LongLocks Salon
Hair Types >> Fire Hair >> Do You Get Odd Comments?

Message started by Pixie on Jul 18th, 2008 at 2:13pm

Title: Do You Get Odd Comments?
Post by Pixie on Jul 18th, 2008 at 2:13pm
   Guys will come in all the time and just make odd comments to me. "Pretty red hair on that girl," "Are you really short tempered?" Just creepy stuff! Most of the guys are probably mid thirties to fifty who say these things, and old men wink at me all the time. Blegh! I was just wondering if any of you got odd comments as well.

Title: Re: Do You Get Odd Comments?
Post by Angel Spun on Jul 18th, 2008 at 8:52pm
Many guys have redhead fetishes. In fact, it's probably the most fetish-prone color out there.

The next time some creeper pays you a "compliment," thank him and keep your distance. But rude assumptions such as "are you really short tempered?" should be answered with something like, "Excuse me?" or "I beg your pardon!"
   And even though it isn't polite, you may feel inclined to answer back with your own snarky assumption based on his appearance (ie. "Are you really wearing that?" or "Is that really what male pattern baldness looks like?" and such). Not that I recommend the latter at all, but one might certainly understand if you let one of these slip from time to time.  ::)

As for me personally, the last fellow that I dated told me that he thought I was gorgeous because he "loved redheads." And I only smiled and said, "That's funny considering I'm a brunette!"
*sigh* Men.  ::)

Title: Re: Do You Get Odd Comments?
Post by Pixie on Jul 18th, 2008 at 8:59pm
Oh, yes, the wonders of males...
I'd have no problem replying tartly, except that most of these comments are made while I am at work, and I don't think my managers would like that much. But yeah, if people ever say anything like that to me outside of a customer service situation, I'd have no problem getting a bit flustered. :)

Title: Re: Do You Get Odd Comments?
Post by Debr on Jul 19th, 2008 at 5:29pm
Yes, and how about the odd stares!  Got some of them this morning as I was out and about. Kinda scary but I hurried and walked away.  These stares were coming from young men as well as old men.


Title: Re: Do You Get Odd Comments?
Post by Angel Spun on Jul 19th, 2008 at 6:36pm
"Tartly." I like that.  ;D

Title: Re: Do You Get Odd Comments?
Post by bikerbraid on Jul 19th, 2008 at 6:49pm
Red heads and blondes seem to attract the strange comments regarding hair.  There is nothing we can do to prevent them.  Some times just looking back at them with the "I can't believe you actually said that outloud" look, is the best response.

Title: Re: Do You Get Odd Comments?
Post by Pixie on Jul 22nd, 2008 at 7:18pm
I was in the store today, waiting in line to check out, and a little kid in front of me said "Look Mom! She's got red hair!" It just made me giggle! If that kid had a super power, he'd be Captain Obvious!

Title: Re: Do You Get Odd Comments?
Post by Gloriana on Oct 13th, 2008 at 8:06pm
;D That kid must not get out much.

I live in Scotland, and I'm a natural redhead, but I fly under the radar because I'm more auburn than ginger. There's WAY more red out there than me. The comments I get are from friends/acquaintances who have never noticed the red before, and it like "OMG, how long have you had your hair red?" I'm like "38 years...!" I keep it tied back mostly so it's not as noticable as it might be.

I wonder how much the comments are a generation thing. Folks my age and older might have preconceived ideas about character/hair colour, but dying hair is so common now, you can barely tell what some people are naturally.

Title: Re: Do You Get Odd Comments?
Post by bikerbraid on Oct 14th, 2008 at 7:33am
With hair your length, Glorianna, I'm sure they are overwelmed by the length and can't even see the color!   ;D

Title: Re: Do You Get Odd Comments?
Post by waiting4longlocks on Oct 14th, 2008 at 10:17pm

bikerbraid wrote on Jul 19th, 2008 at 6:49pm:
the "I can't believe you actually said that outloud" look

=  :o


Title: Re: Do You Get Odd Comments?
Post by Gloriana on Oct 25th, 2008 at 5:45pm

bikerbraid wrote on Oct 14th, 2008 at 7:33am:
With hair your length, Glorianna, I'm sure they are overwelmed by the length and can't even see the color!   ;D

:) I keep it tied back, so not many people have seen it down. I heard at work of the 'rumoured sightings' of my hair length, when I let it down to re-do it (done in a flash, of course)....it just made me laugh so hard. Am I the only woman they know with long hair?!

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