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Hair Care >> Au Natural >> oiling and conditioning

Message started by earthnut on Feb 6th, 2008 at 3:07pm

Title: oiling and conditioning
Post by earthnut on Feb 6th, 2008 at 3:07pm
I'm intimidated with oiling my hair. I tried once, and my hair turned greasy and attracted dust like a magnet. But I'm still intrigued. I have coarse frizzy hair. How much do you use? How often do you use it? When do you use it?

Can oiling be used as a substitute for conditioning, or is it always done together with conditioning? What natural conditioners do people use? I tried mayonaise once, it was a greasy mess...

Thanks for any tips you may have.

Title: Re: oiling and conditioning
Post by Curlgirl64 on Feb 6th, 2008 at 4:34pm
When you use oil try one or two drops in one of your palms and rub them together and then gently slide the ends of your hair through your palms.  Any extra you feel on your hands can be applied to the length(from the ears down).  You had probably used too much oil the time that you tried it.  When you start out with a drop or two you haven't applied too much and your hair most likely will not be greasy.
Oiling and conditioning are two different things.  After you shampoo, apply conditioner from the ears down.  If you need to apply it to the whole head do so sparingly on the top.  Conditioning reduces tangles and helps the hair relax.
Oiling your hair adds and retains moisture.
HTH  :)

Title: Re: oiling and conditioning
Post by Debr on Feb 7th, 2008 at 6:51pm
Hi Earthnut,  I agree with Curlgirl.  Start small when using oils.  I use either EVOO(extra virgin olive oil) or grapeseed oil.  My hair is very heavy and it tends to be dry.  I tip the bottle over into my hands, tip back quickly, just so there is some on my palm, rub my hands together, get a sheen, then apply, ends first.  I then work my way up the length using the same method.  I divide my hair into 6 sections to begin with.  Works very well that way.  Hope this helps.


Title: Re: oiling and conditioning
Post by waiting4longlocks on Feb 7th, 2008 at 10:49pm
usually less is more with oil I think, but I prefer to use the pre-measured hot oil treatments u can buy at drugstores. sometimes u can find the ones that heat up just from the heat of your shower.

Title: Re: oiling and conditioning
Post by callisto on May 25th, 2008 at 6:37pm
I don't use oil usually for my hair, instead I make a sort of paste out of shea butter and essential oils.  It works the same though.  And I do agree that you have to use it sparingly-with mine I pull out a little piece, rub it on my hands until it is soft, and carefully work it in.  Makes my hands soft too.

Title: Re: oiling and conditioning
Post by bikerbraid on May 27th, 2008 at 3:12pm
Shea butter can be wonderful for hair.  It seems to work best on curly types.  I use it on my skin frequently and love how soft my skin will be.  But it is a bit too much for my fine hair - it tends to leave my hair greasy.

Title: Re: oiling and conditioning
Post by jasika on Oct 7th, 2010 at 7:59am
Oiling and conditioning this both is really best for hair and before wash your hair you must do oiling and massage with finger in hair this best and you feel relax and it prevent from hair fall and use best conditioner for hair.

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