LongLocks Salon
Hair Care >> Long Hair Care >> Braid marks?

Message started by LittleLuc on May 12th, 2008 at 6:00pm

Title: Braid marks?
Post by LittleLuc on May 12th, 2008 at 6:00pm

I am brand new to this whole world!   This is so awesome!
I have had medium length (bra length?) layered hair my whole life, and I would like to start really taking care of it, and see how long I can grow it.  My hair is pretty healthy, and shiny.  It's medium coarseness and fairly thick.

I was reading the ultimage guide to grow long hair, and the first thing I did was toss all my plastic brushes and pony-tailers with metal bindings.
I also started braiding my hair at night, because in Phoenix, the satin bed pillow is a little much!    :P

My question is: How do I get rid of the marks left in my hair from the braids?  I have sworn to stop using my flat iron, and the waves in my hair don't "match" (?) the waves from the braids.

I would greatly appreciate any advice!

Title: Re: Braid marks?
Post by Sakina on May 12th, 2008 at 6:42pm
Hey there, LittleLuc.  You're in Phoenix?  I'm in East Mesa!

I use silk pillow cases year round instead of satin.  Much cooler!!

I think you'll have to wet your hair to get the braid waves out.  Is your hair naturally wavy?

Its a good idea to ditch the flat iron, they're so damaging!!

I hope you'll share a picture with us (hint hint).

Title: Re: Braid marks?
Post by LittleLuc on May 12th, 2008 at 7:27pm
I'll have to work on the idea of the silk pillowcase!  Thank you!   I'll also work on a picture!   But I don't want to take a picture if what I've done to my hair is something that I shouldn't have!   ;)

My hair is that "kinda wavy".  It'll mostly curl if I scrunch and gel and spray stuff in it - is that not a good idea any more?

When I straightened it, I used a hair dryer and a flat iron.  The last time I did it, I let it air-dry, and then barely drug the flat iron over it - it wasn't clamped on, but it was pretty hot.

Or I would use a 1" iron with spray on curl-heat-set and hair spray after.

I have never left the house with hair that just air dried.   :-?

I'll have to see what I can do with it.  Being layered, the sticks are working for me just yet.  I would mostly pull the sides up into Baby ponytails, or it would just hang.

Thank you again for the advice!!


Title: Re: Braid marks?
Post by bikerbraid on May 12th, 2008 at 10:07pm
Heated appliances are typically considered bad.  The reason is that they heat the moisture in the hair and can cause breakage when the moisture boils, and it dries out the hair as well.

My hair has slight waves in it naturally.  If I want to make my hair curlier, I will wrap it around socks (like rollers) when my hair is slightly damp, let it dry and voila!  Curls!  If I want my hair more straight, I will gently straighten my hair as it dries.  Running a wide toothed comb thru the hair as it dries will also straighten waves and curls.

Learning how to work with your air-dried hair can be a challenge, but it is worth it in the long run.

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