so often it is a nice break from the commercial shampoos.


Title: Re: Soapwort
Post by Sakina on Mar 31st, 2008 at 12:12pm
That's soo cool.  Excellent info, earthnut!  I've grown mint in the past and never would have guessed soapwart would do that too.

I'm going to see if my herb shop sells the root and give it a try with my other herbs.

Thanks, Mellie for mentioning soapwart!!  ;D

Title: Re: Soapwort
Post by mellie on Mar 31st, 2008 at 1:36pm
You're welcome! It works so beautifully and gently. It also makes a great facial and body cleanser. Here's my hair just after a soapwort shampoo:


Title: Re: Soapwort
Post by simplylonghair on Dec 3rd, 2008 at 5:23pm
I like marshmallow and soapnut as alternatives to soapwort but I think that I will try it. 8-)

Title: Re: Soapwort
Post by Jilayne75 on Dec 3rd, 2008 at 10:47pm
oh! Mellie I can't see the picture!

Title: Re: Soapwort
Post by janeisgreen on Jan 3rd, 2009 at 12:12pm

mellie wrote on Oct 11th, 2007 at 8:39am:
You take the roots and soak them overnight. Then use that water (throw out the roots) in your hair, on your skin, and for delicate fabrics too. It is fantastic! My hair felt and looked fabulous!! I also added in some herbal infusions and a drop of lavender oil for a pretty smell too.


Good to hear that worked for you, Mellie. I'll have to try again. I grow the native soapwort and tried making shampoo for the first time this summer. It didn't really work; I didn't expect suds but it didn't seem to do anything. Maybe I didn't use enough roots. I used roots and leaves as I've read that the leaves contain saponin, too.

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