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Message started by Trisha on Nov 19th, 2008 at 4:18pm

Title: Which causes more damage!
Post by Trisha on Nov 19th, 2008 at 4:18pm
Today was a wash day; I always leave my hair down on those days.  I had to make a trip to another building on campus this morning and the wind here was just fierce.  At one point the front part of my hair whipped across my face and covered my vision to the point where I couldn't see a thing.   :o  This got me to wondering...which causes more damage?  Leaving one's hair down all the time for Mother Nature to have her way with, and possibly getting it caught on seat belts and chairs and whatnot?  Or bunning it/wearing it in a ponytail every day?  What do you think??   :-?

Title: Re: Which causes more damage!
Post by Jilayne75 on Nov 19th, 2008 at 8:44pm
Good question.  :-?I wasn't really sure about that one. But I voted in a bun, ponytail everyday because my hair doesnt really get caught in much (its short). I think it depends on how long your hair is too, because it can get caught in things more easily. Also It couold depend on weather there is sun damage involved or if it is really cold out.

Title: Re: Which causes more damage!
Post by callisto on Nov 19th, 2008 at 9:45pm
I can't wear my hair down much because it gets dried out over the course of the day (it's naturally dry), and I can't untangle it.  I think if I had straight/wavier hair and lived in someplace more humid, I would wear it down more.  However, I don't, so I braid it nearly every day to avoid possible damage by elastics, etc.  

I have a horror story of when I climbed a tall (12000 ft) mountain and just put my hair under a bandana.  It was extremely dry and windy, and my hair got SOOOOOO tangled and dried out it took me forever to get it back in shape.  Luckily I brought some shea butter with me on the camping trip and ended up using about half of it to try and repair the mess of my hair.

Title: Re: Which causes more damage!
Post by Sakina on Nov 19th, 2008 at 11:32pm
A bun or braid keeps my hair most tangle free.  The hair at the nape of my neck gets super knotted if I leave it down, unless I'm wearing a top that leaves my back exposed.

Title: Re: Which causes more damage!
Post by Tanai on Nov 20th, 2008 at 2:50pm
I wear my hair up 90% of the time. When it's hot, when it's windy and at home (I've got a "disastrous" dog, who as a puppy actually chewed on the end of my braid causing me to cut 4" off. Now imagine what it would of lbeen like had my hair been loose.  :o) On a decent day with no wind or while it's air drying my hair is down, not very often. But I can't imagine having one's hair whipped into a million knots by the wind being a good thing, and I don't really care for it blowing in my face and sticking to my lip gloss.  :P However I do try to change up the style or at least alternate two styles.

Title: Re: Which causes more damage!
Post by Drear on Nov 21st, 2008 at 3:14am
My hair isn't braid friendly but I used to bun it nearly all the time.  Low buns but still always the same, usually damp when I did it too which isn't supposed to be good for your hair.  It didn't cause any visible damage or hair loss.  I've never really had a problem with tangles but waist length is the longest I've ever had and that's so long ago that I don't remember if it tangled.

I think much of it will depend on the general condition and hair type you have, length, weather conditions and how you treat your hair under those conditions.  

As long as I don't have any chemical treatments like dyes or perms, my hair can stand pretty much anything but I wouldn't subject my hair to being bunned while wet anymore and I imagine it would affect fx. waist long hair that may be 4+ years old if it was left to blow mercilessly against my back and what not, every day.

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