LongLocks Salon
Announcements >> Tip of the Week >> Winter is coming!

Message started by bikerbraid on Oct 18th, 2007 at 11:26am

Title: Winter is coming!
Post by bikerbraid on Oct 18th, 2007 at 11:26am
The dry winter air is harsh on your hair.  Be sure to take care of it by keeping it protected and moisturized.  Regular conditioning and oiling will prevent the loss of moisture.  Running a humidifier in your bedroom will help keep your hair from drying out at night.

When outside, use a silk scarf to contain and protect your hair from the cold and wind.  If the temperatures are below freezing, it is especially important to protect the hair to keep it from freezing which can cause breakage.

Title: Re: Winter is coming!
Post by bikerbraid on Dec 27th, 2008 at 11:14am
The dry winter air can cause a lot of static with your hair.  

Regular oiling can help reduce the static.  If you need a quick solution, try running a dryer softner sheet down your hair to stop te static.

Running a humidifier in the house (even just the bedroom helps a lot!) will help add moisture to the hair and eliminate static.

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