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Chit Chat >> Show Off Your Locks >> My hair. :o

Message started by Sammich on Aug 26th, 2008 at 6:33am

Title: My hair. :o
Post by Sammich on Aug 26th, 2008 at 6:33am
Posting a pictureS of my hair as a new member. :) (Long time since anyone's posted pics of their hair here. >> Kinda shy. <<)

Side view. ;D

Side view. Closer.

My hair looks so messy here. >__> in a pony. <_< I don't really wear my hair in a pony alot. I let it out. FREEEDOM. :O

In... my first bun... thing. o_O Oh gosh. I'm terrible at it. XD! Of course, I don't even think it's a real bun. >_>

Before washing.

Before washing again.

Wet hair! XD

I have no idea how to classify my hair. >_>; Any ideas what it is? :x

AND... I've just realised they're rather large. >___>;
Erm. :x... I have no idea how to resize them, so if anyone could help. That would be really appreciated. >>; *Blush* :x


My hair was dyed.
*Gasp* >__>; A SIN!
My natural colour is a dark brown. :x And... I vowed never to dye my hair again. <<
Ah well.. I'll just leave it be. :x

(Edited by bikerbraid to resize the pictures)

Title: Re: My hair. :o
Post by Skyfire on Aug 26th, 2008 at 9:36am
I figured out my type by going here:

Fia's Hair Typing System


Title: Re: My hair. :o
Post by Jilayne75 on Aug 26th, 2008 at 11:26am
Wow! you have really nice, shiny hair! ;D Sorry, but I have no Idea how to resize pics on here. :-[

Title: Re: My hair. :o
Post by livingandlovingx3 on Aug 26th, 2008 at 11:36am
I also vowed never to dye my hair again. I just accepted what I have.

Title: Re: My hair. :o
Post by Angel Spun on Aug 26th, 2008 at 4:44pm
After a coloring fiasco ruined my waist length hair, I cut it all off, started over and vowed to never dye my hair again either. I am now 8 years dye-free.  :)

Keep on growing, Sammich.  :)

Title: Re: My hair. :o
Post by Sammich on Aug 26th, 2008 at 5:01pm
Wow Angel spun. You were courageous in doing that.  
I doubt i'd ever be able to do that. :o My hair is pretty okay at the moment I guess. <__<; So I'll just see how it goes.  ;)

And thanks guys and thanks BikerBraid for resizing the pictures for me. ^_^

^ MY NATURAL LONG HAIR WHEN I WAS A BABY! >_>; Ohnoez You see my face. It was about waist length when I was about 6. I don't know if this one was a waist length picture or not.


^ The... terrible... dye I had when I was about 11. (14 now.) Ohgosh. PERMANENT might I say. And my lovely yorkie, Sandy. :)
Clicky, so it won't cause trouble for BikerBraid to resize it again. I'd feel like a nuisance. XD

Title: Re: My hair. :o
Post by Sammich on Aug 27th, 2008 at 12:01pm
A bump to add a few more pictures.  8-)

Some more hair pix of when I was younger.  To save trouble... since they're quite big again. I'll just LINK! Haha.
Sorry they show so much face. They weren't exactly... err... hair photos but... the only ones I could find. XD




AND ME NOW, WITH MY NORMAL HAIR! :) (Yes, not another hair photo. >_< Sorry guys. )


My hair is really thick when it's cut straight with no bangs or shortness at all. Sadly I got layers.. but ah well.

Title: Re: My hair. :o
Post by bikerbraid on Aug 27th, 2008 at 2:58pm
OH MY!!!  That was quite the "dye job"!!!  :o :o :o

Your pictures are darling - thanks for sharing them.

Title: Re: My hair. :o
Post by Jerry on Aug 27th, 2008 at 3:08pm
Those are great pictures 8-)

Thank you for sharing them.

And you don't have to be sorry for showing so much face because I think you have a very pretty face 8-)


Title: Re: My hair. :o
Post by Angel Spun on Aug 27th, 2008 at 4:21pm
Your natural hair color is beautiful! I wish mine looked like that!
Best of luck growing it long again.  :)

Title: Re: My hair. :o
Post by Sammich on Aug 27th, 2008 at 5:09pm
Haha.. Thanks guys. XD

What colour is your natural hair Angel?

Thanks Jerry.  :D *Self esteem = Higher.* ;D

Yes biker.. THE DYE WAS TERRIBLE!  :o Oh my >_< I think it was meant to turn PLATNIUM blonde or some sort of those popular blondes but.. It kinda.. err.... Haha.. :P

Title: Re: My hair. :o
Post by Jerry on Aug 27th, 2008 at 10:08pm
You are welcome 8-)

I have self-esteem issues even when people give me compliments which includes my wife ::)

Here is a picture of yours truly:

Title: Re: My hair. :o
Post by bikerbraid on Aug 27th, 2008 at 10:12pm
Nice picture, Jerry!  Is that your alphabetized CD collection behind you?

Title: Re: My hair. :o
Post by Jerry on Aug 27th, 2008 at 10:28pm
Thank you Robin and yes, that is part of my CD collection because now I have so many I have them on 4 different racks.


Title: Re: My hair. :o
Post by Angel Spun on Aug 28th, 2008 at 12:11am

What colour is your natural hair Angel?

Light brown with a red shift. Or light auburn. Whatever you may call it.  ::)

Title: Re: My hair. :o
Post by Sammich on Aug 28th, 2008 at 4:53am
That's an awesome colour Angel!  :o
Nice pic Jerry! You look like a nice person. :) And same here about the self esteem thingie. I'm at the age where I'm SUPPOSED to be self concious/self esteemy.(New word I made) Blah.  :D
YOU HAVE SO MANY CD'S! Wow. XD Similar to me as I have SO MANY books in my bedroom.  ;D

Title: Re: My hair. :o
Post by Curlgirl64 on Aug 28th, 2008 at 5:24am
Great pics, Ann and Jerry!   Thanks for sharing!

Title: Re: My hair. :o
Post by Lisabelle on Aug 28th, 2008 at 7:41am
Very nice pic guys! :)  i need to take more of me now!

Title: Re: My hair. :o
Post by Sammich on Oct 12th, 2009 at 5:34am
My hair now. :) Completely different. I had dyed it back to as closest as my natural colour as possible. (I went through many dyes.. but thank god my hair looks quite healthy.)
I had two style cuts. and two trims/or 3.
And... it's grown this much and i'm proud. ;D

15th June, after my hair was cut on the 13th. XD (I love my style.) << Eventhough it's not all one length... just soo much volume on top. >>;

This pic was taken this month. :) OILY BECAUSE I PUT COCONUT OIL IN IT. <<

Title: Re: My hair. :o
Post by Sakina on Oct 12th, 2009 at 2:44pm
Congratulations, Sammich.  Looks great.

On a side note, just from the back I can tell that bra doesn't fit you properly.  Go get fitted!!!  I hope you don't mind me saying so.

Title: Re: My hair. :o
Post by la diosa on Oct 12th, 2009 at 3:29pm
Beautiful hair, Sammich!  I love the color!    

Title: Re: My hair. :o
Post by Sammich on Oct 13th, 2009 at 12:11pm
Sakina! XD That made me laugh. Oh no, it's fine. And thanks, that's was in July. And I got a few new bras recently. ;) THANK you though. :D Haha... <3

La dioas, thank youu. I find my natural colour so boring though. @_@ I'd wish for lighter...

Title: Re: My hair. :o
Post by Drear on Oct 14th, 2009 at 3:07am
Your hair looks beautiful and I'm glad you got new bras.  I like the multi-tones in your hair.  

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