LongLocks Salon
Hair Care >> Au Natural >> Girly smelling

Message started by Thalia on Jan 10th, 2008 at 5:36pm

Title: Girly smelling
Post by Thalia on Jan 10th, 2008 at 5:36pm
OK. I've just started the no 'poo hair care routine. I use baking soda and I rinse with Red Wine Vinegar. My only complaint (and my husband's) is that my hair doesn't smell "girly". I was wondering if anyone could recommend a rinse (homemade or otherwise) that would smell good. Like fruity, apple cinnamon maybe. Also, will this rinse replace RWV or conditioner? oh oh I feel kind of stupid asking this, but I'm new to this! Shall I quit using biolage conditioner since I'm doing the RWV rinse? Or is there a better conditioner recipe that someone can recommend?


Title: Re: Girly smelling
Post by Curlgirl64 on Jan 10th, 2008 at 8:38pm
Hi!  I would not stop using Biolage,but you can change every so often,just to keep it fresh!  You could also add some essential oils to your  deep conditioner to make it smell nice(just a few drops!)  As for the vingegar rinse,why not use apple cider vinegar instead?  I would imagine the smell disipates as your hair dries,just like the red wine vinegar.
There are alot of home made recipes here to check out.  Trial and error to see what your hair likes.  Good luck and let us know how you make out! ;)

Title: Re: Girly smelling
Post by bikerbraid on Jan 11th, 2008 at 10:38am
You might also try a water/oil spray with essential oils that you like.  A quick spray can give your hair the scent you like and the oils can help with moisture.

Title: Re: Girly smelling
Post by Sakina on Jan 11th, 2008 at 12:16pm
The vinegar itself is not conditioning and would eventually dry out your ends.  Keep using conditioner after your vinegar rinse.

You could add essential oils to your vinegar rinse, or use a leave in conditioner after you rinse out your usual conditioner.  That might give you the girly smell you're looking for.

I often use rosewater on the days I don't wash, just to make it smell nice.  You can get it at health food stores pretty cheap but good quality.

If you do a homemade rinse, yes, it would replace your conditioner, however, it would not replace your vinegar.

Title: Re: Girly smelling
Post by Thalia on Jan 11th, 2008 at 2:58pm
Thank you so much ladies! I will definitely look into making my own rinse when I get back to the states (which should be soon!!!!) Unfortunately, I cannot get any essential oils where I'm at so I'll have to wait. I can't even buy aloe vera gel here. But that will give me time to do more research!!

Thanks again, your responses are much appreciated!


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