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Bad Hair Day >> Growing With It >> how many years to get to mid-back?

Message started by roomtogrow on Nov 29th, 2008 at 11:48am

Title: how many years to get to mid-back?
Post by roomtogrow on Nov 29th, 2008 at 11:48am
i'm just wondering how many years it took you folks with mid-back length or longer to get to that length. as most of you remember, i started growing out two years ago from pixie cut, and have had a few haircuts since then to keep it healthy and wearable as it went through awkward phases. now, it is just a bit below my shoulders and i am trying to be patient, but just wondering how long is average to get to mid-back, since that seems to be a length that would open up a more ornate braiding options for me.  ;D

Title: Re: how many years to get to mid-back?
Post by Midnight Angel on Nov 30th, 2008 at 12:17pm
Hmmm...for me, it took about 8 years with a lot of cutting in between. My hair was 6" all over in early 2000 and I've been growing, trimming and chopping at will ever since. ::) I know I've had it cut to shoulder length on multiple occasions on the way to mid-back, so I didn't actually reach it until this year. But I'm kind of an isolated case, I guess.

Title: Re: how many years to get to mid-back?
Post by Tanai on Nov 30th, 2008 at 5:09pm
Well lets see... I got my hair from just past shoulder length to mid-back in a year, thankfully I'm short.  ;D Most likely it will depend on how fast your average growth rate is. If your hair only grows 1/4" a month it will obviously take longer then if it grows an 1" a month. I hope getting your hair to mid-back opens up more options for you because it unfortunately as not done so with my hair.  :P Which only makes me impatient to get it longer.  ;D

Title: Re: how many years to get to mid-back?
Post by Jilayne75 on Nov 30th, 2008 at 6:03pm
Hey!  :)

Sorry, RTG. I wouldnt know. But if you dont mind my asking- Tanai, how fast was your growth rate when you were growing your hair, if it only took a year?   :-?

Title: Re: how many years to get to mid-back?
Post by roomtogrow on Nov 30th, 2008 at 7:15pm
thanks for your answers...angel, i know you did a lot of trimming, and i've done some too, which is why i'm not getting to mid back sooner. tanai, my growth rate seems to vary from season to season, anywhere from 1/4-3/4 in. per month.

Title: Re: how many years to get to mid-back?
Post by waiting4longlocks on Nov 30th, 2008 at 9:35pm
Chin length to Mid-Back in a little over 3 years, with lots of trims in between!  :)

Title: Re: how many years to get to mid-back?
Post by Tanai on Dec 1st, 2008 at 4:14pm

But if you dont mind my asking- Tanai, how fast was your growth rate when you were growing your hair, if it only took a year?   :-?

An 1" a month for 7mos then 1/2" after a three month rest. With quarterly 1" trims.

Title: Re: how many years to get to mid-back?
Post by Jilayne75 on Dec 2nd, 2008 at 5:02pm
wow! Your hair grows fast. Mine used to grow 1"  a month too in the summer, but then it started to slow down once winter rolled around. :P

Title: Re: how many years to get to mid-back?
Post by Tanai on Dec 3rd, 2008 at 1:57pm
My hair does the opposite grows like crazy now and stops completely in the summer. :P

Title: Re: how many years to get to mid-back?
Post by roomtogrow on Dec 3rd, 2008 at 5:50pm
mine definitely grows faster in the summer. not sure if that's because of the warm weather or that i'm outside getting more exercise and being generally healthier in the summer. i guess i heard somewhere that warm weather makes some people's hair grow faster than cold weather.

Title: Re: how many years to get to mid-back?
Post by Debr on Dec 4th, 2008 at 10:20pm
Hi  :).  I went from a 2 1/2 inches on the top, shaved sides and back to shoulder length (many trims, to even out layers and remove color/perm damage) in 3 years, then from shoulder to mid back in 2 years (no trims).  So, 5 years total?


Title: Re: how many years to get to mid-back?
Post by Isabeau on Jan 12th, 2009 at 1:44pm
hmmm...took me about 4 years.  I did have a major chop before I started of about 6 inches or more.

Title: Re: how many years to get to mid-back?
Post by Drear on Jan 13th, 2009 at 2:32am
I'm not there yet but I think it's worth going through the stages of various intermediate cuts to even out stuff, get rid of damaged parts and generally have a style that looks good at any time.  It's certainly been worth it to me.

Last time my hair was BSL was until mid Dec. 07.  Then I got fed up with the way it'd been thinned out in the back, I was always suffering split ends and I hated the long, layered bangs.  So between mid Dec.07-May 08. I went through several interpretations of the mid neck length bob to get back to my natural hair color all over and have hair that was wash and go as it grew.  Since at least Sept. 08.  my hair has been shoulder length and now it's some way past shoulders but not APL yet. ::)

When it gets to BSL I'll probably keep it there for a year and work my way out of the layers I have at the bottom.  My outgrown bangs are just at chin length now.  I've always had some parts at the front that won't grow more than a few inches.  

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