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Chit Chat >> Brushes With Long Hair >> At work yesterday:

Message started by Skyfire on Nov 17th, 2008 at 2:41pm

Title: At work yesterday:
Post by Skyfire on Nov 17th, 2008 at 2:41pm
A family of girls; the littlest one was maybe three, and her hair was about midback, the middle girl might have been six and her hair was waist length, and the oldest was eleven or twelve and her hair was classic length.  All straight and black, mostly loose except the oldest had half of hers in a ponytail.  They all had fairytale ends, so they may never have seen scissors, and they were all wearing pretty dresses.  The mom had a chin-length bob the same color.

Title: Re: At work yesterday:
Post by fisher2 on Nov 22nd, 2008 at 2:21pm
i wonder if they got the hairlength style from their dad if the moms was a bob cut thats a little weird to soo such awsome hair then a bob cut

Title: Re: At work yesterday:
Post by JL on Nov 30th, 2008 at 4:40pm
It's great to see kids with long hair - too often I hear stories of parents that cut their kids hair as it takes too much maintenance to have long locks (my folks included!)  ::)

Title: Re: At work yesterday:
Post by Tara on Oct 2nd, 2009 at 2:38pm
to see children with long hair is very refreshing!  As was said before, so many parents nowadays just don't want to deal with their children's hair, and they cut it all off.  Both of my parents had waist length hair growing up, and they therefore grew out all of our hairs! Even my brothers!  Although he eventually wanted it short.  I whole-heartedly believe that coming from a family of long-hairs influenced me to grow mine as well.  I also have an aunt who for my entire life had hair to the floor (it was braided constantly) She has recently cut it off, bc she travels a lot now.  I remember when I was very young I saw a woman walking down the street with her hair to her ankles, and I always made it my goal to have long hair too!

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