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Message started by La_Diosa on Aug 28th, 2006 at 1:27pm

Title: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Aug 28th, 2006 at 1:27pm

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Aug 28th, 2006 at 5:11pm
Welcome to the land of hair journals!

I'm sorry to hear about your situation.  I hope it miraculously goes away.  Think happy hair thoughts!

I LOVE the pic of your kitty.  What's his/her name?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Aug 28th, 2006 at 5:44pm
Hi Sakina

I definitely think happy thoughts, it's the best medicine!

My cats name is Kali.  I have 3 cats in total Kali, Kat and Bau Bau.  I definitely have to think happy thoughts as far as they're concerned, because they can be a handful sometimes.  :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Aug 28th, 2006 at 8:05pm
I have 3 kitties, too.  Sweetie, Ziggy and Jupiter.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by berkanna on Aug 28th, 2006 at 8:40pm
Wow!  Yay for thick hair, huh?   :D  Good for you to stay strong and give your alopecia the bird.

And yay for kitties!  I've got 4, but only one's a jumper like that.  :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Aug 29th, 2006 at 1:53pm

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Aug 29th, 2006 at 1:59pm
Sakina and berkanna:

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Aug 29th, 2006 at 4:28pm
Welcome to the land of journals!   :)

Do all of your cats get along?  I originally only had 2 cats but about 3 months ago my mother passed away and I decided to take her cat since my sister doesn't like animals.  
Well, they're still not getting along and I don't know if this is normal or if it's even okay to keep them all together.

Yes, it's quite normal for cats who've just been introduced to not get along.  We have 9 cats, 5 of whom are siblings from the same litter, and even they don't always get along!   ;D  Newly introduced kitties need time to establish a pecking order, to learn all about each other, and make friends.  Give them some more time and hopefully they'll have grown to be buddies.   :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Aug 29th, 2006 at 5:43pm
Wow, 9 cats!  Well, its good to know that this is normal.  At this point I'm so attatched to the new guy I wouldn't want to give him up.  Thanks for the advice.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by berkanna on Aug 29th, 2006 at 5:46pm
Well, or they'll find their own 'territory' and not mess with each other too much.

I've had anywhere from 4 to 7 at one time, and my oldest (she's 17) doesn't get along with anyone other than me and my husband.  She's an odd duck, however.  I got her when she was 4 weeks old and just doesn't understand cat social behavior.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Aug 30th, 2006 at 10:44am

wrote on Aug 29th, 2006 at 1:53pm:
Her advice for my fragille hair texture is to not manipulate it much, to wash my hair in plaits (to eliminate tangles) and to stop trimming my ends.  She is a firm believer in the search and destroy method.  Hopefully this will help me reach my goal.

She gave you good advice.  Although I don't wash my hair in braids very often, I do try to move the hair as little as possible when washing so that it won't tangle.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Sep 3rd, 2006 at 2:51pm
coconut oil is great

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Sep 4th, 2006 at 1:24pm


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Sep 6th, 2006 at 3:26am
I've just decided to officially retire my jojoba oil.  I like the fact that it's not greasy but, it doesn't make my hair soft at all, so it makes no sense for me to continue using it.

I'm still waiting on another coconut oil to arrive in the mail. Hopefully, that one will make my hair just as soft as the coconut oil I'm using now, but without the greasyness.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Sep 6th, 2006 at 11:21am
I like the curls!

good luck on your quest to find the right oil for your hair.  I've not tried coconut oil - primarily because jojoba oil works so well for me.  But if it works for you, go for it!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Sep 6th, 2006 at 4:26pm
Thanks Bikerbraid :)  You most likely wouldn't like coconut oil because of your hair texture.  If it's too greasy for me, I couldn't even imagine it in your hair.

I'm still waiting for my new oils, I guess they're not coming today, but Fedex just dropped off my new showerhead!!!  Yay, I'm happy. I'm replacing my old shower filter hopefully for a better version.  This one claims to have 2 stages of filtering, as opposed to the regular ones that just have 1.

Once I use it, I should be able to report if it's better than the regular shower filter.

Ooooh, I'm on page 2. ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Sep 6th, 2006 at 5:27pm
I just won this beautiful handmade vintage dress on eBay.  I'm so excited, I can't wait to get it! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Sep 6th, 2006 at 6:28pm
That dress is GORGEOUS!  :o Congratulations!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Sep 6th, 2006 at 8:37pm

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Sep 7th, 2006 at 10:42pm
Thanks Bikerbraid and Sakina :)

I just washed my hair using my new shower filter and I have to say that my hair is noticably softer, it's not a huge difference but it's noticable.  After my shower last night I even noticed that my skin was softer too.

I was going to wait until this weekend to wash my hair but I was so anxious to try out the new filter, that I decided to do it today.  I was so excited, I didn't even bother putting my hair in plaits before the wash, my hair doesn't tangle that much anyway so it's okay.

But  anyway, just as I had finally gotten into the shower and completely wet my hair, my apartment buildings maintenance man knocks on my door ugh... needless to say I was very frustrated.  He was delivering my new dryer so, I had to get out of the shower with dripping wet hair to let him in. Then, about 10 minutes later the cable man comes I couldn't believe the timing. It seemed to take them forever to leave but finally they both finished,and I was able to finish my hair. Geesh!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Sep 7th, 2006 at 11:17pm
OH MY!  Sooo many visitors when you are trying to shower!  I guess I never thought about the advantage of showering in the basement - I can't hear the doorbell or the phone!  ;D  No interruptions for me!

Glad the shower filter is working for you.  I can sure tell the difference when I travel and have hard water to deal with.  I can hardly wait to get home to my softened water.  My hair and skin feel sooooo much better with soft water.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Sep 11th, 2006 at 7:04pm
BikerBraid - I wish I could be so lucky to be able to shower in the basement or anywhere and have no interruptions howevever, there will be no such luck for me, but a girl can always dream. :)

Today, I'm going to the store to purchase a few things that I read about here last night.  My list is as follows;

1. Greeen Tea Supplements

2. L-Lysine 1000

3. Glycerine

(And to make Kimberlilys Leave in Spray)
4. Aloe Juice

I'm also going to get some stimulating scalp oil from naturesgift.com

Needless to say, I'll be doing a lot of experimenting.  

My new oils came over the weekend and I can note that I do not like safflower oil for in my hair.

The new coconut oil is okay, it's not as greasy, but it doesn't soften as well as the first one I purchased. So it's either greasy and very soft or so so softness without the grease.  

When I went to the doctor about 2 weeks ago I got oil all over the bed thingy they make you lay on, good thing it had that paper on it, I would've felt even worse.  I swear I felt like that Soul Glow family with the greasy hair from the movie Coming To America.

My new dress arrived today and it looks just as nice in person, whew...what a relief.  I need to get it dry cleaned though, just to feel okay about wearing something vintage.

Alrighty, off to the store I go...

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Sep 11th, 2006 at 11:25pm
So much for my shower in the basement..... We've been without water for 2 days now as the plumbers try to find a leak in the line outside.  >:(  Hopefully by bedtime, we will have water!)

Your shopping trip has an interesting list - good luck!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Sep 12th, 2006 at 12:36am
Oooh, I hope you have water too.  I've definitely been there before and know just how very much of an inconvience that can be, good luck with the water situation BikerBraid.

Yeah, I guess the list is pretty diverse.  Well so far I don't like the glycerine, it's so thick it feels like styling gel and I haven't tried Kimberlilys recipie yet, I think I need to wash out the glycerine first.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Sep 13th, 2006 at 10:19pm
Did a wash today using Soft and Beautiful Extend a Perm.  Was very amazed with how soft my hair was after the wash and condition, the third step however left my hair a bit hard.  I won't buy the Extend a Perm again but I will try out their regular shampoo and conditioner.

I've only been using the Biotin for about two weeks now and I'm already noticing less shedding, it's amazing!!! Maybe I'll crush some up and give it to my cat's LOL!!

Breakage is another issue but I've already known that I need a protein treatment (because of too many times at the pool this summer) I just haven't done one yet.  

I'm going to most likely do a relaxer at the end of this month.  I've got at least an inch of new growth so, I'll also measure again then too.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Sep 14th, 2006 at 6:43am
Okay, I was wrong about the Extend A Perm.  The directions specifically say that after the 3rd step you have to blow your hair dry and with a comb if you can.  Well, I didn't blow it on high or until it was dry, but after it air dried, I used my steam flat iron and now my hair is very very soft.  The extend a perm is a thermal conditioning treatment so it requires heat to work.  I still won't be buying this again because it defeats the purpose of having healthy hair but I guess it didn't hurt to try once.  And I'm going to the DMV tomorrow and have to take a drivers license pic so, I wanted nice hair. :)

Since my hair is so soft I couldn't help but play in it all night, I'm completely obsessed!!!

My new comb, A boring ponytail & Me wishing my hair was this long!!!;D      

A bun with metal hair sticks, And no post of mine would be complete with out my kitty obsession.  I love them so much!!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Sep 14th, 2006 at 10:47am

I love the bun with the hairsticks..... and the first one, with the flower comb/clip.  And of course, the kitties are darling!  ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by maggie on Sep 14th, 2006 at 2:43pm
Hi La_Diosa!

How cool that you've started a journal of your own, your hair is definitely beautiful, and thick, omg!  :o  I hope your alopecia is getting the hint from all your bird-flipping, hopefully it'll see that it's unwanted, pack up it's bags and go.  That's a really cool pic of your cat in your first post, he/she's like suspended in mid air, what height!  I myself am allergic to cats, so as adorable as they are I must steer clear, I've got one big goofy lab at home instead!  Good luck on meeting your goal of 30", I myself would be very happy with that length.  I'm at 25 & 1/4" now, I can't seem to get past 27", but I plan to keep trying.  ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by maggie on Sep 14th, 2006 at 2:46pm
Oh yeah, 2 more things...

1)  That ebay dress is awesome

2)  I just made a batch of Kimberlily's LIS for the first time, and I am really liking it.  I used moreso the water and aloe juice, with just a bit of jojoba oil, it's a perfect blend for my hair.  It's much easier to control when you're using it in spray form.

That's it.  :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Sep 14th, 2006 at 9:28pm
Thanks Bikerbraid, those are my favorites too.  

Maggie: Thanks for visiting my journal, it's really great to have your support, and our hair is pretty much the same length :) I think I'm still at 25" even.  I may need to refigure my goal since I've been wet measuring.  I don't think 30" will look as long as I'd like w/dry hair but, I'll figure that one out once I get there.

Yeah, I hope my alopecia is getting the message too but I guess if not, the longer I grow my hair, the more hair I'll have to do a balding mans comb over style if necessary ;D LOL!!! (Imagining myself with hair like Donald Trump!) :o :o

Good luck at getting past 27", I'm sure you'll have no problem. Thanks for the compliment on my eBay dress, I'm still trying to figure out if my addiction to eBay has reached the point to where I need to do a 12 step program. Hehe!!

My husband would be so envious of you, he loves dogs and grew up having a lab.  He's being such a good sport dealing with all of the cats even though he's a major dog person. I'm sure eventually, we'll have to get another lab for him though, they are gorgeous dogs.

Hair: I still haven't tried the LIS because I tried substituting jojoba with  coconut oil and it's not mixing at all, even when I shake it, so I'm going to have to whip up another batch.

Okay, I've decide to list the things I've learned about my hair lately;

Hair serum dramatically helps with my dry tangles.

I love coconut oil, virgin is less greasy and good for use during the day.  Unrefined is more moisturizing yet, very greasy so better to apply at night.

I don't like safflower oil, jojoba oil or glycerine.

I like relaxers made for childrens hair, better than Motions.

Steam flat iron used very sparringly, is better than a regular flat iron, it leaves hair feeling soft and conditioned instead of hard, dry, and fried.

It's better to keep my hair in up do's because it helps alleviate the urge to fuss with it.

My 2 stage shower filter softens better than the 1 stage.

Biotin helps with shedding.

Green Tea and Green Tea Supplements are good for the hair.

L-Lysine may be good for my hair (haven't tt my doctor about this one yet) Whew... :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Sep 15th, 2006 at 2:11am
Okay, I feel that I am finally ready to purchase my first pair of LL hair sticks!!!  I wasn't sure if I had enough hair to get much use out of them, or if I could think of enough hairstyles, but after more experimentation today with my cheapo sticks I feel I can finally give it a go :)

This one is kind of weird and to the side but, I'm sure I can make up different things as I go along.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by maggie on Sep 15th, 2006 at 12:41pm
Oh, so you're husband's a lab lover too, how cool.  They've just got the funniest personalities, this is the first dog I've ever had, and I just love her to pieces.  She's six now, and she's just maybe starting to lose her puppy edge, she's finally starting to settle down more, but there's absolutely no hiding her excitement when she encounters new people.  What can I say, she's a lover!  ;D

Some Q's for you-
You keep mentioning that you have to use a relaxer on your hair, is this a chemical relaxer?  Is your hair only straight when you straighten it yourself?

I know you said that you don't care for jojoba oil on your hair, but maybe when it's diluted with the aloe juice and spring water it won't be so bad.  You only need a little bit of it in comparison to the other ingredients.  I only say that because jojoba is the closest thing out there to natural human oils, so I would think that it should be one of the best.  I've heard that (I think it's) sweet apricot oil is supposed to be very good too...maybe I'm thinking of sweet almond oil & it's just apricot oil, without the "sweet".  Hmm, I have to check into this now!

When you say that green tea is good for the hair, do you mean just drinking it?  Or is there something else that you do with it?  I'm thinking you mean just ingesting it.

And this one's not a question, just a general comment about Lysine.  It seems to be good for a lot of stuff, I take three every day, it's great for the immune system and fighting against infections.  Particularly good for cold sores, too.  I choose natural remedies as often as possible, I'm not one much for meds unless there's no other way (which there usually is  ;)).

Last thing- That new dress you got, is that one you actually plan on wearing, or is that one of those things that's meant to just be displayed?  Hopefully you get to wear it, it's too beautiful not too!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Sep 15th, 2006 at 2:46pm
Maggie: I can only imagine how much fun having a dog would be,

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Sep 16th, 2006 at 4:05am
I tried the aloe juice, jojoba

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Sep 17th, 2006 at 2:13am
Ooh La La!!! My hair has been so wonderful today!!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Sep 17th, 2006 at 2:44am
I'm very sorry to hear of your mother's passing.  I cannot imagine your loss.
Sounds like you and I have more in common than wanting long hair and loving hair toys.  I have a sister and we are as different as night and day.
People who know both of us can hardly believe we're from the same family.
My sister lives on a farm in Michigan raising cattle and has 3 kids.
I live in the dessert, teach yoga and have 3 cats .
I'm not sure we've ever agreed on anything, our POV's are so different.
My sister and I didn't get along until after I moved out of the house.  I only speak to her occasionally.

I hope this doesn't sound harsh, but what other people think of your spending habits or earnings is none of your business.
So what if they think you spend too much.  That statement is about them, not you.  I've also been in this situation with relatives and as a child I felt guilty over it.  I think we want everyone to be happy like we are, and if they're not we feel bad.  Again, its their problem.  I'm not saying to not be compassionate for others, we all make our own choices-with or without awareness.

OK-I'm leaving your journal now, I hope I did not offend.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Sep 18th, 2006 at 6:45am
Spell check! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Sep 18th, 2006 at 7:22am
just like me. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Sep 18th, 2006 at 12:29pm
Okay, let me just say that I'm really in love with my hair. :-*

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by maggie on Sep 18th, 2006 at 1:07pm
Hi La_Diosa!

Sorry I'm only responding now, I usually try to stay off the computer over the weekends, I kind of forbid myself to use it.  The weekend...by weekend I mean Sunday, which is my only day off (usually), anyway, I always try to allot myself some "freedom" time to be creative and away from technology.  Usually I'll paint or read a book, or like yesterday, spend lots of time outside with my pup.

I'm glad to hear that you like the LIS, it works so wonderfully on my hair that I've been using it every day, at least once a day.  I like it even better than just applying the jojoba oil straight to my hair, it seems to have a nice effect when it's blended with the aloe juice and water.  So, aloe juice tastes like crud, eh?  I thought about drinking it too, it's very good for you, especially for healing stomach ulcers.  I couldn't get myself past the smell, maybe it wouldn't be so bad mixed with juice?

You remind me of my grandmother (don't shriek!) when you talk about wearing dresses for no special reason.  That's her to a T.  She's 83 & a knock-out, and she wouldn't be caught dead in anything but a dress or a skirt, coordinating jewelery from head to toe, and matching heels and purse.  You know, she still gets asked out, even wedding proposals!!  I pray to God that I age like she did!

About the Lysine, yes, I started taking it on my own for an immune system boost.  I really do not bother with medical doctors if I don't have too, so I went out on my own to get it.  I bought it at my health food store, I always make sure that what I take is pure, vegetarian friendly, and has no chemicals or other crap in it (like GNC products).  To be honest, I really don't know what effect it has on hair or hair growth, I will look into that.

As for gelatin, I suppose it is good for hair and nails, but being vegetarian I would/could never take it.  It's actually pretty gross stuff.  :-X

My sister and I are like yours and Sakina's, definitely night and day (me being night  ;)).  I'm tall and thin with brown straight-ish hair, she's short & thin with brown/black wavy to curly hair.  Our attitudes, tastes, styles & choices in life are so dramatically different.  Like you and your sister, when we are together ppl cannot believe that we are related, let alone sisters!  They think we're putting them on!  She did and continues to do the college thing to get the prestigious job, loves lots of shiny gold jewelery and jewels and dresses to be socially accepted.  Me?  Not so much. :P  I gave college the bird (as you did your alopecia  ;)) and decided to go out on my own, make my own job.  I wear little to no jewelery, not even my wedding or engagement ring.  And as for what I wear, it's whatever my little heart desires, society can kiss my grits when it comes to acceptance.  It's funny, you said you usually end of modifying your clothes to get what you want, I do that too.  I often buy something not because I like it as it is, but because I see potential in it.  Out come the scissors, needle & thread, safety pins, or whatever it takes to get the job done.  My trash is forever filled with denim scraps, straps from this shirt, a collar from that shirt, and sleeves from a few others.  My husband has come to expect it by now!

(((Hugs))) I'm so sorry about the loss of your mother.  I can't imagine what that loss feels like, it must leave a hole in your heart.  From what you said it sounds like she was lots of fun, I bet you have a million good memories of her.  Thank God for memories, huh?

Boy this is long, I'll stop taking up all this space in your journal now.  Bye!  ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Sep 19th, 2006 at 8:14pm
My hair was doing so great over the past few days but today, it decides to be uncooperative. >:(  It became very crunchy and remained that way no matter how much oil, serum or aloe spray mixure I gave it.  After trying everything I could possibly think of, in vain,  I decided to do a CO.  My hair is air drying and feels better now, I'll have to see how it is once it's dry.

YAY!!! After having my brand new elliptical sit in the box for over a month because Sears dragged their feet about sending someone out to install it, they finally came yesterday.  They installed it in all of 4 hours, I have no idea why it took so long but after waiting 6 weeks for them to show up at all, I didn't even ask.  It works great, I've really been feeling the burn!!!  I definitely like working out on machines than without them, I just can't get an intense work out otherwise.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Sep 19th, 2006 at 8:39pm
I'm going to try the Lysine too, I just haven't got around to buying it yet.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by maggie on Sep 20th, 2006 at 4:59pm
Actually, you spelled acupuncture perfectly.  :)  There's a very good possibility that your alopecia could be helped.  Acupuncture has cured my SIL's infertility, she became pregnant within 4 sessions, it has made my MIL pain free from her three herniated discs.  That one is really miraculous, she was in so much constant pain, she was nearly ready to dump a bottle of pills down her throat and end it all.  Not really, but she got to the point where she said she understood why people in chronic pain often purposely OD.  She is now 99% pain free.  It was also greatly helping another loved one of mine who suffers from severe anxiety, depression and alcoholism, he was making leaps and bounds but then made the devastating decision to stop going.  What a mistake.  Anyway, if it could do all that I believe there could be hope for you too.

Me and my sister, who knows why we're so different!  Just different genes, I guess.  I still love her and on some level we are a little the same, but definitley from different planets!  It's wierd because my brother and I are like one in the same.

Flowy dresses....love flowy dresses!  There are so freeeeeeeee!  ;D  I am quite comfortable in a flowy dress and a pair of sandals, I have a very earthy side and this suits it just fine.

I don't think gelatin has anything to do with sharks, maybe you're thinking of shark cartilage.  I'll still spare you of what that pretty jiggly stuff really is though.  :-X

You've piqued my curiostiy with the alopecia/acupuncture thing, I'm going to look some info up when I get time.  Ha!  When I get time, I'm so funny!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Sep 21st, 2006 at 10:59am
My hair is feeling quite wonderful this mornin' :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Sep 21st, 2006 at 11:06am
Oh, I finally got my butterfly dress

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Sep 26th, 2006 at 4:44pm
WooHoo!! The sites back up!!  [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif]

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Sep 28th, 2006 at 7:52pm
AARRGG!!!!  I WANT SPINACH!!!!!  >:(

About 2 days before contaminated spinach outbreak, I asked my husband to go to the store and get me some spinach because I was running low.  I don't know why he didn't get it for me, but then the recall came. I was fine thinking okay in a few days I can have a salad but, still no spinach!!!  I know, I'm like a friggin' rabbit but I love spinach salads!!!  I was in the store with my mom when I was a teen and she told me I could only get one snack.  We were already at the checkout counter and I was seriously having a hard time trying to decide between a bag of lettuce and a lemon cream pie.  The clerk thought I was completely crazy but, I love my salads and now I'm having serious withdrawal :'(

Okay, my hair is fine although I did do a little mini trim because I straightened with a hot iron and thought that maybe the trim would stop any damage before it starts. [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]   [smiley=bath.gif]

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Sep 28th, 2006 at 7:59pm
I feel your pain regarding the spinach.  I usually eat a spinach salad 4 or 5 times a week.  I too miss my spinach.  :'(  Hopefully it won't be much longer before we can have our favorite salads back!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Sep 29th, 2006 at 3:48pm
The recall is over, folks. Now it's just down to how trusting you are.  :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Sep 29th, 2006 at 9:12pm
I didn't know it was over, I still can't find any locally.  I'm pretty trusting at this point.   After this fiasco I feel they'll do their best to make sure it doesn't happen again, well at least not anytime soon. :-/

I ordered my first pair of LL hair sticks yesterday!!!  I'm so excited!!! They're a special order so, it'll take a while for me to get them but I've been experimenting away with hair styles so, when they arrive I'll be ready.  [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by silvermayne on Sep 29th, 2006 at 10:15pm
Congratulations on ordering your first pair of LL hairsticks!   But be VEWY, VEWY CAWEFUL!!!  They can become addictive!  ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Sep 29th, 2006 at 11:08pm
Don't I know it.  I don't even have one pair yet and I'm already eyeing 3 more pairs!!  :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Sep 30th, 2006 at 8:13pm
I just finished a modification to a new belt I purchased.  It was a minor modification so it didn't take long, even though I did it by hand.


I really liked this belt but thought there was something missing so I added some lace.  It's hard to tell in the pic but just adding a little lace made a huge difference.  I'm much happier with it now.


This coat is my next project: I'll replace the old collar with a new ruffled satin collar (the one in the pic's actually much more puffy in real life and it's kinda scratchy).  The sleeves are shorter in person too, so I'll have to extend them by adding more layers of ruffled satin.  And I also purchased some pretty onyx buttons from eBay to replace the old ones with.  I think it'll turn out nicely when finished. Oh, and this will all match my new black and sterling hair sticks that I'm so excited about!![smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Sep 30th, 2006 at 10:16pm
Nice addition to the belt.  Your changes to the coat are ambitious.  Good luck!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Sep 30th, 2006 at 10:44pm
I love the belt.  The coat is gorgeous-I love the sleeves!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Sep 30th, 2006 at 11:30pm
Nice work on the belt, La_Diosa.

I recognize the coat as being from Newport News. Love them!! They have such wonderful gothic items in the fall/winter!!  ;D

Good luck on the project & be sure to post pix when you finish!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Oct 1st, 2006 at 12:10am
Thanks Bikerbraid I know it is quite ambitious, I'd rather take it to my seamstress, it's just that I still have a few items at her shop that have been there for a while because she's really backed up, so I'm not sure when she'll be able to get around to it.

Sakina, I love the sleeves too.  Hopefully when done, the collar will be just as nice.

Yep, you're right Angel Spun, I usually don't shop there, but I'm so in love with their new fall/winter catalog.  A lot of the clothes this season are so very Victorian (and Goth) inspired, I really love that look. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Oct 1st, 2006 at 9:49pm
I was getting really bad dry tangles and pesky tiny little knots so, I finally decided to do a wash using my Pantene Ice Shine.  I like it.  I did my typical low heat, blow dry til damp, detangle thing and the comb just glided through my hair. I didn't have 1 knot or tangle.

I applied safflower oil prior to washing and it made my hair softer. I'm thinking of alternating my coconut oil with safflower oil from time to time to see what results I get.  The only thing is that the safflower oil doesn't smell as yummy as the coconut, I'll have to add some essential oil to change that.  

I ordered some more of my favorite perfumed hair spritz from eBay.  It's moisturizing and is mainly oil, water and fragrance, but they have so many scent selections.  I tried vanilla this time, pretty much thinking it would smell like extract but I was surprised that it had more of a baked goods smell to it like cake or cookies.  It smells so good with my coconut oil, it's definitley my new favorite.  I'm going to try chocolate next, I think that might smell good with coconut too.

Oh, and tonight I discovered a cool way to speed my hair drying along...rollerblading.  I decided to accompany my husband as he went on his nightly jog, the cool breeze felt so good going through my hair.  I felt like Leonardo DeCaprio in Titanic, I couldn't help but raise my arms in his "King of the world" pose, it was so nice.  :)

I did another measure and am now thinking that I cut off more on my last trim than I previously thought.  I got 24 1/4 inches, dry :-/    Last time it was at 24 3/4 so I don't know.  My ticker even changed today to 9 months even til 30 inches .  I hope I at least come close to meeting that goal.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by maggie on Oct 2nd, 2006 at 10:22am
Oooh, cool belt and jacket, me likes!  Verrrry sexy!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Oct 2nd, 2006 at 10:45am

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La_Diosa on Oct 3rd, 2006 at 9:04pm
Okay, maybe I need to lay off of the measuring for awhile because the inconsistency is making me crazy.  I measured again today out of disbelief of my last measurement of 24 1/4", and this time I got 24 3/4" and then right after 25". :-/ I'm thinking that maybe my hair was a little poofier the last time (since I didn't flat iron) which made it seem shorter but even now, my measurements aren't consistent.  I am confident though that now my hair is at least 24 3/4" which is good. :)

Yesterday, I mixed up my beloved coconut oil with 1 part saflower oil, I'm estimating maybe 1/4c of hair serum and 1tsp of vanilla extract.  After I apply it, I use my vanilla hair spritzer stuff and my hair seems to really like it. It's soft but not oily, and it smells good.  I'm just waiting to see how long it takes for my hair to get crunchy from the serum build up, or if it even gets crunchy at all before my next wash.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Oct 4th, 2006 at 10:15am
Hey there!   :D  Nice to "meet" ya!  
About the measuring deal...When I started growing out my hair last year, I was measuring faithfully every month.  I had a chart all made out and recorded the numbers...all that crap.  Well, before long, I got so hung up on the numbers (my hair didn't grow half an inch this month--*gasp*  how come?!), that I started stressing over it.  I was focusing on the wrong thing, instead of simply trying to take care of my hair and letting it do its thang.   :)  Now I measure infrequently.  Maybe every 3 months or so.  Anyway, just wanted to finally drop in and say howdy, and let you know you're not alone in the "measuring makes me crazy" club.   ;D  Take care!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 4th, 2006 at 6:23pm
Nice to "meet" you too Trisha!!!  :)  Thanks for letting me know that it's not just me thats getting a bit unnerved by the measuring.  You're right, the health of our hair is definitely more important than the length. I'm just so anxious for length RIGHT NOW!!! ;D But, I'll definitely focus more on whats important, and in the meantime...my hair will grow. ;)  And yeah, I was actually thinking that spacing out my measuring every three months would be a better idea.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 7th, 2006 at 3:14am

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 7th, 2006 at 3:43am

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 7th, 2006 at 3:59am
I'm sure eventually I'll just collaspe.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 7th, 2006 at 6:57am

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Oct 7th, 2006 at 9:48am
I'm so sorry your new neighbors are causing  you so much stress.  Hopefully you can get out of your lease without penalty.  But in the meantime.... 8-)

Since they are up so late, making noise, you can assume they like to sleep in.  But wait... isn't that when you vaccuum?  ;)  and do other LOUD cleaning chores?  If you have your washer/dryer in the hallway near them, you could wash and dry your tennis shoes..... early in the morning.   Maybe you could take up the drums and practice in the morning?

But more seriously (however everything I've mentioned HAS been done - and was quite effective, I might add), if your landlord doesn't do anything about the noise, how about the police?  It sounds like they are disturbing the peace.  A knock on the door by the local authorities just might be what it will take to get them to realize they are not living alone in the country.

I hope you can get this resolved in some manner soon.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Oct 7th, 2006 at 12:26pm
Wow!  That really sucks.  I like BB's suggestions.

What a horrible intrusion on your life.  That sure would make me mad as hell, especially becuase the management won't do anything about it.

Add alcohol and get instant a**holes.  I would respond like you do, try to suck it up and be the better person.  However, you have rights and they don't have any more rights than you do.

I think moving is a good idea-it is empowering to take action that will benefit you in the long run.

I hope you find a new apartment of your dreams with awesome, kind, likeminded neighbors.  Your soon to be old neighbors will probably burn the place down.  If that happens, will you let me know?  Thanks!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 7th, 2006 at 7:10pm

bikerbraid wrote on Oct 7th, 2006 at 9:48am:
Since they are up so late, making noise, you can assume they like to sleep in.  But wait... isn't that when you vaccuum?  ;)  and do other LOUD cleaning chores?  If you have your washer/dryer in the hallway near them, you could wash and dry your tennis shoes..... early in the morning.   Maybe you could take up the drums and practice in the morning?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 8th, 2006 at 12:07am
I just did a nice relaxing hair wash and 20 minute deep condition under a hood dryer, and I had great results without ANY assistance from my blow dryer :o  I've finally decided to totally give it up.  I felt that as long as it was on the low setting and that I didn't use it to get my hair completely dry, that it was okay.  

Tonight after my wash, I decided to comb my hair out, and then let it air dry in two plaits.  I used serum to help the comb glide through my hair while detangling, and I noticed that when I was done I hardly had any breakage.  Usually, when I "blowdamp" I get a lot of breakage on the ends which I'd just chalk up to me needing to deep condtion more.  I had no idea the blowdryer ON LOW HEAT, was contributing to my breakage.  Well, now that I know,I'm done with it.

Also, I took a look in my bathroom cupboard and found some Fructis Long and Strong.  I purchased it last year used it once and into the cupboard it went.  I realized after it began to dry that the reason I stopped using it was because it makes my hair feel a little stiff but, I solved that problem by applying this hair lotion stuff that I have right on top of it and it was fine. I'm planning on using the Long and Strong after every wash from now on hoping that this stuff will live up to it's name, for all I know it all ready has, maybe it was the reason that I didn't have so much breakage.  At any rate, I'm still done with the dryer though, because I've come to realize that I can live without it so I will. :)

Oh, and I've also realized that I don't like the Pantene Ice Shine.  After I washed I noticed that my hair wasn't as soft as it usually is so I did another wash using my Kerastase Nutritive shampoo and that made a world of difference so, I'm done with it too.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Oct 8th, 2006 at 1:02pm
Good job not using the blowfryer anymore! Those things are awful! Well, for hair, at least! They're great for drying paint or glue, or warming up a bed in the winter!  ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 8th, 2006 at 4:41pm

wrote on Oct 8th, 2006 at 1:02pm:
They're great for drying paint or glue, or warming up a bed in the winter!  ;D

;D Maybe I'll try those things one day!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 9th, 2006 at 5:46pm
It's been 2 days since my wash without my blow dryer and I still like my hair and it's actually much better than it usually is.  

I LOVE curly hair so, from time to time, I'd use hot rollers to achieve a curly style, I know really bad.  Well, since I let my hair dry in plaits this time POOF!!! Instant curls!!! :)  AND I didn't use any heat!! ;)  I used to dry in plaits years ago but, since I did so many plaits, I simply got lazy and stopped doing it.  It's so easy to only do two plaits (as long as I get the part straight) and everynight I've been adding a moisturinzing lotion, my coconut oil/safflower oil/serum mix and replaiting before bed and when I wake up, it's so nice!!! :)  I don't know why all of my pics are blurry nowdays. :(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Oct 9th, 2006 at 9:46pm
Looks great!!  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 9th, 2006 at 9:55pm
Thanks Sakina.  Except for the color, it kind of reminds me of  the style I've seen you do but with 2 sticks that cross like an X.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Oct 10th, 2006 at 9:05am
Wow! awesome hair!!  I love the kitty kats too! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Oct 10th, 2006 at 10:05am
I love the braid waves!  Great picture.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 10th, 2006 at 6:06pm
Awww...thanks you guys!!!  I'm just happy I can now do my hair without any heat! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Oct 11th, 2006 at 1:40pm
ooo, PURdee!   :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 12th, 2006 at 11:17pm
Thanks Trisha :)

Well, I ordered these really pretty jeweled metal French twist holders.  I finally got them in the mail today and realized they're not going to be good for my hair.  The clamp isn't smooth which can cause snagging and probably breakage so I reluctantly have to get rid of them...they're soooo pretty...sigh.  Oh well, I have to do whats best for my hair right?  Did I mention how pretty they are? :'(

I saw that Bath and Body Works make a scented moisturizing shampoo and conditioner called Warm Vanilla Sugar.  I figured it would smell really good and decided to buy some online, but after getting out bid on eBay (by someone who for whatever reason decided to buy them for more than they are worth) I had to go to B&BW today to get some.  I'm glad I didn't win it on eBay because once I smelled it, I realized I didn't like it, but I did love their mango.  I bought some of that and will most likely try it the next time I wash but, I still want a vanilla scent.  Vanilla just seems more appropriate for the colder weather than mango.  

I even purchased 20 Strawberry scented candle tarts on eBay as well because I got them at a good price, but they're just so summery smelling.  I guess I need to pony up the moolah and get some season appropriate ones.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 16th, 2006 at 6:26am
Well, I did my usual Sunday wash and deep condition.  I used my new Bath and Body Works mango shampoo and conditioner, it smells so good, the smell reminds me of Pop Rocks.  Anyway, the conditioner is great, it makes my hair really soft but I don't like the shampoo.  It's a moisturizing shampoo but it's not enough moisture for my dry hair type, my hair felt more like I'd used a clarifying shampoo.  So, I'll no longer use the shampoo but, I will continue to use the conditioner ( I just paused to sniff my hair again...hmmm!).

I also have to admit that I used my blow dryer too :(  I just couldn't detangle without it.  I tried and tried thinking okay, maybe if I add serum I'll be able to get the comb through and that didn't work so I kept trying this and that to the point where it was just getting silly. Then finally I relented and got out my blow dryer, and just like that it was detangled in less than 10 minutes.  It seems weird but, I honestly believe it has something to do with the heat. I simply cannot get a comb through my hair when it's wet and cold.  I can't even do a cold rinse after conditioning because afterwards my hair just doesn't cooperate.  I don't understand why, but history has taught me that in order to detangle my hair, I have to either use a blow dryer or make sure my bathroom is sufficently warm.  Next time I'll take in my space heater and see what happens.

I just remembered that the last time I washed prior to this, I also did a hot oil treatment.  That could've had a hand in making my hair more managable post wash as well.  I think I'll get some more from Sally and see if that makes any difference.

Oh, and if anyone is interested in some Pantene Ice Shine shampoo and conditioner and the bottle of Bath and Body Works moisturizing mango shampoo let me know.  I've only used each one time and can mail the rest out to whoever may want it.:)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 16th, 2006 at 6:42am
. :-/[/color]

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 17th, 2006 at 9:32am
[I'm hoping that it's only the change in the weather

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by berkanna on Oct 17th, 2006 at 11:13am

wrote on Oct 17th, 2006 at 9:32am:
For the first time, I'm beginning to think that I may not reach my hair growth goal.  My hair has been shedding much more than normal lately.  I'm hoping that it's only the change in the weather but I don't know.:-/  Fortunately my hair isn't looking thinner (yet), but it's definitely shedding a lot more. :(

Humans are just like every other mammal out there - we go through seasonal shedding too!  I know you've got cats, so I'm sure you're dealing with the excess cat hair and wondering "Where does all this come from?  They should be bald by now!"   ;D

Right now I'm shedding like crazy - I feel like I'm in a competition with my cats about who can leave more hair about the house!  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 18th, 2006 at 3:14am

Now I'm exhausted and about to go to bed, nightie night :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 21st, 2006 at 10:51am
I just love the way it smells.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 31st, 2006 at 8:03pm
my hair has finally surpassed bra strap length.  It's not that much longer mind you, probably about a half an inch but it is clearly longer so of course, I'm very happy.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Nov 1st, 2006 at 1:26pm
Congrats on all of your hair achievements--yay rah for you!   8-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 1st, 2006 at 4:42pm
Thank's Trisha and a Yay Rah to you too for reaching BSL!!

Last night I decided to reward myself with some new hair toys.  I was looking around and decided to purchase a bun cover which I guess is more of an accessory than a toy.  Anyway, I've never used one before so I can't wait to try it out.  I ordered it on eBay so I don't have it yet but, it's crocheted with black metallic yarn.  I was hoping the metallic yarn would dress it up a bit, as I have a fear of looking like a lunch lady in it. :-/  I'll take pics when it arrives.

Also, I'm considering a leather stick barret.  I want it to hold a bun as well but I'm having trouble deciding between a medium and a large.  I think the medium will be too small and the large will be too big so, maybe I'll have to hold off on the barret until my hair grows longer

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 2nd, 2006 at 9:27pm

I was able to detangle my hair again without the blow dryer! This time, I began gently detangling in the shower, usually I wait until after I get out.  Afterwards, I patted my hair with a towel, easily re-combed and then put my hair into two damp plaits.  I'm not sure if combing my hair in the stream of water helped or if it was because I did it very quickly while my bathroom was still steamy. I did use a different shampoo, that could've been it too.  I don't know if I'll be able to do it again but I'll always make an attempt before resorting to the blow dryer.

Oh, and I found a home for all of the hair products that I felt didn't work for me after only one usage.  I sent them to my sister and her kids, they can't wait to try them.   So I'm happy that, that made them happy and I'm glad the products are not going to waste. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Nov 2nd, 2006 at 10:06pm
Congrats!  I vote for combing your hair in the shower as the method that helped the most.  That's how I detangle my hair.  ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 2nd, 2006 at 10:29pm
Thanks Bikerbraid!  I guess I actually stumbled onto something good!  I'll try detangling in the shower from now on, hopefully it will work for me everytime. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 5th, 2006 at 8:31pm
I was feeling so great today.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Nov 6th, 2006 at 9:00am
Hang in there!  You will have your long hair with time.  Keep taking care of it and it will grow to be long and beautiful.  :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Nov 6th, 2006 at 11:15am
Hang in there women!  Bikerbraid is right, it just takes time.  What I would do when I started was put up my hair and not look at it. Even now I don't measure anymore and it has grown! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 6th, 2006 at 6:46pm
Thanks ladies for the advice.  I know it just takes patience, patience, patience and of course good care!  

bikerbraid wrote on Nov 6th, 2006 at 9:00am:
Hang in there!  You will have your long hair with time.  Keep taking care of it and it will grow to be long and beautiful.  :)

Ahhh...I'm visioning my own long and beautiful hair *sigh* [smiley=happy.gif]

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 17th, 2006 at 3:45pm
if only Michael Jackson would do a show, then I'd be REALLY happy!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Nov 17th, 2006 at 5:37pm
Woooooot!! Another MJJ fan! You rock, sistah! hehehe  ;D

Have fun at the Prince concert - that guy plays a mean guitar when he wants to!

I haven't been to Vegas in awhile, so be sure to live it up & tell us about it when you get back.  :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 18th, 2006 at 1:48pm
Angel Spun  Yay for MJ fans!!! ;D  

Yeah, Prince is wicked on the guitar.  I can't wait to see him again.

Last week I almost had a major dissapointment with Michael though.  I heard that he was going to perform Thriller last week in London at the World Music Awards. I was desperately looking for tickets for the show, but couldn't find them.  Now, I'm SOOOO glad that I didn't get the tickets because he didn't even perform, it was just a rumor!  Geeze, I would've been so upset to fly all the way to London for nothing.


I took my plaits out and to my surprise, detangling wasn't that bad afterall.  I did experience some breakage in the process however, but I'm sure that was inevitable. I just hope I remember to detangle in the shower going forward, I shouldn't have any breakage that way.  

This colder weather seems to be really hard on my hair, it's definitely more fragile and brittle, but I'm doing my best to combat it. One thing I'm trying is going oil free for a while, I'm thinking maybe until the spring. Oil is just not making my hair as soft as it used to and I think it may be because the cold weather is hardening it in my hair or something.  Anyway, I'm going to stick to my lotion type moisturizers which still seem to be working fine used alone.  

Also, I think I'm going to give myself a trim soon.  I'm not certain but I'll know for sure after I do my relaxer touch up in a week.  I may want to even my edges that may be a little uneven looking due to the breakage.  If I do trim, it won't be more than half an inch.  Although a half an inch is a whole months growth so, I'm leaning more towards not trimming.


My dermatologist treating my alopecia basically referred me to someone else.  He said that the doctor he's referring me to is a hair loss specialist so maybe it was the best thing to do.  My alocpecia is pretty much the same.  No hair is falling out but I'm not having regrowth in those areas either, it's basically at a standstill.  It could be looked at as bad and it can be frustrating, but I always have to be grateful that it's not worse.  It's still not noticable and my hair is still really thick. There are some people with alopecia who are totally bald or most of their hair is gone,when I look at it that way, I can't help but feel really lucky and grateful.

I'm also trying to get into better shape before my Las Vegas trip.  I've been eating pretty healthy except for my recent sugar free vanilla wafer obsession which I had to stop.  I was literally eating whole packs of 27 in one day.  Theres no sugar, but theres still so much fat!  I've been exercising more on my elliptical,doing yoga and belly dancing.  I actually feel really great about exercising and good about my food choices.  I feel really good after a healthy meal of salmon and grilled vegetables as opposed to eating... well, I was going to say Mexican but just the thought of it now is giving me a craving. :'(  Oh well, once I get into the shape that I want to be in, then I will be able to have my Mexican (and my Italian and my Indian and my Greek) again, but only in moderation.

Just thinking about food is making me hungry, I'm going to go have a healthy snack now. Adios! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 24th, 2006 at 1:20pm
I couldn't wait until Sunday to relax/wash my hair.  I was going insane because it simply felt like crap.  I know now that my problem is not oil, but the lotion stuff I was using so much of lately.  The whole thing does make sense now that I think of it.  I was using it prior to plaiting every night to 'set' my waves so I guess it had to make my hair somewhat hard/stiff to hold the wave pattern all day.  When I first began doing this however, my hair felt  soft and nice but it seems the more I applied the lotion the stiffer/harder my hair gets.  After my wash last night, I put my hair in a bun prior to going to sleep instead of plaits, using oil and laying off of the lotion, and I awoke this morning to soft hair for a change.  It's so weird because I don't know whats in the lotion that is making my hair hard and it didn't feel bad in the beginning. **shrug**

I decided not to trim, but decided to measure to get a jump start on my December measurment. Somehow it's exactly the same as it was in the beginning of this month 25.5",  I'm not sure how that's possible but, I'm not showing any new growth.  Maybe between now and the first I'll have a growth spurt and gain a half inch.::)

The last time I washed prior to this, I felt I didn't do such a good job either washing or rinsing out my conditioner because I had flakes in the strands on the right side of my head.  Last night I had them even worse and noticed that my scalp is flaking really bad where I have alopecia, it looks like psoriasis.  This has happened before, I think it may just be that time of year.   Only thing is that the last time I recall this happening, I lost hair.   Hopefully I won't lose much or any hair at all this time.  I'll definitley be watching very closely.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 26th, 2006 at 12:16am
I gave in and trimmed my hair.  I trimmed an inch, but it actually wasn't much hair at all.  My hair had broken off so much that the ends were very thin, so I cut them off.  I realize it was a set back since now I'm at 24.5 inches (just below bra strap) but at least now my ends are thicker and not just scraggle that I'm hanging on to simply to claim an extra inch.

I finally got my crocheted bun cover in the mail and I don't like it.  They even sent an extra one since they took so long to ship. Now have the task of finding someone to give them to.  I did see a gold one and I'm wondering if I'll like that one instead.

Oh well, I'll go reset my ticker now.

I was wondering what this does...  Pretty cool!! [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Nov 26th, 2006 at 2:08pm
Now that you've had your trim, be sure to oil those ends and take care of them!  Hopefully you can go a long time before your need to have another trim.

Sorry the bun cover didn't work out for you. :-/

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 26th, 2006 at 2:31pm

bikerbraid wrote on Nov 26th, 2006 at 2:08pm:
Now that you've had your trim, be sure to oil those ends and take care of them!  Hopefully you can go a long time before your need to have another trim.

Yes, my plan is to not do another trim for a LONG time.  Oiling and wearing my hair up more will benefit me greatly.   I think part of my problem was experimenting with too many different products that weren't good for my hair.  I need to keep it simple and stick to what I know works, like oil.  And on the plus side, not experimenting with everything I see will save money. :)

I was just looking at the Hair Product ingredients thread and realized why some people are so anti cones.  I had been using them a lot pretty recently and although I did notice build up, I didn't realize they could keep moisture out.  I stated before that my hair hadn't been geeting soft after my washes anymore and I wasn't sure why.  I'd stopped using a moisturizing hair lotion thinking that it (although it doesn't have cones or alcohol) was the reason for my recent crunchyness.  Now I see that it wasn't the lotion or the oil (which I had also stopped using briefly, thinking that it was the cause) but my hair conditioner which I didn't use only because I ran out of it.  My mango conditioner from Bath and Body Works made my hair unbelievably soft at first, but the more I used it, it no longer had the same effect.  My hair had become crunchy and brittle.  I didn't read the lable to see that the conditioner had cones and that was the reason for my build up and brittleness.  Whew, am I exhausted!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 27th, 2006 at 4:31pm
I just clarified today for the first time in maybe 2 years.  Even though I had product build up, I was afraid to clarify because the last time I had a loss of elasticity afterwards and I'm not sure why.  Anyway, I gave it a go once again, and everything is fine.  I also made sure to deep condition afterwards and I had an effortless detangle.  I'm on a roll with this no blowdrying thing, I LOVE IT!! But I'm still afraid to throw the blow dryer away.

I'm going to see how my hair does without using any cones.  They're always good at first, but then the build up that is sure to follow drives me nuts.  If I can go without them then I will but if not, at least now I have a good clarifying shampoo.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Nov 28th, 2006 at 7:28am
Don't throw the blow dryer away - it still has a purpose...... you can use it on the plastic window coverings to winterize your house.... you can use it for various crafts that require heat such as heat shrinking plastics..... you can use it to power a hovercraft toy.... it dries paint really fast...etc, etc, etc.

I've not used a hair dryer on my hair in probably 10 years, but I still have one!  ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 28th, 2006 at 2:44pm
Thanks Bikerbraid, I'll try and keep those other uses in mind, especially the hovercraft who woulda thunk? ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Nov 28th, 2006 at 5:00pm
Aye, and let's not forget running one between your bedsheets when it's cold, drying out wet shoes or drying a facial masque!  ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Nov 28th, 2006 at 9:05pm

wrote on Nov 28th, 2006 at 5:00pm:
Aye, and let's not forget running one between your bedsheets when it's cold, drying out wet shoes or drying a facial masque!  ;D

Ooooo - good ones!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by berkanna on Nov 29th, 2006 at 11:21am
I haven't used my blow dryer in years, but it still lives under my bathroom sink, "Just in case".  

There's something about having it, I guess.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 2nd, 2006 at 6:45am
WOOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!!  I JUST MET PRINCE!!!!!  YAY!!!!  He invited my husband and I to dance on stage with him to my favorite song!  He also gave us tickets to tomorrows show because he wants us to dance again but unfortunately, we're leaving in the morning so I can get back to my kitties because I miss them.  Although now my husband is going on and on about how he wants to stay so who knows.

It was such a nice time that afterwards I couldn't help but cry.  I'm sure that people thought I was crying because I was excited about Prince but I was so sad that I won't be able to share tonights events with my mother she'd be so excited for me.

On another note I was really horrible to my hair.  I curled with an iron instead of my molecular rollers because they broke the day before I left. :'(  Oh well.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Dec 2nd, 2006 at 4:11pm
WOW! That is fantastic!  You are one lucky couple!   :o

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 3rd, 2006 at 1:03am
Yeah, it was so lucky!!!  I'm back home now, I just got in.  We decided not to stay but sent Prince a bouqet of flowers and a note thanking him but declining the invitation.  The concert was great and the whole time in general was very eventful, I'll never forget it.

We didn't get the opportunity to go house hunting while there, the houses that I saw online weeks ago were already rented by the time we arrived but, I still don't think I want to live there so all is fine.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Dec 3rd, 2006 at 3:52pm
Sorry you weren't able to take advantage of the 2nd show,  but what an experience!  I hope someone took a picture for you.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Dec 4th, 2006 at 6:41pm
How cool! And how nice of him to invite you back - that's awesome. Some stars just truly know the value of good P.R.

Glad to hear that you had such a good time. Maybe you can go back & see him again soon.  :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 4th, 2006 at 10:30pm
I think we may return for either New Years or my birthday.  I was just entirely too tired to stay in Las Vegas another day.  We arrived on Wednesday evening and pretty much hit the ground running.  We went to a concert and then right after, saw another band play and they also had me up on stage dancing.  It was all very exhausting.

There aren't any pictures although I did read a blip about it on one of his fan sites.  Prince doesn't allow pictures to be taken at his concerts.  But thats fine with me, I'll always remember it picture or not.  I used to have Prince posters on my wall as a kid and his music has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember so it was very surreal to have him ask me to dance twice (the first time by myself and the second time with my husband) and also hold my hand.  He even invited us to a private after party which he decided to cancel due to his being tired, so I guess I wasn't the only one.  Yeah, I'll never forget that night.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Dec 5th, 2006 at 2:10pm

I'm sure that people thought I was crying because I was excited about Prince but I was so sad that I won't be able to share tonights events with my mother she'd be so excited for me.

Trust me, she knows   *hugs*   ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 5th, 2006 at 4:15pm

Trisha wrote on Dec 5th, 2006 at 2:10pm:
Trust me, she knows   *hugs*   ;)


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 5th, 2006 at 7:31pm
Just got back from my new dermatologist and of course they decided to completely change my meds yet again.  No more clobetasol, or steroid injections or retin A.  This time I've been prescribed tar.  Yes, some sort of medicated tar.  I'll have to apply it once a day and it's supposed to stimulate my scalp and promote hair growth.  Apparently, it has a high regrowth success rate, taking only a few months to work.  We'll see...

Also, I have a few small pimples on my forhead and the dermatologist recommended that I stop using oil in my hair.  YIKES!!!  As soon as I found something that works for my hair it breaks out my face.  Oh well, I think I can live with a few tiny pimples.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 5th, 2006 at 8:31pm
I've been paying more attention to my hair lately of course and noticed that although my hair can be thick, that the strands are not.  So, I began looking around and found a few facts about my hair type that have kind of cleared things up a bit for me.

Type 4 hair appears to be coarse, but it is actually quite fine, with lots and lots of these strands densely packed together.
I had been under the impression that my hair was coarse but when I looked closer at the strands, I began to question this because my strands are thin.  Although, I do have some coarse strands, overall they are fine.  All of my hair that sheds is fine and the breakage tends to be coarse which doesn't really make sense to me, I'd imagine that the coarse hair would be stronger.

Type 4 hair has fewer cuticle layers than any other hair type, which means that it has less natural protection from the damage you inflict by combing, brushing, curling, blow-drying and straightening it. The more cuticle layers in a single strand of hair, the more protection it has from damage. Each time you damage your hair – fire up the curling iron, fry it with chemicals – you break down a cuticle layer, robbing your hair of much-needed moisture. :o
I guess this is why my hair tends to grow longer the more I keep it up and the less I do to it in general.

Generally, this hair is densely packed to give the appearance of very thick however, fragile hair.
And it does look very thick when air dried after a wash however, when heat is applied and it is straightend then the hair no longer has a thick appearance but a thin and flat appearance which amazes me that the hair can go from one extreme to the next.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 6th, 2006 at 6:18pm

wrote on Dec 5th, 2006 at 8:31pm:
Type 4 hair has fewer cuticle layers than any other hair type, which means that it has less natural protection from the damage you inflict by combing, brushing, curling, blow-drying and straightening it. The more cuticle layers in a single strand of hair, the more protection it has from damage. Each time you damage your hair – fire up the curling iron, fry it with chemicals – you break down a cuticle layer, robbing your hair of much-needed moisture. :o

I'd been thinking about my fragile hair all night and day.  My hair has been up ever since I read about the properties of type 4 hair, I think I've been scared straight.

I've also been getting what I call the itchies.  My scalp itches when I don't get my injections which the doctor took me off of and I haven't gotten my tar medicine stuff yet because my pharmacist had to order it.  Hopefully, it's in today.  The itchies are driving me nuts!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 7th, 2006 at 5:38pm
Well, I've applied my new medicine today.  I was supposed to start with a 10 min application on the first day and by the end of the week be up to 60 minutes.  It's supposed to be a gradual process because the "tar" (which is actually a white cream) is supposed to sting (so I was told) and stimulate hair growth.  Well, today was my first time using the medication.  I put it on a little over 50 minutes ago and I've yet to feel even the slightest tingle.  I'm going to call my doctor tomorrow to see if it's working although there is no tingling involved.  I hope it's working.  These doctors change my meds so frequently that it's really expensive.  I was only on my last medication for a few weeks before I was instructed to try something new.  I have so many half used medications that I could open my own pharmacy.

I have been experiencing some new growth though as well as new hair loss however, it's not much loss, and seeing new sprouts of hair always makes me happy. :)  I have been eating more protein lately and drinking slim fast with protein as well.  I wonder if that has anything to do with it?  I've also been exercising more lately that could be it too, who knows.  Oh well, time to rinse this stuff off of my scalp.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 8th, 2006 at 8:54pm
My hair isn't feeling so great today.  I haven't washed (my hair*modified) in about a week. I was trying to see how long I can go but I'm thinking of giving in already.  Because I use oil daily, I'm beginning to get the impression that I won't be able to go that 2 weeks that I'm trying for.  My hair doesn't smell or feel gunky, it is beginning to feel crunchy though.  I'm starting to feel that I may need to come up with a whole new product regimine so that I can extend my wash cycle from once a week to once every two weeks.  I feel that the less I wash, the better off my ends will be.  And speaking of my ends, I have been keeping them protected basically all the time in a braided bun in an attempt to sheild them from the harsh indoor  heat.

*Modified- [timestamp=1166188051] I just realized that on the 8th, I was already 3 days short of 2 weeks post wash, not 1 week as I'd thought. ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 9th, 2006 at 4:10pm
Last night I actually had a nightmare.  I dreamed that I cut my hair into a very layered bob with big swingy curls and I really like it!  I liked it so much I kept swinging my head around.:o  I know I've been struggling lately with the thought that I'll never reach my goals, but giving up and actually cutting it?!?  Nope, ain't gonna happen.  My hair has never gotten much longer that BSL in my life and before, I never thought (or cared) about the reason for it.  My hair is very dry and I'm learning how to take care of my ends so that they don't dry out and split, so I'm definitely going to continue going for it.  I want long flowing hair. I just hope that I don't have anymore nightmares!  That was scary!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 9th, 2006 at 7:02pm
I just rinsed my new medication from my scalp and am now convinced that this stuff is apparently doing something.  I guess because my pain threshold is so high, I dismissed the tiny bit of tingling that I now get from the medication as no big deal.  This time I looked at my scalp afterwards and was completely shocked to see how red it has made my skin.  Like, REALLY red.  I don't think I'll be going past one hour (as recommeded by my doctor) anymore because wether it feels like it or not, it's definitely irritating my scalp which is the plan.  If it works, my doctor said I can see results in as little as 2 month. I'm so glad my doctor recommended me to a new physician.  I was going to buy some peppermint oil to stimulate my scalp, but theres no way that peppermint oil can compare to this stuff.:)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Dec 9th, 2006 at 10:56pm
Have you heard of "Curly Girl" by Lorraine Massey?  Its a great book-she has great advice for taking care of curly hair.  Her own hair is corkscrew curly and looks great.  

Good Luck with your new medicine!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 9th, 2006 at 11:59pm

Sakina wrote on Dec 9th, 2006 at 10:56pm:
Have you heard of "Curly Girl" by Lorraine Massey?  Its a great book-she has great advice for taking care of curly hair.  Her own hair is corkscrew curly and looks great.  

Good Luck with your new medicine!

No, I've never heard of this book before. I probably would've been a little skeptical of it had I stumbled upon it on my own, seeing that the chapter devoted to black hair is titled "You Go, Curl!" :-/
Otherwise, it seems pretty interesting and may offer some helpful tips for me.  Maybe I'll check it out, Thanks! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 10th, 2006 at 8:43pm
So, I was doing my daily oiling and medication application when I began playing in my hair.   I haven't had the chance to do this much lately, since I've become more strict with myself about doing up do's.  Anyway, I flipped my bang which usually hangs over to the left, to the right and it looks so much better!  

I've been growing my bangs out since I cut them for the last and final time about two years ago. My bangs are cut asymetrical with the shortest part falling at chin level, and the longest part about 3 inches past my chin.  Growing them out has been a pain because it looks so drastic.  I have the longer hair and then out of nowhere is a chunk of shorter hair, it's not gradual at all.  But simply changing my part helps tremendously.  I still don't like the bangs enough to keep them at this length of course, but enough to where growing them out shouldn't seem so horrible going forward.

When I was a teenager I wouldn't leave the house without bangs and as an adult, I've experimented with them from time to time only to become completely annoyed by them and regret cutting them, yet again.  So now, although I sometimes still get bang envy when I see someone with really nice ones (I've NEVER had nice bangs btw) I've learned to just let it go.:P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 10th, 2006 at 9:21pm
I noticed an older thread about favorite hair flicks and I decided to list my favorites here, for a little inspiration and I thought it would be fun. :D

The Kama Sutra A Tale Of Love - I Love This One!  Not Only The Elaborate Hair Do's But Also The Costumes That They Wear In The Movie.   I Think That Any Bollywood Movie Is A Great Hair Movie. The Actress Shown Is Indira Verma (She's Also In The HBO Series Rome)

Of Course I Love Memoirs Of A Geisha (No Image Necessary) But, I Know I Could Never Get My Hair Straight Like That And Have It Remain Healthy. Oh, And The Story!!!  I Was So Rooting For Her And The Chairman To Get Together.  I Was So Obsessed With This Movie When It Came Out, I Also Had To Read The Book Too.

And Also A Knights Tale.  You Can't Really Tell From This Pic But, She Had Really Long Hair And Pretty Cool Do's In The Movie.  I Guess It's Clear That I Love Period Films::)  Oh Well, I'm Sure There Are Lots Of Others That Are Really Good But These Are The Only Ones That Come To Mind Right Now. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Dec 11th, 2006 at 12:33pm
I love those movies too! :)  The bollywood movies are awesome and not only great hair flicks but some are so funny!  My favorite funny one is "Dude where's the party?"  A ROTF good time!  Have you ever seen in these movies when the ladies purfume there hair with incense? I do this every once in a while with indian rose incense, it smells divine!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 11th, 2006 at 5:29pm
I've never seen Dude where's the party, I'm gonna have to look out for that one. :) And now that you mention it, I have seen women perfume their hair with incense I was just never aware that, thats what they were doing.  I've seen them wave the incense around the hair and body but I wasn't aware that they were simply doing it for the purpose of "perfuming".  I always assumed it was just some sort of Indian custom or spiritual ritual. ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 15th, 2006 at 7:58am
I was able to hold out, and it's been almost 3 weeks since I've washed my hair.  I know it may sound gross but it smells fine.  It just doesn't have that soft, just been washed feel to it because of product build up.  It's funny, because I honestly didn't even realize how long it had been since I washed last.  I'd been wearing my hair up pretty much all of the time lately, so I guess it was easier to ignore.  I'm going to wash/clarify my hair sometime over the weekend and try going totally cone free.  I'll see how eliminating cones works out as I go along.  

I didn't want to speak too soon but I'm so excited!  I really think my new medicine will put my alopecia into remission!  I've only been using the medicine for about a week now, but last night I saw even more hair regrowth in the areas where my hair had fallen out.  I hope I continue to see more growth in the days and weeks to come.  I'm very optimistic and excited!!! :D

Oh, I also received an email that my first pair of LL hair sticks have been mailed and are on their way.  They are a special order, so it seems like forever since I ordered them but I shall have them soon. :)

I was reading over my journal entries to see where I started.  My hair was at 24" when I first began journaling here. ( My first journal entry states 25" but that was a wet measure.  I now only measure dry)  My hair had gotten to 25.5 but recently I trimmed, and am now at 24.5 so I've only gained 1/2" since I started :'( I've gotta do better in '07'.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Dec 15th, 2006 at 11:36am

I didn't want to speak too soon but I'm so excited!  I really think my new medicine will put my alopecia into remission!

(whispered) yay! (whispered)
...trying not to scare away the progress!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 15th, 2006 at 1:05pm
(whispered) no we don't want to frighten it, Yay!!! ;D  *hugs* Trisha

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 16th, 2006 at 2:53pm
Yay!!! I got my hair sticks today.  I ordered them a while ago and since then, I began to assess my spending and felt that maybe I shouldn't have spent so much money on a hair accessory, but now I'm glad that I did. They're beautiful and I purchased black (with sterling accents) which goes with pretty much everything so I know I'll get alot of use out of them.  Also, because I now have 2 sticks, I can do a nice and secure bun without using bobby pins or putting my hair in a ponytail first!  So when I remove the sticks, my hair falls loose and I can shake it out like they do in the movies! ;D

I'll post pics later this weekend. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Dec 16th, 2006 at 3:54pm
Congrats on the new sticks.  I look forward to seeing a picture of them in your hair.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 17th, 2006 at 3:26am
Thanks Bikerbraid :)  Are those your hair sticks in your new avatar? :o

I typically do a simple doughnut bun but since getting my new sticks is such a special occasion (to me :)) I've decided to experiment and attempt to be a bit creative.  Sorry about the quality, I can't seem to take a good picture these days.  

The last pic was my first go at the midevial bun. I didn't do such a good job, so I decided to cheat and make it look better by bobby pinning a brooch to the center. The last pic also provides a clearer view of the sticks.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Dec 17th, 2006 at 7:46am
Wow!  Your new sticks look lovely! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Dec 17th, 2006 at 12:38pm
Beautiful sticks!  They are perfect in your hair.  :D

I love your different hair styles with them - you do a very nice job with your hair and the sticks.

[and yes, those are some of my hairsticks - that picture was taken a year ago.... I hope to update it soon.]

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Dec 18th, 2006 at 4:55pm
omg, La Diosa, what beautiful updo's! And beautiful hairsticks!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 19th, 2006 at 10:54am
(((hugs))) Thanks everyone! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 22nd, 2006 at 8:35am
I'd been feeling under the weather for a few days now, just waiting on the cold that I was positive was sure to come.  I'd been suffering from an upset stomach, a scratchy throat and fatigue.  It wasn't until yesterday when my cold still hadn't come on that I realized that it was acid reflux.  I'd been on medication for this since the spring however, I ran out last week.  I decided that I didn't need to renew my prescription because I had been feeling fine, not figuring that the only reason I was fine was because of the medication.  It had been so long since I suffered from the symptoms that this time, I couldn't identify them.  So, I got my prescription refilled and I feel a lot better.  So much so, that this morning I decided to clean my entire apartment and mop all of my floors.   Now my only ailment is a headache from the fumes. :-/

My hair has been doing fine.  Other than oiling, I've been keeping it in a bun and just letting it grow. Keeping my ends tucked away is working out to be really good for my hair.  It still looks fresh from the trim and my ends aren't the least bit dry or brittle.:)

My second Caruso hair setter (this year, I've been purchasing Caruso hair setters since I was 17) conked out on me after only a few months so I decided to purchase a different brand.  I bought Revlon ionic steam rollers but I don't like them.  The rollers seem to get unnecessarily hotter than the Caruso rollers and the rollers are smaller so I can't get all of my hair wrapped around them let alone clamping it.  I think it may be cheaper to sell them on eBay than to return them.  Hopefully, I'm not stuck with them long and can use the money to buy a new Caruso hair setter.  Even if they don't last long, at least they are effective when they do work.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Rainbow on Dec 22nd, 2006 at 9:32am
wow your updos are so thick! Yours so blessed!!! the sticks are barely visable with all that hair lol. Youf hair looks fab with sticks.

Hope u get better soon and are able to return the rollers

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 22nd, 2006 at 10:04am
Awww, Thanks Rainbow. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Dec 22nd, 2006 at 7:06pm
What are you taking for your acid reflux?  My husband was originally prescribed Prilosec which is now an OTC.  He takes it every day, and will remain on it forever due to a medical procedure that was performed on him that has left him without the muscle that closes off the esophogus (and keeps the acids in the stomach).  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 23rd, 2006 at 7:02am
Bikerbraid I take 40mg of Protonix once a day.  I've taken Prilosec OTC as well but only for a day or two.  I've never taken it long enough to know if it's as effective for me or not.  How does Prilosec work for your husband?  I have the feeling that I'll be on medication for acid reflux forever as well, although I don't know the cause of mine.  I like spicy foods which I still eat and as long as I take my medication, the foods don't bother me.  Is your husband on a special diet?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 23rd, 2006 at 1:21pm
Today I clarified.  It's been 3 weeks and 5 days since my last wash.:o  It was easy to do because I kept my hair up pretty much the whole time so it was easy to ignore.  

Anyway, I am now officially cone free.  I'm going to try it out for awhile to see if it works for me.  I attempted it before, but I took it for granted that my leave in conditioner was cone free but it wasn't.  So, I CCC to remove any left over cones, detangled with my creative 3W comb, applied coconut oil and did my hair in 2 plaits to air dry.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Dec 23rd, 2006 at 6:37pm

wrote on Dec 23rd, 2006 at 7:02am:
Bikerbraid I take 40mg of Protonix once a day.  I've taken Prilosec OTC as well but only for a day or two.  I've never taken it long enough to know if it's as effective for me or not.  How does Prilosec work for your husband?  I have the feeling that I'll be on medication for acid reflux forever as well, although I don't know the cause of mine.  I like spicy foods which I still eat and as long as I take my medication, the foods don't bother me.  Is your husband on a special diet?

Hubby has been on the Prilosec for several years now and it works great for him.  You might ask your doctor if Prilosec would be an option for you.  My hubby eats whatever he wants - spicy foods are a favorite.  But even on a bland diet he would have trouble without the medication.  The sphinctur muscle at the end of the esophogus is what keeps the acids in the stomach - hubby's did not open all the way before and food would not be able to pass thru to the stomach (a very uncomfortable situation).  So the doctor stretched it open, but that lets the acid come up into the esophogus, so he takes the medication.  It's a case of it being easier to treat the heartburn than the contractured muscle, so they intentionally damaged the muscle.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 3rd, 2007 at 4:03pm
BB- I may ask my doctors about the Prilosec OTC in the future but the Protonix is working well for me so I'll stick with that for now.

Hair - I haven't had much to report lately hairwise.  I've decided that I really am going to wait longer in between measurments.  Instead of every month, I'll measure every other month or every 3 months.  I think doing this will help me obsess a little less about my hair and reaching my goal.

I've been very protective of my ends keeping my hair up pretty much all of the time.  I did purchase some new black satin scrunchies and a wide tooth horn comb which I now love.  At first I was dissapointed with the comb because it wasn't as smooth as I expected it to be, but once I filed it, it turned out to be very nice.

We decided not to go out for NYE, I really wasn't in the mood.  Instead we bought a bottle of white wine (I don't like champagne too much) a cake, and 2 numeric candles, a 0 and a 7.  At midnight we blew out the candles and had a toast.  It was a nice quiet evening, much better than going out. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jan 4th, 2007 at 12:42pm
Aww, your nye celebration sounds perfect.   :)  Hubby and I have never gone out on new year's eve; we usually don't have the money to blow, and all the idiots seem to come out in full force on that night!  (besides, it's WAY past our bedtime!!)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 11th, 2007 at 1:15am
Did a CO today, no biggie, nothing else going on hair wise.  I did purchase some shea oil though.  I'm not sure if I like it yet, I'll know after a few uses I guess.

Finally took my moms cat (now my cat) to the vet.  I'd had him for months, but I'd put off taking him because I had been wishy washy as to wether I'd keep him or not.  Well, of course I still have him and I don't have any plans of giving him up so, we went to the vet today and I was shocked at the bill.  He needed a check up and shots so today's visit was 200.00 and we'll still have to pay another 600.00 for his appointment next week.  He needs a few teeth pulled and he needs groomed.  Owning pets is very expensive. :'(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Jan 11th, 2007 at 11:27am

Owning pets is very expensive.  :'(

It certainly can be!

My family is kind of in the same boat with the whole cat/vet situation. One of the neighbourhood strays adopted us, so we've been looking after him for a few months. He needs a lot of work and is, erm, not the most well-mannered cat we've ever known. That's for sure!  :P  So who knows what we'll do with him, really...

On the financial note, just be glad you don't have horses!!  :o

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Jan 12th, 2007 at 10:15am
Yes, pets ARE expensive.  Dogs are worse than cats, and big dogs are worse than little dogs.  (Everything seems to be based on weight!)  Horses, of course are even more expensive.... I don't even want to think about them!

But, pets can be wonderful.  I guess that's why we spend the money.  ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 14th, 2007 at 2:32am

wrote on Jan 11th, 2007 at 11:27am:

On the financial note, just be glad you don't have horses!!  :o

I couldn't even imagine how much a vet bill for a horse would be, I don't even want to try :)

But, pets can be wonderful.  I guess that's why we spend the money.

That's right, and money comes and goes... so oh well, they're worth it.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 14th, 2007 at 2:35am
I washed my hair again today.  CO's just never do it for me.  For whatever reason, my hair needs shampoo to feel soft and clean.  After CO's, my hair is always hard and crunchy so I'm finally done with them.  I'll just continue to make sure I dilute my shampoo prior to washing.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Jan 14th, 2007 at 11:16am
My hair's not as curly as yours, I have discovered that I need to shampoo about once every 2 weeks or else my scalp gets sore.  I wonder why your hair would get crunchy with conditioner...maybe cut back on the amount you're using?

Does the relax treatment dry out your hair or scalp?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 14th, 2007 at 11:43pm
I use a protein conditioner so maybe it could be that I'm really not sure, but I do use a ton of it.  

Yes, the relaxer does dry out the hair afterwards, I have to apply a moisturizer to it.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 16th, 2007 at 2:09am
Since I washed my hair a few days ago, I've yet to put any product on it.  No leave in conditioners, no oil's of any kind, no moisturizing lotion and I still love it.  I'm beginning to realize that I may not need to use styling products because it feels so much softer without them at least so far.  I'm going to cotinue this for a while and see what comes out of it.

I'd been wearing my hair parted down the center with 2 braided plaits on each side and I love it.  It's fun and I like that when I take the plaits loose, I can make 2 wavy pigtails out of each one.

Oh, I got my cat back from the vet today.  I don't know why I agreed to getting a lion shave.  He's a boy cat but now he looks like a weird fru fru poodle.  I'm sure he must feel quite emasculated.   I just can't wait until his fur grow back becasue the current texture is weird, he was cut down so low he feels like suede and more like a mouse than a cat.  I miss all of his cuddly fur. looking at him now is so weird because in a way it's as if he's naked.

Beleive me, I will post pic a later.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Jan 16th, 2007 at 7:53am

wrote on Jan 14th, 2007 at 11:43pm:
I use a protein conditioner so maybe it could be that I'm really not sure, but I do use a ton of it.  

Yes, the relaxer does dry out the hair afterwards, I have to apply a moisturizer to it.

When proteins build up on the hair, it will get crunchy.  When doing CO washings, it is usually recommended that you avoid proteins and cones since both build up on the hair shaft.  A vinegar rinse will usually eliminate the buildup.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 16th, 2007 at 9:10am
Thats really good to know, thanks Bikerbraid. :)

I've decided to apply some Aveda light elements to my hair this morning.  It's a very light spritz of a water based moisturizer.  So far I like it it's so light my hair still feels product free just a little softer.  So far, I like the feel of not having products in my hair.

Also the BIG thing that I'm excited about is that my alopecia spot has filled in and my hair is really growing!  I'm very happy about this![smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Jan 16th, 2007 at 5:08pm
That's fantastic!!  I'm so glad to hear your spot is filling in.  WONDERFUL!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Jan 16th, 2007 at 10:07pm
La Diosa that's great! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 17th, 2007 at 2:54am
Thank you ladies. :D

Here's my poor naked kitty before and after.  I can't even let him sit outside now because I think he'd freeze to death. :(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Jan 17th, 2007 at 9:24am
EEEEKKKK!!!!  :o :o  Do they really do that to cats intentionally??

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 17th, 2007 at 1:03pm
Yep, unfortunately so.  It'll take 6 months for him to look normal again. :'(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Jan 17th, 2007 at 2:09pm
Oh poor kitty! :-[  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 17th, 2007 at 5:12pm

Oh poor kitty!
I know you just can't help but feel sorry for him right? :o

Hair Today, I applied some shea oil to my hair but was careful not to apply too much.  Typically, I like to apply lots of oil because my hair is so dry, but this time I only used a few drops.  It looks healthier and shinier with the oil yet, I don't  have product overload.  I was using so much stuff to protect my hair from the blow dryer, but since I haven't used it in quite awhile now I guess it was finally time that I stopped using so much gunk.

Recently, I've been able to hold off on washing until my hair begins to feel crunchy.  I'm wondering when or if that will even happen now that I'm using less products?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 24th, 2007 at 3:49pm
Today, I washed and conditioned with Sunsilk Hydra TLC.  It's the first time I've used this product.  It wasn't as moisturizing as I thought it would be but my hair turned out fine.  

I didn't realize how long I was in the shower, and the water turned cold before I could get all of the conditioner out.  I did a rush job and thought I'd gotten it all, but after scratching my scalp I realized that I didn't.  I'm just going to let it go.  I don't think leaving some conditioner in should be a problem.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 2nd, 2007 at 12:30am
I've been using Giovanni's direct leave in conditioner for about a week now and I really like it.  The directions say to apply it after washing but, I've been using it as a daily moisturizer instead of oil which hasn't been working too well for me lately.  I was looking for something like this at my local Wild Oats store with no luck, but then I saw it mentioned here in the product reviews and thought I'd give it a try.  It's really keeping my hair moisturized nicely even with the indoor heat.  I've also been using humidifiers but they only seem to do so much.

Anyway, even with my hair up most of the time, I'm noticing that my ends are tapering again even though I trimmed an inch off about two months ago.  I only stopped using my blow dryer this past fall, so maybe I'm still having breakage due to all of the prior years of abusing heat.  I refuse to trim again though.  Not that its that bad yet, but if I'm just going to wind up with tapered ends even after trimming I might as well just let the trimming go.

It's been so cold here lately (just as it's been everywhere else).  I hate the cold so I've pretty much holed myself in my apartment like a hermit, going out as little as possible.  I did venture out so that my youngest kitty could experience snow for the first time, but to my surprise she didn't like it AT ALL.  This was as far as she'd go. :(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Feb 2nd, 2007 at 8:17am
Awww - cute kitty!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Feb 2nd, 2007 at 8:48am
I love Giovanni products, and had good results with them.  I just can't afford them right now.   :(  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Feb 2nd, 2007 at 9:37am
Cute kitty!  I love the boots your wearing!  I too am holded up like a hermit myself due to the cold.  I've never tryed Giovanni before, I like Jason.  I would love to try Ojon Tawaki but man is it's not cheap!  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 2nd, 2007 at 6:49pm
I'm going to try the Giovanni 50/50 Shampoo and Conditioner next.  I really do hope I like it because it really isn't cheap experimenting with product after product, but at least my sister makes out.  I mail her the products that don't work out for me.  At this rate, she'll never have to buy shampoo and conditioner again.

I love the boots your wearing!
Thanks Lisabelle.  I love these boots they are very warm.

My kitty thanks you all for the compliments, as she takes so much time and  pride in her grooming! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 6th, 2007 at 7:40pm
Well, I decided to go ahead and relax my hair today instead of at the end of the month as I'd planned.  My roots were getting really thick and poofy due to my new growth and I had gotten tired of it.  

I was also wanting to trim soooo bad because my ends seemed to be tapering and thin looking, but after washing and relaxing, my ends actually turned out to be fuller than they initially appeared although I'm not quite sure why that is.  Since my roots were no longer poofy, I took a measure and got a little over 25.5 inches.  I was really shocked that it was only 25.5 inches because it looked so very long (for my hair) but I guess it only seemed so long because lately I'd been wearing my hair wavy which takes from the length.  25.5 makes sense though because at my last measure after my last trim 2 months ago, I was 24.5 inches.

I'm getting ready again, making plans to go back to Las Vegas to see Prince in concert next month.  His performance dates are not yet confirmed for March so I'm hoping he'll still be there.  In the meantime I am shopping again for travel outfits so if he will be performing I'll be ready.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Feb 6th, 2007 at 11:08pm
Is that pine based treatment still working for you?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 7th, 2007 at 11:10am
AHHHH!!!!  I wish there was an undo button.  I just accidentally deleted my entire post!  I meant to hit enter and I hit delete >:(  Oh well.

Sakina:  I've been through so many products that I don't even recall a pine based one, so whatever it was no, I guess it didn't work out for me. :-/

Hair: When I'm washing out my relaxer, I tend to scrub like a maniac to make sure I've removed all traces of the chemicals so in doing so, I typically tangle it up pretty good.  Yesterday when I finished washing, I was only able to detangle enough to put my hair into two plaits but this morning when my hair was dry, I really had a job ahead of me.  It took me about 5 hours to get through it all and get all of the tangles out. :o  Surprisingly, it didn't seem like such a long time though.  I had my iPod going the whole time and I was singing along to the music and dancing while I was going through my hair, so basically I had a detangling party.  I haven't applied any heat to it (and of course I'm not going to) so right now my hair looks huge like Diana Ross's but I'm happy with it.  I'm just glad that I won't have to do this again for another 2 or 3 months. 8-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Feb 7th, 2007 at 12:15pm
5 HOURS?!  Oh my stars and garters, girl!   :o  I have a new respect for what you must go through to have long hair.  I don't know if I could do that, and I'm an extremely patient woman.  *hugs*

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 7th, 2007 at 1:30pm
Now, I've heard people say "Oh my stars" but "garters" is a new one for me, although I do like it! ;)

I remember the first time my hair ever got that tangled. I began sobbing like a child because I thought it would be absolutely impossible to detangle and I was certain that I'd have to cut all of my hair off but my husband came to the rescue.  He sat there with me all night long helping me to detangle and he even showed me how to do it so that it doesn't take as long.  I know that 5 hours is a long time but it sure beats all night long, especially when you have no clue as to what your doing.

My hair doesn't get that tangled after a regular wash, only after I apply relaxers (chemical straighteners) and I'm really scrubbing to remove them.   As long as I don't manipulate my hair much while washing, the tangles aren't bad.

But at the same time, as I was detangling I did wonder if I'd be able to keep this up with hair that's 10 inches longer than it is now.  Oh well, only time will tell, but until then I'll keep on truckin' full steam ahead to grow my hair longer. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 9th, 2007 at 5:40pm

I've been on mothernature.com

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 9th, 2007 at 8:56pm
I just got this flower leather stick barrette in the mail today.  I love it, but I'm going to wait until spring to wear it.

This is my hair from last year around this time.  Because I've cut so much hair off last year (I figured about 4.5 inches) I currently don't have much more length than this.

On another note, my cat (the one with the $800.00 pet bill last month) is sick again.  He's been sneezing nonstop for a few days.  I called the vet to get suggestions as to what to do.  They mentioned to me on a prior visit that most of the meds they prescribe can be purchased over the counter but instead of recommending something, they said I should bring him in for a diagnosis.  Geesh!  My dad said they must love to see me coming.  I've decided to wait a few more days to take my cat to the vet.  If it's a cold, hopefully it will naturally and cheaply run it's course.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Feb 10th, 2007 at 1:24am
Egad, sorry about your horn comb, La Diosa.  :(

Your hair looks great, though!  :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by TexianTraveler on Feb 10th, 2007 at 3:23am
My mother used to say "Oh my stars and garters" all the time.  She still does, but not as much.  

What my grandmother used to say, that I have heard NOWHERE else, is "There's more ways to kill a cat than choking him on butter."  

I used to say it too, but I got too many weird reactions.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Rainbow on Feb 10th, 2007 at 3:33am
wow i love your hair, thats just what i want. In the second picture you have really nice layers, and length. Im guessing you hair type is 1b/c/iii  ;).

Sorry about your cat, i am not really keen on animals, i know people get close to their pets but i really am scared of pets, even fish, apart from on my plate.

Forgive me i hope your cat will be ok, please update and let us know

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 10th, 2007 at 5:00am
Angel Spun: Thanks for the compliment and for offering your condolences for the loss of my comb. :)

TexianTraveler: I'm guessing that the puzzled look on my face as I read the line about the cats may also count as a weird reaction. ;D  I really love animals so I don't think that'll be a quote that I'd use either.

Rainbow: Nope.  My hair type is 4a/f/i.  My hair is chemically relaxed, which means it lightly loosens my very tight natural curl pattern and it makes it much easier to manage.  Most people think that type 4 hair is course, but the strands are actually fine and very fragile, unlike coarse hair which is strong.  It's just that type 4's have so much hair, that the assumption is that it must be coarse.  

I love having animals around.  At every stage of my life I've had some sort of pet either cat's, dog's, birds, and fish. I couldn't imagine my life without them because I love them so much and they are very loving in return.

I appreciate your show of concern for my cat, even though you're not so fond of them.  This evening he's been making weird hacking noises, so I may take him to the vet as soon as Monday.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Rainbow on Feb 10th, 2007 at 5:19am

Wow your hair looks in great condition! Are you sure your not a iii because those buns you posted were huge!!!

I can understand your love of animals i know people who are very attached to their animals and they love them like a friend, for me i cant get over the fear they might bite me. I was never bought up with animals that is why i cant connect, for you who have animals at every stage of your life can then understand animals and enjoy them, i wish i could to coz they are so cute and fluffy, i would love a bunny but i am to scared to hold one so its not a good idea.

Animals can be expensive at times but it worth the price to see them well and happy. You should invest in pet insurance if you havnt already it could save you loads

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 10th, 2007 at 6:01am
I'm sorry Rainbow you are right.  I had to go back and re read the fia hair typing chart.  I had been  under the false impression that iii meant thick strands.  So yes, I am 4a/f/iii.  I'm glad you pointed that out to me or else I still wouldn't have realized my mistake. :)

I have to admit that I am afraid of very large dogs, you know the ones that are as big as ponys.  When I go to Petsmart some people bring in these very large dogs and I'm always hoping that the dog doesn't become mad and start attacking people.  

My cats do bite but they only do it when playing so they're very soft bites, they come no where close to being painful yet alone breaking the skin.

In the past, I'd never thought I'd need pet insurance at this point.  I felt that with young cats it would most likely be an unneccessary expense, but lately I have been looking around at different carriers.  It would make life so much easier on me though if my husband could just add the cats as dependents on our health insurance we get through his job. :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Rainbow on Feb 10th, 2007 at 8:52am
lol that would be good insurance for all the family and pets, you may have started a revolution here lol.

Im glad you sorted your hair typing, i thought mine must be non exsistent if yours was thin lol.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 11th, 2007 at 9:06pm
Well, my husband surprised me this morning with yet another cake.  It'll be a long while before I'll even want to look at another cake again.  At least this one was tiny, enough for 2 servings, okay maybe 4 but we each ate half. ::)  This time, instead of just having 2 numeric candles, this tiny cake had a whopping 32 candles! :o  There was so much heat that the candles melted very rapidly creating a wax layer on top of the cake!  

The card he got me was just as sweet as the cake.  It reads... My Sweet Wife, I wish you could see what I see.  You're always fussing about some this that's too big or some that that's too small, but everything looks perfect to me.  You are sexy.  You are beautiful.  Just look into my eyes and you'll see.  Awww!!!!  I love him so much!

Look how my hair looks as though it's about to go up in flames!  Oh, I had to give myself a little pastie because I was still in my night gown.  I hope this pic isn't offensive to anyone.

And here's another pic of me when I was just a wee thing.  Sunrise, sunset... :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 12th, 2007 at 1:14am
How about this for something. This morning my husband was staring at his computer and out of nowhere began screaming obscenities.:o  Quite startled, I told him okay already, I'll change the channel.  I was watching a pretty horrible Prince movie at the time and I thought he had become so fed up with it, that he just snapped.  He said no, it wasn't the movie that had gotten him upset.  He said that his Powerball numbers hit. Yes, his numbers hit, the very one time that he didn't go out and play them because he felt that it was too cold outside.

A few nights ago he came in a put a powerball ticket on my desk.  He told me to make sure I checked the numbers for the next drawing that was on the 7th.   The next day I checked, and just as usual he didn't even get 1 number. His numbers for 2/07/07 were 2  11 16 41 8 and 16 as the PB.

After all of the comotion, I pulled the site up on my computer (cause I had to see it for myself to believe it).  It was very shocking to see the same numbers (with the exception of one )from our ticket on the screen right before my eyes.

The PB  numbers for 2/10/07 were 2 11 16 41 42 and 16 as the PB. :o    
He always plays the number 2 because both our birthdays are in Feb.  He plays 11 and 16 because those are our birth dates.  He also chose 41, the age he'll be in a few days and the number 8, which was one that stumped me.  He picked 16 for the  powerball, again because thats his upcoming birthdate.  

I remained surprisingly calm, trying to calm him down as well. I kept saying there was nothing we could do to change things, so no point in getting upset about it.  Yet, all he wanted to do was to continue cursing out his computer.  Although I must admit, that inwardly I too was screaming "THIS ISN'T FAIR, THOSE ARE OUR NUMBERS!!!" I just couldn't get over the chances of this happening!  This man plays both Powerballs every week and very rarely just gets a single digit and now this!?!  

For us, this was actually the second chance that we had to become millionaires (the first time is a very long story that happened about 11 years ago.  Remember all of the IPO's that were going through the roof around the new millenium?... we were so close! *sigh*) and now it has again slipped through our fingers.  Eventually, my husband alerted me to the fact that since he was off a number, our winnings would've been $10,000.00 and not millions as I had thought.  I definitely know that 10 grand is nothing to sneeze at, but to know that it wasn't actually millions was a huge relief to me.  HUGE!  

I do understand that money doesn't buy happiness, but having thought that we missed out on millions just by missing one day of purchasing a ticket was a horrible horrible tease.  But at any rate this whole thing just seems so freaky and mysterious to me.:-/   He threw out the ticket right after finding out he didn't win but I now wish he would've at least kept it as a souvenir.

Oh, and the 8 represented the month that his son was born. duh! Some Stepmother I am. :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Feb 12th, 2007 at 7:06am
Holy Crow!!!  Funny how things work out sometimes.....I guess a better way to look at it is that he and you were alive and healthy enough to even see the numbers!!  I know not much of a consolation,but I'd be hollerin too,if that makes ya feel any better! :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Feb 12th, 2007 at 12:55pm


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Feb 12th, 2007 at 4:35pm

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 12th, 2007 at 4:46pm
Thank's for the birthday wishes ladies!!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Feb 12th, 2007 at 6:59pm
Wow, look at that flaming cake!  ;D

Hope your birthday was awesome, La Diosa!

Sorry about the numbers. That's a real let down. But there's always next time, right?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 14th, 2007 at 2:04am

wrote on Feb 12th, 2007 at 6:59pm:
Hope your birthday was awesome, La Diosa!

Thanks Angel Spun, it really was!

[quote author=Angel Spun link=1156775221/180#193 date=1171324748Sorry about the numbers. That's a real let down. But there's always next time, right?[/quote]

[color=#000000]Yeah, hopefully next time he'll actually remember to  play and then get ALL of the numbers right!  I mean really, five out of six numbers!?!  What's his problem??  LOL!!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 14th, 2007 at 2:18am
Tonight I got on the scale, simply because I do that every once in awhile just because it's there.  Well, somehow I've gained 8lbs!!! :o  I didn't even notice, and have no idea how!!!  Well, now that I think about it my husband has been baking lots of chocolate chip cookies lately and with all of that cake...and ice cream...and all the candy that he bought.  Okay, now I really am mad at him! lol  Typically, I eat sugar free but lately he's been feeding me all this sugar loaded junk!  I think from now on I need to do the cooking...and start working out more.  Now, I'm actually at the "correct" weight for my height however, I've naturally been a few pounds underweight all of my life, so seeing those numbers on the scale really freaked me out!  And apparently, it's not healthy weight gain (like muscle) because I gained it all from eating junk food.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Feb 14th, 2007 at 12:17pm
Yep...sugar will do it every time.  It's EEEEEvil   >:(  
But I must add the statement that, judging from your recent photos, you look fine as wine.   ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 14th, 2007 at 12:32pm

Trisha wrote on Feb 14th, 2007 at 12:17pm:
Yep...sugar will do it every time.  It's EEEEEvil   >:(

It sure is [smiley=evil.gif],  I'll be avoiding it like the plague!

Trisha wrote on Feb 14th, 2007 at 12:17pm:
But I must add the statement that, judging from your recent photos, you look fine as wine.   ;)

Thanks for the sweet compliment, Trisha!  I just have really skinny arms though.  My weight gain goes directly to my midsection, thighs and bottom. Even at a lower weight, I have to work out to keep those areas firm or else.  I began working out already so hopefully I'll be back to normal soon.  And today, I've cooked all of my own meals so far :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 15th, 2007 at 1:45pm
Yay, it finally came today!!!  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Feb 15th, 2007 at 1:49pm
Oh my stars and garters!  Is that you in both photos?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 15th, 2007 at 2:20pm
Yes, the first one was about an hour ago.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Feb 15th, 2007 at 2:51pm
:o :o :o Oh MY!!!  We have a star amongst us!  The headdress looks lovely on you.  

You made a very convincing Cleopatra.  That is too funny about the people taking multiple pictures with you.  I guess I never really thought about there being jobs specifically for wearing costumes and playing a part in Vegas.  It must have been rather interesting.  What other costumed parts did you do?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 15th, 2007 at 3:53pm
A star!?!  Puhleeze! ;D  Thanks for the compliment though!

Yeah, I guess they have jobs for everything.  They do the same thing in LA  in front of the Manns Chinese Theater.  The last time I was there, I took a pic with a fake Michael Jackson.  

I worked as a wine bearer also at Ceasars, a belly dancer at the Aladdin and at the Venetian I was a "sexy elf", which was hilarious to see on a pay stub.  The other costumes weren't as beautiful and elaborate as Cleopatra.  Although, it was pretty cool getting paid to play dress up and stand around chatting and taking pictures for a few hours.  They even gave us free meals!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Rainbow on Feb 15th, 2007 at 5:43pm
wow that must have been so exciting!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Feb 15th, 2007 at 10:07pm
I think you win for the most unique job!  What fun.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 16th, 2007 at 3:45am
It was cool yet odd at the same time, knowing that the pictures I was in, could be looked at for years to come commemorating a fun and exciting time in the lives of people from all over the world.

I've had lots of jobs in my 32 years.  I'm a hopper!  I've sold clothes, shoes, was a paper girl in my early teens, worked in several banks, was an executive assistant, a receptionist a few times over, woked in call centers...and the list goes on. With my very long resume due to an unstable work history, I began to get shocked that people would continue to hire me. :P  Typically, when I first start a job (no matter what it is) I really love it for maybe a year, and then I'd get bored and end up looking for something new.  It's as though I have ADD or something.  Modeling and working through the talent agency was perfect because with every assignment I could do something new and fun.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Feb 16th, 2007 at 11:10am
Your job hopping sounds exciting and wonderful to me right now.  I'm very much stuck in a rut right now.  I probably should have switched jobs about 5 years ago but chose to stay where I am comfortable.  Don't get me wrong; I love the people I work with.  They're like a second family to me, and that's probably part of the problem.  I have only 5 more years working at the university before I can retire with full benefits, so I really can't leave--that would be utterly stupid.  I could, however, switch departments if the right job became available.  But still...*sigh*  Okay, sorry, didn't mean to hijack your thread, La Diosa!!   :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 17th, 2007 at 6:03am
Um No, I don't think leaving your job now would be such a smart decision. ;)

Changing departments sounds like a good idea for a change of pace if that becomes an option.

My god mother has worked at the University of Buffalo since graduating high school I think somtime in the 60's.  It's so weird to me when I hear about people only ever having one job like that.  I could't begin to imagine what that would be like.  The movie Ground Hog Day tends to come to mind.  This is her last year before retirement.  She's happy about it but at the same time it's all bitter sweet.

She and my mom who had been best friends since elementary school, were planning to move in together after her retirment and I guess do a Golden Girls type thing, but now with my mom gone, I'm not quite sure what she's going to do.  I'm sure my sister and I will make more frequent trips to Buffalo to make sure she doesn't get lonely.  It's so weird how when one person passes, the people that were in their lives have to grow closer together in an attempt to help fill that void.  My last birthday was an example of that.  On every birthday since living on my own the only people who called to wish me a happy birthday were my mom (ALWAYS at midnight btw, she'd never say hello she'd just burst into song singing happy birthday and completely off key mind you) , my sister, whoever I may have dating at the time, and maybe a friend here and there but thats it.  This birthday, I was flooded with calls from so many extended family members.  It was a little weird but I felt it was thoughtful.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 17th, 2007 at 6:35am

This woman is my idol.  She was on Oprah a  few weeks ago and when she revealed that she was 70 years old my mouth dropped!  They were showing clips of her daily life.  She rollerblades, does pilates, rides a bike walks alot, eats healthy and it's paid off because she looks great and most importantly she has a great attitude.  I think there are good and bad ways to age, I think she is definitely aging well.  I'd say she treats life as though everyday is a gift and to honor that she lives every day to the fullest.  I just cannot not admire that.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 18th, 2007 at 10:39pm
I know I decided to stretch my washes out a bit but, I couldn't wait to try my new Giovanni shampoo and condtioner!  Curiosity and excitement got the best of me because I washed with it today and now... Ahhh.... I'm in love! :)  My hair not only came out very soft but *GASP*  tangle free!!!  I was able to glide the comb down my strands, it was simply heaven.  I looked at the bottle and thought, hey lover where have you been all my life?:-*  Every Giovanni product that I've used so far has been an absolute dream.  I'm experiencing some fear though because things can change.  Experience has taught me that a product can work well for awhile but something changes and then it just doesn't do it for ya anymore.  I'll have to keep my fingers crossed in a hope that I continue to get the same wonderful results everytime.  Next on my purchase list is Giovanni Nutrafix Renconstructor.  

Oh, and I got a brand new wide tooth comb to replace my lost one and then the broken one.  It isn't seamless so I had to file it down.  Now it's feeling a bit rough so I'm going to have to get a nail buffer and hopefully that will work in making it smooth.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Feb 19th, 2007 at 11:38am
Ugh, I miss my Giovanni shampoo and conditioner!!   :'(  All right, that's it...when all these "guests" finally move out of my house, I'm going back to Giovanni!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 26th, 2007 at 4:31pm
Trisha: I feel for ya!  Hope you get your Giovanni fix soon! ;)

HAIR: I'm going to wash in a few days but I'm very low on my leave in so I'm trying to ration it until the new one arrives.  Today, my hair is feeling soft but would be softer if I had more condtioner in it.  Yesterday I couldn't get over how nice and bouncy it was!!!  I don't recall ever having "bouncy" hair!! [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] It's so great!

I was belly dancing all this morning and gained an extra motivation to take care of my hair and grow it long.  Watching myself do hair flips in the mirror really made me desire the waist long hair that the belly dance instrutors on my dvd's have.  

I'm noticing that my hair is oxidizing which I find weird.  The top and sides of my hair are turning a lighter shade of brown. I'm not outside in the sun much, not that it's been very sunny lately and I have a very good shower filter.  Hmm... not quite sure whats going on here. [smiley=huh.gif]

I've been able to whittle down my product usage and I feel that I finally have the best products for my hair.  

Hair Polish or Glycerin work well prior to washing to help me detangle prior to and post wash.  I may need to use a clarifier every so often because of this though.  
Giovanni 50/50 Shampoo And Conditioner work very well for me.  I still haven't used the reconstructor but I feel it will help with breakage and to stregthen my hair.
Giovanni Direct Leave In Conditioner for after washing and applied daily to dry hair for additional conditioning.
Coconut oil, I had given oil up for about two weeks only to reincorporate it into my regimen again.  I really don't feel that I need it for hair health, but I do like the shine that it provides.  It's the only product that I've found with the ability to make hair shiny that doesn't have cones.
I've also made the decision to only dust from here on out.  It's somewhat of a miracle I suppose, but I can honestly say that I'm done trimming.  I just need to purchase a new pair of good hair scissors.

I've also learned that I can't "play" in my hair too much.  I like experimenting and trying out new styles but I realize that all of the excess combing and manipulating is causing breakage.

BODY: I've been working out everyday since I discovered my weight gain.  I've lost a few pounds but also realize that I'm gaining muscle so I may not be as light as I originally was which is fine.  I'm loving the exercise, it's making me feel really good about myself.  Not just for asthetic reasons but I feel good that I'm being active. I feel as though I'm accomplishing something.  I hope to adapt my exercising into my way of life from now on and not have it be something thats only temporary.  Working out also motivates me to eat healthier.  When you're working out so hard, it's really difficult to be comfortable with eating junk.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 6th, 2007 at 4:46pm
I just had a wonderful wash day!  My replacement water filter cartridge and my Giovanni conditioner both arrived in the mail today.  I had to buy a few bottles of conditioner, this time I can't run out in between shipments this way I'll always have some in stock.

I decided to do an experiment to see which method I like better either washing my hair loose or in plaits.  First, I applied glycerin to my hair and then proceeded to detangle with a wide tooth comb.  Then, I parted my hair down the middle as usual, but this time I plaited one side and let the other side be.  

I began to wash and loved the fact that the plaited side was just so neat.  My worry was that I wouldn't get the plaited side clean but I continued on only taking the plait out to apply conditioner and then I replaited.  After 10 minutes, I took the plait out again to rinse then I applied leave in, detangled (very easily), and again replaited.  It was a dream!  The other side wasn't as tangled as it appeared however the plaited side was definitely easier to detangle.  Of course, I will be washing this way from now on.

I forgot to mention that I used a turbie twist to pat my hair dry.  I loved the softness of the turbie twist and I also liked how effective it was in drying, it's actually unbelievable that that little thing did such an efficient job.  When I was finished, the turbie twist itself even felt pretty dry, absolutely amazing!  

I happened to catch a glimpse of my hair in the mirror while I was in the shower and I couldn't believe how much longer my hair looks when it's wet than it does when dry.  It appeared to be about 3 inches longer. :-?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 9th, 2007 at 5:32pm
My husband noticed that his naturally very dark hair is also changing to a lighter brown.  I'm convinced now that it's the humidifiers that are oxidizing our hair.  Fortunately, very soon it'll be time to put them away.  I'll have to decide what to do about it by next fall though.

My left knee has really been bothering me since I began working out.  I'd rest it for a day, maybe but then I'd be back to my 20 minutes a day on the ellipical regardless of the pain.  I've tried Tylenol but it doesn't work.  My husband recommended that I rest my knee for an entire week.  I've decided to try that out but it's killing me not to do the elliptical.  I've still been doing dumbells and leg lifts though.  In one of my yoga magazines they listed some poses that are good for the knees so I will try those out in the mean time.

In just the past 2 months I got news that my neice and youngest sister are both expecting babies. :o  I was shocked and didn't know what to say.  All I could do was wish them well.  Hopefully, everything will be and they'll find happiness in their choices.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Mar 12th, 2007 at 2:27pm

I was shocked and didn't know what to say.  All I could do was wish them well.

Sometimes that's all we can do--even, or especially, when we don't agree with their choices!   ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by berkanna on Mar 13th, 2007 at 11:12am
You really shouldn't mess with knees - I agree with your husband - time off would be a good thing.

I'd focus on upper body work for a while, maybe do some low-stress restorative yoga poses to keep the flow going.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 13th, 2007 at 4:42pm

berkanna wrote on Mar 13th, 2007 at 11:12am:
You really shouldn't mess with knees - I agree with your husband - time off would be a good thing.

You're right.  My mother had really bad knees so you'd think I'd know better.:-[  

I've read that stretching the knees first is necessary before doing workouts and doing that has really helped me.  That may be common knowledge to most, but I did not know to do that.  I always stretched afterwards.  Now I do yoga poses that are good for my knees before and I stretch again afterwards, and so far so good.   I'd felt that since 30 minutes is such a small increment of time out of an entire day, that I could work my legs 7 days a week but I guess not.  I've decided to only do the elliptical 4 or 5 days a week.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 15th, 2007 at 3:14am
I've finally had a successful CO.  First, I applied the last of my Hydra Silk TLC conditioner to my dry hair and I let it set for about 20 minutes and then I rinsed.  Then I conditioned again with a combo of Giovanni's 50/50 remoisturizing conditioner and their nutrafix reconstructor.  I let that sit for about 5 minutes then I rinsed again, dried with my turbie twist and then applied my leave in so all in all it was actually a CRCRC. ;)  I decided not to do my normal plaits as it dries because I may be going away on Monday and if I do I want my hair to be straight and not wavy.  It dries so much faster when it's loose and right now it's so soft, I'm very happy with it! [smiley=engel017.gif]

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 17th, 2007 at 7:36pm
Okay, so yesterday was not a good day.  I had to take my cat to the vet early in the morning, he's fine just a bit of sneezing.  Anyway, we had to get going and I couldn't find anything to wear.  I put on my size 2 khaki's and I could NOT get them fastened.  That has never happend to me before.  I've had my pants be too tight but never to the point where I couldn't fasten them! :o  So then, I got my size 4 jeans (jeans that I purchased last summer to be my "fat" jeans) out of the dryer and they were sooo tight.  So my husband is like well just put on some sweats.  So, I'm looking all over and can't find them and he's looking in the laundry room for any pants with an "elastic" waist, of course now I'm feeling great! :P  All the while my husband keeps trying to explain to me that my metabolism isn't going to be what it used to be because I'm getting older.  Now I'm feeling wonderful! ::)  In the end, I just put on a roomy dress and off to the vet we went.  

I've been working out like mad for over a month now, I can't believe I'm not getting any smaller.  I am firmer though, but I want to be able to get back into my size 2 clothes.  I'd tried on my other pants and I could get them fastened but they're all too tight to be comfortable.  I refuse to give up though, or else I'll have to get rid of alot of clothes that I love.:'(

On another note, at least my hair is doing okay. ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Mar 17th, 2007 at 10:32pm
1.  Yes, your metabolism does slow down as you get older.
2.  Many of us would love to have size 4's as our "fat" size!
3.  The body stores fat during the winter months, but with exercise and eating right, you will lose your "winter weight" once again.

Hang in there!  (and I'm glad your kitty is OK).

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 18th, 2007 at 4:31am
Yes, everything you said is absolutely true bikerbraid.  

I think I'm either PMSing or having a pre midlife crisis or both.  

I've been natrually a few pounds underweight my whole life which was something I had to come to terms with (because of teasing and such) and accept it as a part of who I was, so now putting on weight is such a radical change for me.  I'd always expected to take after my mother and her father who remained very thin even into older age without dieting or exercise, but I guess I'm now beginning to take after my fathers side.  I know it sounds weird me complaining about not being able to fit my size 2's, but in a small way I feel as though I'm losing a part of my identity. My hope is that it is just winter weight which will fall off with a bit of exercise.

I visited the optometrist last month and she mentioned that eventually my (now just about perfect)vision will deteriorate and I will need glasses all of the time in order to see. :o   And I know that my first gray hair is right around the corner even though I still feel so young.  I'm not afraid of aging, but I will admit my fear of oneday looking in the mirror and not recognizing myself anymore.  I always looked at aging as as being sooo far off but now here it is.  I just have to get used to the idea of it happening now thats all, but there are more important things going on in the world right? ;)

Thanks for your concern about my kitty.  He is clearly allergic to something in our apartment yet we have no idea what.  We left him at the vet all day so that they could monitor him and he didn't sneeze once.  As soon as we brought him home he began sneezing again immediately.  We'll have to put him on antihistamines if it doesn't clear up in a week, which I doubt will happen.

He's been through so much but, I'm so glad I have custody of him.  My mom hadn't taken him to the vet in years and he really was long overdue.  Now his teeth are great, his coat is shiny, he no longer has bowel problems, he has other cats to interact with...now all we have to do is get this sneezing under control and he'll be the happiest kitty!  He's such a sweet boy! :)

Oh and I gotta thank Berkana again for reccomending the FURminator!  I soooo love it!  It removes SOOO much fur and an unexpected bonus is that my cats feel so much more soft!  
My cats have a chair that only they sit in and my husband and I go through maybe 2 of those tape lint rollers things a week to get the fur off of that chair, our clothes, and our other furniture.  Now my cats hardly leave any fur behind.  This thing will definitely save us money on lint rollers.  Those things are about 4.00 ea and buying 2 every week really adds up!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by berkanna on Mar 19th, 2007 at 10:38am
Yay FURminator!   ;D  I'm also glad your kitty is OK.  You can test kitties for allergies, the most common feline allergies are food-related.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Mar 19th, 2007 at 3:18pm
I really need to get a FURminator!!  If you do get some build up of shed hair on the cat chair, use a rubber glove to remove it!  Just a plain glove like for washing dishes will do the trick-just put it on your hand and wipe the fur away.  I don't know if it works on clothing, but for sure on furniture.

BTW, I completely understand what you're saying about identifying with your size.  I, too, was naturally skinny & underweight (and all the teasing that goes with it) until I was 21.  Then I had a super bad accident and have been gaining weight since I couldn't exercise like I did before the accident.  I slowly went from a size 4 to an 8 where I seem to be kinda stuck.  I had to take some prednisone and went from a 6 to an 8 overnight!  OMG!!  I cried and had to send my mom to the store to buy me some pants so I could got to a doctor's appointment.  I don't feel like this size is me-and I can't wear so many of what I consider my cute clothes.  Totally depressing.  Good luck!!

I hope you find out what's making your kitty sneeze.

Vitamin B6 in fairly large dose (50mg I think) is a natural diuretic.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 19th, 2007 at 8:11pm
Berkanna: My vet didn't recommend any testing, I'm not sure why.  They just offered to put him on medication.

Sakina: Thanks Sakina!  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 20th, 2007 at 11:49pm
Sakina:  Sorry my response was so short, I'd been going through a funk the past few days and didn't really know what to say.  I was glad that you could relate to what I was feeling, but at the same time of course, not happy at all to hear about your accident.  What happened?  Is that why you began yoga?

Exercise: When I first began working out I did loose a few pounds, but then I put on pounds and felt that I was fighting an uphill battle.  I realize now (well I'm almost 100% sure) that what's going on is that I'm gaining muscle which is making me heavier, but I'm not loosing enough fat to offset it.  So basically, I just need to do less strength training and do more cardio which I've already implemented yesterday.  Also, I gave up my low fat dip that I had been snacking on a lot lately.  Regardless of anything, I do need to learn not to let such things get me down.  I still have my health and all else important to me so, there you go!. :)

Hair: Doing really well.  I tried trimming it up a bit the other day.  I didn't take off much, I just wanted to even it a bit so the side where I lost hair (from alopecia) doesn't look so much shorter than the rest.  I trimmed off an inch, but that side is still about 2.5 inches shorter than the rest, I usually just tuck it behind my ear to get it to blend better.  I'll even it up gradually, I could't bear to do it all at once.  Anyhoo, I'm back at 25 inches long, it seems as though I'm never going to let it grow longer with all of my trimming but, we'll see.  I don't know if I'm going to continue reaching for my goal or if I will just let it hang around this length as I even it up.  So far, I've been doing the latter.

I'm still waiting on the cassia to arrive in the mail, I can't wait to try it.  The only thing is, I'm wondering if I should've purchased 2 bags instead of one.  I hope it's enough.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Mar 21st, 2007 at 1:25pm
Step out of that funk, girl, it's the first day of Spring!!! :D  *hugs*

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 21st, 2007 at 8:44pm

Trisha wrote on Mar 21st, 2007 at 1:25pm:
Step out of that funk, girl, it's the first day of Spring!!! :D  *hugs*

;D LOL!  I'm out of it, I swear! ;D  
I didn't know it was the first day of spring but it was beautiful out!  I sat on my balcony and went for a walk, I really enjoyed the day!  Thanks for the hugs! *hugs you back* :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 26th, 2007 at 8:23am
Okay, so today is the third day in a row that I've washed my hair.  My cassia arrived in the mail so I needed to wash and dry my hair before using it.  

Well, yesterday was the day I applied it to my hair and it was definitely an experience.  I mixed it with orange tea and was surprised at how much paste it made.  Initially, I didn't think that the one small packet would go very far.  So, after letting it sit 15 minutes,  I applied it to my hair in sections unil it was all over.  All over my hair, all over me, thank goodness I put paper down first because some had also splattered on my floor and my sink and counter top.  Needless to say, it was a mess!  Anyhoo, I put a plastic cap on and did a thorough cleanup job of my bathroom as I waited the instructed 30 min to an hour before rinsing.  I decided to go the full hour and then I rinsed.  I knew that it would take a while to get all of the paste out of my hair but everytime I got out of the shower I'd only realize that I still hadn't gotten it all.  This was the most difficult part.  When I do henna, I will have my husband help me rinse.  After about 4 rinses and a condition, I'd given up thinking that maybe I could comb the rest out after my hair dried.

As my hair air dried, I noticed it becomming hard even though I'd applied a leave in.  So that was my hair all day yesterday, too hard to get the rest of the cassia out because the hardness made it somwhat brittle.  The after effect of the cassia was similar to a protein treatment.

I couldn't take the hardness anymore so first thing this morning I did a shampoo.  Shampooing helped soften my hair and helped to get the rest of the green bits as well as the cassia smell (although, the smell wasn't bad, it smells like grass).  

Aside from the mess, doing the cassia was somewhat like a day at the spa but overall, I haven't noticed any benefit from it.  I won't be doing this again however, once I begin to notice grays I will try a mixture of henna and indigo to cover them up.  Hopefully, that process will be better. :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 27th, 2007 at 2:55pm
Today, I detangled my hair from my last wash.  I'd put it through so much lately that I didn't really feel up to detangling until now.  Anyway, I can definitley notice the effects of the cassia.  My hair looks shinier/healthier but it feels coated.  As of now, I'd say that I don't really care for the new texture of my hair but maybe I'll get used to it.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Mar 27th, 2007 at 4:39pm
That's a shame, to go through all of that process and not like the results.  Maybe it'll improve with time...?  (hopefully)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 28th, 2007 at 9:53am
Yeah, I'm hoping that will be the case.  I must admit that today my hair feels a little better than it did yesterday.  I think the "coated" feel will wear off after awhile.  I don't completely dislike it though, my hair does look healthier at least and it's not as dry as usual.  Since I did the casia I haven't had to apply leave in conditioner to my hair as much as I had to before.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 31st, 2007 at 12:57pm
The jury is still out on my cassia 'situation' :P  It conditions really well but it also gives my hair a stiffness that makes it hard to manage.  Lately, I've been thinking that the stiffness maybe what others may refer to as "body" so in that case, it wouldn't be a bad thing but my hair naturally has lots of body, so I think thats why the stiffness is coming into play.  

I feel that I will try cassia again, but at a time when I am in most need of body like after a relaxer.  

On another note, a few days ago did another trim.  I still would like to have long hair however, my need for even hair is superseding my desire for length at this time.  I waited to post about my trim in order to wait for any remorse to kick in but it hasn't.  Overall, my hair still isn't as blunt or as super even as I'd eventually like it to be, but it is 'more' even now and I like it much better.  At this time, I'm thinking that I will trim an inch perhaps once every 3 months until it gets even (my right side is the issue, it's a few inches shorter than the rest of my hair due to past hair loss) and then I will move forward with growing it out.  At this rate, I'm thinking I will put off actually reaching my hair growth goal until next year and I'm fine with that. At least now (unless God forbid my alopecia decides to act up) I know when I reach my goal it will be all even (which looks much healthier) and in great condition. :)

I didn't measure my hair and won't do so until May 1st,  but right now I'm satisfied regardless of the number of inches that I have.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 2nd, 2007 at 6:15pm
I applied hair polish to my hair and surprisingly, it made a world of difference!  I'm really liking it, it's way more managable now.  I decided to do spirals using steam rollers, here are the results! :D  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Apr 3rd, 2007 at 10:37am
Wow your hair looks gorgeous! ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 3rd, 2007 at 11:37am
Thanks Lisabelle!  It looked great yesterday but unfortunately, I can't say the same for the way it looks now.

I took a walk to the store today and although it's very windy out, I decided not to put my hair up.  Big mistake, my hair was everywhere!  I had bags in both hands so the best I could do was try blowing my hair out of my face or flipping it, but neither worked, I couldn't see and I felt like cousin it! [smiley=angry.gif]  By the time I got home, all of my curls were gone and my hair was all a big poof.  Oh well, I've learned my lesson.  When going out on windy days, I must contain my hair. ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 5th, 2007 at 6:53pm
he emailed me back saying that he liked my hair!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Apr 5th, 2007 at 9:16pm
I have a similar issue with spending.  I think I do it because I get bored.

Check your phone book for women's shelters to donate your clothing to.  There's got to be at least one of those in your town.

Good luck.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 6th, 2007 at 4:54am
Other than my love of new things I really don't know what drives my need to shop, however, I know that it's deeper than me being bored. I feel it's something that I seriously need to think about though or else I'll never completely combat it.  

I would've never thought of donating to a homless shelter.  Thanks for the suggestion Sakina.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 6th, 2007 at 5:28am
I just did a wash and plaited my damp hair to dry.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 7th, 2007 at 2:16am
HAIR:I bought some medium sized plastic spring clips for my hair went to the store the other day.  This afternoon I put in some more spirals with my steam rollers and did a half up half down style using one of my new clips.  I like the clip in my hair but something that I noticed even more is how I no longer get breakage like I used to.  Months ago when I'd style my hair, I'd end up with a few tiny pieces of hair on my floor and counter that I'd have to clean up when I was done.  I hadn't realized that, that is no longer the case.  I'm 100% convinced that it's because I moisturize my hair everyday with leave in conditioner.  I began doing this over the winter because it was so dry in here and oil was no longer helping me.  Although it's warmer out (well sometimes, the weather here has been fluctuating a lot latey) I still applied the conditioner everyday and my hair is so much softer and less brittle for it.  

I recieved another free sample of Sunsilk products in the mail today.  They have a conditioning cream that also can be used on dry hair.  I haven't tried it yet, but I can't wait to see if I get the same results as I do with the Giovanni leave in.  I'm also going to try Nuetrogenas Moisture Touch Silk leave in to see which I like better overall.

HOME LIFE: I got so much done today.  I'm really starting to enjoy this being alone thing, I get so much accomplished when I'm alone.  Today, I tackled my bathroom closet.  I organized all of my products so that the shelves didn't look so cluttered.  One thing that I realized is that before going to the store for toiletries, I need to check that closet first.  I found brand new make up and lip glosses that I'd forgotten I'd purchased.  And I still have a habit of buying shower gel without checking the closet to see if I have any in there. :P  I have the same issue with my clothes closet.  Just a few days ago I was relentlessly searching online because I wanted a black frilly top only to later look in my closet and find that I already owned a black frilly top. ::)

I even made some cool discoveries when I was cleaning my jewelry chest that I'd gotten for Christmas in the 8th grade.  I hadn't opened that thing in years and just did so today to clean it up a bit.  I windexed the glass, cleaned the felt and shined it up with some Pledge, now it almost looks new.  Anyway, I found very nice necklaces that I hadn't seen in years.  I took them out and put them on my other jewlery rack so that I can remember that they're there and maybe get some wear out of them.  I even found a necklace that my dad gave to my mother when they were married.  It's so beautiful, I don't know what it's made of they're beads of some sort.  It could be ceramic, I'm not sure.  It's very old (my parents divorced when I was 4 or 5) but it still looks amazing, I can't wait to wear it!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 7th, 2007 at 5:49am
A few weeks ago, I heard a dancer say

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 8th, 2007 at 2:57pm
Happy Easter! -)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 9th, 2007 at 5:07am
I finally finished making the headband that I started weeks ago.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 9th, 2007 at 5:08am
[color=#000000]I decided that I'm going to apply a medium brown henna next month.  I figure that it will either make my hair more uniform in color, turning it a richer shade of brown or it won't color at all and just give it a shine.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Apr 9th, 2007 at 10:40am
Congrats on figuring out your passion!  --What about offering your services as a Personal Shopper in person instead of virtually?  You could advertise in the local newspapers or something.  Just thinking out loud...

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 9th, 2007 at 4:40pm
Yeah, perhaps you're right.  Currently, I was only looking to put what I already do to use (shopping from home).  Maybe in the future, I'll get out there among the living again and attempt to move forward with the idea.  Since moving to Kansas almost 2 years ago, I've pretty much been a recluse and really don't have the desire to go "out there" yet. :-/   Although, I might get lucky if I did though.  Prior to moving here, I had no idea how big shopping and entertainment was in this area.  When my husband and I do go out during the day, it's suprising how many women I see "lunching" and shopping.  

I'm trying to drastically cut down on my sugar intake and today my husband goes out and buys me a big box of white chocolate macadamia nut cookies. >:(  Maybe he did it as payback for the way I treated him yesterday, but it really made me upset.  I'd been good for so long that I couldn't resist and ate about 8 cookies!:o  Absolutely disgusted with myself, I was going to just toss the rest but he convinced me not to stating that he would eat them.  That's an old trick that he uses knowing that if they're here I may get tempted to eat them.  So, I decided to put my unwashed hands in the box and touch every single cookie. [smiley=evil.gif]  Thats my new trick! ;)  I told him what I did, and that if he wants to eat them (he's not a germophobe like me) thats fine by me, but now he knows that I'm serious about NOT eating them. [smiley=vrolijk_1.gif]

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Apr 10th, 2007 at 2:44pm

So, I decided to put my unwashed hands in the box and touch every single cookie.

How ornery of you!!  (i love it!)  ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 10th, 2007 at 4:23pm
LOL!  He actually finished the rest of the cookies all by himself last night! 8-)

I on the other hand got on my elliptical and did yoga.  Treating your body right feels so much better than sitting on the couch gorging on cookies!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by berkanna on Apr 11th, 2007 at 10:22am

wrote on Apr 10th, 2007 at 4:23pm:
I on the other hand got on my elliptical and did yoga.  Treating your body right feels so much better than sitting on the couch gorging on cookies!

True!  Although, I admit I feel good WHILE I'm sitting on the couch eating cookies (or strawberry shortcake in my case last night).  It's only AFTERWARDS that I feel bad.   ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 11th, 2007 at 3:00pm
LOL!!!  I actually had the same thought as I typed that. :D  
It does feel good while you're eating junk food, it's the guilt that you feel afterwards that doesn't feel so good.  

And when you exercise it's so grueling, but when you're finished is when the good feelings kick in. ::)

I saw a health club commercial not too long ago, and their slogan was "No one ever says I wish I didn't work out today."  And that's so true!  I often think about that when I don't feel like working out.  That motivates me because I know I'll feel so much better after.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 13th, 2007 at 7:44pm
I just did all of my shopping in preparation for my relaxer at the end of the month.  I love Sally!  I love how you can go in there, collect a cart full of items and pay less than 20 bucks!  I feel the same about drugstores too, they are my dream![smiley=laugh.gif]  My Sally card expires at the end of the month so instead of renewing right away, I'd like to save my 5 bucks and go in again and really stock up.  I'd have to think of what I need, and make sure it all doesn't come out to too much.

I finally tried my Sunsilk conditioning creme sample.  I tried it to moisturize my dry hair but I didn't like it, it doesn't help with the stiffness from the cassia like my other stuff does.  

Today, I was informed that my dress (above) won't be processed because it was recalled by the manufacturer. :o  I wanted to ask if they could send me one anyway because I'd already bought shoes to match, but knew I'd be wasting my breath so I didn't even bother.  Now, I have to figure out what to wear with the shoes, it's going to be difficult to find something else to match with them so well.:'(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Apr 14th, 2007 at 10:40am
I wish I had Sally's up here in Canada.  It sounds like a really neat store!  I really like the shoes you bought, sorry about the dress but when you get the shoes maybe you can take them to a dressmaker and have a dress made to match?    I use to work with a lady in the states who would relax her hair and it looked lovely. Her hair was BSL and it never looked dry or brittle.  I loved when she did updo's!  She said her secert was never to braid her hair tightly or use heavy sheen products.  I have a guy friend who had really curly blonde hair, he remined me of Alexander the Great!  LOL!  His mother would relax his hair when his was a teen.   When I worked at Shopper I would advise a perm (relaxer) that was all natural, can't remember the name!  I had a lady who had such fraigle hair but still wanted a perm so I gave her that brand, Bolanitcals I think?  It worked very nicely.  Sorry I'm ramlbing!  :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 14th, 2007 at 3:32pm
Hi Lisabelle, your post was fine, not rambling. ;)  I think the trick to healthy relaxed hair is making sure that you moisturize well to keep brittleness away, to not use heat on the hair and do up do's whenever possible.

I wonder why your friends mother relaxed his hair?  I did a hair show for a salon once, and they decided to relax the hair of a friend of mine who is white.  She didn't mind, but I thought it was such a horrible idea.  I know that there are some nonblacks with really tight curls who get them,  but I feel that unless your hair is too kinky to manage, that you should stay away from them.  The chemicals are so harsh that even though you can prevent most breakage, it is impossible not to have any at all, so you must be extra careful with relaxed hair.  

I've heard of Botanicals.  I never used it, but there is no relaxer that is completely natural.  They may have included a few natural ingredients, but they all contain chemicals that brake down the hair in order to straighten it.  Seeing that there is no way to completely avoid the chemicals if you relax, another trick is not to relax often.  Some people relax every 4 to 6 weeks.  Althought, no one should ever relax every 4 weeks because it's way too soon and they'll most likely overlap the chemicals and overprocess their hair.  Every six weeks is the absolute soonest to re relax if you want to do it often.  I relax no sooner than every 3 months although some people only relax once or twice a year.  The longer you can go the better. :)  

Too bad you all don't have a Sally.  Is there a store in Canada that's similar?  

I was on the Fredericks site where that dress is sold and for some reason it doesn't look like they recalled it in size 12.  I was thinking that maybe I could buy a 12 and then have it sized for me.  I'm not sure if I'll do it though because I don't even know if my seamstress can do it.  Most likely I'll just continue to look around for something else.  So, far I'm not having any luck but I didn't need it for anything special so I can take my time. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Apr 16th, 2007 at 10:44am
The reason he told me was that he hated curly hair.  Mind you his hair was so dry and ruff I could not get a comb through it.  His hair is still very dry, he shaved his head a while back then let it grow back.  I don't know if there anything like Sallys up here :'(  Canada is still very much like the boon docks. :-?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 20th, 2007 at 4:53am
When my husband saw that yet another pair of shoes arrive in the mail for me the other day,  he told me that we'd better be going out somewhere and real soon.  Well, tonight he finally got his wish, we went out.  

Yesterday, I got an email from our local comedy club, they were giving away free tickets to this evenings performance.  I called to reserve our tickets but had to get completley dressed in 45 minutes which for me can be tough.  Although I went over my time taking a whole hour to get ready and had my husband calling the time out to me every 15 minutes (which I hate), we made it there on time and had a lot of fun.

The headliner was Chris Rock's brother Tony Rock, who in my opinion was funnier than Chris (who I'm a huge fan of).  I was laughing so hard that my stomach hurt and I had tears rolling down my face, so yeah, I guess that makes it a good night. Afterwards, we went dancing and out for tacos.  So now, I'm a bit dehydrated and hung over but it was worth it to see my husband happy, we really enjoyed ourselves.  

Hair:  Recouperating.  I didn't have time to steam curl so, I used a curling iron instead and of course, after a night out it smells like smoke.  Later, I'm going to deep condition in an attempt to make this all up to my hair. :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by berkanna on Apr 20th, 2007 at 11:44am
Sounds like a fun night!


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Apr 20th, 2007 at 11:59am
I know your shoes appreciated some fun time!   ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 20th, 2007 at 7:31pm
Yeah, I always try to show my shoes a good time! ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Apr 26th, 2007 at 2:49pm
Is everything all right with you, my dear?  I haven't seen a new entry in your journal in, what?  6 days...I'm starting to get concerned.   :(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 26th, 2007 at 5:02pm
Trisha please don't be concerned, I'm alive and well. ;)  I'd been lurking here and there but have been doing other stuff.  

I'd been trying to get a doctors appointment for my knee and was finally able to get one scheduled for tomorrow.  It's still giving me problems, hopefully they can help me out.  

I also went out in the freezing cold today and took some pics in my bellydance gear.  I'll most likely post some soon.

Thanks for checking on me, you're so sweet! (((hugs))) :)  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Apr 26th, 2007 at 8:17pm
Oooh!  I would love to see the pic's!  I'm not brave enongh to photograph myself yet :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 27th, 2007 at 6:02am
I couldn't sleep so well last night,

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Apr 27th, 2007 at 7:46am

Absolutely gorgeous!  Thank you for sharing.  I love your outfits and your hair looks fantastic.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 27th, 2007 at 8:00am
Wow, thanks bikerbraid! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 27th, 2007 at 10:14am
Oh well, so much for my doctors appointment.  My ppo gave me the wrong address which had us on a wild goose chase.  It's my fault though, they gave me the wrong phone number so I should've known to verify the address.  I had to reschedule for Monday, at least it's not too far away.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by berkanna on Apr 27th, 2007 at 10:17am
First - HOLY CATS!!!!   :o  Those pictures are absolutely BEAUTIFUL!  I really like the very first pic, with you reaching towards the camera.  That's a lovely pose.

Second - Look on the bright (?) side of missing today's appointment.  Maybe Monday your knee will hurt again!   ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Apr 27th, 2007 at 10:54am
WOW!!  Your such a pretty thing!! :)  I love the purple costume!  You hair looks lovely!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 27th, 2007 at 11:31am
Thanks ladies! :)

berkanna wrote on Apr 27th, 2007 at 10:17am:
Second - Look on the bright (?) side of missing today's appointment.  Maybe Monday your knee will hurt again!   ;)

LOL!  I was thinking the same thing! ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Apr 27th, 2007 at 12:28pm
[smiley=thumbsup.gif]  glad you're okay  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 27th, 2007 at 1:27pm
Thanks, didn't mean to worry ya! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Kiraela on Apr 27th, 2007 at 11:54pm
A) I love those outfits!
B) you have beautiful hair
C) you match your hair for beauty
D) those are lovely photos! Where did you get that purple veil?
And I'm.. sorry your knee didn't hurt? Also sorry you got the wrong number and address for your appointment.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 28th, 2007 at 5:49am
Thanks Kiraela, your post is so sweet!  

I got the purple veil on eBay but it was a long time ago so I don't remember which seller I purchased it from, the veil and skirt were sold as a set.

Yes, my left knee has been giving me problems off and on for weeks or maybe months at this point.   I finally made a doctors appointment to see whats going on with it because it's really beginning to effect my workouts.

Thanks again for your kind words! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by juri on Apr 28th, 2007 at 10:56pm
WOW, you look gorgeous!! I agree with Berkanna, the first picture is great!  ;D

I really hope you get your knee problems solved. I know what it's like to have a troublesome knee. Back when I used to have four ballet classes a week, I couldn't sit still for fifteen minutes without one of my knees starting to ache. I hope it's not like that for you.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlygirl22 on Apr 29th, 2007 at 9:42am
Beautiful pics thanks for sharing!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 29th, 2007 at 7:35pm
Thank you juri and Curlygirl22! I guess the pics weren't as bad as I thought they were.  

Juri: My knee pain has been pretty constant lately wether I'm moving or not.  Fortunately, the pain is tolerable but it is still pain nonetheless so I'm really hoping my doctors visit tomorrow will help.

Hair: This morning, I clarified in an attempt to remove the coated feeling caused by the cassia but it didn't work.  I guess I'll just have to wait for it to disappear in it's own time. :(

Other: My husband and I went to the mall yesterday and after walking a while, my lower back began to hurt so badly I thought I was going to die.  I really feel as though I'm completely falling apart.  I ordered an inversion table on Friday and I hope that it helps me with all of the issues that I've been having lately.  I also ordered the Hoopnotic dvd so when my knee acts up I can maybe burn calories by using the hula hoop.  But now that I think about it, I don't know if that will work because I'll still have to use my knees.  

Last night, I suggested that we go to another comedy show and it was really bad.  We stayed for about 10 minutes into the act and then left opting to go dancing.  I only had a few glasses of wine but the alcohol really hit me hard.  My husband didn't mind it though, he told me this morning that I'm funny when I'm drunk.::)  I've been recovering from a hang over all morning but as long as he was amused, right?:P  It's so funny, when I was younger I never used to get hangovers now all it takes is a few glasses of wine, go figure.:-?  

As I'm typing all this I feel like Debbie downer, but I'm actually in a very good mood.:D

Also, I read bikerbraids tip about protecting hair from the sun.  The sun lightening my hair has always been an issue for me. My problem is I like wearing my hair out in the summer.  I think perhaps I'll look for products with sunscreen or something. The last thing I need is to make my hair anymore drier than it is if I can help it.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Apr 29th, 2007 at 11:02pm
I hope your knee is feeling better.  Sorry I didn't say this before, I am such a knunkle head! :P  Thinking of Hoopnotic, I was at my in-laws today and my neice has some hula hoops and I gave it a go!  I was shocked that I could still do it!  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 1st, 2007 at 11:34pm
Thanks Lisabelle but you didn't have to worry about it, it's no biggie.:)

That's impressive that you can still hula hoop.  I tried it a few years ago myself and totally sucked.  I guess I'm going to have to learn all over again but when I do I'll be able to do some pretty cool tricks! :D

I was excited because I got my inversion table today.  I found one on Amazon.com for a very reasonable price and what I most liked about it was that the part you lay on is cushioned.  I was glad my husband was gone when it arrived because I was able to put it together myself.  I love working with tools and putting things together, I always have since I was a kid and my mom made me put together my own Barbie McDonalds when I was 9.  I felt so proud of myself and I still feel a sense of accomplishment when I put things together.  My only dilemma was that in the end  I had an extra screw.  Eventually, I put it in although it didn't seem necessary but, I figured better safe than sorry.

I told my husband to begin slow and only go back a bit of the way until he's used to it but does he listen NO!  He goes all the way back feels light headed and then instead of coming back up slowly as I suggested he comes up just as fast as he went over.  Needless to say he needed to lay down for a bit afterwards.  I however, loved the inversion table.  I placed it in front of my window so that when I'm upside down I can view the woods, I found it very relaxing.  I think in the future I'm going to use this to meditate on in addition to my zabuton.

Now I'm off to change my ticker, right now it's waaay off.:D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by juri on May 3rd, 2007 at 12:29am

wrote on Apr 29th, 2007 at 7:35pm:
Juri: My knee pain has been pretty constant lately wether I'm moving or not.  Fortunately, the pain is tolerable but it is still pain nonetheless so I'm really hoping my doctors visit tomorrow will help.

Oh dear, I'm sorry to hear that it's a constant pain. I hope your doctor's visit helped some.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 4th, 2007 at 12:32pm

Hair I haven't been doing too much with my hair lately, just letting it grow. I've been wondering if inverting can help with that?:-?  Yesterday, I did whip up a mixture of mostly water and a bit of coconut oil.  My hair was feeling a bit dry and the spritz really seemed to do the trick, it felt really soft and adequately hydrated for the rest of the day.[/color]

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 4th, 2007 at 2:11pm
Well, I've changed my ticker, and from now on I'm only focusing on my short term goals.  I feel that this way, I won't feel so far away from my hair goal that it seems unatainable or simply like some random number that really doesn't mean anything.  

My first goal is to get back to BSL which I only need 2 inches to do.  Then, I'll be gunning for mid back, and then waist length.  I'm still looking to ulimately get to around 30" give or take a few.  I'm not sure how many inches exactly I'll need to be where I want, but it's somewhere between 28 and 33 inches.  In the meantime, I've sworn off trims vowing only to dust (I know I've said that before, but this time I REALLY mean it).[smiley=engel017.gif] ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by berkanna on May 7th, 2007 at 10:27am
I think focusing on short-term goals is the better way to go about acheiving things.  That way you won't get discouraged when it's taking SO LONG to reach a goal.

If that makes sense.   :-?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 8th, 2007 at 1:52pm
That's it exactly, Berkanna! ;)

Hair:  I've been thinking about how my hair is probably just as short this year as it was last year and had been feeling a bit sad about it but I realize there ARE pluses.

First of all, last year my hair was much shorter on the sides but now the sides are closer to the same length as the back which gives my hair a more thick and healthy appearance.  And my bang is longer as well.

Secondly, in the past year I've learned how to maintain healthy hair.  I learned about moisturizing, I haven't been using heat (except for steam occasionally) and I've been manipulating much less to cut down on causing damage, which has definitely helped.

I also feel that if I hadn't cut my hair over the past year, that it wouldn't look as healthy as it does now. I had to eliminate the damage that I had caused from abusing my hair in the past.

With all of that said, I feel much better about the choices that I've made over the past year and I now feel that it's now truly ready to grow. :D

Acne (Yikes!):  I've had several breakouts on my chin over the past week and the cause is definitely a mystery, but I've really made things worse in my attempt to treat it.  I'd been putting loads of Retin A on my chin and have had lots of pain, peeling and redness as a result.  The only relief I found was through icing my chin, which numbed the pain.  It's finally feeling and looking a little better and I've cut out the Retin A, now letting it take it's time to heal.  I suppose patience is the key to everything. ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on May 8th, 2007 at 10:53pm
Oh be careful with Retin A :o  I hope your chin clears up soon.   I use to get bad chin acne when a took a certain medication.  What worked for me was to change my daley skin cream to Vichy Normaderm.  Happly I don't that those pills anymore! :-[ :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 9th, 2007 at 4:49pm
Thanks Lisabelle!  I looked up Vichy Normaderm online and it looks like pretty good stuff.  I'm gonna stick with Retin A (because I still have a ton of it left) but after my painful lesson, I'll definitely be careful not to over do it.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 15th, 2007 at 3:22am
I just woke up from a nap about 2 hours ago and have neck stiffness which is freaking me out.  My husband and I were rear ended earlier today (well, technically yesterday) and now I'm thinking my stiffness may be a result of the accident.  It wasn't a bad accident which is why I'm conflicted and think that perhaps I must have just slept weird or something. :-/  

On another note, I've been having really good hair days lately.  At night I've been doing CO's and then pin curling my damp hair.  In the morning I unwind the curls and get really nice waves, it's been so great! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Kiraela on May 15th, 2007 at 12:35pm
I hope the neck stiffness was nothing serious! Even minor accidents can cause whiplash and other problems, though. If it doesn't go away I would definately see a doc. about it.  
And I'm glad you've been having good hair days! Somebody needs to. ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 15th, 2007 at 6:20pm
Thanks, Kiraela. Fortunately, the stiffness was nothing serious and did go away.  I'm so happy for my good hair days, we should all have them! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on May 15th, 2007 at 10:11pm

Kiraela wrote on May 15th, 2007 at 12:35pm:
I hope the neck stiffness was nothing serious! Even minor accidents can cause whiplash and other problems, though. If it doesn't go away I would definately see a doc. about it.  
And I'm glad you've been having good hair days! Somebody needs to. ;)

I second that! I am happy your better :-*

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 15th, 2007 at 10:51pm
Thanks Lisabelle! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 25th, 2007 at 8:43am
I'm finally satisfied with the evenness of my hair (well almost) but now that its pretty even and short, I'm really getting impatient for it to grow.  My hair has been growing faster lately though, last month it grew a whole inch, it's never done that before (or at least not since I began measuring last year).  I can't wait to see what it does next month.  

I've been doing CO's several times a week since it's gotten warmer out and it seems to be good for my hair.  Only now I'm looking for a new shower filter, one that removes monocholramine as the one that I have does not.  I now realize that, that may be the reason that my hair is still oxidizing. :-/

I'm still getting acne on my chin and I'm really sick of it.  It's definitely time for me to invest in a Zeno zit zapper.  Hopefully, it will work (all of the reviews that I've read have been positive) then I'll never have to worry about acne flare up's again.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on May 25th, 2007 at 12:32pm

Zeno zit zapper

I am NOT making fun of you, but when I read "Zeno zit zapper", the only thing I can imagine is a ray gun!!   ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 25th, 2007 at 1:03pm
LOL!!!  It's not like a ray gun although that would be funny. ;D  I can imagine myself handing the zeno zit zapper ray gun to my husband... " Here, shoot me in the face with this" ;D  I guess zit zapper does sound weird though, it's actually called an "acne clearing device" ::).  

It's pretty cute, kinda looks like a cell phone, see...

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on May 30th, 2007 at 11:24am
It does look like a cell phone!   ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on May 30th, 2007 at 11:36am
I would love to hear if this thing works. My poor hubby has acne all the time and he's 43! :'(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 30th, 2007 at 11:43am
I know, they also come in pink.  

I was finally able to order mine today and honestly cannot wait for it to get here.  My skin is so broken out now that I've actually resorted to popping my zits.  I know, it's gross but I can't take it anymore.  I'm wondering if it's because the weather is changing.  My skin is so oily lately it's taking my focus away from my hair.

Lisabelle:  I read that they have a very high success rate killing 90% of the bacterias that cause acne.  I'll let you know if it really works once I try it out.  I would've thought that it was odd to have acne at 43, but I didn't start getting acne until I was 28 and it comes and goes. It's very unpredictable.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 30th, 2007 at 5:46pm
Well, I did my monthly wash today.  I only use shampoos once a month but do CO's in the interim.  Anyway, after my wash I decided to go in the back and hula hoop but as soon as I did it began to rain heavy but I decided what the heck and hooped anyway.  My hair was still wet so I figured the rain wouldn't hurt, it was so much fun but it's nice to be dry and warm again. :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by joeydog 1992 on May 30th, 2007 at 6:09pm
It sounds like you had a great time today!!!  What a fun thing to do.  I wouldn't be able to do it.  I bet it is great for the waist though!!

You caught my curiosity with the only pooing once a month.  Do you do vinegar rinses regularily during the month to prevent CO build up and stop your hair from getting greasy?  I can't imagine pooing only once a month.  I wish I could!!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 30th, 2007 at 7:01pm
I had a great time today, all topped off with a glass of wine. :D

No, I don't do vinegar rinses.  My hair is kinky so it's very dry, greasyness is not an issue for me.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by joeydog 1992 on May 30th, 2007 at 7:21pm
yum, glass of wine.  Have one for me.  I am on a diet so it isn't part of my life plan right now!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 30th, 2007 at 7:28pm
I guess I already did that, I'm on my second glass. :D  LOL!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by joeydog 1992 on May 30th, 2007 at 7:30pm
Oh so jealous.   :'(  Enjoy!!!!! ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 30th, 2007 at 7:49pm
Awww... don't be jealous.  Wine is good for you, have a glass! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by joeydog 1992 on May 30th, 2007 at 7:53pm
I probably will on Friday when I visit my folks.  I can't forsake myself of things I love all the time or the diet will never work.  In the meantime, I don't have any in the house right now so I can't since the store is closed now.  LOL, otherwise, you might have talked me into it.  You know, twisted my rubber arm.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on May 31st, 2007 at 10:31am
A natural approach for getting rid of zits is to dab the affected area with tea tree oil.  --That's if you can tolerate the smell; tea tree oil has quite a strong aroma.  My daughter had some success with this method.   :)  Just a suggestion...

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by joeydog 1992 on May 31st, 2007 at 2:38pm
Ok, so much for Friday for the wine.  Today is a day to celebrate, but to avoid being repetative (sp?), since I am doing to post why in my journal, you will have to go there to see why!!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 31st, 2007 at 2:57pm
Thanks for the suggestion Trisha, I'll definitely give it a try.

Okay off to joeydog's journal :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 31st, 2007 at 3:45pm
I'd been so busy thinking about other things that I forgot to note that I straightened my hair today.  I hadn't straightened it in so long I figured what the heck.  I doubt that one day of being bad will cause any permanent damage.  I made sure to use a thermal heat protector and I straightened with a steam curling iron.  Once straight, I applied hair serum and steam curled the ends using the large rollers.  It's now so full, bouncy and soft.  It reminds me of Rebecca's hair from Cheers, I always loved how much body she had. I was so happy with my hair that I had my husband take me out to lunch for loaded nachos, yum!:D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by berkanna on Jun 1st, 2007 at 10:47am

wrote on May 31st, 2007 at 3:45pm:
I was so happy with my hair that I had my husband take me out to lunch for loaded nachos, yum!:D

Now THAT'S a celebration!   ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 1st, 2007 at 12:02pm
Yep, it was!  And for dinner it was KC Masterpiece!  Quite a decadent day! :)

Hair:  Just realized that my hair probably isn't growing as fast as I thought it was.  It just appears that way because I straightened it yesterday which of course would add extra length.  So although my hair may not be growing quite like a weed, the discovery of extra length was a pleasant surprise!  Since I'd been cutting off so much lately, I didn't expect to reach 23.5" until Aug.

I'm going to continue dusting regularly (it just makes my hair look so much neater) and letting it grow!

Other: My husband decided yesterday that he wants to move to Atlanta asap so I've been given the task of looking for a new rental.  After my horrible experience with my neighbors below, I no longer want to live in an apartment.  Hopefully, I can find a nice house with a big yard for rent.  Wish me luck! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by joeydog 1992 on Jun 1st, 2007 at 12:37pm
The pics of your cats are great!!!  As for getting along, as someone said, they will figure out there pecking order...although they may never truly be chums.  It will all work out ok.  I have 3 cats.  2 of them I call 'the twins' although they are not related and one is black and one is white.  The thing is, they are always together and grooming each other and getting into mischief together, even though they are now 14!!!  My third, 'yoda' has taken 7 years to get into hanging around with them, even though I brought him home and bottle fed him when he was just 4 days old.  His ears and eyes were not even open yet.  I used to be a vet and someone brought him in to be euthanized.  I convinced them to sign him over to me.  He got his name because of the way he wiggled his ears when he sucked on the baby bottle!!

I am soooo sorry to hear you have alopecia.  That sucks.  I really hope this new doc and treatment get good results for you.  I am, at least, happy you have thick enough hair to cover it.  I wish you the best of luck!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 1st, 2007 at 2:12pm
Joeydog:  I think it's cool that you used to be a vet, is that what you're going to go back to doing?  As a kid and a teen, I was always told that I should be a vet because I love animals so much.   I knew that being a vet was not in my future because I could never get used to seeing so many sick animals, it would break my heart. :'(

My cat's thankfully, now co exist peacefully, well most of the time. ::)  My one cat still wants absolutely nothing to do with our newest member, even though it's been a year since his arrival.  

Your Yoda sounds too cute! :)

Fortunately, I haven't had any hair loss since January.  I had two bald patches but now they are filled with thick hair about 2.5" long.  Hopefully, my hair will never fall out ever again, which is possible.  Alopecia is very unpredictable so I'll never know if this is the end, or if it'll come back a month or a few years from now.  But for now I'm happy that it's growing! :D  Thanks for your well wishes!

Other:  My husband is taking things apart and beginning to pack.  Yikes! :o  We haven't even found a place yet, or looked for any places for that matter!  Ugh, he's driving me nuts!  He's hinting that I should begin packing my stuff to but I'm not going to put my stuff in boxes just yet, I can't live here for another month with all of my belongings in boxes.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jun 1st, 2007 at 2:30pm
Whoa, moving to Atlanta!  --Did you expect this?  For your sanity, I hope you find a place SOON!   ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 1st, 2007 at 2:48pm
No I didn't expect it at all.  My husband and I had decided that we were going to renew our lease.  Our rent office gave us our lease renewal form yesterday and thats when he changed his mind, completley out of the blue. ::)

I hope we find a place soon or yeah, I will lose my mind!:o  My job is to "stop playing on the internet" and look for houses to rent, so off I go... :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by joeydog 1992 on Jun 1st, 2007 at 5:41pm
Hey there, good news about your hair and the cats!!

No, I no longer practice as a vet.  I needed to work the emergency type work with animals.  Spay, neuter, spay, neuter bored me to death.  As I said to someone last night, imagine going from working in the ER (think of the show ER) to being a family doctor!!  Not for me.  Unfortunately, doing emergency work with animals is much like with humans in that you must do shift work and long hours.  My health could not take it.  I miss that kind of work but now I am a toxicologist, which I really do enjoy...although I miss the animals.  Maybe it was my fate to become a toxicologist. My Dad was one of the best toxicologists in the world in his time and I spent my life saying I would never be one.  

When I decided I had to leave the vet work, I decided I needed to work for the gov't so I applied for EVERYTHING.  I needed the benefits since my meds cost me $1000/month and I needed job security in case I ended up of work for an extended period of time like I have now.  I wrote exams and went to interviews and one day got the call I was wanted for a job...as a toxicologist.  I had to laugh.  Dad was thrilled of course to see one of the family continue the legacy so to speak.  Turns out I really like it and happen to be fairly good at it.  I am not my Dad or anything...but he had 30 years of experience.

I hope you have good luck house hunting...but don't abandon us completely!!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 2nd, 2007 at 1:05am
joeydog: Wow, it's funny the way things work out sometime.  I'm glad that you enjoy your job, your one of the lucky ones!  So what exactly does a toxoclolist do?  I'm thinking that it has to do with finding out the toxicology levels in the deceased.  

Other: I've finally prined out house after house today.  I have to admit that as I was looking at these houses that are larger than what we have now, that have no neighbors too close by, with lots of land and trees surrounding them, I began to get excited.  Now, I can't wait to move.  I can't wait to be able to have a garden and I also want to turn my back yard into a quiet oasis where I can bellydance, hula hoop and use to meditate sometimes.  I was even looking at swing sets, I've always wanted a swing  because I love swinging.  I was also looking at pond kits because I would love to do something like create a pond and waterfall but since the property will be  rented I'm wondering how much leeway we'll have when it comes to modifications of the property.

We're going to continue making calls tomorrow to set up appointments hopefully, for this coming week, I can't wait!

I'm off to bed now... good night!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 2nd, 2007 at 1:29am
Oops... before I go to bed, I wanted to note that I've made a radical decision to keep my hair @23.5" through September.  My right side is still causing me so much frustration because it's still so much shorter than the rest of my hair.  It seems as though no matter how much a trim the back to correct this, the side still never catches up.  I don't know if it isn't growing as fast as the rest,or if it just seems that way due to possible breakage.  So, I've decided to keep my the right shorter side in a braid for the summer ala Vikki Vale, just to keep it contained so theres no chance of breakage.  Hopefully in October, my right side will have caught up to the rest and by that time and I can commense growing with completley straight and blunt hair.  

This is my plan but it's so frustrating.  If it werent for my alopecia I wouldn't have any issues about this.  But I have to look on the bright side and be happy about the fact that is is growing even if it seems really slooooow. :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by joeydog 1992 on Jun 2nd, 2007 at 9:23am
Well, a toxicologist, in its simplest terms, is someone who studies poisons.  There are many types of toxicologists.  Forensic toxicologists (like my cousin) do figure out things on the deceased.  I on the other had, work with new products that come out.  That is to say, if a new drug is on trial, it undergoes many studies to determine what health problems might occur when using said product.  My job is to go through the data and determine at what levels a substance might cause harm to humans and then 'regulate' what levels a substance can be used without causing harm to humans.

I will discuss it more under my journal if you are interested.

I am glad you are excited about looking for houses, and I hope you find just what you want.  Good luck and keep us up to date.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 2nd, 2007 at 10:42am
Toxicology sounds very interesting!  

I found some places that seem really cool on paper, hopefully, it will be what I want. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Kiraela on Jun 2nd, 2007 at 4:46pm
Good luck house hunting, La Diosa!  I'm rapidly learning about the perils of residence searching.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 3rd, 2007 at 12:40pm
Thanks Kiraela!  I hope I don't run into any of those perils, I just really want to get this over with. :-/ I think we may be going to Atlanta later this week to look around in person.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 6th, 2007 at 6:54pm
I'm not quite sure what is going on at this point.  My husband went out of town for business on Monday so, I'm not sure when we're going to see the houses in person.  Also, he just got the news that the account that he's working on may be going away so that puts things up in the air as well. *sigh*  Either he will be put on a new account or he will "go on the bench" as they call it until another account emerges.  I guess it's a good thing though because he currently doesn't like the account that he's on, but if he goes on the bench I think I'd rather move to Los Angeles.:-/

It's been a year today since I learned of my moms death and I'm doing much better than I thought I'd be.  I no longer cry anymore and it's much easier to remember the good times.  I do miss her though.  My niece is going to have a baby in a few months making my sister a grandmother at the age of 34 years old. ;D  I know that my mother would have a really good time teasing my sister about it.

My Zeno finally arrived today and I can't wait til tomorrow to see if I have any improvements.  Over the past weekend my husband and I went to dinner.  As we were leaving, an older gentleman stopped my husband and whispered something to him.  Then my husband motioned for me to come over because the man wanted to meet me.  He said he just wanted to say hi and that I was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.  It was flattering but it also made me very insecure that after seeing my face (my zits) close up, that he'd think the complete opposite.  My latest bout with acne has been an annoyance but until then, I didn't realize that it was taking a toll on my self confidence.  Oh well, it doesn't change who I am inside and I'm really liking my hair!.:P :)

On a good note, my elliptical is finally repaired.  It squeaked eversince it was put together by the installation company.  They suggested that perhaps with use, the squeaking would go away.  Well, not only did it not go away but it had gotten increasingly worse with use and handle bar began to loosen dramatically.  After looking at the machine, the repair guy stated that there were a few parts missing.  He believes that the installation guys probably didn't know where the parts went so they pocketed them.  Nice.::)  Anyway, it works fine now and I don't have to worry about it totally collapsing while I'm on it. :o

Oh, and the girl who was abducted from Target is from my area. :o  That's the Target I go to. :o  It's so frightening to know that something like that could happen around here, it's a nice area.  Also, it's frightening to think that you can be abducted in a parking lot.  I'm always very aware of who's around me because unfortunately I've been followed a few times and even chased on two occasions.  But I guess being aware isn't enough if someone can do an abduction that easily.  I feel so bad for the girl and her family. :'(  I'm also very angry about the predators out there.  If they haven't already, I hope they get this guy off the streets ASAP. >:(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jun 7th, 2007 at 11:55am

It's been a year today since I learned of my moms death and I'm doing much better than I thought I'd be.  I no longer cry anymore and it's much easier to remember the good times.  I do miss her though.

I've heard it said that the death of a loved one never gets easier to accept, rather we simply learn to live with the sadness.  My father was killed in a tractor accident 25 years ago, and his death was so long ago that most of the time I'm fine.  Yet I recently ran across the last photographs taken of hiim (by me) and started tearing up.  *shrug*  I think that awful hurt really never disappears from our heart.  *hugs*

the girl who was abducted from Target is from my area

It's quite sobering and tremendously sad to realize that we really aren't 100% safe anywhere anymore, isn't it?  I consider myself a pretty confident and independent gal, yet I no longer shop alone--hubby always goes with me.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 7th, 2007 at 3:54pm
Trisha: Your right, I don't think the pain of losing someone ever disappears completely.  About 2 years ago, my sister and I were on the phone reminiscing about our grandmother who died almost 20 years ago and we really began sobbing.  Afterwards, we had to laugh because after so much time we thought we were over it, but guess not.

I understand your not shopping alone but it angers me that we (women) can't be free to walk around alone without having to worry about sickos.  I take walks around my apartment community because it's such a nice area with lots of trees.  I like to just enjoy nature alone and in silence but I've always known that I can't get too wrapped up in what I see or feel because I have to be aware of cars or people who may be around and it just makes me so upset.  My husband doesn't want me to walk alone anymore but I don't know if I will or not because it's something that I really enjoy.*shrug*

Other: Speaking of my sister, I was talking to her last night and I really feel bad for her.  She also was aware of the fact that it was a year ago yesterday that she found my mothers body.  She lived in walking distance to my mother and now she feels so alone.  My father lives about 20 minutes driving distance away from her, but they don't talk or see each other as often as my very family oriented sister would like.  It's not that my dad is mean or anything, it's just that he has been going through depression for a few years now and it's difficult for him to communicate regularly.  I realized years ago that my relationship with him was almost non existent and I dealt with it.  When my mom died, I basically felt orphaned right then and I had to tell my sister that she too needs to just let him go.  I told  her that she and her girls are family and they have to be there for each other.  I hope she gets over her feelings of abandonment, I don't like hearing her cry. :'(

Acne: Well, I was zapping the daylights out of my zits yesterday but today they are still hanging around.  I can say that they haven't gotten anyworse like they would've but, they haven't gotten any better.  I was reading the reviews on this thing again yesterday and the consensus seems to be that they don't get worse and they disappear faster than they normally would so I'll see if that's the case.

Hair: Great! ;)

Well, I'm off.  My husbands back so I gotta get dressed to go to dinner now. :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 9th, 2007 at 12:37am
Yay, today is a good day!  Well, first of all I'm glad that they captured that creep who murdered that girl.  I can't believe he had a wife and child at home, I feel so bad for them.

And on the first of May, I mailed a return to Victorias Secret which I did not insure so of course the post office lost that package.  I called them a few weeks ago and they told me that there was nothing they could do.  With no recourse, I decided to just chalk it up but today I called Victorias Secret.  I wanted to see if by some slight chance my package arrived recently.  They said it didn't but since I had a delivery confirmation number as proof of shipping, they'd mail me a gift certificate.  WooHoo!!!  I'm so happy for that because those pants were 60.00.  

Last but not at all least, my skin is clearing up very nicely!  The Zeno doesn't work exactly as described, meaning they don't clear up blemishes overnight but if you catch it early it will clear up in 2 days leaving no mark. :D  

There is a restaraunt about a block and a half up the street from us that we never went to before.  So yesterday, we decided to walk up there and give it a try.  The food was so good, everything we ordered was delicious and they made the best drinks.  To think all of this time it was so near and we never tried it out.

We're waiting to see what happens with my husband's employment situation.  He'll know in a month wether or not his account remains, wether he's transferred to a new one, or if he'll be laid off with pay until a new account is available. We've decided not to make any moves or decisions until then.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 9th, 2007 at 12:26pm
This morining there were birds outside my bedroom window feeding on sunflower seeds as usual, but then my cats and I heard a weird sound.  It sounded as though there was something scraping inside the wall.  At first I was very concerned until right before my eyes I saw this...

I went on my balcony and got this pic from outside.

My cats wanted to see closer but we didn't want to frighten the squirrel so my husband kept them at bay.  

Then, we decided to let the cats go to see how they and the squirrel would react.

And how the squirrel would react to my husband...

And to tapping the glass...

It's reaction to cracking the window...

It's reaction to opening the window even wider...

LOL!!!  This is one brave squirrel :D

Soon after climbing on top of the feeder (because of the opened the window), one of the suction cups came loose, the squirrel lost his footing and ran off. ;D  The birds are so relieved that now they can snack!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 11th, 2007 at 2:20am
Just did a CO and set my damp hair with pin curls.

I only had my Zeno for a few days and I'm already out of treatments, it came with 60 2 1/2minute treatments.  Tomorrow, I have to find out where they sell replacement tips.

Ugh, I was so excited all week to see the finale of the Soprano's only to be quite disappointed.  Other than them killing Phil, it was very uneventful. :P  I hope tomorrow's season opener of Big Love is good.  Oh well, off to bed.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jun 11th, 2007 at 9:27am
Now just WHAT would you have done if that squirrel had hopped inside the window and started running around your apartment?!   ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Jun 11th, 2007 at 11:31am
What a cheeky little squirrel! ;D  We do not have grey/brown squirrels anymore up here, ours are jet black and some times red! Yeah the Soprano's @#$& me off too, mind you it was neat to see Paulie loose his nerve, the bugger >:(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Kiraela on Jun 11th, 2007 at 2:31pm
squirrels are cute and adorable at a distance, but I had a bad experience with one once... (looong story, basically it was a creepy stalker squirrel) so up close and person they sort of freak me out a little. but since that one's on the internet, and not my dresser, I can say, "aww, so cute!"

Also, you have very pretty kitties. My kitty Emma says "hi" to your three.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 11th, 2007 at 4:06pm
Well, the squirrel is now showing up every morning and eating ALL of the birdseed as though he's at an all you can eat buffet.  My husband said that yesterday the squirrel even brought a friend along. >:(  The birds aren't happy either.  They try swooping low near the squirrel I suppose to frighten it away but to no avail.  Now, I have to figure out what to do to make the squirrel go away.  I wouldn't mind if he ate a bit and then left but he shows up too often and stays too long, and now I miss the birds. :(

Trisha:I have no idea what I would've done.  I figured I'd let my cats deal with him but since they're all declawed, I don't know what they would've done either. :-/ ;D

Lisabelle: I saw a black squirrel on the internet, it looked cool.  I've never seen a red squirrel but I'm sure that would be a very neat sight.  When I lived in Pennsylvania, the squirrels there were brown and not gray.  I'd never seen a gray one until I moved here.  I thought Paulie being afraid of that cat was so funny! ;D

Kiraela: Ooh, I don't know how cute I'd find a squirrel inside either.  My kitties say meow to Emma.:)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Kiraela on Jun 12th, 2007 at 3:58pm
It wasn't so much that the squirrel was inside the house, as the fact that it was barely 6 in the morning, and I was getting dressed for school... turn around and there's a Squirrel. Watching. Me. From. My. Dresser. freaked me out.  Not to mention I heard scritching noises in the wall all night, the night before that and my cat (always locked in my room at night) had dissapeared. I thought creepy stalker squirrel had killed him or something.  Turns out Magic was just afraid of squirrels and hiding really well. The only thing I can suggest to get rid of your stalkersquirrel is have animal control come out and remove him... typically, they'll come get him and release him a few miles away.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 12th, 2007 at 5:41pm
Yeah, I could see how seeing a squirrel on the dresser first thing in the morning would be freaky.

Well, my squirrel only shows up to eat out of my bird feeder which I have suction cupped to my second story window.  I can remove the feeder altogether, but for now what I've done is moved the feeder higher up on the window hopefully, out of the squirrels reach.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Kiraela on Jun 12th, 2007 at 5:56pm
Good luck on removing your squirrel!   I was thinking, another thing my grandmother's done is put her feeders right outside the windows, but on posts with large caps under the feeder... so that even if the squirrels can climb up the thin metal pole, they can't get past the caps... and it gives the birds a place to sit. I'm not sure if I explained that well...  I'll do my best at a drawing.

        |         |
_____|_____|_____ < cap/base thing
             ||  <Pole

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 12th, 2007 at 6:37pm
Thanks for the drawing, it's good and I completely get it. :)

Right now, I'm not going to build anything though because we may be moving soon.  Hopefully, just moving the feeder that I have a bit higher will eliminate my squirrel problem.  I got this feeder because I didn't want to give the birds a place to sit because then, they would possibly get too comfortable and leave droppings.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Kiraela on Jun 12th, 2007 at 10:05pm
ooh, good point. Actually, random trivia... did you know there's a species of moth that when sitting still with its wings folded, is almost indestinguishable from bird poo?

It's called the Wood Nymph Moth. Wierd, eh?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 12th, 2007 at 11:10pm
Yuck! :P  I've never head of a wood nymph moth but thats the best survival mechanism ever! I don't know who would want to go near something that looks like that.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Jun 13th, 2007 at 7:47am
Oh that really does look like a bird poo. :P  I can see me trying to clean it off my car windsheild and having it get up and fly away! :o  Nature as has neat camo eh? :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by berkanna on Jun 13th, 2007 at 10:55am
Has your friendly, pushy neighborhood squirrel returned?

My uncle used to feed peanuts to the squirrels at his house, and they got to the point where they'd knock on the door and take the peanuts from his hand!   :o

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 13th, 2007 at 4:33pm
Last night, I moved the feeder higher so that it would be out of his reach, but I felt bad.  I put it back so that he'd be able to eat from it this morning but he never showed.  It's pretty odd seeing that he's been a daily morning visitor since Saturday, I hope he's okay.

On Sunday, we put raw almonds in the feeder especially for him and he seemed to enjoy them.  Although I've read that it's possible to feed them by hand, I wouldn't attempt it because I've also read that they have very sharp teeth.:o

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jun 14th, 2007 at 1:19pm

I wouldn't attempt it because I've also read that they have very sharp teeth

Smart woman!   :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by joeydog 1992 on Jun 14th, 2007 at 7:33pm
I am a country girl who moved into the city for a few years (which I hated) and then came back to the country.  When I first came back a bought peanuts and sat outside feeding the squirrels and chipmunks.  I stopped half way through the summer.  They never bit me...they even sat on me.  My family have pics of it.  The reason I stopped was, while I fed them along the tree line, they started coming up on my deck when I was sitting there which put them 20 feet out in the open.  As I watched the hawks circle, I feared I was sending my new friends to their graves.  They are not meant to be tamed...and I forgot that important rule.  Now I throw them walnuts on the ground when I am feeding the birds...but never let them come to me.

Just a thought for you to consider...even 'knocking on the neighbours door' could put them in danger if the wrong person is at the door.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 16th, 2007 at 8:40pm
Today, I decided to buy a different leave in conditioner.  I bought Giovanni's Vitapro Fusion.  I think I like it better than the Direct Leave In but I'm not quite sure yet, although according to the bottle it's supposed to provide a deeper condtioning.  The one thing that I like about it for sure is that it comes in a spray so I can better control how much comes out.  Lately, I've been using Neutrogena's Triple Moisture Silk Touch Leave In as well, it's okay but I find it a bit greasy.

I don't know whats going on with me but for the past 3 nights in a row I've had dreams about Prince.  I'm not complaining though they're really good dreams. 8-)  He's supposed to be taking over the Roosevelt Hotel this summer the way he did the Rio over the winter.  I've been checking constantly to find out when this will be confirmed so I can get tickets, so I'm sure thats why I've been dreaming about him so much.

I don't know what the heck is going on with my email but I think I may need to change my address again.  I'm getting so much spam it's riddiculous.>:(

Also, my squirrel is fine.  He showed up a bit late the other day, but he's still shows up every morning for breakfast.  We're definitely going to move in a month or so and I'm going to miss him.  I wish I could take him with me.:(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 16th, 2007 at 8:46pm
Also, I've decided not to follow through with my plan to keep my hair at 23.5 through the summer to let it even up.  When I first cut it I was happy about the change, but now I'm sick of my hair being so short so I'm going to let it grow back out.  I'll most likely cut an inch off in Jan and then another in the spring to get it totally even. ::)  I'm constantly going back and forth with this, I change my mind as often as I change my clothes. :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by joeydog 1992 on Jun 16th, 2007 at 8:52pm
Ok, I am going to show my age here...Prince...is this the same Prince that was known as "the artist previously known as Prince" and then "Prince" before that.....excuse me...dog says she has to go out RIGHT now so I may lose train of thought.  BRB, although posting this you will not notice..but the train of thought might be gone.

Ok, ya, thought is partially gone...so the important thing for me to know, since I work with lots of people younger than me...is this the same Prince?  I am guessing not.  Would just like to know.

Ya, ok, laugh at me...that is ok.


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 16th, 2007 at 9:01pm
You're funny, yeah, it's the same Prince ;)  ;D

This is what he looks like nowdays


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Jun 16th, 2007 at 11:40pm
He's still so cute!  :-* When I was begin trained in different makeup lines I got to met a lady from a line called Nacara had who had worked with Prince.  She said when it came to skin care he loved vasoline and would bath in the stuff if given the chance ;D!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 17th, 2007 at 12:09am
Hmm... so Vaseline is his secret.  He does have very nice skin.  Vaseline wouldn't work for me though, I break out too easily.:(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by joeydog 1992 on Jun 17th, 2007 at 9:49am
Huh, there you go.  I am so out of touch that I did not know he was still around.  Maybe I should get out of the house more!!  Not today though, back to the darn garage work today.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 17th, 2007 at 10:31pm
Don't feel bad Joeydog, lots of people don't know that he's still around.  I happen to know because I've been a fan of his since I was 9 years old.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by berkanna on Jun 18th, 2007 at 9:40am
So, you're definitely moving to ATL, then?

Speaking as someone who is currently going through the moving process, good luck with that!   ;)  I think I hit my packing wall last night - I got awfully whiney and silly last night and my husband ended up sending me to bed like a child.  I think I needed it, though.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 18th, 2007 at 7:59pm
Yep, we're definitely moving to Atlanta.  Well... as of Friday we're only about 99% sure.  On Friday my husband got a lead on a job in Houston which he seems pretty interested in.  So, he's going to check that out and if he can get interviewed and they can make a decision quickly (which typically isn't the case) we may be going to Houston but as I type this I seriously doubt it.  Yeah, I'm 100% sure we're going to Atlanta.;)  

Aww...berkanna.  I hope he didn't send you to bed without dinner.:D  Just joking.  I completely understand how nerve racking packing can be.  

I've moved lots in my life. On average, I only stay in an apartment for 2 or 3 years then it's off to someplace else. My only worry right now is about my cats. I've never had to move with so many animals before, I'm still trying to think of the best way to do it. When we moved here we only had one cat but 16 hours in a UHaul with a scared kitty was no picnic.:-/

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Kiraela on Jun 19th, 2007 at 1:21am
hooboy, moving with cats....  :o I've done that a few times. When my family moved from arkansas to North Carolina, we had three adult cats, and 8 two-week-old kittens.  yes. 8. Both our females had had kittens the same night, in the same closet, and nursed all of them equally, so we were never quite sure who was whose. That was a fun move. Expecially when the car's engine quite literally fell out on the interstate, and my brother(who had been driving the car), the two dogs, and the 11 cats had to ride in the back of a moving van, in the summer. (Luckily it was... vented... due to the fact that mom peeled a rather large hole in the top of the truck hitting a low branch. In our driveway.)  Hopefully your move goes a lot less eventfully!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 19th, 2007 at 3:14am
Um yeah.  I hope my move isn't quite that eventful either.:o

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by berkanna on Jun 19th, 2007 at 10:03am
Holy CATS!!!   :o

I've only moved locally, so I haven't had to deal with long distance moves with cats.  Well, we had a 2.5 hour move once.

You may want to investigate a light sedative for the cats - we actually aced our tortie for the 2.5 hour move because she HATES (and I mean HATES) car rides.  It was a very good thing.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 19th, 2007 at 10:23am
I don't know about the sedative thing.  When we moved with our one cat from Pennsylvania to Kansas, I sprayed her carrier with Feli Way (not sure about the spelling :-/).  I don't know if I sprayed too much or what but she became frighteningly lethargic.  I'm too afraid to use it again.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 19th, 2007 at 10:25am
This pic is from yesterday.  I got some new butterfly hair accesories! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Jun 19th, 2007 at 12:05pm
Those butterflies are so cute!  The blue one matches you top! I hope your move goes okay.  I have never moved with cats but I did move with fish once.  I had a five pound Oscar named Piggy and he rode in the car in a bucket at my feet.  He was fine and even mooched some of my lunch!  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 19th, 2007 at 10:28pm
Thanks Lisabelle. :)

I can't believe you moved with a 5lb fish!

Before I moved, I had a 55 gallon fish tank but I knew that there was no way I could move with all of those fish so I took them back to the fish store.  It was kind of cool though because they even gave me money for them which was something I completley didn't expect.

Other:  Looks like my plan to see Prince this summer are shot.  They just finalized the performance schedule and his first shows are this Saturday and Sunday. :o  He's only playing 7 shows total and VIP seats are 3121.00 a couple.  With such short notice and our move coming up, theres no way we can swing that.  We don't have the time or money right now.  Oh well, maybe next time.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jun 20th, 2007 at 9:57am
I'm sorry...does that say three THOUSAND dollars??  *choke*  :o

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 20th, 2007 at 10:12am
Yep, unfortunately it does. :(  Not to mention air fare, car rental and a hotel...pretty steep.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Kiraela on Jun 20th, 2007 at 10:46pm
:o $3121.00 ?! ... the only way I'd pay $3121 to see a concert, is if I were sitting in the performers lap. ;D And even then it'd have to be someone reaaallllly good. Even The artist formerly known as 'the artist formerly known as Prince' barely makes the cut on that!  I'm sorry you can't go to the concert though, La Diosa. * consolatory hug*  On another note, those are some very very pretty hair accessories. Where, pray tell, did you get them?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 21st, 2007 at 3:34am
Thanks for the hug Kiraela. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 21st, 2007 at 11:58am
I'm so bored today I can't stand it.  I woke up at about 2am and have done everything from bellydancing, the elliptical, watching my squirrel gorge himself, shopping online (I got a great deal on two dresses :D) and watching a marathon of The Girls Next Door (I love that show) and I'm STILL bored!  My husband is out of town on business and won't be back until tomorrow, I sooo can't wait  I'm really climbing the walls here.

Hmm... just realized that 2 of my favorite tv shows right now are centered around a man romantically involved with 3 women.:-?

I think I may get a job when we move but I don't know.  I prefer to work at night because I really have difficulty waking up regularly in the mornings.  It's just that when I work at night I don't see my husband much, so that's were the problem lies.  Anyway, I updated my resume on Monster and I'm already getting calls and emails but they're for positions in Kansas. :P

Neutrogena's Triple Moisture Silk Touch Leave In Cream is really beginning to grow on me.  I think I'm going to not replace my Giovanni Leave In and continue using this.  I don't like the build up it leaves on my hair, but I'm getting used to it and it does keep my hair moisturized and softer much longer than the Direct Leave In.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Jun 21st, 2007 at 7:13pm

wrote on Jun 21st, 2007 at 11:58am:
I'm so bored today I can't stand it.  I woke up at about 2am and have done everything from bellydancing, the elliptical, watching my squirrel gorge himself, shopping online (I got a great deal on two dresses :D) and watching a marathon of The Girls Next Door (I love that show) and I'm STILL bored!  My husband is out of town on business and won't be back until tomorrow, I sooo can't wait  I'm really climbing the walls here.

Hmm... just realized that 2 of my favorite tv shows right now are centered around a man romantically involved with 3 women.:-?

I think I may get a job when we move but I don't know.  I prefer to work at night because I really have difficulty waking up regularly in the mornings.  It's just that when I work at night I don't see my husband much, so that's were the problem lies.  Anyway, I updated my resume on Monster and I'm already getting calls and emails but they're for positions in Kansas. :P

Neutrogena's Triple Moisture Silk Touch Leave In Cream is really beginning to grow on me.  I think I'm going to not replace my Giovanni Leave In and continue using this.  I don't like the build up it leaves on my hair, but I'm getting used to it and it does keep my hair moisturized and softer much longer than the Direct Leave In.

((((Hugs)))) I know the feeling.  I've had Hubby go to Europe twice, once for 2 weeks and once for a week and I went a little nuts too!  (why didn't I go with him? Long sad story, better left for later :-X)  You can rent movies, have a major cooking party, enjoy the peace and quite, have people over, watch Youtube??  You can take the time to do some mediation, more shopping!  The when hubby gets home attack him! ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 23rd, 2007 at 5:07am
Thanks for the hugs Lisabelle!  

I did rent movies and I did a bit of meditation but I was just lonely.  He's back now so I'm feeling fine now!  And yeah, we attacked each other! ;)

A little get together is always fun, but I haven't had people over since last year.  My husband and I are pretty much solo out here so there are no parties unless we bring people out.  The only thing about that is when they come all this way for a visit, it lasts a bit longer than I'd like. :P  

Other: Anyhoo... I'd found another perfect house in Atlanta.  The rent wasn't much more than we are paying now but it had much more space, a huge fenced in yard and an in ground pool.  Again, my husband always slow on the move waited too long to call and now the house is gone. :'(  Oh well, back to the drawing board.

Hair: I've been noticing a bit of hair breakage lately, not quite sure how or why.  The only thing I can think of is that my hair may be over moisturized making it weak.  At any rate, I'm now off to give myself a stregthening protein treatment.  

Right now, I have a rather annoying habit of constantly incorporating the Rehab song into my daily life.  My newest dittie, is "I got myself some breakage, but I said no no no".  I know, so lame! ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 25th, 2007 at 7:36am
That protein treatment was just what my hair needed.  It's feeling much stronger now.  I'm going to do another one maybe in a week or two just to make sure that my hair really has all of the strength it needs.

I've really been eating horribly lately.  Barbeque ribs, potato salad, turtle custard, cake, crab rangoons...  It's no wonder that when my most recent purchases arrived I could barely squeeze my hips and rear in them.  I got 3 new pretty dresses and I look disgusting in them.  It's quite strange the way I put on weight, instead of distributing evenly throughout my body, it all goes to my hips and rear.  I  have this big J-lo butt which I really need to do something about, I honestly can't see how that woman finds clothes.  Today and yesterday, I upped my workouts doing a mile on the elliptical each morning.  Then throughout the day, I belldance and hula hoop and do my core secrets bun work out.  I'm also cutting down the junk and eating more healthy foods and shakes.  

I saw this work out device on tv called leg magic which works the abs, the rear and the thighs.  After we move I'm going to order one.  I figured theres no need to order it now because then it's just one extra thing to carry.

Also, my husband said he can't make any promises but he's going to try to take me to the Prince concert at the end of July.  He says he needs a vacation and would love to go to LA so hopefully, everything will work out. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 27th, 2007 at 4:47pm
Well, we are just about all packed.  We may be going to Atlanta this weekend and will stay in a hotel until we find a place.  My husband is still running the show (which is why it isn't planned better) and it's driving me nuts!  I was so irritable yesterday that I even frightened myself! [smiley=evil.gif]

There were boxes everwhere as there had been since he packed everything up on Saturday and yesterday I just lost my mind and was snippy about EVERYTHING.  As I type, my neighbors below, who are always such a joy ::) :P are pounding on their piano.  I actually can't wait to get the heck out of here, I just assumed we'd have a place picked out first.

Anyway, my husband finally moved the boxes out of the living room and the bedroom and entryway and stacked them all in our dining area.  At last I can breathe again.

I got some merchandise in the mail today so I could begin selling again on eBay.  Right now I only have 5 dresses for sale (I kept one for myself of course ;)) but I'll slowly begin accumulating merchandise.  I used to sell a lot in the past but I really let it stress me out, I took the whole thing so personally.  See, I only sell things that I love and would wear myself, so when my items wouldn't sell quickly, I would get sad.  I know it sounds silly but I couldn't imagine how someone could see something that I personally think is really great, and pass on it.  But I know that, that's just the way things work sometime.

I thought about getting a job outside of my home, but for now I've decided to go the eBay route.  I just prefer living like a hermit and on my own terms.  Also, I've been doing some online browsing for yard things like ponds, fountains and swing sets.  So once I move I want to dedicate myself to setting up and decorating as opposed to working.  I SOOO can't wait to move into a house with a yard.  I used to think apartments were so cool but now, I've been living in apartments since I first moved out on my own almost 14 years ago and I'm completely sick of them.  It'll be so nice to have my own private outdoor space. :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Kiraela on Jun 27th, 2007 at 7:54pm
If you don't mind me asking, what's your ebay name? I'd like to at least take a look at these dresses! I've been wanting to start selling on ebay too.. It seems like it will be a good source of income, once I can finally get a paypal.
And I know all about getting snippy... The other day I was in such a bad mood my guy refused to come in the house for a few hours.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 27th, 2007 at 10:03pm
No, I don't mind, my eBay name is diosa*celestial.  I really like it because it's so forgiving and can be worn dressed up or casually and it's so comfortable.   I wore it out tonight for dinner and cocktails with my husband and his coworkers.  Heres a picture of the dress.:)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Kiraela on Jun 27th, 2007 at 10:29pm
oooo, that is a fantastic dress! And I love those shoes....  You know... my first thought on that picture was... "La Diosa as "Price Is Right" model" :P

I just wish I could wear something like that and not look horrible.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 27th, 2007 at 10:42pm
Thanks Kiraela! :)  I wish I were a Price Is Right model, what an easy job! ;D  They and Vanna White have it made! ;)

I'm sure you would look great in a dress like this, it's cool cause it can also be worn with leggings or in the winter with tights and a turtleneck!  

Don't mind me, I'm not trying to put the sell on you or anything, I just get so excited about clothes.::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by berkanna on Jun 28th, 2007 at 1:33pm

wrote on Jun 27th, 2007 at 10:42pm:
I'm sure you would look great in a dress like this, it's cool cause it can also be worn with leggings or in the winter with tights and a turtleneck!

But it's white.  White makes my skin look pasty and wierd.  Otherwise, I'd be looking a bit closer.  I need some dresses - when I unpacked my closet, I noticed I only have ONE!  The rest of my clothes are slacks, skirts and tops!  I need more hot-weather clothes too, most of my tops are knit longsleeves.   :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 28th, 2007 at 2:29pm
It's actually cream but I guess it would still have the same effect for you. I'm such a dress person I couldn't live with only one, but I like skirts too as long as they're long and comfy. :)  

Well, have fun shopping! :D  

Unfortunately, I have to give up shopping for now until we move and I actually have a shipping address again. :P

We're definitely moving tomorrow, my husband rented the truck and hired a mover to assist with the big stuff.

This morning I took down my balcony decorations, it looks so bare out there.  Later, I'm going to start packing up my bathroom and other loose ends so that tomorrow morning we will be ready to load the truck quickly and smoothly.

We've decided to keep the cats in the car as we tow it.  They'll have more room to sleep and run around than if we had them in the cramped truck cabin with us.  I'm going to lightly spray the car with Feliway and we'll check on them everytime we stop.  Last weekend, I purchased tags and collars for them for the move, I pray this isn't necessary but better safe than sorry.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Jun 28th, 2007 at 3:14pm
Good luck with the move, I hope everything goes smooth and easy and that you are able to find a great new home.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 28th, 2007 at 3:30pm
Thanks Sakina, I haven't seen you in awhile!  I hope all's well. :D

I think my irritability a few days ago gave me the release I needed and now I'm actually pretty optimistic.  I'm just going to do my part as far as packing up my stuff etc. and hope everything else falls into place.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Jun 28th, 2007 at 3:50pm
Yeah, I was out of town for a week.  All is well, thanks!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jun 28th, 2007 at 3:57pm
Yes, indeed, good luck with the move--here's hoping you + hubby find a great place soon.   :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 28th, 2007 at 4:13pm
Good to hear Sakina ;)

Thanks Trisha!

(((Hugs you both)))

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 2nd, 2007 at 7:24pm
 I'm hoping tomorrow she'll adjust to them again.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 4th, 2007 at 1:33pm
Ugh...I really feel like venting!  This is the 4th day in a hotel and I'm really tired of it.  Maybe I could do better in a 5 star hotel but this Extended Stay crap is for the birds.  

Anyway, with it being the 4th we didn't get much done today.  I was hoping I could just sleep the entire day away but unfortunately it isn't physically possible.  Yesterday we saw 2 houses.  The first house was very tiny but very out in the middle of nowhere and secluded like I want, it even was on an acre of land but the house itself was very tiny.  I don't understand why with all that land around it they didn't just build a bigger house.  The second house we saw was big and beautiful, man was it gorgeous but it was in the middle of a very cramped development so many houses so close together.  Ah, what to do?  Well, we're not too sure yet but I guess we'll see soon because I'm going to freak out if we don't make a decision and get somewhere soon.

Well, now we're going to dinner and I plan on having a drink or two or three.  And I'm going to get some candles or something to make this place a bit more comfy.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 7th, 2007 at 1:59am
Well, I'm still in my hotel room.  I got a huge melon scented jar candle and it has made it a small bit more home like for me.  We haven't decided on a house yet but we're going to look at one more house tomorrow and then wrap this whole thing up.  We decided not to persue the smaller house, so it's between the bigger house and the one tomorrow so, we'll be moved in one of the two sometime this coming week.  

I so miss having a home.  While my husband watches tv in the evenings, I entertain myself by imagining how I'm going to decorate which ever houses we're interested in at the time.::)

We went to see Sicko yesterday and it really disgusted me.  I knew that in this country money is king, but I had no idea to what degree.  I actually felt myself tearing up and wanting to walk out, out of anger and frustration but I stayed.  After everything that I saw documented in the movie the reason for my anger and frustration was the fact that I feel that I can't do anything about the current system, that I can't make things better for people, I felt and still feel a strong sense of helpless and hopelessness. :(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 7th, 2007 at 2:15am
I guess I should mention something about my hair. ::)  

Yesterday, I actually washed with V05 shampoo and my hair didn't fall out. :o  All of my shampoo is packed in the truck because I wasn't planning on being homeless this long, so I felt I wouldn't need it.  Anyway, I just felt icky so I wanted to wash my hair and since I couldn't find Giovanni anywhere I just bought the really cheap stuff.  I got the kind for normal hair even though I always use moisturizing shampoo and shockingly I even liked the way my hair felt afterwards, it turned out soft and not at all dry.  Seeing that I have dry hair to begin with I don't see how that was possible, but next time I wash I'm going to try it again to see if it was a fluke.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Jul 7th, 2007 at 7:30am
Hang in there!  I know you'll find a place you'll love!  When I saw Roger and Me I felt the same way as when you saw Sicko.  I had to turn away with the bunny lady, though I know she was doing it to make a living (barely).  
Big Hugs! :-*

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 22nd, 2007 at 4:31am
Lisabelle, I've never seen Rodger and Me but it sounds interesting.  Theres a Blockbuster right up the street from us so I'll check that out.  You always rent good movies! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 22nd, 2007 at 4:35am
Well, I'm in my new house and I love it!!!  We've been here for about 2 weeks now but it took this long for them to set up our cable and computer service.  The guy came yesterday and was here for about 3 hours, I've never heard of such.

I still don't like how close we are in proximity to other houses but the house itself is wonderful!  We still have some setting up to do as I don't think that some of our older furniture is a good fit for this house so we've eliminated some things and need to replace them with other more aesthetically appropriate things.  For one, I'd like to replace my more conservative looking computer desk with a more contemporary one and a Swopper chair but my husband doesn't think that the chair is worth the money.  I'm sticking to my guns though and hopefully he'll give in, I guess this sort of thing is the price I have to pay for not having a paycheck of my own. ::)  Unfortunately, there aren't many business around here so I'm not sure if my employment status is going to change anytime soon.  There is a Curves up the street though and I got an application from them but I haven't filled it out yet.  I don't think they're hiring but I'll see.  

Anyway, the back yard is nice but bare so I would like to plant flowers and things back there anf get new outdoor furniture as I don't like my old balcony stuff for the yard.  It's going to be slow getting everything done but so far I'm being patient.

My favorite part of the house is my bathroom, it's very large.  I've convinced my husband to let me have it for my sole use so I'm happy about that.  It's big enough for me to put my portable fireplace in and eventually I want to set up my 55 gallon fish tank over the tub but we have to prioritze so I'm not sure when I'm going to get that going.

This weekend we bought a washer, dryer and a lawn mower a first for both my husband and me.  This morning after my husband mowed the lawn he said he finally felt like an adult and it reminded him of when his father used to mow the lawn.  I found this very strange and amusing because I had the same exact thought the day before when I was doing laundry, it reminded me of my mother.

At any rate all is well with life and hair. [smiley=laugh.gif]

This is my bathroom which I am so in love with, in the daytime you can see lots of trees outside the window.  I had to go in the closet to take the picture.

The door in the picture opens to a closet like room that houses the toilet and I love this because it keeps it separate from the rest of the bathroom.

And the kitchen, I love the green walls.

The foyer has 2 of these neat cut outs and eventually I want to keep fresh flowers in them which I think will provide a nice and welcoming fragrance upon entering our home.  Since I have to prioritize, that's not in the budget right now so these dried flowers will have to do. :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Jul 22nd, 2007 at 8:06am
How exciting and beautiful!!! :)  Best of luck to you and hubby in your new home!  It is lovely and I'm sure that when you finish putting your special touches in it,it will be even more lovelier! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Jul 22nd, 2007 at 9:29am
Wow what a nice place! Love the kitchen! I like the decor too, neat Vangoh! 8-)  Good luck and have fun!!! 8-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Jul 22nd, 2007 at 11:12am
How exciting for you! I remember moving into our first house.... it was not a new home (built in 1900), but it was OURS!  The excitement of taking on adult chores, furnishing and maintaining it.  Enjoy it while you can.  (After 30 years of home ownership - some of the luster has worn off.)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 22nd, 2007 at 6:50pm
Curlgirl: Thanks Curlgirl, this is the exciting part!

Lisabelle:  Thanks Lisabelle, Starry Night over the Rhone is my all time favorite.  I don't think theres anything more beautiful than a starry nighttime sky.  I do find it odd though, that at night I don't see stars at all in my new area. :-/

Bikerbraid:  I find it pretty weird that I'm so excited about this.  I've lived on my own in apartments since I was 19 years old but being in a house makes me feel like I'm just starting out all over again, theres such a newness about it. :)
This house isn't ours yet, we've decided to do a lease purchase option where we can live here for up to two years and sometime between now and then we have to make a decision as to wether we want to mortgage it or not.  Right now I'm completely gung ho however, if the luster has worn off after two years who knows... maybe we'll try living overseas (a dream of mine) but, for now I'm happy! ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jul 24th, 2007 at 11:44am
Glad y'all got moved in and "hooked up"   ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by berkanna on Jul 24th, 2007 at 4:06pm
Welcome back to the land of the internet!   :D

New house looks very nice!  Congrats!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Jul 24th, 2007 at 6:52pm
Congrats on the new place, LD.  :)  Should be very exciting.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 24th, 2007 at 11:01pm
Thanks ladies! [smiley=laugh.gif]

The other day I realized how silly of me it is to throw things away right now, especially things that are fairly new and in good condition.  Instead of getting rid of my desk and outdoor wicker love seat I'm going to refinish them so that they'll match better. My only hope is that I do a good job.  

Well, my husband is away on business and I'm here to handle all of the duties myself so I guess I'd better take out the trash now, I'd completely forgotten that tomorrow is garbage day! :P

Also, I'd been sort of feeling guilty because my oldest neice is about to have her first baby and I told her I'd come to visit after the baby was born.  Well, I'd just decided not to go because I could use the travel and hotel money that I'd spend visiting for things around here.  I figured I'd send a gift and explain that I won't be visiting until next year.  Does this sound selfish?  My husband says no but I don't think he's a good judge of such things.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by texian.traveler on Jul 24th, 2007 at 11:39pm
First question is, how close are you to your neice?  Second question is, how close do you WANT to be to your neice?  What you are basically saying by using the travel money is that the stuff you want is more important than the relationship.  

I am not saying that is automatically a bad thing.  You are talking to the woman who did a community theater show instead of attending her neice's wedding.  I knew the message I was sending about the relationship, and frankly I was comfortable sending that message at that time.  I sometimes regret the hurt I caused, but even two years later I have NO REGRETS about doing the show.

So this is by no means an attempt to lay on a guilt trip.  If you don't think she'll care, then go next year.  If you feel your need to feel settled in your home is greater than your need to visit, or her need to be visited, go next year.  But understand that, as with all choices, there might be a downside and a price.    

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 25th, 2007 at 12:04am

texian.traveler wrote on Jul 24th, 2007 at 11:39pm:
If you don't think she'll care

I guess that's actually the number one question, I'm really not sure if she'll care.  I'd been assuming that as long as I sent a gift she won't care but instead of asking others, I should ask her how important my being there is to her.  I guess I'd been telling myself that she won't care to make my not going easier on myself.  I even told her sister that when I did visit I'd bring her back home with me and let her stay for awile.  So, I guess I should ask her how she would feel with my reneging as well.  If they want me to come and I do the opposite then yes I am being selfish however if they truly want to see me and spend time with me then I will visit.  

Thanks for helping me sort this out TT  :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jul 25th, 2007 at 9:03am
With me, decisions of that nature are always based on money, specifically lack thereof.  Being a one-income family, it's unfortunate but ALL of our decisions have to based upon money.  Just my .02  *hugs*

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 25th, 2007 at 1:07pm
My sister is a single mother of 3 and her household is run that way too, which is why I'd been so convinced that my neice would understand.  I still haven't asked her yet though. :-/

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Aug 30th, 2007 at 3:14pm
L, you haven't posted in quite a while; I hope all is well with you.  I'm thinking maybe you went to visit your niece...anyway, take care and let us know how you're doing.   :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 2nd, 2007 at 4:36pm
I'm fine, thanks for checking Trisha! ;)  

I did infact go to see my neice.  She had her baby on the 20th, a beautiful little girl named Mariah.  She was actually due on the 8th so I'm glad I didn't go then.  Money is still an issue with us right now so we had to drive instead of fly but otherwise it was great.

I'm still trying to get my house together as much as I can and it's become quite the project, I'm actually quite obsessed.  I'm still enjoying living in a house for the first time as an adult, I even cook on a regular basis now, my husband can't believe it. I'm finally totally domesticated! ;D

We did our patio which kept me busy for quite awhile.  There is no cover in the back to protect us from the sun or rain so we purchased a gazebo cheaply at an end of season sale.  We had to paint it and weather treat it to protect it from rust and we also had to anchor it down.  It was quite a job but it's now finished and I like to sit out back with my cats.  Although when I do, I can't help but think about my next project... the yard.  I'd like to take up all of the grass and replant new seeds. I also want to plant hedges and flowers and put out bird baths and feeders, but my husband thinks we should wait until the spring although I'm trying to persuade him to do it now, I'm not sure if I'll get my way or not. :-/

I was able to treat myself to one new thing though.  I purchased two AeroGardens and love them so far.  I'm growing herbs in one and romaine lettuce in the other.  They haven't grown enough to where I can harvest them yet but they have sprouted and are coming along nicely.  I can't wait until I'm able to eat salads that I grow and incorporate my own fresh herbs into my recipies!  This works out great because I've been a vegetarian for a little over 2 months now.  At this point, I don't see myself giving up dairy anytime soon but I do feel better eating a vegetarian diet.  I've also been keeping myself busy by working out everyday.  I do yoga twice a day, I do the elliptical for a half an hour a day, I meditate and bellydance...  I really can't get over how productive I've become.  I feel much happier now than I did before and it really shows.  Not that I was unhappy before though, it's actually a bit odd but it is what it is.::)

A few weeks ago we began noticing a gurgling sound coming from the guest bathroom toilet and we had no idea what it could be.  I was fearfully thinking that either a mouse, rat, or snake would eventually appear from the comode.  One day I was sitting on the couch and I saw all 3 of my cats lined up at the bathroom door looking curiously at something.  I went to the bathroom to see what had caught their attention and saw that there was sewage all over the floor.  The toilet had backed up, it was a smelly, disgusting mess.  We called the plumber and after about an hour or 2 of sucking the bathroom pipes, he pulled out a big wad of "flushable" feminine products and those "flushable" toilet wipes.  Apparently, these items (as I was scolded) aren't flushable at all, well at least not in this house. It was quite an expensive lesson and I didn't like being scolded like a child. >:(

Anyway speaking of the toilet, my cat now uses it.  Again, one morining I was sitting on my couch and I heard a noise from the same bathroom.  I panicked thinking that we were having toilet troubles again, but this time when I got to the bathroom I saw my cat urinating in the toilet.  It was the funniest thing I'd ever seen in my life and could not stop laughing!  She doesn't do it all of the time but she still does it occasionally, I only wish she'd learn to flush! ;D  My cats never cease to amaze me, they bring me so much joy! :D

Oh well, thats me...domestic goddess! ;D  I'm so wrapped up in this house (and playing house) right now but, I'll check in more often.  I do miss you all! :D

Oh, I forgot to mention my hair.  Well, I decided to keep it the same length all spring and summer so that I could slowly even it all out.  It's finally one length all 23.5 inches of it, with the exception of my bang.  I'm hoping that I'll be bra strap length again by the new year. 8-)  Bye for now! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Sep 2nd, 2007 at 7:21pm
Hi Sweetie!  Have fun with your house!  I was rolling on the floor when you said your cat pee's in the john!  I had an image of my bunny trying to do this!  You tell that plumber to go take a running jump at himself! Those things are flushable! Tell him to take it up with the company who makes them, not you.  (((hugs)))

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Kiraela on Sep 3rd, 2007 at 12:07am
*giggle* I'm glad you're loving your new house, La Diosa... Can we get pics? >:D Yeah, I had to learn the same lesson when I moved down here... apparently louisiana plumbing is a lot less effective...

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 4th, 2007 at 1:11am
Hi Lisabelle and Kiraela! It's great talking to you again!  

Lisabelle:  Believe me, I had lots of choice words for that plumber however, as always I kept them to myself and basically took what he was dishing out.  It's pretty weird though because prior to moving here, I'd been flushing my "flushables' for years with no problem. :-/  Now, I have to toss them in the trash which took some getting used to but it's fine now.

I'm wondering if perhaps a rabbit could be toilet trained.  I mean if they can use the litter box... ?:-/
But yeah it's too funny that my cat does that now.  It would be nice if all of my cats would follow suit because it would save lots of money that would otherwise be spent on litter.  I'm sure they can be trained but it's actually me that isn't up to it.  Perhaps sometime in the future.

Sure Kiraela.  There are pics below but I also posted pics on the previous page.  Keep in mind that they are mainly "before" pics as we still have lots to do yet.

The front

The Gazebo which still isn't finished.  We bought plants for it but the weather was so hot lately that it was causing them to wilt and we had to bring them inside.  You probably can't tell from the pic but I have a chandelier hanging in there, it's pretty cute.  There's also a fountian and a chiminea in there that for now I only use for candles.  I'm still looking for a rug to place in there as well so, so far it's coming along okay.

This is our view which is lovely for me because there aren't any houses behind us.  But I hate looking at that bare fence so what I want to do take the fence down and plant  hedges.

My look is pretty much the same as I'd mentioned I've kept my hair around 23 inches all summer evening it up but I'm finally there and ready to move on to BSL again already.

My hair is by no means anywhere close the the length that I want it eventually but I'm still trying to have fun with it as it is.  This is me playing around with pigtails.

Well, I'm off to bed now... (((hugs for Lisabell and Kiraela))) :-*  I'll try to make my way to everyones journals this week.  Hope everyone had a great Labor Day!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by juri on Sep 4th, 2007 at 7:16am
Wow, that's a nice looking house! It's so cute from the front! Except for the plummer incident, it sounds like things are coming together.

Your hair looks really nice. Keep up the good work! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Sep 4th, 2007 at 8:10am
Your hair is looking very good!  The house and gazebo are beautiful :)!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Sep 4th, 2007 at 10:50am
What a charming house!  Love the Gazebo!  I can see a nice rug in there, try Ikea!  You hair looks great and so do you! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Kiraela on Sep 4th, 2007 at 1:40pm
I've got to second everyone's comments... that is a seriously cute house, and I love love that gazebo. I love those pigtails, too~ very cute.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Sep 7th, 2007 at 4:08pm
Your hair is looking FINE!!!  *hugs*   8-) Love the house, too!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 15th, 2007 at 5:07am

Thanks to everyone for your kind comments about my hair and home. :-*

Lately, I'd been working out like a mad woman and had finally gotten to the point where I had to stop pushing myself so hard.  Today and yesterday I was completely exhausted, so much so that I couldn't do any working out.  I want to get into really great shape really bad but I've got to learn to pace myself.  

Earlier this week we went to Home Depot and got some things that I suppose homeowners need like a hose, pruning shears and basic stuff like that.  We also had to buy weed killer because the weeds are spreading like crazy.  When my husband cuts the lawn I'd talked him out of raking thinking that it was doing a good thing (so I'd read) but apparently what we were doing was speading the weed mulch all over the lawn creating a situation for weeds to grow up everywhere.  So yesterday, we had to get this stuff to kill the weeds with great hope that it'll even work. ::)  

I was able to find some cool solar lights for our walkway at a great price.  I so can't wait for them to show up.  And I'm ready to decorate for Halloween now but unfortunately, it's still too early. :(

Lately, I haven't purchased any new clothes opting for vintage preferably from the 60's and 70's hippie type stuff.  I love the variety that I find available when shopping second hand. I'm trying to convince my husband not to consume new clothes but used however, that isn't going to happen.  Oh well. :P

I was in fact, able to convince my husband that we needed a Cat Genie and he agreed! :D  My cats were afraid of it at first because it's a bit loud during the cleaning cycle, but I've worked around that by cycling it manually when they are either sleep or playing in the back yard.  I am grateful to say that they are now used to it.  It's so cool!  I only have to push one button to start it and then flush the toilet when it's finished, it's a snap. :D

I had to take my cat to the vet earlier this week for his food allergies.  Now I have to give him 3 pills a day and I hate it.  First of all,  giving a cat a pill is no picnic and secondly, I'm sure that afterwards he hates my guts which really breaks my heart but  then,  after a while he will come over to me and let me pet him. :)

Hair:  Doing great!  Not growing quite as fast as I'd like but as long as it isn't falling out I'm content.  I'm not really doing too much with it lately, only keeping it up in two buns.  Right now I'm just trying to let it do it's thing and grow.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Sep 15th, 2007 at 8:55am
Just curious,did you know that your body reaps the most benefit and grows when you are not working out???  Years ago I had a vicious cyle of running(training for the NYC marathon) and bodybuilding,couldn't decide which I loved more,but saw that when I rested my body,the most beneficial results were visual,physical and internal.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 15th, 2007 at 2:21pm
Yes Curlgirl, my husband reminds me of that all of the time.  I think I over do it out of fear that if I don't push myself I'll lose my motivation and get comfortable doing nothing. :(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Sep 16th, 2007 at 1:12pm
I totally understand how you feel about that!  I've come to learn that quality,not quantity is so much better in working out and many other things in life.  I think you'll find your happy medium,may not be happy for others,but it is your happiness that is foremost. ;) :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 16th, 2007 at 10:30pm
Yep you're right, I need to find that medium.  The point where I'm not doing as much but also where I also don't feel like a slacker. :-/   I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 17th, 2007 at 9:01pm
Today my husband and I finally decided to throw in the towel and call a lawn service, our weeds are horrible.  Also, they're now spreading to the neighbors lawn. :o

I'm happy because we finally got a new, nice lamp shade for our living room.  I've come to expect that when we move that my husband will break a few things.  Well, this time one of the things that broke, well got ripped was our silk lamp shade.  We've purchased 3 other lampshades since we've been here but we didn't like them and ended up returning them.  This shade cost more money than I wanted to spend but at least our search is finally over.

My elliptical is still in the dining room because we cannot get it upstairs where I want it.  I called a local fitness machine repair shop and they'll break it down into smaller pieces and reassemble it upstairs.  I didn't want to spend the extra money as I'm trying to be more thrifty these days but we have no other choice.

Our tv is stil on the floor.  I wanted to hang it on the wall but don't know what we'd do with our components.  I think it would look silly to hang the tv but have a stand for the components so, I've decided to just get a stand for the components and the tv.

When we moved here I opened a new bank account and have been having horrible experiences with it eversince.  So many rules!  Everytime I turn around I'm getting charged fee's.  My husband said to look at it as though I paid someone to read the small print for me because every fee was a learning experience.  That didn't help though, I'd been calling the bank everyday and was pissed!  We went to Whole Foods after I had yet another talk with the bank and I saw a woman walking with crutches, she only had one leg.  Well, that put things into perspective for me.  It made me realize that I really don't have room to complain about much of anything. :-[  

Well, that's whats going on with me right now, oh and looking for halloween decorations...I can't wait! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 21st, 2007 at 5:03am
WooHoo!  I'm happy because I just finished my "after summer" relaxer and it only took me 1 hour and 20 minutes from prep to finish!  But the main reason I'm happy is that I checked my hair, and the two spots where I'd lost hair from alopecia are now 4" long!!!  I'm actually having a glass of wine to celebrate! [smiley=beer.gif]  The end of last year, when my hair first began filling in, marked the first time since I was diagnosed, that I didn't have hair actively falling out and hopefully, I never will again! :D

I was also thinking about all of the things that I've learned about my hair this year.
  • I can't regularly wash my hair with a shampoo that has cones or protein.  Natural shampoos are best.
  • Moisturizing, leave in conditioning creams do better in my hair than oils.
  • Hair serum greatly helps with tangles but, isn't needed nor should be used more than once between washes
  • CO's are great for eliminating product build up between shampoos.
  • My hair loves Giovanni Vitapro leave in conditioner.
  • I don't need to use clarifying shampoos.  Because my hair is so dry whenever I need to clarify I only need to use shampoo for natural hair as opposed to my regular moisture shampoo for dry hair.

I'm sure there are more which I can't think of right now.   I haven't tried any new products in a while basically because I don't have a need to.  As it is, I've pretty much got my hair all figured out, yay!!!

Other: I'm so into vintage dresses right now.  I just got this pretty little number in the mail today.  It's really long and comes down to my ankles.  I only wish I had THAT hair to go along with it :Pperhaps next year when I wear it, I will.;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Sep 21st, 2007 at 1:29pm

Posted by: La Diosa Posted on: Today at 2:03am
WooHoo!  I'm happy because I just finished my "after summer" relaxer and it only took me 1 hour and 20 minutes from prep to finish!  But the main reason I'm happy is that I checked my hair, and the two spots where I'd lost hair from alopecia are now 4" long!!!  

Woo hoo!!!   [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

Title: Woo Hoo!
Post by Sakina on Sep 21st, 2007 at 4:31pm
That's awesome, LD.  I hope you are over the alopecia forever!!

Super cute dress!!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 21st, 2007 at 9:58pm
Thanks Trishia and Sakina! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Sep 21st, 2007 at 11:08pm
Way to go!  :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by juri on Sep 22nd, 2007 at 3:44am
Congratulations, La Diosa!  :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Sep 22nd, 2007 at 6:27am
Congrats,La Diosa!!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 29th, 2007 at 7:29pm
Thanks everyone! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Sep 29th, 2007 at 7:51pm
That is a nice dress and you look really nice in it :)


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 30th, 2007 at 12:06am
Thanks Jerry, how very nice of you. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Sep 30th, 2007 at 10:10am
You are very welcome :)

My wife wears pajamas to bed when it is cold.  We have electric heat in our apartment which can get very expensive so we just bundle up as best as we can ::)
I am hot blooded so if the outside temperature is like -10 C I will wear a t-shirt to bed but that does not happen too often.

I am sorry your cat was briefly lost.  My wife's two cat's do not go outside even though I am sure they sometimes wish they could.
It is a proven fact that inside cat's live longer than cat's that go outside.
Our town has a leash law but most people ignore it or don't know about it so we have a lot of cat's running around outside.  Most of them are friendly so when I walk to work and walk home I sometimes pet the cat's who are friendly.


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Sep 30th, 2007 at 11:17am
What nice clothes!  I love what you did with the post box. I am sorry about Kitty.  I agree with Jerry, its dangerous for cats out there.  A cat cannot run free in my neck of the woods as there's to many wild animals about.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Kiraela on Oct 1st, 2007 at 12:22am
I hope kitty's back, safe and sound...

It's funny, my cat is completely uninterested in the outside... We've carried in groceries, door wide open, with Emma lounging on the back of the recliner looking out the door like, "grass. eww. no thanks."  When she was five weeks old, I brought her out and set her in the grass... She started screaming, climbed up my leg and sat on my shoulder shaking. Of course, I was wearing a skirt at the time... so I rather got the point. Not an outdoor cat.

BTW, that dress is pretty, and that wall color is so cheery looking. like you'd wake up in a grumpy mood, growl at everything, look at the walls, and be  ;D. Also: footie pajamas? I didn't even know they still made those! cute though.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 2nd, 2007 at 8:00pm
My kitty is safe and sound.  I don't let them go out unattended but the thing was that I didn't even know she had gotten out.  I was doing something out front when I heard her screaming.  I just assumed she was upstairs in the house (and she's typically very vocal) so I ignored it.  When she didn't stop, I went upstairs to look for her but she wasn't there and thats when I realized she was outside.  I went back out and I no longer heard her and all sorts of thoughts crossed my mind.  I wondered firstly, where she was and if she was okay, if I'd ever see her again...  I was even upset with myself because I hadn't updated her microchip information.  Then I just began calling out for her and she screamed again.  Everytime I called her name she'd let out a loud scream until I was able to follow the sound and find her.  She was a few doors down scratching at someones door.  I'm certain she was scared and confused having no idea where she was.  She was fine once I got her home.

Thanks for the compliments on my flowers and new duds. :D  
There is a site called Jumpin Jammerz and they sell footed pj's.  I love 'em! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Oct 3rd, 2007 at 3:43am
I'm glad you and kitty are fine!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by juri on Oct 3rd, 2007 at 5:36am
That dress is too cute and your house is just gorgeous! And I'm happy that your cat was safe.

I read your entry in Curlgirl64's journal about the coconut milk soak. I haven't had the guts to use it on my entire head, but I sometimes use the plain milk on the length. I heat the milk *slightly* and then dunk my hair in the milk. It is really drippy, but I find that putting my hair in a plastic bag and then putting a shower cap over that eliminates some potential mess. Brands with a high percentage of coconut milk (like 90%) tends to be thicker and somewhat less drippy. HTH

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Oct 3rd, 2007 at 10:03am
I agree!!  I put a shower cap on and then a twistie turbin over that!  Things are tight,but better tight then having drips all over!!!  The dogs sits and waits in anticipation for that!!!!!  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 9th, 2007 at 11:55pm
If I let it go, it will grow. :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by novusfemina on Oct 10th, 2007 at 8:53am
My mom used to make my Halloween costumes every year... aww, what memories!  Hehehehe, so your fur-babies are a little spoiled.. nothing wrong with that.. at least they will wear the costumes!  My cat would probably run and hide if I put a costume on him.  :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Oct 10th, 2007 at 1:47pm
Vegan cheesecake...isn't that rather an oxymoron?  :-?

lol Cats + costumes = not cool! When my sister & I were kids, we used to torture our poor cats by putting them in a ballerina costume that actually belonged to one of my sister's stuffed animals.  :P  My cat would freak out and kick furiously until the shoes came flying off...my sister's cat would just lay down and pin his ears.  ;D  Yes, we were twisted...but good times.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Kiraela on Oct 11th, 2007 at 2:43pm
My cat has been known to wander around a house with a stretched out, useless scrunchie around her neck(I'm still not sure how she put it on... I woke up and she was wearing it...) but if one were to try to put anything else on her(like a dishtowel cape(don't ask)) she'd flop over and refuse to move until it were taken away, or she worked out how to worm out of it.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Oct 11th, 2007 at 3:21pm

Anyway, my new doctor said I shouldn't need regular visits with her either and will just give me meds and lots of refills.  I was sort of disappointed when she said that

Although if talking to your new therapist makes you feel better, why not do so?  --Instead of only taking the meds, I mean.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 12th, 2007 at 12:46am
novusfemina:  I never said my cats liked the costumes...they hate them but I figure for all that I do for them day in and day out they can at least dress up for me. ::)

Angel Spun: Yeah I suppose it would be an oxymoron however this recipe calls for absolutely no dairy.  It's mainly crushed nuts and coconut oil.

When my sister & I were kids, we used to torture our poor cats by putting them in a ballerina costume that actually belonged to one of my sister's stuffed animals.    My cat would freak out and kick furiously until the shoes came flying off...my sister's cat would just lay down and pin his ears.    Yes, we were twisted...but good times.
 You crack me up! ;D

Kiraela: So far only one of my cats has given me any real problems with this.  My normally sweet docile kitty actually tried to bite me as I put her costume on but, I'm determined that they will all be in costume on Halloween. :P

Trisha: I don't know.  She never suggested it so I'm not sure how much it would help.  I don't get anxiety attacts anymore, unless I go off my medication and even then they aren't bad ones, so I guess she feels that it isn't serious enough to require counseling sessions.  Maybe I'll ask her next time.  I was also thinking it may be because she is the only one in her practice and her waiting room was pretty full.  Perhaps this is her way of making sure eveyone gets seen. :-/

Life:  I was still in bed around 10 this morning when I noticed my husband acting strange.  He had already awaken about 7 oclock but around 10 he kept coming into our room but seemingly for no purpose.  He'd come in and walk right back out.  The second time I even asked him what he was doing but only glanced at me and kept on walking.  Finally, I got out of bed and he came into my bathroom and told me that my cat was missing and that we needed to find her.  Here we go again.  I was so upset because only yesterday I'd told him that if he's going to let the cats out in the yard he MUST watch them because my youngest can climb the fence.  So of course I'm pissed at him but knew I had to find my cat.  It took about 2 hours but eventually she began to respond as I called her.  She was in the back of my house in the bushes were there are tons of thorns.  I tried to get down there but got cut on my leg.  So my husband went down there to look for her.  I'd call her, she'd respond and he'd try to get as close as he could but he could never get close enough to grab her and she would not go to him.  After what seemed like forever, eventually she came out of the woods and made her way over to me.  I was so upset with her but also relieved at the same time.  I gave her a bath just in case she ran into some fleas and ticks but she seems perfectly fine.  I and my husband on the other hand have lots to thorn cuts to tend to.  

I just purchased hedges that can grow up to 12 feet which I am going to plant all along the fence, so hopefully once I get those going, I won't have to worry about her hopping over anymore. ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by novusfemina on Oct 12th, 2007 at 8:36am
Hehehehe!  I can see you talking to them now, "Like it or not, you're going to wear it.. I'm the holder of the can opener and the tuna fish!"

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Oct 19th, 2007 at 10:08am
Cats...Oy, they're like kids, immature ones at that.   ::)

Title: Re: Lisabelle's Hair Quest
Post by bikerbraid on Oct 19th, 2007 at 9:53am
Off topic replies have been moved to This Thread

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 23rd, 2007 at 12:28am
Yes, my cats are like children, but this year I've given up and will be giving them their way.  The one costume I have is still too big even after my altering it and the other one I got was to big as well.  They said to measure from head to their bottom to determine size but I suppose that only works for dogs.  Anyway, the last one I ordered was from an eBay fraudster who took my money (and the money of a few others) but never delivered a product.  So, I re sold my other costume and decided to give it up this year.  I'll dress them next year and hopefully it'll be more simpler, at least now, I know what size they wear.

I did finally get my costume though.  It's a maids costume but I altered it and dyed the white lace parts a pretty teal blue.  Now it looks more like a Moulan (sp?) Rouge type outfit.  I'm going to dress my husband up as a vampire but I want to do his eyes like Johnny Depp in Pirates (so sexy!)

I still haven't been thinking about my hair too much lately.  My newest passion is vintage clothing, buying and selling.  I'd never been to a thrift store prior to a week ago and I was surprised at how much fun I had, it was like searching for treasure.  I can't wait to go again in a few days. [smiley=laugh.gif]

I also went to the Moscow Cat Theater this past weekend, it was so much fun!  They train regular domesticated cats to do circus tricks, it was amazing!  It was geared alot towards kids as they had clowns too, I imagine to fill the time as they prepared the cats backstage.  They even called my husband up to be part of the show at one point.  He was sick and feverish with a cold but he loved it.  He was making silly faces and winking at the crowd, the people seemed to enjoy it but I was preoccupied with the thought that he may pass out.  He was fine though and was saying how much he loves being on the stage and how even sick, the show must go on... he's such a ham! ;D

Um, my house is coming along great!  I'm finally going to get the dining set that I want next week, so we can have proper meals and a proper Thanksgiving at the table.

I figure that by the end of the year we'll have everything done around here and hopefully then, I'll be ready to join the Compact.  I'd love to try to not make any new purchases (except the essentials) for one year, or at least six months.  I think learning to get by with only what I have will be great for me.  I've actually done it before but then it was easier because I didn't have the means to consume.  This will be more of a challenge because I'll have the means but will have to use discipline not to shop.

Yay, Halloween is getting closer everyday!  I already carved my pumpkin which turned out really nice but apparently, I carved too prematurely because it's already rotted and had to be thrown away. :'(   My husband and I are even already snacking on those little candy bars.  Not only can't I believe that I'm eating this candy, I can't believe how much I can eat, it's nuts!  I've finally lost 5lbs and if I keep this up, I'm most likely going to put it all back on. :'(  I think now is the time for me to practice discipline. :P  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Oct 23rd, 2007 at 1:29am
Next time you carve your pumpkin, rub Vasaline on the cut parts to keep it from drying out or rotting too early!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 23rd, 2007 at 2:17am
Ooh, great tip, thanks!  It was the first intricate carving I'd ever done so it was a bit disappointing to have it rot so soon, hopefully this will work for me! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Oct 23rd, 2007 at 10:29am
The Moscow Cat Theater sounds like fun!   :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 23rd, 2007 at 2:24pm
It really was!  I only wish I could teach my own cats to do some of those tricks.  My cats are pretty smart, I just don't know how to begin teaching some of those tricks.  Perhaps I'll buy another cat training book. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 25th, 2007 at 6:28pm
Yay, I found something new to be excited about!  I've been in such a hair rut lately.  I'd found products that worked so I'd just been doing the same routine which is fine, but it's been boring.  Today in the mail, I got a catalog with Ojon products and they sound great so I'm gonna give them a try. I hope they work as well as advertised.:D

I also recieved the perfect leather jacket in the mail today.  I was so happy because I'd been looking for a nice jacket for years. It's so cute and feminine, it's black and ruffly with lace trim.  Only now it felt a little weird because I no longer eat meat yet I just purchased leather. :-/  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Oct 25th, 2007 at 6:50pm
You won't be disappointed with the Ojon products.  I've used them on and off for about 4 years.  The restorative treatment is pricey,but well worth it! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Oct 25th, 2007 at 6:53pm

Curlgirl64 wrote on Oct 25th, 2007 at 6:50pm:
You won't be disappointed with the Ojon products.  I've used them on and off for about 4 years.  The restorative treatment is pricey,but well worth it! :)

I second that!  Ojon is really good! 8-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 26th, 2007 at 1:33am
Woo Hoo, Ojon!  Now, I really can't wait to try it!  Thanks Lisabelle and Curlgirl for telling me of your experiences with it.   I'm getting the S&H plus the restorative treatment, I'll let you know how it works for my hair.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Oct 26th, 2007 at 5:16am
:) you're welcome!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Oct 26th, 2007 at 11:14am
Cheers! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 28th, 2007 at 1:34am
Ugh...night clubs are so lame! >:(  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Oct 28th, 2007 at 11:41am
Oh how cute!  You pretty thing you! 8-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Oct 28th, 2007 at 12:41pm
The colors look really good together ;)


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 28th, 2007 at 1:52pm
Thanks Jerry and Lisabelle (you're always so sweet :-*).  

I liked the colors too.  I'm actually glad I altered it and painted it blue. There were so many other girls wearing the same costumes (including this one), at least mine was able to be somewhat different.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Oct 28th, 2007 at 4:01pm
you look great!  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Oct 28th, 2007 at 7:26pm
Love the costume - you look darling!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 29th, 2007 at 12:05am
[color=#000000]Thank you Curlgirl and Bikerbraid.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Oct 29th, 2007 at 11:02am
I've been thinking about drought situation down there - it is starting to sound pretty scary.  :-?

Filling your watering cans while the shower warms is a great idea!

Have you considered recycling your gray water? If you wash your dishes in a removable tub, you could recycle that water.  The same is true of bath water and water used for food prep.  Basically any water except the toilet water can be recycled.  You just need to create a filtering system.  We have this up at our land (we don't have any plumbing up there).  We created the filter by using a 30 gallon plastic garbage can.  You fill the bottom 8" with rocks, a screen layer on top of that, several inches of smaller rock, a screen layer, several more inches of even smaller rock, a screen layer, several inches of sand, a screen layer, then dirt (with plants if you like).  You have a hole with a faucet at the bottom of the can so that you can control the water flow.  To recycle the water, you dump the used water on top.  It will filter thru the dirt, sand and rock and eventually get to the bottom.  What comes out of the bottom faucet can be used to water plants and is usually safe for pet drinking as well.  

In the meantime - I hope you get rain soon!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 29th, 2007 at 2:24pm
No, I never considered recycling gray water, I didn't even know that was possible.  Lately, I haven't been taking baths though opting for short showers, but recycling dishwater is definitley something I can do.  Thanks for the tip.

Yeah, the situation is pretty scary.  I just don't think a lot of people here (including my husband) really know how serious it is because as of now, we still have water.  I don't think some people really have grasped the idea that if we don't get enough rain, in a few months, that may no longer be the case. :-/

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 2nd, 2007 at 2:06am
I'm counting down the days until my Ojon shampoo, conditioner and rejuvinating treatment arrives.  I even ordered a new shower filter for the occasion, it's supposed to remove everything, I can't wait.  I'm hoping it will all be here by Saturday so I can wash my hair then.  It hasn't been that long since my last wash but trying new products always excites me. :D

I'm also thinking about trying Formula 37 hair pills.  From the reviews I read it works for some but not for others.  They're pretty pricey but I figure if they work then it'll be worth the cost so I think I'll try them for a month to see.   If they work great if not at least I'll know and won't have to keep wondering what if.

Today we went to Buford Hwy where they have one of the largest varieties of ethnic restaurants and shops all in one place in the country. I went searching store to store looking for my Buddha that I want to put in my art niche, but there were just too many stores which is why I thank goddess for the internet.  I can search from the comfort of my own home, any time of day, without having to roam aimlessly from store to store and usually in vain, to find what I want.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 2nd, 2007 at 7:17pm
Well, I got my restoratives treatment today.  It smelled okay until it emulsified then it smelled like smoke.  I put it in my hair anyway but I think I used too much, as it now seems greasy and my husband says I smell like a pot head. :P    I'm going to keep it in overnight for extra conditioning and I'll wash it out tomorrow.

Went to see American Gangster today.  It's very good.  They showed about 1/2 hours worth of previews prior to starting the movie and I was surprised to see that there are a few other cool movies coming out. :)  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Nov 2nd, 2007 at 7:52pm
It usually smells like roasted coffee and chocolate.  You can start at the ends and work your way up to do the whole head.  If you wanted to leave it on overnight you could or leave it in for 20 or 30 minutes and then shampoo.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 3rd, 2007 at 8:59pm
Yeah, it does have a roasted coffee scent.  

Hair: Well, I the treatment in overnight and washed with the moisturizing and thickening shampoo and conditioner.  I know my hair is already quite thick but I was curious to see if I could get more body.  Anyway, my hair still seems as thick as it's always been but it does feel softer and quite managable. :D  I put my hair in two pigtails to let it air dry.  Afterwards, I applied a bit more restorative treatment (not as much as I put in yesterday ::))  and I like it.  It feels soft and the treatment gives it a nice shine. :)

I've been so bummed out lately about how short my hair is, I trimmed off so much over the spring and summer.  Even though my hair was a few inches longer this time last year, I have to keep reminding myself that it wasn't nearly as healthy as it is now.  I was still regularly using a blow dryer for goodness sake. ::)  

One thing that took my mind off of my hair for a bit was recieving a new vintage dress in the mail today.  it's a long gorgeous crocheted sweater dress and I only paid 10.00 for it!  Shopping vintage is so much fun! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Nov 4th, 2007 at 9:38am
I am happy the Ojon worked out for you. I love Ojon!  Knowing how much to put in your hair is a little hard at first but you get the hang of it.  Whatever is left on my hands I rub into my skin. In the summer when its really hot put the RT in the fridge or it seperates.  Enjoy! 8-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 7th, 2007 at 12:21am
Thanks Lisabelle!  You're so right, knowing how much to put in was tricky but I've gotten the hang of it. ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Nov 7th, 2007 at 10:35am
Cool! ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 8th, 2007 at 6:44pm
Okay so, now that the cooler weather has arrived

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Nov 8th, 2007 at 8:22pm
I have the same trouble with the dry heat making my hair dry.  I oil it evey night just on the lenght.  Isay keep the humidfier going all the time.  I think if you keep washing it might make the dryness worst. :-/

Oh you kitty is so cute!  I'm trying to remember what breed she is.  There was a  video store in my area that had this type of cat and I loved it! :-*

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 8th, 2007 at 11:23pm
Yeah, this time of year sucks for my hair although not totally.  Because I don't go out as much in the cold, I'm afforded more opportunity to do up do's more often since when I go out I prefer my hair down.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by juri on Nov 9th, 2007 at 3:45am
About your hair, you can try spritzing the length with water before you go to bed or put it in an updo. Sometimes when I'm in the middle of a wash cycle, I dampen the length before I go to bed and it's nice and soft when I wake up.

Good luck with your FIL and stepson's visit! I don't have any in-laws so, unfortunately, I can't give any advice. I'm sure it will be fine, though. If not, at least 3 days instead of 3 weeks.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Kiraela on Nov 9th, 2007 at 2:19pm
Well, like you said, it's only three days, so if it's awkward, or even sucks, at least it will be over soon.
Paul and his dad don't get along. at all. and his father lives on the other side of the duplex, and they share the shop. It can be rough, lemme tell you.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 9th, 2007 at 3:17pm
The water spritz sounds like a good idea juri, I'm gonna try it.  Thanks :D

Well, he arrived and it wasn't bad (well except for the fact that he basically called me skinny ::))seeing that we do have a bit to catch up on.  They've (he and my husband) have now gone to pic up my stepson which feels weird saying since I never call him that.  I think I'll refer to him in here as DH's son.  My husband told me that he'll try to think of different places we can go together so that we aren't all just awkwardly sitting around here.

At least we have a couples date night pottery class to look fwd to tomorrow which should be fun... I'm just still not so sure as to what I'm going to wear. :-?

Another thing I know we'll be doing is looking for a new car this weekend as we're in the market for one right now.  I'm really pushing for a Prius, I think they're so cute!  Anyway, I was on eBay and saw a cute little green 07 with a bid of about 200.00 and the auction strangely had no reserve. Typically, I'd never look at a green car but felt if I could get one for basically nothing why not?  So I figured what the heck, and increased the bid up to 1000.00.  Who would think of purchasing a car on eBay?  I found it so funny and weird seeing it in the items I'm bidding on section on the My eBay screen.  Well, after a few more relatively low bids, the auction mysteriously disappeared.  Actually, it wasn't that mysterious to me.  I knew right away that the person who listed the auction realized their mistake of not having a reserve price and was afraid of letting a perfectly good car (even if it is light green) go for potentially 3000.00 or something way below market value. ;D   Sure enough when I rechecked, it was there relisted correctly.  Then I thought hey why not browse homes for sale while I'm at it and yep, there they were... houses for sale on eBay. ;D  I guess I'm a dork but that's too funny to me.  "Like someone might say "Hey why don't I go on eBay and buy a pair of pants... and perhaps a house  while I'm at it". ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 10th, 2007 at 1:49am

Oh and why is it that I can't wait to get the December edition of Ebony magazine with Michael Jackson on the cover!?!  Thinking that it was already on stands, this past Sunday morning I had my husband drive me to Walgreens at 8a.m. to pick it up.  When it wasn't there I was quite disappointed and it's really frightening that I can't wait.  I thought I'd abandoned this phase in the 90's. :-/ All I know is that it better be a good article. ;D Check out the cover...

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by juri on Nov 10th, 2007 at 5:37am
You're welcome! I used to do that when my hair was shorter and I hope it works for you.

Too weird; I'm listening to Michael Jackson on my laptop and then I see your entry on him. :o

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Nov 10th, 2007 at 11:24am
"shakes head at your hushand"  Guys! ::)  I wish I had the med/dance room myself.  I always thought that was so cool.  When I pratice my dance and hubbies home, I send him to the bedroom as I like to practice without him watching cause he will make comments. He use to ice dance when he was a teen, so this guy can do the samba on blades! :-?
Say, Micheal looks pretty good!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Nov 10th, 2007 at 11:40am
Gotta love Michael.  8-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 11th, 2007 at 4:21am
Juri:  It worked, yay I'm so happy.  Prior to going to bed I did a spritz of water and hair lotion, and the next morning my hair was still soft.  Thank you! :D

Lisabelle:  I don't like bellydancing in front of my husband either.  Whenever he catches glimpes of me dancing I always stop.  He says it's nice and he'd like to see me dance, but I don't because I'd feel that I have to perform, as opposed to dancing for me and my own happiness.  I'd only feel comfortable if I choreographed a routine and had an elaborate costume, lighting and props. ;D  It would have to be perfect, unlike when I'm just dancing for pleasure, not sticking to a routine and dancing however the music makes me feel without caring (too much) how I look.  I don't think that's weird? :-?

So, your husband can really samba on ice skates!?!  I'm really impressed. :o

And as for Michael Jackson looking nice...  Well, as much as I like him and I truly do, I'm sure it took a lot of airbrushing to get him to look that way. [smiley=happy.gif]

Angel Spun:  Okay, if I didn't remember you mentioning that you were a Michael Jackson fan in a previous post, I'd think you were being sarcastic. ;) :D

Other: Today was fun.  Well, I actually slept until 3pm because I ended up staying up all night and not going to bed until 9am due to my sleeping disorder but after 3 was a okay. :)  We went to our couples pottery class and had a really good time.  My husband who is a total novice made the best piece of work out of everyone, he was quite pleased with himself. ::)  Everyone was also very nice and fun, it was a great group and I'm sure all of the wine didn't hurt. ;D  Anyway, we met this couple that seemed to have so much in common personality wise, with my husband and myself, so we swopped numbers and hopefully will go out together sometime.  With my husband and I pretty much attached at the hip day in and day out, it was nice to be able to enjoy conversations and the company of another couple. :)  

After our night out, we returned home to FIL and SS and that was nice too.  It actually felt surprisingly good to be welcomed by family when we came home.  It's surprising because it's so unlike me, or at least I thought it was. :-/  We all talked laughed and watched tv until we all got tired and decided to go to bed.  Now everyone is asleep and although I felt tired my body changed it's mind and now here I am up again. :P   I'll most likely take my sleeping pills in a bit, I do so hate this, sleeping disorders suck! :P  And on that positive note I'll be off to take my sleep medication. ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 11th, 2007 at 4:47am
Oh, before I go to bed, I figured I'd do everyone a favor and post the following PSA.  

"When your cat is using the toilet, please don't interrupt them by trying to get them to look into the camera.  As this may startle your poor kitty, causing them to lose their footing and fall into the toilet as my poor kitty did. :P  Keep your cat safe, give them privacy and let them use the toilet in peace.  Thank You."  [smiley=laugh.gif]

The preceding PSA was brought to you from the makers of the Cat Genie.  The expensive automatic litter box that your cat (well at least this one) will totally ignore opting instead to use the toilet which it is sitting right next to. ;D  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by juri on Nov 12th, 2007 at 6:58am

wrote on Nov 11th, 2007 at 4:21am:
Juri:  It worked, yay I'm so happy.  Prior to going to bed I did a spritz of water and hair lotion, and the next morning my hair was still soft.  Thank you! :D

You're welcome! I'm glad it worked for you!! :)

ROTFLMAO!! I'm sorry, but that picture of your cat is too funny. I knew some cats do that, but I've never known someone with a cat that actually uses the toilet. How in the world do they keep themselves from falling in?

Lisabelle--Jean-Luc ice danced! :o I'm beyond impressed.[/hijack]

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Nov 12th, 2007 at 8:23am

wrote on Nov 11th, 2007 at 4:47am:
Oh, before I go to bed, I figured I'd do everyone a favor and post the following PSA.  

"When your cat is using the toilet, please don't interrupt them by trying to get them to look into the camera.  As this may startle your poor kitty, causing them to lose their footing and fall into the toilet as my poor kitty did. :P  Keep your cat safe, give them privacy and let them use the toilet in peace.  Thank You."  [smiley=laugh.gif]

The preceding PSA was brought to you from the makers of the Cat Genie.  The expensive automatic litter box that your cat (well at least this one) will totally ignore opting instead to use the toilet which it is sitting right next to. ;D  

Oh my!  ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Nov 12th, 2007 at 8:29am

juri wrote on Nov 12th, 2007 at 6:58am:

wrote on Nov 11th, 2007 at 4:21am:
Juri:  It worked, yay I'm so happy.  Prior to going to bed I did a spritz of water and hair lotion, and the next morning my hair was still soft.  Thank you! :D

You're welcome! I'm glad it worked for you!! :)

ROTFLMAO!! I'm sorry, but that picture of your cat is too funny. I knew some cats do that, but I've never known someone with a cat that actually uses the toilet. How in the world do they keep themselves from falling in?

Lisabelle--Jean-Luc ice danced! :o I'm beyond impressed.[/hijack]

Oh yeah he can ice dance, he had a dance partner too.  Poor hubby has scars on his legs from one too many accidents with the blades.  He also has a few medals and was one local TV once.  Me, I cannot skate to save my life :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Nov 13th, 2007 at 4:18pm
I'm glad the family visit is not as awkward as you thought it might be.   :)  Have fun  *hugs*

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 15th, 2007 at 5:32am
Yay, everyone has returned to their homes and life is back to normal around here. Thanks Trisha! ;)

Hair:  Great but only thing is... well it's quite a big thing to me, but I think my alopecia may be trying to make a return.  I've been experiencing itchiness that is symptomatic of alopecia.  I've also been applying my medication again in the hopes that that will stop anything before it starts.  Fortunately, I haven't noticed any hair loss and I so hope I don't.  I finally got my hair healthy and evened out the way I've wanted it, I'd hate to have my hair fall out again and completely ruin what I've accomplished. :'(  I'm just trying to think happy thoughts and hope for the best.

Oh and I've decided to wash more frequently since my hair is becoming more dry due to having the heat on lately.  So far so good, it's really feeling better. :D   I'm hoping that the extra conditioning that I'll recieve from more frequent washings will be beneficial.  I also ordered a new shower filter this morning and I'm hoping that will help too.  The one I have currently removes chlorine but not chloramine so this one should take care of everything so hopefully, I'll see more positive results with my hair.  

Yesterday I got coconut milk from the store, I'm going to mix it in with my conditioner the next time I wash.  I'm so excited I can't wait to try it! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 15th, 2007 at 7:55am
Only yesterday I realized how much the view from my window has changed, it looks beautiful.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Nov 15th, 2007 at 10:57am
Neat Pics!  Love your new avatar! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Nov 15th, 2007 at 11:12am
lol LD

Cats just like to jump into things. The cat that lives with my family once tried to climb into my dad's guitar case. And my sister's cat liked to sleep in her dresser drawer.  ::)

That's a cool fountain too.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 15th, 2007 at 3:31pm
Thanks Lisabelle and Angel Spun :D

Yeah Angel, I suppose them liking to be in the aquarium is the same as them jumping in boxes, they love to do that.  My cats would sleep in my dresser drawers too if I let them but that's one place of a few places that I don't allow them to go, I get enough cat hair on my clothes as it is. :P

Other:  My husband left today for a business trip so I'm stocked up on groceries and dvd's until he returns.  I've even decided to finally try some recipes from Everyday Italian.  I watch that show all of the time yet have never made anything.  Giada was actually on Oprah the other day and it was hilarious.  She made a cheese and chocolate chip pannini with basil (or some other herb) anyway, it was quite clear that Oprah didn't like it as she constantly described the taste as interesting.  I felt bad for Giada but it was such an awkward tv moment I had to laugh.

Anywhoo...I got my popcorn and 2 Johnny Depp movies, Libertine and one I've never heard of called The Man That (or Who?) Cried, I hope its good.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Kiraela on Nov 15th, 2007 at 4:27pm
Okay, I've been looking at too many LOLcats...(For definition of lolcat, go to www.icanhascheezburger.com) As soon as I saw that picture I had captions popping into my mind like mad. "waiting..." was my favorite... would you mind if I borrowed that pic?  As for cats jumping into things, My cat, if given a choice, will sleep in the mesh cat carrier, as long as the main door is zipped up but the top flap is open. if the door part is down, she won't go near it.
Anyway, I love that new avatar.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Nov 15th, 2007 at 4:56pm
I love the Libertine.  Its not for the faint of heart.  JD's performance really blew me away and the realism the director used makes this an awesome movie in my book.  Is the other one a western in black & white?  If it is, I've seen it and after I got used to it rather liked it.  Strange story, I think.

Cute kitties.  My giant Ziggy will try to get into the smallest box.  Cracks me up!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 15th, 2007 at 5:44pm
I love that site Kiraela, it's so funny!  No I don't mind if you borrow the pic. :D  Thanks for the compliment on my avitar.  I was inspired by the House of Flying Daggers.

Sakina: I've seen bits and pieces of the Libertine but never the whole thing.  The last time I saw a blip of it on tv Johnny Depp's face looked like he was burned in a fire or something.  He's so cute I wasn't prepared for that but now I know to expect it. :)  
The second one I don't believe is a western or in black or white but I could be wrong.  I'll find out when I watch it.  Christina Ricci, Cate Blanchette and John Turturro are in this one. Anyway, the other day I saw another movie on tv that JD starred in that I also had never seen or heard of before, I had no idea he's done so many movies. :-?  

My cat likes to try to get into little boxes too, and even worse, envelopes. ;D  I don't know what goes through their minds sometimes but they sure are funny to watch. :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Kiraela on Nov 15th, 2007 at 7:21pm
Sometimes I wonder that too, but then I stop, think about it for a second, and decide I'm much better of not knowing what goes on between those furry little ears.
I have often said of my Emma, "she's never met a blanket she didn't like the underside of." She'll cold-nose me until I lift the blankets for her to crawl under... and half the time she keeps right on going, falls off the bed at the other end, and jumps back up to do it again. when she was a kitten she got into everything, including shoes. I found her once, sleeping inside a boot.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Nov 15th, 2007 at 7:47pm
Those are great pictures :)

Cats can be so funny at times ;)


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Nov 15th, 2007 at 7:48pm
The Libertine was really good!  :)  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 16th, 2007 at 6:05am
and half the time she keeps right on going, falls off the bed at the other end, and jumps back up to do it again.
;D That's too funny!  

Jerry: Thanks!

I only watched The Libertine last night because I was too tired to watch both movies, but I really enjoyed it.  It was a good story and the acting was excellent.  I really love movies from that time period.  I love the way they speak, how thoroughly they articulate.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Nov 16th, 2007 at 5:11pm

wrote on Nov 15th, 2007 at 5:44pm:
I love that site Kiraela, it's so funny!  No I don't mind if you borrow the pic. :D  Thanks for the compliment on my avitar.  I was inspired by the House of Flying Daggers.

Sakina: I've seen bits and pieces of the Libertine but never the whole thing.  The last time I saw a blip of it on tv Johnny Depp's face looked like he was burned in a fire or something.  He's so cute I wasn't prepared for that but now I know to expect it. :)  
The second one I don't believe is a western or in black or white but I could be wrong.  I'll find out when I watch it.  Christina Ricci, Cate Blanchette and John Turturro are in this one. Anyway, the other day I saw another movie on tv that JD starred in that I also had never seen or heard of before, I had no idea he's done so many movies. :-?  

My cat likes to try to get into little boxes too, and even worse, envelopes. ;D  I don't know what goes through their minds sometimes but they sure are funny to watch. :D

According to the IMDB (The Internet Movie Database), Johnny Depp has done 42 movies so far with 4 in production.

I have seen a lot of his movies and even though he does play some strange characters he is a very good actor.


I hope the link works for everybody.


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Nov 16th, 2007 at 6:09pm
Dead Man is the movie I was thinking of.  Totally not the one you got.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Nov 16th, 2007 at 8:20pm

Sakina wrote on Nov 16th, 2007 at 6:09pm:
Dead Man is the movie I was thinking of.  Totally not the one you got.

That was sick! ;D  Got any tabacco?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 17th, 2007 at 7:53am
Wow, I'd had no idea he'd done 42 movies.  Thanks for the link Jerry.

Never heard of Dead Man either. ::)

I watched the Man Who Cried last night.  There were parts of it that were okay, but overall I didn't like it too much.  I especially didn't like the ending and wound up a bit angered by the way the story unfolded.  Oh well. :P  Oh, and I also felt a bit uneasy with Johnny Depp and Christina Ricci having sex scenes. :o  I mean she's pretty young isn't she?  I still remember her as the little girl from the Adams Family.  I felt the same way about them being love interests in Sleepy Hollow too, but at least in that movie their contact was pretty mild.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Nov 17th, 2007 at 9:03am
You are very welcome :)

I always forget his first movie was the first Nightmare On Elm Street ::)


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 17th, 2007 at 3:09pm
Yeah, I know he was in that movie, he was so young then! :D  

Other:  Today I tried a recipe for grilled shrimp and a pesto sauce from Everyday Italian.  It was very easy to make and although I was initially afraid to try it, it actually turned out quite tasty!  I was so proud of myself that I had to call my husband away from his business meeting just to tell him of my success in the kitchen![smiley=laugh.gif]  Later tonight, I think I just might tackle another recipe.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 18th, 2007 at 10:36am
Ugh, this morning I woke up with a bad case of the itchies!  My scalp, my arms, palms and even my feet all itched like crazy, very weird.  I'm thinking it's just due to the dryness of the air in here... I hope. :-?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Nov 19th, 2007 at 7:25am
I hope your feeling better!  I know the itchies drive me nuts this time of year too.  I use Aveeno lotion religiously.  We have hard water in my building and that doesn't help at all.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 20th, 2007 at 6:31am
Awww, thanks Lisabelle!  Unfortunatley, I had to suffer with them for another day and it was really freaking me out.  I took a million baths and showers (even with our drought situation, I felt so bad), moisturized like crazy but nothing worked.  When I layed down to go to bed, I all of a sudden couldn't breath out of my nose even though my sheets were freshly washed and my whole bed room was clean and disenfected.  My husband at that time felt that I must be having some sort of allergic reaction to something and he gave me one of his allergy medications to see if that would help, and it actually did. No more itchies and I can breath. :D  I still find the whole thing pretty weird though, what could I possibly be allergic to?  I've never had allergies in my life.

I'm excited because I can now begin shopping for the Secret Santa exchange.  I looked at a few things online before realizing how utterly stupid that would be.  I'd order online having it shipped to me so that I can inspect it and make sure it's okay, and then reship it to somone else. ::)  So yeah, it makes more sense to actually go out to the mall or something.  I'm a bit nervous about the gift though.  I want to give something really nice but think it'll be quite the task with a 10.00 price limit.  So, I'm going to start looking as soon as possible feeling that I'm going to need all of the time thats available to me.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Nov 20th, 2007 at 7:08am
(((hugs))) I am happy your feeling better!  Allergies can happen at any stage of life and any time.  It wasn't till I was in my late 20's that the pollen started bugging me.  I too am wondering what started you reaction Maybe a food you ate?  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 20th, 2007 at 9:12am
I really don't know.  I can't imagine what I may have done or eaten  differently that would cause an allergic reaction.

Well anyway, I'm feeling good today because I've been having a bit of selling success on eBay.  I'm selling very regularly and feel that I'm going to keep it up this time.  I've even been looking to purchase more wholesale merchandise.  The only thing is, selling clothes is a huge conflict of interest for me because I like buying clothes so much.  It's hard not to get tempted to spend the money as soon as it's made.

So, I now have to go to get ready for the appointment with my shrink.  Perhaps she can shed light on my conflicting interests, or at least give me more meds.  She's been getting quite stingy with them lately.;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 21st, 2007 at 3:49pm
Oh, I forgot to mention that I rented another movie last night called Reign Over Me, with Don Cheadle and Adam Sandler.  It was very good

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Nov 21st, 2007 at 6:55pm
Hmmm.... the meds I take make me very active, I had to cut down my dose cause I could not sleep.    If you don't want to drive don't.  I mean if you have to you can, so I do not see why she making you do this. :-?

Oooh a Morroccan restaurent with belly dance show, cool!  8-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 22nd, 2007 at 12:12pm
 My hair had reached my bra strap but it was in a V

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 23rd, 2007 at 1:02pm
Last night was great, although we realized that we're not that fond of Morroccan food.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Nov 23rd, 2007 at 1:15pm
Oh too bad you did not like the food much, still the place looks great and you looked fabulous!  That belly dancer had a nice costume!   8-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Nov 23rd, 2007 at 3:46pm
I always enjoy your pictures LaDiosa, thank you for sharing once again 8-)


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 23rd, 2007 at 6:06pm
Lisabelle: I was a bit dissapointed about the food but it was still a good experience and a learning experience.  Yeah, her costume was very nice.

Jerry:  Thank you, I'm glad you enjoy them.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Nov 26th, 2007 at 11:09am
I'm with Jerry; I always enjoy your photos, too.   :)

I just don't know why my hair grows like that

My hair grows naturally in a V shape, too.  I think most people's hair does.  I prefer the V shape for my hair, though I realize not everyone does.  In any case, your hair has come a long way, baby.   8-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 26th, 2007 at 2:50pm
I'm glad you enjoy the photos too Trisha, I like taking them.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 27th, 2007 at 1:44pm
So I've decided that I'm not done Christmas shopping.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 27th, 2007 at 4:24pm
 Who knows what or where he'll decide to use it next.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Kiraela on Nov 27th, 2007 at 4:33pm
OOHH, very pretty LD!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 27th, 2007 at 4:55pm
Thanks Kiraela. :D

Other: Okay now I'm dealing with an eBayer who won an auction but hasn't paid, nor contacted me in the time that I've specified in the listing. >:(   Really, I don't mind non payers.  I understand buyers remorse or changing your mind, especially in an auction situation. You have plenty of time to shop around before the auction is over, and you may find something cheaper or more suited to your needs, I get it.  But what I don't like is non communication.  At least let me know that you don't want to move forward, so that I can move forward, geesh! ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Nov 27th, 2007 at 5:11pm
Nice work with the vest, LD! Very pretty.  :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 27th, 2007 at 5:37pm
Thanks Angel! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Nov 27th, 2007 at 8:47pm
Awesome vest!  As for the e-bay dead beat, make a complaint to ebay and if you still do not hear from the buyer relist your item.  I've had to do this a few times myself.  It really sucks when by do not pay for something that was very expensive cause you loose out on the ebay fee's. :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 29th, 2007 at 2:25pm
Lisabelle:  Fortunately, the item I was selling wasn't expensive.  I did have to make a complaint but still no response which is fine with me, once I get the final value fee credited it'll be okay. :)

Hair:  I'd forgotton about the conditioner concoction that I made last week.  I put coconut milk in it but didn't I refrigerate it afterwards.  It doesn't smell weird but I'm not sure if it's a good idea to reuse it in my hair yet, I'd hate to waste it. :-/

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Nov 30th, 2007 at 10:37am
Yesterday I couldn't see the picture of the vest, but I can today, YAY!  Very NICE, babe!  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 2nd, 2007 at 1:43am
Thanks Trisha! :D

Other: I didn't think I'd ever get a break.  This weekend has been very busy so far.  Yesterday, I started out wanting to paint over my plain, white, boring, bedroom walls, but then my cats food allergies began to flare up and in a word it was a mess. We had to put off the room to take him to the vet... during rush hour, fortunately they were able to see him that day.  When we finally got there after getting lost, they gave him a check up, a shot, 2 prescription meds, food for his new prescription diet, and of course the bill, always way more than I expect. ::)  Then when we got home, there was still the mess to clean.  I had to give my carpets a shampoo and a steam treatment and my husband had to take our comforter to the laundry mat. ::)  

We didn't get to doing the room until today.  I was so nervous about the color because it looked so bright and shiny after it was mixed, but it turned out really nice after it dried and we put the furniture back in the room.:D  Now, I want to wall paper the wall behind my bed and then I think my bedroom will be complete. I've never done wall paper before and it seems pretty scary but I'm up for it.

So far this weekend I saw the movies Waitress and Namesake.  I liked Namesake... and Waitress too, but it was more of a dark sort of comedy.  I did get a kick out of her crazy pie names.;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 2nd, 2007 at 8:31pm
Hair:This evening I washed my hair and did a protein treatment.  I wasn't experiencing much breakage but I did notice that my strands were appearing a bit weak so I decided to do a preventative protein treatment.  My conditioner, coconut mixture still was okay and not spoiled or anything but I still didn't like the results. :P

Other: Today was yet another beautiful day.  I raked the leaves in the back yard and sat outside next to a fire with my cats.  There are usually a group of 4 cardnals that fly around together and eat seeds from my feeder.  Today they were perched in a tree and their red feathers looked so beautiful against the backdrop of yellow leaves.  I was so disappointed I didn't have my camera nearby to get the picture.

Also, I was a bit bummed today because now I'm really loving my bedroom (which was the most boring looking room in the house), even more than my meditation room.  Now I feel I have to redo the other room to make it better. :-/  
I've decided to get chandeliers for both rooms, but I now think I'm going to have to repaint that whole room that took us an entire weekend to do only a few months ago. :-/

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Dec 3rd, 2007 at 2:37pm

sat outside next to a fire with my cats.  There are usually a group of 4 cardnals that fly around together and eat seeds from my feeder.  Today they were perched in a tree and their red feathers looked so beautiful against the backdrop of yellow leaves.

Aw, that sounds so nice...I wish I could have sat near the fire with you and the kitties!   :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 3rd, 2007 at 4:42pm
Yes, it was nice and it would've been very nice to have you over. :D

Today, however is a different story. ::)  I was taking a nap and my husband alerts me that he let my cats out to play in the yard and my youngest most adventurous one has hopped the fence again.  I was going to get up but then he tells me he was going to handle it.  I knew that he couldn't handle it and it would be loony tunes as ususal but I let him try all the same.  About 10 minutes later he comes to me sreaming and cussing about how she had him chasing her up and down the street and wouldn't come to him.  
So, I bundled up and went out.  He told me she was back behind the fence a few doors down.  So I had to go into someones back yard to get closer to her.  When I saw her she wasn't close enough for me to grab but I called her a few times and then she came, that simple.  I could tell she was afraid so I soothed and petted her during the walk home and she was fine.  However, when my husband came out of the front door she freaked out and tried to get away from us wiggling out of my arms and scratching me in the process.  He grabs her up, I'm afraid he's going to kill her but he throws her on the floor and starts yelling about how ungrateful she is.  I'm like...she's a cat.  So anyway that was my afternoon. ::)  But at least I made another sale on eBay.  And the funny thing is during everything the mailman pulled up delivering a package that I ordered.  Asian wall plaques with the words happiness, serenity, and love... boy we sure needed those today. ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Kiraela on Dec 4th, 2007 at 3:53pm
I'm sorry, but if I were your cat, I'd probably freak out and try to run away from him right then too. Poor kitty. Cats know when their people are upset with them, and DON'T want to be anywhere nearby.

Anyway, though. I hope everything else is going well for you. *hug*

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 4th, 2007 at 5:13pm
To see her afraid of him like that, to me was the oddest thing but I think you're right.  She knew he was angry.  And yes, everthing else is going okay.  All is serene today, thanks. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 5th, 2007 at 6:24pm
Ugh, I'm not liking my hair today!  After I washed it I put hair lotion on it and scrunched it up to create waves but it's feeling so dry. :(  I've realized that the curlier I make my hair the more difficult it is to keep it moisturized.  Oh well, lesson learned.

Other: I gave my husband one of his Christmas gifts yesterday, and to my surprise he actually liked it.  He is a stickler about his shoes and is always polishing them, but he keeps all of his polishing supplies in a cardboard box.  So, I bought him a wooden shoe vallet with drawers, additional polishes, brushes and cloths.  It was so nice to know that he actually liked something I bought especially since he's the pickiest person I've ever met. ::)  Well, besides grandfather who come to think of it was very anal about his shoes too (as well as everything else). :P

I'm alone today, so I have to fend for myself in the kitchen.  I don't know what it is but I prefer appetizers and side dishes to regular meals. ::)  Anyway, I made more pesto for shrimp and salad and also some hummus for dipping pita bread when I want to snack later.

Also, I was so thrilled to have drank a glass of plain milk today! :D  I actually hate plain milk and only use it for cooking or cereal.  Today I decided to try a glass of soy milk and was pleasantly surprised to realize that soy milk all by itself is delicious!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Dec 5th, 2007 at 7:36pm
Cool! What brand of soy milk did you try?  I keep trying brands and they're gross.  I drink 2% milk right now.  Neat present you got your hubby.  Mine is a clothes horse, he has lots of clothes.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 5th, 2007 at 8:14pm
It's Silk brand, plain flavor.  It has sort of a nutty taste.  I can't even drink 2%, I just don't like the taste of regular milk unless its mixed with something.  I usually use 1% or skim though.

Yeah, I thought the gift was pretty neat, seeing that it was something he could actually use.  
My husband really isn't a clothes horse at all, he's more into shoes for some reason. ::)  I don't discriminate, I like shoes AND clothes! ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Dec 6th, 2007 at 7:13am

wrote on Dec 5th, 2007 at 8:14pm:
It's Silk brand, plain flavor.  It has sort of a nutty taste.  I can't even drink 2%, I just don't like the taste of regular milk unless its mixed with something.  I usually use 1% or skim though.

Yeah, I thought the gift was pretty neat, seeing that it was something he could actually use.  
My husband really isn't a clothes horse at all, he's more into shoes for some reason. ::)  I don't discriminate, I like shoes AND clothes! ;D

I'll give it a go next time I go food shopping! 8-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 6th, 2007 at 4:49pm

I'll give it a go next time I go food shopping!
 Good, I hope you like it as well! :D

Other: Not quite sure what it is, but I've been in sort of a funk today and yesterday. :-?  

Anyway, I ordered some things to sell online and some of the items arrived damaged.  Unfortunately, that's happened to me before and I took the hit, but this time I was thankfully able to get my money back from the manufacturer.  And I got a few wholesale dresses for myself out of it, so it still worked out okay in the end.

Cats are so amazing.  I decided today to give my cat a break from his meds as he hates taking them.  But, apparently just one day off can make things go terribly wrong.  Anyway, after I got off of the phone with the wholesale clothing company, my cat comes to me and starts meowing.  He never meows unless something is wrong so I knew right away that he needed to go outside to relieve himself.  Good thing my cats and I know how to communicate with each other or I would've had a horrible mess to clean.  Sometimes I feel as though I'm living with 3 feline Lassies. :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Kiraela on Dec 6th, 2007 at 7:20pm
I was wondering, what's your ebay name again? I completely forgot and can't find mention of it anywhere.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 6th, 2007 at 7:50pm
No problem Kiraela, here's the link.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 7th, 2007 at 4:31pm
Ahhh... for the first time in a few days, I'm feeling like my normal self. ( ;D my cat is trying to lay on my arms as I type.)  Anyway, this morning I meditated for about a half hour and it really made all the difference.  I hadn't meditated in a bit and now realize that it is so vital to my mental well being.

I also haven't been exercising lately either and have decied to just do a little bit a day and thats it.  I don't want to exercise to the point to where it totally feels like work (or torture) anymore because when I do that eventually it leads to me getting burned out and just quitting.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 7th, 2007 at 7:00pm
This morning I realized that part of the reason I'd been feeling so blah lately is because I've been bored.  I'm always most happy when I have a project around the house to keep me busy.  We'll be hanging wallpaper soon, which I'm looking forward to, but since I can't keep repainting and haning wallpaper everytime I get bored, I really need to find a real hobby.  

I think that it's finally time for me to learn how to sew.  I saw some really neat machines that don't appear too complicated for a beginner.  Hopefully, I can find one with really basic instructions and maybe even a dvd.  

I'm actually excited at the thought of it.  I think it would be neat to learn how to make dresses and other things for myself. :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Dec 8th, 2007 at 8:19am
I have not had the feeling of being bored in a very long time ::)

The reason is mainly due to the internet but I also have other things which keep me busy so I don't think I will know what bored is until after I finally retire from work ;)


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 8th, 2007 at 5:23pm
Well, you're lucky Jerry, I got bored even when I had a job. ::)  The only time I didn't get bored at work, was when I worked in retail (which I really loved, but the pay sucked :P) and when I did work through my talent agency.  Both jobs were fun and exciting because no two days were ever the same.  However, when I did office work, regardless of what it was, I typically got bored after the first week on the job.  The only thing that kept me around and that I looked forward to was payday.  Bottom line, if it isn't fun or interesting enough to hold my attention, I get bored.  Thats why I really need to find something that I enjoy.

Hair: Was going to wash last night but decided to do a CO instead.  Seems that washing more frequently is helping to combat the dryness that I was suffering through but now it seems the more I wash the more prone my hair has become to tangles.  Even with the CO I did experience some tangling but fortunately not too badly.  Going forward (well until the weather gets warmer) I'm going to just CO or perhaps I may try the baking soda wash myself.  Anyway, I'm still really in love with Aubrey Organics Revitalizing Conditioner, it makes my hair so soft.

Other: Got my body henna/mendhi kit in the mail today but I don't think I'm going to do it for awhile. :-/  I want to get a good idea of what sort of design I'm going to do first.

Also, I found this really nice French restaurant that I wanted to try for Christmas.  I tried booking reservations online and it kept saying no reservations available at the time that I picked.  So silly me I keep trying different times, getting the same message.  Finally, I called to see when they did have reservations available and of course the guy told me that they're closed Christmas.  Why didn't their site just say that? ::)  So anyway, back to the drawing board.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Dec 8th, 2007 at 5:41pm
Other: Got my body henna/mendhi kit in the mail today but I don't think I'm going to do it for awhile.   I want to get a good idea of what sort of design I'm going to do first.

Oooh you got a kit!  Did you get the one from the henna page?  There are oodles of designs out there.  ;) This one is my all time favorites!
 The henna is done bewteen the fingers and looks very sexy when you move your hands around. ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 8th, 2007 at 5:59pm
Wow that's very pretty!  I couldn't do that though, unless it came with a stencil and even then I don't know. :-/  

Actually I had something more like these in mind.  These were the pics that inspired me to try it in the first place but it also seems too complicated and I don't want to mess it up.  

I got the henna from a company called Henna Sooq, they're in Canada actually.  I decided to go with them because thats where I purchased my cassia in the past.  Anyway, the stencils that they sent me with the kit aren't very nice to me.  Not unattractive, just overly simple. Apparently, I like the more complicated looking designs but unfortunately, don't feel that I can do them.::)  Do you use stencils?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Dec 8th, 2007 at 7:37pm
Those designs are really cool! 8-)  I would love to have my whole body done!  I have tryed stencils and the problem is the henna bleeds out from under them and you have a mess.  Here's an idea!  Why not try putting some chocolate syrup in a cone and practice with that! This will help you get the hang of how to use a cone.  Use a really thick type of syrup, mistakes can be licked away! :D  Tonight I am doing my other hand.  What I did lastnight was a simple design from arabic patterns.  My favorite patters are Iranian, they are very fine lined and feature birds and tiny stars. 8-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 8th, 2007 at 8:18pm
Chocolate syrup...what a great idea! :D  And the licked away part, yum!  I love how you think! ;)  I'll probably need to get some more cones though, I think my kit only has one.

Ooh, tiny birds and stars, sounds very nice!

Other:  I so kick butt in the kitchen! :D  Tonight I made stuffed cannelloni with very sparse ingredients.  I pretty much made it up as I went along but it came out delicious!  I had to redeem myself because I tried to make the same dish last week, but with a white sauce and it was horrible... and then, I was following a recipe! >:(  Anyway, I've been plesantly redeemed. :D

I also harvested the rest of my basil and replanted my areogarden.  It's supposed to last 6 months but I swear it's only been about 4. :-?  I really need to check that.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 9th, 2007 at 2:18am
Hair: I just plaited my hair and put some Ojon restoratives treatment in it.  I'm hoping it'll help to prevent dry tangles.

Other: I checked my henna kit and it did only come with one cone, but it also came with a tiny plastic bottle with a metal tip.  Apparently, I can use the bottle or the cone for application.  I'm going to go with the bottle because it just seems as though it'll be easier to apply that way.  It also came with 2 pages of designs which are broken down step by step which is pretty cool.  I still won't be using it until after the new year though because if we go out for the holidays, I don't want to have this stuff on my skin.

How 'bout my husband told me tonight that he never updated his marital status on his W4.  We've been married for going on 3 years now, so all of this time they've been taking out more taxes from his pay check because he's still listed as single!!!  He just realized it and fixed it... I could sure hurt him sometimes.  But I guess we all make mistakes, actually, I didn't think of it either. ::)  Oh well, off to bed.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 9th, 2007 at 6:08pm
Hair: Sleeping in the Ojon treatment worked very nicely.  When I unplaited my hair it was still very shiny and soft, and it smells nice too. :D

Other:  Thinking that perhaps we'll have to have our Christmas dinner "out", on Christmas Eve.  It's surprisng to me that there aren't very many places (besides asian restaurants ::)) open Christmas day.  I understand that most people like to eat at home but we eat at home just about everyday.  And since it'll just be us, dining out seems like more of a treat than staying in.  There are just a few more places that I want to try first before I call it a wrap.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 10th, 2007 at 10:58pm
Ugh... I'm still searching for restaurants for Christmas and on top of that my husband asked me to search for NYE packages while I'm at it, and also to look for some other places that we can go to in the meantime. ::)  Appears I'm the events coordinator in this relationship. ;D

I was happy though that he really likes the dress and shoes that I bought for Christmas dinner.  Now, I'm working on getting my New Years dress, but the one I want costs more money than I want to pay for such a tiny dress.  I don't know what to do. :-[  And my husband needs a new suit.  I'm so not looking forward to going shopping with him because he takes forever to shop for clothes.  He inspects every single detail and it has got to be perfect.  I recommended that we start looking tomorrow to give us extra time that I'm sure we'll need...and perhaps before we leave I'll have a glass of  wine that I'm sure I'll need. ;D

Oh well, off I go to do my event planning. :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Dec 11th, 2007 at 12:34pm
Good luck, sweetie, sounds like you'll need it!   ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 11th, 2007 at 3:07pm
Thanks Trisha, I need all the luck I can get! ;)

Last night I got no where with my searches and we'll be going to the mall later today. :P

This afternoon, my focus has been on cleaning out my closet.  I've listed things that I no longer want for sale on eBay.  Christmas time is turning out to be a very good time for selling, I just hopes it keeps up. :D  

I spoke to the woman at the wholesale clothing place today asking her why FedEx never came by to pick up the items I am returning.  She told me to forget about it and that she'd issue my credit anyway.  That was actually pretty cool because now I'm going to list those items for auction as is, and hopefully I can make a bit of money from them too.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 12th, 2007 at 6:43pm
So I gave up and had my husband find a restarurant.  It's a very nice roof top restaurant with an observatory.  I don't know how I missed that place? :-?

Today, we went to a vegetarian restaruant and from the description on the internet it seemed somewhat upscale.  So, my husband and I got all dressed up and after arriving, realized that it was merely a glorified diner.  The cook brought us some tofu samples which were okay, but I didn't like the food or atmosphere enough to stay.  I recommended that we leave which my husband felt was rude, but I figure, if we weren't going to enjoy ourselves there, then whats the point of staying AND having to pay for it.  It wasn't like we were guests at someones home.

Anyway, my husband got me the coolest leather jacket today.  I'd been trying to win it on eBay for the longest now, but I would only bid up to a certain dollar amount and always got outbid.  Well, the seller only had one left in my size so I asked him what was the minimum he'd sell it to me for, because in the listings his buy it now price is always 399.00. :o  So, he made me a lower offer, more than my maximum bid amount but my husband told me not to worry about it and to get it anyway.  He's so sweet!

I've also decided to get the more expensive dress for NYE.  I've wanted it for awhile as well, and I can swing it with the money that I've made from selling on eBay, so I figure why not.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 13th, 2007 at 9:36pm
I've been feeling great lately.  I've been working out regularly for about a week now and it's really made a difference already.  Even though I'm not killing myself, I can definitley tell that I'm firming up.  I haven't even had to deprive myself.  I've been eating daily servings Ferrero Rocher chocolates well, yesterday I had about 2 servings ::) but it's all working out okay. :)

I do want to cut down on sugar though.  I think one good way to do it is to stop drinking Slim Fast.  Now that I can drink soy milk straight from the carton, I don't need to drink Slim Fast which will eliminate that extra sugar source.  Too bad I still have a pantry full of the stuff.  

I went shopping the other day and realized that the soy milk I just bought, is not the stuff that I liked so much the last time.  Before,  I got the kind off of the shelf and this time, I got the one from the refrigerator section.  They look almost identical, but the taste is different.

Also, today I had my first meatball sandwhich in almost... I have no idea how long.  The meatballs were made of soy of course, and although they didn't taste the same as the real thing, they weren't bad.  I'll definately get them again.  I didn't like the soy breakfast sausages that I got though.  I had to close my eyes and imagine that it was chicken (soy chicken ::)) which made it somewhat okay as it tasted more like chicken than sausage. :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 14th, 2007 at 3:55am
SO EXCITED, SO EXCITED!!!  OMG, I think I may have found the PERFECT thing to do on NYE but I can't confirm it yet so I don't even want to mention what it is until it's confirmed!  I really need to calm down too just in case it doesn't work out.  Oh well, not much of a post but I'm very hopeful. [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 14th, 2007 at 3:02pm
Ugh... I have the most frivolous problems in the world yet, they continue to stress me out. :-[  

So here it is, for NYE I could go to a club where Michael Jackson is scheduled to make an appearance.  Just an appearance, if he even decides to show up at all ::) ... and it's pretty expensive to get in and from what I can gather nothing is included even with VIP admission.  No drinks, party favors, champagne toast, hors d'oeuvres, nothing.  

Or we could go to a very nice restaurant pay half the admission of the other place, where a 5 course meal, champagne toast, party favors are all included and they'll even have a dj and dancing.

Now seeing Michael Jackson in such a small forum would be a very rare, perhaps once in a lifetime occurrence.  However, if he doesn't show, the night may be a total waste and even if he does show, is it worth it only to get a glimpse?

At any rate I'm trying to see if a full refund would be possible if he doesn't show. :-/

And of course, when I went to order my dress today, I was told that they are custom made and take about 3 weeks for delivery.  So, I'll have to find something else to wear.  It's not really a big deal though (not that any of this is in the whole scheme of things ::)), I have a few nice dresses that I can wear.  I just wanted something new, but at least this way I'll save some money.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Dec 14th, 2007 at 4:42pm
Michael Jackson?!?!?! *faint*

That is a tough decision, girl. As much as I freaking worhsip MJJ (in a completely platonic way, of course), I wouldn't go if the price was too steep. Just a thought...

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 16th, 2007 at 11:57pm
Yeah, it is a tough decision but I think we're going to go with the Michael Jackson option.  We're going to make the final decision tomorrow after talking to customer service... and if tickets are still available.

Hair: Just did a CO and I'm 99% sure that I'm at bra strap.  I'll be doing my relaxer this coming weekend and that's when I'll know for sure.  Although, my hair will only be bsl when wet.  I don't think that it'll show up with dry hair until maybe sometime in the spring.

Other:  I've been talking to my sister a lot this past weekend and it was nice.  Although, I still think it's weird that my mother had to die for my sister and I to communicate more. ::)

My husband revealed today that my Christmas present will be a Buddha statue which I've wanted since we moved into this house.  I'm so happy because when you walk into our front door, the first thing you see is this big empty hole in the wall and now I'll finally have something to put there.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 19th, 2007 at 12:39am
Ugh... I have no idea what time I went to bed (I think about 7 o'clock) but I just woke up thinking that perhaps it was 4 or 5 in the morning but nope, how about 11pm. :P  I suppose I'm up for the rest of the night.:-[

I guess winter has officially arrived in GA.  It's been freezing cold lately.  I sure am glad that my other onesy arrived in the mail a few days ago because I sure do need it now. My husband has been trying to get me to go out with him, running errands and such.  He talked me into going to the movies the other night, we saw I am Legend.  It was not great, just okay.  The theater experience was horrible.  First of all there were empty cups and partially eaten bags of popcorn and napkins on the floor.  The guy behind me had his feet proped up on the seat next to mine, dangling them by my head. >:(  So my husband and I switched seats, only to have me now sitting next to 2 people who wouldn't shut up the entire time.  And then there were a group of teenagers who were a bit loud, apparantly trying to be cute...they weren't. ::)   But anyway, when the temp drops like this, I like to go into hermit mode and regarless of the weather, I prefer to watch movies in the comfort of my own home.  
We've been getting soooo much candy as presents lately, the last package was so much it was sickening, but we've been eating away at it.  After yesterdays chocolate pig out, I'm surprised that I didn't go into sugar shock...there goes my diet.::)

Okay, I know you're supposed to look beyond the surface and judge people by their inner qualities but I was a bit shocked to see this pic. :o  MJ never ceases to amaze me, I still love 'em though.

I so hate when people do the photo comparisons, but it is easy to forget that he once looked like this...  

Anyway, this is my current crush, he's such a cutie!  I know, I'm a married woman, but there's no harm in looking.[smiley=engel017.gif]

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MTBBIO on Dec 19th, 2007 at 10:29am
I am gonna go see I Am Legend today, hopefully I"ll have a better movie experience :-( sorry yours wasn't so well...and omg MJ!! That is a horrible pic :-(  It's sad to see pics of him whn he was younger

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Dec 19th, 2007 at 5:05pm
Ah, that last MJJ pic was from the set of Moonwalker.
Kinda sux that he sports so many disguises these days. I mean, I understand the desire to when you're the most famous person on earth, but I think it causes more of a spectacle than if he'd just gone without them. Ah well. To each his own. He's still a beautiful spirit.  8-)

Sorry about your theatre experience. How bloody typical!  ::)  Now you know why I only go to the latest showings for movies that have been out awhile.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 19th, 2007 at 9:44pm
MTBBIO: You're right, it is a bit sad seeing the older pics.  I sometimes wonder how he feels about them.  
Well, I hope you enjoy the movie!  At least your experience will be better than mine because theres no way it could be worse. ;D  
I love your smurf avatar btw!  When I was a kid I never missed an episode! :D

Angel Spun:  Yep, that pic was from the set of Moonwalker! Wow, you're good! :D  
Yeah, people are going to recognize him anyway, he should stop with the disguises (if that even is one :-/) it just makes him seem weird although, it doesn't seem as though he minds.

The theater thing was weird because we went on Monday evening.  I was shocked that it was so crowded, I figured that just about everyone would've seen it by then. ::)

Other:  I'm worried about my kitty.  She's been sneezing all day today and has been following me around a lot more than usual.  My other cat had been sneezing a lot lately too, but we know he has allergies so it's not that big of a deal. I guess we'll have to take her to the vet if this continues.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 21st, 2007 at 3:02am
WOOOHOOO!!!  I'm back in the saddle at Bra Strap! :D  AND... it's the best bsl ever (well, for me :P).  It isn't just one little piece or a point but it's all even.  I wasn't sure that my hair would make it as I'd planned, because I cut off that pesky "V" last month but I made it anyway.  I was so happy to see my hair there that I forgot to measure though.  I'll have to do that next time I wash.  I'm going to try just doing CO's or cleansing with baking soda for the rest of the winter.

Other:  My cat seems to be doing better.  She's still sneezing a bit here and there but not nearly as much as yesterday.

Yay, I sold out of my jewelry and my last dress sold today on eBay.  I have more arriving tomorrow, I only hope they're in good condition. :-/

The customer service dept. from the club I was interested in going on NYE, finally called me in response to a vm I left them almost a week ago. ::)  Anyway, they said that MJ isn't showing up, only the Jackson 5 :-?  That completely makes no sense as MJ is the lead singer of J5 and his likeness was used on the promotional poster.  I had decided last week that I would go wether he showed or not (and something is telling me that he still may) but this just seems like such a screwed up event, the way they're handling things and promoting this, that I've finally decided not to go.  I'm just glad my husband held out on buying the tickets until I spoke with them.


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Dec 21st, 2007 at 4:11am
Congratulations on getting back to BSL 8-)

Some might not consider BSL long enough but to me not as long hair taken care of and looking cared for can be just as good as knee length which is neglected and in rough shape ::)

Length is great but it is not everything in long hair (in my opinion anyway).


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 21st, 2007 at 6:22am

Jerry wrote on Dec 21st, 2007 at 4:11am:
Congratulations on getting back to BSL 8-)

Some might not consider BSL long enough but to me not as long hair taken care of and looking cared for can be just as good as knee length which is neglected and in rough shape  ::)

Thanks Jerry :D

But, "just as good"? :-?  

I say that BSL that is in good shape, wins hands down over neglected and worn looking hair of any length. ;D  Healthy hair is always better! ;)

I think that long hair can be beautiful, but I'm not so caught up on length either.  If so, I wouldn't have cut so much of my hair off this past year in an order to get it healthy, but those days are over!:D  Anyway, my long term goal is only around hip length at the most.

Other: I've updated my ticker to show my next goal of Mid Back Length which I should be at by at least the end of June.  It seems like such a long time away but I'm sure it'll be here before I know it.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Dec 21st, 2007 at 6:26am
Hip length is close to my favorite length which is thigh length 8-)

I have only seen maybe 5 or 6 ladies with those kinds of lengths so far.


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 21st, 2007 at 6:40am
Yeah, thigh length is pretty rare.  I think bikerbraid is the only one here so far with thigh length.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Dec 21st, 2007 at 10:24am
There are a few others here with thigh length hair, but just don't post as often.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Dec 21st, 2007 at 12:18pm
Wow like the new avatar Ladiosa!  Congrats on BSL!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 21st, 2007 at 2:40pm
Thanks Lisabelle! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Dec 21st, 2007 at 4:34pm
Congrats on reaching BSL again! Wow, you beat me! lol  ;)

Best of luck getting to mid-back ASAP. And sorry about the NYE show. That just sounds a little suspicious to me, seeing as MJJ is supposed to be reuniting with the Jackson 5 for a tour, plus Janet. Hmm...  :-?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 24th, 2007 at 1:06am
Thanks Angel Spun! :D  Although, I may not have beat you to BSL.  I wet measure, it's the best way for me to get accurate results. ;)

The NYE thing is being held at Jermaine Dupri's club here in Atlanta so I didn't think it would be too suspicious seeing that he's dating (or engaged? to Janet) but it does seem to be a rip off.  Unless, I wanted to pay hundreds of dollars just to be in the same night club as the Jackson 4 (maybe Janet makes 5? :P).  They finally have a disclaimer on their site stating that it isn't a concert and that they will be offering a champagne toast and hors'deuvres, but there is still no mention that Michael won't be there although they continue to use his likeness in the promos.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 25th, 2007 at 1:18am
Well, it's technically Christmas and I don't feel anything at all. :-/  The only thing I do feel is a bug to do more productive things.  I'm even thinking of getting some books on calculus just to see if I can learn it, even though I've always been horrible at advanced math.  I just want to try something different.  I typically don't do New Years resolutions but this year I wrote down a couple.

Learning to sew
Planting hedges and a flower garden in the back yard
Cooking more
Reading more, etc.  Although my husband is against this one because he said we can't do it together, but I said we can.  I told him, I'll read with earplugs in and you can watch tv. ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Dec 25th, 2007 at 5:15am
That is funny that you are thinking about New Year's resolutions and that you typically don't do them because I have been thinking the same thing lately ::)

I suppose the main reason I don't do them or believe in them is because it is very hard for me to stick to them :P

But, if I did here are a few I would do:

Stop biting my nails
Get our credit card balances even lower than they are
Be more affectionate with my wife like I used to
Use less sick time at work


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 26th, 2007 at 7:49am

Be more affectionate with my wife like I used to

Aww...thats a nice one. :)

I've never liked the idea of New Years resolutions because I always felt that it shouldn't be necessary to wait for NY to make postitive changes.  It just so happens that my strong need to be more productive and  NY just happen to coincide this year.  

I never worry about sticking to them because sometimes you may fall off track but not being too hard on yourself and continuing to try again is the key.

Other: Had a great Christmas!  We went to a very nice restaurant.  It was a revolving roof top restaurant a top of the Westin hotel.  I forget exactly how high up it was but it was very high in the sky.  They had observatories and telescopes so that you could look out at the city.  I couldn't believe I forgot my camera because I wanted to get some pics but oh well. ::)  It was a bit foggy because we had rain all day but I still thought it was a very beautiful view.  Oh, and the food was great too. :P

Anyway, it was so cool because I wore one of my wholesale dresses that I sell on eBay which was very nice for the occasion, a shiny satin gold rain coat type dress.  I got so many compliments on it which I thought was funny seeing that I only paid about 15.00 for it. ;D  I just felt it a bit odd that there weren't very many people who dressed for the occasion and I felt it took a bit from it in a way.  Many of the men there were in Docker type khaki's and polo looking tops.  The women weren't very dressed up either.  I'll never understand why most people choose to dress casual for any occasion, we've become so laxed in this country.  It would be nice to bring back the older style of dress when men always wore jackets and hats, and women always wore dresses like in the old black and white movies and 50's sitcoms... it was just a more glamorous time.  

I also straightened my hair with a steam curling iron, so I got to see my and wear my hair at BSL when it was dry.  I don't want to wash my hair again until the 1st so that I can wear my hair straight for New Years Eve, hopefully I can wait that long.

Lastly, I've been eating chocolate lately like... I don't know what.  Even my dessert last night was chocolate.  I sure hope it isn't possible to get diabetes in a week because if so, I'm in trouble. :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MTBBIO on Dec 26th, 2007 at 1:18pm
I'm glad you had a nice Christmas! The restaurant sounds great, I've always wanted to go somewhere w/a view like that....I completely agree about the issue of people not dressing up for certain occasions.  One thing I've been noticing a lot lately is people who wear jeans to weddings. UGH.  In my culture, you don't need an invitation or even need to know the person who is getting married to attend, it's just a big party where all are welcome.  But these are usually the people who will show up wearing jeans and/or  t-shirts which I just think is rude and disrespectful to the bride and groom and their families.  I mean, I understand if they don't want to wear a super fancy dress, but come on it takes as much effort/time to put on a nice pair of black/gray slacks as it does jeans!  If I go to a wedding/quinceanera where I'm just tagging along and don't personally know the ppl, I make sure to wear a dress or skirt because I don't want to draw even more attention to the fact that I don't know the ppl! Yes it would be great if we could go back to that glamorous era..

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 27th, 2007 at 3:36am
Thanks MTBBIO! :D

Yeah, I know what you mean.  I wouldn't want to stick out if I showed up somewhere uninvited either, and to wear jeans and t shirts does seem rude IMO.

My girlfriend from highschool got married a few years ago and some of her guests showed up in jeans as well, it must be an epidemic.;D

Other: I'm basically counting down the days until spring as the cold is forcing me to not want to go outside much.  I guess I should start working on my new projects to keep me busy until then.  I just signed up with Blockbusters home mail delivery thing.  We have a Blockbuster right up the street but they never have anything. ::)

I also ordered 2 yoga dvds from eBay.  One couples yoga dvd, for my husband and I to do together and a neat one called Yoga In Bed, which you do in bed.  They have exercises for the morning and night, it sounds like fun, I can't wait 'til it arrives.

And I think my first book of the year may be Anne Rice's "The Vampire Lestat".  

Hopefully, with my reading and other various projects for 2008, spring will arrive in no time. 8-)

Hair: I'm so loving it! :D  Now that it's straight it feels so soft and silky on my back.  Too bad straightening regularly would kill my hair or else I would do it all the time.  I'm definitely enjoying it while I can, and so far I do think that I'll be able to keep it straight into the new year.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 27th, 2007 at 9:44pm
Not sure how I missed it before but there it was, that pesky point that my hair likes to grow into.  I just cut it on Thanksgiving and tonight I cut it off once again, about a half inch.  I hope this isn't going to turn into a monthly ritual.  My hair is still BSL though, it's just that now my hair is closer to the top of the strap than the bottom.

I think I'm getting a cold too...scratchy throat, runny nose...sounds like a cold to me. :P  I so hate being sick but it'll be my first cold of the season, hopefully it'll also be my last.

And speaking of things that are on the fritz, my computer has been acting extremely wacky lately.  My windows only stay up for about 10 minutes and then they close.  I think I have a virus so I guess I'll be getting a new computer soon.  It's not a bad thing though because I want a laptop.  I have a flat screen now but I'd prefer to have a portable one that I can use from any room in the house.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Dec 28th, 2007 at 10:13am
(((Hugs))) I hope your feeling better.  Laptops rock!  I have a old IBM think pad I use for my writing and I love it!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Dec 28th, 2007 at 4:54pm

Laptops rock!

I second that. I have a widescreen Gateway & like it a lot. It can go outside, in the garage or any room in the house and stay connected to the net via wireless network.

Oh yes, and be sure to get anti-virus & anti-spyware add-on's...and keep them current.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 28th, 2007 at 5:11pm
Thanks Lisabelle.  So far I'm still not feeling too bad but, I'm taking it day by day. :)

Yeah, my husband has a laptop and I'm always carrying it around.  I'm sure he'll be happy when I finally have my own.  I'll just have to make sure that I keep my anti-virus protection current. ::)  I typically don't let it expire but I've gone about 2 whole years unprotected. :o  ... Or is that something that I shouldn't advertise online? :-/ :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 10th, 2008 at 3:55am
The new year is here and so far it's been great... even though my husband and I were quite sick with colds.  We spent brought in the new year in bed as we awoke to the fireworks outside, even sick, it was very nice.

Anyway, I've been keeping to my resolutions of finding more things to keep me productive, which I guess would explain my absence here.

My husband and I are finding lots of different places to go and things to do around here, and the spring like weather that we've been having lately has been especially nice.

Cooking and going to wine tastings are becoming favorite activities.  Well, that and trying to re litter train my one cat.  I'm not quite sure what his problem is, but he'd taken to going on the floor.  I'm so thankful for my arsenal of cleaning supplies and machines but enough was enough.  No matter what I did, he'd continue to go in the same spot.  I'd sprayed and scattered every concoction you could imagine and it didn't matter to him. Although, my one concoction of lemon juice, vinegar, and onion powder even smelled appetizing to my husband.  After I'd sprayed it he excitedly walked in the house wanting to know if I'd given up my pescatarian ways and was cooking steaks. ;D  And of course it didn't deter my cat either.

Finally, when I went to do my henna on my hands and feet I noticed eucalyptus oil in the kit.  When I saw how my other cat who was sitting next to me responded to the scent, I knew it was worth trying, so I sprayed it down and sure enough it worked.  My cat finally abandoned his favorite spot and eliminated in the box. :D

I'm off to bed now,
Happy Belated New Year Everyone! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Jan 10th, 2008 at 4:56am
Happy New Year,sweetie!! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Jan 10th, 2008 at 10:41am
Hi, happy you feeling better!  How did the henna turn out?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 10th, 2008 at 1:18pm
The color on my hands turned out really well although the design leaves a lot to be desired.  I tried doing it in between my fingers as you did but I kept closing my ring and middle fingers together by mistake instead of spreading them and it botched the design.  Next time I'll focus better but it was late and I'd already taken my sleeping pill before I started, doh! ::)

The designs on my feet came out better but the color isn't as nice.  I had to learn the hard way that the color won't be as dark if I use water to remove the henna, which is what I did with my feet.  

I'll post a pic later.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jan 10th, 2008 at 1:59pm
Happy new year, sistah!  I was just about to ask where you've been.   :)

Interesting to read about your cat...we have one naughty girl who does the same thing.  Keep in mind that we have 6 indoor cats who use 3 litter boxes.  I am pretty dilligent about keeping them clean, scooping the little every day.  But if Tootie Bug doesn't think the pans are up to her standards, she wees right in front of the back door.  I've tried cleaning the area with vinegar and other things, with no success.  So maybe I'll try eucalyptus oil next time.  Thanks!  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 10th, 2008 at 3:29pm
Hey Trisha, glad to hear from you!  Yeah, try the eucalyptus I think it'll work for you.  
However speaking of that, my cat found another place to go today (which I really don't get because our litterbox is automated and sanitizes after they go :-/) so this morning, I sprayed every baseboard of our entire house, now he'll have no other options.

Heres some pics of my henna. Not as good as Lisabelle's but hey, I'm new at this and I'm learning as I go. ;D  Anyway, it was pretty weird taking pics of my feet, there was no way for me to make them look good. ;D

Here I applied henna around and over my tattoo (which I hate).  It's old and faded but the henna gave it a rich color.

This one came out a bit smudged because I didn't like the design and attempted to erase it and start all over.  I realized that "erasing" doesn't work because the henna will still stain even if it isn't left on for very long.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 10th, 2008 at 4:32pm
Since I have a little time, (although not really because my husband has gotten used to me not being on the computer so much and is currently calling me away) I figured I'd mention some hair things.

I've been washing my hair with baking soda and I really like it.  I wet it in the shower (hmm... I can't remember if I mentioned my new shower filter) and then I dump a big pitcher of my baking soda and water mixture on my head.  I work it through a bit for a few minutes and rinse.  It leaves my hair feeling clean but not overly dry and I follow it with Aubrey Organics jojoba and aloe reviatlizing conditioner.  It feels so good afterwards.

Anyway, I switched my shower filter from Aquasana to Vitashower probably a month ago.  For some reason I don't recall mentioning it.  It removes chloramines as well as chlorine and my hair has definitely been much softer after washes as a result.

Other:  I started my book The Vampire Lestat almost a week ago and I'm just about finished.  I wanted to read one book a month but it appears that I may be doing more reading, if I have the time.

Gotta go :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Jan 10th, 2008 at 10:15pm

wrote on Jan 10th, 2008 at 3:29pm:
Hey Trisha, glad to hear from you!  Yeah, try the eucalyptus I think it'll work for you.  
However speaking of that, my cat found another place to go today (which I really don't get because our litterbox is automated and sanitizes after they go :-/) so this morning, I sprayed every baseboard of our entire house, now he'll have no other options.

Heres some pics of my henna. Not as good as Lisabelle's but hey, I'm new at this and I'm learning as I go. ;D  Anyway, it was pretty weird taking pics of my feet, there was no way for me to make them look good. ;D

Here I applied henna around and over my tattoo (which I hate).  It's old and faded but the henna gave it a rich color.

This one came out a bit smudged because I didn't like the design and attempted to erase it and start all over.  I realized that "erasing" doesn't work because the henna will still stain even if it isn't left on for very long.

Hey not bad at all!  :) You got a good stain!  You mentioned before that you removed the paste with water. I remove it with coconut oil.  What I do is in the morning I take off the wrappings then put on a generous slathering of the coconut oil and let it sit a bit.  Then I scrap it off with an old credit card.  I then wipe it with a dry mico fiber cloth very gentely and then (here's my secret!) I apply a thin coat of Tiger Balm to keep the skin warm and help the design develop.  When I do my feet, I then were socks all day to keep in the wamth.  I know its hard doing in-between the fingers.  I have train myself not to move while doing it, I know its not easy :P.  What you can do is do one finger at time and let it dry before you do the next.  Practice and have fun! ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jan 11th, 2008 at 1:19pm

However speaking of that, my cat found another place to go today (which I really don't get because our litterbox is automated and sanitizes after they go

Hmm, maybe the cat is a bit scared of the automation?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 11th, 2008 at 4:40pm
Oooh, thanks for the tips Lisabelle, I'll try them next time. :D

Trisha: No, they're not afraid of the automation.  He'll go in there sometimes but sometimes he doesn't.  I often have to give him medicine for food allergies which cause loose stool, I think has more to do with it than anything. :-/    He used to go in the yard but now that it's gotten colder he doesn't like to go out too much.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 17th, 2008 at 7:55pm
This week I've made the most difficult decision I've ever had to make in my entire life... I'd decided to give up my cat, we gave him to a shelter.  His elimination problems had become too much for my husband and I to deal with everyday, several times a day.  I'd spray my deterrent down only for him to go somewhere else.  I'd sprayed all of the baseboards and after a while, even that didn't seem to matter.  It had become too stressful and even with the constant cleaning, I felt it was simply too unsanitary to live in such conditions.

I'd been crying a lot for the 2 days after we gave him up but slowly, I'm feeling better, although I still miss his presence and seeing his face around here.  He really was a good cat, and was so very sweet but we couldn't solve that problem on our own or with all of the very expensive vistits to the vet. :'(

I've been keeping myself busy as usual, one of my new goals is to learn one new bellydance routine a week and it's helping me to keep my mind off things.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Kiraela on Jan 17th, 2008 at 9:54pm
*hug* I'm sorry, hon. I know it sucks having to give up an animal you care about.  :-/

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Jan 17th, 2008 at 10:22pm
http://www.smilieshq.com/smilies/love0028.gif I'm so sorry you had to give up your cat. Please don't cry sweetie, were here for you. http://www.smilieshq.com/smilies/love0052.gif

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 17th, 2008 at 11:11pm
Thanks Kiraela and Lisabelle.  

Your positive responses mean a lot considering I've been feeling that the choice I made was an absolutely selfish and evil one.  My husband doesn't agree with me (which actually isn't shocking because in his snobbery about the cat not being a pure breed, he didn't care much for him anyway), although aside from the sadness I feel about my cat no longer being here, I really don't know how to feel about myself for what I've done, but as it is I feel rotten.  

Yet...I'm relieved that I no longer have to worry about soiled carpets,furniture and bed linens (in his attemt to "cover" it up, he'd sometimes get his paws dirty and track ALL over the house).

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Jan 18th, 2008 at 12:18am
What a hard decision to make!  I'm sorry you had to make it.  I hope you can forgive yourself and feel better.  (((hugs)))
I had a cat once that I had to give away and I felt like a failure.  Its awful to go through, in my case he was much happier on my sister's farm than in my house.

Is hubby a pure bred?  *ducks head* I just had to ask...

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jan 18th, 2008 at 3:22pm
Awww... *hugs*   :(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 18th, 2008 at 3:35pm
Thanks Trisha :)

Sakina: Yeah, that's totally it, I feel like a failure that I couldn't make it work and unfortunately there was no one that I could give him to so, oh well.  I'm working on forgiving myself but now I'll just stick to trying not to think about it so much.

Oh, and no my husband isn't a pure breed, he's a mutt just like me. ;D  I've had the same thoughts in the past about his snottyness towards that cat. :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 18th, 2008 at 4:00pm
In other news...  how about this scary email I just got.

"Our records indicate that you have purchased one of the Inversion Therapy Tables listed in a
recall through the Amazon.com website and are therefore affected by this recall.

A weld in the center of the inversion table can fail when the table is in an inverted position, posing a fall hazard to consumers. :o

Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled Inversion Therapy Tables and contact Stamina Products to have the table picked up and to receive a free replacement inversion table or a refund." :o

I just called Stamina Products and fortunatley, my inversion table isn't included in the list of the recalled ones...whew! (wipes brow)  That email was really scary considering I use that thing pretty often.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Kiraela on Jan 19th, 2008 at 12:08am
that is scary. I'm glad yours wasn't on the recall list, though.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by joeydog 1992 on Jan 19th, 2008 at 9:05am
Hello LD,

So very sorry to hear about your kitty.  My heart goes out to you.

What is an inversion table?

I hope you are keeping well.  Sorry I haven't been around much.  Take care of you,


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Jan 19th, 2008 at 10:17am
I am sorry to hear that you had to give your cat to a shelter :(   People who are not animal lovers would never understand that we get very attached to our pets and giving them up is very stressful and hard to do.

I have given up two dogs and two cats in the past and even though I only cried in private I cried on the inside when I was around people as well.

I would love to have a dog but the one thing stopping me the most is that I know eventually it would get old and die and I am not sure I could handle that.
I know I am going to miss my wife's cats when they eventually go to kitty heaven.

I hope you feel better soon and you will be back to normal sooner or later.


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 19th, 2008 at 4:51pm
Joeydog: Thank you, it's good to see you around here again. :)
You lie on an inversion table and recline in an upside down postition to stretch your spine, which helps with spine lubrication and to relieve stiffness and  back pain.  Some people even do exercises on them like sit ups.

Jerry: Thank you.  I wasn't sure that anyone could understand how difficult it was but like you said, I guess you have to be an animal lover to know.

It's funny that you mentioned not wanting a dog because you're afraid to lose it evenutally and now that's how I feel.  

I still have 2 cats with me but I don't think I could ever get another animal because I'm now too afraid of something like this happening again and I don't think I could go through it twice.  Hopefully, when my cats evenutally pass it won't be as hard on me, as that is a natural process and not of my doing... although I will miss them of course. :-/

Other:  Does anyone know if it's possible for birds to over eat?  I fill up my bird feeder which is pretty large about twice a week.  I realize that there are a good number of birds that eat from it but it's basically all the same ones coming back over and over.  On a typical day, I can always spot 9 red cardnals, 5 yellow cardnials and other various birds in my yard or perched in the trees near the feeder and they look a bit hefty for birds IMO.  I'm just wondering if I should only keep the feeder out for half a day or if it's normal for birds to eat so much.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 20th, 2008 at 3:12am
Hair:  I'm so loving my shampoo free washes!  I told my sister that I'd be mailing her all of my shampoos as I'll no longer be using them.  

Without shampooing, I just feel so low maintenance.  After I wash and condition, I just comb my hair into a high ponytail which I've been wearing a lot lately, and it looks great with basically no additional manipulation.  It's so full and swingy!

I've also given up perfume, well I still have one more bottle of Prada left but when it's gone, I won't be buying anymore.  Lately, I've just been using essential oils and they're great and so much cheaper than perfume.

Other: WooHoo!!!  I'm not sure exactly why, but my husband just told me that he'll be doubling my allowance!  I'm so happy! :D  Although, it reminds me of how estatic I'd get when my grandmother would increase my allowance.  Hmm...nothing like feeling like a child again, well a child with a much larger allowance.  ::) :P

Also, I've decided that exercise isn't enough and that I really need to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into my diet.  Since eliminating meat from my diet I've only gone carb crazy which definitley must stop.  I just hope that I find what works for me as I can no longer totally depend on my high metabolism to keep me fit, especially since I'm in the house all day long.  This past week while my husband was away, I'd been super active but I just have to work on a way to keep it that way even though he's since returned.

He says he's game as far as working out with me, so I just have to decide the best work out schedule for both he and myself.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Jan 20th, 2008 at 11:27am
Bird eat alot! The birds clean out my neighbors feeders in about an hour!  Not to worry this is what they do. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 21st, 2008 at 1:08am
Thanks Lisabelle, I wasn't sure wether or not I was being kind by feeding them or just giving them ammunition to eat themselves to death.  So much for "eating like birds...".

Other: Today was a pretty good day.  My husband and I ventured out into the cold world and did a bit of grocery shopping.  We even found a korma sauce that's pretty identical to the sauce they made at an Indian restaraunt that I loved (and miss) so much in Kansas.  I also tried a spicy hot chocolate recipe that I'd never tried before and it was so delicious!  Now, I'm pretty sure I'm hooked on hot chocolate with red pepper (and other spices) in it.

It's amazing how expensive it is to buy natural body lotions and soaps, I've vowed to learn how to make my own this year.  I already bought molds for the pillar soy candles I'm going to make and I'll be getting a sewing machine next month for my birthday.  I think I'll save so much money and gain at least a minor sense of accomplishment learning to make more things myself.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Jan 21st, 2008 at 3:41am
Good for you!  I can't tell you how much $ I think I've saved since I make my own whipped body butter,lotion bars and lip balm!!  I put in the ingredients I want(vegan) and have control over that,which I like.
Not only can you save money,but if you have a few customers,make money as well!!!
One of my gifts from C for Christmas was a serger.  I've been serging alittle and love,love,love it!!!  My sewing machine(which I was never fond of Singer anyway)just sits there..... unused.  You'll love getting a machine!   Sky's the limit on making things!!!!  More money saved! ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 21st, 2008 at 11:15am
Yes, making my own products and controling what goes in them will be wonderful!  I wish I hadn't spent so much money at the health store yesterday. :-[

I already have my eye on a soap making kit.  I figure I'll make it once with the kit basically to learn, and then I should be able to wing it and experiment more after that. I can't wait!:D

Other: So I officially feel like part of an old married couple.  I was in bed reading a book while my husband laid on his side of the bed reading a magazine.  I giggled and said the only thing that I was missing were reading glasses, and he said "yeah and a bonnet and long flannel night gown to complete the look." ;D  Also the other day he was trying to get romantic and the whole while I kept talking about my dissapointment with the solar lights in the yard... I'm totally hopeless. ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jan 22nd, 2008 at 11:00am
Here's a good "natural" site that includes recipes for homemade shampoos, conditioners, lotions and potions.   :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 22nd, 2008 at 4:48pm
Thanks for the link Trisha! :D  I wasn't able to find the recipes yet but I'll keep looking.  That's a pretty cool site, it has lots of neat information. I added it to my bookmarks.

The other day I found Martha Stewarts soap recipe which looks good and pretty simple so I might just go with that one.

I saw some lotion recipes on other sites, but I don't think I'll use any of those.  I really love Kama Sutras edible lotions because they're moisturizing and smell so good.  I'd love to be able to find a recipe to make something similar to those.

Other: Last night, I made my very first pumpkin pie.  It came out okay but not great, although my husband really likes it.  I personally don't think it's firm enough.  I followed the instructions exactly as they were written, so I'm not sure how I could make it more firm the next time.  Does anyone have any ideas?

Also my computer is still acting crappy.  I'll finally be getting a new one next month, I really can't wait. :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Jan 22nd, 2008 at 5:09pm
You could try using less evaporated milk.
And make sure to do the knife test in the center of the pies before you take them out of the oven. If anything comes out on the knife, it's not cooked all the way.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 22nd, 2008 at 5:18pm
How about that, I didn't do the knife test! ;D  I just figured it would firm up more after cooling which it did, but I don't think it did enough. Thanks Angel!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Jan 22nd, 2008 at 5:27pm
Sure thing.  ;)

Oh, and cooling doesn't really make them firmer (side note: keep them out of the refrigerator). The only thing that can make them firmer is to use less evaporated milk and cook them all the way through.
   Leaving them in the oven won't make them firmer either - it will just burn them. Once they're cooked, they're cooked and that's it. You'll know that they're done if nothing comes out on your knife. HTH

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 22nd, 2008 at 6:13pm
Are you saying not to refrigerate them at all, or just not during the cooling process?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Jan 22nd, 2008 at 6:42pm
Not at all. Store them at room temperature, covered.  ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 22nd, 2008 at 9:18pm
Thanks, I'd better go and take it out of the fridge. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by joeydog 1992 on Jan 23rd, 2008 at 11:56am

Thanx for the explanation about the inversion table.  

Back tracking a bit, I noticed you and Jerry worried about having new pets.  As you know, I am sitting out the last part of 4/5 of my animals lives.  The pain I will feel when they have to go will be remarkable...but I will get new pets down the road.  

My 'kids' have given me 15 years of joy and bliss.  Yes, I will hurt for weeks after they each leave me and yes I will always feel a little sad when I remember them.  On the other hand, the joy they have brought me and the fond memories I will have will be worth more to me than the pain of losing them.

Some people never chose to have animals again after they lose a beloved pet.  There is nothing wrong with that and I am not saying you should run out and get a new animal or that it is wrong to never have an animal again.  I guess I am just saying to let your heart heal (however long that takes...which by the way is just as long as for a beloved human life despite what some might think) and then weigh the years of joy vs. the hurt you feel right now.  Perhaps in time you will chose to have another pet...or perhaps you wont...but either way their is nothing wrong with which ever decision you make.  Now is certainly not the time to think about it when you are mourning.  Maybe in a couple of years you will change your mind but don't get it set in your mind right now that you can never have a pet again.

Heck Jerry and LD, we don't chose to not let people in our lives because we fear losing them.  LD, as you know I lost my fiance in and accident years ago.  I still let men in my life....OK, OK, after the last one I will wait a while before I get involved again because I have to sort me and what I feel out first.  It is the same idea.

Take care,


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Jan 23rd, 2008 at 1:55pm
I should explain that as I get older (even though I am only 43) death is something which I try not to think about but as everyone knows, every living thing does die sooner or later.

And, every time someone I know or even if I hear about someone elses pet or animal dying I can't help but think about death ::)

We recently had a guy in our office who is just a temporary die of heart failure in his home the day after new year's (I think he was in his 60's or 70's)  :'(   I only knew him for a short while but I got to know him well enough that I thought he was a very nice guy and I always got along with him.  Some of the people have talked how they are saddened and shocked that he died so unexpectedly and suddenly.

My first actual death experience was when my dad's mom passed away when I was 15.  I was not real close to her but close enough that it stopped and made me think.
Since then I have had many people including my adopted mom die.  And each time it just reminds me of my own mortality.

So, when I say I will not get a dog because I know it will die sooner or later is because I would rather not have one and have to face that day even though I would love it to the end of its days.

And, this might sound selfish to some but I am hoping I will die before my wife does because I am not sure I would be able to handle her death.  I might have a different attitude when I am a lot older but if she died in an accident I would probably have a nervous breakdown.  I know I would not handle it very well.

Heck, when 9/11 happened I was pissed off and very depressed and I didn't even know any of those people.

So, I guess the older I get the harder it is for me to accept death.


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 23rd, 2008 at 5:47pm
getting another pet

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Jan 23rd, 2008 at 6:38pm
We seem to have a lot in common ;)

I used to handle death betther than I used to but it seems like the more I go through them the harder they are to accept.

When my blood father died and we were at his funeral, I did not cry until my blood uncle told the army officer to give me the American flag which was draped on his coffin.

When my adopted mother died I spent a whole night/morning crying but I went to work because I didn't want to be alone and being around my coworkers actually helped in my mourning.

When 9/11 happened I also watched too much of the news which was kind of hard not to do but I am guilty of being too drawn into it.

I finally got out of my depression by doing something fun with my wife and my sister.

BTW, I have seen a few psychiatrists but that is a whole different story (actually two stories).


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 23rd, 2008 at 7:18pm
I would never stop

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by joeydog 1992 on Jan 24th, 2008 at 1:07pm
LD and Jerry,

Like I said, I am not telling you how to mourn, nobody should as it is an individual experience.  I just wonder if it is a waste of time and life to fear death rather than live life.  I don't mean that as in you should not mourn those who die but to fear those you love dying or fear loving because of death is another thing.  

LD, I also understand your fear about a new pet having the same problem.  

To both of you, all I can say is to do as your hearts' tell you as only you can decide what is right for you.


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Jan 24th, 2008 at 6:32pm
Yes, you are right.  It is a waste of time to worry and think about death but you never know.  Like they said on the news, Heath Ledger would have had death at the bottom of his list of things to do in life but now he is gone.

But, people who have not had loved one's and even not loved one's die do not experience the saddness and sometimes suddenness of death.   But, everyone sooner or later has to face it with themselves or with someone they know dying.

I was hesitate to say anything but when my adopted mother died I found peace with reading parts of the holy bible.  That helped me and also being around family and friends.  

I try not to think of death but at times it is very hard not to do.  Especially when someone close to me dies.  And so far that has been people I thought would not die as young as they did such as a niece, a nephew, a few friends and people I knew and talked to now and then.  And recently the guy who worked temporarily in our office.

And, when I was very young (around 6 years old) our family had a white cat and I was the one who found it in the ditch frozen to death.

And not long after that my mom, sister and I were visting my oldest sister in Castro Valley, California.  We were in a car waiting for the light to change when all of a sudden we heard sirens.  There was a white dog crossing the road and it panicked and got ran over by a fire truck.

So, that is probably why I feel the way I do about death and pets.

But, as I get older death means something different and like I said before when I get even older it will probably mean something even different again.

BTW, I am curious.  How many deaths have you gone through in your life so far?


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 24th, 2008 at 9:36pm
Joeydog, I know you weren't advising us on how to mourn, I was just recalling my own experience. (((hugs)))

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by joeydog 1992 on Jan 29th, 2008 at 8:12pm
((((hugs))))) back at ya LD


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 30th, 2008 at 10:32pm
Lately, I've been doing lots of nothing but decided to pop in and journal today anyway.  

Hair: Currently, I'm conflicted as to wether or not the baking soda washes are still working for me.  I've been experiencing product build up that seems to go away after my washes, only to return a day or two later making my hair ready for another wash.  Tomorrow, I'm going to wash with shampoo for the first time this year and see what happens.

Other:  Still buying things for the house.  I'm working on getting new lighting fixtures for 3 rooms.  I talked to my neice last night and she gave her opinion that I'm always been "buying new things for the house" for as long as she's known me. Apparently, I never think "it's finished" even when it clearly looks that way to everyone else. :P  That reminded me of a comment that her younger sister made to me a while back about how I always expect every tiny little thing to be perfect all of the time.  It always feels odd when they express their opinions of me, as if they feel that I'm doing something wrong, I'm not sure why though. :-?

Last week, and only for a split second, I thought about adopting a little girl that I saw on an adoption agency website.  I was only looking at the site out of curiosity.  I couldn't believe that a website where you look at pics of children, deciding on which one you want, basically picking them out the same way you would pick out a new dress, even existed.  Anyway, I saw a cute little 6 year old girl, who was described as a girly girl listed and I thought about adopting her.  

Although, I realize that I'm the last person that should have children, regardless of how they're aquired.  My sleeping pattern is so unstable that it would be impossible to keep a normal schedule for a child.  

Just for the sake of conversation, I brought up the idea to my husband over dinner that night, and he was amazingly okay with it if I decided that I wanted to adopt.  Then, I asked him what he would even do with a little girl, because he comes from a family of mainly guys, and he also has a son, so he isn't used to girls.  His very quick, unhesitant response to my question of "I wouldn't do anything with her, you would" made it clear as to why was so okay with it, I couldn't help but laugh.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 1st, 2008 at 12:36pm
Realized that washing with shampoo wasn't necessary after all.  My hair was feeling weird because it was dry.  I've been spritzing it more often with a 50/50 mixture of Giovanni Vitapro fusion spray and water, now it's great.

I'd been bellydancing for hours this morning and for a few hours yesterday getting a good work out, but I couldn't take my eyes off of my hair.  I especially loved seeing my hair when I was doing head rolls.  Finally I stopped to play in it,  trying out different styles.  It was fun because I hadn't really been handling it too much lately, right now it's in two Princess Leia (sp?) buns.

I'm contemplating using lemon juice on my hair to give it some highlights this summer but I have to research it to see if that'll be okay for my hair.  I did it once before when I was in high school and I liked the color that I achieved.   However, back then, I didn't know healthy hair from a hole in the ground, so I'll see. :P

I got my new book in the mail a week ago and I just haven't felt like reading it.  After a week, I'm only on chapter 2.  I guess I have to be in the mood to make any progress with it.  Maybe I should try another book that will compel me to read it, who knows.

I rented the Notebook and watched it for the first time and I really liked it but didn't understand the end.  Apparently, I wasn't the only one because I saw other people online just as puzzled as I was.

Fingers crossed, this should be a pretty busy weekend.  Hopefully, I can finally get my husband to help me wallpaper the bedroom and put up candle sconces.  Although, he's currently on the way home driving here from a business trip, so he may be too tired but I really hope not.  I'm so up for a project.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 1st, 2008 at 2:47pm
Sometimes it's easy to take for granted how nice life is.  I was reminded as I was taking a nice warm bath in the middle of the day...

and at the same time, enjoying this lovely view of the sky...

and this nice warm fire.

Such a nice day!  Well, now I'm going to try to watch a few chick flicks that I rented, before my husband comes home. :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Feb 1st, 2008 at 4:35pm
Aww, kiiiiittyyyyy    ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 3rd, 2008 at 5:55pm
;D Yeah, she always manages to get herself into my shots!

Other: Yay! My husband was marvelous as always and worked on some home projects with me this weekend, it was great!  We finished wallpapering the wall in our bedroom (the first time for us both) and it was a bit tricky but I'd say we mastered it towards the end.  Here's the final result, and notice that my cat has managed to be in the pic again. ;D  I also did some painting today and hung the pics up on my walls.  One is shown in the picture.

We got some vases and some other cool stuff from the World Market today, so when I make my candles I'll have a nice table centerpiece.  I so love home projects!  They're also great for occupying my time as I wait on my hair to grow! :D

More pics of my hams...

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Feb 3rd, 2008 at 10:12pm
Awwwwwww!!  :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Feb 4th, 2008 at 10:46am
Pretty Kitties! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 4th, 2008 at 11:29am
My kitties thank you ladies! ;D

Other: I made the decision today to wall paper a wall in my dining room as well.  I'm going to use the same kind of paper, but I have to get another roll.  We're going to put it on the same wall that we'll be hanging the fish tank on and I think it'll look neat.  My husband thinks it may be too much but hopefully, he's wrong.

I also have a mental design for my backyard.  My plan is to put in a fish pond out there.  I've been doing lots of research on installing them online.  Hopefully, there are no pipes or anything where I want to dig, I guess I'll have to call the gas company to be safe.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Feb 4th, 2008 at 3:05pm
I put a pond in my front yard when I lived in Michigan.  I sooo loved my pond.  We had water lillies and zebra grass, and miniture cattails.  I got some gold fish from Wal-Mart and then as a gift to hubby, 2 koi.  The koi had babies and we had to find people to give our extra fish to!  Every year you'll have to divide your water lillies or they become root bound.  You'll want to keep them in pots to keep them from taking over and killing any of your other plants.  Lotus flowers are notorious for stangling other plants.  Water lettuce is cool, stay away from water hiacynth!  They'll really take over, and then your fish won't be able to breathe!!
We took the pond water (you have to put fresh water in weekly, I think) and put it on our flowers in the yard and it really helped them grow.  I had miniture roses and they loved the fish poop!!

Good luck with your pond!!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 5th, 2008 at 12:25pm
Thanks for the tips Sakina! :D
Yeah, I was dissapointed about the hiacynth because I think they're pretty when they bloom, but they are refered to a weeds. :-/  Oh well.
I'm only going to do goldfish no koi, from what I understand koi can get quite large.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Feb 5th, 2008 at 12:49pm
Heheh!  I got a baby koi once for Valentine's Day.  It was sooo cute!  It was white with a black and red cap on its head.  I put her in with my goldfish in my 35 gallon tank.  I called her Momo and she got so big I could put my finger in her mouth! I would feed her by just dropping her food into her mouth! She would splash me when she wanted attention!  She would wake us up in the morning by making sucking sounds on the water line of the tank.  In about a year she was about a foot long so I sold her to a pet store that already had koi.  It took both hubby and I to get her out of the tank and once in the net she struggled like mad!  Whew that was work, she must have been 5 pounds easy!  Ah memories!!! ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 5th, 2008 at 1:18pm
5lbs! :o  That's only a few lbs. less than my cat! ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Feb 5th, 2008 at 4:57pm
Oh, I looove koi! So adorable and they act more like cats than fish. hehe

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 5th, 2008 at 5:16pm

wrote on Feb 5th, 2008 at 4:57pm:
they act more like cats than fish. hehe

I wish you hadn't said that because now I want one! ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Feb 5th, 2008 at 6:19pm

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Feb 5th, 2008 at 8:22pm
They do get big, and so do goldfish!  They'll grow to the size of the environment.  Our koi died at about 8" long.  With the pond in the front yard (for feng shui purposes) the neighborhood kids would come over and stick their arms in the pond, terrorize the fish, add frogs, even a turtle!  Our subdivision butted up against a golf course, which had water hazards and the kids would bring the frogs and turtle from there to our house.  It got reeeallly noisy during frog mating season!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 7th, 2008 at 12:11pm
Hmm, I didn't know that gold fish grew to the size of their environment.  

I was also wondering about your pond in the front yard when you first mentioned it.  With all of the kids around here, I couldn't imagine doing that.  Fortunately, our back yard is fenced in so we won't have any problems with people messing with it.  

My plan is to get a swing set and only put up two swings instead of 3.  I want to put the pond in the middle, where the middle swing would be.  So it will be a small pond, only about 3 feet.  

Last year, we had weeds pretty bad so I want to make sure that we have them under control before I do the pond.  Right now our grass is only just beginning to sprout. I'm thinking we'll be able to get it started towards the end of next month.

Other: Went to Jo Ann Fabric store yesterday.  My husband was on a conference call so he stayed in the car until he finished.  I asked him for 20.00 and he gave me 80.00 and I instantly got anxious, although I didn't give the money back. ;)  When I went in, I noticed sale signs everywhere and thought "he has no idea what he's just done".  But I was good.  I only bought some tea lights, a bag of 100 for 6.99, a Buddha for 9.99 and soap making supplies totalling about 12.00.  When he came into the store, I was already at the check out counter and I gave him the rest of the money immediately.  It took lots of strength not to blow all of the money buying everything that caught my fancy, wether I needed it or not.  I love craft stores! :D

Buddha - He's 12" Tall.

I wore one of my favorite dresses on my little shopping trip as well as a curly up do with a lace headband.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Feb 7th, 2008 at 3:28pm
Neat buddha! Your looking good kido!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 7th, 2008 at 6:29pm
Thanks Lisabelle! :D

Other: Well, I wanted another project and boy did I get one today!  My dining room chandelier arrived a day earlier than the estimated Fed Ex delivery date which was fine, but it sure is a task to put together.  The chandelier came in as many pieces as it possibly could, and the instructions aren't much more than an incomplete diagram.  Luckily, I have a knack for figuring things out and putting them together, I've been doing it since my Barbie day's.  Out of sheer impatience, I learned to put things like Barbie dream houses, Barbie salons and such together as a child without any assistance. However, even with my aquired love for projects that require assembly, this project proved somewhat tricky.  My husband is doing the wiring as I type, and without instructions, his patience has almost diminished.  I'm sure he'll get it together alright though, and hopefully, in time for dinner.  I'm making stuffed manicotti. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 10th, 2008 at 2:52pm
I washed my hair in the bathtub this morining, it was wonderful!  I loved lying back and having my hair float under me! :D  This time, instead of one, I added 2 tablespoons of baking soda to the pitcher of warm water that I use to wash with.  My hair definitely feels cleaner so I'm going to stick to this modified recipie.  I was also adding undiluted essential oils to my hair, but have come to realize that I need to dilute for better results and to eliminate the breakouts that it caused on my back.  I'm really lucky that it didn't cause me to breakout on my face.

Other:  I've really been enjoying my weekend!  Yesterday, I went to the craft store to get fabric dye to use on the lampshades that came with my new chandelier.  They were a tan or off white color and I dyed them burgundy so they would match my dining chairs which are a combination of burgundy, sage green, and gold. Most of my furniture contains one or all of those colors, I really love those colors together.  Anyway, the dye instructions state that rinsing can only be done after 72 hours which will be tomorrow, I hope they come out okay. My husband doesn't think I should rinse them at all because he likes them as is.  Currently, they are streaky and  rinsing will make the color more uniform (and most likely a bit lighter) but he thinks the streaks are cool.  Oh well, I'm going to rinse them anyway and hope for the best.

I also made my first batches of soap yesterday and they came out great! :D  I used melt and pour glycerin with cucumber and avacado.  Then, I added chamomile and a few drops of lavander oil... ahh it smells so good!  I also bought some honey almond oil, but after smelling it at home (it was sealed, so I couldn't smell it before buying), I realized I didn't like the scent. :P  Anyway, now I have to find something nice to display my soaps in, I'm so proud of them! ;D

I spent yesterday evening drawing fun designs on my body with latex paint while watching 2 of my favorite movies, Flashdance and Purple Rain.  One of the reasons that I love Flashdance so much is because it was filmed in the area of Pittsburgh where I was raised.  So, it's pretty cool to see it showcased in the movie.  When I first saw the movie as a kid, I loved how Alex lived in a former wharehouse, and one day wanted to live in one myself.  Well, I never moved in a wharehouse, but as a young adult I lived in that same industrial area that she lived in, just a few blocks up the street.  I loved that place!

Well, today is yoga, the elliptical machine and bellydancing.  Yesterday, I gave myself a break from all but yoga and healthy eating, so today I'm getting back to it. ;)  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 12th, 2008 at 12:13am
I had a really nice birthday.  It began with a surprise breakfast in bed, not a well rounded one, but nice all the same.  Behold breakfast... The inside was yellow cake with boston cream.

Then, after going back to bed and waking up around noon, my husband gave me another present.  A bottle of Babydoll, my favorite perfume.  He also put some extra money in my bank account so I could shop.  I bought some clothes, a chandelier for my bedroom and a juicer.  

Later, I got dressed for dinner.  We went to a very beautiful seafood restaurant.  It was so nice, every one who waited on us wished me a happy birthday.  My husband said that he only casually mentioned it  while making reservations, but I guess they keep notes of such things.  It was a very nice touch.  We had lobster bisque, crab cakes, lobster stuffed with crab, a cheese plate and wine.  Then, we had more birthday cake and more wine at home... ugh, I'm still stuffed.  

I used to hate having my birthday in the winter but today was a very nice sunny day, I didn't even need a wrap.  

Oh well, it's the end of a very nice day.  I only wish every day could be so nice! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Feb 12th, 2008 at 1:19am
I'm so glad you enjoyed your birthday!!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Feb 12th, 2008 at 1:44am
OOOOHHHHHHHHH,what a nice birthday!!  I'm glad you had a wonderful day!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Feb 12th, 2008 at 8:59am
Happy Birthday Sweetie!  33! Naw more like 23! ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 12th, 2008 at 3:19pm
Thank you Sakina, Curlgirl and Lisabelle! :D

Happy Birthday Sweetie!  33! Naw more like 23!
Aww, you're so sweet Lisabelle! :-*  23 was one of my favorite years, but I wouldn't trade it for my life at 33 for anything. :)

Other: My husbands Valentines or Birthday gift (not sure which one, I just bought two gifts :P) arrived in the mail today and he saw it so I just gave it to him early.  He'd wanted some Buddhist prayer beads because he thinks they look cool.  I guess the same way people wore rosaries in the 80's.  Anyway, they were nice.  I ordered them on eBay and wasn't sure if they would look as pictured, but they did and he's happy with them so I'm glad.  I also got him a victorinox rescue Swiss Army knife.  I ordered it (unsolicited from him)because of all of the features.  I hope he likes it as well.

I think we may be spending Valentines at home.  I don't know what I will cook, but I really want to do a pretty Valentines table set up.  Oh well, we'll see.

Also, my oldest sister sent me an email last night.  I hadn't talked to her in quite a while so it was nice to hear from her.  She told me that she and my other sister will be coming to visit me in June.  I'm so excited, also because I'll get to see my nieces as well.  And my grandniece... ooh, did I type that!?!  Ugh, I honestly just felt my stomach turn.  She's my nieces 6 month old daughter, but I think in the future, I'll just refer to her as my niece.

Anyway, I can't wait to start planning for their arrival.  One of the things I know for sure is that I want to get a karaoke machine.  We love doing karaoke together. :D
Also, I don't know if they're going to want to stay with me or in a hotel.  My other sister mentioned a hotel at one point and I hope that's what they decide.  I like it when they visit but I'm just not used to lots of noise all of the time so, with my 2 sisters (maybe 3) and 4 neices, I think a hotel would be best.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 13th, 2008 at 4:53pm
I told my husband that I wanted to cook dinner at home tomorrow, but he wants to get dressed up and go out so that's what we're doing.

I'd planned to make vegetable korma and chocolate fondue for dessert, so that's what we're having tonight instead.  Well, except for the fondue... my husband currently doesn't have a sweet tooth and honestly, neither do I.  We're still hacking away at birthday cake and chocolates. :P

We just got back from the grocery store and I saw a woman with wavy, light brown, tail bone length hair.  It was gorgeous!  She was walking in front of us and I noticed myself following along almost in a trance, I was so captivated by her hair.  I can't wait until my own hair can get super long like that.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 15th, 2008 at 1:34pm
Yesterday was great!  I love getting dressed up and going out.  Although, we ate so early that by 9:00 I was hungry again, so we ended up getting takeout from the Olive Garden.  I love their salads and calamari.

I gave my husband yet another early present and he really liked it, I was so relieved.  I never realized how much he likes getting gifts, because usually he tells me not to buy him anything.  I told him that I'll continue getting him things in the future.  I love seeing the smile on his face while he's opening gifts. :D

Oh, yesterday my cat gave me a shock by bringing a gecko into the house.  I was on the phone and began screaming in my sisters ear, I was so frightened.  I'm not afraid of gecko's, I just didn't want her to kill it or lose it in the house.  So I tried to grab her and put her back outside while the gecko was still in her mouth, but she ran past me and into my bedroom with it... where she preceeded to play with it.  All the while, I'm screaming for my husband to come and do something.  He was amused and felt we should let her keep it.  Evenutally, my cat got freaked out by the commotion and went into the other room leaving the gecko to run around my bedroom.  My husband finally caught it and put it back outside.  Gecko's outside are cute, seeing them running on the floor by your bed is not. >:(

After seeing tulips in the grocery store, I told my husband that I didn't want the usual roses for Valentines but pretty spring like tulips.  So I got tulips, and even picked them out myself.  I love them!  I put them in my bathroom on the tub, I like looking at them when taking my bath.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by roomtogrow on Feb 15th, 2008 at 7:46pm
very pretty tulips! they are one of my favorite flowers!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 16th, 2008 at 7:12pm
Thanks Roomtogrow! :D  They're potted but I'm not sure that I will be able to keep them around much longer, they don't look as good as they did when I bought them.  I moved them to another location close to a window.  I hope that helps. :-/

Hair:  I'm getting a bit of breakage.  I haven't really been doing anthing about it though.  I guess I'm just hoping it will go away on its own.  I know that, that isn't going to happen so next time I wash I'll use protein.  I thought about doing it during my wash today but I didn't. :P  I hope that I stop it before it begins to show on my ends, but for some reason I've been feeling a bit indifferent about it taking care of it.

Other: I'm no longer going to grow basil in my Aerogardens.  No matter how I arrange the pods, they always tower over my other herbs depriving them of light.  I'm going to plant them in a pot and see how they grow that way.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Feb 18th, 2008 at 4:18pm
Happy late birthday, sweetie!   :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 18th, 2008 at 4:21pm
Thanks Trisha! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 19th, 2008 at 2:31pm
Ugh... my hair seems to have slowed down in growth.  I haven't measured in awhile but it doesn't appear to be growing much.  It's pretty weird thought because it was growing like crazy in the fall.  
I've been wearing my hair in a braid and in buns for the past few days just to give it a rest from all of the styling that I've been doing to it last week.  

I've been paying close attention to hair when I'm out, when I'm looking at magazines, catalogs and watching tv.  In doing this I've noticed that BSL is about the average length of most women so I really can't wait to get out of that vicinity.  Hopefully, my growth rate will pick up as spring gets nearer.

Other: I got some stain for my wicker loveseat that's outside.  I think I may apply it today.  I was going to do it last week but it was raining so frequently, I didn't want to take the chance.  Anyway, my bedroom is finally finished and I need something to do so, I guess that's my next project.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Feb 19th, 2008 at 4:51pm

I've noticed that BSL is about the average length of most women

:-?  Not on any women I've seen.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 20th, 2008 at 6:11pm
Angel, are you talking about women where you live or are you including women in the the media as well?  Whats the average length you see?

Other: I started my love seat today but didn't finish it.  Apparently, it's going to need 2 coats in order for me to obtain the rich color that I want.  Although, it does look better than it did with just one coat.  I can't remember for the life of me if the wicker was very light when I bought it or if it faded in the sun.

Today, my birthday gifts arrived which is great! :D  A pair of pants that I ordered didn't fit, but other than that, everything appears to be okay.  I'm going to try out the juice extractor later.

The rest of my candle making supplies also arrived in the mail today.  I figured making candles would be just as easy as making soap, but I've learned that there is so much more involved in making candles.  The wax takes longer to melt than glycerin.  The glycerin took maybe 2 minutes to melt and the wax took 20.  Also when candle making, there is a specific order in which you must add the ingredients, and the temperature of the wax has to be just right before you can pour it into the molds.  I also didn't order any wick tabs. :P  I'd convinced myself that I didn't need them however, in the end I realized that I should've bought them.  Hopefully, my candles will turn out fine, but I'm just chalking this up to learning experience. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by roomtogrow on Feb 20th, 2008 at 6:41pm
around here, average length on women seems to be at or above shoulders...not many with very long hair.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Feb 20th, 2008 at 7:05pm
Ditto that. Both in real life and media.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 20th, 2008 at 9:01pm
Hmm... we must be looking at different catalogs and stuff on tv. ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by waiting4longlocks on Feb 22nd, 2008 at 12:52pm
where I live I think BSL is also average, but the majority of people I see are in their 20's.
I have a group of 6 very close girlfriends, and while my hair is almost BSL (the longest layer at least) ... it is definitely the shortest of the group. Guess it just depends on location, etc.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 25th, 2008 at 3:08am
Not much is going on with me.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Feb 25th, 2008 at 10:18am
Wow, you had quite a night!  I'm glad the copy let you off with only a warning.   :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Feb 25th, 2008 at 11:59am
Glad the cop was nice about the stop - but, hey!  If you got the legs - then you should show them off!  Next time be sure to enter the contest!!!! ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by waiting4longlocks on Feb 25th, 2008 at 3:23pm
Now that you mention the southern thing... I just realized my friends from up north all seem to have bobs and shoulder length hair.

Anyways~ It sounds like you had a fun night... and I agree, next time enter the contest!!!  ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 25th, 2008 at 5:51pm
Yeah, I'm glad he let us go with just a warning too.  My husband used to get tickets all of the time, so I know how expensive they are.

I've always been afraid to enter those types of contests.  It's the crowd that decides the winner, based on the amount of applause, whoops, and hollers you elicit.  My biggest fear has always been that I'd get booed and have tomatos thrown at me or something.  Thats why I found it funny that there were women who didn't even enter because of me.  I guess we all have that insecurity.  Maybe one day I'll try it just to get over my fear, because to this day, I've never seen a woman get booed or pelted with tomatoes. ;D  And I won't be young forever.  Well, semi young.  On my birthday, my 15 and 18 year old nieces called me and began to sing a song that they'd made up, about how old and decrepit I am...geeze. ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 26th, 2008 at 5:37pm
This morning we awoke to loud winds and pounding rain, louder than I have ever heard.  I so love the sound of rain, but I must admit that I couldn't enjoy it too much out of fear that this storm might result in more than rain.  Our power did go out for awhile but fortunately, it wasn't for much longer than an hour.  

We thought that we left tornados behind in Kansas, only to realize that Georgia sometimes gets tornados and other weather thats just as fierce.

Well, thankfully there were no tornados but there were downbursts.  There were no blown over trees around here, but the news is showing they were rampant in other areas.  However, looking outside, we did see lots of knocked over trash cans, basket ball hoops and such.  Also, our gazebo really took a hit.  It somehow was lifted into the air and half of it was over our fence.  Our fence is about 5' high so that's quite impressive.  We managed to get it back into our yard but it was a mangled mess.  It's kinda funny because yesterday I'd just finished painting the love seat out there and had ordered a wicker table to put out there as well, and now the gazebo is obliterated. :P  I am a bit dissapointed because we'll have to spend money on a new one, but I'm very grateful that our house didn't suffer any damage and that we're safe.  Unfortunately, not everyone can say that as there were a few deaths and substantial home damage as a result of the storm.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Feb 26th, 2008 at 9:44pm
We have had a pretty windy winter and when it is cold it makes it almost unbearable to be outside with the windchill factors.

We have downbursts now and then but luckily not too often.

We have not had tornados and I don't know if I could handle those.  They look like they would be very scary to be in or even near.
I have never seen one and hopefully I never will.


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 27th, 2008 at 1:24am
When I lived in Kansas, we would have tornado watches quite frequently which was terrifying, especially when the sky goes dark and the hail begins to fall. The thought of them scare me so much that I used to have nightmares about them.  I hope I never see or experience one.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Feb 27th, 2008 at 7:54am
Here in Minnesota, we don't get as many tornados as Kansas, but we have them often enough!  That eerie dark green sky always scares me.  I've not been in one directly, but I've had them verry close and that is enough.  The damage from them is unreal.  I've seen tree branches forced thru the trunk of a large tree like a spear thru a fish.  THAT is power!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 29th, 2008 at 11:10pm
Bikerbraid: Whoa!!! That is power! :o

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Mar 1st, 2008 at 9:43am

bikerbraid wrote on Feb 27th, 2008 at 7:54am:
Here in Minnesota, we don't get as many tornados as Kansas, but we have them often enough!  That eerie dark green sky always scares me.  I've not been in one directly, but I've had them verry close and that is enough.  The damage from them is unreal.  I've seen tree branches forced thru the trunk of a large tree like a spear thru a fish.  THAT is power!

Oh I'm getting the chills!  I've been in a water tornado aka waterspout when I was a kid.  The only thing that saved Dad and I was our life jackets.  It came up so fast and ate our boat.  I remeber feeling water and wood hit me then the next thing I was in the arms of a coast gaurd man in a helicopter. I was so scared I could not move but when they brought Dad up I went to him and attached myself to his arm.  We just had some bumps and scraps but that was very scary. :o

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Mar 1st, 2008 at 9:45am

wrote on Feb 29th, 2008 at 11:10pm:
Bikerbraid: Whoa!!! That is power! :o

Other: I've been sick with a cold for the past two days, lying in bed trying not to cough to death.  So, since we don't have a tv in our bedroom (I'm against them), my husband brought in the projector so that I could watch tv in bed.  We also put on our cat's favorite movie so that they could join in on the fun.

Here are both of them.  They were jumping up on the wall trying to get at the rodents. ;D

Also, these are the soy candles that I made last week.  I was inspired by these candles that I already own.

Neat pics! I love those candles.  I want to get the soy candles that can be used as lotion.  Feel better soon!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 2nd, 2008 at 7:22pm
Thanks Lisabelle! What a scary story, although being rescued by a helicopter sounds pretty exciting! :o  

Other: I'm not at 100% yet, but I'm feeling much better.  Last night I even did a bit of ballet.  Today, I wanted to get a good workout in but after getting winded from a few yoga sequences, I decided to wait until I'm completley over my cold.  

I've been drinking LOTS of juice lately, as I've become completely addicted to juicing.  My refrigerator is absolutely full of fruits and vegetables.  I'm not doing a juice diet, but juicing to supplement my diet with more fruits and vegetables.  Drinking them is way more easy and more fun than eating them. :D  I love experimenting with different fruit and vegetable combinations.  I haven't even been following a recipe book.  I was going to buy one but it hasn't proved necessary, as I  think it would be pretty tough to mess up a fruit drink.  I'm also making sure to get in fiber supplements as well.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 8th, 2008 at 2:08am
Ugh... I've been dragging lately

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Mar 8th, 2008 at 10:52am
My sympathies to you about the mother and daughter fiasco!!  I am attached on one side and there are tenants that blast music when the landlady is gone.  My birds sit on their perch aggravated while this disgusting noise vibrates through the wall!!! >:( >:(  My sister even went next door to ring their bell to tell them to lower it.  They can't even hear the door bell or the phone!!! >:( ::)  
Maybe the police is the next best solution,as was in the case of the mother and daughter problem you've experienced.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Mar 9th, 2008 at 6:55am
I don't know about where you live but we have a loud noise ordinance which goes into effect after 10pm.

What bothers me about people that play their music so loud is the lack of respect for others >:(   Especially when it is late at night or early in the morning and they don't stop to think or care that most people sleep during those times :o


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 9th, 2008 at 11:26am
Curlgirl: Yeah, calling the police may be your best bet.  It's such a shame that it must come to that sometimes.

Jerry: Most apartments do have a noise ordinance but that doesn't always mean that people will comply.  Some people are so rude, stupid or both, that it doesn't matter to them.

Hair: I used the rest of my henna paste on another section of my hair and I really do like the color.  I can't wait to do more applications to see what the peak color will look like.  I don't want it to be really bright and drastic, but definitley not as subtle as it currently is.  Somewhere in the middle would be nice.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Mar 9th, 2008 at 12:08pm
I have not done the research but I believe our noise ordinance is for apartments, houses and wherever avoidable noise is within the city limits.

One day, I was out riding my bicycle and a guy was out working on his car with the car stereo about as loud as it could be :o  Someone must have called the police because an officer in his car came along and made the guy turn it down and this was in the middle of the day 8-)

While on the subject of loud music and loud noises, I forget where the thread is where I advised you to try ear plugs 8-)
Well, I am going to take my own advice because my wife has a head cold and has been doing more than just sawing logs :P  I went out and bought some ear plugs and I am going to try them tonight and see if I can get more than a few winks and/or z's ::)


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 9th, 2008 at 12:23pm
Out of curiosity, I should look into the noise ordinance laws myself.
The argument that I spoke of took place in the early evening, it wasn't even dark yet.  I was under the impression that the police were able to intervene because the nature of the noise was an argument that could've possibly gotten violent but I'm not sure.

I hope the earplugs work for you.  I bought mine back when you suggested that I try them but I haven't needed them once since I purchased them.  It's funny how that works.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Mar 10th, 2008 at 10:46am

It seems that no matter where we move to or how nice the neighborhood, there are always going to be people around us who act this way.  Perhaps I'm cursed?

No, honey, you're not cursed.  Unfortunately, this is the way of the world now.  *hugs*

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 12th, 2008 at 1:58pm

Trisha wrote on Mar 10th, 2008 at 10:46am:
No, honey, you're not cursed.  Unfortunately, this is the way of the world now.  *hugs*

Well then, thats's a shame. :(

Hair: Did my relaxer on Monday.  When I was finished, I took a measurement and realized that the reason my hair was looking as though it hadn't grown was because... it hadn't. :-?

My last measurement was mid January, and my hair hasn't grown an inch.  It's pretty peculiar, especially since I haven't trimmed since then and now.  I don't recall my hair ever doing this before and I know that I'm not at terminal length.  The good thing is that my hair is healthy and is still even.  I only hope this resting phase, or whatever it is doesn't last much longer.

Other: Today is such a beautiful day! :D  My husband, the cats and I played out back for a while, enjoying the sunshine, it was nice! :D

Oh, I also relaxed my husbands hair. ;D  I'm not sure what his hair type is. It's whatever type of hair you get when you're a mix of black, spanish and philipino, I'm guessing 3a or b.  Anyway, the relaxer made his hair straight and spikey, I think it's cute.  He didn't like it at first, but after shaving his 5 o'clock shadow that he normally wears, he liked it.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 12th, 2008 at 2:03pm
(Just noticed Trisha's ticker) Only 8 days! Yay!!! [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Mar 13th, 2008 at 10:44am
Woo hoo for Spring!   ;D  Maybe your hair has taken a rest due to the stress of moving.  You know, having to find a house, pack up everything, get down to Atlanta, UNpack everything, painting, decorating, go, go, GO!!   :o  Now that you're settled, I bet your hair will start growing again soon.  *hugs*

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 13th, 2008 at 4:09pm
Thanks Trisha, but I'm sure it isn't stress.  My hair was growing like a weed in the fall (and I was continually having to trim off that darned point that my hair would grow into) but during the winter it stopped.  I'm thinking (hoping ::)) that it'll begin to grow again as it gets warmer out.

Other: Since the weather is nicer, I'm able to wear shorts and short skirts for my walks, but I'm a bit disapointed with my legs.  I have 2 scars left from where my cat scratched me a few months ago.  I put on self tanner this morning in an attempt to camouflage them.  I got a nice color but the camouflaing didn't work so well. I have that Sally Hanson spray stuff, but it's such a pain.  Hopefully, they'll fade soon. :P  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 17th, 2008 at 10:22am
Hair: Well, my henna never arrived.  They made the mistake of sending me indigo instead.  I get to keep the indigo (although I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it) and they're going to send the henna out right away.

I realize from a color chart that doing henna in my hair will make it a dark auburn at it's peak.  That's fine with me though.  I want to try something different and if I don't like it, it will eventually fade.

Other: Yesterday was a wonderful day! :D  We got dressed up and went to the Four Seasons for brunch.  Even though we weren't very impressed with the food, it was a nice experience, the restaruant was beautiful.  Afterwards, we went to the mall and I got some cool looking running shoes to make my walks a bit more comfortable.  Then, we went to Home Depot to finally get a drill powerful enough to drill the holes for my privacy hedges.  We got all 50 holes done in less than an hour.  Now, I'll be able to put the hedges in the ground as soon as they arrive this week.  I so can't wait to have more green in my yard.  

When all of our work was done, we relaxed by watching a few movies and then went late night shopping at Target.  We got groceries and my husband surprised me by buying new speakers for my computer, they're amazing!  I couldn't help but dance and spin in my chair as I was listening to the music from them.  I had the music turned up a bit and my husband kept saying "turn that down, your're gonna kill the cats" LOL ;D.  It actually wasn't that loud, ::) but it was fun.  I think my cats enjoyed it too, because everytime he would shoo them out of the room, they'd always immediately return. :D

I wonder what today will bring.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Mar 17th, 2008 at 12:24pm

"turn that down, your're gonna kill the cats" LOL


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 18th, 2008 at 11:47am
Ugh, I was watching the news and apparently, more storms will be coming through tomorrow.  We've had such bad weather lately.  I thought it ended with the tornado that came through on Saturday.  I still can't believe how totally unaware I was of Georgia's weather prior to moving here.  I'd never known of, or heard anything about the violent weather that occurs here. >:(

Yesterday, I finally found a meditation altar for my room.  I saw one online for about 300.00, but we went to the World Market and I got something very nice for only 70.00.  Only thing is that the legs are too long so I have to have them shortened.  

We went back to the mall, Home Depot, and everyplace else, so I did lots of walking and my shoes held up great.  It was like walking on pillows.  I should've gotten new shoes a long time ago.  Well...I should've gotten the appropriate shoes a long time ago. ::)  I had been wearing Sketcher maryjanes because they're cute, but they are not made for walking long distances.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Mar 18th, 2008 at 6:11pm
When I heard of the horrible tornado in Atlanta I thought of you and I was hoping you were ok which you are 8-)


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 19th, 2008 at 12:33pm
I had the best sushi experience of my life!  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Mar 19th, 2008 at 4:05pm
Awwww, kiiiiiittiiiieeesss!!!  ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 19th, 2008 at 10:13pm
They always manage to incorporate themselves into my pictures! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Mar 20th, 2008 at 8:54am
Wow!  That was really tall.  It looks great.  I like those pillows!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 20th, 2008 at 1:27pm
Thanks Sakina!  Yeah, it was tall.  I wasn't even going to buy it at first because it was so big, but I'm glad I did.

Other: I just finished up a morning of gardening and I actually enjoyed it!  When I was a kid, I helped my grandfather do some weeding in the back yard.  Well, when a big beetle crawled out of the weeds and scared the crap out of me, I vowed to never ever do yard work again.  If I could've looked into the future back then to see myself today, I would've been quite shocked! ;D

I pulled lots of weeds, coming across caterpillars, worms and all sorts of other insects, but I was okay with it and didn't freak.  I planted all of my hedges, showing care to each one, as they are currently so tiny.  I told my husband that I was very skeptical that these little 4-8 inch plants are going to grow into the 12 foot plants that I'm expecting them to.  Then, I looked at the super large trees that have grown on the other side of my fence, and I had to remind myself that at one time, those trees were once only tiny seedlings themselves.  

Well, I'm off to take a well deserved, relaxing, bubble bath. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Mar 20th, 2008 at 3:00pm
Feels good to get your hands dirty now and again, doesn't it?   ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 20th, 2008 at 3:37pm
It really did! :D  I'm already anxious to plant more things, but I guess I should wait and see how my first project turns out first.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 21st, 2008 at 12:18pm
Yard Stuff: I couldn't wait to check on my newly planted hedges (if they can even be refered as such at this point) this morning and last night before bed (with a flashlight :P).  Well, all is fine so far, but about a handful are appearing as though they won't make it.  At the moment, I'm not sure what to do or what I did wrong with them.  Hopefully, I can save them, if I can figure out what's wrong. Since I am a novice at this, the thought is overwhelming.  My main thought is just waiting to see what happens, and if they don't bounce back then, I can keep replacing them until it eventually takes.
Fortunately, these are hardy plants so if I did replace a few, the odds of them being able to establish themselves in my yard are pretty good. :D

I said goodbye to my gazebo.  My husbands repairs on it didn't withstand the rain we had last week, and it was rusting a lot in the places where it had broken.  He felt he could repair it some more, but I'm done with it, so I had him take it down.  I've been calling around to get a free estimate on a permanent structure for out there.

I stayed up 'til about 4 this morning online looking for cool things to do out back.  Right now, it's just a blank canvas waiting to be turned into something beautiful.  I'm going to wait until next year before I do a pond. I just want to make sure that the drought is completely over before I begin that project, but other things I'm thinking of doing are;

Creating a meditation and yoga area
Replacing regular mulch with colored glass mulch or sand
Applying a colorful mosiac to my swingset after we put it up
Buddha, Angel and Fairy Statues
A humming bird chandlier feeder

Hopefully, I can turn it into what I'm envisioning. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Mar 21st, 2008 at 1:36pm
That sounds like it will be neat and creative ;)

I am sure you are planning to take lots of pictures.


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 21st, 2008 at 4:12pm
Of course, I love taking pictures!:D They'll be slow coming though.  I want to get these hedges established and looking like something before I begin taking pictures of anything.  The greenery that the privacy hedges will create is what is going to make the yard. ;)  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 21st, 2008 at 7:36pm
There's a show on tv that chronicles the "dirtiest jobs"... well, none of those people have nothing on what I just did.  

My cat's litter box was clogged so I had to take it apart, while it was full of sludge and unclog it.  It was so disgusting, but it had to be done.  My husband offered to take over and do it.  In the beginning we were both trying to figure out what was wrong with it.  However, figuring out what was wrong and fixing it, had become a personal challenge to me, so I sent him away.

Anyway, it's all done now and I just took the longest, most thorough shower of my life. ;D  I washed my hair and also remeasured.  Apparently, I measured wrong the last time, or my hair has grown 1/2" in just under 2 weeks. :-?  At any rate, it is (was?) growing so, I'm happy about that! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 23rd, 2008 at 4:07pm
Yesterday, my husband decided that he wanted to go to the laundry mat to wash our comforter, which is too large for our washer.  I hate laundry mats and didn't want to go, but I gave in.  I took the comforter off the bed. Then, I took off the sheets, planning to wash them in our own machine.  He then told me to give him the sheets so we could take them as well.  I didn't see the need to spend more money there and perhaps be there longer because of another load but again, I gave in.  So, I reluctantly gave the ball of sheets to him.

Well, long story short(er).  I didn't shake out the sheets and neither did he, only to later realize that my cell phone had been wrapped up in them when they were put in the washer.  Oye! >:(

We've been having such bad luck with cell phones lately that I had to laugh.  It all began in the fall when he bought his son a ridiculously expensive cell phone.  He wanted a new cell phone (in my opinion just to show it off at school) but very soon after getting it, he lost it.  Then, I accidentally broke my husbands phone.  He bought a new one, only to accidentally drop in into a public toilet and have it automatically flushed away before he could even blink.  Then, of course, mine going in with the wash. ;D  

Aside from that, and him having to replace yet another phone, yesterday was gorgeous!
While my phone was washing, ::)  we drove around and found a park with a nice walking trail.
We walked for about 1/2 a mile.  I was very happy to find this place, because the wooded walking trail behind our apartment was one of the things that I missed about Kansas. Now I have a scenic place to walk here too. :D  

I have no plans for today.  Easter hasn't been a big deal for me since I was a kid.  I did all of my cleaning and outdoor plant watering already, so for the rest of the day I'll just relax.  

I started a new book called "A New Earth" because I wanted to see what the big deal was about.  It's not much different than most of the Buddhist books I've read.  However, I suppose if you aren't a Buddhist, or haven't read books on Buddhism, then, this book may seem like a novelty. I'm not saying that it isn't profound, it's just nothing new to me.  I'm only half way through though, perhaps I'll stumble upon something new as I read on.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Mar 24th, 2008 at 9:27am

While my phone was washing  ::)

LOL   ;D  Maybe it's a sign that you and hubby are not supposed to have cell phones!!  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 24th, 2008 at 2:46pm
Perhaps you're right! ;D   I'd suggested that we get a land line phone but he likes cell phones better.  It can be more convenient, but at the rate we're going, it's definitely not cheaper.

Hair: My henna arrived so I'll most likely be doing it in the beginning of April.

Fitness:  I'd slacked off a bit with my workout routine, cause I'd been busy doing other things.  Last night, I started the elliptical again, doing a mile and today I did another mile.  Now, I'm going to grab a snack and bellydance some and perhaps I'll do another mile this evening.

I'm attempting to lose 3lbs this week by watching what I eat... (had to stop typing for a second.  My cat is giving me kisses :D )and exercising.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 26th, 2008 at 12:46pm
Hair: Well, today will be henna day.  I was going to wait a bit but I think that my hair could use the conditioning now.

Fitness: Won't be doing my mile on the elliptical today or any other form of exercise.  My old knee problem flared up yesterday.  I'm pretty sure it's my new tennis shoes.  They're very comfortable for walking outdoors, but my older shoes were best for me on the elliptical.  Hopefully, all I need is one day off for it to heal.  I've already lost 1 lb, and I want to keep it moving.  

Yard stuff:  I was nervous because we had a freezing temps the night before last.  The local news suggested covering susceptible plants to avoid having them die off.  With that, I was just about to give up because I barely know about growing them, let alone covering them.  But fortunately, most of them survived.  I did pull up 4 that looked as though they weren't making it, but I think they were the same four that I noticed not looking too good soon after planting.

Also, since the plants came with no instructions, I wasn't sure how to water.  The instructions I found on the internet were all different so I discovered a way to gauge when the plants need watering.  I dug up some soil from my yard and stuck it in one of my cats unused bowls.  Now, whenever I water my plants, I water the soil in the bowl as well.  Even though it doesn't have roots sucking out the water, I am still able to tell how long it takes for the soil to start drying up.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 26th, 2008 at 5:43pm
OMG...the coolest bird is outside my window right now.  It's black with bright yellow on the outside of each wing and when it flies, it reveals red feathers on the underside of its wings.  Pretty cool! :D  My husband said that he's seen more variations of birds living here, than anywhere else, and I'd have to agree.

Okay, back to my reason for posting. :P  

Hair: My hennaing is complete and I'm now waiting for it to dry.  There's a nice breeze coming in through the window that I'm sitting next to, so that should speed things along a bit.  

The color looked very subtle at first, but when I saw my reflection near the window, I could see more burgundy and even orangeish looking tones.  Although, I won't know what the final result will look like for a few days.

I'll most likely take outdoor pics tomorrow.  I doubt that there will be any daylight left after my hair has dried and I've finished styling today.

I'm also hoping that I rinsed enough of the henna out so that my hair doesn't become hard or dry.  It took forever to rinse and even in the end, the water still wasn't 100% clear.  I'd say it was more like 99%. The drought has totally affected me because, just seeing all of that water going down the drain made me cringe.  Just seeing water go down the sewer during a heavy rain makes me cringe.  But anyway, once it was 99% clear, I finished up, hoping it would be good enough. I  couldn't bear using more water.

Now, I just want to relax.  I haven't been working out, but I've been doing house work all day, so right now, I'd kill for a cold glass of riesling. Okay, maybe not kill...but I'd totally give someone a dirty look. :D  Well, since I have no wine, I guess I'll go make a glass of juice.  Hopefully, that will be just as refreshing. ::)

Fitness: I weighed myself again, and it appears that I've lost 1.8 lbs already this week.  I'm sure most of it was water though.  My knee is still hurting, but I'm really hoping I can resume my workouts tomorrow.  I still have 1.2lbs to go, to reach my goal for the week.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 26th, 2008 at 10:34pm
I took a few indoor pics

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Mar 27th, 2008 at 8:39am
Nice pics Sweeite! :)

Wow I would love to see a butterfly!  I have squirrel city here, they come in colours too!  Grey, black and red! ;D  Your hair looks great!  I would love to henna my hair too! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Mar 27th, 2008 at 12:14pm
Nice color on the henna; it'll be interesting to see if it changes over the next few days.   :)  Sounds as if the animals are giving you an official Spring welcome!   :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 27th, 2008 at 2:58pm
Lisabelle: Thanks!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Mar 27th, 2008 at 4:50pm
The color looks great!  How is the texture?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Mar 27th, 2008 at 5:53pm
It looks beautiful!!!  What a nice job you did!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 27th, 2008 at 7:12pm
Thanks Sakina and Curlgirl!

The texture is fine, it hasn't changed or gotten thicker or anything that I've noticed.  It was a bit hard after my rinse and not soft like it is ususally after a wash, but once I conditioned it, it was fine.  Because I didn't get it rinsed completely, I'm just making sure to keep it moisturized well.

Other: My litterbox was acting up yesterday, yet again, so I took it outside and completely cleaned it using the hose.  I made sure that nothing was clogged and that no hoses were kinked.  When I got it back inside it was working like new again.  Today, I needed to change the cleaning solution cartridge however, now the new cartridge won't work. ::)  The cartridges have electronic sensors on them and for whatever reason mine it isn't reading.  You can only order cartridges online, so I have to wait until Monday which is when the new one should arrive.   In the meantime, I'll have to clean the box manually.  Isn't technology wonderful? :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 31st, 2008 at 4:50pm
Hair: It seems more burgundy  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Mar 31st, 2008 at 6:28pm
Wow, those extensions do look great.  The thought of wearing someone else's hair gives me the creeps.

A while back I was having some knee problems and my massage therapist suggested that I routinely stretch my quads.  It worked, well, that and new shoes that support my feet.  I have a severe pronation in both feet and my shoes have really helped.

Mostly, though, the quad stretching has made the difference.

Good Luck on your goals!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Mar 31st, 2008 at 9:08pm
You do look great with hair that long 8-)

Hopefully your real hair will be that long soon.


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Mar 31st, 2008 at 9:14pm

wrote on Mar 27th, 2008 at 2:58pm:
Lisabelle: Thanks!  Butterflies are a rarity here, because there aren't many flowers. :'(  This summer I'd like to plant flowers to attract them but I have clay soil, and I've yet to find a flower that I'd like to plant that is compatible with this type of soil.

Trisha:Thanks!  I like the color although it is different, but that's what I wanted.  I read that it does change color after a few days due to oxidation.

I took this outside today.

Fitness: My knee is feeling fine today so I will do my mile (or more) on the elliptical.

I didn't sleep well last night, I kept tossing and turning, so I got up this morning at 4 and bellydanced until I was tired enough to fall asleep.  Right now, the choreography that I'm learning is more advanced than any I've ever done, so I'm a bit obsessed with it.

Wow, I missed this picture ;)

You are so beautiful and the color in this picture is great 8-)


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 1st, 2008 at 8:26am
Sakina: Sometimes stretching does help sometimes it doesn't.  My knee was doing fine for a long time until I recently switched to new shoes.  My new shoes are great for walking. I just don't think that they provide enough ankle support for aerobic exercising like my old ones do, so I've switched back.

Jerry:  Thanks for the compliment.  I hope my real hair will be that long soon.  Right now, I'm about 3 or 4 inches away.  Unfortunately, it'll never be that full though.  

Other:  I don't think I ate too poorly last night.  I had a bowtie pasta with lobster, but the sauce wasn't too creamy.  My only problem was that I had too much wine.  When will I ever learn? :-/

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Apr 1st, 2008 at 8:56am
Oooh love the picture!  You always look so beautiful! ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Apr 1st, 2008 at 11:32am
I went to Performance Footwear and they put me in a "neutral" shoe and I got on a treadmill and they video taped me walking and then jogging.  Then, frame by frame they showed me how my feet move naturally and then recommended shoes that would give my foot the best support.

Maybe there's a Performance Footwear store in your area.  The footstrike analysis is free.

I hope your knee feels better!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 2nd, 2008 at 10:14am
Thanks Lisabelle, you're so sweet!

Sakina: I totally forgot about that service!  They had one in Pittsburgh when I lived there and my husband suggested that I do it back then, but I never got around to it.  I'll check and see if they have one here. Thanks!

Other: The litter cartridge came but now the unit isn't functioning, so they're sending me a new one.  How's that for great service! :D

Yesterday, it didn't rain but a sprinkle, so my husband was disappointed that we wasted the day in the house. :P  Although, we did go to the patio cover place to look around and get an estimate.  The guy was nice enough to follow us home to look at our patio to measure and such.  He gave us a pretty good price and will begin installation later this month.  I'm not exactly sure how I'll decorate it yet, but I can't wait to have a place to sit outside again.

I stumbled upon a friend of an old friend online yesterday.  He has pics posted online, and his body is ripped.  He's 43 years old and is in the best shape.  It really inspired me to step up my workouts, but it's pretty difficult to do one thing when my husband is doing something else.  So, I asked him if he'll start taking his working out and eating habits more seriously as well.  He said yes, but I don't know if he's totally on board, only time will tell if he's committed. :P  Yesterday, I was so pissed at him.  He decided that he would go to the store and get snacks.  I told him that I only wanted a small bag of cheese curls, yet he came home with a large family sized bag of them.  He also had a whole chocolate cake, my favorite ferrero rocher chocolates and another large bag of chips.  Sometimes I swear that man is determined to sabotage me... and on purpose. >:(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Apr 2nd, 2008 at 12:03pm

wrote on Apr 2nd, 2008 at 10:14am:
Sakina: I totally forgot about that service!  They had one in Pittsburgh when I lived there and my husband suggested that I do it back then, but I never got around to it.  I'll check and see if they have one here. Thanks!

 Yesterday, I was so pissed at him.  He decided that he would go to the store and get snacks.  I told him that I only wanted a small bag of cheese curls, yet he came home with a large family sized bag of them.  He also had a whole chocolate cake, my favorite ferrero rocher chocolates and another large bag of chips.  Sometimes I swear that man is determined to sabotage me... and on purpose. >:(

You're welcome!  I hope there's one near you.

Hubby really messed up, didn't he?  When I want chips for a snack, I go to the gas station.  They have the smaller bags and since I don't want to hang out in the gas station I'm less likely to buy more than I came for.  Oh, and ours has excellent iced tea so I get some of that, too.

Good luck on focusing on your diet and excercise lifestyle.  Keyword: Lifestyle!

Hey, I just thought of something!  Look to see in your area if they have a small gym that specializes in personal training.  I train 2 days a week for 30 minutes and then do my yoga and bellydancing and cardio on other days.  It is really helping me to get enough excercise in and lets my brain rest from teaching.  I highly recommend it!!!!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Apr 2nd, 2008 at 12:14pm
The ideal situation is indeed where husband and wife support each other and are doing the same thing at the same time (as far as Way Of Eating).  I'm lucky in that the low carb lifestyle works for both hubby and me.  But if one of us had chosen a different diet, then the other would have to adjust.  I think if I were you, I'd probably tell hubby that if he wants those things then he needs to keep them out of your sight.  Maybe designate an out of the way space in the cabinets for him to store his no-nos...someplace that you do not/will not EVER look at.  Out of sight, out of mind.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 2nd, 2008 at 3:43pm
Sakina: There's a 24hr fitness center very close to me.  My husband looked at it last month.  He liked it alot but since I'm not very big on gyms I was indifferent about it.  Since it's warm, I'd rather get bikes and do more outdoor activities.  Although, a few days ago I did tell him that I would sign up if he wanted.  It would be really nice if they have classes though because I think I would prefer that over using machines.  I'll have to see what type of classes they offer if any.

Trisha: My problem with him and the snacks is that he buys what I like specifically for me, so theres no point in him hiding them.  No matter how many times I tell him not to buy things like that for me, he does it anyway.  Yesterday, I even threatened to throw away the big bag of cheese curls after I took out one serving but he told me not to.  Then, today he made me lunch and was just about to put some of them on my plate and I told him NO. For now I'm still standing firm, but they're still here nonetheless. >:(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Apr 3rd, 2008 at 12:07pm
Okay, then, how about this?  --You tell him that the next time he buys those things "for you", you're going to throw them in the trash...and then do it.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Apr 3rd, 2008 at 12:48pm
LD, hunnay, if I've learned anything in life, it's that 1.) men are never committed to practical things (diets and relationships fall into this category), and 2.) the power of resistance is in your own hands.

If junk food is around, your instinct is to eat it without thinking. When you find yourself looking - or worse, reaching - for those things, you must consciously tell yourself NO! and walk away from them. This is how I am able to do "junk food strikes" for 1-2 weeks. It's all mind over matter, babe.  8-)

As for your hubby, bah! Let him fall off the wagon if he can't manage to stay on, but don't let him pull you down with him!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 4th, 2008 at 4:47pm
Oh, I threw those cheese curls out the night before last.  I woke up in the middle of the night with the munchies... so guess what happened?  I reached for that bag. I did eat one serving, but out of anger I threw the rest away.

We had yet another talk last night and he said that he will stop buying things like that.  But his dumb "what did I do?" and "I didn't know" act was enough to make me want to smack him.  He say's he buys those things to "pamper me" and "make me happy" (whatever  :-? ).   I don't know how many times I need to tell him that it isn't pampering nor making me happy if it isn't something that I want.  He can be so dense sometimes.  I told him that if he wants to pamper me, then he can buy me some fruit.

Although, I must admit that this talk took place when we were out last night at the chocolate bar. :P  I'd never been before and I figured that one time wouldn't hurt anything.

Fitness: My knee is feeling better so I've resumed my workouts.  Today I did 1 mile on the elliptical and a few spurts on the leg magic thing.  So far I've only had 2 protein shakes, tea, gatorade, scallops and baked beans. I'll have a small dinner and then I'm done eating for the day.

Other: Since we've been going out more (which my husband is thrilled about) I finally gave in and purchased the dress that I wanted so bad for the Prince concert a few years ago and this past NYE.  It went on sale, although not by much, but I figured what the heck. It arrived today and although it isn't exactly like the picture online, it's still okay.  Black and blue are one of my favorite color combinations and I don't have another dress with the two colors, so I'm going to keep it...even if it was way over priced IMO.  Not to mention that they charged me 16.00 to ship it first class mail from Florida and the thing only weighs 13oz.  I wasn't very happy about that at all, but whats done is done.  See...

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Apr 4th, 2008 at 5:51pm

He say's he buys those things to "pamper me" and "make me happy" (whatever  :-?  ).   I don't know how many times I need to tell him that it isn't pampering nor making me happy if it isn't something that I want.  He can be so dense sometimes.

Oh, LD, honey. Do not be misled. He's not buying these things to make you happy. He's  buying them because he wants them. Just trust me.
The only way this man is dense is by thinking that he'll be able to get away with it if he twists the story around to make it look like he's doing something nice for you. Just smile and say, "Nice try, babe."  ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 4th, 2008 at 6:19pm

wrote on Apr 4th, 2008 at 5:51pm:
 [quote]He's not buying these things to make you happy. He's  buying them because he wants them. Just trust me.

Um...perhaps with somethings. He buys his favorite junk food for himself, which is mainly stuff that I don't like, like hostess snack cakes and stuff.  He's allergic to the hazel nuts in the chocolates that I like, so he's definitely not buying them for himself... well, maybe not in that sense.  

I'm beginning to think that he doesn't want me to eat healthy so that there is no pressure on him to eat healthy.  I can't say for certain that, that's true, but it's a theory.

Retail Therapy:  Persistance definitely pays off! :D  I'd wanted a coat from Newport News but held off on buying it, thinking that it would be there forever.  Well, I was wrong because they sold out of my size.  However, instead of giving up on it, I kept checking the site everyday to see if they'd gotten more in or a return.  Well, I guess they had a return because today, my size was there so I bought it.  I'm really glad I did because it turned out to be the only one that they had. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 4th, 2008 at 11:56pm
I just washed my hair with shampoo for the first time this year.  Well, not including the one time when I did my relaxer.  If I didn't shampoo after that I'd have no hair left.

Anyway, my hair feels so much softer now.  I needed to shampoo to get all of the henna residue out because the baking soda wasn't doing it.

I'd been using Aubrey Organics Revitalizing conditioner for a good amount of months now.  I only realized how expensive it was on my last shopping trip.  I'm not going to stop buying it because I do love it,  but I really need to pay more attention to prices before throwing things into my cart.  Anyway, today I was out near Bath and Body Works and I was so tempted to go in and buy a bottle of their Mango conditioner.  I resisted the urge because I know that my hair doesn't respond well to conditioners with cones.  I just can't help but long for an all natural conditioner that smells sweet and fruity as most of them just smell like grass or something.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Apr 5th, 2008 at 11:57am
If you have an Ulta near you, go in and smell Devacurl's One Condition.  I love it!!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 5th, 2008 at 3:08pm
There is an Ulta near here.  I looked on their website and the product wasn't there.  I'll call my local store to make sure they carry it here, if not, I saw it online with a shipping fee of only 1.00.  So thanks, I'll most likely try it when I wash next week.  I can't wait to experience the scent of Lemon Grass as opposed to Mistletoe. :P

Oh, and there isn't a Performance Footwear here.  Thankfully, my knee is fine now but hopefully, I can find a Performance Footwear the next time I go out of town.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 5th, 2008 at 3:16pm
I was just on Aubrey Organics website and was surprised to see Longlocks.com listed in the "friends of Aubrey" section. :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 6th, 2008 at 5:17pm
Just got back from working out at the park.  We powerwalked 3 miles and did step exercises on the benches.  It really felt good working out outdoors, there was a such a nice breeze.  One of the things that I dislike about working out inside is that once I really get going, it gets so hot and I can never get the AC cool enough to compensate.

Now I'm off to shower and get dressed.  We're going back to the Geisha House for sushi.  

Oh, and my weight is back down but still not where I want it.  I'd like to lose anywhere between 3 and 5lbs.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 7th, 2008 at 9:44am
I really enjoyed dinner last night well, except for the fact that I ate way too much.  After two rolls, miso soup and sake I was stuffed but my husband just kept ordering more and more.  Finally, I told him that if he ordered anymore food that he'd be eating alone.  I did get a dessert to go but it wasn't so good. :P  

Also, I don't know if he was trying to make me feel better because of the funk that I've been in about my weight, but he told me (unsolicited) that even after all of this time that he looks at me sometimes and thinks "wow".  He said that he has a sexy wife and that if he were single all over again he'd persue me just as he did when we first met.  Wasn't that sweet? :)

Ugh...why is it that I can't type anymore for but a few seconds before my cats jump up on my desk, block my screen and start rubbing their heads against mine and licking my face? ::)  


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Apr 7th, 2008 at 12:19pm
NICE dress; very sexy!   ;)  As to the cats...because your sole purpose is to love/pet/pay attention to THEM and not anything else!!  (So says my cats)   ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 7th, 2008 at 5:58pm
Thanks Trisha!  Yep, I'm sure thats what they believe.  As soon as I wake up (or as soon as they wake me up  ::)) they begin meowing for me to pet them.  

I've even noticed myself sleeping in a ball lately, so that I don't disturb THEM as they both sleep completely spread out on their backs, on MY side of the bed.  One day I'm gonna show them some tough love and show them whose boss around here! ;D

Fitness: Power walked in the park again today for 2.5 miles and jogged the other .5 miles in addition to more step exercises on the bench.  Now, I'm going to take a relaxing bubble bath with this new Jason body wash that I just bought.  I hope I like it.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by texian.traveler on Apr 7th, 2008 at 6:55pm
Only one cat likes to sleep with me, usually, and she and I discuss how we can both fit.  My question is, how does a six pound cat take up an entire queen-size bed?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 7th, 2008 at 8:30pm

texian.traveler wrote on Apr 7th, 2008 at 6:55pm:
My question is, how does a six pound cat take up an entire queen-size bed?
;D ;D

I can't answer that question but I'm sure it's figured out a way. ;)

When I had 3 cats they'd ALL sleep with me... and on my side of the bed.  Sometimes I'd end up with one sleeping on my back as I lay asleep on my stomach, or another sleeping next to my head on my pillow.  It's ridiculous! ;D  My husband always tells me to just kick them off, but they look so peacful that I don't ever want to disturb them.  I suppose that's the reason that they only sleep on my side of the bed.;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 8th, 2008 at 2:10pm
I think I might do a wash today but I never made it around to ULTA.  My husbands son is staying here for the next few days, perhaps I'll send them to get me some conditioner.

Also, I've got to stop straightening my hair with the steam iron so much.  Lately, I've been using it after every wash because straightening shows my length more.  However, I didn't get my hair this far by OD'ing on heat, so I'm not going to start now.  My plan is to make it to the New Year without a trim, so I have to be super careful with my hair.  So far, I haven't trimmed since Dec.  I've only been dusting and for me that's a huge deal since I LOVE the fresh look of a trim.  My ends still look fine though.

Fitness: Today, my right knee is hurting a bit, which is a odd.  I think that I came down on it funny yesterday during my jog.  I'm definitely going to do some sort of working out today though.  

Eventhough my husband has been working out with me, his diet habits aren't changing much.  He's still trying to get me to "snack" with him but I've been resisting and it hasn't been difficult.  He got me some more chocolates, but I just stuck them in my bedside table with the rest of them...unopened.  Now when I crave sweets I just whip up some fresh fruit juice, and for salty snacking I'll eat 1 serving of nuts, or a V8, or a garden burger with spicy mustard and no bun.  

Other:  My plan for today is to finish my book "A New Earth".  I'm really enjoying it.  I like it because it doesn't just say "don't do this or that" it actually gives examples as to how not to do certain things and how to deal when you're in certain situations, almost like a manual.  I think that once I'm finished, I'll read it again just to let it seep in more.

Wow, I just got my water opened.  I'd been trying to open this bottle for about 20 minutes, resisting the urge to call for help. ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 8th, 2008 at 8:03pm
Did a CO.  I called the Ulta near me and they said that they don't carry DevaCurl products so, I had to use my regular stuff.

...And I didn't, nor do I plan to use any heat.

Fitness: Did 2 miles on the elliptical.  I'm going to try doing a few push ups later, but I have no upper body strength so at best I'll maybe do 10. 8-)  

I like having small arms so I typically don't work them.  However, I'm quite certain that nothing I could do workout wise would put me in any danger of accumulating bulky arm muscle. :P  

Today, I had a V8 for breakfast, speghetti for lunch and a veggie burger and protein shake for dinner.  I'll most likely have fruit juice if I get hungry later.  

Other: I hooked my computer up to my 23" flat screen tv and boy is everything HUGE!!!  And its so bright I feel like I need sunglasses.  I don't know if I can get used to this.

Okay, why don't I see the color option? :-?

[timestamp=1207700039] Found it.  It was way on the other side of my screen! ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 9th, 2008 at 3:42pm
 Then I read the sheet that our lawn guy left yesterday

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Apr 9th, 2008 at 4:34pm
Are you eating every 3 hours?  Drinking enough water??  How often you eat has a big impact on getting the calories you need without hitting a slump and then reaching for the nachos.  Same thing happens to me, BTW.  I've started eating olives to help with the full and satisfied feeling so I don't crave carbs and fat too much.  I eat 3 or 4 with whatever else I'm eating and for me it does the trick.  I get a tub of mixed greek olives-yum and heart healthy fats to boot!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 9th, 2008 at 8:34pm
Ordinarily, I do eat every 3 hours but lately I haven't been, which is why I knew that I wasn't eating enough calories.  I started eating 3 times a day but still small portions as if I were eating every 3 hours.  I figured it would help me to take off more weight and faster, but it's backfiring.  

Today I ate more but only healthy stuff.  I do drink plenty of water though.  

I gotta try that olive trick.  I love olives and always keep them in the fridge.  For the past 2 days I've been snacking on pickles.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Apr 9th, 2008 at 10:31pm
You gotta eat to loose weight!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Apr 10th, 2008 at 11:03am

Posted by: Sakina Posted on: Yesterday at 7:31pm
You gotta eat to loose weight!

Yes; otherwise our body goes into starvation mode (holds onto everything).

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 10th, 2008 at 11:24am

You gotta eat to loose weight!

I know. ::)  At times, it just seems so counterproductive, but you're right.  I just need to work on finding more good foods, that are good for me.  Especially, since I'm hungrier more often now that I've stepped up my workouts a bit.

Hair: Last night I slept in 2 braids and this morning I unraveled them to create waves.  Then, I put some Ojon restorative treatment on my hair and that made it feel nice and soft.  My plan is to keep this routine up throughout the spring and summer so that I'm not manipulating it too much.  Also, I'll have waves without the use of heat.

Fitness: Today, I'm taking my workout back outside.   Will do the usual 3 mile power walk or a little less, if I get some jogging in.  

Other: I cleaned out my closet this morning and got a big bag of clothes ready to give to the Goodwill.  I just purchased a new pair of shoes and a skirt off of eBay and I'm currently looking for a new dress.  However, aside from that, my goal is to forgo any new clothing purchases until the fall. Hopefully, I can go through the fall and winter, but I don't want to push it.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 10th, 2008 at 8:55pm
Didn't do my exercising today.  We put up my swingset instead! :D  Well, just the frame anyway.  We didn't have all of the parts, so we had to make 2 trips to Home Depot.  Tomorrow, we should have it complete. :D  

We'll also have to level the yard a bit, although I'm not too sure how we're going to go about it.  

While at Home Depot there was a stange man helping us.  He kept saying that I was nice looking or something and he kept asking us lots of questions and making weird jokes.  He wasn't rude, it was just akward. I hope I never see him again.  :P

So I'm off!  My husband just went to get sushi, I'm going to shower and then we'll watch Must See TV (I believe that's what NBC call's their Thursday night line up).  The writers strike is over!!!  Yay!!! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 12th, 2008 at 2:49pm
I got more mulching done

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Apr 12th, 2008 at 5:31pm
The swingset looks so nice!!  Reminds me of when I was a kid and loved to swing on the one in our backyard!
I've always went by how my clothes fit because the scale is not a true thing unless you're measuring body fat on it.  The scale can be your worst enemy when you're trying to take care of yourself.  Each day it can say something different,depending on water weight gain,muscle gain or fat gain.  I've maintained a 75 pound weight loss for just about 20 years and I get on the scale very seldom.  I really go by how my clothes fit.  Give it a try,it might help! ;) :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Apr 12th, 2008 at 5:38pm
*chanting*  Screw the scale!  Screw the scale!!

Your swings look fun!

Hi, Kitty!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 12th, 2008 at 11:19pm
Thanks Curlgirl! :D  I never outgrew my love of swinging.  I even swing sometimes when we go to the park.  That's why I'm so happy that I now have a yard for my own.

Yep, I agree that going by the way my clothes fit and wether or not my body looks tight or jiggly will be best for me at this point.  There are too many different variables to consider when weighing myself.

Sakina wrote on Apr 12th, 2008 at 5:38pm:
*chanting*  Screw the scale!  Screw the scale!!

*joining in* Screw the scale!...  ;D

Yeah, the swing is fun.  Surprisingly my husband even swings with me.  :D 

LOL, all this talk of swinging, where I swing and who I swing with sounds so kinky! ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 13th, 2008 at 6:18pm
Fitness: Today, I did 1.25 miles out at a new park.  This one was more woodsy so it was a nice change.  There was a stream or a creek that ran parallel to one side of the walking track, and in it was a large turtle sitting on a rock.  It was about 2 feet.  I'd never seen a turtle that large or one in the wild before.  I wish I had taken my camera. :(

I wanted to walk on, but my husband was overly concerned that I would get my new shoes dirty while walking on the gravel trail.  He kept suggesting that we stop and I kept protesting but then, he said two magic words...Home Depot.  So of course, I said okay lets go!  I love Home Depot! :D  We bought a new rake and I got some Miracle Grow for my plants.  I read the reviews for Miracle Grow online and overall they're very impressive.  I hope it works for me as well.

After feeding my plants, I did 2 more miles on the elliptical.  

Hair:Ordered more henna and Deva Curl's One Condition online.  I can't wait til they arrive.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 14th, 2008 at 7:32pm
Hair: Washed last night using shampoo again.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Apr 15th, 2008 at 5:02pm
Eeeeeek! Antihistamines are bad! They can knock you out for days.  :P  I once had to go to work stoned on Benadryl (which included driving there & back  :o). That was no fun.

And AWWWWWWW @ your cat! hehe She's cute even when rolling around in pollen.  ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 15th, 2008 at 11:01pm
My doctor explained that it's the dramamine in the antihistamines that can cause drowsiness or anxiety (it can go either way depending upon the person).  So, he suggested that I use an antihistamine without the dramamine, which is what I bought.  Today, was my second day taking it and I feel fine.

But speaking of getting high off of meds.  I took my Lunesta last night for the first time in a few weeks and it made me completely high.  It was scary.  I woke up this morning and didn't even remember how I got to bed.  Totally freaky. :o

Hair: Still liking the wavy pony.  It's easy to achieve and because it's pulled back, I no longer find myself mindlessly finger combing my strands.  This way it's easier for me to just let it be.  I also love the swing action that the ponytail gives me as well.

Yard Stuff: Today, I dug up a 2X2 foot area near my bird feeder and ammened the soil with potting soil.  I'm preparing that area for some bulbs that I should be getting in the mail soon.  I also planted more morning glories.  This time,I planted them at the base of the bird feeder so that they will wind themselves up the pole as they grow.  I'm hoping that the flowers will attract butterflies.  And although we don't have flowers yet, I have been seeing a great deal of them lately.

Fitness: Yesterday, laziness got the best of me and I didn't work out so today I decided to make up for it.  I power walked outside within our housing community.  I walked for 35 minutes.  I put my cats in their stroller and took them along with me.  We were eventually joined by a 6 year old boy who was riding a bike, named Matt. He was curious about the cats.  He wanted to know their names and if I fed them.  When he asked to pet them, I knew that Kat would be frightened but I mistakenly thought that Kali would oblige him... she didn't.  They were both frightened and turned tail to hide in the back compartment of the stroller.  He was dissapointed and turned to leave in the other direction but not before giving me a bit of advice.  He said to "make sure that I don't walk too fast so that the cats don't get sick". ;D  I told him that I wouldn't,and thanked him for his advice as he rode off. :)  He was too cute!  He remined me of what I used to imagine my kid looking like...that is, when I used to want kids.

Later on,  as I was crossing a street on my walk, I saw some more young kids playing outside.  They waved and said hi to me from down the street but I decided not to walk in their direction.  I didn't want to frighten my cats anymore nor did I want to slow down to talk.  Then, I thought that these are some really friendly kids and wondered if their parents ever told them to not talk to strangers. :-?

Then, I came home and did 2 miles on the elliptical and did a few reps on the leg magic thing. Lastly, I did a few exercises on the balance ball.  Oh, and I also carried my cats litterbox out back, disassembled it, hosed it off, put it back together and carried it back into the house.  That was tough work so I know that, that had to count as exercise.  Now, I can rest. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Apr 16th, 2008 at 9:15am

I also planted more morning glories

You know...as a farmer's daughter I must tell you...everytime I hear of, or see someone, planting morning glories, I start twitching.  My Pop used to spend hours trying to keep those dad-burned weeks out of his soybean fields!!   ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 16th, 2008 at 10:29am

Trisha wrote on Apr 16th, 2008 at 9:15am:

I also planted more morning glories

My Pop used to spend hours trying to keep those dad-burned weeks out of his soybean fields!!   ;D


When I was a kid, I hated morning glories.  They used to grow wildly on my moms back fence and to me when they aren't pruned, they look a mess. So I used to spend what seemed like forever out there trying to pull them down.

My hope with these, is that I'll be able to care for them from the start, so that they never get to the point to where they look like unkept weeds.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 16th, 2008 at 10:33pm
Yard Stuff:My flower bulbs came today so I planted them out back.  They were much smaller than I expected, it was a very easy job.  I also swung for a bit as my cats hunted for prey.  I wonder how many calories I burn while swinging?

Fitness: Did 2 miles on the elliptical, yoga ball exercises and I worked out with my new yogalates dvd.  

I also did lots of house work, cooking and I made a candle that turned out pretty bad. :P  It seems as though I've been on my feet all day.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 18th, 2008 at 10:55pm
Hair: Still up in a high ponytail, which I braid and bun every night.  Somehow, it feels softer being up all of the time eventhough it isn't totally protected.

Yard Stuff: Went to Home Depot again today.  My husband wants to buy hedges that are larger, or trees to transplant to our yard.  We still haven't decided yet however, I'm all for being patient with the ones that we have and just letting them grow in their time.

Fitness: Yesterday, I did one mile on the elliptical and power walked outside for another mile.  Today, took 2 leisurely walks for about 15 min each.  The walks were nice.  This is garage sale weekend for our housing community so it was nice to walk and talk to our neighbors while browsing their wares.  We took our cats along as well and this time surprisingly, they didn't seem afraid when curious strangers came near to take a closer look at them.  

Although, walking leisurely was nice, it completely felt like slacking off. :P

Other: I'm a bit dissapointed that I threw so much of my stuff away upon moving to this house.  If I had known that there was an anual garage sale weekend thing, I would've held on to my unwanted items and had something to sell.  I still have one or two things now, but I don't know if they're worth sitting out all day in the sun for.  :-?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Apr 19th, 2008 at 12:18pm

wrote on Apr 18th, 2008 at 10:55pm:
Other: I'm a bit dissapointed that I threw so much of my stuff away upon moving to this house.  If I had known that there was an anual garage sale weekend thing, I would've held on to my unwanted items and had something to sell.  I still have one or two things now, but I don't know if they're worth sitting out all day in the sun for.  :-?[/color]

I knew there was a reason I hardly throw anything out ::)

Seriously, I have a hard time throwing most things away or getting rid of them one way or another.  I suppose you can call me a pack rat and that is one reason we have a storage unit :-[


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 21st, 2008 at 9:58pm
Jerry: See, I'm the complete opposite of a pack rat.  If I'm not using something I will try to sell it on eBay, give it to the Goodwill or throw it away.  I don't like having lots of extra stuff around.  Although sometimes, I do find myself looking for something that I'd forgotton that I'd gotten rid of and then regretting it.

At the last minute, I did find a few things that I no longer wanted that I could sell, but then the sale was winding down so I didn't bother.  I'll most likely just donate what I have.

Hair: Clarified and mixed my henna in preparation for my application tomorrow.  This time, I mixed it with cinnamon, merlot and Celestial Seasonings rasperry zinger tea.

Fitness: Hmm...over the weekend exercised a bit but didn't use the elliptical, I mainly just walked outside.  Today, I swung for close to 3 hours, did yogalates, leg magic, exercises on the balance ball and a mile and a half on the elliptical.  I would've gone longer but my abs were really sore, I guess from all of the swinging.  I've also been eating really well.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Apr 22nd, 2008 at 11:53am
I realize that our hair texture is completely different but I have a question about the baking soda method.  In between washings, are you rinsing your hair with warm water?  In other words, let's say you use the baking soda on Monday and Thursday; then on Tuesday and Wednesday are you rinsing?  Or doing nothing?  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 22nd, 2008 at 1:48pm
I do nothing.  I wash once a week and am usually able to go the entire week without needing to rewash or rinse. That's whether I use shampoo or baking soda. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 23rd, 2008 at 7:10pm
Hair: Yesterday, I did henna.  I didn't rinse it all out and I'm beginning to think that it isn't possible to do on the first day.  Once done, it looked wonderful and felt so soft.  Today, it feels dry.  No matter how much oil or moisturizer I use it feels stiff and hard.  I vaguely remember the texture being a bit weird the last time.  I'm sure that once I wash again and remove all of the henna, it'll be fine just as before.

I wanted to get some comparison pics to see the difference between now and last time.  However, when I'd gotten around to it, the sun wasn't as high in the sky.

I'm also still waiting on my DevaCurl Conditioner.  I'm dissapointed at how long it's taking to arrive.  I was at a local health store yesterday and saw that Alba makes a natural mango scented conditioner.  I think I'll try that next.  

Fitness:  Yesterday, I had a headache that wouldn't go away so I didn't workout at all.  Today, I did 2 miles on the elliptical.  Perhaps I may do more later but if I don't, I'm okay with that.

Other: Earlier this afternoon, we went on a tour of CNN studios.  We saw the news being broadcasted live which was pretty cool.  Although, everything else aside from the news desk wasn't as glamourous as I thought it would be.  I expected it to be very fancy looking, but it just look like an average office space.  Not that it was bad...it just wasn't what I expected.

I got my coat back from the tailor.  They fixed the sleeves as best they could...and they also charged 5.00 more than what was on the receipt they gave me when I dropped it off (can they do that?).  Anyway, it now fits better than before.  Well, the sleeves are just baaaarely long enough but it works.  I also got back a vintage crochet sweater dress that I dropped off too.  I paid about 10.00 for it on eBay, but I love it!  It looks great and no longer has that vintage smell. :D

The dress looks funny (front puckers or pleats) cause it isn't zipped in the back.  I don't see how anyone can opperate a zipper thats directly in the back, without being double jointed.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Apr 23rd, 2008 at 8:18pm
I love that coat and your hair color is gorgeous!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Apr 24th, 2008 at 11:43am
hehe Yup, that's the lace trench I remember.
Looks good on ya, girlfriend.  ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Apr 24th, 2008 at 11:46am
Oh I love that dress!  8-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 24th, 2008 at 1:45pm
Thanks Sakina, Angel and Lisabelle! :)  

I think I may wear the coat as a dress from time to time, it sort of looks and fits like one.

Hair:Moisture, Moisture, Moisture.  That's what I've been doing to my hair, moisturizing like crazy and it worked! :D  My hair feels soft and normal again.  I suppose that henna is a process that doesn't end after the first day.  On day one after my application, I need to make sure that it's adequately moisturized.  Then, my next wash will remove the remains that I didn't get on the first day so I won't need to moisturize as much to have soft hair after that.

Diet: I've stopped eating so much soy.  Everyday, I ate several servings of meat substitutes made of soy, since I stopped eating red meat, poultry, and pork.  

I had been getting bloated a lot (constantly feeling full) from it.  When I went to the doctor last week, I asked for a pill or something to help with my issue but couldn't offer any help (with much of anything ::)).

So, I decided to cut back on my soy intake and I feel so much better and lighter.  Also, my waist has gotten back down to it's normal size! :D  Lately, I've been consuming more fish for my protien.  I've also been drinking 1 serving a day of my husbands protein shakes which have a tremendous amount of protein so, I'm sure that I'm getting enough.

Fitness: Worked out with my yogalates dvd and I also worked out with another new dvd called Reach - Upbeat Toning & Flexiblilty For A Dancers Body.  That one is awesome and really kicked my butt. It incorporates ballet moves into the exercise routines.

Later, I'll do my walking outside once it cools off a bit.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 25th, 2008 at 5:09pm
Today is another lazy day.  My husband and I slept until noon and I really don't feel like doing much of anything. :P

My sister called today and said that she isn't sure if they're still coming down in June.  My oldest sister just decided to  settle get married, last weekend, :-X so now she doesn't have money for her share of the trip. ::)  

The conversation with my sister led to another with my husband.  I didn't realize that it could be so tough to find a proper mate, that some choose to settle for the bottom of the barrel. :-?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 27th, 2008 at 10:59am
Yesterday, was such a beautiful day.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 28th, 2008 at 3:27pm
Hair: The mail came and went and still no conditioner.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Apr 28th, 2008 at 9:09pm
Where are your carbos?  How about some brown rice to go with that fish?  The complex carbs not only will help fill you up;they will be a complete branch chain with the protein.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 28th, 2008 at 11:17pm
I'd cut down on carbs because I felt as though I was eating too many.  Now, I guess I'm not eating enough.  I need to work on a happy medium.

Other: My stepson has been here for the past few days so I've been a bit bored.  Out of boredom, I changed my husbands screensaver from a pic of me, to this...

I like it...he doesn't.  I told him that it was nice and reminded me of the Care Bears (somehow :-?).  He said that he had no idea what I was talking about, that he wasn't gay and to change it back. :P I'm still bored.  At least it's close to bedtime.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Apr 29th, 2008 at 8:55am
I like the pic!  Don't be bored.  Be creative and come up with ways to either be with your stepson or avoid him!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Apr 29th, 2008 at 11:49am
LOL.  It must be the rainbow reminding you of the care bears.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Apr 29th, 2008 at 12:17pm
lol Care Bears...nope. Don't see it.

Is this your husband's computer? As in, did he buy it? If so, then changing his screensaver to suit your tastes is out of line.

When I lived with my last bf, I used his computer all the time and while he was more than willing to share it, I most certainly did not go about tampering with anything that he had put on it. Whenever I downloaded a background or whatever, I always made sure that it was something that appealed to both of us. He had a serious fascination with the sky, including astronomy and meteorology, so I downloaded gorgeous pictures of different galaxies, constellations, and all kinds of weather and natural, earthly phenomena to use as backgrounds, etc.

Do you and your husband have a common interest that would make for a good screensaver? Try that. Otherwise, I agree with Curlgirl64: leave his stuff alone and find something else to occupy your time. The kitchen should be up for grabs, no?  ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 29th, 2008 at 8:00pm
Curlgirl:  I tend to avoid my stepson when he comes over.  He isn't a bad kid or anything, but he's a young boy thats into boy things, so I pretty much just let him alone with his dad when he's here.

I wasn't bored that much longer though.  I ended up downloading some songs off of iTunes and went to bed.

Sakina: Yeah, I was thinking that it was the rainbow that reminded me, lol. :D  

Angel: The screen saver change wasn't that big a deal.  I didn't really expect a 42 year old man to keep a pic of a unicorn as his screensaver, and fortunately for me, he doesn't get all nutso about his stuff. ;)  If he could handle me completley wrecking his BMW when it was still less than a year old, I'm sure I'm pretty safe making an easily reversible change to his computer.  Anyway, that was just me being silly because I didn't have anything else better to do at the time. :)  

I love pics of the sky as well and always have different pics of the sky as my computers screensaver and desktop background.

I've had this one up for a while...I think it's so beautiful!

Hair: Finally washed it today!!! :D

I went to Whole Foods to get some Alba conditioner and ended up buying Hugo Naturals instead.  Hugo Natural products smell delicious, even moreso than Alba and well...Hugo was very persistant. :D  He was there on a tour and let me sample some of his products.  Everything smelled heavenly and he was so nice!  I got lots of free regular sized samples.  I got two soaps one lime and the other is grapefruit scented.  He also gave me large shavings of other scented soaps as well as some really great lip balm and a bottle of massage oil.  Did I mention how great this stuff smells?  Anyway, the conditioner was vanilla orange I believe. It smelled and tasted like cake (just joking, I didn't taste it ;)) and I really, really, REALLY wanted to like it just for the smell alone but...it didn't make my hair feel as good as Aubrey Organics does. :P  I also wasn't able to get the comb through my hair as easily after using it.  I'll use it a few more times though and I really hope that I'll like it better the more I use it.  

Anyway, he gave me his card.  He wants me to email him to let him know what I think.  He also said that if I don't like the products then he'd give me my money back but I wouldn't even ask.  He was very generous and trying new products is always a gamble...sometimes you like them, sometimes you don't.   Oh, but I did like the soap.  You can even wash your hair with it, which I did.  I loved washing my hair with a bar and may do so again in the future.  As for how it felt, I can't really say because alot of henna washed out, much more than I thought was still left in.  Perhaps thats the reason that my hair didn't respond well.  I guess time will tell.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Apr 30th, 2008 at 1:00am
I tried Hugo's soap and body lotion but they are too drying for me.  I gave the vanilla orange lotion to my husband instead of throwing it away.  I think it smells like marshmallows on him, so he's my marshmallow man.  At least until he runs out of lotion!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Apr 30th, 2008 at 11:23am

It smelled and tasted like cake (just joking, I didn't taste it  ;))


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 30th, 2008 at 3:23pm
Sakina: I tried the lotion too but didn't get a chance to see if I liked it or not because he spread body butter on me right after.  I'm not really a fan of body butter though, no matter what brand it is.

so he's my marshmallow man.
Aww...thats cute. :)

Hair: I tried the massage oil on my hair this morning and so far I like it. It isn't greasy and it gives my hair a sleeker feel.  

My husband said that he'd take the conditioner off of my hands but I'm not ready to give it up yet.  I'm wondering what it will smell and perform like if I mixed it with Aubrey conditioner... :-/.

Yard Stuff/Gardening:  My hedges are sprouting leaves and looking fuller but still aren't getting taller.  I'm under the impression that they won't grow taller until the roots become established, but I'm really not sure whats going on.

I've noticed 2 of the 20 crocus bulbs sprouting.  I was afraid that they wouldn't sprout until next spring if at all, but they're coming up. :)

The morning glory seeds that I planted have also sprouted.  When the first one came up I assumed it was a weed, but when the others appeared I realized what they were.  They came up much quicker than I expected, but I'm not pleased with the appearance.  They really do look like weeds even though they're brand new.  The color of the leaves are dull and not shiney like I thought they'd be.

I'm waiting on bare root ivy plants that I ordered.  When they arrive, I've going to dig up the morning glories and replace them with ivy.  Hopefully, the ivy will have greener, shinier leaves.  

I decided to give up growing tomatoes in my areo garden.  The plants outgrew the size of the aero garden and only produced 4 tomatoes.  

I think I'll stick to just planting herbs and romaine lettuce in them.  I just planted these about a week ago.

Fitness: Yesterday, I didn't workout.  We had lots of errands to run and I mowed the lawn all by myself.  My husband came out towards the end to "help", but he didn't do much. :P

Today, I'm going to do 2 miles on the elliptical and perhaps do a video workout afterwards.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 30th, 2008 at 5:12pm

Sakina wrote on Apr 30th, 2008 at 1:00am:
I tried Hugo's soap and body lotion but they are too drying for me.  

I forgot to add that if the soap was too drying for you, then maybe the henna wasn't the reason that my hair felt a bit dry after washing it with the soap.

Although, it seemed fine for my skin, I always apply lotion after showering, so it's hard to tell.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 3rd, 2008 at 2:42pm
I also dusted afterwards as I normally do.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on May 3rd, 2008 at 7:41pm
The pics are great!  Thanks for sharing!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on May 3rd, 2008 at 9:01pm
You look very pretty in pink 8-)  I am not a big fan of short dresses but that one is nice on you ;)

And the other pictures are neat too :)


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on May 3rd, 2008 at 9:54pm
Cute outfit!  Hey, plasmawindow.com has 2 dvd's that are made for dancing.  I got one to play at my Halloween party this year.  I'm making a dance floor w/spinning lights, fog and techno music.  I got the 2nd one and also the coral reef for the "chill lounge" I'm making for the eating area.  Outside will have gross skeletons and monsters so I don't want to gross anyone out while they're eating!!

I really like that dress, you look great.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 4th, 2008 at 10:10pm
Thanks Curlgirl, Jerry and Sakina! :)

Sakina: Your party ideas are pretty cool!  They always are though, I bet you could plan parties for a living! :D  Thanks for that dvd info., I'll check it out.

Yard Stuff: I don't know why, but I haven't seen the hummingbird today.  It didn't even seem to stay long yesterday. I hope it comes back.  Tommorow, I'll change the nectar and see if that makes a difference.

I did have one unwanted visitor though...a carpenter bee.  I'd never even heard of a carpenter bee before...carpenter ants, yes, but bee's no. I noticed a hole in my swingset and saw something black moving around in it.  At first I thought it was a termite, although I think termites are white.  Anyway, my husband sprayed some WD 40 into the hole and the bee came out.  Now I have to patch the hole and read up on how to treat the wood to prevent them from coming back.

Other: I've been feeling sluggish all day. I woke up late, we went out and had an early dinner, watched tv and now I'm already ready for bed.  Maybe if I started working out again I'd have more energy. :P   I haven't worked out since Thursday.  This week I have to get back on schedule.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by texian.traveler on May 5th, 2008 at 11:26am
I have heard that carpenter bees can be very nasty.  They do a lot of damage and are hard to get rid of.  I would check my house as well as the swingset.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on May 5th, 2008 at 11:39am

Trisha told me to try it and she was right


You should only have to change the nectar every 2-3 days if the temperature is extremely hot.  Otherwise 5-7 days is soon enough, if the food isn't consumed before then.  Sometimes you won't see the hummers, but they're around.  If it's very windy, they tend to stay off of the swaying feeders, and I don't blame them...  They probably get seasick!   ;D  Did I give you this website?  

I consider them to be reliable experts in the hummer field--you cannot go wrong by reading their site.  One question--in the photo, are both of those hummer feeders?  It's obvious that the one on the left is, but what about the blue one on the right?  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 5th, 2008 at 2:11pm

Trisha told me to try it and she was right.   ::)
 Well, you did and you were. ;)

No, I never saw that site.  Thanks for the link.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on May 5th, 2008 at 4:22pm
Yes, I was going to suggest moving the feeders away from one another.  Hummers are VERY territorial.   :)  The Chlorox (wipe) shouldn't bother them, but rinsing may not be a bad idea.  They're probably just sizing up the sitaution, getting used to your backyard, etc.  You'll find yourself bending to THEIR will, instead of the other way around.   ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 5th, 2008 at 6:46pm
texian.traveler Posted on: Today at 8:26am

I have heard that carpenter bees can be very nasty.  They do a lot of damage and are hard to get rid of.  I would check my house as well as the swingset.

 We just had the guy out a few days ago to check for termites and he said everything looked good. I imagine that if he saw damage from carpenter bee's that he would've mentioned it... I hope.

You'll find yourself bending to THEIR will, instead of the other way around.  ;D

It's definitely looking that way. :)

I haven't rinsed the feeder yet.  Thing is, because of where I moved it, I can't see it from my window.  It could've come back and I wouldn't really know.  So, I'll wait and see.  I also want to figure out a way to move it back to the other side of the yard but not so close to the other feeder.

Hair: Took Biotin today for the first time in months.  I'm going to start taking it again to see if it speeds my hair growth any.

Also, after sending emails and getting no response, filing a dispute and then a claim through Paypal, the company that I ordered my DevaCurl conditioner through decided to ship it out.  I finally got it in the mail today.  Too bad the company sucks because I wanted to order more from them.  DevaCurl has a product called mister right that I want to try.  Maybe I'll just order it someplace else.  Anyway, I shouldn't run out of conditioner for awhile.  I currently have 3 new bottles 1 Aubrey Organics, 1 Hugo Naturals and 1 DevaCurl.    

Fitness: Um, not today.  I'm just so tired all of the time now.  I know it's my sleep medication that's now affecting me during the day.  I have to work something out with it or else all of my efforts will have been for nothing.

Yard Stuff: Got the wood putty and filled the bee hole.  

Home Stuff:  Also, got two large screws needed to hang my fish tank.  Now, all we have to do is get it up on the wall.

Other:  My husband wants to go out for cinco de mayo.  Well, we just went out for Mexican and margarita's yesterday.  For me that was (although not intentionally) enough of a cinco de mayo celebration for this year.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 7th, 2008 at 4:21pm
 I'm still taking my biotin and even bought a new bottle.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 8th, 2008 at 1:55am
I'd rather dance so oh well.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on May 8th, 2008 at 5:05am
Woot! You found a dance studio! 8-) Right on girl.  I would love Ballroom, expecally since my husband use to Ice Dance.  But we don't have time for it, oh well. :(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on May 8th, 2008 at 5:16am
How expensive can yarn be?  Well,let me tell ya from my yarn stash(that's overflowing :-[)  You can get worsted weight inexpensive or something like silk,bamboo or soy that can be pretty pricey!  Even hand dye yarn is up there in price.  You could easily spend over $70 in yarn to make a simple sweater!!!  It's crazy,some of the prices.  I think I spent close to $70 to crochet a cardigan,but the yarn was rik rak rayon and hand dyed.  It's a beautiful yarn!  You most often get what you pay for though.  Noro puts out fantastic yarn,but very pricey!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on May 8th, 2008 at 9:35am

I thought that when I cut my hair evenly last year that it would grow evenly from there, but it doesn't

Nope...  that's probably the one factor that ALL hair has in common; individual hairs do not grow at the same pace.  Irritating yet true.   :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on May 8th, 2008 at 9:37am
I'll second Curlgirl's commrnts on yarn.  Yarn can become very addictive.  Yarn stashes can consume entire rooms.  And cost??!!  Oh my - there are some GORGEOUS yarns out there that will cost you an arm and a leg.  I'm amazed that some people will spend $60 on yarn for SOCKS!!!!  But, if you shop carefully, you can be economical with quality yarn.  (eBay rocks!).

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 8th, 2008 at 12:32pm

Woot! You found a dance studio!  Right on girl.  I would love Ballroom, expecally since my husband use to Ice Dance.  But we don't have time for it, oh well.

Yeah, and the funny thing is, is that before yesterday I wasn't even thinking about taking a bellydance class.  But, I began thinking of all of the different ways that an actual class (it'll be my first) could help me grow as a dancer and I got so excited.  Plus, it'll be a fun opportunity to wear my bellydance outfits and perhaps... get a few more. :D

I'm sure you and your husband would be great ballroom dancers.  Hopefully, you'll have the time sometime in the future. ;)

I think I spent close to $70 to crochet a cardigan

I'm amazed that some people will spend $60 on yarn for SOCKS!!!!

Okay then...rethinking the whole crocheting thing.  A few years ago, I imposed a spending limit for myself. I now won't pay more than an already set amount for different clothing items...unless I REALLY love them.  And Well, $70 sweaters and $60 socks are waaaay above that limit.  

Since I'm on eBay alot anyway, I will take Bikerbraids suggestion and search for yarn there...although I would like to feel it first.  So, I guess I'll look around a bit and see what I can find. :-/  

Nope...  that's probably the one factor that ALL hair has in common; individual hairs do not grow at the same pace.  Irritating yet true.

Ugh...I wish I had known that before. ::) But I suppose I can't be too dissapointed with being so scissor happy last year, because although I lost time and length, my hair is healthier now than it was then.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on May 8th, 2008 at 3:47pm
Now my turn to agree with BB!! :D  E-bay does rock!  I bought that $70 worth of yarn on e-bay and have not regretted!  It would have cost me an arm and a leg if I went to a store to buy it!  I try to get all my yarn on e-bay because alot of the prices out in the stores make my eyes bug out of my head!!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 8th, 2008 at 6:17pm
it's a little small.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on May 8th, 2008 at 7:05pm

Curlgirl64 wrote on May 8th, 2008 at 3:47pm:
Now my turn to agree with BB!! :D  E-bay does rock!  I bought that $70 worth of yarn on e-bay and have not regretted!  It would have cost me an arm and a leg if I went to a store to buy it!  I try to get all my yarn on e-bay because alot of the prices out in the stores make my eyes bug out of my head!!!

I was addicted to Ebay when I first became a member but now I only buy things now and then ::)

I mostly buy hard to find and out of print (OOP) CD's but I have bought lots of other thing too.

It is amazing what you can find there.

The main complaint I have is that most of the sellers overcharge for shipping which can almost be as much as the item itself :o


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 8th, 2008 at 8:02pm
I'm still addicted to eBay...and amazon.com.  :) 

I do make sure that the shipping isn't exorbatant though or else I won't buy the item.  Sometimes they'll charge a very small amount for the item and make up the price through shipping, there are 3 reasons for this.  Either they think you won't check the shipping price, making their low price more appealing than other like items.  The other 2 reasons are it's cheaper for them.  The lower the price of your item, the less eBay charges you to list it.  Also, eBay charges a final value fee so, the more your item sells for, the higher of a percentage they take.  Shipping isn't included in the final value price so if you charge .01 for your item and 100.00 to ship, then you get away with not being charged with a higher fee for your listing.

It's also good to click on the more services link under the shipping price. Sometimes the seller also offers other shipping services at a lower price than the one listed.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on May 8th, 2008 at 8:48pm
I love snoods.  Lady MacSnood.com will make you an extra long snood.  Most often when I wear one I put my hair 1/2 up, pin the snood on the back of my hair and then decorate my bun with LongLocks hairsticks.  Its pretty showy.  That one in the pic would be super cute under a hat.  Lunch lady-HA!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on May 8th, 2008 at 9:23pm
Jerry,couldn't agree more about those shipping prices!!   :o
The snood looks very nice on you.  I have the same trouble with bun covers as my hair is thick and curly so my bun is big and covers give me a problem. I make my own!!  Problem solved.
I have a Lady McSnood bun cover,but am thinking seriously of Sakina's suggestion of asking her to make me a custom made one.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 9th, 2008 at 12:18am
Ooh, I must check out lady McSnood, Thanks, Sakina! Although, I've been wearing my snood all day, well, since this afternoon, and it's grown on me.  I took my hair out and it wasn't all scrunchy and crimped like I thought it would be.  But when I put my hair back in, I basically kept rolling the length under as if it were on a roller and then I put the snood back on.  I took it out again just to test it, and as a result I had a bit of waves.  I also experimented with wearing my bangs out and also with doing a side sweep with them.  I like it best with my bangs out and more particularly I like the side sweep.  Also, if I wanted, I could wear it out (when running errands) with dangly earrings and not have to worry about my hair getting caught in them.

That one in the pic would be super cute under a hat.

Do you mean like a Fedora?  I've seen Alica Keys pull off that look quite nicely, but that really isn't my style... although, I do have 2 fedora's.  I only wore them when my hair was out and curly, but I haven't worn them in a long time.

Lunch lady-HA!

I know... Men! ::)

I have the same trouble with bun covers as my hair is thick and curly so my bun is big and covers give me a problem. I make my own!!  Problem solved.

Curlgirl: I couldn't even imagine what your bun cover would look like.  Not only is your hair thick and curly, but it's super long.  Your bun cover is probably as large as my snood. ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on May 9th, 2008 at 12:36am
I wasn't specifically thinking a fedora.  That's one hat style I don't own.  A ladie's top hat would look cool.  I have this one in the black ribbon fabric:


Yes, I have the matching Emily Bustle Dress, too.

Also, perhaps this hat.  I never tried this one on with a snood...


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on May 9th, 2008 at 6:25am
Love the snood!http://www.smilieshq.com/smilies/love0012.gif
I have a lady Mcsnood one and I love it! Its royal blue with silver beads.   I got a extra large one on her ebay sight when it was on sale for $25.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on May 9th, 2008 at 7:28am
It's funny,I had to make the bun cover the size of a coffee saucer!!! ::)I still have trouble trying to put them on though.  I think maybe I should try a snood.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 9th, 2008 at 2:56pm
Sakina: I LOVE those hats!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on May 9th, 2008 at 5:10pm
;D  I'm beginning to think that "marrital compromise" is more like...

"No, mine!"
"No, mine!"
"No, MINE!!"

::)  Thank God I'm single. lol

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 9th, 2008 at 5:25pm
Sort of.  Our's is more like...

"I'm right and you're wrong!"

"No, I'm right and you're wrong!" ;D

Luckily for us, in the end, when it's actually determined who's way was wrong, we're able to admit it. :)

I'd say married life and single life both have their up's and down's. ;)  

Yard Stuff: We've been sitting on the couch watching a little bird building a nest in our hanging flower basket  that's on the swing.  It's been flying back and forth carrying scraps and placing them in the basket to build a nest.  I was thinking of bringing the basket in before the nest was complete.  I don't think that, that's a very good place for a bird nest because when I go out and swing, it might frighten the bird.  My husband said to let it go and see what happens so that's what I'll do.  At least it's high enough that my cat's can't get to it.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on May 12th, 2008 at 9:01am
I love to put my scraps of yarn out in the spring for the birds to use in their nest building.  We have very colorful nests in our neighbor hood!  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on May 12th, 2008 at 12:31pm
What a great idea!!!  I wish I had known to do that before I donated all my scraps of yarn to the Salvation Army :-[.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 12th, 2008 at 10:48pm
Bikerbraid: I'd love to see those nests. ;D  Cool idea!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on May 13th, 2008 at 3:53pm
Darlin' I'd be careful mixing Xanax and alcohol.   :(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 14th, 2008 at 3:50pm

Darlin' I'd be careful mixing Xanax and alcohol.

Don't worry Trisha, it was such a low dosage that there was definitely no danger. Thanks for caring though! :)  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 14th, 2008 at 4:22pm

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on May 14th, 2008 at 4:51pm
The pics were great!!  Looks like a really nice place to visit,too!  Love the room!!!It really looks like you had a good time,despite missing the kitties!!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on May 14th, 2008 at 5:08pm
Awww @ the kitties!

And awwww @ the stingrays! lol I love feeding stingrays. And batrays. It's so funny to watch them stand up straight and beg like dogs! lol What's really funny is to have like 20 of them mobbing you at once, all jockeying for position. hehe Too fun...

Looks like you guys had a nice time.  :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on May 14th, 2008 at 5:45pm
WOW, it looks like you had fun even though you were missing your kitties 8-)

That looks like a fun place to visit.

I have only seen sting rays once which was at the Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma (technically it is Ruston), Washington and we only petted them (they feel so strange) and not fed them.  They are very neat but I don't know if I would want to be near them in the wild oceans ::)

Those are very neat pictures ;)


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 14th, 2008 at 11:13pm
Thanks everyone! :D  

I told my husband that I don't like travelling as much as I used to because I love being home so much.  I thought he would be dissapointed and think that I was no longer fun, but to my surprise, he said that he felt the same way! :D  So much for the young couple who once quit their jobs and moved to Las Vegas on a whim. ::)

Love the room!!!

I did too! The whole hotel had a shabby chic sort of look to it. :)

And batrays

I have no idea what batrays are...gotta look those up.

What's really funny is to have like 20 of them mobbing you at once, all jockeying for position. hehe Too fun...

It was fun, but I could only handle one at a time.  20 stingrays coming my way for one little fish would still scare me. ;D

(they feel so strange)

They felt strange to me at first too but then I got used to them.  I began petting them as naturally as I pet my cats! ;D  

I don't know if I would want to be near them in the wild oceans

Neither would I!  Dine-jer! (as the late crocodile hunter would say)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by AmandaC on May 14th, 2008 at 11:52pm
Aww at your adorable kitties!!

I never can ride rides like 'The Pirate'...they scare me. As well as those stingrays! I could never fed them...
But I have fed fish like that. The way they all appear out of nowhere for food kinda concerns me :/
Sounds like a really fun trip!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 15th, 2008 at 2:15am
I wasn't too concerned about the fish because I'd think that they could eat vegetation or something.  I was more concerned about the stingrays and wether or not they had other sources of food then what the visitors gave them .

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on May 15th, 2008 at 12:28pm

I was more concerned about the stingrays and wether or not they had other sources of food then what the visitors gave them .

Of course they do, silly. That's the employees' jobs. My guess is that, like most animals, they'll probably eat at any chance they're given.  ;)

Bat rays...Myliobatis californica. Soooo darn cute! They're a little bit like stingrays, but they have a different shape (with "wings" like bats), slightly different texture and are usually darker in color. In captivity, there's no reason to be afraid of them (or stingrays) - the spines on their tails are clipped so they can't sting people. They also have really flat teeth. Here's a link to a picture of one.
   These are the guys that I've fed 20 or so at once. lol They stand straight up and splash around all stumbling over each other and begging like hungry dogs. It's the cutest thing ever.

Growing up in San Diego, I've been around many sea animals & have learned things about them. My favorite rays are the mantas. They're enormous.  :)

As for out in the wild, you'll most definitely want to avoid stingrays, bat rays, eagle rays and others since they will have the poisonous spines on their tails. Most of them are afraid of people and will dash away if you come too close. But they hang out on the ocean floor and will sting you if you step on them.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on May 15th, 2008 at 12:59pm
When I saw the photo of the cat you spotted while on the trip, my first thought was, "Whoa, what's LaDiosa's cat doing THERE?!"   ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 15th, 2008 at 4:10pm
Trisha:  I know, isn't that funny!?! :D   That cat had the same markings as mine, but it was charcoal instead of brown.  I think it was a bengal. Bengals come in charcoal, brown and snow (white).  The only way to be sure though is to see the markings on it's stomach.  We tried calling it over to feed it, but it ran away.

Other:  I forgot to add this pic yesterday.  We were driving somewhere in Texas (I believe) and we had to cross this neat looking bridge.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on May 15th, 2008 at 9:48pm
That is a cool bridge 8-)  It looks like the one they have in Boston, MA.

I should start a bridge thread because I am kind of a bridge fan because there are many neat bridges in the United States and the whole world for that matter.


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on May 16th, 2008 at 11:12am
Have you spotted any more hummers?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 16th, 2008 at 12:58pm
Angel: Thanks for all of the info on stingrays and batrays.  Batrays, don't look at all as frightening as they sound. ;)

Jerry:  I've lived in Pittsburgh most of my life and they have lots of bridges there but they're all basic.  I've never seen anything like this one.

Trisha:  Nope, no more hummers. :-[  I'm going to try a new feeder evenutally and see if that helps.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on May 16th, 2008 at 5:04pm

Angel: Thanks for all of the info on stingrays and batrays.  Batrays, don't look at all as frightening as they sound.  ;)

Hey, no problem!  :)  I've never thought they looked or sounded frightening at all. Of course, I also think moray eels are quite beautiful.

Do you happen to have a fountain or anything in your backyard? Hummingbirds like those too.  :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 16th, 2008 at 7:07pm

I also think moray eels are quite beautiful.

Ewwww!  Now those things do look scary! ;D

I had a bird bath out last year and it didn't attract hummers but the other birds didn't use it either.

Other:  I won't be able to take my bellydance class on Tuesday because my husband will be going away again.  Hopefully, I'll be able to go the following week.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 17th, 2008 at 10:02pm
Hair: I woke up this morning and when I went to take off my snood, I noticed that it was unravelling.  I contacted the seller and she told me she'd send me another one.  

Other: Ugh...I've been feeling so sluggish for the past few days and I'm not sure why. :P  We were thinking about going to a Ren Fest but I was too tired.  I've been laying around all day today.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 18th, 2008 at 5:47pm
Hair:  I just did a wash using Giovanni 50 50 hydrating-clarifying shampoo and I conditioned with my Aubrey Organics revitalizing conditioner.  My hair is currently air drying in two plaits.

I haven't washed with baking soda in a while because my everyday leave in that I use has cones in it and of course the baking soda doesn't remove them.  

And, I've decided to just stick with my Aubrey conditioner from now on.  I don't like the smell so much but it's the best conditioner that I've ever used in my hair.  It leaves it so soft and managable that I can overlook the scent.
I gave my other conditioners to my husband and he likes them. :)

I'm also going to do henna again this month and continue doing it every month.  I've done so for the past two and though removing it takes a few shampoos, my hair does seem stronger.  I'm not getting breakage like I used to and I think it may be because of the henna.  I was only going to just do my roots from here on out, but I'll keep doing my whole head since it seems to be working out as a good conditioner/strengthener.

Other: I woke up feeling sluggish again, but I pushed past it and got alot of cleaning and yard work done today. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on May 18th, 2008 at 9:48pm
I'm glad you're having such a positive experience with the henna.

I give products I'm no longer using to my hubby, too.  His hair is pretty much indestructable so he doesn't care.  ;D

Have you considered using acv rinse to get the cones out when you use the baking soda?  Maybe those cones are water soluable.  I still use acv even if the cones are water soluable.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 18th, 2008 at 11:20pm
Sakina:  I've never done an ACV rinse.  I've been afraid that it might be too drying for my hair.

I've heard that some cones are water soluable, but I don't know which ones are. :-?

After washing, I used my old Giovanni leave in that doesn't have cones.  Too bad I don't remember why I stopped using it in the first place, but I guess I'll see.

Other: I just spoke to my sister and she told me that they aren't coming to visit in a few weeks.  She and my other sister were going to drive but my other sister spent all of her money and my sister can't do the drive alone (confused? ;D).  Anyway, we're hoping that they can come down at the end of summer.  Although, I am a bit relieved because it's going to be sooo many people in my poor little house. :-/

My 15 year old niece added me as a friend on Myspace. ;D  I don't really use the account, but it was amazing to see how much she's grown.  ...And also to see all of the shocking, colorful ::) langauge that she and her friends use.  I can't and won't say anything though because I was no saint at 15 (foul language wise), and neither was her mother.  But it was nice to see her pics. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on May 19th, 2008 at 2:17am
I have dry scalp and hair.  I have found the acv to stop my itchies and give my hair a softness and a shine that's not there when I don't use it.  I have a 44oz. plastic cup in the shower that I fill 1/4 with acv and the rest w/warm water from the shower.  I rinse with that after I shampoo, leave it in for about a minute and then rinse it out before applying my conditioner.  My hair really loves it.  I do it 2 or 3 times a week.

I don't know all the namesof which cones are water soluable, I think you can find them on the Ingredients thread somewhere around here.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 19th, 2008 at 2:40am
Wow, I'm gonna try that!  I thought that ACV was for people with oily hair and would make my hair dry and brittle. :P  Thanks, Sakina! :D

I'll have to check the ingredients thread to see then.  Hopefully, I'm using the right ones. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on May 19th, 2008 at 12:08pm
8-)  8-)  8-)

You're welcome.  Please share your results with us!  The white vinegar is better for oily scalp/hair and the apple cider is best for dry.

You'll need to experiment with how much vinegar to water you like.  I run the fan in the bathroom so I don't get overpowered by the vinegar smell.  But then, I'm using about a cups worth.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 19th, 2008 at 3:50pm

Please share your results with us!

I will. :)

Hair: The cones in my conditioner are not water soluable although, I didn't think they were because of my need to clarify at times.

Anyway, I now know why I stopped using the Giovanni daily.  It's more difficult to use on dry hair and takes some rubbing in.  The Neutrogena leave in that I use can be used on both wet or dry hair.  On the bottle it states that it "melts effortlessly into strands" and it really does.  Too bad it has cones and lots of other stuff that I can't even pronounce and would like to avoid...but it works for me. :P
And... it's the only product that I use that isn't all natural (aside from relaxing of course ::)) so I'm not doing too badly.  Although, I would like to eventually be completely natural with my products in an attempt to compensate for the relaxing.

Other:The food combining book that I purchased on eBay finally arrived today.  The listing stated that it was in like new condition, which it is... but it's a library book. :-?  It has the librarys stamp on it and also the sticker from their dewy decimal system.  I wonder if it was stolen?  Do libraries donate books to be sold?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on May 19th, 2008 at 4:15pm
Our libraries have sales once or twice a year.  A book that is sold is usually marked as such so that you know it is not stolen and they know it is no longer in circulation.  The mark is usually on an inside cover page - either the front or back of the book.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 20th, 2008 at 5:37pm
The book wasn't stolen.  There is a stamp inside that states that the book was withdrawn from the records of the library. :D

Hair: Last night I put some Ojon restoratives stuff in my hair and it feels much more soft and touchable.

Yard Stuff: Aerated the area where my hedgelings are.  Hopefully, that will help them grow a bit faster.

I took down the hummingbird feeder.  The nectar was low (most likely due to evaporation :P) so I was going to change it.  However, that feeder is such a pain to take apart and put back together that I've decided to just be done with it.  It's back outside (for decoration) but it's empty.  I'll just get another one that is simpler to use.  I like the easyness of the hummzinger but I'd like to find something more attractive looking.

Animals:  Driving me nuts!  Everytime I turned my back, one of them was trying to hop the fence.  Geesh!  My husband made up a nickname for my cats because they try to hop the fence... but I guess it isn't so nice so I won't repeat it...although it is funny. ::)
Anyway, then, I'd put them in the house only to have them start screaming...and they're loud!  I can't wait for them to go to sleep.

Fitness: Last night I did tons of squats and now I'm paying for it because I'm so sore, but it felt good to do some sort of exercising again.

I weighed myself last week and today, and I'm finally noticing my weight creeping lower and lower.  

I guess my problem was just winter weight that needed to come off... and I know I put on muscle.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 21st, 2008 at 12:18am
It began raining very hard

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on May 21st, 2008 at 1:20am
I'm glad you are ok :)   That would have scared the you-know-what out of me :o

We are supposed to be getting lots of rain, hail and even snow in the mountains.  They are reporting flood warnings because the rain might be so heavy it could cause some of the creeks and rivers to overflow a lot.
The rain would be nice and we need it a lot but the hail and flooing can just stay away :P

I hope the weather is better for you very soon.


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on May 21st, 2008 at 8:01am
Bad weather when you are alone in the house can be very scary.  I'm glad everything worked out OK.  We've not had any tornados in our area yet this year (we are barely out of our winter weather!), but I've lived thru enough of them to respect the weather.  

If you don't have a basement, the best place to be in a tornado or heavy winds is an inside room or closet - preferably without a window.  Closets actually provide a lot of protection because of the closeness of the walls.  NEVER ride out a wind storm in a car.  Cars can be picked up and tossed around.  Many people are killed each year in their cars.

Since the hail was significant - be sure to have your roof checked for hail damage.  Most household insurance covers hail damage.  We just had a new roof put on due to hail damage last summer.  Paying the $500 deductible was much cheaper than paying $8000 to have the roof replaced out of our own pocket.  (And conveniently, we were planning on replacing it this summer anyway!)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on May 21st, 2008 at 12:13pm
I'm glad you're OK, La Diosa!  I suggest getting a weather radio, you can take it into the closet with you.

Stay safe!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on May 21st, 2008 at 4:09pm
Yikes, that is some wild weather!

Color me stupid, I had no idea that tornados came through Georgia.  :-?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 21st, 2008 at 8:56pm
Bikerbraid:  I was thinking about going in the closet because I heard that it's the "safest" place, but then I looked in my closet and saw how much stuff is in there.  Thats where we keep our carpet sweepers and all sorts of things.  I'm glad that I didn't have to retreat in there yesterday because there wouldn't have been any room.

My husband said that if we get a warning while he's here that we'll just get in the car and drive in the opposite direction.  I'll have to tell him that, that isn't safe.

Jerry: Thanks, it was very scary but I'm glad I'm safe too. :D

Sakina: The weather radio sounds like a good idea.  Because after I heard the weatherman warning peope to take cover, I was wondering..."okay what do I do after I go into the closet?"  I wasn't sure how long I'd have to stay in there. ;D

Angel:  I had no idea that tornados came through Georgia until I moved here.  I'd never heard about it before.

Yard:  There are leaves all over my yard from the storm yesterday.  I swept outside and got them off of my patio and removed the ones that had stuck to the windows but I didn't feel like raking them.  Maybe I'll get those tomorrow...if it doesn't rain again.

The flower bulbs that I planted awhile back have been stolen.  I believe that either a squirrel or chipmunk dug them up and ate them.  Oh well, I don't think that I had the appropriate soil for them anyway, seeing that only two had sprouted.  At least some little critter had a good meal.

Fitness:  Today I bellydanced and did my leg magic workout.  I'm still a bit sore, but seeing the weight finally peeling off is so motivating! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on May 22nd, 2008 at 8:37am
We have a storm shelter in our basement.  In it I keep a flashlight (I have a crank type, so batteries are never an issue) and a NOAA radio (also a crank type).  This way I have light and know what the weather conditions are from the National Weather Service.  I also keep a pair tennis shoes, a jacket , blanket and jug of water in there.  This way I am always prepared.  (We also use the crank light and radio when we are camping and loss of power is much more likely.)

If you needed to head for your closet - just take the big stuff out - your life is more important that your sweeper!  You might want to keep a few emergency items in the closet, just in case.

Glad you haven't had to learn the hard way what is safe!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 23rd, 2008 at 12:56am
Thanks Bikerbraid, those are really good suggestions. :D  

As for the sweepers...I was thinking that they might be dangerous.  I'd take them out of the closet and go in, only to have them fly through the wall and hit me in the head. ::) ;D

Fitness: I was dissapointed that my husband had to go away again because I wanted to take a bellydance class on Tuesday.  Well, the studio sent me an email stating that with the storm they had to close, so I wouldn't have been able to go anyway.  Also, they emailed coupons out to make up for the day, so I'll get to use it whenever I'm able to go. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 23rd, 2008 at 11:56pm
Did a CO.  Mixed Aubrey Organics with Hugo Naturals.  I know I said I would stick to Aubrey from now on, but that vanilla orange scent smells so good!  I still didn't like the way my hair felt with the HN alone, so I used a little Aubrey and that did the trick.  

I've been letting my hair air dry in a bun all day.  

It still seems to be growing so slowly.  When my hair is dry, waist length seems about a mile away but when it's wet it doesn't look so far off...about 3 inches.    

Anyway, I've been taking Biotin however, I haven't been taking it as regularly as I should.  Hopefully, with the help of Biotin and the summer sun, I'll have a growth spurt.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 26th, 2008 at 12:20am
Hair: I ordered my henna powder and decided that I'm going to mix in indigo on my next application.  My hair looks too streaky for my liking and I want to darken it up for a more even color.

Other: Today was a lazy day.  I just hung around the house and yard.  I got bit up pretty bad while swinging outside.  The insects are now out in full force, so I have to make sure that I use repellent before I go out, from now on.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 27th, 2008 at 3:57am
Earlier today my husband was going through my old photos (from when I wore blonde extensions) and he kept commenting on how much he liked "my hair" then and the color.  I explained to him that they were extensions and in order to get my hair like that, I would have to bleach it and that it would be very damaging.  Yet he still kept going on how much he liked it. Although I had to admit that I think that blonde is very flattering on me too.  However, in order to have him actually understand what I was talking about, I showed him a few pictures of Beyonce.

How she normally looks, with blonde extensions and lace wigs that are glued around the hairline.

Then, I showed him this pic.  Apparently, she was giving the fake hair a rest that day (although her ponytail looks a bit suspect)  However, you can see all of the damage around her hair line due to all of the horrible things she does to it such as bleaching, using heat and relaxing. Also wearing lace wigs that require glue around the hair line and extensions. Another problem with extensions, is that if you're going with a color other than your own, you have to dye part of your own hair to make the color blend and you have to straighten it or curl it most likely using heat, to make the texture blend.

Fortunately, for me, I never had damage even close to this.  And as much as I like myself with lighter hair, I'll take dark healthier hair over bleached, damaged hair anyday.  Oh and after the pictorial, my husband now gets it.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on May 27th, 2008 at 1:37pm
Oh, her poor hair!   :o  I'm glad your hubby now understands.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on May 27th, 2008 at 4:11pm
That is a great picture showing how much damage can occur.  Thanks for sharing it!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on May 27th, 2008 at 5:24pm
Egads, poor Beyoncé.  :o

Tell your hubby that Jessica Simpson is back on the market, if he prefers blondes.  ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on May 27th, 2008 at 6:12pm
Nah..he isn't in to Jessica. ;D  The only blonde that I know that he thinks is attractive is Denise Richards.  Other than that, he seems to prefer brunettes ;)... or brunettes with blonde extensions. ::) ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 1st, 2008 at 3:19pm
Yesterday, I washed with Aubrey Organics

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jun 2nd, 2008 at 1:04pm

what the hell am I talking about this stuff for?...


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Jun 2nd, 2008 at 4:47pm

...I'm a grown ass man

Never heard it put quite that way before.  ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by LittleLuc on Jun 2nd, 2008 at 4:47pm
That braid is beautiful!   I'm so jealous!!  :)
How did you do it?


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by AmandaC on Jun 3rd, 2008 at 1:54am
I would also love instructions on the braid, it's so pretty!
Also, that 'handyman' sound very insane. 80 to 80 an hour? Good thing he was fired!

Hahaha, 'grown ass' men can't talk about kitties' birthdays?  ;D
And I hope that if I ever get married my husband will care about my kitties' birthdays. What am I saying hope, he better care or he won't be my husband XD

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 3rd, 2008 at 6:07pm

Trisha and Angel: Yep, I'm married to a crazy person! ;D

Hair:Thanks for the compliments, LittleLuc and AmandaC! :)

As for how I did the braid, it wasn't difficult however, I suck at giving instructions, but I'll try.
I parted a rectangular section starting from a little behind my ear to where I would wear a side part.  Then, I started doing a cornrow upwards to the part.  Once I got past the part I just kept braiding until I had a long braid.  Then, I bobby pinned the braid down to look like a braided head band.  I chose to do a side sweep bang but of course, you could do it without a bang as well.  
I hope my instructions make sense.  

Cats: My Kali's birthday was yesterday but as I mentioned, I didn't celebrate other than wishing her a happy birthday and giving her some extra attention.  However, I guess that wasn't enough because she decided to have a celebration of her own.  I'd gotten 2 bags of treats for the cats.  I usually keep one bag upstairs and the other bag downstairs.  Well, after taking the one bag upstairs, I forgot to put it away and left it unopened on the floor.  I typically know better, but I wasn't thinking.  After I'd gone downstairs, Kali bit and scratched opened the bag, and ate just about all of the treats. ::)  I wasn't too upset, but since it was a full, brand new bag, I'm just glad that she didn't get sick.

My other cat got bit or stung today.  We were in the yard and I saw a huge flying beetle looking thing.  My cat and I went over to investigate.  When I went to get the swatter, I noticed my cat running in the other direction away from the bug.  After I killed it, I saw her with her eye closed.  Ugh...I was so afraid and didn't know what to do.  I opened her eye to check it but didn't see anything.  Then, she began licking her paw and rubbing her eye and eventually, she seemed okay.  Her eye is now open and she isn't rubbing it anymore. Whew!  I didn't know what to do but I guess she did! :)

Yard Stuff: Grass has been growing up through the mulch that we put down so for about 3.5 hours yesterday, I was out pulling up the grass by the root.  It was a long process and I got bit up pretty good, but it looks much better.  I also saw a tiny frog or toad (don't know which) but it was no larger than a quarter.  I picked it up, but it got loose and hopped away.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by AmandaC on Jun 4th, 2008 at 2:20am
My cats have been known to conspire to get those bags of treats open! They love them too much! And yet my cats have never gotten sick from so many treats, which I';m still surprised about.

And oh, thank goodness! I've had scares like too and once my cat did the exact same thing yours was doing, not opening her eye and rubbing it with her paw, and I wanted to just run with ther to the vet down the street, I was so overly panicked. Of course she was fine within minutes  ::)

And those directions might work for me! I'll have to try it tomorrow! :) Thanks!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 4th, 2008 at 1:31pm
AmandaC:  I hope the instructions work for you. Your hair is so long, I'm sure you'd look very pretty in that style.

Other: Last night...well this morning was so amazing!  At 2:00am I was still awake and unable to fall asleep.  Then around 3:00 still awake, I decided to take out the trash because I knew that if I fell asleep I wouldn't want to be bothered to wake up and take it out later.  When I got outside I was suprised at how nice the weather was.  It was humid (which is great for my hair) and it was just the right temperature, not hot but not too cool either.  So, after taking out the trash I decided to let the cats out in the backyard to play as I swung for a bit.  Then I noticed the sky which was completely filled with stars...it was so beautiful!   For some reason seeing stars here isn't a common event so I was so grateful for that experience.  By this time, I'd taken my sleeping pill and it was beginning to kick in, but I no longer wanted to go to bed because the night was just so beautiful.  So I went in the house and got a ton of candles, well, 9 large candles to be exact. ::)  I lit them and placed them around on my patio.  Then, I got my blanket and laid down on my outdoor sofa.  It was so nice and peaceful that I quickly drifted off to sleep.  However, when I awoke at 7:00am the sky was very bright, birds were chirping and I could hear cars driving down the street.  It was quite a rude awakening and I felt like a vampire that needed to escape the light to someplace dark ASAP.  So I blew out the candles and retreated to my bedroom where I could go back to sleep. 8-)

Well I'm off.  My husband will be back from his business trip in a few hours so I need to go and prettify myself. ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jun 4th, 2008 at 2:00pm

I felt like a vampire that needed to escape the light to someplace dark ASAP

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Jun 4th, 2008 at 4:57pm
hehehe LD. Welcome to my life.  ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 4th, 2008 at 11:13pm

hehehe LD. Welcome to my life.


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 4th, 2008 at 11:52pm
Tonight we had our birthday celebration!!! :D

When my husband came home, he cleaned up and we went right back out to the store to get supplies.

We had fun shopping for cat toys and other items for them.  Although, I figured that since we were getting so much for the cats that we should get a birthday cake as well.  My husband wanted to know if I was going to get their names written on the cake and I laughed and told him "no, the cake is for us". ;D

Anyway, we happend to see his ex, his son's mother at the the store.  She didn't see us but I was a bit nervous that she would and inquire about all of the cat items in our cart.  I told my husband and he thought it was funny.  He said he'd just tell her that she just wasn't "cat enough" for him...whatever that would mean. ::)

After that I was a bit self conscience and prayed that the cashier wouldn't ask us who's birthday it was.  

I realize that I get my quirkiness from my mother and she's effectivly passed the torch.  Here are the pics from our party!  My cats really had a great time! :D

I blew up balloons for them because that's one of the things that I wanted for my birthday.  I wanted my husband to blow up enough balloons to completely fill our back yard.  I thought it would be pretty and he agreed but I didn't get my balloons. ;D

We got them helium balloons too because they like to play with the ribbon.

They didn't like the ribbon around their necks, so I took them off so that they could relax and play. :D  We got them little balls with bells in them, mice with catnip in them and Kali also liked batting around the blown up balloons.

Next, it was cake canned food time!  Since I'd already gone all out, I got them candles too. ::)

Kali (on the left) had already eaten a lot of treats so I didn't think she would have room for anymore food...

but boy was I wrong.  It's not shocking though...Kali loves to eat! :D

And that was that!  They loved everything and I had so much fun watching them.  I thanked my husband for putting up with all of my craziness eventhough he seemed just as into it as I was.  Which was confirmed when he replied that he only wished that we could've gotten them a male cat stripper as well. ;D  We laughed about it and all of the scenarios... and how it would be like the cat in Shrek. ;D  I'm so happy that he's crazy, because that makes me seem not so crazy. :)

Oh well, on to more pics...Kat as a kitten.  Look at her big ears! :D

...And Kali as a kitten.  I just realized that I don't have many solo kitten pics of her.  She was always with Kat.

Now off to bed I go.  My stepson will be here tomorrow so I have no idea what the day will bring. :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Jun 5th, 2008 at 1:51am
It looks and sounds like everybody had a great time 8-)

My wife's cats would probably like a birthday party like that until one of the balloons got popped and that would be when the younger cat would run and hide because he is the biggest chicken in the world ::)

And, the older cat would beg for some of the cake which he would not get but who knows if he would get too full of treats but he has a picky digestive system so we would have to be careful with him about that.

Thank you for sharing the great pictures ;)


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Jun 5th, 2008 at 3:53am
Here is a picture of the scaredy cat who has many names and personalities but his given name is Bandit ;)

I think it is loud noises that scares him the most because it probably hurts his ears but even if I clap my hands once he jolts to another room :o
He will go to only 3 people which include my wife (his mommy), my sister and myself.  When my wife's dad visits he is afraid of him because he can get loud at times.  But, if anyone knocks on our door he is gone :P

During the 4th. of July and New Years he slinks around like Sylvester from the Sylvester And Tweety show because of the fireworks.


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 5th, 2008 at 3:53am
Fortunately, none of our balloons popped, but my oldest cat is as fraidy as they come.  She isn't socialized so whenever stranges come over she head for the hills (which is upstairs under the bed ::)) until they leave.  I'm not sure why she is the way that she is but, oh well, I love her anyway.

If you think that your wifes cats would enjoy a party like that, then perhaps you could suggest that she thow them one.  
Our party didn't cost much at all, about 60.00 (but that total also include items that we purchased for ourselves as well)
And my cats really enjoyed themselves...as a matter of fact, my one cat is  still playing with their new toys as I type. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 5th, 2008 at 3:59am
Jerry: Seem's that we posted at the same time!  And Bandit is a cutie! :D  My cat only comes to my husband and me, period.  Although she did let my sister (who hates cats btw pet her once)  My cat isn't so nervous when it's just my husband and I regardless of how much noise we make, she just has a strong fear of other people for some reason.  She's also very territorial and doesn't like other cats.  When I got my second kitten I was so afraid because my cat seemed as though she was trying to kill my new kitten but fortunately, they were able to bond within a week. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Jun 5th, 2008 at 4:40am
Cats, dogs and animals in general can sense human intentions.

I was at a co-workers house setting up her internet and one of her cats got up on the computer desk and I was petting it.  She commented that she was surprised that the cat was doing that because I guess it was not really a people cat.  I just told her it could sense I am an animal lover.

And while out on my break/walk at work some people are out walking their dogs and I will sometimes stop and pet their dog (or dogs).  
One guy commented that his dog did not let most people pet it and he was surprised it was letting me and I told him I really like dogs.

But, young kids are kind of the same way because most kids will talk to my wife like they knew her forever :o  I know she likes kids but sometimes older kids and even some adults do the same thing with her.  Now and then I will ask her if she knows them and she usually says no.


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jun 5th, 2008 at 9:34am
I think it's very cool, having a party for the kitties.  

Jerry, Bandit is a pretty tuxedo cat--we also have a black and white.  His name is Sparky and, like most tuxedo cats, he has quite a unique outlook on life.   :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 5th, 2008 at 4:44pm

I think it's very cool, having a party for the kitties.

Thanks Trisha! :)  Today is my Kat's birthday, but the celebrations are over. :)

Jerry: I think that some animals are just naturally skittish.  My cat has no reason to be afraid of most of the people who come into our home, but that's just her way.  As I type this, she is upstairs with me right now as she has been all day. She's afraid and won't go downstairs because my stepson is here.  We have to bring her food and water upstairs so that she will eat and drink because otherwise she won't even go downstairs to eat.  She will only venture downstairs if they go out, when he goes to sleep or when he goes home.  It's so bad that whenever visitors come over, I have to wait for them to leave or go to sleep so that I can take her downstairs to use the bathroom...although at times I have seen her use my husbands toilet which is upstairs.:P

Other: I can't believe how hot it is outside.  My husband was complaining about it being 90 degrees, but when I went out I didn't see what the big deal was...until I got out in the sun.  I thought I was gonna roast. :o


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Jun 5th, 2008 at 5:55pm

Trisha wrote on Jun 5th, 2008 at 9:34am:
I think it's very cool, having a party for the kitties.  

Jerry, Bandit is a pretty tuxedo cat--we also have a black and white.  His name is Sparky and, like most tuxedo cats, he has quite a unique outlook on life.   :)

When my wife decided she was going to buy him from the pet store she looked at his face and realized the coloring makes him look like he is wearing a mask so she decided on the name Bandit ;)
But, he and the older cat have different food so when he thinks we are not watching him he will try to steal his brother's food so in that way he is a bandit too :P


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 7th, 2008 at 12:02pm
Fitness Fun: Yesterday, I bellydanced until I got nauseated, but it really felt good to dance again, I haven't danced like that in a while.

Other: After that I spent the rest of the day outside.  Now that we have our patio cover it's like having a whole other room.  I sat out there and enjoyed the beauty of nature, read a Better Homes and Gardens magazine (where I got some pretty cool ideas that I might try), played games on the computer and ate my lunch and dinner.  It even rained last night and it was so nice to be able to sit outside and enjoy the rain without my furniture (or me) getting soaked, I lit some candles and enjoyed the rain and accompanied lightning show.  

My only problem is that during the day, there are so many flies.  I've never seen so many flies in my life.  So, we went to the store to find fly traps but with no luck.  So then we took our search to Home Depot and I didn't see any traps, but they did have a fly zapper machine!  At that moment, I swore I heard angels sing! :D  We bought it and I couldn't wait to get my new toy home and have it annihilate those flies!  I excitedly got it hooked up and I placed it outside and waited...and waited...but nothing. :-?  The flies were not going into the zapper.  Ugh. >:(
I kept it on anyway hoping that over time it would at least get a few, but the thing just wasn't working for me.  However, once the sun went down, it began to zap lots of flying insects and for a moment it seemed pretty cool.  But, it was so loud!  And the zaps were so severe that it looked as though it was using enough energy to cause a power outage.  So, I decided that enough was enough and it's going back.  

Now I'm back to square one with my fly dilemma. :-[  And, I've gotten so many bites that I've lost count.  

While at the store yesterday, I looked for more insect repellant but they all contained deet, so I went without.  When I got home I researched deet on the computer but it seems that everyone is split as to whether it's harmful or not.  But, I'm bit up so badly that I guess I'll have to take my chances.

Hair: When I finally came back in the house sometime after 10, I ran myself a bubble bath.  While in the tub I submerged my hair in the water.  I didn't shampoo but, I rinsed it very well and followed it up with my Aubrey conditioner, which I didn't rinse out.  I just towel dried it, set my hair in pin curls and went to bed.  This morning my hair is still damp but I took the set out anyway.  I have some loose waves but it didn't turn out as nice as I'd hoped.  I'm still waiting on my hair to fully dry to see the results of my not rinsing out the conditioner.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Citrine on Jun 9th, 2008 at 6:33pm
It sounds odd, but I've seen places that hang up a bag of water outside near seating to keep flies away.  Supposedly the flies mistake the bag for a wasp nest and avoid it ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jun 10th, 2008 at 10:07am
You may have to resort to the good old fashioned killing device, otherwise known as a fly swatter.   :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 10th, 2008 at 7:53pm
Thanks for the advice, Citrine and Trisha.  I already have a fly swatter but there are sooo many flies.  When I'm outside, I want to be able to relax instead of constantly swatting flies.  Anyway, after serving as a buffet the other day for all of the flies, I've been wearing my repellent.  Although, someone recommended a fly trap for me and I'm going to try that out, hopefully it'll work.

I bought another hummingbird feeder yesterday.  It's much simpler to use than the other one that I have so I really like it.  I haven't seen any hummers yet, but hopefully I will.  I keep wondering if someone nearby is feeding the hummers which is why I don't see any.

Last night we had an electrical storm, it was great!  We were sitting in the living room and decided to turn off all of the lights and the tv.  We raised all of the blinds and just watched as the lightening lit up our yard as well as the house.  It lasted for almost 2 hours before it even started to rain.  By then my husband was asleep and the cats and I went out to enjoy the rain for a bit before I finally went to bed myself.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by texian.traveler on Jun 10th, 2008 at 9:43pm
You could also try putting up a martin house or a bat house.  Both eat flying insects.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 10th, 2008 at 10:00pm
I don't know what a martin is (I'll have to look that up) but I had considered putting up a bat house.  I just don't know where I'd put it, I believe they have to be pretty high off of the ground and I don't have any trees in my yard.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by texian.traveler on Jun 10th, 2008 at 11:33pm
Martins are a type of bird.  Like bats, their houses have to be put high up.  You usually see them atop a 15ft pole or higher.  The houses don't have a perch on the front, because martins like to fold their wings and just zip inside.  When they fly, their wings make a curve back from their shoulders, kind of like one of Batman's throwing stars.  It's how I tell them from other birds.  As a teenager I used to lie in the pool and watch the martins fly overhead.  A lot of times they would dive toward the water, catching mosquitoes.  Scary sometimes, if you weren't expecting it.

I don't know anything about bat houses either.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Jun 11th, 2008 at 11:18am
Only certain types of bats eat flies. You would have to research the different species in your area.

I guess flies are just part of summer in the south. And if you're going to live there for long periods of time, perhaps the best thing to do is just get used to them.

Flies are everywhere at the ranch where we keep our horses. The owners hang fly traps from rooftops to catch them. They're these long, sticky strands of tape with kind of a roll thing on the bottom. And they usually end up getting covered with flies.
   But for the most part, we just accept it as part of the territory.

Have you tried maybe burning citronella candles? Bugs are supposed to hate them.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 11th, 2008 at 1:11pm
Texas Traveler: Thanks for the info on martins! :)

perhaps the best thing to do is just get used to them.

Angel: Trying to get used to them is where I got into trouble.  I figured oh what the heck... and then, they bit the %&$# out of me!  >:(   Now, that I realize that they bite, I know that I must wear repellent.  However, they are still pesty and hover around when I'm outside, so if I can work out a way to kill at least some of them then it would be a good thing.

Also, I do have citronella incense, but I haven't used it yet because I don't have an incense holder. :P  Although from what I understand, I thought citronella only works for mosquitos. :-?

Hair: Currently have henna in my hair. I did it around noon and I'm thinking of rinsing at around 5 or 6.  I did a mixture of 4 parts henna and 1 part indigo.  I'm going for more of a rich brown color but nothing too drastic.  I didn't do a strand test so I'll have to wait until later before I know what the results will be.

I also noticed that my hair has been less kinky and more managable lately.  I heard that henna lightly loosens up curl patterns, I wonder if that's whats happening in my case.  At anyrate, my washes are now more of a breeze and my hair is softer.

Yard Stuff: A few days ago I had a little scare.  I went to water the flowers that I have hanging from my swing set, and as I was watering, a bird flew out, zipping right past my head.  I was so shocked that I screamed.

The next day, I figured that after the watering episode that it had probably left for good but nope, it flew out again as I watered the flowers.  I have to water the flowers everyday because they wilt in the sun.  I haven't watered them yet today, but hopefully the bird has figured out my watering schedule and isn't in there.

Still haven't seen any hummers.  Tomorrow, I'll refill the feeder and hope for the best. :)

Other: Yesterday, I finally brokedown and got a futon for my meditation room.  I thought it would be cool to just throw pillows on the floor and sit on them when I was in there, but I'd slowly gotten tired of that.  The futon looks nice and it's so much more comfortable to sit on than the floor, regardless of how many pillows I put down.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Jun 11th, 2008 at 2:59pm
Here are a couple of ideas for your fly situation:

I have a bat house (for brown bats).  It is on a 10 foot pole on top of our house.  It is big enough for about 200 bats, but I don't think there are near that many in it.  Our bats eat gnats and mosquitos.  I'm not aware of them going for flies.  We love to sit out on our deck at sunset and watch the bats swoop around catching their dinner.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 12th, 2008 at 6:53pm
My henna turned out pretty good.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 13th, 2008 at 11:34pm
Went to the dentist today and actually had my teeth cleaned for the first time in too long.  It wasn't as bad as the technician said it would be.  She said that it would hurt because I hadn't had a cleaning in awhile (she has absolutely NO bedside manner) but fortunatley for me it didn't hurt at all.  My teeth feel so much more clean now and if it weren't for her, I would've and wish that I would've gone in sooner.  Oh well, it's done now.

Today, we just did house stuff.  Got a new lawn mower.  My husband was looking at all of the specs and all I was concerned about was if it was cute or not.  Well, we got a good cute one.  Our lawn is now freshly and nicely manicured and the fly population is down too.  The trap catches about 15 flys a day and I just put up another one, so being outside isn't as bad.  Also, I've been burning my citronellea incense and it doesn't deter flies...probably mosquitos, but not flies.

Hair: I updated my ticker the other day.  My short term goal is now waist length.  My hair still seems to be growing slowly but I don't see how I can't be at least waist length by the end of the year.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 14th, 2008 at 8:21pm
Today we did lots of running around.  We went to Whole Foods and I stocked up on conditioner, bodywash, soaps and house cleaners.  I even finally found a little basket to house and display all of my soaps and things.  It's plain and white, but my husband recommended that I put decals on it to dress it up, which is a good idea.

Hair: I've yet to moisturize today so my hair is feeling a bit rough, especially since I applied henna a few days ago. I suppose I should take care of that right away. :P

Oh, and the guy at the health care store recommended that I try Burts Bees pomegranite conditioner.  His wife, who he says has a texture similar to mine and is part Japanese, part Black, uses it and loves it.  I told him that Aubrey is my all time favorite.  He said that his wife loves Aubrey as well, but prefers Burts Bee's.  So who knows, maybe I might try it... one day.  I just thought that I read here somewhere that Burts Bee's was a bit drying, I can't remember. :-?  

Yard Stuff: Yay!!!  We got another good soaking of rain today.  My yard looks so green! :D  I bought some sunflowers today for the dining room table so I put the other flowers outside in the vase that I got while in Texas, it looks so nice!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Jun 15th, 2008 at 8:20am
Hi Sweetie!  Thinking of Burts Bees... I once used there  Avocado Butter Pre-Shampoo Hair Treatment and it made my hair feel like straw!  :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 15th, 2008 at 1:53pm
Thanks Lisabelle! :D  I thought that I read that here somewhere but I wasn't sure if it was you or Berkanna.  

Other: I was up ALL night playing Bejeweled2 on the computer. ::)  Once I get myself together, I'm going out to look for decals for my soap basket and when I get back I need to feed my hedges.  It's so hot today.  Hopefully, when I get out in the yard it will be much ::)... well at least somewhat cooler.

Hair: Moisturized last night so it now feels normal.  Since it's so hot out, I'll just need to make sure that I keep it moisturized so that it doesn't get too dry like it did yesterday.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 15th, 2008 at 6:01pm
I went to Michaels and found cute little decals for my soap box.

I'm so happy that I have a place to put my soaps now. :)

I didn't feed the hedges yet, because it's still a bit hot but here are a recent pic of my morning glories.  I put string out a while ago and they began to really shoot up.  Hopefully, by the end of summer they'll reach the top of the swing set.

My patio still isn't finished.  But, heres my current little set up with the flowers that I put out yesterday.  

Oh, and here is my trusty and nasty little fly trap.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Jun 15th, 2008 at 7:52pm
hehe Eww, I think there are a few fly traps like that at our ranch.  ;D

At least you've found something to take care of those blasted little buggers!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 16th, 2008 at 2:45am

At least you've found something to take care of those blasted little buggers!

I know, finally.  
Although even with the traps, the flys are still a nuisance, I even got bit yesterday while wearing my repellent. >:(  And now I'm beginning to see lots of gnats too.

I'll be putting up curtains soon, but if they don't work, I'm going to have to give in and get our patio screened in, which is what I didn't want.  I didn't want to screen myself in because I wanted to actually feel like I was outside, but the flies make it waaaay too outdoorsy for me.

Fathers Day:
I didn't call my dad nor send him a card.  I don't feel bad about it at all...just a little weird.  My dad has been depressed over the last few years and really hasn't made much contact with me or my sister within that time.  I've actually been okay with it for a long time but my sister hasn't been.  Anyway, I still call him from time to time but our relationship has basically dwindled into nothing and I'm okay with it but I still wonder if not sending him a card or something is rude.  I sent him cards in the past, but he never calls to thank me or just to tell me he got it.  Last year I finally called him and asked him if he'd gotten the cards that I'd sent or not.  He said that he did, but just didn't call. :-?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Jun 16th, 2008 at 4:37pm

but I still wonder if not sending him a card or something is rude

Yes it is. Depressed or not, he is still your father. And whether he chooses to contact you or not doesn't change that.
   Of course, I understand the "why bother with someone who doesn't bother with me?" mentality, but family is family. Always.
   Be the bigger person here, hon. Sending cards doesn't require that much effort and you don't even have to talk to him face to face.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 16th, 2008 at 10:11pm

Yes it is.

Perhaps.  I'd say yes, if he cared, but I don't know if he does. :-/  Although, I guess I should at least send cards, it doesn't hurt.

Other: Finally took a bellydance class today.  I had a free coupon which was good so I didn't have to pay.  It was supposed to be intermediate.  I've been bellydancing for years, but was a bit intimidated at the thought of taking intermediate classes without any formal training (just DVD's).  I just felt that I'd have to be more advanced than a beginner.  Anyway, the intermediate class turned out to be too slow for me as I would classify it as a beginners class.  So, I inquired about the intermediate/advanced class.  The instructor told me that the choreography for the class that I am interested in was difficult for her and she wasn't sure if I could do it unless I am able to attend almost every class.  Well, because I don't drive and my husband travels, I don't know if I could do every class, but I'm sure that I could do most of them.  I can't wait to do it though, if it was difficult for the instructor, I'm sure (or hope) it will be a nice challenge.  And of course I have lots of free time to practice.

Hair:Did steam curls all over, but didn't have an opportunity to swing my hair around in class like I wanted to. :P ;D  

There was a girl in my class with hair that was about waist length.  When she came in she had it in a ponytail but right before class started she put it in a bun.  I couldn't believe that she put her hair up, I wanted to say "what are you doing?" lol.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by AmandaC on Jun 17th, 2008 at 6:18am
Even if he doesn't say anything like Thank you, or even acknowledge it, the cards probably make him feel good for a little while, knowing that you thought of him.

Ooh steam curls? Those sound nice, I'll have to look them up!
And belly dancing seems really fun, I hope you can get to a lot of the lessons!! Isn't it also a good pretty way to stay in shape?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 17th, 2008 at 8:42pm

the cards probably make him feel good for a little while, knowing that you thought of him.

Yeah, I was thinking that.

Ooh steam curls? Those sound nice, I'll have to look them up!

I use a Caruso steam setter.  It's a way to get curls quickly and safely.  The rollers get warm from the steam, but they don't get hot and the steam makes my hair soft.  I've been using Caruso rollers since high school.

And belly dancing seems really fun, I hope you can get to a lot of the lessons!! Isn't it also a good pretty way to stay in shape?

Yeah, I love bellydancing, it's lots of fun!  I think it's a good way to stay in shape if you do it often enough, lots of cardio. :)

Yard Stuff: I was standing by my hanging flowers and I could hear tiny little squeaks from the birds...I guess the eggs have hatched.  My cat noticed too as she perched herself underneath the basket just waiting for a bird to come out.  She tried hopelessly to climb up the swing and get to the basket but luckily she is declawed or else she would've gotten to them.

I saw a hummingbird at the flower basket too.  I guess it would come back after I took down the feeder. ::)  I removed the feeder to put up the fly catcher. :P

Other: I signed up at Classmates and chatted with two old schoolmates.  Pretty cool site. :)  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 20th, 2008 at 8:23pm
Hair: Washed my hair on Tuesday for the first time since my henna.  I got all of it out now and it feels soft again.  I also trimmed off 1/2 of an inch.  I was getting that point again and I just couldn't help it.

Hair Sighting: I was in Walmart today and I saw a lady with hair almost to her ankles.  I'd never seen hair that long in person and was in awe.  I stopped dead in my tracks and pointed her out to my husband.  Her hair was very healthy looking like it was freshly trimmed.  She was a blonde and her hair was in a pony tail.  She was nicely dressed too.  She had on a long white floral dress.  

Other: Been busy with the house lately.  I got curtains for my patio.  Hopefully, they'll provide some protection from insects and rain. The other day, I found a cool ceiling fan for my dance room. It's a bit complicated to put up, so we've been installing that all day.  Also, the bellydance studio inspired me to paint my dance room walls dark red.  I already bought the paint so I guess that will be tomorrows project...as well as adding a coat of red to my dining room walls. My next project will be my bathroom.

My stepson is here and this time he brought a friend over to spend the night.  It's really nice that he has someone to play with.  My husband and I are both hoping that the friend will stay the entire weekend to keep my stepson occupied.

I also finally bought The Secret.  Hopefully, I'll have some time to read it this weekend but, with all of the house stuff, and since we're going to the movies, I'm not sure if I'll get around to it.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by LittleLuc on Jun 20th, 2008 at 8:37pm
I have a Caruso hair setter too!  I was thinking about dragging it out again, but I wasn't sure if it got too hot and would damage my hair!

Thank you so much for answering the question before I asked!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 23rd, 2008 at 3:15pm
Glad I could help LittleLuc! :D

Hair: It's been feeling great lately, nothing new going on.  But, I did have a dream the other night that Michael Jackson was giving me a blow out... :-?

House Stuff: We finally got my ceiling fan up but we nixed the remote control because we (my husband) couldn't get that function to work.  Anyway, it cools things off pretty good so I'm going to try working out today.  Hopefully, it will work and I won't over heat.  I decided to only paint one wall red but the room looks great!  

And since I liked the color so much, I also did my dining room, plus I painted my art niches red and next we'll be painting one wall in the den red.  I'm debating wether or not I should paint the trim around the fireplace as well.  I'm leaning towards doing it because I love the bright splashes of color.

Yard Stuff: We got the curtains hung up outside but we didn't want to drill so we used adhesive.  I guess the humidity made it difficult for the adhesive to stick because the rods fell down.  Now we have to decide on another method of making it work.

Other: Last night we went to the drive in and saw The Happening...boring!  Well, the movie was boring.  My husband and I made our own fun...gotta love the drive in! ;)  He can't wait to go back! ;D

My little sister is having her 20th birthday at an amusement park and all of my family will be there.  Her birthday is on a day when I have a bellydance class, so I'm not sure if I'm going to go yet. :'(  I'm hoping that the party isn't on her birthday, but on a weekend which will make it perfect for me.  I have to call her and double check.  I really want to go plus, I already picked out some cute outfits to buy just in case.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Jun 23rd, 2008 at 4:19pm

But, I did have a dream the other night that Michael Jackson was giving me a blow out...  :-?

Hot stuff.  ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 23rd, 2008 at 7:33pm
Yeah, really hot. ::)  ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Jun 24th, 2008 at 4:19am

wrote on Jun 23rd, 2008 at 3:15pm:
Other: Last night we went to the drive in and saw The Happening...boring!  Well, the movie was boring.  My husband and I made our own fun...gotta love the drive in! ;)  He can't wait to go back! ;D

My wife and I went to The Happening and even though it was not as good as I thought it might be I think it is still good ::)  But, I have liked everything Mark Wahlberg has been in so far that I have seen of his.

I remember having fun at the drive in when the movie was boring but that has been a long time now since our drive in's are now a McDonald's and a Super Walmart.


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Jun 24th, 2008 at 8:29am
Other: Last night we went to the drive in and saw The Happening...boring!  Well, the movie was boring.  My husband and I made our own fun...gotta love the drive in!   He can't wait to go back!  

Woot!! You go girl!! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 24th, 2008 at 9:50pm

My wife and I went to The Happening and even though it was not as good as I thought it might be I think it is still good   But, I have liked everything Mark Wahlberg has been in so far that I have seen of his.

Well, Roger Ebert gave it a B which was shocking to me.  I usually like M. Night Shamaylan, Mark Wahlberg and John Leguazamo however, although the acting was good, I didn't like the story. It was just to boring for me.  I'd give it a D.

I remember having fun at the drive in when the movie was boring but that has been a long time now since our drive in's are now a McDonald's and a Super Walmart.

This was only our second time at a drive in so I guess we're making up for lost time. :)  They didn't have drive in's where we lived growing up.  I didn't even know that they still existed.  I thought that drive in's were a 50's thing.

Woot!! You go girl!!  

Today, I worked out for the first time in a good while.  My stamina isn't what it was and I only did a quarter of a mile on the elliptical.  I also used my leg magic thing and inverted.  My goal is to lose around 7 lbs and maintain it this time.

Diet: This month, I began eating meat again for the first time in almost a year and boy did I eat meat.  I had a gyro, a few McDonalds burgers, chicken, ribs and just about everything else.  Now, I'm done eating meat again, and will only eat fish probably for another year.  

Hair: I'm not using my Neutrogena moisturizer as much now.  Currently, just spraying 1 part water and 1 part Giovanni leave in spray (don't remember the exact name) is enough for me now.  

Yard Stuff: I finally saw the little birds in my flower basket.  A little bird somehow fell out and my husband had to rescue it from my cats.  He put it back in the basket however, he didn't put it in the nest.  Later on, I helped him place the little bird in it's proper place.  It was so cute.  There are about 5 little birds in there and to adult birds that fly back and forth feeding it all day.  They mainly eat spiders.

And the hummingbird has been stopping by everyday to eat (or whatever they do) from the flowers.  I need to get another shepards hook before I can put the feeder back up.  But then, it'll probably stop coming around.

I did some weeding and didn't spray myself with repellent and now I'm all bit up again.  When will I learn??? :-[House Stuff: Still haven't finished painting.  I ran out of paint and haven't gotten back to the store. I'm sure I'll be done with everything by the end of the weekend.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 26th, 2008 at 4:42pm
Yard Stuff: I don't know what's going on but today 2 birds made their way out of the nest.  This time they were dead before my husband could put them back in.  I don't know why they are venturing out of the nest before they are even able to fly. :'(

Fitness: Didn't work out yesterday...I was sooo tired for some reason.  I'm going to work out again today though.  It's amazing how one workout can make legs look instantly tighter.

Other: My childhood friend (from 2nd and 3rd grade) and I are still emailing each other.  It's funny to think that friends from that long ago could remember so much about each other and still have things in common.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jun 27th, 2008 at 11:31am
My childhood friend (also from early elementary school!) and I are still in contact, too.   :)  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 27th, 2008 at 4:36pm

My childhood friend (also from early elementary school!) and I are still in contact, too.

I figure that no matter how old we get, our core personalities (most likely what brought you together in the first place) never totally change.

Hair: Another snood bit the dust.  I so loved the snoods that I got off of eBay because they weren't cotton but more of a silky rayon knit...they just weren't constructed well enough.  I guess I'll be purchasing my next one from Lady Mc Snood

I was trying to go 3 weeks in between hair washes but that isn't going to happen.  My hair is starting to feel coated even though I haven't been using my regular leave in.  Although, it could just be dirty seeing that I've been spending so much time outdoors.  Ewww, I never thought of that before but it makes sense... so I will be washing promptly.  Well, later today.  We're about to do more yard work now.  I guess stretching my washes would be best done in the fall or winter.

Other: I spoke to my sister and she clarified.  They will be celebrating her birthday on the Saturday before, which means I won't miss my bellydance class and that I can go! :D  And I have an excuse to buy a few new outfits! :D

I got an email yesterday from the bellydance instructor (one I'd never met).  She wanted to make sure that I'd had instruction in the past because otherwise she thinks that the class would be too advanced for me.  I explained that the last class I took wasn't advanced enough and that I've taught myself using DVD's.  She responded that I should be okay then.  I can't wait for this class!

Ugh...as my cat screams now, I'm reminded of the show on PBS about cats that we watched last night.  My cat's both scream very loudly like children (currently she's downstairs and I can hear her all the way upstairs)  when they don't get what they want wether it's to go outside, to be petted or to be played with.  The show spoke of the relationship between cats and humans.  They stated that in the wild, cat's aren't very vocal at all, but adjust they're behavior when they are around people because we are vocal.  Cat's also manipulate us by using higher pitches because they've learned that, that's what we respond to most and hence they're more likely to get their way.  Although, this was something that I'd already sort of figured out.  When my cat is about to vomit, she makes a loud noise that sounds like she is in so much pain.  As a kitten, she'd do that and I'd come running.  Well, she figured me out quickly because she began making that noise even when she wasn't sick because she realized that that was a way to get my attention.  Now I see why people refer to cats as sneaky! ;D  I still love 'em though! ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 27th, 2008 at 4:44pm
My husband just came in my room and showed me a July calander that he just made with my picture on it.  In the pic I was wearing a red bikini top and standing in front of an American flag, it's pretty cool!  :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 28th, 2008 at 1:39am
Hair: It began to rain heavily as we finished our yard work so I was able to get my hair soaked pretty good.  My husband joked that I should've brought my shampoo outside to wash my hair, like in the movie Fun with Dick and Jane. ::)  Well, if it would've rained any harder then I probably would have, but I went and washed it in the shower instead.  I used moisturizing shampoo but it's a bit dry now so I wish that I would've used baking soda.  After washing my hair, I noticed that my showerhead was all gunky.  I don't know why or whats on it but I'll clean it tomorrow.  I also need to change the filter while I'm at it.  Anyway, I let my hair air dry in a ponytail but tomorrow I'll style it properly...in hopes that we can find something fun to do and go out.

Yard Stuff: I checked the flower basket that held the birds nest.  Unfortunatley, there was only one tiny bird left and it too was dead.  I don't know why they all died but I feel so sad.  The birds spent so much time building the nest and feeding the birds several times a day for weeks only for them to die. :'(   I told my husband that perhaps the mother birds never came back because we put the one bird that had fallen out back into the nest.  I'll never know, but I hope that they never build another nest so close to our house again. :(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Jun 28th, 2008 at 5:59am
Yard Stuff: I checked the flower basket that held the birds nest.  Unfortunatley, there was only one tiny bird left and it too was dead.  I don't know why they all died but I feel so sad.  The birds spent so much time building the nest and feeding the birds several times a day for weeks only for them to die.    I told my husband that perhaps the mother birds never came back because we put the one bird that had fallen out back into the nest.  I'll never know, but I hope that they never build another nest so close to our house again.  

Awwww sweeite! :-[  It happens sometimes...but don't let it get you down.  It happens alot in my yard.  I find baby birds on the ground, it's sad I know. :-/ (hugs)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Jun 28th, 2008 at 1:36pm

but I hope that they never build another nest so close to our house again.   :(

Um...sorry, hon, but as long as you have hanging flower pots, they most likely will. Birds love using those to nest. Especially doves. Our backyard usually has many hanging baskets and we let the birds use them as they wish. And yeah, they die all the time. It's normal.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 28th, 2008 at 11:33pm
I had no idea that, that was normal.  Knowing that makes it a little better, but it's still so odd to me.  I just keep wondering why... and I wonder how the mother birds feel. :-/

Hair: Didn't do much to it today.  It's still in a ponytail from last night.  All I did was Caruso it.

House Stuff: I finally got to hang up my new shower curtain.  I couldn't hang it because my hooks were too small.  So I got some cute shower hooks with white flowers on them and they look nice with the curtain.  

Family Drama: I talked to my older sister today (the grandmother).  She was home alone with my nieces daughter, and her 6 year old daughter.  I'm sure it's difficult when you're doing everything alone so she is really frustrated but I couldn't believe the nasty things that she was saying to my niece.  I asked my sister if my niece was in the room with her and she said yes, but that she didn't care if she hears.  I just hope that my sisters words don't scar her.  I told my sister that when I get the chance that I will let my niece come and stay with me for about a week.  I know that it isn't much, but I don't think that it would hurt to remove her from that enviornment for a while.  I just hope that I can be more patient than my sister.  

We are planning on going to Chicago soon after the Pittsburgh trip.  However, if for some reason Chicago doesn't work out, I'll bring my niece down with me.  As I type I'm actually thinking about nixing Chicago for my niece.  We were only going to see a concert anyway... :-/

Other: I just made my poor husband go back out to the store.  He just went to Wendy's to get food for my stepson, and he came upstairs and asked me if I wanted anything.  Well, I was on the phone and basically blew him off.  When he came back in, I realized that I wanted popcorn and a bottle of wine, so back out he went.  I can be so difficult some times. :P

Now, I'm off to go watch Quills, and wait on my popcorn.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Jun 29th, 2008 at 10:05am
Have you ever tried the hookless shower curtains that QVC has?  They are the best!  Less than a minute to put up and no neck strain!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jun 29th, 2008 at 3:40pm
No, I don't watch QVC so I've never even heard of them.  Although, I don't mind hanging shower curtains. My problem was that I couldn't because I didn't have the right hooks.
This is the curtain that I bought.  I got if off of eBay.

Family Matters:
After thinking about it more, I've decided that I'm probably less equiped to handle my 6 year old niece than my sister is, eventhough she isn't handling it well.  I don't have children, so who am I to think that I can do better?  I'm just going to leave well enough alone with them and hope for the best.

Other: I didn't get to finish my movie last night.  This is the second time that I rented this movie from Blockbuster (once through the store and the other time through their online service) and both times the movie was so horribly scratched that it ruined the playback.  I'm so sick of Blockbuster.  I think I'm going to cancel my account and go back to Netflix.  I've never had any problems with them.  However, at the time that I was with them they were still pretty new.  Hopefully, their quality hasn't gone downhill as well.

House Stuff: I had to get rid of my cats birthday balloons so that I could paint.  They were still playing with them weeks later.



My dining room and other areas aren't complete yet as I thought they would be.  Hopefully, I'll get them finished soon.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Jun 30th, 2008 at 4:34pm
Ah ebay!!!  Nice curtain!  The pics are great!  Thanks for sharing them!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Jul 1st, 2008 at 3:08pm
I also saw that PBS show on cats.  Very interesting and informative!

I love that red wall!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 2nd, 2008 at 9:17pm
WOOOHOOO!!!! I just got in from my bellydance class and it was just the experience that I was looking for.  It wasn't too difficult but it's definitley challenging.  The warm up and cool down kicked everyones @ss the and the choreography was challenging.  Also, everyone was just so nice and fun!  

Yesterday, I called different family memebers on the phone to tell them that I wasn't going to Pittsburgh afterall.  Well, everyone that I spoke to had so much personal drama going on that it actually made me feel crappy and I wound up having a very scary anxiety attack late last night.  I honestly thought I was going to die. Needless to say, I got through it, and I'm just so grateful for today.

Well, now I'm off to celebrate.  We're going to Chilli's for nachos!

Later! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by AmandaC on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 1:49am
That red on the wall is gorgeous!
Your kitties are so cute!!! My cats love balloons too. I'll have to remember to buy them some for my(yes my, not their) birthday!

And I'm glad you're okay now! My sister has had some bad anxiety attacks, so I know they can be scary.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 3:59am
Thanks Curlgirl, Sakina and AmandaC! :D  I still have one more wall to paint and then I'll be finished.  I can't believe I've been procrastinating so much lately.

AmandaC: I'm glad at least someone can understand what I go through with anxiety at times.  My husband can't really empathize with me because he doesn't understand how someone can get terrified for no apparent reason.  He just doesn't understand. :-[Hair: On Monday, I did pincurls overnight and they turned out very nicely.  Yesterday, I only had to finger comb but today I had to touch it up a bit with my steam rollers.  

Since my last snood came apart, I've really been in desperate need of a new one so, I just bought more from eBay. I know I said that I would try Lady McSnood, but the ones on eBay are just less expensive and they are made of the silkier knit that I prefer.  I got 3 this time and hopefully, they'll hold up better than the last ones.  I ordered them from a different seller than before.

Animals: After I gave up my cat over the winter, I swore off getting anymore pets but I'm now coming back around.  My husband and I have been discussing getting an African Serval.  They're so cute (well, I think that all cat's are cute ::)).  Anyway, they grow to be a bit large, so we're just hoping that my oldest cat won't be afraid of it.  Actually, I'm hoping that she can learn to love another cat the way she love's Kali.  For the 2 years that I had my mothers cat, Kat never warmed up to him at all.  But, I'm already thinking of names.  So far, I may go with Khloe but, we'll see.  :)

I found this pic online...isn't it purty!!! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 5th, 2008 at 1:21am
I'd definitely get one. 8-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Jul 5th, 2008 at 12:05pm
Wow, those are neat and big kitties 8-)  I bet they eat a lot more food than the normal cats?

And I thought $10 was expensive for a cat :o  But, they actually cost more after you get them if you figure in the food and annual vet visits.  But, as most pet owners would say they are just like having real kids ::)

I am going to take my wife's oldest cat Rascal to the vet Wednesday to get his teeth cleaned and just that is going to be around $375.
He also had blood work done a few weeks ago and that was around $187 so that is where my wife's stimulus check is going.

I am glad you had lots of fun at the amusement park.  If my younger sister (who is 42) was with you she would go on the rides with you because she loves them as well.  But, I would  be like your husband and mainly watch :P


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by AmandaC on Jul 6th, 2008 at 9:03am
Aww! I want one of those!! If only I had a spare 20 grand(and if only all of my kitties are scaredy cats XD)
Actually speaking of that, my sister just got a puppy, but none of our cats(we've got 4) have warmed up to it...usually when they see the tiny 1 lb. thing they run or hiss and swat at him. So would you know of any tips? Or is it just up to them(like things usually are) when they'll get used to it?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 6th, 2008 at 1:26pm
Jerry: Yep, taking care of animals can be expensive.  

Servals eat a special type of food which is more than what a regular cat eats.  However, the price figures out to be the same as what I'm paying for cat food now.  So, I guess that means it would be double but, it's still not much.

Amanda: My cat's took less than a week to warm up to each other but those first few days were very scary.  My cat's hissed and basically tried to kill each other (well, my oldest cat, Kat tried to kill the new intruder).  However, after 3 or 4 days, we began to realize that the real and scary fighting that they were doing, turned into play fighting and that they were getting along.  Now, when I added a 3rd cat to the mix, my youngest cat didn't mind, but my older cat being just as territorial as ever, never warmed up to the last cat and we had him for about a year and a half.  

I think that if they aren't getting along within a week that they may never get along.  Although, not getting along doesn't neccessarily mean that they'll be violent with each other.  As my first cat and the 3rd cat that I brought in never got along, but fortunately, they did learn to tolerate each other.  I also don't think that there is anything that you can do to make them get along.  I think that when or if they accept each other is solely up to them.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 8th, 2008 at 2:29am
My trip was great

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by roomtogrow on Jul 8th, 2008 at 8:12am
Pretty cat-you should definitely get it if you can find the cash :). I'm also a big cat fan. I also like your living room color-ours is also red!  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 8th, 2008 at 4:01pm
Yeah, I'll most likely get a Serval at some point...not the Ashera.  A twenty thousand dollar cat just isn't going to happen. ;)

Thanks for the compliment on my red wall. :)  

Bellydance Class: My instructor responded today and said that she couldn't link the song because it is encrypted.  So, I'm going to have to practice without it afterall.  She said that we will review last weeks lesson because of this, but I want to be to the point where I can breeze through it forwards and backwards.  So, that' what I will be doing today... dancing a lot.  
Gosh, now I have the Bee Gee's in my head..."You should be dancing...yeah!" :D

Oooh, and yesterday, I ordered some new bellydance gear.  I still need a few more hip scarves though.  Well, off I go.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Jul 8th, 2008 at 7:38pm
My bellydance teacher burns us a cd and has a bring in a blank one as an exchange.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 9th, 2008 at 10:36pm
My instructor sent me the link this morning but when we got there, she had burned cd's as well.  

I wasn't too happy in class today and really didn't want to be there.  My husband and I were out earlier today just running errands and stuff, but I didn't want to go to class and wanted to hang out with him instead.  So, the entire time in class, my mind wasn't there.  

Also, I realized that it's more difficult for me to learn in a class atmosphere.  There are just too many distractions going on.  At home with the music and notes I can learn the steps in a snap, compared to in class.  At home, I can just focus on me.  Anyway, I hope that I enjoy it more next week.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Jul 9th, 2008 at 10:50pm
Wow nice cat! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 10th, 2008 at 12:58am
  wild cats roaming around their mansion,

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Jul 10th, 2008 at 4:35pm

Some people want a house full of kids...I want a house full of cats.

Ditto.  8-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 10th, 2008 at 11:09pm
Hair: Because it's been raining here for almost everyday for a week now, my hair has been in a constant state of frizz.  I don't really mind though because it's still soft and since I'm not the one that has to look at it, I just keep thinking, who cares.

Yard Stuff:My morning glories have grown so tall, that I am now wrapping them around the very top of the swing set.  They look really good.  So good that I'm going to plant them on the other side as well.  I only planted them on the one side because I remember (from when we had them in our yard when I was a kid) that when they died off in the fall/winter that they looked pretty bad.  I figured that I would experiment with one side first and if they looked too bad that I would just pull them up and replace them with evergreen ivy.  Well, now I'm thinking that if I have to take them down that I'll just replant them again next spring.  They grow so quickly that it shouldn't be a problem.
Only thing is that they've yet to produce any flowers.  I'll have to research what the reason could be.  Right now, I'm thinking that it probably has something to do with the soil.

Oh, and we were in the yard cutting back some of the weeds from behind our fence.  Our weeds aren't bad, but the weeds from our neighbors side were coming over to ours.  So my husband and I began cutting them.  I didn't think it was a big deal, the weeds aren't in the neighbors yard (well, not these weeds) but behind their fence.  However, they were so overgrown that they were hanging over our fence.  Anyway, our neighbor saw us cutting them and then came over to the fence.  He didn't say hi or anything, but he asked us for our sheers.  So, my husband handed them over and our neighbor began cutting the weeds.  I think that he was offended, but that wasn't our intention we were just cutting weeds.  I'm thinking that our neighbor must have some sort of complex or something though because a little while ago, he told us that the HOA told him that he needed to cut the weeds in his front lawn.  He wanted to know if we got a notice too and we told him no.  I'm not sure why he asked though, because we don't have any weeds.  Maybe he thinks that we reported him or something.  

House Stuff:  Last night, I stayed up all night and painted the white trim around my fireplace red.  It looks so much better now.  This weekend, I want to buy more paint and basically do the whole house...not all red, I just want to get rid of my white walls.  I'm going to get more red for 2 walls in my den, then I want to get yellow for the other walls in the den as well as the walls in the foyer, hallway and going up the stairs.  Then, I need beige or tan paint for the trim.  

My next projects will then be setting up my dining room fish tank (I already have the fish picked out, we saw them at Petsmart ), finishing my bathroom and then decorating my cat's bathroom.  I just had the thought of doing my cat's bathroom as we were driving back from Pgh.  I don't know exactly what I'll do with it.  My husband (who gave me the idea) suggested that I take pics of the cats to Kinko's and have them make faux oil paintings of them.  I decided that I could hang those pics in their bathroom and perhaps put up some sort of cat printed walllpaper.

Other: Last night, after my husband hooked up my laptop, took files off of my desk top and put them on the new computer, he came over to give me the computer to me to try out.  I was lounging on my futon and I said that my hands were so dry that they hurt.  So, without my asking, he sets the computer down, goes in my bathroom, gets my lotion and squeezes it into my hand.  I rub in the lotion and then I pick up my glass of wine which was on the floor by the futon and take a sip.  Then I said "I need a table to sit my wine down while I'm on the computer...I don't know what to do with my wine...here, hold it for me while I get on the computer".  Then, as he reached for the glass, I instantly realized how silly the whole scene was.  I put the glass back down on the floor and wondered how someone who used to be sooo independent could turn into someone totally dependant.   My husband doesn't mind though and he shouldn't seeing that it was him that made me this way.  I'm just glad to know from experience, that if I really needed to take care of myself that I could.  Although, because of the way that I act sometimes, one would never guess.    

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 11th, 2008 at 4:49am
Now I'm all psyched again because my online friend just contacted me about her party in Chicago.  Although, seeing that the concert is today...and her party is tomorrow, her response was umm...REALLY LATE!!! >:(  I did however, wake up my husband to see what he wanted to do because we'd have to get on the road in just a few hours if we change our mind.  He didn't say no, but said that he'll think about it.  Not that we have much time so lets see...um, I'm thinking it'll be a no go, but stranger things have happened. ::)

House Stuff:  Just when I thought that my dance room was complete I was able to add some more stuff.  I was thinking about having a garage sale to sell (among other things) my little chandelier and a floor fountain that I no longer used, but I found that I could actually still use the items instead.

So, I painted the formerly white shades a pinkish purple color and hung it up.  It gives off a really pretty light and I especially needed another light in there.  I also put in an area rug that had been sitting in my closet for a few years.

I painted my art niches which house my very large Buddha that I got for Christmas (I only now realized the irony ::))

And my dried flower display. I also painted some of the items in the display as well.

Other: I really must get used to the touch pad thing on this computer asap. Sometimes after touching the pad (although, I'm not sure why) my window will close or I'll end up selecting something that I had no intention too.  For instance, I unknowingly selected Angel Spuns journal instead of mine own and typed and posted a full entry in there before I realized my mistake.  Sorry Angel. ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Jul 11th, 2008 at 4:06pm
;D  It's ok, LD.

If the cursor hovers over something for an extended period of time, it will automatically click on it. You also don't need to use the buttons to click on something. Just put the cursor over whatever you want to click on, then tap the touch pad. Kinda cool, eh?
   It took me a little while to get used to laptops also.  ;)  But I absolutely love mine.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 13th, 2008 at 2:44pm
Thanks for the tips, Angel.  My husband told me about the tap too...perhaps I need to try it.  I've never had to do that on his though, I guess mine is just extra sensivite. ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 13th, 2008 at 3:20pm
Well, I went to Chicago and I'm back.  However, NOTHING worked out according to plan...NOTHING!!! :P  We started out much later than we should've so we didn't get there until very late on Friday night and I completely missed my concert.  We were definitely trying to get there in time though, my husband even got pulled over for speeding.  Although, we honestly thought that we were going the speed limit but apparently we didn't notice the 50mph sign.  The officer let us off with a warning but we were super careful after that.  

By the time we got to the city, I was soooo grouchy and basically blamed it on Chicago.  I'd decided right away that I hated the city and would never, ever go back.  We checked into our hotel, which suprisingly, for the amount of money that we paid, turned out to be the size of a closet.  We got dressed up in the clothes that we were going to wear to the concert, and went out for a late night dinner to the Melting Pot.  I'd never been there before, and only heard about it from the show The Girls Next Door, but I thougth it would be fun.  It was really nice.  I was just getting annoyed at our waitress, because as she was explaining how we would use the bowl to cook, she kept putting her fingers in the bowl.  She even did it one time right after swiping her hair behind her ear. :o  I was getting completely grossed out, but my husband assured me that the bowls would most likely get hot enough that it would kill any germs, so I felt somewhat better.  Our meal and drinks did turn out very good though.  After eating, we went back to our tiny hotel room and went right to sleep.

The next day, still not thrilled with the city, we drove around.  And then, when I saw that lake Michigan had a beach, I got really excited and happy! Nothing like a little nature to turn things around! :D

After walking along the beach for miles, we did lots of touristy sight seeing and had lunch.  After lunch, I bought lots of souviners.  We then, went to China Town, where I bought a Buddha and we got tea and lots of Chinese pastries.

Then, we drove into the ghetto.  I'd never seen anything like it in my life!:o  It was dirty and scary.  There were lots of undesirable types hanging around as some looked obviously mentally disturbed or high.  I used to live in the projects when I was a little girl.  My friends and I played safely outside all of the time, so when I heard people talk about the dangers and things, I felt it was over the top...until I saw Chicago.  Now, I completely understand about concerns for safety, but I couldn't understand (and still can't understand) how and why people live like that. :-/  My husband wanted to know if I "dared" him to go through the crowd of people and inside one of the buildings. :-?  I was like...um...no. :-?  Guys are so weird sometimes.  I have another example of that as well, perhaps I'll post it later.

As for the party that I was invited too...that didn't happen either.  I tried contacting the person that was throwing it but she never responded. :-?  So, after seeing the city, we opted to head back home instead of throwing away more money for another night in that tiny room.  When I got home, I immediately went out to work in my yard and then took a long soothing bath.

Next month, we're going to Louisiana to see the concert that we missed but for now, I'm just enjoying my time at home.  Oh, and going to the movie's shortly to see Hancock.

I forgot.  While we were out taking pictures, we came across a wedding party.  At first I thought, Oh my god eww.. look at that dress. :o  But then it began to grow on me.  The bride looked very young, so the dress in a way seemed sort of fun and fitting.  The party's limo was white and it was decorated with lime green and hot pink flowers, the same coloer as her dress.  Check it out.

There were a few more wedding parties taking pictures at the Buckingham fountian as well as a girl celebrating her quinciera.  I guess it's a popular backdrop even for the locals.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Jul 13th, 2008 at 4:25pm
I am sorry you had a mostly crappy time in Chicago :'(

I am hoping to one day go to Chicago mainly so I could say I have been there at least once ::)

The pictures are cool.  I especially like the one with you sitting on the beach with the skyscrapers in the background 8-)

I thought the Buckingham Fountain looked familiar because that is the fountain in the beginning of the tv show Married With Children 8-)


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Jul 13th, 2008 at 7:23pm
Sorry your plans didn't materialize.  I used to love driving to Chicago from Michigan.  We always went to Chinatown first for Dim Sum, then we'd walk around 'cause we were stuffed, then the bakery!!! Yummy!!  I miss that alot here in AZ.  It is very easy to wind up in the ghetto-we accidentally wound up there once.  There was a giant pothole in the road and I was afraid we were going to have a flat tire there!!!  EEEkkk.  Scary.

The people in the wedding look Asian to me.  If so, they typically have very colorful traditional dress-not that style of course but those colors.  Koreans primarily.

I like how your hair looks in that last pic-thick and long!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 13th, 2008 at 8:46pm
Thanks, Jerry and Sakina! :D

After I got over my bad mood, I really enjoyed Chicago, it's very nice.  Hopefully, you'll enjoy it too.  It reminds me of New York  as it's large, very crowded, lot's to do, tiny hotel rooms, rude cab drivers, diverse population..etc... but with a beach.

Sakina: I've never had Dim Sum...actually, I just had to ask my husband what it was. ::)  
Anyway, it was very easy to get to the ghetto.  It was only a few blocks down the street from the city...just like in New York.

The people in the wedding were Hispanic.  There was another Hispanic wedding party and their dresses were an irridescent orangy color...very colorful.

Other: We went to see Hancock and I really enjoyed it.  I'd give it an A+! :D

Oh and as for my "guys are weird" comment, here's a bit of a conversation that my husband and I had in the car on the way home from Chicago...

Me: Angelina Jolie seems like she'd be every man's dream.  The way she was in Mr and Mrs. Smith seems how she is in real life.  She flies planes, rides motorcycles, gets tatoos...and she's really hot too.

Him: Ewww...no!  She's sexy, but no man want's a woman who does all of that stuff.

Me: What do you mean?  You always want me to watch football with you.  You also said that you wished that I wasn't afraid of motorcycles, so that you could get a bike and we could ride together.

Him: I want you to watch football with me...but I don't want you to want to watch football.  And I want you to ride on the bike sitting behind me, but not on a bike next to me.

Me: So you don't want me to want to do that stuff, you want to force me to do that stuff?  

After that, the conversation died off but not before he made several attempts to explain his thinking to me.  However, he still couldn't explain it in a way that made sense...at least not to me. ::)

But to be fair, here's another exerpt that shows how weird I can be.

On men wearing makeup...

Me: A woman who is with a man wants a man to be a man.  Eye makeup is one thing but anything aside from that is too much.

Him:  Eye make up!?!  What real man wears eye makeup???  

Me: Ancient Egyptian men wore eye liner and they weren't any less of a man.  Prince wears eye make up and so do Pirates.  

Him:  Pirates DID NOT wear makeup!

Me:  Yes, they did!  Johnny Depp wore eyeliner in Pirates of the Carribean!

Him:  No, Johnny Depp CHOSE to wear eyeliner!  That movie was FULL of Pirates and did you happen to see anyone else wearing eyeliner???  I think Johnny Depp wore more eyeliner than Kiera Knightley.

Me:  (Now laughing)  Well...maybe they should've it, would've made for a much better movie!!!

So that's the crazyness that is my life.  Okay, so we're both weird! ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Jul 14th, 2008 at 3:53pm
LOL!  I'm glad my hubby and I are not the only ones to have "deep" conversations that border on the absurd!  ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Jul 14th, 2008 at 5:08pm
So basically he just wants you to be his pretty little accessory while he does the things he enjoys?  :-?  Most people I know would be thrilled to find a partner who shared their interests.

And all I can say about the eyeliner bit is thank heavens that neither of you are anywhere near the gothic subculture. Almost all of the men wear eyeliner and many of them don't stop there...

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 14th, 2008 at 5:43pm

bikerbraid wrote on Jul 14th, 2008 at 3:53pm:
LOL!  I'm glad my hubby and I are not the only ones to have "deep" conversations that border on the absurd!  ;D

I'm happy to hear that we're not alone...sometimes I feel like I'm insane! ;D

Most people I know would be thrilled to find a partner who shared their interests.

That's what I thought too! :-?

Almost all of the men wear eyeliner

Oooh!!! [smiley=happy.gif]

and many of them don't stop there...  

Ugh...  :-/ ;D

Well then, if I were single then I couldn't date a goth.  Although, I'm sure that there would be a myriad of reasons, makeup aside, that they wouldn't be my cup of tea, nor I theirs.  To each their own. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by roomtogrow on Jul 15th, 2008 at 11:06am
La Diosa, try Chicago another time, it's a good city. I used to live in Chicago in Chinatown. Delicious food all the time!
As for it being ghetto, it does have its areas, as all big cities do. I just like that it is still a big city but cheaper than New York!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 15th, 2008 at 12:12pm
I'd definitely try Chicago again sometime.  It was very nice once I let go of my failed plans and went with the flow.  They really do have delicious food as you mentioned.  Everything that I ate there was really good.  We even went to this Italian restaurant called the Olive Garden and they had really good pasta!  No, I'm only joking. ;)  The restaurant was called Rosa's or something but their pasta was really delicious as you could tell that it was freshly made and not prepackaged...also, the Italian sausage there was the best that I've ever tasted in my life.

I never said that the whole city was ghetto, it was far from it.  I mentioned that we drove into the ghetto part of the city (my husbands idea).  I'd just never seen a ghetto area as run down as the one in Chicago, but apparently they are well known for that.  I only learned recently, that the old tv show Good Times was based on that same Chicago ghetto.

While there, it was my opinion that Chicago was just as expensive as New York, but I could be wrong.

Hair: I have lots of new growth which is making styling lately sort of a pain.  I'm thinking about doing my relaxer shortly but I haven't made up my mind yet.  I did order some Cassia though.  I want to give the henna a rest for a bit because right now I am satisfied with my color but I still want the conditioning benefits that Henna provides so I'll try my luck with cassia again.  And I'm still waiting on my snoods.  I'm figuring, if I have the snoods that I can just keep my hair in them and prolong relaxing my hair until a later time.  

The other day when we went to the movies I got a bit creative and put a black satin scarf on my head reminiscent of a pirate.  Since I already had on a pirate or gypsy looking top, I went ahead and put on the large hoop earrings, red lipstick and black eyeliner.  I thought it was cute and my husband said that he liked it too.  I saw that I got some looks when we were at the theater.  However, I don't know if they were good looks, bad looks or "what the heck" looks.  Anyway, I liked it so that's all that matters. :D

Bellydance Class: I was wondering if I would go back to my class again.  I was so excited after the first class but after that, not so much.  The choreography is fun but as I mentioned before, I could learn it at home without the interruptions that taking a class with other people entail.  One of the main reasons that I wanted to take a class, aside from learning something new, was being able to be in there with people like myself and perhaps form friendships.  Well, just about all of the other students in the class are much younger than I am, and are at times very silly (which is part of the distractions that I was speaking of).  At first it was funny and fun (most likely because I was just so happy to be there), but mainly I'd prefer to hear the teachers instructions instead of silly comments blurted out from one of the many teens or young adults in the class.  Last week after I finally got the music and did the choreography at home.  I realized that it was only more challenging because of the environment that it is being taught in and I began to feel like I was wasting my time.  Although, some of the girls seem to learn well in that environment, but I guess that isn't my learning style.  It's more difficult for me to concentrate in the midst of commotion.  The one thing that I thought was odd is that when I took the beginners class, I saw that there were more older adults there.  However, it would seem like it would be the other way around.  Anyway, my new bellydance clothing came in the mail yesterday, so I might go to class tomorrow just so that I can wear them, but right now I'm still up in the air about it.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by roomtogrow on Jul 16th, 2008 at 10:10am
mmmm, sounds good. i love italian food  ;D

i also get into moods where i kind of have a theme or inspiration for how i dress for that day. i don't do it as much for work, but definitely if i am going out somewhere at night-like if i wear one of my bohemian-ish dresses, i'll wear my hair loosely tied back and wear dangly earrings. i have some cute vintage shirts that i'll usually wear with my old-style shoes and then i'll pull my hair back in a  kind of sleek twist...etc. although sometimes i don't really care and i just wear whatever. it's always fun to be creative though.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 16th, 2008 at 11:32am

it's always fun to be creative though.

It really is...and liberating.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 16th, 2008 at 2:04pm
 It's even uncomfortable in the shade

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jul 17th, 2008 at 10:46am
Yay rah for hummers!   :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by roomtogrow on Jul 17th, 2008 at 12:17pm
those morning glories look beautiful! do you swing on the swing set? i totally would!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 17th, 2008 at 3:11pm
The fountain

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 20th, 2008 at 11:27am
[b]Hair:[/b] Decided to wait a while before doing another relaxer.  I didn't realize that it's been almost 3 months since my last one.  I typically like to space them 3 months apart so it makes sense to wait a week.  Besides, I want to do my cassia first anyway, and it hasn't arrived yet.

House Stuff: Spent the weekend picking up things here and there for the house.  I got a fan for my patio and it makes being outside in the heat and humidity much more bearable.  Now, if only I could find a solution to rid my yard of all of the flies then I'd be good.  The traps that we have are still catching them but there are just so many of them still. :P

Other: Saw the latest Batman Dark Knight and it was really really good!  Heath Ledger was suprisingly excellent in his role.  I'd never seen him play a villian before but he did it really well.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by roomtogrow on Jul 20th, 2008 at 1:55pm
that was an amazing movie and i am a huge batman fan. christian bale is my favorite batman and i think heath ledger was terrifying and brilliant as joker!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Jul 20th, 2008 at 6:22pm
I want to see The Dark Knight but I think we will wait until the crowd thins out some or just wait to either rent it or buy it 8-)


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 21st, 2008 at 1:17am
Michael Keaton was always my favorite Batman.  Although, when we got home, we decided to watch the first Batman and as much as I liked it, it didn't even come close to the Dark Knight.

Jerry: The theater here was crowded but by no means as crowded as I thought it would be.  Most cities had 24 hour showings which thinned the crowds out significantly.

Hair: Couldn't take the poofiness any longer and did my relaxer.  It was only 1 week from my usual 12 week time and I'll still do the cassia when it arrives.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 21st, 2008 at 10:08pm
Hair: Didn't do much to it today at all.  I let it air dry in plaits as I slept.  This morning, I took the plaits out, moisturized, finger combed and that was that.

My hair doesn't seem to be growin at a good rate at all...it's actually growing rather slowly.  At least it is growing though.  I'm just wondering if my growth rate will speed up again any time soon.

Cassia arrived today.  I think I may do it next week.

Other: Today we went to lunch at our favorite Korean restaurant.  While in the area, we went to a restaurant supply store.  My husband got knives and I found some candles in red glass holders for 2.00 ea., so I got 3 of them.  They look nice on my dining room table.  We also went to the international farmers market and I got some blooming floral tea.  Overall, it was a cool day.  It's been really hot lately but it cooled off and got nice and breezy towards the evening.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 22nd, 2008 at 7:21pm
nice and swingy.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Jul 22nd, 2008 at 8:34pm


*humming "When You Wish Upon a Star"*  [smiley=evil.gif]

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 22nd, 2008 at 11:00pm
;D Thanks for the links, Sakina!  I do like the 2nd one! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Jul 23rd, 2008 at 2:01am
You're welcome!  I prefer the second one, too.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 24th, 2008 at 3:06pm
I keep eating lots of vegetables and freshly juiced fruit drinks

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 25th, 2008 at 12:43am
Hair: Today was really hot and since I spent so much time outside, my hair was feeling super parched, as it's been everyday that we have temps into the mid 90's.  I've been moistuizing several times a day.  However, even with all of my moisturizing, I cringed at how dry my hair felt when my husband touched it today.  

So, I just oiled with Ojon's Restorative Hair Treatment and I moisturized again.  It now feels soft, but I'm wondering how this combo will hold up in the hot sun.

Also, I haven't been wearing my new snoods (although, I'd love to tonight) because they are even smaller than the other one that I had.  I really have to stuff my hair in to make it fit. So the shape isn't flat, it's round, like I have a big afro stuffed under there...not a good look.:P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 25th, 2008 at 8:08pm
Hair: Last night I plaited it and put my snood on.  Today, it feels better than yesterday...well enough that I didn't cringe again when it was touched. However, now it's gunky and needs washed.  I think I'm going to wait until Tuesday, I should be doing my henna then as well.  I've decided to do henna and not cassia because my hair doesn't seem as red as it was before most recent relaxer.

Yard Stuff:I ran out of the premixed hummingbird nectar so yesterday, I refilled the feeder with the powder mix that I was initially using.  I saw 2 hummers since, but they didn't stay long.  They obviously don't like the powder stuff.  

Last week we planted the other morning glory seeds and they've already began to sprout. I was also pleasantly pleased to see that they others are beginning to flower too, yay! :D  So, with the pruning and getting on a ladder to restring last night they're really coming along nicely.

Other:I spent a lot of my time today trying to post my home video dvd online so that my nieces can see it. However, I haven't had any luck because it isn't a video file and I can't figure out how to convert it.  :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 27th, 2008 at 2:43am
Clay Cafe

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 28th, 2008 at 12:21am
 Got premixed nectar for the feeder and put it out but I was so tired today that I didn't look out for hummers.  We ran a few errands but aside from that, all I did today was watch episode after episode of Rome and slept.  

This is the second Sunday that my husband and I spent all day watching episodes of Rome.  I love that show.

Hopefully, I won't be up all night.  In a bit, I'll take my pills and hope that they put me back out for the night.

Hair: It's been out all day long.  I'm going to get a hairzinger.  If it works the way that I want it to, I will try and make a habit of wearing my hair in a french twist on a regular basis.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 28th, 2008 at 4:10am
It is now a little after 4 in the morning and I cannot sleep as I had slept too much during the day. ::)  However, my husband has been asleep for hours and I've just been enjoying my peaceful New Age Music, (which my husband still refers to as hippie music )and the images of my cats sleeping next to me.  Nights like this I wish would never come to an end yet, the sun will be creeping up in a few hours.  I do hope I am asleep by then.  For some reason I hate being up when the sun comes up.  I saw Vallerie Bertinelli say the same thing about the sun on Oprah and I thought "wow, her too?" ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 28th, 2008 at 3:17pm
Well, my husband is off on a business trip.  He asked me if I wanted to go, as he always does, but I've done enough traveling lately to last me quite awhile.  Besides, I'm hoping to get more exercising in, perhaps do some reading and just being alone with my thoughts.  Although, I can be really unfocused when I'm doing one thing and my mind is somewhere else.  For instance, this morning I was thinking about my aerogardens and wether I should continue using them or not because the plants grow so quickly and the hood isn't tall enough.  Anyway, at the same time, I was getting a can of Slim Fast except instead of grabbing a glass to pour it in, I grabbed a bowl.  I didn't even realize my mistake until after I threw the can away and turned around and saw the bowl of Slim Fast sitting on the counter. :o ;D  After I got over the shock of what I'd just done, I figured what the heck and drank it out of the bowl.

Yard Stuff:
The hummers are back!  It was definitely the "Kool Aid" mix as my husband calls it that drove them away.

Although, it's been so hot and humid lately that I have to watch the hummers from the window.  In the past, I've always enjoyed the summer but summers in the South are dreadful.  I really can't wait until the fall.  I just hope that we have a good period of actual fall weather before the super cold weather arrives.  It will be nice to be able to sit outside comfortably again.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 29th, 2008 at 12:14am
Hair:Currently, I have henna paste in it.  I started it three hours ago and will probaly wash it out in another hour.  

My hair had been looking as though it wasn't growing and stuck around 26" but with the paste in it, it definitely looks somewhat longer.

Yard Stuff: Typically, when I'm outside I only kill flies...or spiders that look like they may be trying to make their way inside.  Basically, I only kill insects that I think might pose a threat to me or my cats.

Anyway, I never kill yellow jackets but last week I killed two.  I tried to let them be, but they kept hovering too close for my comfort.  
Well, today, I realized why they've been hanging around so much.  They eat flies.  So, I befriended them and after awhile we even had a system going.  I'd kill a fly with my swatter and then sweep the dead fly aside.  Then, very shortly after, a yellow jacket would come along, pick up the dead fly and carry it away.  We went through the motion many times.  It was pretty neat! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 29th, 2008 at 10:38pm
Hair:Henna came out nicely! :D  I let it air dry in two buns.  I didn't do anything to it today but add a bit of moisture and back into the buns it went.  I was so happy to realize that my hair was a whole inch longer than I thought it was.  Not super fast growth.  However, it is good to know that it's growing...I was a bit worried.

House Stuff:
Today was a nice day...as everyday is. ::)  I got lots of cleaning done.  I did lots of disinfecting, cleaned all of the floors and even cleaned the windows.  I had no idea they were so dirty.  The 3 windows in my living room are large and I draw up the blinds everyday to bring the outdoors in.  Well, now after cleaning them on both sides, my view is crystal clear.

Fitness:Did a few reps with my 5lb dumbells and also did a few reps on Leg Magic.

Yard Stuff: I dug some holes with my auger in preparation for the new hedges that should be arriving any day now.

I also transplanted 2 of the newly planted morning glories to the other side of the swing post.  I read that they don't transplant well, but hopefully, I'll get lucky.  Then, I did a bit of raking and other gardening stuff.

Once the sun went down, I lit candles on my patio where I had a plate of sundried tomato hummus that I made, with crackers and a glass of wine.  What a nice way to end a day! :D  I know that I use the word nice a lot and it always reminds me of one of my favorite songs.  Life Can Be So Nice by Prince.  Even when it's not playing on my iPod, it still plays in my head everyday.  I love it so much! :D

This morning there was joy in my heart, 'cause I know that I loved you so.
Scrambled eggs, are so boring, for you're all, all that I want to know
Kisses never lie, when delivered with milk from your lips
Morning glories never cry. My love for you, baby, drips

Life can be so nice. It's a wonderful world, paradise
Kiss me once, kiss me twice. Life can be so nice. So nice.

No one plays the clarinet the way you play my heart
I come a thousand different ways before I even start
You're so niiiiiice!

Shivering madly in your embrace is better than a trip
Morning glories never cry my love is just a drippin'
Scrambled eggs are boring mama, you're all I want to know
This morning there was joy in my heart 'cause you know I loved you so.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Jul 30th, 2008 at 10:13am

wrote on Jul 29th, 2008 at 12:14am:

Anyway, I never kill yellow jackets but last week I killed two.  I tried to let them be, but they kept hovering too close for my comfort.  
Well, today, I realized why they've been hanging around so much.  They eat flies.  So, I befriended them and after awhile we even had a system going.  I'd kill a fly with my swatter and then sweep the dead fly aside.  Then, very shortly after, a yellow jacket would come along, pick up the dead fly and carry it away.  We went through the motion many times.  It was pretty neat! :D[/color]

Most bugs do not bother me but yellow jackets, hornets and bumble bees do make me kind of nervous because I have been stung more than I would like ::)  Unlike honey bees, hornets do not lose their stinger when they sting and they will sting more than once (so I heard anyway) :o

There was one time I was riding my motorcycle in the mountains with my friend on the back and a bee stung me on the back of my neck right below my helmet :o  It was a wonder we did not crash but luckily I can usually handle most pain and it hurt pretty bad and swelled up but I survived.

And when I was kind of young (about 11 or 12) a bee went up the back of my shirt and stung me on my lower back.  

I could go on and on but I doubt people want to hear about my bee sting stories ::)


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 30th, 2008 at 2:39pm
Wow Jerry, you have been stung alot.  Being stung while riding a motorcycle must have been frightening.

I will kill mosquitos, but I never kill bee's or wasps because they never bother me.  I was stung by a yellow jacket or honey bee (not sure which) when I was a kid, but I deserved it.  I killed it, or at least I thought I did.  Then, out of curiosity, I  proceeded to pick it up to inspect it.  Well, it wasn't dead and it stung me.  That was the only time I was ever stung.  So now I just leave them alone and hope that if I don't bother them, that they won't bother me.  Although, if one stung me by accident I'd still be okay.  I'm not allergic to them and I have a high threshold for pain.

House Stuff: Later today I plan on cleaning my closet.  It's the only room in my house that is typically in disarray.  It isn't a complete mess, but even with all of the organizational items that I have in there, it's never as neat as I'd like it to be.  Sometimes I wonder if I need a larger closet.  Well I guess I do seeing that I had to put most of my winter coats in my husbands closet because I don't have the space for them.  So, I guess I'm wondering if I'd be able to keep my closet neater if it were larger. :-?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by livingandlovingx3 on Jul 30th, 2008 at 3:49pm
While camping with my grandparents a long time ago, I had a tickle on my leg under my pants, so I kept rubbing it and itching. Then, OUCH! Afterwards a BIG :o hairy bumble bee flew out of the leg hole in my pants!  That's the only time I have ever been stung, and there was no stinger. My littlest was stung 2x the other day. Right above the eye and then on the hand. We figure he tried to swat it away and it got him. We watched to make sure he wasn't going to have a reaction.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Jul 30th, 2008 at 7:13pm
Around the first part of September in our area the hornets and yellowjackets get agressive so even if you leave them alone they will sometimes not leave you alone :o

One time I was just leaning against a car and I did not see a hornet on the door handle and it all of a sudden stung me :o  I am not allergic to any kind of bee but that one did swell up a little.

As far as I remember I have never been stung by a wasp or a bumble bee :-/


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jul 31st, 2008 at 4:17pm
livingandlovingx3: Whoa! I can't get over it flying into your pants!  And your son being stung 2 times in one day...wow.  Poor thing, I hope he's okay now.  I'm sure that was a very painful and frightening experience.

Jerry:Thanks for the warning.  I'll see how the critters in my area behave as the time gets closer to fall.

Other:Yesterday, boredom began to set in as I've been alone since Monday.  My husband will be arriving home tomorrow.  I've accomplished everything that I set out to do during my alone time so I can't wait for him to get in.

Today, we got a bit of needed rain, not that much though.  I'm hoping that we'll get a few more showers as the day goes on.

Also, I believe that I fixed the function on my laptop that was driving me nuts.  When I would use the pad to scroll, somtimes it would take me back to the previous window that I was on.  I haven't had that problem since I made the adjustment.  Hopefully, it is fixed.

Hair: Decided that from now on I need to use 200 grams of henna instead of 100.  Everytime I do it, by the end I'm scraping the henna that spilled on the counter during preparation to put in my hair as I never seem to have enough.  So that's an extra $8 plus shipping that I have to add to my monthly hair maintance fee's.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Aug 1st, 2008 at 4:00pm
It's so hot out.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Aug 2nd, 2008 at 9:06pm
Hair: I slept with my hair in a snood.  Fortunately, they are stretching out from wear, so they no longer look weird on.  Today, I kept my hair loose for most of the day, and then did a low, side ponytail.  I'm still so happy about my length (or at least to know that it's growing).  Right now, it looks like it's right below BSL when dry however, when it's wet, it looks way more MBL.  I'm thinking that it probably won't look MBL when dry until early winter? :-?

I didn't get to run my errands yesterday.  My husband had to take his son on an emergency shopping trip for school clothes, shoes and supplies.  Apparently, his mother thought that the 100.00 that she gave him would suffice. ::)  Anyway, he starts school on Monday, so they've been shopping today too.  Oh, well.  Although, it does suck that he pays so much in child support and still has to do things like this.

I on the other hand, have been keeping myself busy by tending to my yard, online shopping ,web surfing and more cleaning. :P  I cleaned and organized the closet in my bathroom as well as my jewelery, and I windexed all 39 candle votives in my bedroom.   Then, I went back out and watched the rain.  We got a good drenching today. :D  

I also bought another pretty, long dress.  Although, I'm done buying anymore dresses for now, as I am in desperate need of long skirts.  I don't know why I can't find any that I like.  In the spring I bought 3 online.  When they arrived, I didn't like them and just ended up donating them to the Goodwill.

Oh well, I'm off to see what else I can get into. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Aug 4th, 2008 at 1:50pm
Okay, I know that I said that I was done buying dresses, but I bought one more, so now I'm really done. ;D  I also found a skirt for the fall too, yay! :D So now I'm thinking I'll only need 1 more and then I'll be done.  I found a seller on eBay with some really cool stuff and I bought a black top with a sheer tribal print from them.

I also got to run my errands yesterday.  We decided to go to the Lowes on the other side of town in the small area that I like so much. While we were in the area, I decided to go into the Clay Cafe to see if just by chance, that my fairy pottery project had been done early, and it was!  I was so happy!  It's now an ornament out in my yard.  I made her hair the color of henna...sort of. ::)

Yesterday, we also went to a restaurant called the Mellow Mushroom.  I had pizza, salad, and hummus. Afterwards, we went to Rita's for Italian ice.  Everything was really good, but it's been so hot lately that I haven't had much of an appetite at all.  I've basically been having to force myself to eat.

Today, I still haven't eaten much.  Just a Slim Fast and I've been drinking lots of water mixed with cranberry juice.  I decided that a pasta salad would be good so my husband just went out to get the ingredients so that he can whip one up for me.  I guess I just need to think of other light dishes to eat during this overbearing heat wave.

My hair is doing great though! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Aug 7th, 2008 at 1:54am
I've been soooo busy lately.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Aug 7th, 2008 at 11:47am
Awww, cute kitty!!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Aug 7th, 2008 at 11:53am
Awwww, kiiiiiittyyyyyyy!  :D

Some men buy their wives jewelery to make them feel better

Exactly which men are these??  :-?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Aug 7th, 2008 at 3:29pm

Exactly which men are these??

;D  Lot's of men, they're definitely out there!  One of my first jobs ever, was at a high end clothing store.  There were women that shopped there (and one who even worked there) that had husbands who bought them expensive jewelry, as well as expensive anything else that they wanted.  I also worked at a jewelry store while living in Las Vegas and it was pretty much the same deal.  

On a smaller scale, when my husband and I were engaged, he'd buy me a few pieces here and there.  Now, he suprises me with flowers... but I like flowers. :)

Hair:My hairzing arrived today.  I like it okay, but it doesn't seem as large as I thought it would be.  It's comfortable though.  I just don't see how super long hair would be able to fit comfortably in it.  Perhaps it needs to stretch out some.

Other: Didn't go to the Aquarium today because of the rain we're having and because my husband had conference calls all morning.  

So, today just turned out to be another lazy day.  It's still raining out and my husband and I are lounging on the couch...he is asleep.  Kali is sleeping on her window bed and Kat is on the floor...also asleep.  I'm now just waiting on the delivery guy (who will hopefully be here any minute) to drop off my little outdoor fountain that I ordered.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Aug 7th, 2008 at 3:30pm

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by livingandlovingx3 on Aug 8th, 2008 at 1:42pm

wrote on Aug 7th, 2008 at 3:29pm:
;D  Lot's of men, they're definitely out there!

That they are! I used to sale jewelery also, and one guy came in and bought his wife two big diamond rings, now mind you she had one for every finger! I was told the best thing you could say to them, was why can't my husband be like you, or can you teach my husband a thing or two? LOL, not that my hubby needs it. He tells me to buy whatever I want, although sometimes I wish I didn't feel like he was trying to buy my love!
Awww, you kitty is so cute!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Aug 8th, 2008 at 4:32pm
;D  You guys are too funny. Of course men buy jewelry for their wives. It's just one more way to show posession, flaunt wealth or bribe into forgiveness.  ::)
   What I was really asking was what sort of man buys a woman jewelry just to make her feel better? Certainly, he'd have to be very wealthy, quite unimaginitive and not terribly clever...

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Aug 8th, 2008 at 9:39pm
My husband is that sort of man...when he's able.  When he purchased jewelry for me, his intention was never to bribe me or anything negative.  He'd buy me jewelry to make me happy and of course, we're about as far from wealthy as you can get. To me, jewelry doesn't have to be super expensive to be nice and appreciated.  Also, giving it (in my opinion) is a loving gesture and not something that's only done with negative motives behind it. :)

Last night we had a late night dinner and drinks at The Olive Garden.  We talked about getting dressed up and going out to a nicer place, but I just wasn't up for it.  As soon as my husband mentioned The Olive Garden, I was up and ready to go.  No muss no fuss. :D

When we got home we watched The Departed.  I hadn't seen it since it was at the theater and I didn't like it as much this time.  It's a really good movie, but I just want to know what the heck was in the envelope that Leonardo DiCaprio gave to his analyst. ;D

Today, we did lots of errand running and grocery shopping.  We're watching the Olympic opening ceremony and my husband is way into it.  Some parts are very nice, but overall, it just reminds me of a very elaborate Las Vegas show. :P

Yard Stuff: My outdoor solar fountain came and it's set up.  Only thing is that it doesn't work if the panel is in the shade or of course at night.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Aug 9th, 2008 at 8:27pm
Well, we finally made it to the Georgia Aquarium but we didn't go in.  The line was so long.  We decided that it was too hot to stand waiting in the hot sun and just went out for an early dinner instead.  We went to a steak house with outdoor seating.  It was a really good location for people watching and I had a really good steak salad. :D  

I also wore my new black and purple floral dress and am so in love with it right now.  My husband really liked it too.

I steam curled my hair and it came out nicely, it's really been behaving well lately.  

Maybe we'll actually get to see the aquarium if we go on a weekday.  There should be less of a line then.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Aug 10th, 2008 at 7:13pm
I got curious and checked out the Georgia Aquarium website ( http://www.georgiaaquarium.org )  8-)

It looks like a very neat place to visit and lots of neat things to see :)

If we ever make it to Georgia I will make it a point to go to that aquarium and also the Atlanta Motor Speedway 8-)


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Aug 11th, 2008 at 12:49am
Yeah, the aquarium does seem pretty cool! :D  I can't wait to see it!

Today I went to Home Depot and got more fly traps and I got hedge trimmers with long handles.  Now, I can trim the weeds behind my fence and prune my morning glories with almost no effort.

Fitness: I'm still avoiding the scale, but I know that I've lost weight.  I look much thinner than I did and my clothes fit looser.

Hair: It seems to be growing much faster than ususal as I only did my relaxer less than a month ago and I already have very noticeable new growth.  I'm so happy about that! :D
When I first started my hair journey, I only wished for waist length hair but now I think that I won't stop growing until tailbone.

Other: Now, my husband has the Olympics playing nonstop on tv and it's driving me nuts.  So, aside from spending time out in the yard and insisting that we watch Mad Men, as show that I like, I've been listening to my "hippie music". ::)  The other day he even said that I ate hippie food, I don't know what makes me so much of a hippie to him...I do bathe. :-?  

Anyway, I have been playing my new favorite song nonstop.  It's a song about impermanence by Deepak Chopra and Lisa Bonet, called Nothing Lasts Forever.  


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Aug 11th, 2008 at 9:37pm
Today, we went to Lowes and I got more paint and a pot of flowers for outdoors.  On the way, I'd gotten coffee from Starbucks, which I shouldn't be drinking because of the caffine. Anyway, I just had to have one, so of course, I ended up having an anxiety attack, while in Lowes. :P  It wasn't fun, but I got through it.

My husband will be going on a business trip for a few days so I'll be doing my painting then.  It should keep me super busy. 

I also have one more item to add to my "future garage sale" list.  We decided that it's silly to have a den since we both have laptops now, so we're getting rid of the desk that we bought last year.  There's nothing on it but a printer.  Anyway, we're going to turn the den into a lounge sort of room. I'm really excited about it!  It's a loft and the first thing you see when you go upstairs.  I'm thinking that we should be able to do something funky with it.  I'll start painting it this week.

I got supermarket flowers as well to put on my patio table.  They're dyed dasies, I think they're so pretty!

Another pic of my Kali!  She's displaying her new "Prince inspired" look! ;D  Actually, aside from making me laugh, I really don't know what she was doing, but she stayed like this for about 5 minutes.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Aug 12th, 2008 at 1:24am
Hair: Well, I just washed and re measured but my hair, however isn't longer as I thought it was. :-?  It's still holding steady at 27", oh well.  Currently, I'm letting it airdry in two swirled buns.

Product Usage:After decades of using Jergens cherry almond scented lotion, I've switched to a different brand.  Now, I'm using Aveeno lotion with an SPF of 15.  I don't like the scent as much as I like the Jergens, but it rubs in easily, makes my skin just as soft and the SPF is good for me.

I've also been using a new facial lotion from Garnier Nutrioniste. It has an SPF of 28 and so far so good.  It hasn't caused any problelms for my sensitive skin, but just in case, I have my trusty prescription acne meds on standby.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Aug 12th, 2008 at 9:47am
I've said it once and I'll say it again:  Cats are better than television.   ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Aug 12th, 2008 at 11:16pm
Aren't they?  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Aug 14th, 2008 at 12:39am
Painting:I woke up feeling recharged and completed all of my painting projects...well, minus a few touch ups that I'll need to make tomorrow. :D  My den ::) or whatever, looks so nice now that it's painted.  Now, I'm looking for furnishings.

Ugh...I've been looking at it less like eating and more like refueling.  Eating healthy can be such a drag and so much of a chore at times, especially when I have so many other things to do than think about food.  My husband will be back on Friday and I want the house to be perfect for him.

Hair:Used my Ojon Restoratives today as I need to do basically after every wash.  Otherwise, my hair just doesn't cooperate and remains really dry no matter what.  After taking a bit of me time of relaxing in a bath, surrounded by lit candles and playing soft music, I did some steam curls and a fresh face of makeup...so what that it's almost bedtime. ::) :P

Tonight, I also won some new rollers for my steam setter off of eBay.  I currently only have enough rollers to do one half of my head at a time.  Anyway, I didn't realize until I won and paid, that I bought the wrong size. :o  I sent them an email explaining my sitch and requested a refund minus their ebay fees.  I wonder what they'll do. :-?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Aug 14th, 2008 at 9:48pm
Last night, I decided to save my sleeping meds and try to doze off naturally, but it didn't happen. :P  I was up until 11:00a.m. and that's when I finally gave in and took a pill which put me fast asleep.  I woke up at 4p.m. and it seemed as though I'd only been asleep for 10minutes, but I stayed up anyway.

Painting:Finally Done!!!  Although, when I removed the tape, I realized that I must have rushed putting it up there because paint leaked through in lots of spots.  At first, I began to meticulously remove the spots with a cloth and nail polish remover but then I decided, the heck with it.  I'll get some white paint (if we don't already have some around) and just fix the trim that way.

I'll also have to finish the trim in my dining room some other time too.  I decided that it might be a good idea to paint over the hideous color that is now there, with the spray paint that we used to paint the trim on the fish tank.  Well, it wasn't a good idea.  Even with a mask on the fumes were unbearable and the color didn't look good either so I stopped.  So now, a portion of our wall looks like someone illiterate tried to write their name in graffiti.  My husband is gonna love that! ::)

Yard Stuff:Not only do my morning glories bloom every morning (and the vines just about cover most of my swingset now :D), but now the other flowers that I planted by the bird feeder are also in bloom.  I can't wait to plant more flowers in the spring! :D

eBay Shopping: The roller lady seemed reluctant (or lazy) about giving me a refund.  Then after a bit of going back and forth, she mentioned that she could just send out the rollers in the size that I need. :-?  She didn't have medium rollers listed for sale so I assumed that she didn't have any, and for whatever reason, it took her several emails before she even mentioned it.  So all's well that ends well.  Unless I don't get my rollers. >:( ;D

I also got a new brown ruffle leather jacket and a new sweater coat both from Victoria's Secret, via eBay.  I'm glad that I got the jacket, but at the same time, I'm dissapointed.  I'd decided not to buy it last year from another retailers end of season sale and it was going for only 50.00 at the time.  However, I passed over it, only to now end up paying more than double for the same jacket.  Well, at least I have it now and can cross "brown leather jacket" off of my fall wish list.

Bellydancing: I got an email today from my former bellydance instructor.  She'll be holding auditions for a new bellydance troupe in the winter and she thinks that I should audition.  She feels that I could dance professionally and said that I should really think about it.  I think it's a cool idea and was shocked that she has so much faith in my ability, especially because she's an amazing dancer , but I don't know.  I've been dancing solo for so long that it's sort of distracting for me to learn in a class setting.  I explained my issue to her and requested any possible feedback that she could give me.  It would be nice if I could make it work out though.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Aug 15th, 2008 at 12:44am
That's super cool about the audition, LD!  It would be good for experience if nothing else.  I also had difficulty dancing with a troupe.  Most of the other dancers I was dancing with had no performance training and were, IMO, sloppy which drove me nuts.  However, being in the troupe got me a couple of solo gigs (read: money) and that was great.

I'm sure you'll be great, let us know if you decide to audition!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Aug 16th, 2008 at 12:44am
Thanks, Sakina.  I would love to dance professionally just for the experience...and I think that it would be a good confidence builder.  

Last night, after all of my hard work, I decided to relax with a glass of wine.  I was drinking water at the same time.  I took a sip of water and put the bottle down, but the bottle fell over, hit my glass, that was totally full of wine, and it spilled everywhere.  So much for relaxing. ::)  Although, I believe that it was my fault because I put it out there so many times.  The whole week as I painted, I kept thinking, "don't spill the paint".  I was thinking it over and over.  I didn't spill paint, but a glass of red wine all over my beige carpet.  I believe that because of my thinking that I was bound to spill something.  It came up good though but it took a lot to get it all up.

Yard Stuff:
My hedges finally arrived early this morning and I was to tired to plant them right away.  When I awoke, I decided to get them in the ground immediately.  I was completely shocked however, when I opened the package to see that all of the hedges were completely bare except for a few tiny sprouts.  If they weren't free (the seller refunded my money because they took so long getting to me) I would've been really upset.  

So, I covered up as best as I could, put on sunblock and a hat to protect me from the hot blaring sun.  I also kept taking breaks to go in and drink water.  Although, when I was finished, I was litterally dripping with sweat, my hair and clothes were soaked, I was tanned despite my best efforts and I had the worst headache.
I took a cool bath and drank more water hoping that my headache would go away but nothing worked. :'(

My husband came home shortly after and thankfully he was exhausted from travel because my head hurt way too much to go anywhere.  He was very impressed with all of the work that I did around the house in his absence.  Then, when he went upstairs I heard him scream WOW!!!  Worried, I asked him what happened.  He said that he LOVED the paint job that I did in the den!  I was so happy that he liked it. :D

He gave me a cool cloth for my head, and we spent the day watching taped Oprah's that I didn't get a chance to watch over the last few days and ate Chinese food.  I fell asleep on the couch and he and my cat's slept on the floor.

Now, I feel better and tomorrow I can't wait to run errands to pick up things for my next project.  I want to build and put up shelves in my laundry room to turn it into a mud room as well.  ...And I want to eat more food.  I know it's bad, I know.  However, over the last week, I was basically trying to starve myself.  Not completely of course, but I only ate the bare minimum to maintain in an attempt to lose weight.  Today, I got on the scale and suprisingly with all of my activity and lack of food, I didn't lose an ounce.  I'm not totally giving up, but tomorrow I'm definitely eating nachos. :P

Hair:After my bath, I did my hair in a half up half down, spiral steam curled do, and I put in a cute jeweled butterfly clip.  The clip matched a new blue nightgown that I'd put on.  So, I looked good, eventhough I didn't feel good. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Aug 16th, 2008 at 4:34pm
When you'r sweating a lot, plain water will not completely rehydrate you.  Keep some sports drink or smart water on hand.  You need the electrolytes and it should keep you from getting a headache.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Aug 17th, 2008 at 1:06am
Oh, I didn't know that, but quite unusually, I didn't have any Gatorade anyway.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Aug 19th, 2008 at 1:16am
Ugh...I haven't been feeling well for the last few days.   All of the spicy Chinese food, nachos with jalapenos, speghetti and the loads of hot sauce that I put on my food in general, has kicked my acid reflux into overdrive.  I've been taking my medication regularly, but I guess I just need to lay off of spicy foods for awhile. :'(  Aside from the short nightly walks that my husband and I have been taking as of late, I've just been laying down.  The acid reflux makes me feel short of breath so I'm trying to take it easy.

Hair:My husband has been giving me loads of hair compliments lately.  He keeps saying how good it looks, that it's gotten so long and that it looks healthy too. I've also noticed that his hands keep wondering up to touch it.  I like the compliments, but him touching my hair always makes me uncomfortable.  My hair isn't the same texture as his, so no matter how soft my hair gets (unless I blow it out or add other heat) it's never really soft compared to his, so I feel weird when he touches it.  Although, it isn't just him.  Most of the guys that I've dated in the past had hair similar to his, and I'd feel selfconscious when they touched it as well. :-/  I dated a guy in highschool who touched my hair and then dissapointedly said, " I thought you had hair like mine". :-[  I'm sure that's given me a complex.

I added some Hugo Naturals massage oil to my daily moisturizer and then plaited it for bed.  

Other:We had a little rain and lightening last night, not a lot, but enough to make the power go out. Without the A/C, it had gotten really hot.  As my husband put an ice pack on my back and fanned me with a pillow to cool me off.  It took our thoughts back to our first apartment together that didn't have A/C at all.  My husband, his son (who was just a baby at the time) and I would all be sleeping in the same bed and my husband would fan us and spritz us with cold water to keep us cool.  Eventhough we only went without the A/C for one night, it's nice to know that my husband is still caring enough to fan me as I sleep to keep me comfortable.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Aug 19th, 2008 at 1:52am
I'm sorry you're not feeling well, LD.  I hope it passes quickly.

Its no fun in summer w/o AC.  Our power seems to go out kinda often with all the construction around here.  That's very sweet of hubby!

Sorry you have a complex about your hair, isn't it good to be different?  Your hair texture is just a part of you like your eye color.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by livingandlovingx3 on Aug 19th, 2008 at 11:32am
Ugh, I hate when I get reflux! Hope you feel better soon LD.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Aug 20th, 2008 at 3:05pm
Thanks, Sakina and livingandlovingx3! :)

Sakina: I've decided to stop freaking about my hair texture.  Obviously, my husband likes it otherwise, he wouldn't be touching it and playing with it so much.  If we're both fine with it then, thats what matters.  Although, even if he weren't, I refuse to start getting regular blowouts from the salon to make it super straight and smooth like I used to...ain't gonna happen. 8-)

I'm still not feeling 100%.  I called my doctor and spoke to his pa.  She said that eventhough I take my meds, I still can't over do spicy foods or I'll get symptoms anyway.  It's pretty odd though because only a month ago we switched from the name brand to the gereric version and I believe that, that was when I began experiencing problems, which have now just gotten worse.  She stated that sometimes name brands absorb into the body better than generics.  So...I'm going to watch my diet better.  However, if my acid reflux still acts up, then I'll go back to the name brand prescription.

House Stuff:My husband just left for one of his centers today, so I was really looking forward to starting my mud room project.  We got the wood from Home Depot, but the guy cut it too short so now my project is on hold.  When he measured it, I thought it was off by an inch.  When I called him on it, he said that it was measured correctly.  Then, he pulled out his tape again and remeasured, only this time I didn't look but he nodded as if to confirm that his measurement was right.  Well, when we got home, we realized that the wood was too short, took our own measurement and saw that it was indeed off by an inch.  I suggested that we take the wood back and explain that it was cut too short.  However, my husband doesn't think that, that will fly because it would then be our word against his, since there was no written documentation of the instructions.  The wood was only 10.00, but I was happy about being able to create something nice myself at a low cost, as opposed to spending more money if I purchased the same sort of item already made.  Although, I guess 30.00 (including extra wood and the hardware) is still relatively cheap for shelving. :P

Yard Stuff:My bare hedges seem to be coming along...well some of them.  The seller contacted me a few days ago and told me that she had to strip all of the leaves off prior to shipping because of the weather.  I'm still a bit new to all of this so, that explanation makes absolutely no sense to me at all, but at least some of the sprouts are larger now.

I woke up early this morning (if you can call 8a.m. early ::)) and it was nice to see the morning glories on my swing in full bloom as well as my other flowers.  There was also a squirrel eating from my bird feeder. :)  I'm still contemplating as to wether I should get a squirrel feeder.  At some point I'm planning to plant bulbs.  I can recall some sort of critter digging up my bulbs and eating them, the last time I made an attempt to plant them.  I don't know if it was a squirrel but if it was, probably the last thing that I want to do is attract more by feeding them.  Or...maybe if I got them a feeder, they'll leave my bulbs alone. :-?

Last night, as my husband and I swung, he commented about how the yard looks so much better this year since I began my planting.  I told him that I agreed but it is still a work in progress.  I can't wait to see how different it will look next year with tall thick hedges and more flowers.

Other: We decided to start taking advantage of the restaurants and businesses in our local plaza instead of always driving 40 minutes to and fro to the city.  There are small restaurants within 10 minutes walking distance of us.  We get takeout sometimes, but we never eat at them.  Well, last night we had dinner at the sushi restaurant.  They had a more diverse menu than I was aware of and what I ordered was pretty good.  They didn't have much of a dessert menu though. We ended up buying the most beautiful cake from the grocery store next door.  It was a white cake with raspberry spread between each of the 3 layers.  It had a cream cheese icing that was done up in a lacy sort of design, very pretty. Even with the cake, our dinner turned out to be much cheaper than if we ate in the city.

Hair:I'm thinking about doing cassia today and most likely will.  The last time I did it was a long time ago and I remember not liking the results immediately.  Now, that I use different products than I did then, I'm hoping to like it better.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Aug 20th, 2008 at 10:53pm
my hair still rinses soft. :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Aug 21st, 2008 at 12:25pm
Generic drugs do not have to have the same dose amount as Name brand drugs, even if they say the same dose on the package!  Its unbelievable, but true!  The amounts can vary greatly.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Aug 22nd, 2008 at 12:21am
Wow, that's sneaky!  I wonder why they push the generics then? :-?

I've been laying off the spices and feel much better today. :)

Hair:When I woke up my hair felt like hay.  There were also dry bits of cassia in my hair.  I had to wash again.  This time I washed in the tub, laid back and let my hair soak for awhile.  I had so much cassia in my hair that the water turned green.  I hope I got it all out this time.  Right now, it's still drying in two pigtails.

Yard Stuff:
I've been here over a year and the luster of having my own yard still has not worn off.  As I sat outside today, I saw lots of butterflies, humming birds, a frog, a squirrel and of course the usual gecko's and my spider friends.  

There are two daddy long legs spiders that are always sitting right above where I swing.  So when I go to swing, I put my finger next to it so that it will scurry away somewhere, not above my head.  Anyway, today when I did that, it just moved to another spot still above me.  Finally, I picked it up and set it over by the house.  Later on I was inside, sitting by the window while on the phone talking to my sister. Then, I saw something on the otherside of the window move. :-?  When I got closer to see what it was, I realized that it was my spider. :D  I chuckled because he looked like he was waving to me.  I explained this all to my sister and she said, "you play with spiders?".  She thinks I'm crazy. :P  Although, it is sort of weird talking to my family about their "real life" issues, and I'm talking about humming birds and butterflies. ::)

Other: I'm kinda bummed. :P  Someone sniped an auction right out from under me and won a really pretty vintage slip that I wanted.  I did get my sweater coat in the mail today and it looks great, and it's one more thing that I can cross off of my list.  Although, it seems as though just as soon as I cross one thing off, I'm adding something else.  I was browsing online and came across the cutest cowboy boots.  I'm not even into western fashion but I love the boots so I added them to my fall shopping list too. :P  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by livingandlovingx3 on Aug 22nd, 2008 at 12:33am

wrote on Aug 22nd, 2008 at 12:21am:
I've been laying off the spices and feel much better today. :)

Yard Stuff:[/b]I've been here over a year and the luster of having my own yard still has not worn off.  As I sat outside today, I saw lots of butterflies, humming birds, a frog, a squirrel and of course the usual gecko's and my spider friends.  

 I was browsing online and came across the cutest cowboy boots.  I'm not even into western fashion but I love the boots so I added them to my fall shopping list too. :P  

I am glad you are starting to feel better, hopefully you are back to 100% soon!
I love designing my own landscaping, and have done both houses we have lived in so far. I always get alot of comments. The only thing is I am really picky about my yard, I don't let hubby anywhere near it! I have humming birds, squirrels, spiders (eek!), praying mantises (Ahh, they are so freaky looking to me!), but no frogs or geckos! I did find a lizard once, but he had little horns all over him!
I found some boots that I have wanted for a while too!
These come in all kinds of colors, adn I think they are so cute! They even make ones for little girls that are adorable!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Aug 22nd, 2008 at 1:16am
Thanks, livingandlovingx3 :)

I have praying mantises too and fortunately, I've gotten used to them.  I had one in my apartment once.  It scared the living daylights out of me.  Trying to kill it with a broom, I kept missing it and breaking things, completely trashing my apartment.  I ended up staying up all night because I couldn't find it and was too afraid to fall asleep with it in my place.  And to make things worse, I had a job interview the following morning. :P  I also had a similar situation with a bat in the same apartment...and a mouse :o yuck!

Cowboy boots are pretty cool huh?  I wasn't even aware that they came in such a wide variety of patterns and colors.

These are the ones that I'm going to get.

These aren't cowboy boots but these are on my list too...I love boots!  

I even had a dark denim pair of stiletto boots with silver glitter sparkles on them.  They were really cute but the fabric was so stiff that I sold them on eBay after only wearing them once.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by livingandlovingx3 on Aug 22nd, 2008 at 11:33am
I was watering my lawn once and a praying matis was by the sprinkler and it flew at me and hissed! :o This was a HUGE one to. I jsut think they are really creepy looking. Specially when they turn thier heads and move thier arms, or whatever they are called. Gives me the heeby jeebies! ;D

Those boots are really cute! I love heels, but due to my problem with my knees, or lack there of, I can't wear heels. :(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Aug 22nd, 2008 at 4:15pm
Ok, I'll admit it. Those black boots are pretty darn cute.

But having had a country upbringing, I'm pretty over cowboy boots.  ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Aug 22nd, 2008 at 9:48pm
livingandlovingx3: I'm also at a point where I can no longer wear heels like I used to.  I used to wear them everyday but now I only wear them every once in awhile.

Angel: You're over them and I'm only just discovering them! ;D  My husband says that when he goes to Texas on his business trips that the men there are always wearing them, even with suits!

Hair:Feeling much better today although, I think that it'll be even better with one more wash, but I'll wait a few days before I do that.

Yard Stuff: Since I 've been having a squirrel show up in my yard very regularly lately, I went ahead and got it, it's own feeder and some food.  Now, he can leave the bird feeder alone and the birds can eat in peace...at least when my cats are inside.

Other:I'm back to not feeling so good again.  Last night, I downloaded some songs off of iTunes had a glass of wine and sang along to my music.  I'm sure that thats why I'm having difficulty again today. ::)  I took my generic pills back to the pharmacy and they exchanged them for the name brand.  There was a 30.00 difference in price so hopefully, they'll work.

In the meantime, I'm also back to eating spicy.  I had my beloved nacho's today however, I only ate 2 or 3 jalapenos, but I also just sent my husband up the street to get me some spring rolls with spicy mustard.  Ugh, I just can't help it.  Spicy food is my crack. :'(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Aug 23rd, 2008 at 10:44am

Spicy food is my crack.


Angel: You're over them and I'm only just discovering them!  ;D

Aye. It's a difference in cultures is all. City girls like cowboy boots and wear them because they're trendy and "different." Meanwhile, the country gals are all wearing Steve Madden because they're over the cowboy boots.  ;D  Even the true cowgirls only seem to wear them on rare occasion.

My husband says that when he goes to Texas on his business trips that the men there are always wearing them, even with suits!

Quite true. They even make western styled corporate attire, which I think is pretty sharp partly because it's different.
   My boss is from Odessa, TX and wears collared shirts with jeans & boots to work every day.  ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by livingandlovingx3 on Aug 23rd, 2008 at 1:52pm
Where I am, everyone pretty much has a pair of the Ariat FatBabys, or some form of cowboy boot. I married into a cowboy family! My FIL was a brand inspector, and my SIL has a feedlot and all her boys are in 4H, my BIL works on a feedlot as well. Alas my husband used to be into all that, but he and I are outsiders to all that now. I just like those boots cause they have a rubber flat sole, and they are colorful!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Aug 24th, 2008 at 4:39pm

wrote on Aug 11th, 2008 at 9:37pm:
Another pic of my Kali!  She's displaying her new "Prince inspired" look! ;D  Actually, aside from making me laugh, I really don't know what she was doing, but she stayed like this for about 5 minutes.

Sometimes my wife's cats can make me laugh so hard I almost cry :P

They can be comedians without even trying or knowing about it ;)


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Aug 25th, 2008 at 5:43pm

They can be comedians without even trying or knowing about it

I think the fact that they don't know it is part of what makes them so funny! :D

Hair:I washed again today and am letting it air dry.  I'd been using way too much oil as of late and was reminded why it isn't a good thing for me.  A bit of Ojon restoratives after a wash is good but any oil other than that is too much.  Too much oil blocks out moisture and it just didn't feel good.  I had to wash again to get it all out.

I'm going to go even more low maintenance with my hair than I already am, by keeping it up in ponytails daily.  I want to give it somewhat of a rest.

Health:Once I got back on my old brand name meds I've been 100% better, even in spite of my spicy food binge! :D

Yard Stuff: Got a Buddha for my yard.  I put him in between my hedges which are growing like crazy.  I'm thinking that next year I'll have the thick green fence that I've been after.  I also planted 3 rose bushes.  2 appear to be doing okay, however one does not.  It seems a bit wilted.  They require full sun and it has been cloudy and rainy for the past few days.  I'm wondering if that is the reason that they are wilting or if it's because I planted them in a bad spot. :-?  I figure, if in the long run it isn't enough light for the roses then I can always plant hydrangeas.

Other:Along with searching for Halloween decorations here and there, I began looking at Christmas decorations too.  Last year, we weren't able to decorate the way that I wanted too having just moved here.  However, this year I plan on decorating.  Last night I realized that I haven't had a Christmas tree since I was 17. :o  As an adult, I'd just decorate a Ficus that I used to have ( if I even decorated at all :P) instead of getting an actual Christmas tree.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Aug 25th, 2008 at 9:03pm
We have not had an actual Christmas tree in a long time because our apartments have been on the small side and we found out the hard way that the cats can not keep away from them ::)


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Aug 25th, 2008 at 11:38pm

we found out the hard way that the cats can not keep away from them  

Yeah, that's why I'm not getting any expensive decorations. ;D

Other: Today, I endangered the life of a squirrel. :'(   Stupidly, I put a sticky fly trap next to the squirrel feeder because it was attracting flies and ants and I didn't want them feasting off of the food that I got for the squirrel.  Well, the squirrel got stuck in the tape, tried to remove it and ended up winding it around it's neck.  I don't know how tight the tape is or if the squirrel will be able to get it off.  I hope he's okay. :-[

Then later, my husband was recounting the events of his horrible day to me (It's his son's birthday. He spent the day with him and was upset with himself for not having patience...) and when he finished, it didn't even occur to me to be sympathetic.  Instead I replied " I feel so bad about that squirrel" to which my husband replied, "thanks". :-/

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Aug 26th, 2008 at 9:21pm
Hair: Been in a ponytail all day.  Haven't done anything with it but it looks fine.

Other:Didn't see my squirrel today. :'(  Besides sitting out and watching it rain most of the day, today has been pretty uneventful.  I'm fine with that though. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Aug 27th, 2008 at 9:54pm
Hair: Still in ponytail.  Although, I did moisturize but the my hair doesn't seem to be feeling right.  I think my hair doesn't like cassia.

Yard Stuff:Moved the one rose bush to a sunnier part of the yard.  Hopefully, it'll pop up and stop drooping now.  I'm also convinced that my squirrel is gone.  I haven't seen him since Monday. :'(

Other: I ordered my boots today! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Aug 29th, 2008 at 10:11pm
Hair: Wore it in a half up half down do, a top bun, with the rest loose.  It felt much better today.  I got some Aubrey Organics conditioning spray and aside from the strong scent (which does dissipate after awhile), I like it.

Other:Yesterday, we went out to dinner and saw Tropic Thunder.  There were a few funny parts but I didn't enjoy it as much as my husband did.  We agreed that it was a guys movie.

Today, we finally went to the Georgia Aquarium. Fridays after 7 they have a jazz band so we listened to music, saw lot's of different sea animals ate dinner there as well.  The Aquarium wasn't as large as I thought it would be, but it was still nice.

My black boots arrived in the mail today and I don't like them.  The shaft is way too large and the silver is entirely too shiny looking.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Aug 30th, 2008 at 8:37pm

My black boots arrived in the mail today and I don't like them.  The shaft is way too large and the silver is entirely too shiny looking.

Aww, craaap. Don't you hate when that happens?  :P

How awesome that your local aquarium has restaurants and bands and things around. It sounds like it would be fun to just go and make a day of it.  :)  Our local aquariums are just that - aquariums. But enormous.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Aug 30th, 2008 at 9:59pm

Aww, craaap. Don't you hate when that happens?

I really do, but I didn't actually need the boots anyway so oh well.

How awesome that your local aquarium has restaurants and bands and things around. It sounds like it would be fun to just go and make a day of it.    Our local aquariums are just that - aquariums. But enormous.

It was cool, but they boast being the largest in the world or something, so it not seeming so big to me was a bit of a let down.

Oh, and I went to Sonic today.  They didn't have the key lime shake that I wanted so I ended up getting it from the Brusters ice cream shop across the street. ::)

Hair: I've decided that my new Aubrey Organics White Camellia and Jasmine Shine Conditioner Spray will be replacing the Vitapro Fusion Leave In I was using. I like it so much better.  It moisturizes and it has oils giving my hair a nice feel.

Fitness:Finally started the gym today. :D  I worked EVERYTHING and feel so good.  We stayed and worked out for a little over 2 hours.  I had a Red Bull prior to working out and I haven't crashed yet.  I still feel as though I could run around the block. ;D

Other:My husband has to go out of town for the holiday. :(   I told him that I'd go with him so, we're going to try and make a fun trip out of it.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Aug 30th, 2008 at 11:02pm
Do you have wings now ::)

You know, 'Red Bull gives you wings' :P

I tried a red bull once and I was not impressed :-/


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 3rd, 2008 at 10:37pm
 No wings but LOTS of energy.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Sep 4th, 2008 at 3:45pm
I'm glad you enjoyed St.Louis.  I used to live in St. Charles, which is across the river.  The Arch is interesting!  When I was about 9 or 10 I met President Regan there, we sang for him when he visited.  I was in the Young Singers of Missouri.  He was quite tall.
I love all the frontier stuff.  We had a Missouri history class in middle school which makes me appreciate it all the more.  What a tough era to live in!

Sorry your hair didn't behave like you wanted.  I think it is interesting the trim seemed to improve your ends.  Sometimes when we travel I think the water does a number on our hair.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 4th, 2008 at 7:06pm
I didn't realize that I liked frontier items until the other day. :D  I like the simplicity of them and seeing the displays and interior set ups gave me a warm feeling reminding me of the idyllic Little House On The Prarie.  When my best friend and I would cut class in High School, we'd go to my house and watch that show. ;D

Meeting Ronald Regan must have been something! :)  I really liked him when I was a kid.

The trim just made my hair appear more neat.  A fresh trim always makes my hair look better.  I'm just trying not to trim too often because I'm letting it grow. Although now, I think I may be back at 26 inches. :'(

Yard Stuff:
I've been out here almost all day...well, no, it's been all day.  I've been weeding, watering, swinging, playing music, dancing, singing, watching, admiring, being grateful, pruning, saving the life of a frog my cat is trying to kill play with...  I also keep thinking about how far my yard has come since last year.  It now has flowers, hedges, a fountain, several feeders, a swing and furniture.  I so love it out here! :)  I've also been making mental plans for next year.  The song Pleasant Valley Sunday has been playing in my head all day long.

Holiday Stuff: Got my cat eye's poster at a great price!  Thanks for the inspiration, Sakina!  My projector is on it's way as well as some ghosts for the yard.  Next, I'll be getting a fogger.  The yard is fenced in so I'm hoping that, that will contain the fog.  

I even ordered some masks that I'm going to paint and hang on my fireplace mantle.  I'll also be getting some silk long stem black roses and pots that I want to make displays out of.

I changed my mind on the candelabra's that I was going to get.  I've decided to go with the more expensive heavier ones.  I figure since I'm going to keep them out all year, I might as well go with something extra nice.  I just won't be able to get them right away.

Fitness:Right now I'm off to get dressed and go to the gym. :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by AmandaC on Sep 5th, 2008 at 2:51am
Are you doing all that stuff for Halloween? Your house must be cool around that time, I wish I could see it!  :D
Although when I was little I would never go near the houses covered with like fog/witches and stuff. Too scared XD

And at least your hair look nicer for that trim!! I probably need a trim too, and if I give in to the impulse we'll both be at 26"(or 27"...). ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 5th, 2008 at 3:51am
Yeah, I don't usually go all out, but since I have a house now and trick or treaters, I want to have more decorations.  

If you're into Halloween decorating, check out the link in Sakina's journal.  Her decorations are awesome! :D

I guess 26" isn't too bad, I just don't want to remain here for longer than I have too.  I have to not give into my impulses. ;D

Other:Watched Sweeney Todd tonight.  It wasn't the slasher movie that I thought it would be.  It was dark as Tim Burton movies are but the killings and storyline were a bit predictable lacking the suprise and suspense of a scary movie.  I did enjoy it though.

Fitness: Worked my a$$ off.  I could've stayed much longer, I'm really obsessed.  Pretty sure that I'm driven by fear of not succeeding, but I was driving my husband crazy.  He's supposed to be acting as my trainer but when he says thats enough I'm like no, I'll do 5 or 10 more reps. ::)  He basically had to drag me out of the gym. ;D  

Right now, I'm listening to a few songs that I just downloaded from iTunes, having a glass of wine and waiting for my sleeping pill to kick in.  Good night all! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 5th, 2008 at 3:26pm
Hair: Did a protein treatment today.  My hair was feeling a bit too soft and mushy so I figured that it could use the protein.  It's fine now however, I didn't realize how uneven it was.  Thats what I get for trimming dry hair. :-/  Anyway, to even it up I took off 3/4 of an inch.  Afterwards, when I measured it came in at about 26 and 1/4. :-?  I guess my hair was a bit longer than I thought.  At least it's trimmed now and I won't have to worry about doing another until sometime after the new year.

Got 2 cute sweater dresses from Venus in the mail today.  I'm just concerned about the sizes.  I ordered them both in small.  The one fits fine as I am and the other was suprisingly too big.  I'm going to exchange the one for an XS, but I'm just hoping that my other items that I ordered in a small won't be too large once I get back to my ideal weight.

Fitness:I believe that my metabolism has gotten a bit of a kick because every time I turn around I'm feeling hungry.  I'm sure that I just need the fuel now because of my workouts.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 6th, 2008 at 3:29am
Haven't been feeling well today.  Surprisingly it came on all of a sudden.  Sore throat, sinus discomfort, upset stomach and fatigue.  Needless to say that I didn't work out yesterday.  Although, it didn't stop me from doing a bit of gardening.  Hopefully, whatever it is will pass and I'll feel okay later on.

Went to Target today and they were in the process of removing their outdoor summer items to make way for the Halloween stuff!!! :D

Aside from dressing up in the cliche slutty outfits and going out to clubs, I was never really into Halloween as an adult.  Now, I've been bit by the bug...or perhaps it's rubbed off as a result of certain influences who's name I won't mention (Angel and Sakina ::)) hmmm...  Anyway, I keep finding really cool things so my outdoor and indoor decorations are pretty much all selected and planned out.  Unfortunately, I don't have any friends around here or I would have a small party.  I think a masquerade party would be so much fun!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Sep 6th, 2008 at 12:30pm
I hope you feel better!!!

YAY, Halloween!  Now, that's my magic word.  ;)

A masqurade sounds lovely!!  Look online to see if there's any haunter's in your area.  Then you can make some new friends!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by callisto on Sep 6th, 2008 at 12:36pm
I love halloween!  My friends and I always go all-out and do really silly costumes.  I'm doing a really cool vampire thing this year.

If you're looking for cool masks, there's a website called Mask Italia that has these really amazing Italian masks.  The Lucia collection is my favorite, but there's absolutely no way I could afford one, and I don't want my mom to buy me one since I would probably never use it.  But they're cool  ;D.

Another place that has cool masks is Miscellaneous Oddiments.  The ones there are handmade leather ones.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Sep 6th, 2008 at 9:17pm

or perhaps it's rubbed off as a result of certain influences who's name I won't mention (Angel and Sakina  ::))

Buahahahahaaaa!  ;)

Hope you feel better soon.

Callisto: OMG, those masks are gorgeous!! I'm so glad you posted that!  :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 6th, 2008 at 10:38pm
I have a cold! >:(   Thanks for the well wishes guys and thanks for the links, Sakina!  That was so nice of you to go out of your way like that. :)

I need to check out that site, Callisto! Thanks for posting it.

Today, I went to Michael's and got some craft stuff to have something to do while I'm under the weather.  I also still have pages to finish in my Disney coloring book that I got when I had a cold over the winter. :P

I'm working on one of those barettes like from the 80's with feathers hanging from them.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Lisabelle on Sep 7th, 2008 at 8:45am
I hope your feeling better love. :)  Maing hair toys is fun! 8-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 11th, 2008 at 6:43pm
Thanks, Lisabelle!

Callisto, those masks are sooooo nice!!!  Only thing is that they gave me an idea for an autumn equinox themed garden masqurade party which I'll most likey never have. :(

Other:  My cold is just about over and today is the first day that I'm feeling like myself agian.  I've been cleaning and sitting outside with my cats.  The sun has been hidden all day so the weather is very nice and comfortable.  There have been a few flies lingering but not too many.  We haven't had the traps out for a few weeks now.  Later, I'll clean my closet, which always needs cleaned ::) and mop my bathroom floor.  I hadn't cleaned it since I did my protein treatment so a few spots on the floor are sticky.

Hair:Still enjoying my Aubrey conditioning spray!  Next, I'm going to try their deep conditioning mask.  I'm finding that I'm using my Neutrogena moisture less and less because it isn't as necessary with the spray.  Only thing is, I've been using my Ojon restoratives treatment on a daily basis.  It goes really nicely with the spray.  I'm just a bit concerned because their website says not to use it 5 days before or after a chemcial service.  The ingredients appear to be all natural so if that's the case then why should it matter? :-?  Although, the product does have "fragrance" listed as an ingredient...I'm wondering if that has something to do with it?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 14th, 2008 at 3:33am
Hair:My Ojon Restoratives is just about gone and I don't know if I'll replace it.  The whole warning about not using it within 5 days of a chemical process still frightens me.  Aubrey makes an oil so this weekend I'm going to try that instead.  Hopefully, it will work well seeing that I'm using other products from their line.

Fitness: My cold is definitely on it's last legs so I'm going to try and get to the gym tomorrow or later today.

Halloween: Still getting my decorations together and now my husband is really getting excited for Halloween to come too, only he wants to get dressed up and go out.  I'd like that as well but I don't want to go to a night club.  I'd prefer to find a party hosted by a hotel or something for adults around our age.  So, looking for a place to go will be my job...just as it will be for the other holidays approaching as well...as always. ::)

He said he wanted to go as a Sexy Vampire like he did last year.  Then I threw out the idea of us being Michelle and Barrack Obama.  He really likes that and wants to do it, but it was just something I threw out there, not something that I really want to do.  The costumes would be soooo boring.  Well, at least he'd get to wear a mole and fake ears. :P  My outfit would be totally normal, unless I got a short black, bob wig.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Sep 14th, 2008 at 12:07pm
The casinos around here have a costume party.  I hope I can go this year.  Still soooo much to do!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 15th, 2008 at 8:40pm

The casinos around here have a costume party.  I hope I can go this year.  Still soooo much to do!

That sounds like fun.  I hope you get to go too! :)  There is a house a few doors down from us that is setting up thier Halloween decorations already.  I was thinking it was kind of early.  When do you put yours up?

I've given up my party search and bought some tickets for a Halloween cemetary tour instead.  It's the weekend before Halloween though, for some reason they aren't doing them on the holiday. :-?  Anyway, it should be fun.

Yard Stuff:Today, I was out pruning my hedges and saw two tiny birds in them.  I didn't notice them at first.  I heard chirping and was looking up in the tree to see them, when all the while they were directly in front of me.  They remained there while I pruned and while I went in the house to grab my camera.  I got some cute close up pics of them too.  So, of course I'm all sad thinking that they can't fly and must be starving.  However, as soon as I finally walked away and left them alone, they flew off.  I was so happy to see that they could fly and would be okay! :D

Hair: Grateful everyday for my new Aubrey spray.  I just ordered some more the other day...and their White Camellia Oil and Blue Green Algae Conditioning Mask.  I also ordered some henna and a pair of cute jade buddha hair sticks.  I can't wait until everything arrives.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Sep 15th, 2008 at 8:55pm
This year I'm putting my stuff up October 1st.  Until then I'm creating all of the indoor projects, and then the outdoor building begins.
Be sure to bring a good flashlight-I don't know how many times I've nearly twisted an ankle in an unfamiliar cemetary.  BTW, ghosts don't really hang around the cemetary.  I hope its fun for you!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 15th, 2008 at 9:13pm

I hope its fun for you!

Thanks.  Their website also suggested bringing a flashlight and wearing comfy shoes.  I've never been to a cemetary at night before.  We used to live across the street from one and my mom would ask me to come along when she'd walk our dog there at night but I'd always pass.

BTW, ghosts don't really hang around the cemetary.  

Uh...where do they hang out?  :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Sep 15th, 2008 at 11:25pm
They hang out around the living, of course!!!  Seriously!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 16th, 2008 at 1:31am
Well, it's a good thing that I don't believe in ghosts, or else that bit of information would freak me out! ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Sep 16th, 2008 at 2:09am

BTW, ghosts don't really hang around the cemetary.

Actually, quite a few of them do. Apparently, you've never visited (or even heard of) a haunted cemetery. They do have their regulars.  ::)

And my guess for why they aren't hosting tours during the holiday is because the cemetery is likely closed. Many cemeteries aren't open past sundown because people like to get in there and engage in some pretty disrespectful *ahem* behaviors...  :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Sep 16th, 2008 at 12:08pm
Sorry, I was only referring to the ordinary cemetaries.

No need to freak out, LD!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 17th, 2008 at 5:24pm
Today is a chilly day.  I've been in bed for most of it.  Just one of those days when you just want to keep warm and snug under the covers.  I have on a long gown, socks and a cardigan.  It's the first time I've worn a cardigan indoors since I was a child living with my grandparents...and I must admit that I feel like I'm dressed like an old lady.  But at least I'm warm.

Hair: Washed it very late last night and did several plaits. It was totally dry when I awoke.  

Sakina: I tried to mimick the hairstyle in your avatar with no success.  Perhaps the problem is that I tried doing it in a 1/2 up style using only 1/2 of my hair but I guess that isn't enough hair to do it properly.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Sep 17th, 2008 at 5:42pm
Ooooh, to be cool! We're in the mid 90's still!  Being chilly sounds wonderful today!

I've never tried that style as a 1/2 up.  Maybe next time I'm playing around I'll try it on me!When you do a 1/2 up, do you take all of the hair across the back of your head or just pull back the sides?  I bet taking the hair across the back would be enough.  Hmmm, must try...

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 17th, 2008 at 6:28pm
Ugh...if my husband weren't here I'd turn on the heat. ;D

I used the entire top half of my hair.  My problem is that I'd like for my bun to be as big as yours in your picture.  However, that isn't possible with only 1/2 of my hair.  Perhaps I'll try it later using a sock or something.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 19th, 2008 at 9:02pm
Today, I went to the movies and saw Burn After Reading.  Some parts were funny and it was sort of cool the way the characters were tied together but overall it was a strang movie.  The other people in the crowd (there weren't a lot of us, just 6 others) seemed to feel that way too.

Yesterday, I got caught up with my family.  I spoke to my sister and my mothers best friend since grade school who is like our family.  It was nice speaking to her, we talked for hours.  She just retired from her job this past February.  During our conversation, I told her that I'd gotten a new computer a few months ago.  Then she proceeded to ask me what kind it was, how much ram I had, how big my screen was and how many gb I had. :o  I couldn't help but laugh becuase my dad and my mother couldn't do much more than turn on a computer.  I even had two older bosses who could barely use a computer so I'd always have to help them. ;D  I invited her to come to visit in the spring, I hope she'll be able to make it down here.  She lives in Buffalo and I haven't seen her since I was in high school.

Hair: In a word, big.  I basically have a big afro sort of do going on right now.  It looks okay but I want to do my relaxer soon because I can't do much with it as it is.  I'm waiting on a new steam flat iron that I ordered.  I want to have straight hair for awhile.  My aubrey products arrived in the mail today.  I believe the oil that I bought was 12.00 or something but the vial was so tiny.  I guess I should've checked the size before I ordered it but I never would've thought it could be for less than half an ounce. :P  

Other: I suppose all of the talk about ghosts had gotten into my subconscious.  I had a dream the other night that I was being smothered by a ghost.  In my dream I was struggling, trying to push the ghost off of me.  Well, next thing I knew, I awoke to see my cat flying in the air and landing on the floor on the other side of the room.  Apparently, she was the "ghost" that I was struggling against and I tossed her off of me!  :o ;D  She had a bewildered look on her face like "what the heck?".  Too funny!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Sep 19th, 2008 at 9:39pm
Poor furry ghost kitty!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 19th, 2008 at 9:58pm

Poor furry ghost kitty!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 21st, 2008 at 2:48am
Kid Creole and the Coconuts

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 22nd, 2008 at 1:44am
Just another endless night

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 23rd, 2008 at 6:45pm
horribly uneven

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Sep 23rd, 2008 at 7:06pm

I still feel that anytime prior to October 1st is too early.  :P

Amen, sister!  :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 24th, 2008 at 3:44am
Fitness: Worked out really hard.  I pushed my husband a bit too and now he's knocked out yet I'm still totally awake.  I'm sure it's the Red Bull I drink. :P  Tomorrow is our easy day, just walking.

Hair: Looks so much better now.  I've played around with styles but haven't taken any pics yet.

Other: Speaking of pics...here are my final summer pics of the year. :)

My husband took this pic on the last day of summer.

My girls enjoying their yard and the summer sun.

A fun day at the park.

My little birdie from the other day.

My spider friend that could be always found perched on a leaf above my swing.

Our stop through Metropolis on the way to St. Louis.

Me as Superman. ;D

The St. Louis Arch at night.

The elevator that took us to the top of the arch.

The lobby of the hotel we stayed in while in St. Louis.  Walking along above the lobby freaked me out, it felt so high up.

My long lost squirrel. :'(

A summer night.

And as the summer has come to an end, I can't help but remember my mom who's birthday was on the first day of fall.  Can't you tell this pic was taken in the 80's? ;D Feel free to laugh at my hair, braces and frilly 80's dress...I don't mind. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Sep 24th, 2008 at 6:56am
Wow, those are great pictures 8-)

You always share the best pictures and you and your husband take really neat and creative shots ;)

Once again, thank you very much for sharing those with us :)


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 24th, 2008 at 8:06am
Thanks, Jerry. :)  I'm glad you enjoy my photos!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Sep 24th, 2008 at 9:22am
Aww, great pictures, especially the one of you and your mom.   :)  It's clear from whom you inherited your good looks!  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabeau on Sep 24th, 2008 at 11:29am
I really enjoyed your pictures! 8-)  I too have one of those 80"s pictures! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Sep 24th, 2008 at 11:43am
Awwww, kiiiiiittiiiieeesss! And EEEEEEK, spider! And good shot of you and your mum. She looks like a very down to earth sort of woman. Very real.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 24th, 2008 at 11:09pm

Aww, great pictures, especially the one of you and your mom.     It's clear from whom you inherited your good looks!  

Thanks, Trisha! That's so nice of you to say! :)

I really enjoyed your pictures!   I too have one of those 80"s pictures!

I think we all have those funny 80's pictures! ;D

Awwww, kiiiiiittiiiieeesss! And EEEEEEK, spider! And good shot of you and your mum. She looks like a very down to earth sort of woman. Very real.

;D I'm not fond of all spiders myself, but some are okay. ;)

You are pretty intuititive! :)  My mother was very down to earth and real...sometimes too real. ::)  She was a lot of fun and made my life quite interesting growing up.  She was the type of person who no matter how well you got to know her, you still never knew what she might say or do next.  She was very funny.

Other: No walking today other than walking around Bed Bath and Beyond and the World Market.  I guess that could still be considered cardio. :P  It was such a nice day to be out.  It's been fun wearing my new fall clothing.  Just like when your a kid excited to start school so that you can wear your new school clothes. :)

I got some much needed hangers.  My husband says I pronounce hangers funny.  I say hang-ers and he says han-gers with less emphasis on the g. ::)  Anyway, they also had lots of stuff on clearance so we got a plastic cooking utensil set for only 9.00.  At World Market I got a cute scarf for the fall and a beaded necklace.  We also got some prepackaged Indian food to make for dinner and pumpkin ale.  I'm not a beer drinker (or ale if there's a difference) but we were both curious about the ale which is why we got it.  Neither of us liked it very much although I could taste the difference between it and a Corona for instance but it wasn't as pumpkiny as I thought it would be.  I thought it would be more spicy like a pie.  Perhaps we'll give the remaining bottles to our neighbor.  He's always drinking beer out front, maybe he'll enjoy the ale.

My trip to the World Market was very enjoyable they had so many new things since my last visit.  Lot's of Halloween themed wines in particular.  Most of them had pretty cool labels and names like Vampire, Evil (written backwards and upside down) etc.  We did buy a bottle of pinot while we were in there but stuck to the brand we knew.

Yard Stuff: Today we mowed and pruned the yard a bit to make it tidy.  I also swung a bit in my long warm plush robe as my husband finished up the outdoor chores. Seeing our lawn cut and the grass turning yellow due to the cooler weather is really a tease.  I so can't wait until the 1st to decorate.  Everyday I see more decorated houses around here.  One in particular, I think is very nicely done.  However, I. will. wait... *holding breath*.

My Crazy Cat: My cat's kittysil bed thingy is attatched to the window next to the couch. I was organizing my magazine storage thing which is on the floor next to the couch as well. Anyway, I put a few items like hand cream and lip balm on the kittysil, just to get them out of the way for a second.  Well, my Kali didn't like that I suppose, because she went over to her kittysil, stood up on her hind legs, and with her front paw, began knocking my items off of her sil and onto the floor.  Once she was finished, she climed up on it and layed down.  I had no idea she was so territorial. ;D

Although, when I had a coffee table my other cat did the same thing when I put stuff on it.  She looked at it as some sort of game, nothing could be on the coffee table, no remote, nothing or she'd knock it on the floor.  Even if you put it back on the table when she wasn't around, as soon as it would catch her eye, back onto the floor it would go. :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Sep 25th, 2008 at 12:37am
I like shopping at World Market.  I might have to get some of the wild wines for my party, tho' rum'll be the main drink, me bucko!

Hey, you could do a beer rinse on your hair with that ale...

My Ziggy loves to knock stuff off the coffee table.  I never know what will strike his fancy, so nothing too valuable gets set there.  How funny, you have neat freak kitties!  Ziggy always plays with whatever he knocks down.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 25th, 2008 at 5:54pm
I can't rinse my hair with beer because of my relaxer.  I was talking to a stylist about beer rinses when I was in high school.  She said that they can make your hair fall out when you have a relaxer. :o

How funny, you have neat freak kitties!  Ziggy always plays with whatever he knocks down.

I wish they were neat freaks but that isn't the case.  They really make a mess of my closet if they get in there.  They knock my shoes and boxes off of the shelves and onto the floor. >:(  And they never play with most of the things that they knock over, they just knock the stuff on the floor and walk away. :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 27th, 2008 at 11:41pm
Ugh, sometimes I feel like I live on Springer St.  After being asleep for about an hour, my husband and I awoke to shouting in the street.  I was really unhappy because even with my sleeping pills it's been difficult for me to get to sleep at night lately.  I took my last sleeping pill from my old prescription (the other day my doctor gave me a new one to try) and it finally worked only for me to be wakened by the noise outside. >:(  Anyway, it was our neigbor and his teenage son.  A shouting match turned into physical fighting and 3 police cars and a fire engine parked outside.  During this time as our neigbor was being questioned by the police, we heard more information about his private life than we ever cared to (this was all still very loud and practically under our window) and then the son was hand cuffed and taken off to jail.  Just a mess, and I didn't get back to sleep until after the sun came up. >:(

But one good thing that happened around here is that the gas shortage seems to be coming to an end.  Cars are still lined up pretty far for gas, but at least more and more stations have gas now.  Fortunately, it hasn't affected us really at all.  We had a full tank when the shortage began and the other day when we decided to get gas we got up at 4a.m. to go looking for some.  We were lucky that our station near here had just gotten some and we only had one car in front of us, we only waited for about 5 minutes.  When we drove past later in the day the gas had run out though.

Hair: So, today my flat iron finally arrived and I really like it.  I only tested it on a small part of my hair but it steams and glides quite nicely through my hair.

I also got some styling pomade from Aveda.

Other: I got some paint to start my Halloween projects tomorrow so that they'll be ready to put up next week.  

At the mall and at Michael's I saw some cool automated mannequins, one was a life size Hannibal Lector(sp?) , it looked so real.

Other things I got from the mall were an eyelash comb and an eyeliner brush.  We're going to a concert next week so I needed those items to do my makeup.  I also got some chilli chocolate.  I haven't tasted it yet but I'm sure I'll like it seeing that I like pepper in my hot chocolate.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 29th, 2008 at 12:24am
Well, I finished painting the Halloween masks that I'm putting up for decoration.  At first, I didn't intend to paint them.  I was going to just leave them white and put them on the mantle with candles behind them, like the death masks on Rome.  Anyway, I painted designs on the white masks using black paint and stencils.  I could still put them on the mantle but I was also thinking of decorating the tree in front of my house with them.  Although, it just dawned on me that if it rains it would be a mess so, I'll use them inside.

Hair: I got the idea of putting my new pomade all throughout my hair.  At first it was shiny and soft, now it feels more like plastic.  So much for that. :P  I saw some Ojon revitalizing spray that I want to try.

*OMG- some people are currently having an argument in the street. :o  They aren't very loud, but I have to ask myself what the heck is going on here?  When I was growing up, there was a phrase that the adults would use called "putting your business in the street" and that was something that you just didn't do.  Apparently, people around here never heard of that phrase because they literally put their business in the street.  Since I've lived here, this has been the 4th "street argument" that I've heard.  

***pausing for a sec. the cops are now stopped in front of my neighbors house. :o  

Okay, they weren't there long and the people arguing moved on.

I live on a street named after a flower.  When I moved here I thought perhaps it would be like Desperate Housewives (cause they live on Wisteria Lane ::)) however, it's turning out to be more like Jerry Springer and Cops. :P  I'm just grateful that at least my home is peaceful.

Okay, so what else...?  I can't even think now.  Oh, my new sleeping pills aren't working either.  My doctor prescribed Ambien but they didn't do anything but make me feel high.  The pharmacy  substituted the name brand for the prescription again ::) so these pills will be going back.

Also, the dress that I wanted for the wedding is now on back order and won't be back in stock until after the wedding, so I have to find something else to wear. >:(  At this point, I'm thinking about not even getting a new dress.  I'd love to wear my vintage lace dress however I'd describe the color as French vanilla so I'm not sure if it's appropriate. :-?  Does anyone know if wearing it would be considered a faux pas?

What about something like this?

I was also considering this dress but now my size is gone in this one as well. :(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabeau on Sep 29th, 2008 at 8:47am
Ah yes, nutty nieghbors!  I got a crack head and a drunk in my buidling so I know how you feel!  Plus thel lady next door and her husband fight too and very loud as well. :P   Woot those dresses are so nice!  I would love the peach one!  Thinks for a sec...size 9 :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Sep 29th, 2008 at 11:37am
I believe either of those dresses would be fine for a wedding, dear.  The biggest rule is to NOT outshine the bride.   :)  Most experts now say that one can wear any color to weddings, including black.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Sep 29th, 2008 at 12:11pm
I'm sure either of those dresses would look great on you, LD!

Trisha-whew!  I'm wearing black to a wedding this weekend, a retro look.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 29th, 2008 at 4:05pm
I have worn black to a wedding before

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 30th, 2008 at 6:55am
a better work out experience.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabeau on Sep 30th, 2008 at 10:12am
(((Hugs))) Hang in there girl.  I know what your going thought and my prayers are with you.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Sep 30th, 2008 at 12:17pm
LD,my prayers and thoughts are with you and your dad.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Sep 30th, 2008 at 1:09pm

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Sep 30th, 2008 at 4:38pm
Sorry about your father, LD.  :(  I'll keep you guys in my thoughts.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Jerry on Sep 30th, 2008 at 7:59pm
I hope your dad get's well soon.


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Sep 30th, 2008 at 8:03pm
Thanks everyone.  Turns out that my dad has a brain aneurism.  They're going to have to operate but no word yet as to when.  I'm very scared but he's in good spirits.  I'm hoping for the best.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 1st, 2008 at 5:27am
Got word late last night that the doctors aren't 100% sure about their first diagnosis.  They're going to run more extensive tests later today to get a more clear view as to what the problem is.  Apparently, there are a few other things that it could be. I 'm hoping that they are able to find out fairly soon so that they can treat him.  Eventhough he is in the hospital, they aren't yet treating him for anything.  I'm going to wait for the results of the tests to see if I should go back or not.  

My bellydance class is starting today but at this point I'm not sure if I should commit to it before I know whats going on with my dad.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 3rd, 2008 at 2:10am
Oh, tonight was so much fun!  They're still doing tests on my dad and I didn't go to my bellydance class but we decided to still go to the concert since we already had our tickets.

We saw Rapahel Saadiq and he was so good!  It was my second favorite concert.  Of course Prince being my favorite (I've yet to see Michael Jackson live :P).  My husband enjoyed it so much too!  The beginning was so funny because the DJ played lots of Prince songs prior to the concert and one song he played was Sex Shooter.  Now I've seen Purple Rain a million times so, of course I know every step of the dance.  I wasn't paying attention and had no idea that everyone was staring at me, eventhough I was barefoot and dancing on the couch in the VIP.  ::)  However, it became very apparent when I got applause from everyone when I did the first steps of the dance.  I was so shocked and embarrased, but it was funny because it reminded me of my last Prince concert when there was a rumor being spread around that I was Apollonia. :-?  So, I took a bow to thank everyone for their approval.  Anyway, this concert was so good, we had no idea that we would've enjoyed it so much!  Then, we went to the Waffle House for the first time afterwards, and their food was surprisingly good too.  Really nice night!

My husband wants to go to another concert.  I told him that A Band Called Pain would be performing in California on the 3rd but of cours that isn't enough notice to go there. :(  He also likes A Band Called Pain but disagrees that they're Heavy Metal, but Rock.  I don't know the difference, but their music has grown on me and I like it. (*singin'* I kissed a girl and I like it)  Sorry, have that song on the brain. ::)

Tomorrow, I'll know whats going on with my dad... hopefully.  I've spoken to him a few times and he's okay so I'm feeling okay too.  It's funny how he's the one that's comforting me and making me feel less scared.

Oh, I also had a horrible fright.  Tonight I decided to wear my wedding rings.  I haven't worn them in awhile because they're pretty sizeable and I feel uncomfortable and insecure wearing them at times.  However, tonight I really wanted to bling so I wanted to wear them.  Only problem is that I couldn't find them. :o  I was freaking out and wondering if someone maybe stole them while we were out of town.  My husband kept saying not to worry about it and that we'd find them when we got home. Although, I was wanting to call the police and was losing my mind.  Then, he finally told me that last week he took them in to get them upgraded.  I was so mad that he made me worry.  He was mad at me because I hadn't worn them in about a year and now all of a sudden I'm looking to wear them when he'd just taken them.  Very coincidental, but at least now I know that they are safe, and it's sweet that he took it upon himself to upgrade the diamonds eventhough, I was fine with the way they were.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 3rd, 2008 at 8:37pm
Today we were out for most of the day.  My first stop was to the Goodwill truck to donate 2 dresses and then we saw Religilous at the movies which was pretty funny.  At times it was a bit redundant but still comical.  Then, we went to Chilli's where I had nacho's for the first time in quite a while.  I acutally haven't had junk food in a while, so it was a nice treat that I didn't feel guilty about.  Then, it was off to the tailor to get some stuff altered.  One of the items was a leather jacket that I decorated with lace and it's nice, but of course I'm no professional.  So I wanted them to redo my work, professionally.  They said that they couldn't do it with their machines, so I'm going to have to tidy it up a bit by hand myself. :P  After that we went to the mall.  There is a dress at Forever 21 that I wanted but figured I'd get it from the mall to save on shipping fee's.  Unfortunately, they only had 2 mediums in stock and I needed a small.  When I got home, I called their online store to see if they would ship me a small minus the shipping fee since the small wasn't available in the store.  I figured it was a long shot and it was because they wouldn't do it, but it was worth the try. :P  Lastly, we went to Walgreens and I got some cheap Wet and Wild make up to play in.  I got green liquid eyeliner, blue sparkly eyeliner, a black liquid eyeliner that say's it's water proof and a brown brow pencil thing with a liquid thing on the other end.  I have no idea what it is or does hence my continued use of the word thing but I'm sure I'll figure it out.  Oh, and we went to Petsmart and got the cats a new toy.  It's called Cat It (brand?) Senses.  It has scratchers on it and a thing that you put cat nip in and a nub thing for them to chew.  They love it!  It was so funny watching them wrestle each other over the opportunity to play with it.  I guess we should've gotten two. ;D

Hair:I've been loving it so much lately! :D  It's been so much more manageable since I did my relaxer.  And I still love using my pomade to smooth down my hairline, it makes it so shiny and gives it a more polished look.  Last night, I wore chandelier earrings and my hair got stuck in one as I was dancing.  I could not get it untangled and as a last resort, had to rip about 5 strands of hair to get my earring lose. :'(

Dad News:
They still don't know whats wrong with him.  They gave him a spinal tap which came back negative, and finally, medication to stop the pressure that he was feeling in his eye.  His eye still looks pretty bad according to my step mother as he can't open it and when he does, he isn't able to control it's movement.  They were supposed to give him more tests today but couldn't because they mistakenly gave him breakfast when the tests need to be done on an empty stomach. :P  Now, they won't be able to test him until Monday.  Right now they are speculating that his issues may just be a result of his diabetes and nothing more serious than that.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 4th, 2008 at 8:51pm
Last night, I decided on a dress for the wedding and placed the order...well I bought 2 dresses.  The first one that I had my eye on, in a size two (fingers crossed that I'll be able to wear it) and the one that I'm going to wear for the wedding.  I figure that with all of the holidays coming up, I'll get some use out of the second one as well.

I'm going to wear this one for the wedding but in brown.

...with these shoes.  I had almost absolutely forgotten that I'd need to buy shoes. ::)  I also still need to get a handbag and a shawl to wear with the dress.

The dress I ordered for sometime later...

Also, my husband got a call today from his brother.  Seems their other brother was going to be best man but apparently he's m.i.a.  So...now my husband is going to be best man.  He's happy to have the honor.  He really respects his older brother and is proud of him, but he said that he isn't sure that he's aware of that, so it'll be the perfect opportunity for him to show him and everyone.  Although, he was jokingly referring to himself as second best man. ::)

I was a bit concerned at first because I was thinking that I'd have to sit alone but I'd forgotten about my father in law.  So, it'll be okay because I'll just sit with him.

It seems that we may be going to Pittsburgh several times prior to the wedding which is fine with me because I'll get to see my family.  My sister still has stuff from my mothers apartment packed in boxes so this will give me the opportunity to go through them and see if there is anything in them that I want.  One thing that I'm hoping to find is an old lock of hair of mine.  When I was 8 or 9 I got my first hair cut.  It was only my bangs, but my mother plaited my hair before she cut it and put a red ribbon barrette on it.  I know that she kept it in her dresser drawer, so I'm hoping that I can find it among her things.

Although, right now I'm wearing an old necklace that used to belong to my mother.  When I told my husband that it used to belong to my mother he was suprised thinking that it was something that I just bought.  He said it looks like something that you'd see in a store today.  My dad gave it to my mom sometime back in the 70's when they were still married.  I actually swiped it from her when I was in highschool. I've always loved it.  My mom know's (knew :P) that I had it.  Being the typicaly teenage girl, I was always "borrowing" my mom's clothes, jewelery and shoes.  She even used to let me wear her old wedding rings to school because I was so fond of them.  However, she did eventually take them away from me when I came home from school super excited one day.  I remember running to her room exclaiming "you really can cut glass with diamonds!" ;D  She was so mad at me, telling me that I was going to loosen the stone from the setting and end up losing it.  But, she did give me the rings to keep a few years later and of course I still have them. :)

My ghosts that I ordered for the outside never arrived.  When I called, they said that my card was declined. :-?  Anyway, I didn't replace the order because I figure that by the time they get here Halloween will have probably come and gone so oh well.  My other things are in place...well sort of.  I have the masks on the fireplace but I only have 4 standing up and I only lit them once.  The other two are just sitting on top of the mantle waiting to be set up.  I have my cat eyes in the windows and I SOOO love them!  They look so cool!  I also haven't set up the projector or the jack o latern.  I've been so distracted lately. :P

I did find out about an annual Halloween parade that seems like fun, hopefully we'll go.  Oh, and my black feather angel wings arrived today, I love them too!  I was wearing them with my nightgown after I unpacked them and didn't want to take them off. ;D

Other:Now, I'm just sitting out on my patio enjoying the night while listening to Jehan, drinking a glass of wine, enjoying warmth from the fire in the chiminea, and the red light that my votives are giving off.  Life is good! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by AmandaC on Oct 5th, 2008 at 5:17am
Those shoes are so cute! And they'll go great with that dress

Ooh and that earring thing has happened to me too. I actually took the earring out of my ear, but realized when I tried pulling it down it was tugging my hair! I've been more careful since then  ;D

I hope your father gets well soon. I'm sorry to hear he's sick.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 9th, 2008 at 6:46pm
Ripping hair out is horrible. :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 11th, 2008 at 4:54pm
I don't wan't to miss it.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 13th, 2008 at 6:02am

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Oct 13th, 2008 at 4:17pm
Aww, snakes are cute.  :)
They're way more afraid of you than you are of them and want to be left to their business. Just like any other wild animal.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 14th, 2008 at 1:00am

They're way more afraid of you than you are of them

I sure hope so.  My grandfather used to say that to me about insects all of the time.

Other: Today, I finally used my ACE Hardware 10.00 gift certificate that came in our "welcome to the neighborhood" pack.  Oh... it's over a year late.  But it was nice to receive! :)  I was able to get some spray paint for my chiminea and some rat poison for only 57 cents.  I didn't find a new bird feeder yet, but the poison will be here if I need it once I do.

Last night, we went to the grocery store and there was a bin filled with bags of Snickers advertised for 1 cent per bag with each purchase.  So, I bought a donut and my husband bought a danish and we each bought a 1 cent bag of Snickers.  Today, we went back for more.  Only the Snickers were gone, and replaced with M&M's. :D  We bought a few grocery items which we intended to split up again to get 2 bags of candy.  However, the clerk today told us that you can only get the candy with purchases of 10.00 or more and our grocery total was only 14.00 so, we were only allowed one bag. :(  Then, the manager told us that we could have the additional bag.  That was nice of her.  Now, we have 4 bags of candy to pass out on Halloween and we only paid 3 cents for them.  I just hope that they last until then.  I won't eat them but I know for sure that my husband is tempted.  I'll bet he has at least one bag open by tomorrow. ::)

Overall, today was a good day for deals.  Tomorrow, I want to use another coupon that came in our welcome pack for a free first aid kit.

I've decided on what I'm wearing for Halloween.  I'm wearing a long satin black dress and black angel wings.  I'm not sure how I'm going to do my hair and makeup but that won't take long to figure out.

My husband said he'd wear a suit and get black wings too, but he's still undecided.  I suggested that he could dress as my idea of the boogie man.  I told him he could paint his face with scary make up, wear a cheap suit, carry a boom box and boogie down the street.  He doesn't like the idea. :P

We've also been renting "scary" movies lately.  I put scary in quotes because I've yet to find one that was actually scary.  I tried Angel Heart, Halloween (which my husband was suprised that I'd never seen before, although I was only 3 when it came out  ::)), Night Of The Living Dead ::) and tonight it was Fear Of The Dark.  Another un-scary movie.  Tomorrow, I'm going to try a suspense movie called In A Dark Place.  I hope that it's at least good.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 14th, 2008 at 10:10pm
Hair: Went to Wholefoods and got some hair products.  Giovanni Shine of the Times I think...there were two glossers, I got the thinner one. And, I got some Aubrey conditioning spray.  They didn't have the one that I normally use so I got a different one.  I've got to see how this one compares.

Other:We went to a local Mexican restaurant.  It's nice to support local businesses and the food was really good.  I'd like to go back there again.

I also got gravel for my fish tank.  Unfortunatley, the red gravel that I wanted was sold out and the owner of the aquarium store is downsizing so she won't be replacing any gravel.  So, I went with white gravel that looked okay in the store but looks like kitty litter in the tank. :P  Hopefully, it'll look better once I get the plants and fish in there.

My husband was excited to see gas for 2.99 a gallon.  We passed several stations before finally stopping at one to fill up.  When my husband came out, he handed me a 10.00 scratch off lottery ticket.  I gave him a look, a bit upset that he spent 10.00 on a lottery ticket.  However, I scratched away and was happy when I realized I'd won 100.00. :D  We both figured it was good luck since he passed so many stations before stopping.

Once I got home I got a big fright.  I went up to my bathroom and my cats were sniffing something in the corner.  When they moved, I saw what looked like a tree frog however, when I got closer I saw that it wasn't a tree frog but a HUGE beetle! :o  I couldn't even think of how to kill something that big so I just began screaming for my husband.  He came up and told me to keep an eye on it while he went to get something to kill it.  Then, it dissappeared.  It crawled into a huge hole in the wall under my sink cabinet. I didn't even know the hole was there.  My husband came back up with bug spray and wd 40 :-?.  He sprayed enough Raid into the hole to make the bug come back out...and me leave due to the strong smell.  He sprayed more onto the bug but even with all of the white foam on it, it wouldn't die.  Eventually, he partially decapitated it with an empty toilet paper roll from my trash.  He then carried it into his bathroom to flush it but not before we stood and stared at it for a long while and we noticed that it still wasn't dead.  After awhile, I got bored and left.  He stayed and watched it until he finally drowned.  Well, that was our entertainment for the night. ;D

Oh, and I got a nice hair compliment today from my husband.  I don't know if he was serious or if he had ulterior motives.  I still haven't replaced my lost drivers license because I want my hair to look nice for the picture, but I haven't been styling it lately.  Yet, he really wants me to go in and get it over with.  I was sitting on the couch and he told me that he likes my hair the way it is now.  He said that it's shiny and wavy :D (I slept with my hair in plaits).

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Oct 15th, 2008 at 1:20am
Ooh, your first run-in with enormous insects, I take it? Welcome to the south, hunnay. But omg, be thankful that you don't live in Japan! :P  ::)

Oh, and you may find the white aquarium rocks to be a mistake. Nothing displays fish, erm, "byproducts" quite like white gravel.  :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 15th, 2008 at 6:42am
Yep, definitley my first run and hopefully the last.  I remember Juri's stories of the bugs in Japan.  I'd like to visit there one day but hope to never come across one of those notorius insects.  As a matter of fact, I'm seriously considering calling Orkin to prevent any further suprises here.

And EWWW...it didn't even occur to me that white gravel would be a bad choice.  I guess I'll have to be on the lookout for something else. :P  Good thing that I got the white gravel pretty cheap.  I got 2 bags for 3.00 buy one get one free.  She still had purple although it doesn't totally match.  If I can't find red I may go with it.

Other:My husband is in the Halloween candy just as I predicted and In A Dark Place was a horrible movie.  I've got to find at least one thoroughly spooky movie by Halloween.  Any Suggestions?  I can't do the Exorcist though.  That movie gave me serious nightmares as a child.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabeau on Oct 15th, 2008 at 9:10am
Wow big bugs!  Get out the gun!  Oh heck I would flip out in Japan! ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Oct 15th, 2008 at 9:38am

I suggested that he could dress as my idea of the boogie man.  I told him he could paint his face with scary make up, wear a cheap suit, carry a boom box and boogie down the street.

;D   ;D   ;D   ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Oct 15th, 2008 at 9:43am
I guess I'd better not tell you about the spiders (yes, more than one) we killed in the kitchen and bathtub last week that were the size of half dollars...   :o  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Oct 15th, 2008 at 11:28am
"Scary" movies = pure cheese. If you're into gore, my sister says that The Descent was the scariest movie she's ever seen. If you're into suspense, you might try something like The Glass House or What Lies Beneath. If you're into classic, try anything by Alfred Hitchcock.  8-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabeau on Oct 15th, 2008 at 10:59pm
Scary movies eh?  :D  My picks are:  The Exorcist the directors version. Sacred the pants off me off!! A Nightmare on Elm Street, Jun-on a Japanese film.  My gore picks would be Saw 2.  Woot Jigsaw!!  Ahem....! lol! and Seven with Brad Pit.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 16th, 2008 at 12:20am

Wow big bugs!  Get out the gun!
;D That's definitely an idea!

I guess I'd better not tell you about the spiders (yes, more than one) we killed in the kitchen and bathtub last week that were the size of half dollars...      

OMG!!! :o  I would have freaked out!  Talk about arachnophobia! ;D (Whoo Hoo!!  I thought it would be wise to look up the spelling for that one, to make sure that it was right.  It was! :D  ;D)

I suggested that he could dress as my idea of the boogie man. I told him he could paint his face with scary make up, wear a cheap suit, carry a boom box and boogie down the street.

;D      ;D      ;D      ;D    

I thought it was a neat idea!  :)      

If you're into gore, my sister says that The Descent was the scariest movie she's ever seen.

Thanks for that suggestion!  I've already seen What Lies Beneath.  I'll have to see about The Glass House.  I'm not sure that I've heard of it.  I love Alfred Hitchcock movies, but right now I'm looking for gore. :)

The Exorcist the directors version.Sacred the pants off me off!!  

Ooh, no...I said no Exorcist.  That is way too scary for me.

A Nightmare on Elm Street

Maybe, I vaguely remember seeing this when I was a kid.

Jun-on a Japanese film.
Nah, my husband hates subtitles. :(

My gore picks would be Saw 2.  Woot Jigsaw!!  Ahem....! lol! and Seven with Brad Pit.

Now we're talkin'! ;D  I don't think that I ever saw, Saw ::)  or Jigsaw.  I'll check them out, thanks! :D

I've already seen Seven and it is really good...very good, I liked it a lot.


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 16th, 2008 at 12:45am
first inclination

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Oct 16th, 2008 at 1:20am

After our walk and a shower we went to Justins which is owned by Puffy, Puff Daddy, or whatever that man is calling himself now days.  ::)

;D  To quote one of my favorite movies: "Don't any of your street demons have real grown up names?"

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 16th, 2008 at 1:38am
Uh yeah...he has to be in his late 30's or early 40's.  What's up with the crazy names? :-? ;D

And would that quote happen to be from Blade? :-?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Oct 16th, 2008 at 4:28pm
No, it's from The Crow.

Rap "artist" names crack me up. They never fail to remind me of that quote.  ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 18th, 2008 at 8:02pm
Today, we went to a Halloween Celebration/Parade.  It was sooo much fun!  We'd never been to that part of town before.  The area was very artys and likens itself to Soho in New York city.  It was a really nice day to be out for a parade, we really enjoyed it! :D  Everyone was dressed up and everyone was taking eveyone else's picture. I haven't had my picture taken so much in one day since I used to model.  Here's a few pics.

Me prior to leaving the house. Try and excuse my stomach...it looks big in this pic.

Me and Sarah Palin gettin' all "mavericky".

Man in drag (there were LOTS of those) :)

A few bellydancers dancing in the parade...with a little Darth Vader in the mix. :-?  There was a Star Wars themed part of the parade.  I think this kid got mixed in with the wrong group. ;D

This little girl asked if she could take a picture with me.  She was so cute, how could I refuse?  

The Greek restaurant/hooka bar where we ate...um twice. ::)  Their gyro's were so good, my husband and I split one before... and after the parade.

This kid was hilarious!  After his mother granted us permission to take his picture, my husband was ready to snap it but the mother yelled "wait, he has to pose".  Then on a dime, the kid struck this pose!  I laughed so hard I didn't think I'd recover!  He was too funny! ;D

And I had to get a picture of this green dog...poor thing.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Oct 18th, 2008 at 9:42pm
Looks like you had an awesome time at the parade!  Your pics are great.  I really like the top you're wearing.

Are you going to dress up to hand out candy?

I love your haircolor in the pic w/the waves.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Oct 19th, 2008 at 1:07am
Aww, she's trying to be goth...isn't that cute?  ;D  Just kidding. Glad you had fun at the parade. Looks like it was a hoot! And LOL @ the mini Gene Simmons! What a cute kid!  ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 19th, 2008 at 3:26am
Sakina: Thanks!  Yeah, I will dress up to give out candy.  I'm not sure what I'm going to wear yet though.  I'll most likely throw together some stuff from my closet.

Angel: Ha! :D  I thought I looked a little goth, minus the pale skin of course.  But everything except for the wings and the eyelashes were my regular clothes.  My original idea was to be a faerie, but when I saw the wings, I couldn't resist. :)

Other:   Both of the dresses that I got recently for the wedding and the holidays were too small. So I had to send them back.  I found a new dress from Victorias Secret (in a medium :P) which is brown so at least it will match the shoes that I bought.  Honestly, my husband and I have been half a$$ing our work out efforts lately and neither of us have lost any weight.  His travelling and my recent fatigue have played major roles in getting us off track, when we really need to be more consistant to get results.  So anyway, we had a discussion about it the other day and decided that since we're older, and we've had our youth, that we shouldn't stress out so much about our size.  We'll still work out like we do... when we do, but won't worry about it so much.  

More pics: I forgot to post two of my favorite pics of the day.

This costume was so funny!  The guy kept tossing the ball to me but it was hard to play catch and laugh at the same time. ;D

The vampire. 8-)  I know this must seem VERY odd, but this guy had such an intense look on his face that I thought was so sexy! *drool* I only wish we could've gotten a better picture to convey it...or maybe it's just me. ::)

And Mi Casa!  We decorated all of the front upstairs windows.  It's a bit hard to see in the pic so from left to right, are cat eyes (and a cat if you look closely), a headless, armless manequinn hanging from a noose, with blood on her neck and shoulders to appear as though they were chopped off.  On the same window are bloody hand prints with "help" also written out in blood.  Then, in the next window, there is a monster of some sort.  The room is lit red at night but we have to keep a white spot light on him so you can see his face from the street.  My husband wants to get a red or green light and a fogger to put outside on Halloween night when we give out candy.

A close up of the window monster

One last thing.  Just in case you all haven't guessed my dad is fine.  I don't know how I forgot to mention it but he is doing better and at home.  The final diagnosis was just complications from diabetes that would most likely reverse if he continues to take his medication...which is a whole other story, but for now he's good.  Thank you all again for your well wishes. :)    

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Oct 19th, 2008 at 3:57am
Thanks for those pics!! They're awsome!!  Glad you and hubby had a good time.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Oct 19th, 2008 at 11:27am

Angel: Ha!  :D  I thought I looked a little goth, minus the pale skin of course.  But everything except for the wings and the eyelashes were my regular clothes.  My original idea was to be a faerie, but when I saw the wings, I couldn't resist.  

Guess you've never heard of "goths of color."  ;)  No worries, hon, I was just teasin' about the goth look anyway. The fairy idea suits you. haha Oddly enough, that reminds me of one Halloween where my mother & I dressed my dad up like a fairy princess...and he's a big, swarthy fella. He had on white sweats, a pink tutu with silver sequins, a silver sequin tiara and a silver wand. My mother & I put makeup on him & painted his nails pink, then sent him out trick-or-treating up & down our street. The neighbors got a kick out of that.  ;D
   The next morning, he went surfing and forgot to remove the pink nail polish, so the other surfers made fun of him.  ;D

Anyway, you didn't happen to get that vampire's number, did ya? http://www.smilieshq.com/smilies/evilgrin0010.gif

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 19th, 2008 at 8:34pm
Angel: No, I've never heard of "goths of color" but now I can say that I have. ;)  And I knew you were joking about my pseudo goth look. ;D

The story about your dad is so funny!  I can't believe he let you guys do that to him.  He's such a sport! :D

Anyway, you didn't happen to get that vampire's number, did ya?

So, it isn't just me! :D  Aww... I wish I could've gotten his number for ya! :)

We went to see the movie dub-yuh today.  Personally,I thought it was a snooze fest. ::)  I'm glad that I wasn't into it though.  Otherwise, I would've been really upset about the fact that the couple sitting behind us had a screaming infant with them.  As it is, I was only mildly upset.  I suppose they couldn't get a babysitter, but bringing a baby to the theater is so inconsiderate.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Oct 19th, 2008 at 9:38pm

Aww... I wish I could've gotten his number for ya!  :)

Yeah, I'd have liked to remind him that vampires burn to death in direct sunlight.  ::)

And OMFG, whyyyy don't parents take their screaming infants out of the theatre?! Better yet, why do they bring their babies with them in the first place?! The eternal questions. The obvious answer to both is because they are clueless, self-absorbed, oblivious, careless, disrespectful and terrible people.  ;D  Good parents at the very least leave the theatre if their child acts up. But I'm losing faith in the existence of good parents as time goes by.  :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 19th, 2008 at 11:56pm

Yeah, I'd have liked to remind him that vampires burn to death in direct sunlight.  

And I bet you would have!  You're so funny!  ;D  ;D   ;D

Don't lose faith in good parents.  I believe they are out there, but unfortunately out numbered by the all of the mediocre, indifferent and plain bad ones.  I believe they should make child care classes mandatory for all young adults, male and female.  And a mandatory course on common courtesy wouldn't hurt either. IMHO. ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Oct 20th, 2008 at 4:16pm

I believe they should make child care classes mandatory for all young adults, male and female.

Absolutely disagree. It would be a waste of time to put anyone through that who didn't intend to have children. In high school, I was placed in a child development class and transferred out of it immediately for that reason.
   And for those who do intend to procreate, I think some kind of mandatory psychological evaluation should be in order.  ;D  At the very least, they should spend a lot of time around kids first.

Common courtesy is a bit like common sense...not all that common.  ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 20th, 2008 at 4:57pm

Absolutely disagree. It would be a waste of time to put anyone through that who didn't intend to have children.

Maybe or maybe not.  I think that the majority of kids in high school don't know wether or not they'll have kids in the future.  I believe that most times, that decision comes later in life.  Perhaps they should make classes mandatory for both parents after the child has been conceived.  I do know that, that will never happen though, and that I'm just dreaming here. ::)

And for those who do intend to procreate, I think some kind of mandatory psychological evaluation should be in order.

Agreed, but that totally would never happen. ;D

Other: My husband is out of town this week, so I'm trying to finish up all of my loose end projects here.  Today, I did yard work, some cleaning and I've been retouching my indoor painting.  I've been working all afternoon and now I'm finally worn out.  I'll begin again tomorrow, unless I get a second wind later.

It's been really nice outside.  I even had a chance to eat my lunch outside and not be disturbed by flies!  Whoa!!! Right as I typed that, a fly landed next to me.  It was the first fly I'd seen all day and I thought they'd gone away until spring.  I guess they aren't totally gone yet, but I'm glad they finally let me eat in peace. :D
Speaking of food I just realized that I'm hungry again.  So, I'm off to eat.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Oct 20th, 2008 at 7:12pm

Maybe or maybe not.  I think that the majority of kids in high school don't know wether or not they'll have kids in the future.  I believe that most times, that decision comes later in life.  Perhaps they should make classes mandatory for both parents after the child has been conceived.  I do know that, that will never happen though, and that I'm just dreaming here.  

Ew, thank goodness you weren't in charge of our curriculum. There would've been words. And possibly objects thrown.  ;D
Honestly, I don't think the law should get involved in people's personal lives. That's a nasty can of worms...

And you just had to remind me of my own appetite, didn't you? *assumes zombie stance* Must. Have. Nachos. http://www.smilieshq.com/smilies/char1/character0199.gif

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 21st, 2008 at 6:08pm

I don't think the law should get involved in people's personal lives. That's a nasty can of worms...

You're right, but quite frankly they already are.  The question is where do you draw the line?

In reality I don't really agree that there should be psychological evaluation's,  that would be insane.  I really do think that parents or students should take child care classes though.  *ducks to avoid flying objects*  ;D  I took child care in high school and found it very interesting.

Other: Today, I spent a few hours outside enjoying the weather.  I didn't do anymore painting today.  I put together a new chaise that was was delivered and after cleaning up afterwards, I was winded.  I haven't been taking my acid reflux medicine lately so that's where my problem lies. :P

My husband called to give the tuxedo shop his measurements today.  He then asked what the tuxedo's look like and he was none too happy with the description.  They're basically zoot (sp?) suits that are brown and orange. :o  He joked that he should wear a Charlie Brown mask and carry a jack o lantern. ::)  I can't believe that I chose a brown dress.  I had no idea that everyone in the wedding party would be wearing brown. :P

Halloween: I decided that I'm going to dress up as Michael Jackson when I hand out candy.   I already have a fedora, black slacks (although I don't know if I can fit them), penny loafers and a sequinned jacket.  I just bought a sequinned glove and aviators on eBay.  I got the jacket a few weeks ago just to wear but my husband laughed at me.  He called it a Michael Jackson jacket (which gave me the idea) and joked that I couldn't wear it out with him. :P  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Oct 21st, 2008 at 6:16pm
Will your husband dress like a young boy?  Mackauli Caulkin (sp?) maybe?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Oct 21st, 2008 at 7:04pm

Halloween: I decided that I'm going to dress up as Michael Jackson when I hand out candy.   I already have a fedora, black slacks (although I don't know if I can fit them), penny loafers and a sequinned jacket.  I just bought a sequinned glove and aviators on eBay.  I got the jacket a few weeks ago just to wear but my husband laughed at me.  He called it a Michael Jackson jacket (which gave me the idea) and joked that I couldn't wear it out with him.  :P

;D  Omg, you so have to post pix!

And yeah, the gov't. does meddle in people's lives...too much already. That doesn't make it ok. Why give them even more power?
Childcare classes should remain voluntary. And stupid people shouldn't breed. End of story.  ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 21st, 2008 at 8:14pm

Will your husband dress like a young boy?  Mackauli Caulkin (sp?) maybe?


I already know that the answer to that would be a no.  I'd probably have better luck asking him to dress like Bubbles. ;D

Omg, you so have to post pix!

Of course I'll post pics! ;)  

And yeah,  And stupid people shouldn't breed. End of story.  

;D ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Oct 21st, 2008 at 9:01pm

I'd probably have better luck asking him to dress like Bubbles.  ;D

LOL!  ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 23rd, 2008 at 5:59pm
Hair:Last night, I washed it in the tub.  I love doing that!  Although, I still had some henna residue so the water turned green and I had to run another bath.  Afterwards, I did two side plaits and let my hair dry that way overnight.  They're actually still in the braids.  I'm just going to let it stay braided all day.

Ugh...I've been feeling so fatigued lately, but it's that time of the month. :P  I did get in a bit of exercise today and yesterday.  I have to recalculate my ticker though because I won't be 120lbs by the end of the month, but it's okay.  I'm feeling better about the way that I look and I've been eating better.

I also bought another dress for the wedding. :P  It's getting riddiculous, but I didn't want to have a brown dress like everyone else, so I ordered a burgundy one.  I just hope that it'll fit when it arrives so that I can be done with all of this.  I'm sending the brown shoes back too, although my husband likes them and wants me to keep them.  Honestly, I think the shoes make me look fat.  They're so high that my calves look more narrow, making the rest of my body look larger.  So, I will send them back.  It's too bad though because they are really cute and they come in a pretty coral color that I would've liked to get as well.  I'm not going to be buying any shoes to go with the dress.  Last Christmas, I bought a gold pair of shoes with citron colored stones in them to wear to dinner.  I haven't worn them since so I think they'll be fine for the wedding.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Oct 24th, 2008 at 10:22am
Honey... *hugs*  Seriously, I have never seen a pair of shoes make anyone look fat.  Unless the woman has cankles, in which case they're fat all over.  C'mon now, LaD.  You're a very attractive woman and nothing as insignificant as a pair of shoes is going to detract from that.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 26th, 2008 at 1:13am
Awww thanks, Trisha.  I don't have cankles but I still think that the shoes make me look weird.  I sent them back.

Other: Today, we went to the mall.  My husband got a pair of much needed tennis shoes and I got a dress and a sweater from a store called Makins.  I'd never been in it or heard of it before but they have nice clothes that are priced very low.  Unfortunately, the sales girl said that they don't have a website or else I'd purchase from them online.

Later we went on the Halloween cemetery tour.  I wore a black catsuit, a black leather and lace ruffle jacket and a black and pink wig that I bought from Walgreens.  I teased the wig up pretty good and felt I looked like a cross between Sandra Dee as a greaser and Apollonia from Purple Rain.  Although, when we got there and I didn't see anyone else in costume I took the wig off. :P

It was pretty chilly and I felt guilty that I convinced my husband not to wear his jacket.  We had a long wait as there were lots of us and they were only taking people in groups of 30 at a time.  They finally took us after about 40 minutes in line.  We saw 2 spots on the tour and then decided to leave. :P  The tour guide talked on and on and my husband couldn't take the cold anymore.  I guess that was my fault too.  I thought it would be more of a scary sort of thing and less like a history class.  Oh well.  We're going out on Halloween, I hope that will be more fun.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 28th, 2008 at 8:44pm
I got my new dress today and it fits great!  I also decided on a pair of shoes that I bought a few weeks ago.  I've yet to wear them and as it turns out they look really good with the dress, so I'm all set. :D  Now, I just have to decide what to wear to the rehearsal dinner but I'm not so concerned with that.

I spoke to my sister today.  I'm going to see her when I first get in town.  She's going to keep ny nieces home from school that day so that'll be nice too.  Later, that day I'll see my dad.

My husband saw a mouse in our garage today. :o  I guess if it isn't one thing it's another.  I'm just happy that it was a mouse and not a snake.  I'll be staying out of the garage as much as I can until we catch the mouse... or mice. :-?  We got some traps from the store so now we're just waiting for it to take the bait.

I also have to pick something else to wear for the Halloween party.  I can't wear my black wings because it'll be difficult moving around in a crowd without getting them damaged.  I may just dress normal as costumes aren't required.

I haven't tried any new scary movies lately as I'm getting a little tired of the genre right now.  Maybe on Halloween night I'll be ready for another one.  I have been getting into True Blood though.  At first I didn't like it but I'm getting into the storyline now.  I'm glad I have something else to watch now that Mad Men is over.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Oct 30th, 2008 at 12:48am
Yay!!!  My husband killed the mouse!  He put another trap out just in case, but hopefully there aren't anymore.

Today, we went for another walk.  We're trying to walk to the store more often instead of driving all of the time.  It was a bit warmer today thankfully.  I'm already starting to get tired of having to bundle up to go outside.  I'd like to just stick on my flip flops and a dress and go.  Lately, I've been having to look for socks...layer my tops...find pants in my closet that fit... then put on a jacket and gloves.  Geesh! :P

While out, I got some Cover Girl nail polish in Midnight Magic for Halloween.  I did my nails with it already, but I'd never wear it for daily use.  Lighter colors look much better on my nails.  I used to wear black nail polish all of the time when I was in middle school and high school (black was my favorite color then) but I suppose I didn't know any better.  I even wore a dark berry almost black colored lipstick. ::)  

I was looking through my old hair photos and it was nice to see my growth progress.  I'm not close to my goal yet but I'm definitley getting there, slowly but surely.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel Spun on Oct 30th, 2008 at 11:40am
Poor mousie.  :(

*nods* CA doesn't have "middle school," but that was about the age when Angel started wearing all black & liking it.  ;)
And I'm sure that dark tones could work fine on your nails. The reason Midnight Magic might look weird is because it's a cool-toned dark and your skintone is warm. Warm-toned darks would probably suit you just fine.  :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 1st, 2008 at 11:21am
Angel: Yeah, you're most likely right.  The Midnight Magic seems to have a bluish tint to it and certain blues make my skin look weird.

I started wearing black mainly because I was so tired of pink at the time.  When I was a kid basically everything that I owned was pink, my room, clothes, just about everything.  Then, I got older and did my room in black and white.  It was basically one extreme to the next.  I can't tell you how excited I was when Michael Jackson named his album Black or White. ;D

Halloween: Fun day!  Got dressed as Michael Jackson to hand out candy which we only did for an hour.  We had lots of candy and not very many kids were trick or treating from 6 to 7 so I was giving out handfulls of candy.  My husband really liked my costume and had me dancing around to entertain him. ::)

As it turns out, he would've dressed up as a little boy as he was dissapointed that he didn't think of it earlier. ;D

After handing out candy, I got changed into my jeans and we headed into the city.  We would've started out later but my husband booked us a room at the W hotel and we decided to get dressed there.  We've stayed in the W in Manhattan but this was probably the coolest hotel that we ever stayed in, it was really nice.  I just wish that I would've taken my iPod or a dvd or something as they had a docking station and a dvd player.  Anyway, we got dressed, not in costume and went to the Whiskey Bar for their Whiskeyween event.  Only thing is there weren't many people there.  People were scattered all throughout the hotel but not many people in were in any one area, so we just roamed around a bit.  But before leaving Whiskey, I got us on the costume contest list.  I listed our costumes as Barack and Michelle Obama but no one was buying it.  I was in a dress and my husband was wearing a blazer so I figured that we had a shot. ::)

We ended up in a restaurant and had some pretty good food.  I had Vietnamese curry chicken.  There was a couple seated next to us at the bar and we talked with them the whole time. Afterwards we went back to Whiskey and still nothing.  So we left the hotel and went to a night club that is located next door.  Even the night club was dead so we decided to go back to the hotel and call it a night.  We then went back to our room and ordered burgers and fries from room service before going to bed.  Eventhough we didn't celebrate at a party or club we really had fun and enjoyed ourselves.  We even got up early enough to sit and watch the sunrise.  Staying at the hotel was a nice change of pace without having to travel far. :)  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by bikerbraid on Nov 1st, 2008 at 11:47am
Great costume!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabeau on Nov 1st, 2008 at 12:13pm
Awesome costume! I love the dress too!  You look so good!! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Nov 1st, 2008 at 12:38pm
LOL! Great MJJ costume, babe.  ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 1st, 2008 at 6:54pm
Thanks guys! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Nov 3rd, 2008 at 9:01am
A+ on both outfits   ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 3rd, 2008 at 9:50pm
Thank you, Trisha. :)

Hair: Not sure if I'll wash my hair tonight or Wednesday night, but it definitely needs it, I have a bit of product build up going on.

One thing that I'm concerned about is my hair spray.  I really like the new Aubrey hair conditioning spray that I bought.  The first one I bought had white camelia (sp?) oil but I like the newer one better. The new one has oil as well.  However, the first ingredient is witch hazel, so I'm not sure why it feels so good in my hair and even more, if it's good for my hair. :-?  

Other: Yesterday, we hung around the house and did lots of yard work.  I painted my chiminea finally and repotted the trees out front.

I also took down my Halloween decorations and am now trying to decide how I want to decorate for November.  I'll most likely go with fall colored decorations, I'm just dragging along with getting them.

Today, I've just been getting ready for the election parties tomorrow and the wedding over the weekend. I'm going to wear the same dress for both.  Today I got a really cute, sparkly, citron and gold necklace and earrings from Macys to go with it.  We also got a bottle of Dom Perignon for tomorrow just in case.  If Obama doesn't win, we'll save the bottle for when we renew our vows.

*Paused for a sec*  Had to watch Lance on Dancing With the Stars.  He's my favorite this season, I so hope that he wins.  I'm also glad that he had a better song this week.  Last week he danced to Tutti Fruitti (sp?). :o

Well, I suppose nothing else is going on with me anyway.  Although, I do have a piece of pumpkin cheesecake that I got earlier from the Olive Garden waiting for me.  I get so excited every year at this time when they add it to their menu! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Nov 3rd, 2008 at 10:11pm
Mmmm, pumpkin cheesecake *CHOMP!*  ;D

And Lance is my fave too, only because he's dancing with Lacey. Embarrassed as I am to admit that I actually watch that show, I just love that girl. And her brother is freaking awesome. ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 3rd, 2008 at 10:51pm
Don't be embarrassed! ;D  I love dancing shows and dance perfomances.  Dance, when done well, is just so beautiful to me.  Anyway, I'd never heard of Lacey prior to this show but she is a really good dancer, one of the best on the show.  Who is her brother?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Nov 4th, 2008 at 5:38pm
Guess you don't watch So You Think You Can Dance. That's a pity. It's one of very few TV shows that I actually like. Very different from Dancing With The Dopes.

Anyway, Lacey Schwimmer was on So You Think You Can Dance 2 years ago and made it into the finals. 2 years before that, her brother, Benji Schwimmer, won. He's older and an even better dancer than she is. He reminds me a lot of Fred Astaire, whom I adore.
   Anyway, the Schwimmers are a dancing family from SoCal who specialize in West Coast Swing.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 5th, 2008 at 5:22am
I've taken my sleeping pills and a glass of wine so please excuse my ramblings or totally disregard them.

In the beginning I got a vibe from a lot of people that this whole election was an "us" against "them" type of thing.  It frustrated me because I felt that if we want to see positive results come out of the election, then people have to work together.  It saddens me that some blacks feel that this is their election, and that their standing in line is what gave Obama the election.  They're totally discrediting all of the other non black races that also voted for Obama and helped get him the victory.

I did however, feel much better, just being out in the street and experiencing celebrations with people of evey color and it was wonderful!  It totally felt as though I was celebrating an actual American accomplishment with Americans.  Eveyone, strangers, were all accepting, chatting freely, celebrating together, laughing and crying together.  It was absolutely beautiful :'(  And during that experience, I realized that it's so sad that life isn't really that way.  There are always so many different things put into play to separated us... and perhaps some want to be separated.  But I'd like to see a day when everybody can just do away with all of the labels and just come togeter as humans and love and care about everyone, sort of like it was tonight. I'll never forget it. :)            

It was all peace and love! :-*

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Nov 5th, 2008 at 11:26am
Egads, dearie, I hope there's no danger of mixing alcohol with your sleeping pills. :o

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 5th, 2008 at 12:46pm
Thanks for your concern, Angel.  There is no danger in having a glass of wine with my pill.  My doctors know that I typically have a night cap and they've assured me that it's fine. :)

Hair: Yesterday morning, I did a CO while in the tub.  Then, I blew it out and flat ironed it with my new steam flat iron.  I know that's really bad.  Although, I haven't had a blow out in since my 30th birtday and won't have another one for a long time, if I ever decided to do one again ever, so I'm okay with it.  Also, my home done blowout was not as harsh as when I got it done at the salon.  I was very gentle with it.  

Anyway, I loved having my hair so straight.  I kinked it up a bit with pin curls, left in for about an hour, which gave my hair just the slightest wave, but it was still pretty straight.   I only parted it down the middle and just let it hang loose.  Wearing it straight is such a nice change of pace.  I liked being able to see my true length as opposed to when I'm wearing it curly or wavy.  I also liked being able to feel my hair brush near my elbows as I sat.  It was just a bit more inspiration to go trim free until I reach 31 inches.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Nov 5th, 2008 at 5:53pm

Thanks for your concern, Angel.  There is no danger in having a glass of wine with my pill.  My doctors know that I typically have a night cap and they've assured me that it's fine.  :)


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 5th, 2008 at 8:33pm


Hair: Still straight.  Last night I swirled it up in a bun.  I secured it with a large bobby pin instead of using a hair elastic to avoid getting that pony tail crinkle.  I'm going to keep my hair straight this way at least until the wedding.

Other: Spoke to my dad today to tell him that I'll be seeing him on Friday afternoon.  The first thing that he said was that he looked "jacked up" because of his eye.  I don't know if he expected me to say "oh never mind then, I won't come to visit". :-?  I mean, I really don't know why he's so concerned about the way he looks to me, he's my dad.  I only want him to be okay.  And I know he's getting older... but I do remember the way that my teachers and friends would swoon over him when he was younger.  My one girlfriend had the hugest crush on my dad, it was so funny.;D   Perhaps I'll remind him of that to cheer him up when I see him this weekend.  Or maybe I shouldn't, I don't want it to have the opposite effect. :-?

Anyway, today was a nice and quiet day.  I cleaned up the leaves in the yard and did my yoga practice and meditation outdoors.  It was such a great day for it.

Only thing was, my cat hopped the fence twice.  I didn't see her when I looked over and when I called her, she didn't come.  So, I put on my shoes to go looking for her out front and that's where I saw her, sitting right in front of the front door.  Then, she later hopped over again except when I went to look for her this time she wasn't at the door.  I'm walking all up and down the street  and in my neighbors yards, calling her name, and nothing.  I had no idea where she could possibly be so I went inside to think for a second.  That's when I was able to see that she'd already climbed back over the fence into our back yard.  She was staring in at me from the back glass door.  She's so tricky! ::)

Speaking of my dad, here is and ooooold pic of he and I.  

Oh well, while I'm at it, here are my other two most favorite men ever.
My grampa.  He was such a gentle and classy man.  He also took me in and raised me as his own child when he didn't have to.  He and my grandmother did so many things for my sister and I they didn't have too.  My grandparents door was always open for us. I miss them soooo much!

And of course my other favorite man...my husband.  He reminds me of my grandfather in a lot of ways.

Here's a pic just for fun! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Nov 6th, 2008 at 1:59am
What a sweet pic of you and your dad!  I can see why people would say your hubby looks like Dwane Johnson.
I'm glad you had your grandparents in your life, you're very lucky!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Nov 6th, 2008 at 9:22am
Aw, what a great photo of you and your father--really sweet.   :)  I think your father is just trying to warn you that he won't look the way you probably expect him to look in your mind.  As parents, it's our natural instinct to shield our younguns from harm, and that includes the way we look when we're ill.  

And your husband is a very good looking man!  --But you certainly don't need me to tell you that!   ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Nov 6th, 2008 at 12:15pm
hehe Your dad kinda looks like Kanye West. ;D

I wouldn't worry about your cat, honestly. Animals are not meant to be kept indoors and the more you forbid her from going outside, the more she'll try to. It's perfectly natural for cats to go roaming about the neighbourhood, especially at night. They always find their way back to the house that feeds them though.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 6th, 2008 at 5:52pm
Sakina: That's my favorite picture of my dad and I together.  
Yeah, I think my husband looks a bit like him too.  He's also been told that he looks like Tiger Woods but I don't see it.
Thanks.  I'm glad that my grandparents were there for me too.  I don't know what I would've done otherwise.  There was a time in my life when my mother and I did not get along.  Their house was like a refuge for me.

Trisha: What you said about my father perhaps trying to protect me makes lots of sense, thank you.

Angel: I don't keep my cats indoors, I let them out in the yard.  Just being in the yard is fine for my older cat, but my younger one just likes to explore a bit more.  Also, I'm not concerned that she won't come back eventually...well, I guess I am, but what I'm afraid of are predators, other animals or people.  Some people can be very cruel to animals and that is what I'm trying to protect my cat from.  She's so trusting and isn't afraid of people, actually she isn't too afraid of anything. I think that her lack of fear is something that could possibly get her into trouble.

Other: Okay, this is the funniest thing that I've seen in a long time. ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Nov 6th, 2008 at 6:55pm
lol! Ok, who else noticed that Obama has Caucasian hands? ;D

And ah, ok, I thought for some reason that you may be one of those "indoor only!!!!" kind of people who are just asking to have their pets run away. ::) Cats have more resolve than you might think. Unless you live in a seriously ghetto area, yours should be fine.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabeau on Nov 6th, 2008 at 10:29pm
Awesome pics!  All the men in your family are sooooo handsome!!  Is that really MJ?! 8-)  Holy crow that video is hillarous!!! ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 12th, 2008 at 12:53am
Angel: Yeah, I noticed that his hands where white too!  He must get his hands from his mother.  ::)

I don't live in the ghetto but I still don't like to take chances with my cats.

Lisa: Thanks, and that guy is a MJ impersonator.

Other: The wedding was very nice and my husbands tux didn't look as bad on as he thought it would.  After the reception, a few of us went to a night club.  My husband and I really weren't in the mood for it and left early.  We decided to get pizza from place that we used to frequent when we lived there.

I enjoyed spending time with my family too.  Although, I brought my mothers ashes home with me and that was pretty weird.  Now, I have to get an urn and find a funeral home to put the ashes in them.  There's no way that I can do it myself.  It's hard to even look at them.

My cats litterbox is broken again and this time the company won't send me a free replacement part as it's no longer under waranty.  So, I had to order another box.  Eventually, I'll order the replacement part for the box but it's too expensive to order the new box and the part right now.  I'm not even sure if the replacement will even get the box going again.  I just can't wait to stop scooping litter and my cat doesn't like going in another box.  She whines for about 20 minutes before she eventually goes in the box. :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Nov 12th, 2008 at 9:38am
Transporting your mother's ashes must have been...well, I can't even imagine.  *hugs*

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 12th, 2008 at 8:55pm
Trisha: It was a little difficult but I was in much better condition to do it than when she first died.  There was absolutely no way that I could've done it then.  She'd told me many times that she wanted me to have them and talk to her every once in a while.  I always said no because I didn't think that I could, nor did I want to talk about it.  So, my sister kept them until I felt that I was ready.  It's been long enough and I felt it was time, and now I'm okay.  Thanks for the hugs. :)

Hair: My hair is still straightened and I've been finding it much easier to take care of.  For one, I can go longer in between washes.  Also, I'm able to keep it moisturized better as curly and wavy hair tends to dry out faster.  I'm sure it's because it's easier for my natural sebum to make it's way down my hair.  Styling is also easier because there are no curls or waves to maintain.  I just bun it at night and let it down in the day.  No having to plait my hair at night which caused me to occassionally break a hair or two while parting it.  

I made stuffed shells using tofu instead of ricotta.  The taste was okay, but large quantities of soy and tofu do not agree with me.  I thought I was going to die...well not litterally, but it was pretty bad and to make matters worse, my husband ate more than me and he was fine. >:(  I really wish that I could eat soy and tofu instead of meat and dairy but there is absolutely no way.  After the shells, I knew I had to scrap the tofu brownie recipe that I wanted to try. :'(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Nov 12th, 2008 at 10:25pm
I also have trouble with soy.  A little is ok, but too much is very unpleasant!

Say HI to your mom for me!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 14th, 2008 at 12:32am

Say HI to your mom for me!!

I did. ;D

Talking to a box is so silly. ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 14th, 2008 at 9:44pm
Hair: I wanted to go a full two whole weeks without a wash but it simply couldn't be done.  My hair smelled fine and all, but it was beginning to feel dry and odd, so I washed it after 8 days.

I washed with Giovanni 50:50 Clarifying and Hydrating Shampoo.  Wasn't really paying attention somehow and didn't realize that I wasn't using the Aubrey moisturizing shampoo until I noticed how really clean my hair was rinsing.  I would've prefered the moisturizng shampoo today but I probably needed to clarify anyway.

In the shower it felt to be at my waist but I'm not entirely sure.  Anyway, it's now air drying in two swirl buns.

After shampooing, I did a protien treatment.  Next time I wash I'll do henna...if I feel up to it at the time.

Other: I'm a bit tired now.  When I ordered my Michael Jackons items for Halloween, I also bought two books about him...for my research. ::)  Just kidding about the research part, but I did buy his autobiography and a book that Jermaines ex wife had written about her life with the Jackson family as Jermaines wife.  Michaels book was a bit boring which was to be expected.  Margaret's book was more telling and interesting (i.e. juicy :P)  so when I cracked it open at 6 this morning, I didn't put it down until I'd read the entire book which was around 11 in the afternoon.  I do have issues with her writing such a book but it did make for a good read.  I slept for a bit but woke up at 4 and have been up eversince.  I did a bit of a work out on the Leg Magic and am hoping to have enough energy to get some yoga in later.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Nov 15th, 2008 at 1:07am
Dunno if you have a copy of Dancing The Dream, but it's an absolutely beautiful read. I have the first edition, first print and I do recommend it. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 15th, 2008 at 1:22am
No, I don't have a copy and have never even heard of it.  I looked it up on Amazon.com and it seems pretty interesting.  Thanks for the suggestion. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 16th, 2008 at 1:30am
I'm just now getting ready for Christmas.  I've been selecting gifts and decorations for the house...although I still have a black vase of black roses on the table from Halloween. ::)  I need to get a big storage bin for decorations.  I wanted to really go out for Christmas and do lots of decorating but I figure that the more I spend on decorating the less I'll be able to spend on gifts.  So, I guess I'll just buy some stuff now and add to my decorations every year.  It should be nice to have new ornaments each year anyway.  My husband says he wants to get the cats another cat tree for Christmas, which I thought was nice.  I wasn't really even thinking of gifts for them. :P

The night before we went to Pittsburgh, I watched Rocky 3.  During the movie, Apollo called Mr. T a chump.  I laughed so hard, thinking that that was the funniest word ever.  The next morning, I told my husband and he thought it was funny too, so chump became our new word.  We'd jokingly refer to people as chumps (amongst ourselves of course).  So of course, we found it totally hilarious last night as we watched CNN and heard
Elijah Cummings question if Neil Kashkari was a chump during the bailout hearings. ;D  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Nov 16th, 2008 at 10:45am
Hey, LD.  You know Halloween is my holiday, but I did decorate one year for my Grandma.  I didn't want to spend a lot, but I did want to make the house look amazing.  Here's what I did:

Bought large plastic ball ornaments, Martha Stewart wooden ornaments, a mini tree and accessories, stockings from Kmart
Bought a 12 pack of glitter stars and monogram gift bling from Target
Bought pointsettia garlands, pine garland from Michael's
Bought white christmas lights from Walmart

Staple gun
fishing line
ornament hooks

We have a 1/2 wall, so above it I hung the large plastic ball ornaments from the ceiling.  Just tie on the fishing line and staple.  I made the shape so that the ends were the lowest and the center the highest and put the mini tree beneath the center ball.  I stapled the pine garland to the 1/2 wall all the way around, and then wrapped it in lights.  My mom started buying me and my sister an ornament each year since we were little, so I hung my ornament collection from the pine garland.  I decorated the mini tree with ornaments and garland from Kmart.

I stapled one of the pointsettia garlands above the mirror in the guest bath and wrapped it with lights.  I hung the glitter star ornaments from that.

I wrapped one of the pointsettia garlands around my floor candelabra, added mini lights (the battery operated kind) and metallic red taper candles.

I got a stocking hanging board, put it on the wall and hung the stockings.  I then hung the monogram gift bling w/the stocking instead of painting names on them.

I know I did a few more things, but that's what I remember and I gotta go teach a class soon.  HTH!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Nov 16th, 2008 at 2:05pm

wrote on Nov 15th, 2008 at 1:22am:
No, I don't have a copy and have never even heard of it.  I looked it up on Amazon.com and it seems pretty interesting.  Thanks for the suggestion. :)

No prob. :)

And I'm one of those types who gets some kind of new Christmas decoration every year. I try to get at least one really great ornament for a big tree and something for my mini tree. But Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year, so my collection is huge. ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 17th, 2008 at 3:14am
Sakina: Thanks for the suggestions.  I really like the idea of the of the hanging ball ornamaments and the monograms for the stockings.  I already ordered a good amount of my decorations.  I bought 1 pointsettia garland with twinkle lights and net lights for my outside bushes.  I also ordered 2 trees that are already decorated so I won't have to worry about lights or ornaments for them.  I'm not done shopping though.  Visiting Walmart sounds like a good idea.

Angel: The fact that you have a large collection of ornaments by collecting a few each year gives me hope. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 20th, 2008 at 10:11pm
Some idiot solicitor

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Nov 21st, 2008 at 3:32am
I wish I had the patience with henna or henna/indigo step proceedure.  What shade does it turn your hair?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Nov 21st, 2008 at 9:06am

Some idiot solicitor taped a flyer to our mailbox.  When I removed it a big piece of paint peeled off with the tape.

Argh, that would have me seeing red!   >:(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 21st, 2008 at 10:52pm
Drear: Henna gives my hair a reddish tone.  Indoors it isn't always too noticible but it's very noticable outdoors.

Trisha: Thanks.  Now, I don't feel so bad about getting angry over such a thing.  I feel better now though and the box is painted. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 25th, 2008 at 1:15am
upping the intensity

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Nov 28th, 2008 at 1:05pm
Hair: Did my relaxer on Tuesday at 9 weeks post.  My roots were getting super thick so I relaxed them early and now my hair is more managable.  My ends still look good so I'm thinking that I will do a tiny trim in March to maintain them.

Thanksgiving: We didn't go out.  We stayed in, watched movies, played the Wii (we opened it early) and experimented with fondue recipes for dinner.  The fondue was interesting as some concoctions turned out better than others.  I was a little dissapointed with a feeling that my husband was hating Thanksgiving this year.  However, I realized that my feeling was off when he proclaimed "turkey is for chumps" as he dipped a piece of broccoli in the fondue bowl. ;D  And we really enjoyed the chocolate fondue for dessert.

Christmas: Last night I decorated the hedges outdoors with lights.  They look nice but I have to get an extension cord that isn't white so it doesn't stand out so much.

I wanted to put my trees up today but they didn't come yet.  Hopefully, they'll come later today or tomorrow so I can get them up this weekend.

I didn't realize how soon the 5th was away.  I haven't gotten my gift for the Secret Santa gift exchange yet so I'd better get on it.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 4th, 2008 at 12:12pm
Hair: Haven't been doing anything to it except for CO's and then putting it up.

Fitness: I've been treating my workouts like a job for the last few weeks, which is why I'm CO'ing so often.  I'm more slim and much more solid than when I began.  I wanted to lose 10lbs but I wasn't accounting for gained muscle mass, so I'm figuring that losing 5lbs may be enough.

I'm really enjoying my Wii, it's so addictive.

And since I'm focusing so much on my workouts,  I'm not obsessing so much over my hair or shopping as much which is great! :)  I like paying more attention to working out because it's something that I can control as opposed to my hair growth rate. :P

Christmas: Got my gift and card for the gift exchange but I need to get a larger envelope to mail it in.  I'll definitley do that tomorrow.  While I'm out, I'll also have to drive an hour to the dvd copying place to make copies of home videos for my sister which she will give to my nieces.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 8th, 2008 at 4:46pm
Christmas: ...is it over yet? :P  I sent my Secret Santa gift out this past Saturday and I still have to purchase and mail out cards and gifts.  I'm sure I'll be finished by the end of the week.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Dec 9th, 2008 at 9:45am

He said that I'm trying to make him my fancy boy.   ::)

I get a mental image of you, strolling through the house, calling, "Where is mama's fancy boy?!"   ;D  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 9th, 2008 at 9:39pm
I get a mental image of you, strolling through the house, calling,  "Where is mama's fancy boy?!"

Um...nope, can't see it. ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Dec 10th, 2008 at 10:33am
Very pretty!!   8-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Dec 10th, 2008 at 5:26pm
Pretty. :)
Oh, and I must stress keeping Christmas trees and whatever cords are attached to them a safe distance from the fireplace. Also keep the cords out of the way so no one trips over them. And, as always, be mindful of pets around Christmas decorations since they like to attack and play with them. *takes safety cap off and shrugs* I work for an industrial supply company and we just had our monthly safety test on this sorta stuff. ;)

As for business casual attire, this does not mean jeans & t-shirts casual. It means just a little less formal than 3-piece suits and ties. For women, this could mean the chance to be a little more festive and feminine with their outfits, so it's perfectly ok to wear dresses and cute holiday tops. And since it's a special occasion, you can pretty much go nuts with makeup and jewelry...within reason, of course.
   Lots of people are confused by what "business casual" means, so it's not surprising that you'd see a lot of people under or over dressed. ::) Think of it as put together, but not stuffy.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 10th, 2008 at 8:27pm
Thanks, Trisha and Angel.

Angel: Thanks for the concern but you can relax, everything is okay. :D  

Thankfully, I didn't see anyone wearing jeans last year.  However, I feel that the khaki's and polo style tops that most of the men wore to dinner last year were still too casual. Dress slacks, long sleeve button down shirts and an optional blazer would be fine in my opinion.  The women seemed to do a bit better than the men, but women typically are better with this kind of thing.

I'm going to wear the dress and shoes that I wore to my brother in laws wedding last month. I think it's a festive and appropriate outfit.  I'll be wearing a jeweled necklace and earrings instead of bracelets like in the pic.


Hair: Surprisingly, it's feeling really nice and soft today.  I thought that it would feel dry and brittle due to washing and co washing at least 4 times within a week but I was wrong.  Due to my hair type, I won't make a habit out of washing so often but I'm happy that my hair is holding up.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Dec 11th, 2008 at 11:33am
Oh, you'll look SMASHING, baby.  Yeah!!   ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 11th, 2008 at 2:02pm
Thanks, Trisha! :D  Although, this will already be my third time wearing the outfit since I bought it in November or October. :P  After Christmas, I'll give it a rest for a while. ::)

Hair: Was thinking about giving it another wash today but decided against it.  I did my hour long work out today but it still smell's like coconuts so I'll leave it alone.  I'm also going to be extra gentle with it for the next few weeks (mainly wearing up do's) because on Christmas I will be flat ironing it.

Fitness: I'm attempting to lose at least 4 lbs by the solstice.  I sure hope that my weight starts to decrease the way that my BMI has.  

I've started eating every three hours again.  I used to like doing this but now it's taking a lot of getting used to.  Eating so often makes me feel like I'm constantly shoving food down my throat.  However, I am eating small portions of low calorie food so, I know that I'm doing okay.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 16th, 2008 at 7:04pm
Spacing out

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 17th, 2008 at 4:24pm
From Start To Finishing

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 18th, 2008 at 7:07pm
postive steps. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Dec 19th, 2008 at 8:13pm
Congratulations on your hard work on yourself!  Well done!

I love that style of dress-the first and last are my favs.  Lucky you!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Dec 20th, 2008 at 8:50am
Congrats!! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 20th, 2008 at 9:22pm
Thanks, Sakina and Curlgirl. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 22nd, 2008 at 3:30am

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Dec 22nd, 2008 at 3:41pm
Wow, that is one gorgeous chair! :o
If you're fond of that style, you could try looking for a French antique style reproduction. Many companies make them. The advantage is that you can buy them new and they don't cost nearly as much as real antiques.

That's one funky shoe too! ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 22nd, 2008 at 5:03pm
Thanks for the tip, Angel! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Dec 22nd, 2008 at 6:29pm
Anytime. ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Dec 24th, 2008 at 6:54pm
I was a bit afraid that I was coming down with something and would be sick for Christmas.  Fortunately, it was nothing more than a sore throat and I'll be okay for tomorrow.  We're also thinking about seeing Valkyrie tomorrow before or after dinner.

I'm glad that I didn't actually order the bakery tower from Harry and David because we recieved a bakery basket in the mail.  I got all of the goodies that I wanted after all.  Only thing is that I've gained 8 oz in the past 2 days. :-/  

Anyway, our treats arrived right before we were on our way out the door to North Carolina.  My husband got something in the mail about a mountain resort on an Indian Reservation and thought it would be fun to go.  So, we packed up, took our goodie basket and were off.  We even stopped and got a bottle of champagne on the way.  

The drive on the winding road up the mountain was very scenic.  We pulled over a few times to look at and hear the sound of the creek.  I was excited because I always wanted to stay in a log cabin around Christmas time.  However, when we got there, it turned out to be just a regular hotel. We're thinking of renting an actual cabin next year to have the experience that we wanted.

One good thing was, finally being able to fit into my dress.  I bought it a few years ago but was never able to wear because it was too small when I bought it.  I took it along and wore it to dinner.  Of course no one else was dressed up (as always) but I felt good about being able to fit my dress.! :D

Hair: Mixed up some henna eariler and will apply it in about an hour.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 2nd, 2009 at 12:36pm
I'm so excited that the new year is here! :D

I didn't realize that it's been so long since my last post.  

Let's see...Christmas came and I really didn't feel like doing anything.   I was dragging trying to get ready to go out and my husband noticed and asked if I still felt like going.  I felt so bad saying no, since we'd already planned to go out but he didn't care, we called the restaurant and cancelled our reservation.  Luckily, there was no penalty.  We then ordered Chinese food and watched movies. It turned out to be a pretty enjoyable day. :)

On New Year's, I really wanted to go out because we'd never gone to this place before, it was so much fun!  It's a medditeranean restaurant which regularly has bellydance shows.  Instead of a table we got a semi private room. It was ornately decorated and had lots of pillows for sitting on the floor.  

There was a ton a food, I believe 5 courses.  Fortunatley, the portions were small because the food just kept coming and coming.  At one point, we requested that they give us time between each course before bringing out the next one.

I have no recollection as to what was going on in this pic. :-?

We enjoyed a bellydance show and also smoked hooka for the first time.  I didn't think I would like it but since we ordered apple flavor, it wasn't bad at all.  My husband has never smoked anything ever in his life, yet there he was blowing rings.  He can be such a show off. ::)

We stayed for the countdown which was done AFTER midnight. :P  We could tell the time from the football game that they were playing at the bar. My husband was pretty upset that they didn't have Dick Clark or something on.  Anyway, when midnight hit, we began blowing our noisemakers and things and maybe about a minute or so after that, the dj stopped playing music and began his late countdown.  We were pretty upset about that but whatever.  I didn't feel like dancing or anything, so after that we left.  Although, I probably would've stayed if the music hadn't changed.  Earlier in the night they were playing middle eastern music which was nice.  However, once they switched to American contemporary music I was no longer into it. :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabeau on Jan 2nd, 2009 at 2:46pm
Wow what awesome pics! You look so good!!! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Jan 2nd, 2009 at 4:45pm
Mmmmm!  I love Mediterranean food!  I'm glad you had a nice time, cute pics!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 2nd, 2009 at 9:25pm
Thanks, Lisa and Sakina!  

Yeah, the food was really good.  Last year I had couscous for the first time and didn't like it however, it was really good at this restaurant.

Oh and I did rent the Duchess today.  Ugh.  It was a very good movie but a painful story.  I couldn't help but cry throughout most of the movie.  I'm glad I watched it alone.  I suppose she made the right choice in the end, her daughters over her lover.  I couldn't believe it when he said he was engaged.  I expected him to pine over her for the rest of his life. Men! :P

Fitness: I had to split up my workouts on the elliptical today into two 30 minute segments.  For some reason I was unable to go for a whole hour each time.  Not sure why I'm getting so winded but I'll try again tomorrow.

I also feel that I'll probably never be a size 2 again.  In my younger days ::)  I didn't have to work at being thin.  Now that I do, I believe that the muscle that I gain as a result of working out won't allow for me to go smaller than a size 4.  I've made peace with it though.  As long as I'm tight, then I'm okay.  I will wait until the summer before getting rid of my size 2's... just in case my theory is wrong.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Jan 3rd, 2009 at 12:57am
As a modern woman its really hard to watch her story.  I can't help but be amazed at her ability to keep going after all the cruel and terrible things she had to endure.  I found some of the story shocking, and maddening.  I watched it with my husband, and was surprised to hear him say that he like the film.  He has always preferred true stories to fiction though.

Did you watch the extras?  I think I might buy the book that was the main resource for the script.  There's a lot more to her story!  It is also amazing that so much of her personal letters and paintings survive today.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 3rd, 2009 at 7:12am
I was angered too.  I had gotten so into the story that I began to feel actual hatred for the Duke.  

I can't watch movies like this with my husband.  He doesn't like period films and I'd be too focused on him not liking it to really enjoy it myself.

I didn't see the extras, I'll do that today.  I'd never heard anything about the Duchess prior to this movie so I wasn't aware that there was a book.  I'm going to get it.  I'm really interested in learning more about her.  I was almost sure that at some point she'd go insane or kill herself... or preferbly him. ::)  I couldn't believe that she remained with the him and that poor excuse of a friend until her death, she even seemed to forgive her. :o  Maybe she forgave both of them but surely, If that were me, I could not.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Jan 3rd, 2009 at 11:53am
Its hard to imagine being in a relationship like that.  Perhaps harder to realize that it was OK in his mind and she had no recourse.  I don't want to tell too much until you've watched the extras, but she did find ways to cope.

My husband doesn't usually care for period pieces either, but I made him watch it since it was New Year's Eve.  I must admit that I was happy he was appalled as much as I was at the way women were treated then.

For myself, I think that the Duke tried so hard to do his duty to the title that he wasn't really human anymore.  We really don't know much about him or his upbringing.  He may have been doing exactly what he was taught by his parents-it would have never occurred to him that what he was doing was cruel.
I am not trying in anyway to excuse his behavior, however there is always a reason for people's actions.

I also think he did come to realize how he had hurt G, not that it changed anything.  Good thing its not for us to forgive him, eh??

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 4th, 2009 at 9:16pm
[color=#000000]Sakina, I watched the extras.  I'm only now realizing that her's wasn't an isolated incident and that it was just accepted for any women to be treated like that back then.  In this modern day, it's so very hard for me to grasp that as well.  

Yeah, the Duke definitely wasn't "human"  I felt the same way about the Duchesses mother too.  To me, all she seemed to care about was her daughters rank and not at all about the misery that she was in.  At least he did seem to realize the pain he was inflicting, eventually.  I just felt that it was too little too late.  I guess forgiveness for such treatment isn't in me. ::)

On another note...the costumes were exquisite! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jan 5th, 2009 at 3:19pm
Having been a country girl all my life, I forget that not everyone knows these things (squirrels live in trees, etc.).   8-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 5th, 2009 at 8:56pm
Whoa, Trisha!  I didn't even recognize you...avatar pic wise. ::)  Your hair is growing beautifully! :D

Anyway, it really wasn't the fact that they lived in trees that was surprising to me.  It's the fact that they live in nests like birds... I totally had no clue. I thought that they lived in holes in the trunk or something.

Other: Somehow I've gotten sick.  Yesterday, I was cleaning EVERYTHING in the house and dancing around and cooking, I felt great.  Then out of the blue I was coughing with a runny nose.  It's pretty odd because I haven't been out much lately.  Although it only takes one time of being out in the wrong place to get sick.  I sure hope it goes away quickly. :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Jan 6th, 2009 at 1:53am
Awww, I hope you feel better soon!!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabeau on Jan 6th, 2009 at 6:41am
Gett bette soon love!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Jan 6th, 2009 at 4:58pm
Egad, you've got it too. :P Hang in there, sister.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 6th, 2009 at 11:02pm
Thanks guys!  

Angel, I think I caught your cold.  Perhaps it's an internet virus. ;D  

Other: I've been awake for over 24 hours now because I can't breathe out of my nose when I lay down.  My meds aren't helping and it totally freaks me out when I can't breathe. :P

I was terribly tired earlier but I did take a nap for about an hour.  After I got up, I took a warm bath and now that I'm sitting up I feel a bit better... except now that I'm sitting up, my nose gets runny.  Okay, is that TMI??? ::)

I did get a chance to have a long conversation with my sister today.  I called to wish her a happy birthday and that turned into a 4 hour conversation.  She's so happy because she finally met a guy that treats her nice.  Unfortunatley, most of her relationships have been crap and with crap men, so it's nice to hear her gushing and happy for a change.  Their relationship is only 2 months old so it's still too early to know what the future will hold.  I just truely hope that he is genuine and will keep her happy for the long haul.

A lot of how her new boyfriend behaves reminds me of my husband.  He's very doting and super thoughtful.  It remineded me of how excited I was when I first met my husband and how I so appreciated all of the things that he did for me.  I used to get so giddy, just as my sister is now. I'll never forget the first time he came to my appartment.  My toilet was broken, so instead of using my own bathroom, I'd always go across the hall to my sisters apartment and use hers.  So, my then boyfriend who had just gotten off of work, went in my bathroom to fix my toilet.  It was such an adorable site seeing him down on the floor, in his light beige dress pants and crisp white shirt with his tie slung over his shoulder, fixing my toilet.  I was so grateful for him and all of the things that he did for me.  13 years later, he's just as thoughtful and as sweet as when we first met.  The only difference, is that now I often take him for granted.  I'm not one for new years resolutions, but being more grateful and showing appreciation where he is concerned is definitely something that I will work on.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jan 7th, 2009 at 12:26pm

I'm not one for new years resolutions, but being more grateful and showing appreciation where he is concerned is definitely something that I will work on.

I think that's a good goal to reach for all the time.   8-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 7th, 2009 at 4:59pm

I think that's a good goal to reach for all the time.


 Well, I'm still sick and feeling miserable.  In the last 45 hours, I have only slept on 2 occasions for about 3 hours total. I guess I'm just too uncomfortable to sleep or stay asleep for any long period of time but surprisingly, I'm not really even tired. I am making sure to rest though.  I've just been watching tv, playing computer games and eating a lot.  I don't know why, but I've had such a huge appetite today.  I don't want to take my sleeping pills and am sure that at some point I'll eventually crash.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Jan 7th, 2009 at 6:43pm
Welcome to the rhino virus. :P
And no, you didn't catch it from me since I wasn't contageous. ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 7th, 2009 at 10:37pm
The most weird thing happened to me.  I finally fell asleep a around 5:45 pm.  It wasn't a very good sleep as I awoke several brief times.  Anyway, I wake up again and it's a little after 7.  Well, I was under the impression that it was morning because I felt like I'd been asleep forever.  So I'd gotten up to give the cat's (who of course must have been starving at this point) some food. Then I dozed off again and when I woke up close to 7:30.  I'm looking out the window and wondering, "where is the sun?".  I go back to sleep, wake up again at 9 and still no sun. :o  Of course, then I realized that it wasn't the next day and only a few hours had gone by since I first fell asleep. :-[  Thinking I'd been asleep all night and not seeing the sun at 9:00 made me feel like I was in the Twilight Zone.

Oh well, I made some tea and gave in and took my sleeping pill.  Hasta manana...I hope. :-/

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jan 8th, 2009 at 11:16am
If you're still having trouble breathing, sweetie, here's what you do...

Get you some Vick's VapoRub, if you don't already have some.  Before you get ready for bed, or in your case whenever you're fixing to fall asleep, slather a goodly amount of the salve on your chest up close to your throat.  You'll want to wear an old t-shirt to bed; this helps warm up the salve and also keeps it off of your bed clothes.  You also want to slather some on the bottoms of your feet and then put on some socks.  Yes, on the bottoms of your feet...I don't know why this works, but it does.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Jan 8th, 2009 at 11:33am

Thinking I'd been asleep all night and not seeing the sun at 9:00 made me feel like I was in the Twilight Zone.

Or Alaska. ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 8th, 2009 at 4:08pm

Get you some Vick's VapoRub, if you don't already have some.  Before you get ready for bed, or in your case whenever you're fixing to fall asleep, slather a goodly amount of the salve on your chest up close to your throat.  You'll want to wear an old t-shirt to bed; this helps warm up the salve and also keeps it off of your bed clothes.  You also want to slather some on the bottoms of your feet and then put on some socks.  Yes, on the bottoms of your feet...I don't know why this works, but it does.  

I have some and smeared a little under my nose but it didn't help much.  I didn't think to put it anywhere else...let alone my feet.  After I took my sleeping pill and some fruit juice with crushed garlic in it, I slept well until the morning.  However, if I need to tonight I will try your suggestions.  Actually, I hope that I can't breathe tonight because I'd like to try that.

Or Alaska.  

That actually went through my mind too. ;D

Ugh...my cat just stepped on my keyboard and fortunatley hit save. ::)

Anyway, I'm feeling much better today.  I weighed myself this morning to assess the damage as a result of all of the food over the last two days.  Oddly enough, I lost 2 lbs. :-?  

I'm still going to take it a bit easy today but tomorrow I think I'll finally get back to working out.  As weird as it is, I miss it.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 11th, 2009 at 6:30am
So, I had to try the Vicks on my feet and it worked! For the past two days, I'd still been sick but I'm feeling better now.  

I'd been eating so much and not exercising but when I got on the scale I was 2 lbs lighter.  Pretty weird.  Anyway, I'll definitely get back to exercising today.

I washed my hair on Friday and noticed some breakage.  It's on the right side of my head around my hairline so I'm pretty sure whats caused it.  I'd been using a pomade product which I needed to brush in pretty good.  I'm sure all of the excess brushing is the culprit.  Fortunatley the breakage isn't too bad but it's bad enough for me to stop with the pomade, so I gave it to my husband.  He's used it several times before and likes it.

I'm thinking that I'll do indigo on my next wash.  I was looking at older pics of myself where I'd darkened my hair, and I really liked it.  Also, I'm figuring that with the indigo, I'll get a more even color.  With  henna, it takes a few applications for my roots to match the rest of my hair, which is already at it's peak color.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jan 12th, 2009 at 9:58am

So, I had to try the Vicks on my feet and it worked!

  ::)  Told you so!  --Isn't that the freakiest thing?!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 13th, 2009 at 3:16pm
Yeah, it is pretty freaky.  I looked online to see why it works but couldn't find an answer.

Hair:Ugh... I washed today and did a light protein treatment.  The last time I washed, my hair didn't feel very soft so this time I tried protein...which in hindsight makes no sense.  Anyway, it still doesn't feel soft.  

Next time I'll clarifiy.  My guess it the lack of softeness must come from a build up of coconut oil.  I'm also not feeling good about my protein treatment (well, it's actually a reconstructor) because I used cheap stuff from Sally, with cheap ingredients, including mineral oil. :P  I'm going to buy protien conditioner from Aubrey Organics, just in case I ever need protein in the future.

I've also decided not to do indigo.  I like the color that I get with henna, so I'll stick with it.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 14th, 2009 at 10:00am
It hasn't even been winter for a full month and I'm already sick of it.  

Good grief...my cat is being super aggressive here.  She's climbing all over me and licking my face and purring in my ear...very hard to type under such circumstances.

Okay, I got her off of me.

Oh, the weather...they're saying that it's just going to get colder over the next few days.  Today and tomorrow the high will only be in the low thirties. :o  My husband has been wanting to go on walks which would be nice, but I don't know how enjoyable that will be for me.  The other day, I got some cold weather workout pants so that I could walk outside but I don't know if they'll keep me warm enough...I guess eventually I'll have to try them out and see.  

I looked back through my journal from last year and was reminded that spring came pretty early here last year.  I'm hoping that, that's the norm and I'll be back into my summer clothes in early March.  Oh goodness she's back!  This is so hillarious, I'm being groped by my cat! ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Jan 14th, 2009 at 5:11pm
She's trying to tell you she's hungry, LD! ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 16th, 2009 at 12:23pm

She's trying to tell you she's hungry, LD!  

Hair: Just clarified and now my hair feels like my hair again.  Don't think that I'll be using the coconut oil again.  I liked it in the beginning, but I don't think that it's worth the inevitable build up and crunchiness.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 18th, 2009 at 9:45pm
Lately, I haven't been doing much with my hair, mainly just bunning it.  Last night, I decided that I've been letting myself go long enough and Carusoed my hair.  I curled it a bit tightly, so I was able to sleep with my hair out which is something that I hadn't done in a long time. It felt really free and decadent.  When I awoke, my husband told me "that's how I want you to wear your hair everyday".  Think he noticed that I hadn't done my hair in a while? :-/

So tired today...

Although yesterday, I got in my first good workout since I was sick and I already have 16,557 steps on my pedometer today. We ran lots of errands, perhaps thats why I'm so tired.  Anyway, it's nothing new, I've been dragging for a while now.  Last week, I bought some ayurvedic tea in an attempt to help balance my dosha but it isn't working.  I've been reading a lot about ayurveda and looking at ayurvedic cookbooks but have yet to settle on one.  Of course, I could drink caffeine (despite it potentially triggering my anxiety :P) but I'd rather try and get energy from eating good foods.

Now I need to find something else to do while my husband watches football...it's been on ALL DAY. :P  Hopefully, I'll be able to stay awake long enough to watch the new episode of Big Love, that I'm recording.  It should be really good and I love Nikki's hair.


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 20th, 2009 at 8:53pm
Did my relaxer today.  I was going to wait until the first but my hair was a tad unmanagable.

The right side of my hair is now at armpit.  I was very tempted to cut it all back to ap like I did in early 07, but I couldn't go through with it.  I'll just follow my original plan of maintaining at the end of the summer to let the right side catch up.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 21st, 2009 at 4:14pm
Hair: Last night I went to town with the coconut oil.  My hair was pretty dry and sticking to itself, so it really needed the oil.  I'll just be sure to clarify before I run into any trouble with crunchiness.

This morning, I went ahead and trimmed an inch from the back.  My hair was growing into a point yet again so I clipped it off.  I did it myself.  I was pretty shocked that I was able to get my arms back there the way I did.  I guess at times it pays to be flexible.

After my trim, I did a pretty cute style.  I twisted my shorter ap length side back and pinned it.  At first, I secured it with with bobby pins, but the pinching got to me.  So then, I decided to hold the side back with hair sticks.  After a few tries, I finally got it to hold and it looks pretty cute.

Yard Stuff: I went out and tore down all of the dead morning glory vines off of my swing set.  This spring I was planning on planting climbing roses instead.  That way, I'd have the pleasure of seeing blooms all day.  However, I realized that I may have to put that off because as I tore down the vines, I noticed that there were morning glory seeds EVERYWHERE.  NOW, I finally realize the meaning of self pollenating. :-/  Anyway, we still have our lawn service so I'll have to tell the guy to put down some extra pre emergent.  So, planting roses will most likely be out of the question this season. :-[Other: I'd also planned on taking a break from doing personal shopping but came across some really good sales on boots.  This past fall, I didn't buy all of the boots that I wanted to, so I guess now is a good time to get a jump on next year.  I have a pair of lined over the knee suede boots on the way...hopefully they'll fit.

Also, 2 of the 4 dresses that I won from eBay a while back never showed up (the seller is in Austrailia) so at least that counts towards my goal of not shopping cutting back on shopping.

Ooh...UPS just rang the doorbell... :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 22nd, 2009 at 3:35pm
Hair: Doing well, doing well.  I'm glad that I trimmed it.  I'm also wondering if I should maintain at this length to get more fullness but I haven't made up my mind yet.  I have lots of time to decide so it's okay.

Yesterday, UPS dropped off a new exercise program for my wii called "my fitness coach".  I really love it.  You have to load in all of your stats and then do a fitness test.  When you're finished, it gives you your evaluation and designs different fitness routines based on what you need to work on.  I don't have much upper body strength, so that's what I have to work on most...although I really enjoy working my legs most.

I'm also glad that I got it because it provides me with more variety.  Workout's can become so hum drum when you do the same thing often enough.

It's very nice out today, so we're going to take a walk to the local coffee shop in a bit.

Other: My sister called me late last night to tell me that her hair is falling out.  I immediately thought that she meant that she had alopecia.  However, as she talked on, I realized that it is indeed breaking and not shedding from the scalp.  She didn't know what to do.  She goes to the salon and the beautician told her that it's only shedding (I don't believe that she knows the difference between the two) and to make sure to comb her hair often.:o
Unfortunately, my sister was doing as told and has ended up with so much breakage that her hair has thinned signifcantly.

My advice to her was to stop combing her hair and to do a protein treatment followed by moisture asap.  I also told her to give her hair a break and wear wraps or hat's until she gets the breakage under control.  She's going to have to cut her hair as well, but she's okay with that.  I think right now she's just too disgusted with the situation to care about losing length, not that her hair was long anyway. I suggested that maybe she should stop going to salons seeing that I remember this happening to her before about 4 years ago.  She didn't ask my advice then, she just went to a barber and got it all cut off.

The whole thing felt a bit odd that my sister would call me for hair advice at all seeing that she took cosmetology in high school (I took pre law...although just for a year :P) and after graduating, went on to cosmetology school.  But it felt nice that she felt that I could be a "go to" person for advice.  Then, after I thought about it, I realized that I was probably just a last resort. ::)  Although at anyrate, I'm glad that I could help.

She also told me that it's her boyfriends birthday today and that they're going to Hooter's to celebrate...too bad I couldn't help with that one. :-/  8-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jan 23rd, 2009 at 9:52am
Last resort or no, thank goodness she called you for advice this time!   ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 23rd, 2009 at 3:33pm
Trisha: Yeah. I hope she's able to save her hair.

Other: Yesterday, we went for our walk to the coffee shop.  It was a nice change and they had the game, Perfection! :D  I used to love playing that game when I was a kid!  Afterwards, we walked over to the sushi restaurant and had dinner, went next door and picked up a few groceries and then walked home.  I don't know why we don't walk around more often.  

Today, I've been doing laundry all day. :P  

I'm glad to say that I have my dining room back. :)  Since we took the desk down, my husband had been using the dining room as his work area.  However, today when I awoke, he'd moved the desk, printer and his work stuff upstairs to his son's room.  He's going to use that as his work area from now on.

I have a few decisions to make.  Firstly, I have no idea what I want to do on my birthday.  I'd like to go away, but we're pretty close to being out of debt so I don't want to spend too much money.  Perhaps next year.  Secondly, our lease will be ending this summer.  Our plan was to go ahead and buy our house, all of the rent that we've paid will be applied to the mortgage.  We just want to make sure that there is nothing better around before we make our final decision.  We're going to keep an eye out for houses in Little 5 Points.  I'd say that I'm 99% sure that we'll be staying, but we'll see...

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jan 26th, 2009 at 10:44am

Firstly, I have no idea what I want to do on my birthday.  I'd like to go away, but we're pretty close to being out of debt so I don't want to spend too much money.

How about just taking a day trip?  That way you're still getting out of the house and away from your neighborhood, but it doesn't have to cost a lot of money.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 27th, 2009 at 5:46pm
Trisha: I suppose I could, I just don't know where I'd want to go that is worth the car ride.  I'll just wait and do something nice next year, for my 35th birthday.

Hair: I'm out of conditioner and will have to pick some up on my next trip to Whole Foods.  I go through conditioner so quickly but unfortunatley there is nothing that I can do about it.  I wonder how much it would be to buy it in bulk?

Yard Stuff: Today, I cleaned off my patio, running the sweeper out there.  I still can't believe how many morning glory seeds are scattered about.  My sweeper sucked a lot of them from the patio, but there are still so many in the yard.  I'm wondering if mowing the lawn can suck up the seeds?

Other: I believe I've cooked more this winter than I have in years...perhaps since I lived alone.  I've gotten to love my crock pot.  You just throw everything in and in hours you have a complete flavorful meal.  I love easy meals.  I'm not a fan of cooking so the simpler the better.  My favorite meals made with the crock pot so far have been salsa chicken and chicken pot pie.

My cats: I'm so grateful for them.  Lately, they have been even more entertaining.  My eldest kitty is less dominant however, lately she's been more aggressive and challenging Kali at every turn.  So, my husband and I are treated to several daily wrestling matches as Kat jockeys for position. Oh they're so funny.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 29th, 2009 at 3:18pm

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabeau on Jan 30th, 2009 at 7:36am
Hi Honey!

I took Paxil for a few years and it made me sluggish too.  I now take Celexa and am lot better and have more energy.  Mind you these drugs act different on everyone.  Hopefully you find something that works for you! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Jan 31st, 2009 at 3:40am

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabeau on Jan 31st, 2009 at 6:41am
I know what you mea about PMS moments.  I get them and I cannot control how bitchy I get.  My shrink had said that the meds are supposed to help with PMS but that is not the case with me.  I understand how you feel about your hair.  Mine has stopped growing and is getting greyer due to stress.  I have and idea, how about getting some colored clip on extentions just for fun! :)  Like a funky purple or pink. http://www.smilieshq.com/smilies/love0028.gif

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 1st, 2009 at 2:55am

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlygirl22 on Feb 2nd, 2009 at 12:29am
I really enjoyed reading your journal.  you have beautiful pictures.   xoxo curlygirl

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 2nd, 2009 at 3:54am
Thank you, Curlygirl22.  I'm glad you enjoyed it.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Feb 2nd, 2009 at 3:55pm

I also bought another book penned by Michael Jackson himself titled, "Dancing the Dream: Poems and Reflections" (thanks again for the suggestion of the latter, Angel  ;))

You're most welcome. Strangely enough, the first time I read any of it, it struck me in such a way that I drove to the coast and began writing furiously after a long dry spell. ;D Sounds like you're enjoying it as well. Cheers! ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 3rd, 2009 at 2:23am
Angel: I don't have the book yet, I just ordered it.  I was thanking you because I probably would've never heard of it had you not suggested it to me.  Anyway, Amazon.com allows you to flip through some of the pages and from what I saw, I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy it. :)  

After reading more of Moonwalker, I enjoyed it as well.  At first, I didn't think that I would and considered it boring, because there was so much common knowledge stuff about him and his family in the beginning.  However, it turned out to be a pretty good read.  One thing that I learned about him is how technical and well thought out his music making process is.  In his interviews, he always says that music is just sent to him by god or something, but he actually puts a lot of thought into his work. He plans everything, when I really thought that he was simply passive and let others take care of putting things together for him.  He really knows his stuff.  

It's cool that his book could inspire you to write again.   Oh, and I really like your new avatar, btw.

Hair: Still going through a funk about it.  I don't know if I should apply my relaxer at the end of the week or if I should wait until next month.  I would be so devestated if I damaged my hair and nothing is worth that.  But...I could be worried for no reason at all.  Still gotta think about it.  This has never happened to me before.  I'm assuming that it's the fault of the coconut oil.  It probably prevented the relaxer from penetrating my hair.

I got my shower filter in the mail today.  Now, I realize why it was cheaper...it's the wrong one! >:(  Mine has been discontinued, so this one is the replacement.  Although, this replacement cartridge doesn't fit my filter so I have to see...well, I guess I have to buy a new filter. Ugh. :P  Okay, I'll look on the bright side.  Perhaps this new one is better! ;)

Other: There has been yet another cat hanging in our yard lately.  This one is black and white.  I don't know what it is, but he's (well, I don't really know if it's a he) hopped into our yard 3 times now.  I'm okay with it but Kali is not.  The cat only visits when my cats are indoors.  Although, when my husband spots the cat out there, I suppose he looks at it as an opportunity to be entertained, because he always lets Kali out to "get him".  Kali then chases the poor kitty away and sometimes will even leap over the fence after him, I suppose to make sure that he get's the point.  However, I feel the more the merrier, I love cat's.  If it were up to me he could hang out in our yard anytime.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Feb 3rd, 2009 at 9:47am
The Vick's on the feet treatment often has to be done a few nights in a row to be effective (not just a one-time shot).  So tell your hubby to keep trying.   ;)  

morning glory seeds are scattered about.  My sweeper sucked a lot of them from the patio, but there are still so many in the yard.  I'm wondering if mowing the lawn can suck up the seeds?

No, honey, if anything the lawn mower will only scatter them more.  

You and your hubby want to live overseas?  Wow...any place specific?  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Feb 3rd, 2009 at 4:39pm

Angel: I don't have the book yet, I just ordered it.  I was thanking you because I probably would've never heard of it had you not suggested it to me.  Anyway, Amazon.com allows you to flip through some of the pages and from what I saw, I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy it.

Oh, sweet. :) I'm sure you will.

One thing that I learned about him is how technical and well thought out his music making process is.  In his interviews, he always says that music is just sent to him by god or something, but he actually puts a lot of thought into his work. He plans everything, when I really thought that he was simply passive and let others take care of putting things together for him.  He really knows his stuff.

*nods* He's extremely diligent. A staunch perfectionist. The kind of person who will do something 10,000 times always trying for something better and never being 100% satisfied with the outcome. He's said this many times. Typical Virgo. ::)
   But I am much the same way. I know how challenging it can be to make whatever you're doing look or sound the way it does in your head. The "sent by God" part is the idea itself. Manifesting that idea when it comes to you is where all of the hard work comes in.
   What I also find respectable about him is that he stays informed on what's going on in music. If you're in the business, chances are he knows what you're up to.

I'm okay with it but Kali is not.  The cat only visits when my cats are indoors.  Although, when my husband spots the cat out there, I suppose he looks at it as an opportunity to be entertained, because he always lets Kali out to "get him".  Kali then chases the poor kitty away and sometimes will even leap over the fence after him, I suppose to make sure that he get's the point.  However, I feel the more the merrier, I love cat's.  If it were up to me he could hang out in our yard anytime.

Cats are very territorial and do not like strangers in their space. It's probably just a neighbour cat or a scavenger come to check out whatever you've got. ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 4th, 2009 at 3:53am

No, honey, if anything the lawn mower will only scatter them more.

Good thing I hadn't tried this yet, thanks for the advice.

I'll let him know about the Vicks, although he seems to be doing somewhat better now.

You and your hubby want to live overseas?  Wow...any place specific?  

Yes, its something that we talk about from time to time.  He even said that since his son is a bit older now, he is confident that we could move sooner than we discussed but I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving until his son was 18.  

Anyway, I'd love to try Spain or Italy and completely immerse myself in the culture and learn to speak like a native.  I've never been to either country, I'm limited to online research.  Since my husbands position is virtual and his company is worldwide, there is a possibilty that it could work but there is still so much that has to be discussed and thought out before we can make that decision.  I do hope it works out though.  I think it would be exciting to live abroad for a few years.

The "sent by God" part is the idea itself. Manifesting that idea when it comes to you is where all of the hard work comes in.

That makes sense.  I didn't realize that there would be the hard work of interpreting these "gifts" and turning them into works of art.

Cats are very territorial and do not like strangers in their space. It's probably just a neighbour cat or a scavenger come to check out whatever you've got.  

Actually, I've had cat's in the past that weren't territorial in the least.  Each cat is differnet.  My Kat also saw the other cat in our yard in it didn't bother her at all.  She was afraid to go outside when it was there, (she's afraid of everything and everyone)  but she wasn't hissing and screaming like Kali.   Cat's are weirdos. ::)

Hair: Decided NOT to redo my relaxer for "our week" as we call it.  Our birthdays and Valentines day are all within a few days of each other.  Anyway, I'm going to just waiy and not risk damaging my hair.

Other: Today, I wore my new brown, lace up, riding boots  and my brown ruffle leather jacket for the first time today.  I also wore winter white leggings and an oatmeal colored thermal top.  I though that I was dressed pretty casual but my husband really liked my outfit.  I was happy about that.  He always compliments me, this was something that I'd never worn before so it felt great.

I also finished the book from Tatiana and all I could say was...well, I don't even know what to say other than she wasted some of the best years of her life based on a fantasy. She thought that Michael Jackosn was in love with her when it was completely obvious to anyones else that he had no interest in her at all.  At first, I felt a bit sorry for her but then I got to the point to where I wished I could somehow stick my hand through the pages and slap her upside the head and say "wake up and move on!". ::)  


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Feb 4th, 2009 at 8:00pm

Cat's are weirdos. ::)

Definitely. ::)

I also finished the book from Tatiana and all I could say was...well, I don't even know what to say other than she wasted some of the best years of her life based on a fantasy. She thought that Michael Jackosn was in love with her when it was completely obvious to anyones else that he had no interest in her at all.  At first, I felt a bit sorry for her but then I got to the point to where I wished I could somehow stick my hand through the pages and slap her upside the head and say "wake up and move on!". ::)


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 6th, 2009 at 5:39am
Yesterday, I didn't feel too well...that time of the month. :'(  I just laid on the couch like a log all day and fell asleep right after 30 Rock. :P  A few hours later I woke up and haven't gotten back to sleep since.  I wanted to wash my hair as my new conditioner came, but I just didn't feel up to it.  I think I'll get to it today.

Eventhough, I didn't feel well yesterday, there were two things that really made me laugh.  The first was when my husband who was laying on the floor as I laid on the couch said, without even looking up, "Honey, what's going on with the noise?".  I was confused and said "I thought you were making the noise, I thought you were shuffling cards".  Then, I looked down by my feet and saw my cat ripping into a crinkly plastic bag that contained her treats.  I laughed so hard when I saw that she was the culprit.   I laughed even harder when she wouldn't release the bag from her mouth as I tried to tug it from her...she even growled at me during our game of tug o war. :o ;D  Of course I won, but since she put up a good fight, I gave her a few treats from the bag anyway. ::)

Then later, I get a text message from my 15 year old niece.  It read, "Important!  Someone snitched on us!  The police were looking for a sexy lady and a retard.  Well, they already caught me, so this is your warning to grab your helmet and your crayons and run!" ;D

After I read the message,  I forwarded it to my husband had just gone out to the store. He called me back immediatley and whined..."Why did you send this to meeee?" ::)  ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 6th, 2009 at 9:19pm
Hair: I washed my hair today and used my new aubrey protein conditioner.  I put it on my dry hair and let it set for 15 minutes. I realized that my hair was breaking off an inch from the ends. :-?  I then conditioned again with the same conditioner after my wash with moisturizing shampoo.  I'm not certain what is causing the breakage.  I believe my hair has either too much moisture or it's build up from coconut oil.

Other: I was unable to go back to sleep last night and didn't go to bed until around 8 this morning.  I'll most likely be up late tonight, so if it isn't too cold, I'll put the shelving up in the garage.  There seems to be so much stuff out there as we have no other place for storage.  I'm hoping that the shelves will be enough.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 11th, 2009 at 4:24pm
get dressed soon.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Feb 11th, 2009 at 5:02pm
Ugh, birthdays. :P They usually end up being the worst days of my life, despite my (or anyone else's) best efforts. And special days are always harder to deal with after losing someone with whom you used to celebrate them. But it gets easier with time, I promise. Just know that whatever you do, your mother is smiling on you and wishing you all the best.
   Of course, new hair toys also help. ;)

Smile. :) And have a fab birthday, sweetie. 8-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Feb 12th, 2009 at 8:59am
I know how much you miss your mother.  I still miss mine and she's been gone since '92.  But try to keep in mind that your mother would not want you to be sad on her account.  Remember to celebrate her for the woman she was and think of her as watching over you.  *hugs*

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 12th, 2009 at 6:36pm
Thanks so much, Angel and Trisha ((hugs)).

I did end up having a good birthday.  We lit my cake before going out to Ibiza, the same place we went on NYE of course this time it was much more quiet.  There was no bellydancing or dj. Just dinner which was exactly what I wanted.  We sat in our own little room with the curtain drawn and had lots of tapas.  When the waitress brought the check, she also brought me a piece of german chocolate cake with a birthday candle in it.  It was really sweet. Although I was already so stuffed, I could only pick off of it a bit.

My husband put 34 candles on my cake plus 2 numeric candles.  It's actually getting fun for me to see how many candles he can squeeze on there.  He kept saying hurry up and blow them out because the cake is melting and WATCH YOUR HAIR! ;D  It took me awhile though because I had to really think long and hard about my wish first.  Then surprisingly, after taking a really deep breath, I blew all of the candles out on my first try. :D

I wanted to get a pic of myself with the cake with the candles lit but I failed.  So much for my modeling skills. ::)

Oh well. :)

*For some reason my pics wouldn't resize...sorry so big. :-[

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabeau on Feb 13th, 2009 at 9:24am
Awesome Cake!!! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Feb 13th, 2009 at 9:27am

hurry up and blow them out because the cake is melting and WATCH YOUR HAIR!

;D  ;D   ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 15th, 2009 at 3:51pm

Awesome Cake!!!  

It was really good too! :)

hurry up and blow them out because the cake is melting and WATCH YOUR HAIR!

;D ;D ;D

That explains why it was hidden neatly behind my shoulders. ::)

Hair: On Friday, I went ahead and did a protein treatment.  I should've did one a while ago, I just didn't feel like dealing with it.  Now, I wish I hadn't been so lazy because my hair is so much better for it.  No more breakage on the ends. :)  Although, I didn't use the moisture that is supposed to follow the treatment.  The treatment itself is okay but the moisture has mineral oil and who knows what other crap in it.  I decided to follow the treatment with my regular conditioner instead.  I noticed that it didn't get quite as soft as it does with the moisture however, my hair is definitely stronger now and no longer brittle.  

I put the coconut oil away.  I will only use it in the future if I know for sure that I will be washing it out the very next day. For my needed moisture, I ordered 3 bottles of Aubreys Primrose Tangle and Go Conditioner spray.  I had to order them online because they are no longer available at Whole Foods.  So, I had to pay shipping for them, which makes it more expensive but there is a 7 cent savings on each one when buying 3 or more.  There is a 12 cent savings for 6 or more and 23 cents for 12 or more.  I figured 3 would be good for now.  I'll buy as much as I can if the product get discontinued though.  Right now I have about 20 tubes of a discontinued Neutrogena cream blush (that I found on eBay) in my closet. I think that, thats going to be it for my bulk purchases for awhile.  Otherwise, I'd feel like a hoarder. :-/

Last night (Valentines Day) was really nice! :D  We got dressed up and went to the Dracula Ballet.  It was amazing to look at.  My husband kept referring to it as "visually stunning".  Only problem was, there were two blonde leads which made it somewhat confusing to follow, as it was hard to tell who was who.  Otherwise, it was great!  Well, except for the fact that a couple a few seats down from us had a screaming baby.  People were definitely upset. I on the other hand wasn't too surprised as this has happened to us before.  Some people... >:(  The night made for great people watching.  I loved looking to see what others were wearing and I was not dissapointed.  Just about everyone looked great.  There were several long haired men with slicked back ponytails.

I decided not to buy a new dress so I took an older alkle lenghth black dress and had it shortened to a few inches above my knee.  The dress has long slit sleeves and an open slit back.  It also has a 3 or 4 inch leather band that goes around the entire waist.  I decided to go for a grecian type look with it.  I put on black crystal chandelier earrings, did a 1/2 up do, put a black and silver brooch on the front of the leather band on my dress and I wore lace up black platform sandals. I liked my outfit. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Feb 15th, 2009 at 7:53pm
Sorry I'm late,I was away!  Belated Happy Birthday,LD!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by waiting4longlocks on Feb 15th, 2009 at 11:56pm
1) You have amazing hair!!
2) You are BEAUTIFUL!!  :o  :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Feb 16th, 2009 at 2:34pm

Last night (Valentines Day) was really nice! :D We got dressed up and went to the Dracula Ballet.

:D I'd kill to see that! *faint*

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 16th, 2009 at 4:31pm
Thank you, Curlgirl! :D

Thanks for both compliments, Waiting4longlocks! :D  

Angel, I was excited about this for months, it was definitely worth the wait.  Hopefully, you'll get to see it too. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 17th, 2009 at 6:16pm
Hair: My ficcare won't be here until Friday and I so want it now...which just so happens to be the typical timeframe for anything that I desire. ::)

Last night I saw a video on youtube.  A woman with hip length hair was brushing it with such abandon.  I haven't brushed my hair like that since middle school when my grandmother suggested...or instructed (I don't remember) that I do 100 strokes a night.  I loved doing that and my hair felt so soft.  Then, I recall showing my hair off to my sister (who was taking high school cosmetology at the time) and she told me to STOP BRUSHING MY HAIR!  She said that it would ruin it.  She said it was okay for my grandmother to do because her hair was a different texture than ours.  So, I took her advice and stopped brushing my hair, only using my brush to smooth it every once in awhile.  But sometimes I do miss the simple act of brushing my hair and the softness that I remember my hair gaining from it.

Yard Stuff: Our lawn guy came today and sprayed extra pre emergent down where the morning glory seeds are.  Hopefully, that will keep them from popping up.  I forgot to ask him what effect that will have on the soil should I plant roses.  Although, I'll most likely have to put in other soil anyway (we have clay around here) so it probably won't matter.

I just got some catnip seeds in the mail.  They're so tiny.  Anyway, I can't wait to plant them! :D  I'm going to put off planting anything until May though.  Last year, I began planting in April but we had a final frost in May.  It did't hurt anything, thank goodness.  However, I don't want to take that chance this year.

Other:  Years ago, I had a crush on a basketball player named Jayson Williams.  He was attractive, seemed smart and was very charismatic.  Then a few years later, he was on trial for killing his limo driver, I was so shocked. My husband and I sat and watched the news about it.  Then my husband, recalling my crush said, "see, now what if you would have ended up with that guy?"  Now just recently, another old crush, Roberto Alomar (who I actually met) is being sued for trying to pass his full blown AIDS :o onto his former live in girlfriend. :o  What the heck!?!  I can't believe that I used to like either of these guys...yuck! :-[

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 18th, 2009 at 11:04pm
Hair: Will wash on Friday and experiment with up do's.  I was thinking about cutting my bangs again.  I feel that bangs would make my up do's more flattering, but I'm already over the idea.  If I had more hair, thicker hair, I would do it, but I don't want to take away from my volume. :-[  I was even thinking about doing the fake bang thing but I'm over that idea too.  I just want great, long hair that is totally mine, no fake stuff.  Hopefully, I can come up with a cute up do that I will enjoy wearing often.  I simply want to protect my hair more to minimize my need for trims.  I used to wear my hair up ALL of the time when I was a teen but now I just enjoy it out so much more.

Other: Well, it's official...I definitley have the winter blahs. :P

I never finished the scarf that I started to crochet.  I don't know if crocheting is for me.  It's supposed to be relaxing however it makes me tense.  I'm sure it'll just take more practice, but I just get so tense making sure that I have each loop correctly and am so afraid to mess it up.  I do need something else to keep me occupied though, so I think it's probably an excellent time to begin studying spanish again.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Feb 19th, 2009 at 11:32am
Oh, honey, you're late...I've had the winter blahs for at least a month now!   ;D  Usually wintertime doesn't bother me; this year the cold temps and nasty weather have hit me hard.  I just keep reminding myself that spring is literally just a few weeks away and I can make it.  *hugs*   8-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 20th, 2009 at 12:18am

Oh, honey, you're late...I've had the winter blahs for at least a month now!  

;D  One thing I'm happy to be late for...wish I could've skipped them altogether.

Usually wintertime doesn't bother me; this year the cold temps and nasty weather have hit me hard.  I just keep reminding myself that spring is literally just a few weeks away and I can make it.  *hugs*    

Yeah, spring is just around the corner but in the meantime we're getting cold weather.  Okay...not super cold but cold enough. ::)  Anyway, I always get the winter blues typically they occur much earlier for me.  Weird thing is, like I mentioned, our winter here this year hasn't been bad.  I just miss the sun and sitting out in my yard.

Hair: Washed today.  Figured that if I wash today, it will be all ready to go when my ficcare gets here tomorrow.  However...during my wash, I realized that my ends were breaking again. :-?  I haven't been adding coconut oil to it and my hair has not been at all brittle since before my last wash.  In fact, it's been very soft.

Currently, my hair is in plaits.  It has already dried.  I will most likely keep my hair protected all week until I wash again and do another protein treatment...or henna.  I'm really not sure which would be best at this point.  Anyway, I was thinking that I'll most likely have to trim an inch offf (that's how much is breaking on the ends) but I'm thinking that at this rate, it's trimming itself so I may only dust.  I won't really know if the breakage has made my ends visibly thinner until I take my plaits out.  It pretty much sucks that I'm losing an inch off of my ends, but it could be worse *shrug*.  Hopefully, I'll be able to correct the problem soon and move on.

Other: Just finished listening to my download of Barack Obama's book, "Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance" on my ipod.  It was about 7 hours long so I broke it up into 3 days.

Prior to purchasing it, I read the reviews which were pretty split.  People either were very offended and referred to him as racist, while many others found the book "life changing".  After the fact, I didn't come to the conclusion that he is racist, just someone who was trying to help the struggling black community and also find a place to belong.  At any rate, I didn't find the book life changing either.  I'm not even sure in what way that would be possible:-? ...I guess it could inspire some to want to help out and become active in their community, or a less fortunate one.  It didn't do that for me though. :P

Anyway, overall it was an enjoyable listen, as the book was narrated by him.  It was like having him in the room sharing his stories with me as I'd sit by the fire.  He's a great story teller too.  I loved the different voices and accents that he used when quoting his friends and family members.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 20th, 2009 at 9:15pm
Hair: Got my ficcare today.  I was immediately impressed with the pretty gold box that it was packed in.  And... it actually held all of my hair.  However, everytime I moved my head even slightly, it made a rattle noise. :-?  When I took it back out, I noticed that the small metal cylinder tube under the spring was too short, causing it to slide back and forth with every motion, which results in the noise.  

So, I called Ficcare to see if it was really defective or if they're all like that.  The agent just said to send it back and they'd decide wether it was defective or not.  I asked her why she couldn't just answer my question over the phone. :-?  For whatever reason she was really vague and evasive.  Then fiianlly, I said "look, you have access to the product (which she confirmed earlier) so you should know if this is normal or not".  She finally said that it isn't normal for them to make noise and they'd exchange it once I sent it back. :P  If I didn't like the clip so much I wouldn't even bother. :P  Now I have to wait, who knows how long, to get this all sorted out.

Other: The dinner and dessert that I made tonight turned out to be a bust.  Both were new recipes for me.  My husband really enjoyed them though.  Luckily, he isn't hard to please.  

I don't know why I just had this need to be adventurous in the kitchen today and overly preoccupied with the thought of food in general.  I even bought a butter nut cake and a pumpkin cheese cake online.   I guess I'm just going through a phase. :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 24th, 2009 at 7:27am
Ugh...I did a CO this morning and it wasn't good. :-[    I used the White Camelia smoothing conditioner from Aubrey's and it just isn't as good for me as their revitalizing conditioner...probably why it's cheaper.  It didn't make my hair feel soft at all.  Actually, it suffered from a weird phenomenon of being crunchy and wet at the same time...yet, it wasn't even crunchy prior to the CO when it was dry. :-?  It felt better after slathering on moisturizer, but I really have to go back to my regular stuff.  I wasn't impressed with their protein conditioner either, so much for trying something new. :P  Although, I might try doing a treatment to make my hair less porous...I just need to know what ingredients are in it first.

Yay, it'll be warming up over then next few days.  It'll be in the high 60's. :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabeau on Feb 24th, 2009 at 7:57am
Oh my lord send that lovlwy weather my way!  I got -14 this morning!  Burrrrrrrrrr!!!!!  lol!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 24th, 2009 at 1:23pm

Oh my lord send that lovlwy weather my way!  I got -14 this morning!  Burrrrrrrrrr!!!!!  lol!!

I'll blow some in that direction!  ;D

Hair: Decided to stop using Neutrogena Triple Moisture in my hair.  This morning, I ordered hair milk from Carol's Daughter.  Not sure if I'll like it but I really hope that I will because the products are more natural.  I would say all natural but they list "fragrance" among the ingredients and you can never know for sure about that... unless they explain what the fragrance is.  Anyway, even with the mysterious fragrance, the product will still be more natural that NTM.

I keep going back and forth with wanting to cut my hair. I still don't have the nerve to cut it back to APL, but I'm totally obsessed with the thought of it all the same.

Other: I'm going to switch my lotions too.  I want to avoid parabens.  Hopefully going natural with my lotion will eliminate the extra dryness of my skin that I've been experiencing lately too.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Feb 25th, 2009 at 2:44pm
I cannot use any product that has more than 2 parabens in it, so I get paraben free as much as possible.  I really like Cetaphil lotion and the Body Shop's Cocobutter body butter.  They are the most moisturizing for my super dry skin.  Sometimes when I'm just finished w/a shower a put oil on my skin before getting out of the shower and then put lotion on top of that.  Just make sure you have at least 30 mins. before you have to put clothes on for the lotion and oil to absorb or you could wind up with oily clothes.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 25th, 2009 at 7:22pm

I cannot use any product that has more than 2 parabens in it

I found that my desire to avoid all parabens was a bit ambitious after looking through all of my toiletries...almost everything is made with parabens! :o  So yeah, I'm going to cut back but it would be way difficult to eliminate them altogether.

I really like Cetaphil lotion and the Body Shop's Cocobutter body butter.  They are the most moisturizing for my super dry skin.

Hmm...I really like Cetaphil facial moisturizer but have never tried their body lotion, that may just work for me.  Ugh, talk about dry skin.  I have lotion on my hands but they are still so dry they feel like they're on fire.

Other: Did more yard planning, mapping out where I'll be planting seeds.  I decided that I want to place a vegetable garden under my windows where my fountain was.  So, I had to move the fountain to the other side of the yard.  Nope, didn't like it.  So then, I moved it to the patio but first, I had to drag the heavy iron chimenea to the other side of the patio before I could put the fountain in it's place.  Nope. That didn't work either. ::)  After dragging the chimenea again, back to where it was, I decided to move the fountain to the other side of the yard where the Buddha is.   So, I moved the Buddha to put the fountain there and then I broke the fountain. :P  It's an easy fix, so I'm not too worried about it, and the fountain finally looks good where it is.  Only thing is that I originally put the fountain in this spot when I first bought it. I moved it because it was too close to where I sit on the patio and the sound of the water was too loud. It's between two hedges which have filled in more since the fountain was there last.  Hopefully, they'll muffle the sound some.

After my backyard fiasco, I went out front and picked off the dead needles from the two evergreen trees on either side of my door.  Every time we get really strong winds my one tree falls over.  So, I also took one of the trees out of the urn, put some bricks in it and then packed more soil in it.  Hopefully, that will keep it from ending up in my neighbors yard. :P

I've been up for a bit over 24 hours now...just because I guess. :-?  I was supposed to exercise for an hour today for Lent, ::) but I didn't.  My husband restricts his diet every year during Lent.  So I told him that I'd join in too and make sure to not miss any workouts during Lent but I failed already. :P  *Shrug* oh well. Anyway, I'm finally off to bed now.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Feb 27th, 2009 at 5:43am

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 1st, 2009 at 6:38am
>:( The hair milk from Carol's Daughter finally arrived and in a word, it was greasy.  Super greasy.  It contained many oils and my hair does not do so well with them.  Also, once the moisture dried, I was left with crunchy hair.  I gave up and was TOTALLY going to cut my hair.  I told my husband but he said that I shouldn't.  He said I'd spent so much time growing it out, and I just needed to stop trying different things and stick with what works.  He said that he's been using the same hair gel for years and he's been with the same Buny (his nickname for me) for years, because it works.  And that I should also stick with what works. Of course he's right, but I thought that it was sweet for him to put it that way. :)

So anyway, I went to Walgreens and picked up some more of my regular cone and paraben laden product, with more ingredients than I can count.  My hair did thank me for it though.  

What wasn't so thankful today were the hedges that I transplanted the other day.  If they were smiling then, yesterday they were scowling.  It rained so hard that the soil under the transplants was nothing but mud.  I had to dig a hole next to one to help with drainage.  After I dug the hole I noticed water filling into it, then I pressed down on the soil under the hedge with both hands and water began to gush out.  Today, it's supposed to be cold enough for flurries so I did some mulching to protect the roots.  I hope that they survive as I'd really hate to see them die. However, if they don't make it, it won't totally be the end of the world, as I have more Privets on the way.

It has not been a good time for me to try new products at all lately.  First, the 2 new Aubrey conditioners that didn't turn out to be so hot for me.  Then, the hair milk and the cakes that I bought in the mail last week were not so tasty.  Yesterday, I got a bottle of  Nuvo from the liquor store.  It's a pink sparkling vodka "for her".  The bottle is too cute and I'd read so many postive things about it, that when I saw it in the store I had to have it.  I couldn't wait to try it once I got home, but I was not impressed, I hated it. I was dissapointed yet again.  Although, my saving grace was making the perfect Margarita.  I found the recipe for Chili's margaritas (which I love) online.  They said it was authentic but of course, you can't be too sure...unless it's on their website, which it wasn't.  The recipe is composed of serveral different liquors, so I was so nervous about spending the money and not liking it.  I was so happy and relieved when it came out good!  After the day I had with my new hair product, I really needed that margarita. :)

I just can't wait for my replacement ficcare to arrive.  I'm going to keep my hair up and protect it for a while.  It's been through so much lately. :-[

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 2nd, 2009 at 10:53am

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Mar 2nd, 2009 at 11:23am
That's one of the worst feelings in the world, getting stuck.   :P  I'm glad y'all were able to get unstuck by yourselves and didn't need a tow!

I'm also happy that you figured out what works for your hair--
and didn't chop it off!   ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Mar 2nd, 2009 at 5:43pm
City folk. ::) ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 3rd, 2009 at 5:22pm

That's one of the worst feelings in the world, getting stuck.     I'm glad y'all were able to get unstuck by yourselves and didn't need a tow!

Yeah, it was horrible.  

I'm also happy that you figured out what works for your hair--
and didn't chop it off!    

I'm happy too, I was really close to cutting it.  I would've only cut it to APL, but I'm still relieved that I didn't.

City folk.  


Hair: Still wearing it up and trying to protect it some.  I've just been moisturizing and putting it right back up.  Later this week we will be going out.  I'm wondering how I'll wear my hair but I'm not sure yet.

Fitness: After slacking off royaly last month, I've decided to start working out regularly again.  I decided to use Lent as my motivation but that doesn't work for me...at all.  So, my new motivation is just to get back into bikini shape.  I'd made so much progress and had done so well over the last few months.  It's amazing how just one month of slacking off can be such a huge setback.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 4th, 2009 at 9:37am
Hair: Last night, I applied henna right before bed at midnight, put a cap on in and slept with it in my hair until I awoke at 7am.  I washed it out and currently my hair is drying in a bun.  I didn't use any wine or tea this time.  I only used hot water and mixed in about a half bottle of the hair milk.  It made for  a very smooth consistency, not watery, no lumps.  It soaked into my hair very easily.  

From what I can tell with my damp hair, my color is still very much the same if not darker.  I know that my hair will lighten up a bit as it gets more sun though.

Other:Keeping a close eye on the weather so that I can determine wether to workout indoors or out today.  Right now it's 35 degrees.  However, I'm waiting to see when it will get to at least somewhere in the 40's, which I think will be a comfortable temp to be out.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 7th, 2009 at 1:50pm
Well, my hair is no longer midback but bsl.  I was tired of obsessing about cutting it,  so I had my husband do it today after my wash.  I pinched the back length where I wanted it cut, walked downstairs with the scissors in hand and told him to snip it off.  I was shocked when I saw the hair in my hand because I didn't realize how much I was pinching.  The hair that was clipped measured 3 inches.  I was figuring that it was only 2, but it's fine.  I'm just happy that my hair is more even and thicker.  The right side of my hair is still shorter, so I'll have to cut again eventually.  Now, my hair measures 25".

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Mar 9th, 2009 at 10:06am
Sometimes it's better to give in to the cut and stop obsessing about it.   ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 11th, 2009 at 12:25am
"a slew

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 13th, 2009 at 3:31pm
Hair: After neglecting my hair all week, I did my relaxer today.  For some reason my hair seemed resistant to it again. :-? It looks good though and with my roots smoothed out to show more length, I don't regret my cut one bit.   It isn't as long but it's still a good length.

Fitness: This week I've been running outdoors and working out like I'm on the Biggest Loser.  My diet hasn't changed but I've cut out dessert. I lost 4lbs this week.  It's too cold to workout outside today so, I'll do My Fitness Coach on the Wii.

When the sun goes down, we're going to see Benjamin Button at the drive in.  It's so long that I didn't want to watch it in the theater.  I think that the drive in will be more comfortable and fun.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 14th, 2009 at 10:17am
cold rainy day.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 18th, 2009 at 2:27am

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 20th, 2009 at 11:00pm
bubbling with excitment

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabeau on Mar 21st, 2009 at 6:29am
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! i watched the video and loved it!! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by fisher2 on Mar 21st, 2009 at 11:43am
mairlyn manson and absinthe at about 2 mins http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lGoUlw47Rg "van gogh cut off his ear i lost all my teeth"   sounds lke a safe drink :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 22nd, 2009 at 3:51am

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by waiting4longlocks on Mar 22nd, 2009 at 12:20pm
aww I loved the vid!!  :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Mar 23rd, 2009 at 10:39am

It's taught me that I can be more active in bringing positivity to someone else's life.  It really doesn't take much to put a smile on someones face.

It really doesn't!  I wish more people would work on doing that--just hand out at least one compliment a day to someone..anyone!  It also makes YOU feel good.   8-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Mar 23rd, 2009 at 10:45am

wrote on Mar 20th, 2009 at 11:00pm:

I would reply to this but I'm too busy crying...   :'(
(I *knew* better than to watch this at work!!)  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 24th, 2009 at 2:09am
I'm glad you liked the video, wating4longlocks! :D

Aww, Trisha!  I guess it really is a tear jerker (((hugs))).

I thinks it's funny that we as people don't compliment each other more.  I know when I see someone dressed nice or something, I'll think it, but typically don't say anything if I don't know them.  I'm sure that it would be appreciated if I spoke up at times.

My day:  Started out ready to go to the gym this afternoon.  However, we hadn't gone in so long that when we got there, we'd realized that our electronic key thingy had been deactivated.  My husband was so upset, not only because we couldn't get in, but because there was a note on the door saying that management was out to lunch.  So, we couldn't even knock.  So me, trying to be like "water" ::), said "hey, we'll just call tomorrow and get this straightened out, but in the mean time let's not get upset about it.  Let's just go work out in the park."  My husband didn't want to let it go, but agreed to go to the park.

When we got there, there were circus tents set up and there were horses, goats, llamas, camels and all sorts of other animals.  Pretty cool! :D  They were getting set up for a circus tonight and since we were at the park, we got to see all of the animals close up, without crowds and for free! :D  Even cooler was being able to see 3 Bengal Tigers close up.  They were in an enclosure of course, but we were only about 10 feet away from them.  We just watched in awe and marvled at how their mannerisims were so similar to our own tiny Bengals.  Also, the trainer, Red, gave us a personal talk for about 20 minutes.  He told us what they ate, about their individual temperments, how he trains them etc.  He even showed us a huge scar on his abdomen (that was easily 8 inches long) that he got when a tiger swiped at him. Pretty neat stuff!  It was so awesome how it worked out.  I just kept thinking...if our key had worked, we would've been in the gym missing all of this.  Sometimes it's best to just go with the flow.

Fitness: I did get in a pretty good workout, eventhough I know that I could've worked harder.  It's just that I really didn't feel like it today.  I had a really bad case of the munchies and all I could think about was food.  As a matter of fact, after working out, we went straight to KFC and I had a honey bbq sandwhich that I had been craving.  And later, we went to Cracker Barrel (for the first time ever). I got an order of takeout chicken and dumplings.  Cracker Barrel was featured on the Food Networks "How It's Made" last week.  They were making chicken and dumplings that looked so good I was salivating over them.  ...And they were as good as they looked. :D  Not great to eat after working out, but I'm not on a diet, just trying to exercise regularly and not eat too bad too often. :P  

Although on the other hand... I do feel like this pic sort of illustrates my struggle. :-/

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Mar 24th, 2009 at 12:39pm

Oh...has anyone seen this?  It's decades old footage but they were showcased on Oprah last week.  I cried like a baby.  I showed my husband today (still reluctantly managing a few tears) but he wasn't moved in the least bit and looked at me as if I were crazy.  

Watch it if you haven't already, and see if it moves you.  If you have watched it before...were you moved, did you cry?   Did you think about all of your beloved pets that have come, and gone from your life?  Did you wonder if they'd remember you after so many years?...and still love you?  Those were my thoughts. *sob*  


Actually, no. These people took a huge risk visiting a pride of lions on their native turf, however staged it may have been. Do not try this at home, kiddies!
I half expected to see a full scale, brutal maiming, which would've been so fitting with the music. Nothing like a good old fashioned lion attack to Aerosmith. Woooot! ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 25th, 2009 at 10:17pm

I half expected to see a full scale, brutal maiming,

Yeah, it could've went that way.  I'm glad their story had a happy ending. :)

Hair: Carusoed and experimented with styles today, it came out nicely.  
In addition to trying a new leave in, I'll also be trying a new conditioner that makes hair less pourous.  I believe that I may have issuses in the porisity area.  

Yard Stuff: We're getting plenty of rain and everything is getting greener everyday. I'm sooo excited! :D  

Fitness: I got an aerobic step today.  I've needed one for a while.  It'll sure come in handy over the next week since it'll most likely be raining everyday.  I wanted to put my Wii balance board on top of it, but it only just fits and I'm not sure how stable it will be. :(  

Ugh...my local grocery store is making eating healthy so difficult.  Now, whenever I go past the bakery, they offer me free chocolate chip cookies.  Apparently, the cookies are made specifically to hand out to children.  However, now they offer them to me too, as they remembered me liking them so much.  They also have a new coconut nut cake with butter cream icing that is soooo good I can't resist it either. :P  One dessert a day is okay... but two?  I'm not sure about that but I'll definitely see how it goes. ::)  Hopefully, I'm working out enough that it won't matter. :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Mar 26th, 2009 at 4:45pm

Yeah, it could've went that way.  I'm glad their story had a happy ending. :)

I was actually almost disappointed. ;D

And giiiirl, what grocery store do you go to?! None of the ones I've visited have ever offered free cookies...or anything, really. Yeesh. I can't even buy ACV at mine without the cashier asking if I'm doing a "cleanse." :o ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 26th, 2009 at 5:46pm

I was actually almost disappointed.  

That's so mean! ;D  I would've been horrified. ::)

And giiiirl, what grocery store do you go to?! None of the ones I've visited have ever offered free cookies...or anything, really. Yeesh. I can't even buy ACV at mine without the cashier asking if I'm doing a "cleanse."  

Is she a long hair too?

I go to a store called Publix.  They're a chain store yet, they try to be like the old neighborhood grocer type of store.  You know, super friendly and chatty with the customers.  I remember last year around Halloween, they had a sale where you could get a bag of Snickers for 5 cents with a 10.00 or 20.00 purchase, I don't remember.  Anyway, we weren't aware of a purchase min. because the night before they were selling them to us for 5 cents with every purchase.  So we'd buy 20 cent donuts and get big bags of 5 cent Snickers.  When we went back the next day for more (we were buying them to give to trick or treaters ::)) we were informed about the purchase min. by the cashier. It was still a good offer so we didn't make a fuss.  However, the manager came over and gave them to us anyway.  She didn't even charge us the 5 cents.  They really go out of their way to satisfy their customers.  

There is one cashier who seems to be kind of slow though.  I guess they have to chat up the customers but I don't think he ever knows what to say.   So he always says the exact same thing, using the same dry tone, to everyone "Work-ing hard or hard-ly work-ing?". ::)   One day I'd like to respond in some totally off the cuff way to see if he even notices. ;D  

Yard Stuff: Went out in the rain to move some hedges branches (they're not quite hedges yet ) around to make way for the sunflowers that I'm going to plant.  We pulled up a dead hedge from the front that was here when we moved in.  Not sure why it died but now I have to decide on replacing it with the same (as there are still 2 other matiching live ones still out there) or if I should plant something else.  The  green arborvitae that I put out front in urns last year are dying so I'll definitely need to replace those.  I realized that I didn't pot them correctly anyway.  I should've taken a knife and slit the roots so that they would spread.  Hmmm...perhaps it isn't too late to do that now.  I will try it.  They're not dead but they seem to be heading in that direction. Maybe I can save them.  I'd put on my water proof boots but I got good 'ole Georgia red clay all over them and in the treading.  Ugh...I even managed to get clay all over my fairly new nice white tennis shoes.  I guess it wasn't a good idea to clean them in my bathtub.  Hopefully, all of that clay going down the drain didn't cause any problems with the plumbing.  Next time, I'll clean them off outside with the hose.

Hair:  I'd slept in a snood to maintain the style that I did yesterday, but I didn't put on a cap when I was outside, so it got wet and frizzy.   That's fine though, it'll be getting washed soon.

Other: We tried to buy VIP tickets for the Raphael Saadiq concert on Saturday but they were sold out.  We were able to get regular tickets online.  Hopefully, we'll still have a good view and won't be packed in like sardines.  I wanted to dress up but who know's since we'll have to stand all night.  My husband keeps offering suggestions although every one entails me wearing heels. :P  I suppose that once the music starts, I won't even notice, like when at a night club. :-/

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 27th, 2009 at 8:52pm
Hair: Today I CO'd using 5 conditioners.  First, I rinsed and then applied what was left of the Aubrey conditioner that I didn't like...I don't even remember what it was called.  Rinsed again and applied Roux porosity control.  I've known that my hair was porous, I just thought that, that's the way it was.  I wasn't aware that it was something to be or that could be corrected, so here I am. ::)  Rinsed again and applied my fave Aubrey revitalizing conditioner, let it sit for 15 minutes, rinsed again.  Then, after I got out of the shower, I detangled, not noticing much of a difference in my porosity.  I parted my hair down the center.  On the left side of my hair, I applied Rusk leave in conditioner and Neutrogena Triple Moisture on the right.  I've used the Neutrogena for years but decided to try the Rusk as I've read many positive things about it.  However, I'm liking the right side of my hair better, it feels softer.  Right now, my hair is air drying in a swirl bun.

Getting Organized:  I organized my clothes closet a bit more.  On one wall I had a long shelf that went the whole length of the closet.  I never hung anything from it and only used it to place my wraps, winter gloves and scarves on it, and that stuff doesn't take up much space.  So, I'd gotten into the habit of not always hanging up my clothes and tossing them on the shelf.  I'm always complaining about how my closet never stays neat for very long.  So, instead of just cleaning it, I decided to get to the source of the problem...the shelf.  If there is no shelf, there is nothing to throw stuff on.  So I took it down.  Doing that not only eliminated one problem but solved another as well.  I am now finally able to hang long dresses and coats on the shelf that is above the one I took down, that created more room.  Then, I got a smaller shelf that I purchased accidentally a while back and hung it on the wall for my gloves, scarves and wraps.  The closet looks so much better now. :)  

While organizing, I went through the closet and decided to give up plenty of items for Goodwill donation.   Next, I'll be organizing my drawers and hopefully adding to the donation bag.

Yard Stuff: Went back out in the rain.  I dug up my knock out roses from the back yard and put them in the front where we dug up the dead hedge.  It's been raining so much that the ground in the front was totally mud.  I added some potting soil to firm it up a bit but I still wasn't satisfied with the results.  Not many plants (if any) like being planted in mud so, hopefully it'll work out.  Knock out roses are pretty hardy so I think it may work.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 28th, 2009 at 4:50pm
Hair: Now that my hair has dried, I can tell that the Porosity control worked.  My hair feels really well conditioned.  Not quite sure what I did to cause the porus situation in the first place but I'm happy now.  The first quarter of this year wasn't so great for my hair but now I'm happy with it again.  And again, the length is really nice too, even with my last cut.

Yard Stuff: Went to Lowes to get mulch for my knock out rose bush.  It's supposed to get chilly tonight and I want to protect it just in case we get a frosting.

I went to get my daily slice of coconut nut cake today and the store was out. :-[  Although, now, I don't have to worry about any possible weight gain that it may cause.

I'm going to the concert tonight.  As of now, I'm planning on dressing up (a halter sparkle mini dress and heels) but with the rain and the seating (or lack of seating) situation, I may change my mind.  My secondary thought for an outfit is a turquoise, ruffle halter top and jeans...not sure which shoes I'd wear with that though.  I'd love to wear my black Timberlands but I doubt that will happen. :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Mar 29th, 2009 at 7:01pm

Is she a long hair too?

Kinda. But mostly, she's a freaking idiot blonde with no idea what the #$&% she's doing. ::) The ACV "cleanse" she was referring to had, er, nothing to do with hair. :P

This Publix place sounds pretty cool, except for the chatty cashiers. I positively can't stand it when a cashier looks at whatever I'm buying and then asks me about it. Gawd, just scan the merch and put it in the bag, slappy. Ain't nunna yo bizness! ;D

Hope you had fun at the show!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 29th, 2009 at 8:08pm

Gawd, just scan the merch and put it in the bag, slappy. Ain't nunna yo bizness!
;D ;D

Last Night: Had so much fun at the concert last night. :D  I ended up wearing a black mini babydoll dress, black lace up riding boots and large silver hoop earrings.  I figured I'd go for an 80's Jody Whatley type look, complete with black eyeliner.

I carusoed my hair with large rollers and got pretty nice waves as a result.  I gently combed it with a wide toothed comb to separate the waves and then flipped it several times before being satisfied with the look. I needed the boots since we were standing to make sure that my toes would be protected in case someone stepped on my feet.

I wasn't too thrilled that I had to wear boots with a dress, but putting on a dress is always simpler for me than selecting an actual outfit.  Determined that I couldn't possibly look so hot with boots instead of heels, I didn't even bother checking myself in the mirror before leaving the house.  My husband said that I looked great but it's hard to take his word for stuff like that.  I mean, what else is he supposed to say? :-?  

After arriving near the concert, we walked passed two girls in the midst of a conversation.  As soon as we passed them, one of the girls abruptly stopped the conversation.  I couldn't make out what she said, it just sounded like a very fast "shhh, shhh, shhh, shhh".  But then, I did hear the other girl say, "I know, she looks really really good".  So then, I knew that I didn't have to feel so self conscious about my outfit anymore.  I was tempted to turn around and say thanks, but in situations like that, I always assume that it would be rude to do so.  I heard them, but it was their conversation, they weren't talking to me. :-/

We got there relatively late for not having a seat.  We wanted to get there early but that didn't happen.  Yet, things still worked out. :)  We needed to use the restrooms as soon as we got there and since it was so late, there were absolutely no lines.  We then realized that there was no VIP  just regular floor seating and a balcony.  All of the seats were taken, but standing room was in front of the floor seats.  Personally, with all of the standing people, I don't even think that the people who had floor seating could even see the stage at all.  We walked past all of the seats and stood directly in front of the stage, only about 3 rows of people in front of us and we were dead center.  At that point, I didn't feel bad at all about not having seats or about wearing boots, which turned out to be quite comfortable for standing.  

We didn't have to wait long before the opening act started.  They were a young group with a ton of energy, very fun to watch.  I began dancing immediately.  Then, it was time for the headliner.  We saw his show before so we knew that he'd be great.  Funny thing though.  Many times during the show I felt paranoid like he was looking at me.  Everytime it appeared that we were looking eye to eye, I'd avert my eyes somewhere else on the stage, like to a back up singer or something.  Pretty weird.  Then, I just figured that since we were so close to the stage that I must have just been in his natural field of vision and that he probably wasn't even looking at me at all. I felt more comfortable.  

After the show, my husband and I went up the street for pizza.  As we ate, we talked about the show, going over our favorite parts.  We were so excited as we spoke, but then out of the blue, my husbands mood changed a bit and he said "I didn't like the way that he kept staring at you though".  I was suprised to hear him say that.  I told him that I thought he was looking at me, how nervous it made me feel and my theory about just being in his natural view.  He then said no, that his natural view would be straight out like everyone elses was, but he was looking down and at me.  Pretty odd as it was very clear that I wasn't alone, but oh well.  So there's my long story. :P

Today: I slept in pretty late.  We woke up and I had a very fattening McDonalds breakfast of hasbrowns and a sausage biscuit.  Later on we went to the coffee shop and had hot chocolate and cookies.  So far a very lazy and overly indulgent day. :)  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Mar 30th, 2009 at 4:25pm
Aww, LD.
As a singer, it's important to connect with people in the audience by making eye contact. You want people to think that you're looking right at them. It's a great feeling.

But I've also had it happen where I'd be standing directly under a really bright stage light and couldn't see past the first few rows. Aaand if there happens to be a good lookin' guy up front... ;) you get the idea.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 31st, 2009 at 1:01am

Aww, LD.  
As a singer, it's important to connect with people in the audience by making eye contact. You want people to think that you're looking right at them. It's a great feeling.  

It was nice I suppose.  It just made me feel a bit shy or self conscious...don't know why. ::)

Aaand if there happens to be a good lookin' guy up front...  you get the idea.

Other: Today my husband woke me up a bit early because my Kat hopped the fence.  Kali hopping isn't such a big concern, but Kat is very sweet, yet we refer to her as the dumb blonde. She gets confused easily and often times can't find her way back home when she ventures out of the yard.

So I had to go find her.  I called her name several times with no response at first, but then we heard her whining from a distance.  She heard my voice and was able to make her way back home.  When she appeared, she was very happy to see me and kept licking my face.  

My husband says that I should discipline her for jumping the fence to teach them that it's wrong, but it isn't in me to give them a slap.  I'm just happy she's okay and home.  Actually, I give them treats when they come home.  I feel that since they're going to jump the fence anyway, I should not punish them but reward them with treats so they'll see returning as a good thing.  I think if we reprimand them, that they won't want to come back home.  

Hopefully, this all will soon be a non issue, as I've ordered some fence post tops to deter my cats from hopping the fence anymore.

Yard Stuff: The temp was only 70 today but it was nice enough to be out in the yard for a bit.  I found that a few morning glory seeds had sprouted.  Of course I dug them up and disposed of them.  I also took stock of what I still would like to do in my yard and I made a list.  Tomorrow, I'll go to Lowes (more coupons) and buy supplies to finish my flower beds.  I still need additional wood to finish them and soil...and a few other things.  I think that by the end of the day tomorrow I'll be all set up for when my plants and seeds arrive.

Texting: My younger sisters and my nieces love to text.  That's fine, but what I don't like are texts that I have to respond to.  I'm not very up on texting.   I'm so slow with it, and couldn't figure out how to capitalize my sentences,  how to find punctuation keys or how to cear my mistakes.  Finally my husband (who is a techie) had to sit next to me to assist.  I'd finally sent my response text, 1 short sentence that took me about 10 minutes  to send. :P  I don't understand the allure of texting at all, nor why people don't just leave emails anymore. :-?  It's much faster and less complicated.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Mar 31st, 2009 at 10:09am
You're not alone!  I hate texting too.  Mom, parent in-laws, SIL loves to send them and it often takes me 30-40 mins. to type and send a response.  I really hate texts and I hate having my time invaded with texts all the time so now I just ignore them and I've told them to CALL me if it's important enough.  

I don't want to know that someone's going to the senior center, are on their way to the senior center, are at the senior center, are on the way home from the senior center, are home from the senior center. ::)  Okay, okay it's not that bad yet but I fear that's what I'd receive on a daily basis if I didn't put my foot down.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Mar 31st, 2009 at 4:13pm

I don't understand the allure of texting at all, nor why people don't just leave emails anymore. :-? It's much faster and less complicated.

Because some people have lives and don't sit at their computers 24/7. ::) And some people often find themselves in environments where yakking on their cell phones would be a disruption. Texting is a great advent for people on the go, who need to communicate quickly and/or discreetly. It really isn't difficult, and we live in an era of technology where you either keep up or get left in the dust.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Mar 31st, 2009 at 8:59pm

I don't want to know that someone's going to the senior center, are on their way to the senior center, are at the senior center, are on the way home from the senior center, are home from the senior center.  Okay, okay it's not that bad yet but I fear that's what I'd receive on a daily basis if I didn't put my foot down.

;D  Yeah, I think sometimes people can get carried away.

Because some people have lives and don't sit at their computers 24/7.  And some people often find themselves in environments where yakking on their cell phones would be a disruption. Texting is a great advent for people on the go, who need to communicate quickly and/or discreetly.

I realize that most people (including myself) aren't at their computers 24/7, I actually meant voicemail, not email.  I can understand about being discreet, but when you are sending chain mail texts every 5 minutes, thats just nuts.

It really isn't difficult, and we live in an era of technology where you either keep up or get left in the dust.

I'm not a techie type person, so I don't have a desire or need to buy every gadget or use every bit of technology that becomes available.  I suppose texting would be easy should I develop a desire to use it more.  However, I like my life just fine, no texting required. ;)

Yard Stuff: Went to Lowes today and got more things for the yard.  Yard edging, more wood for flower and vegetable beds, soil, etc. etc.  I was working outside all day until the sun went down so my husband brought out a flashlight to hellp me see.  It wasn't that dark though, I didn't really need it.  ::)  I'm still not done out there but not being finished gives me something to look forward to tomorrow. :D

...Unless, I get sick.  My throat has been hurting so badly today.  I hope that I'm not coming down with anything. :-[

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 1st, 2009 at 3:54am
Wanted to make a personal hair note before I forgot.  Rusk Sensories Smoother Conditioner is working really well for me as a daily hair moisturizer.  Makes hair feel soft, moisturized and lightly oiled all in one application.  Don't like the smell so much, it's okay... but reminds me of the 70's. Otherwise I''m really really liking product. :)  If this continues, I will cease using Neutrogenas Triple Moisture leave in. Although, I really haven't been using it much lately anyway.  :-/

Aubreys White Camelia Spray In is still working for me in addition.  Just not sure yet if it is still needed. :-?

On another note...my throat is still terribly sore. :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Apr 1st, 2009 at 12:34pm
Uhhhh ohhhhh. Take your Emergen-C, girlie. Everybody seems to be getting sick right now. :(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 2nd, 2009 at 4:34pm

Uhhhh ohhhhh. Take your Emergen-C, girlie. Everybody seems to be getting sick right now.  

I started taking Tylenol cold.  My throat still hurts but I don't have any other symptoms so I don't believe that I have a cold.  Perhaps just allergies or something. :-/

My Kitties: Took Kali to the vet yesterday because I discovered a small lump on her side.  The vet took a sample of it but is very positive that it's nothing and will most likely go away on it's own.  He did inform us that at 13 lbs, Kali is a bit heavy for her age.  My husband often refers to her as fat fatty to which I'd say "she isn't fat, she's muscular".  She still looks muscular to me and she is very active and strong but I guess, vet knows best.  Eventhough, he was some odd hippie type guy who kept referring to each cat as "babe". ::)  So, we have to feed her more protein and less carbs.  She was really good in the car and in the office.  She even snuggled in my lap as we waited to be seen.  So sweet.

We took Kat along for the ride just because usually when we separate them, they don't recognize each others scent when reuinited and hiss at each other. Kat on the other hand would not shut up the entire time, and boy is she loud.  We sprayed Feliway but that didn't help.  The vet assistant even sprayed more upon our noisy arrival but still, didn't help.  And on top of everything, Kali ended up hissing at Kat anyway. :-?  They still aren't on speaking terms.  Kat's pretty confused about it.  She keeps trying to play with and groom Kali but Kali isn't going for it.  Hopefully, they'll be chummy again soon.

While at the vet, we got to visit with some of the cat's up for adoption that currently reside there.  One of my favorite parts about visiting the vet.  The resident cats are always too cute and super friendly.  I always want to bring them home with me.  One was a heavy blonde furry thing that they shaved down to look like a lion, he was soooo cute!

Yard Stuff: I completed my edging yesterday but have no plans to work outdoors today.  It's been rainy all day.  I'd like to see a bit more sun, but am so grateful for the rain.  The abundance of rain that we've gotten has officially brought an end to the drought here.  I ordered a rain barrel to take advantage of the rainfall but I keep thinking, that as soon as it arrives, the rain will stop.

Other: After waking up yesterday evening from being knocked out on Tylenol.  My husband and I watched Slum Dog Millionaire.  We were both pleasantly surprised as it was really a good movie.  Of course we'd heard all of the buzz about it, but thought it would be a typical Bollywood type musical.  Surprisingly, it  turned out to be completley gritty with an excellent story.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 6th, 2009 at 8:24pm
I think I have a cold. :-?  My throat continues to hurt and about 3 days ago I began developing cold symptoms, coughing, congestion.  I'm still taking medicine but the funny thing is, is sometimes I'll feel sick but then other times I'll wake up feeling fine.  It comes and goes. :-?  I'll be going to the doctor tomorrow to get checked out.

Hair:  I've been neglecting it somewhat but it's okay.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Apr 7th, 2009 at 10:34am

sometimes I'll feel sick but then other times I'll wake up feeling fine.

Hmm, allergies?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Apr 8th, 2009 at 4:46am
I hope your doctor could help you but it is the season for allergies and the symptoms could sound like it but I'm not going to play pocket doctor here.  There are safe, none chemical things you can buy these days to relieve allergy symptoms and some of them can be used unrestricted of time.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabeau on Apr 8th, 2009 at 11:33am

Trisha wrote on Apr 7th, 2009 at 10:34am:

sometimes I'll feel sick but then other times I'll wake up feeling fine.

Hmm, allergies?

I have had this happen to me as well.  I have no idea what it is either. :-[

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 10th, 2009 at 1:26pm
Whatever it is,

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 10th, 2009 at 1:47pm
Hair: Forgot to mention hair in last post. ::)  

Did CO in bath on Wednesday.  First I used porisity control left on for 30 seconds and then I used Aubrey revitalizing.  Not sure how long it was left on, rinsed right before getting out of tub.  Then, I went out into the yard to let it sun dry as I detangled it and then I used Rusk leave in as it dried.  The next day, I was going to try finishing up the last of the Carols Daughter leave in that I have (I have less than 1/4 of a bottle left)  but was unable to do so.  I suppose since my hair is no longer as porous, a little goes a long way...it was nice. :)  

Last night, just out of boredom, I applied coconut oil.  My hair felt so soft that I couldn't help playing in it, which I did for an hour.  This morning, my hair still feels oiled but not so soft.  Now, I'll definitely need to do another CO soon.  I'll also be ordering more henna.  I can't wait to see how my new less porous hair will take to that as well.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 14th, 2009 at 3:20pm
Hair: Have yet to do another CO or wash and my hair still feels like crap.  I know that I need to lay off of the coconut oil, but I keep using it simply because it is here.  I really don't have any other use for it.  Maybe, I should just throw it away. :-/

Weather: We're definitely not having the same nice warm weather that we were graced with last year.  This year spring so far is turning out to be nothing but wet and chilly.  Of course the rain is great for the plants and all.  I don't really mind the rain, it's the chillyness that is getting to me.  I always get so excited about projected forecast temps in the 70's but then when the day arrives the weather usually turns out to be cooler than forecasted. :P  

One of those days was just this past Saturday.  It was supposed to be sunny and 72.  My husband and I bought tickets for an adult easter egg hunt, feeling that it would be a nice day to get out.  Well, when Saturday arrived, the temps never got out of the low 60's and it was so windy.  We decided to forefit our tickets and skip the outing.  Oh well, at least we were warm and toasty indoors, I just can't wait for it to get just a bit more toasty outdoors.  Perhaps May will be nicer.

Yard Stuff: The bed that I planted the gladiolus in wasn't enough of a mound and all of the rain formed a huge puddle in there.  Once the rain subsided, I added more soil to create the mound so that the water could run off.  It worked, but I'm not sure if the bulbs will survive my mistake.  Hopefully they will as some bulbs are hardier than I thought.  I planted crocus last summer (I believe) and none of them came up.  I figured that they were just too fragile but this spring to my surprise, I noticed some popping up.  Although, instead of crocus, I planted some sunflower seeds and catnip in that bed for this year.  I didn't pull up the crocus, so I'll see how they do with the other plants.

I have one more order on it's way from an online nursery and I'll be done for this season.  However, I'm already thinking about planting for fall and next spring.  I so love gardening! :D

Thinking about getting a compost bin and getting rid of my lawn service by the end of the year.  I thought about purchasing a compost bin before, but when I realized worms were involved, I got a bit squeamish.  Well, at this point, I'm more appreciative of worms and no longer squeamish about them (well, not so much  ::)) and am again thinking about giving the compost bin a go.  My only thing is that I'll have to look into how to manage weed control on my own.  I'd like to use less chemicals out there if I can, so it's worth looking into.  I just hope that I can be as effective without chemicals.

Fitness: I finally screwed up enough courage to get on the scale.  Suprisingly, I hadn't gained any weight...other than water weight which is gone now.  Quite an amazaing feat seeing that I ate so horribly (although very deliciously) last week.  Yesterday, I got back to the task of working out.  It felt good! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 16th, 2009 at 3:57am
Yard stuff: I spent most of my afternoon out in my yard.  I was digging up 1 year old privet hedges and consolidating them to make room for a compost bin.  Digging up and moving the hedges was not fun at all, really hard work.  The root systems were so established that it felt like digging up trees.  I only had to transplant 3 of them and possibly a fourth, but 3 was enough. :P  Maybe I'll move another later, but today was not that day.  Although, when my work was finished, I was quite pleased with it.  I just hope that they are not now spaced too close together.  They're supposed to be spaced a foot apart, but I put them together 6 inches apart.  A foot just seemed too far away for me, and since they're supposed to be hardy and weed like anyway, I figured that they should be okay regardless.

I also put down some sheet moss on the other side of my yard.  It doesn't get much sun and therefore nothing much grows there.  The moss was grown in, and shipped from Washington, so I'm not sure how it will take to my Georgia soil but I'll see.  I have my finger crossed.

I feel so bad about not feeding the birds.  I stopped again because the seeds attracted a mole that was digging tunnels under our lawn.  I know that they have mole repellant stuff, that doesn't kill them at lowes, but I need to look into it a bit more.  Until then, no more bird feeding. :(

Other: Today I ordered a few night gowns online, as I feel that I need something new.  Since I spend most of my time at home, I basically live in house clothes and need to change it up pretty regularly.  Once the new stuff arrives and if I like it, I'll donate some of my older stuff to Goodwill.  I've also only spent a bit of my allowance, as I plan on using the rest to buy a new cologne for my husband.  I LOVE Versace's Pour Homme.  He tested it at the mall once and it smelled so good!  I'm going to get it for him this weekend. :D

Still contemplating buying wellie boots or not.  I've pretty much mucked up my timberlands by doing yard work in them and now they are so dirty.  I so hate dirty shoes...even if they're work shoes.  My only problem about getting the wellies is that it'll be warm soon...eventually....and I don't know that I'll want to work in the yard wearing rubber boots that come up to my calves in the summer. :-/  I found a cute pair though, I haven't decided if I want red or yellow but I don't know.  Perhaps I should buy them.  I could always get use out of them in future rainy seasons.

Hair: Still haven't CO'd.  I've decided to wait until Friday.  I'm going to partially relax my hair (just the top) since it didn't take the last time and it'll get washed then.  I'm waiting til Friday because we're going to a party on Saturday and I want it to look as fresh as possible then.  Not sure what I'm wearing yet though. :-/

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Apr 16th, 2009 at 6:18am
You make me feel so guilty about the state our our garden!  I'm happy for you though.  I know what a satisfied feeling you can get afterwards.  Well done!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 18th, 2009 at 2:45am

You make me feel so guilty about the state our our garden!  I'm happy for you though.  I know what a satisfied feeling you can get afterwards.  Well done!

Oh, no need to feel guilty based on mine.  Currently, my garden still looks like only a yard that wants to be a garden. ::)  I'm hoping that in a few weeks, my yard will then begin to look like the garden that I eventually want it to be.

Do you have any plans to work in your garden this year?  Do you like gardening?

Yard Stuff:  After moving and rearranging 3 foot tall, bushy, privets to make room for a compost bin, I decided that the bin would look better on the other side of the yard.  Putting it on the other side would entail me digging up and transplanting 4 or 5 more privet.  Just thinking about it makes me tired.  So...I think I may just stick with my original idea for the composters location.

Yesterday, I began the process of starting sunflowers in pulp pots.  I used 50 pots but didn't know where I would keep them, as they need to be in a sunny location.  I also needed to make sure that they would be in a spot where birds couldn't get to them and eat the seeds.  So, I came up with the idea of sticking them in the raised vegetable garden that is currently being used for potatoes.  The potatoes won't be coming up for quite a while so I feel that the seeds will be safe sitting in there in the meantime.  It should only take 2 weeks.  

Shopping: So, I went ahead and ordered the Wellie boots to wear when working in the yard.  I ordered them from Lands End, they're having a 30% off sale so I couldn't procastinate any longer.  Btw...why does it seem like EVERYONE is having sales right now?  Ugg...I couldn't resist! >:( :P  Anyway, while on the Lands End site, I created my own virtual model.  I thought the idea of a virtual model was somewhat cool. Although with limited feature options, they could never look too much like anyone, but it was fun creating it and dressing it up. Check mine out...

It's missing a big floppy hat and sunglasses that I wear when working in the yard, but the boots and outfit would be ready to go! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Apr 18th, 2009 at 2:27pm

Btw...why does it seem like EVERYONE is having sales right now?

Because the economy is crap right now, which might not affect you personally, but it's affecting businesses big time (perhaps you've missed the daily headlines about bankruptcies and bail-outs). Basically, no one has money, so they're either buying less or not at all. That forces companies to sell for less or not sell at all. The supply is there but the demand for it isn't so much. And most businesses would rather sell at a reduced price than go bankrupt. Thus, sales galore. Get it? ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 19th, 2009 at 2:21am

Because the economy is crap right now, which might not affect you personally, but it's affecting businesses big time (perhaps you've missed the daily headlines about bankruptcies and bail-outs). Basically, no one has money, so they're either buying less or not at all. That forces companies to sell for less or not sell at all. The supply is there but the demand for it isn't so much. And most businesses would rather sell at a reduced price than go bankrupt. Thus, sales galore. Get it?

Angel: No, I definitely didn't miss hearing about the recession, it's always all over the news. ::)  However, I guess because I sort of live in a bubble and mostly all of my family has had to struggle anyway (meaning this is nothing new for them), I'm personally not feeling the effects of it. I'm only hearing about it on tv.

Although anyway,  the sales were odd to me because instead of lowering prices permanently to make do in a recession, everyone decided to have sales all at the same time and all for "This weekend only!".  It isn't even a holiday weekend.  My husbands theory is that they are trying to entice people to spend their refund checks...which makes sense.

Gosh, I'm almost a bit embarrassed to say that my hair was feeling cruddy and crunchy.  It didn't smell or anything ::) but it really needed to be taken care of asap.  So, I did a relaxer today.  I was in a hurry (which is a bad thing when you are doing a chemical process) so I had to really do it quick.  It was pretty impressive.  I started my hair at 2 :30 and was finished by 4.  I like the way it came out.  The style I did was basically a replica of the way I wore it when I had in extensions.  It was very full and fluffy.  I wish I would've taken a pic to compare the styles with the real vs fake hair.  I'm sure my real hair would've kicked my fake hairs ass! ;D  

I decided to wear a pair of short stretchy beige shorts, a black tunic top with silver beading  and sequins and a pair of black high heel rhinestone shoes  The tunic was long enough to cover my shorts, so it sort of looked like it was wearing a dress...a super short dress, but it was nice I thought, and in good taste.  I got lots of compliments, so I guess I did okay.  I'm just glad that I've been exercising so much to even be able to wear it.

Other:  Went to the most awesome party.  It was a private garden party at a mansion in the city.  It was sponsored by Three Olives Voda and they were promoting a wide variety of flavored vodkas.  So, it was all of the vodka you could drink, all of the food you could eat... and it was all free.  They also had a cover band.  Who I danced to and were okay at first, but when the lead singer had to refer to a lyric sheet to sing Billie Jean, and STILL screwed up the words, they lost total points with me. >:(  At one point I was going to volunteer to sing the song myself, it was soooo horrible.

But at any rate, the party was awesome!  There were about 1000 people there, and everyone mingled with everyone and were so friendly (I'm sure all the drinks didn't hurt ::) ;D).  Everyone absolutely LOVED my husband and I must admit, he was really on tonight.  He was totally hillarious and had everyone in stitches, even myself.  It was great! :D  Although, something that struck me as a bit odd, was that we got so many comments about how cool or whatever it was that my husband and I laughed with each other and had so much fun together.  This was always after first being asked, if we were brother and sister or a new boyfriend/girlfriend couple or just friends.  Then when we told them we were married and had been together for 14 years, everyone had this shocked reaction that we were an actual married couple who genuinely enjoyed each others company.  One woman even asked me "how did you train him?".   My husband was standing right there.  I thought it was sort of an offensive question, so I just said "he came out of the box that way, no training required".

After the party, we went to a...I don't know how to describe it.  It's like an upscale sort of restaurant diner/night club.  We've been there before, they have great food.  But we've never been there on a night when they had a dj.  So we ate LOTS more and danced LOTS more and then, finally decided to take it home.  

We became apart of a meet up group that gets together to do all sorts of fun things.  Tomorrow, we were supposed to go to a field day,  where we'd play kick ball, woofle (sp?) ball and stuff like that.  I was so excited about it but I just learned today that it will be postponed due to tomorrows rain forecast. :-[

Oh, I just realized that I can do a hair comparison.  They had one of those mall type photo booths set up at the party.  I'd post it but it isn't a digital pic.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Apr 19th, 2009 at 2:34pm

My husbands theory is that they are trying to entice people to spend their refund checks...which makes sense.

Works for me, hunnay. 8-) ;D

but when the lead singer had to refer to a lyric sheet to sing Billie Jean, and STILL screwed up the words, they lost total points with me. >:( At one point I was going to volunteer to sing the song myself, it was soooo horrible.

;D ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by La Diosa on Apr 22nd, 2009 at 1:53am
Hair: Trimmed an inch.  Not an unhealthy inch, I don't have any splits or anything.  It's just that now, the hair that I've grown back from alopecia is more prominent in length so I'm trying to trim a bit more to help that hair blend better and thicken up my right side.

My goal is still waist length or longer...I guess anywhere between WL and TBL would be fine for me.  I've just come to the conclusion that I'll get there when I get there, and if it takes a few years longer then, that's okay.  Right now, I'm just concerned with getting the right side as full as the rest of my hair.  That  means letting the newer hair catch up by trimming every thing else a bit more regulary than I planned.

Basically, I  want to be happy with the look and condition that my hair is in day by day, as opposed to worrying so much about my future length as much.  It'll happen. :)

Yard Stuff:I got new privet hedges in the mail yesterday to fill in the others a bit.  The planting went pretty well.  I'd forgotten that I'd already pre dug holes in anticipation of their arrival so I didn't have to do very much.

I am however, having issues with the older hedges.  Apparently and hopefully, lots of heavy rain and too much mulch is what is making some of them  turn yellow and drop leaves.  I spoke to the woman at the nursery and she advised me to remove some mulch to aleviate the situation.  I was worried but now, optimistic that they'll pull through.  I just hope that her diagnosis is correct and that I'll be able to save them.  Prior to the rain and mulching they were growing so thick and tall.  So, it makes sense that the mulch and rain would be the problems here.

I put the bird feeders back into the yard.  I moved it further into the yard, hopefully far enough in, that the moles won't be tempted to tunnel over to it.  It didn't attract too many birds yet.  Only 1 dove and 1 cardinal.  Maybe, they'll spread the word and tomorrow I'll have an entire yard full.

Okay, so last year my husband called me Snow White because of my devotion to the plants in my yard as well as  it's creatures  although now, his new nickname for me is Mary Poppins. ;D  Oh well... ::)  ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Apr 22nd, 2009 at 5:54am
That sounds like a good plan with your hair and it sounds like you have a healthy attitude about your hair progress.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Apr 22nd, 2009 at 8:56am
Mary Poppins is one of my favorite characters.   ::)  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Apr 25th, 2009 at 3:10pm

That sounds like a good plan with your hair and it sounds like you have a healthy attitude about your hair progress.

I'm hoping so...

Mary Poppins is one of my favorite characters.  

I've never seen the Sound of Music but since she's one of your favorite characters, I won't be insulted at his comparison. ;D  

Hair: Dry...I've been in the yard a lot over the past few days and the sun is drying it out a bit.  It'll be fine once I moisturize though.

Yard Stuff:  The double knockout roses are in bloom, the clematis is growing like crazy and the sunflowers and potatoes are sprouting.  So far so good! :D  I thought that the potatoes would take a bit longer to germinate so it was a nice suprise to see them.  I'll be getting more soil today to plant the cucumber, bell pepper and onion seeds that I have.  

It was so hot and sunny today that the hydrangea plant was wilted.  I placed an umbrella over it to give it shade and it perked right back up.

Yesterday, I thought that I saw a humming bird but wasn't sure, it was so quick.  Then today, my husband said that he saw one too, so I put out the feeder.  I haven't gotten any feeding at it yet.  Hopefully, they'll begin to spot it soon.

Yesterday, my husband suggested dinner and a movie, but I've been so content staying home and being in the yard that I decided to pass.   I figured that he deserved a treat too so we'll be going later on today.  I want to wait for it to cool off a bit.  Last week it was in the lower 60's and then out of nowhere jumped into the high 80's and has even hit 90 and will probably do so again today.  It's taking a bit of getting used to. :-[Shopping: My rubber boots arrived but I need to send them back.  They don't come in half sizes so instead of an 8.5, I had to get a 9 and they are way too big.  Also the fact that they're so heavy doesn't help matters much.  When I was trying them on, I was walking so funny in them because I was afraid they'd fall off.  All I had to do was raise high enough and off they fell.  Oh well so much for those.  I guess my little timberland boots will have to be my yard boots after all...I just hate getting them dirty. :-[

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Apr 27th, 2009 at 2:36am

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabeau on Apr 27th, 2009 at 11:40am
I have a beef with people taking childern to R rated movies and then they start screaming becasue there scared witless!  Like the time I went to see Saw II...oh my lord....some lady brought her 10 year old with her and the poor kid was so scared he puking everwhere.  Me and a few other people told her off and I got the manager and had her thrown out.  Another time I went to see Shindlers List amd someone had taken a baby with them.  Needless to say it screamed up a storm.  But... this time the manager came and threw the lady out and... we all got our money back too!  Best thing is to avoid afternoon movies.  In the US  I always went to the midnight show.  Here in Canada they dont have them...:(

Sounds like you had a great time!  I hope your leg feels better. :)  OH Butterflies!!!  I haven't seen any yet!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Apr 27th, 2009 at 12:20pm

I'm not quite sure who was right or wrong in that instance?

They were both wrong. The father for bringing a child who was too young to have any concept of theatre etiquette and the other man for trying to shush a child that wasn't his. It's unacceptable to tell someone else how to raise their own child.
   The other man should have left the theatre, gone to the manager and explained the situation. The manager would have likely removed the ignorant father and obnoxious kid from the theatre and refunded the other man's money.
   In that particular situation, no one did the right thing.

My husband would like me to stop using the Aubrey spray because he doesn't like breathing in the mist as I apply it...and I must admit that I don't like that either.  I typically hold my breath as I use it and immediately leave the room when I'm finished.  But sometimes, he'll come in my bathroom while I'm spraying and he's never too pleased.

If he hasn't figured out not to walk into the bathroom as you're spraying or immediately after, it's his own fault, honey. Don't let him tell you which products to use - tell him to find some common sense. ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Apr 28th, 2009 at 2:11am
Lisa: You're right.  If going to the movies, it's likely best to see the latest show to avoid such situations...or the other alternatives being (and my favorites by the way) the drive in or renting at home.  Doesn't get any better than that! :D

Angel:  I agree that the man should've never brought the small child into the theater in the first place.  It would've elimiated everthing.

As for my changing hair conditioners, I thought about it for a split second, but of course decided no.  I'll admit that sometimes I'd spray in the living room so now I'll make  sure to only spray in my bathroom, and if he happens to wander in, not my problem.

Did CO using 4 conditioners...the pourosity control, neutrogena's deep conditioning (wasn't impressed), rusk leave in and then aubrey.  Detangling was a breeze.  I did two side corn rows for bed so that I can wake up with waves.

Yard Stuff:My husband put down straw aroung the house as I panted cucumbers, onions, and bell pepper seeds. I also planted more sunflower seeds near the swings and the bird feeder.  And I got the yard ready for some daylilys, coneflowers and poker primrose that I'll be putting in.

I'm going to get rid of our lawn service as stated but I want to wait until they aerate first, but that won't be until June.  I'm soooo over having chemicals applied to my lawn.  

I found this pic of my husband and I online.  We were at the 3 Olives Mansion Party about 2 weeks ago.

One of my favorite pics from the holidays.   My husband having his own little pic nic in our living room.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on May 2nd, 2009 at 2:38am
Hair:  Super soft!  It's been rainy all day so my hair is doing well as a result of the humidity. :D  I was going to do a CO but it's not really necessary so I'll wait a day or two.

Shopping: Went to the mall... :P  I realized that I could return my boots there and save the shipping fee that I would've paid to mail them, so we went.  I'm not a big fan of the mall, preferring to internet shop instead, but it made my husbands day.  He said shopping at the mall reminds him of olden times before the internet machine. ::)  Anyway, I made my yearly purchase of Lancome Bi Facil make up remover (it really lasts me a long time).  My husband also really liked it when the sales girl said we either looked like a beautiful couple or brother and sister.  Eventhough we don't wear our rings, I'm not sure why we've been getting that so much lately seeing that we don't look alike.  I told my husband not to look at it as too much of a compliment, and that it's just because we've been together for so long.  And also since some say that after long periods of time together people  eventually even begin to look like their pets too. :-?  

After our Lancome experience, we went to Victorias Secret where I got some cute night gowns.  I hadn't realize it until I was at the counter and the clerk put 2 boxes of Godiva chocolates in my bag, that Victoria's Secret was giving out free chocolates with every 60.00 purchase.  The guy gave us an extra one to compensate for his mistake of closing  the register before giving us our change.  I told him that it wasn't necessary, but he was really insistant so... :P  And yeah, all I really need is extra chocolate.  I'd just baked a pan of brownies earlier that day, eventhough I'm still trying to lose weight.  

I honestly feel small and I think I look small but the scale isn't budging.  I know that I said before that I didn't want to pay attention to the scale, but I'm a little concerned that I weigh as much as I do.  :-/

Other: We were going to go see Wolverine at the drive in tonight, the only way I'd agree to see it, but we had a storm come through and had to put off going.  Which actually works for me because I didn't really want to see it anyway.  I'm not an X Men fan.

Yard Stuff:
My gladiolus are coming up but only 4, and I'd planted 14 bulbs.  I removed the runoff mound that I'd placed on top of them in hopes that more will grow.  More sunflowers are popping up everyday, I'm just hoping that they'll survive all of the rain we're having.  Everything else is growing great so far! :D  I'm so excited about my garden this year.

Oh well, I'm off.  I downloaded some Al Green songs earlier today.  So, I'm off to listen to them now before I make my way to bed.  :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by roomtogrow on May 2nd, 2009 at 10:18am
hey la diosa...your hair is looking good and it sounds like your garden is doing well too. i'm in the city, but i'm going to get my balcony herb garden going again this week.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on May 2nd, 2009 at 11:57am
What's better than Godiva? FREE Godiva. Win! :D

I can't stand malls either; especially on weekends - forget it. :P The ones closest to where I live are super ghetto too. It's not worth it to me to fight through the droves of ghetto rats and emo brats to get into overpriced mainstream stores. You've seen one, you've seen 'em all. So I'm definitely an online shopper too. More variety. ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on May 2nd, 2009 at 8:43pm

hey la diosa...your hair is looking good and it sounds like your garden is doing well too. i'm in the city, but i'm going to get my balcony herb garden going again this week.  

Hi, Roomtogrow!  Thanks!  

A balcony garden is a great idea!  I usually do herbs inside in my aerogarden, but I haven't gotten mine started yet either. :-[  They ususally get so big that I end up having to dispose of most of them because my areogarden isn't tall enough and they get burned by the bulbs.  Once I buy replacement arms that extend taller, I'll be able to grow herbs indoors again.

What's better than Godiva? FREE Godiva. Win!  

Uh...a slim waist? ;D  It was good though, but I only ate two pieces and threw away the rest.

emo brats

Okay, that's a new one for me.  What are "emo" brats? :-?

So I'm definitely an online shopper too. More variety.

Definitely! ;)

The same.  The humidity makes my hair poof out to where I look like Chaka Khan on crack, but it sure feels nice!

Yard Stuff: My cucumbers have sprouted, YAY!!! :D  ...And, more gladiolus have sprouted up too.  I love discovering new things out there everyday, it's constantly changing.  The rain has been so beneficial. :)
I got my first insect bites of the year too, not that that's a good thing. :P  I'll need to get some new repellant asap.

A bit worried about the Swine Flu and wanting to stay in today, just so where not out as much.  My husband doesn't think that we need to alter our lives in that way but I don't know. :-?  Anyway, we've been hanging around the house all day and watching lots of movies that we've only seen a million times, to keep us somewhat entertained.  Now we're about to watch Sleepy Hollow, although it is a favorite. ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on May 2nd, 2009 at 10:01pm

Uh...a slim waist? ;D It was good though, but I only ate two pieces and threw away the rest.

Threw...away. http://www.smilieshq.com/smilies/confused0050.gif Unbelievable. Do you have any idea how much those things cost? Or how many people would kill to try them? Obviously not, or you wouldn't have been so wasteful. Wow...

Okay, that's a new one for me.  What are "emo" brats? :-?

Emo is short for emotional. This is basically the archtype Gen Y kid (ie. born after 1981) who thinks he/she is goth but totally isn't. Instead of listening to cool bands like Siouxie, Bauhaus and The Cure, they listen to goth wannabe crap like Marilyn Manson, Evanescence and Nightwish (not saying that these bands don't have redeeming qualities, they just aren't goth). Other emo bands include Dashboard Confessional, Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance.
Anyway, these are typically the kids who cut themselves, write horrible poetry and whine about how cruel, dark, unfair and miserable their lives are even though they live in privileged suburban neighbourhoods and have all of their needs catered to by their (middle-upper class) parents. Basically victims of themselves.

Emo kids are often mistaken by "the mundanes" for goths even though they aren't. They are poseurs. Wannabe's. Pathetic caricatures of what they've misinterpreted as goth. These are the kids who saw what the real goths were doing and thought, "hey, I can do that - that's cool!" and tried...and failed. Miserably.
   Thus, it's extremely insulting for a real goth to be called "emo."

The most recognizable fashion staples of the emo culture are skinny jeans, strange, angled haircuts (usually dyed black) with long bangs that either hang in front of the eyes or are pushed to one side, designer band tees that look retro but aren't, canvas sneakers (usually Converse), and lots of studded accessories. Basically all of the kids who shop at Hot Topic. Again, not saying that Hot Topic doesn't have some redeeming qualities, but most true goths avoid it.

Anyway, the term "mall goth" has also been applied (again, incorrectly) to emo kids since malls are a popular hangout for them. Generally speaking, where there's a Hot Topic, there are emo brats. Much of the time, you'll find them riding their skateboards around the malls or engaging in other obnoxious behaviours.
Hope that answers your question, however snarkily. ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on May 2nd, 2009 at 11:24pm

Do you have any idea how much those things cost? Or how many people would kill to try them? Obviously not, or you wouldn't have been so wasteful. Wow...

Yeah, there was a 7.50 price tag still on them.  They were only a box of 4 and my husband ate the other box.  So, it was 3.75 worth of candy (that we didn't even pay for) that I thew away.  It's not like I'm one of those rappers on tv dumping out bottles of Cristal.;D

And no, I'm not aware of how many people would kill to try them. :-?  It's only chocolate that's available in every mall.  Yes, it's pricier than chocolate at the grocery store, but affordable to almost anyone who would want to treat themselves to a minor luxury.  

Thanks for explaining what emo is.  I've never seen any of those kids in person, but I've seen them on tv.  Actually, I've never seen goths in person either.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on May 3rd, 2009 at 1:04pm
Actually, honey, it's not available in every mall. I live in a major county, and only 2 of our malls have actual Godiva boutiques (from experience, I don't recommend buying it elsewhere). And the vast majority of people I've talked to have never tried it.

Personally, I value quality in material and cratfmanship over price, and as an avid chocaholic, I do hate to see good chocolate go to waste.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on May 3rd, 2009 at 4:40pm

as an avid chocaholic, I do hate to see good chocolate go to waste.

Well, I suppose if I were a chocaholic it would matter to me.  However, as it is, I'm not losing any sleep over it. :)

Hair: AHHHHH!!!!!!   I CUT MY BANGS!!!!!  ;D  

I cut them this morning.  They are super blunt and graze my eyelashes but not in an annoying way.  

I decided to do it again (although I said I never would after the last time) because I want to do more up do's.  I always see pretty up do's online, but know that I can't do them because I look so schoolmarmish without hair on my face.  So, I gave it another whack, and this time, I REALLY LIKE THEM! :D  So, I'm figuring that if all goes according to plan, I should be able to stretch out my trims a bit longer.  Eventhough, my right side is still thin in comparison to the rest, I'm going to try and forego trimming for as long as I can...maybe a year?  I'm talking trims of 1/4 inch or more, not dusting.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on May 4th, 2009 at 5:04pm
Today is another gorgeous day...more rain, lots of rain.  Some of my poor little sunflower sprouts have gotten absolutely pummeled to the point where they did not survive, although most of the others are still flourishing.  They hydrangeas especially, love the rain!

I had to bring out the big umbrella again to protect the gladiolus from the rain, or from getting too much of it.  

During a slight break from the rain, I was bending over to look at the flowers in the yard and heard a loud buzzing directly above my head.  I assumed that it was a carpenter bee that had gotten a bit too close to me, so I remained still as I waited for it to fly away.  However, the buzzing seemed so loud that I had to take a peek.  To my amazement, it wasn't a carpenter bee at all, but a hummingbird! :D  I was standing under the geraniums that I have in a hanging basket on my swingset, and thats what attracted it.  I'd never been that close to a hummingbird before, it was so amazing! :D  

Speaking of hummers, either the nectar that I placed out is too old (it's from last year) or I didn't clean the feeder well enough.  I always see them flying to it, but they aren't drinking.  So, I'll bring it in, give it a thorough cleaning and refill it with the sugar recipe that I have, courtesy of Trisha.  I'll just have to buy some sugar first, I haven't bought sugar in years.

Hair: Still loving the bangs.  I did look back at some recent pictures and had a slight feeling of regret, but that has passed.  The bangs are still a welcomed change and well, it's hair, it always grows back.

My kitties: When I was awakened by the rain early this morning and got up to cover the flowers, I noticed that the cats were playing with a spider.  My first instinct was to kill it.  But then, not really wanting to deal with it, I decided to just let the cats play with it.  Well, here it is many hours later, and the cats are still playing with their new pet.  I can't believe that the spider is even still alive, but it is, and they're still batting it around.  At this point, I'm actually curious to see how long this game of theirs will last. :-?

Oh well, off to make some hot tea to drink while I go sit and watch the birds.  Our yard is full of them today. I even saw the most gorgeous blue jay. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on May 5th, 2009 at 2:29am
Thought I'd share some spring pics that I took today. :D  

A tree frog taking a swim in my fountain.

Rain drops on a budding knockout rose.

Growing potatoes.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on May 5th, 2009 at 11:49am
It is really cool, isn't it, to be *that* close to a hummingbird.  
8-)  I hope your little critters start drinking from your feeders now.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on May 5th, 2009 at 12:29pm
Nice pix, girlie. The frog one is especially cute. ;)

You must have quite the garden going on.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabeau on May 5th, 2009 at 3:21pm
Awesome pics!  OMG that frog is soo cute!!! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on May 6th, 2009 at 3:42am

I hope your little critters start drinking from your feeders now.  

Trisha: I forgot to get the sugar today. *doh*   Even if the sugar doesn't work for whatever reason, I'll just get new nectar for them.  So at any rate, they will drink! ;D

Nice pix, girlie. The frog one is especially cute.   You must have quite the garden going on.

Angel: Thanks.  I love those little frogs, they are cute!  As far as the garden, it's definitely coming along. :)  Most of the flowers won't be in bloom until summer though.

Awesome pics!  OMG that frog is soo cute!!!  

Lisa: Thanks! :)

Hair:Did a CO.  It came out okay, but unstyled and with the bangs, my husband said I looked like I was wearing a helmet.  I told him I thought I looked like Cleopatra, but same difference. :P

Other: I made restaurant reservations for Cinco De Mayo but we nixed going out.  Although, not after having a minor disagreement as to wether the restaurant that I booked was Mexican or not. ::)  In the end, my husband figured that the "Latin/Southwestern" restaurant wouldn't offer the type of experience that he wanted, so we stayed in.  It was fine by me, as today was yet another rainy day anyway.  So, we ordered a pizza and watched the Biggest Loser, which is always entertaining.   We also spent time trying to think of middle names for the cats.  We came up with Kali "Lynn" and Kat "Nip"...can you say "cabin fever"?  :P  

I did watch Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon for the first time today.  I thought that most of the fight scenes were too long and although the costumes weren't very elaborate, the story was pretty good.

Perhaps, we'll get out tomorrow.  I have a new dress that I'm really wanting to wear.

Oh, and my cat's pet spider has finally passed away today. :'(  Although I gotta hand it to the little guy, he sure was tough to last for so long. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on May 12th, 2009 at 3:18am
Hair: Rinsed after working out.  Didn't apply Aubrey condish but Rusk's leave in and Neutrogena's Moisture Silk Leave In once dry.  I let it air dry in a ponytail, which is now as big and poofy as my head.  I'm going to keep my hair up until Wed and will probably do a CO then.  

When I came down stairs with wet hair, my husband asked "where are your bangs?".  I told him that they were combed back.  He looked confused and said "I didn't know you could do that, I thought they were stuck that way until they grew out?" ...Um nope! ;D  Seeing the confusion on his face was so funny. :)

Other:Earlier, we were discussing our neighbors who are married and have 2 small children.  The wife was out with the kids as they played, when my husband asked me if I ever see the husband and wife together.  I was surprised at the question because just yesterday I was thinking of how I never see them together.  They never seem to go anywhere together and she's the one with the kids most of the time but evey once in a while, he will play with them in the front, but the parents are never out with them together or out alone together.

My husband and I do almost everything together, unless it's related to his job or his son. But otherwise we love doing things together and couldn't imagine conducting our lives so seperately as our neighbors.  

As my husband and I were out walking around the track today, hand in hand, I felt so grateful and happy for this life I that have, and for this person that I have to share it with.  Then, I began to think that it might be a good idea for us offer our babysitting services to the neighbors.  Perhaps they could use a little time out alone.  Although, I don't know what goes on with them behind closed doors...perhaps they don't want time togher? :-?  I don't know, but it shouldn't hurt to offer.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on May 12th, 2009 at 12:39pm
My hubby and I are like you two.  Perhaps it is like that because we don't have children.  How long have you been married?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on May 12th, 2009 at 4:23pm
This is a common family archtype. It may be that the husband is expected to be the breadwinner and the wife is expected to be the stay-at-home-mom. He works, she takes care of the kids.

In this type of situation, the husband and wife value their time alone so they are able to do what needs to be done without interference from the other. This has probably been the case for many years and they have probably adjusted their respective lives/schedules to meet the demands therein. I'll save the rant of myriad reasons why this is an unhealthy balance...you can probably draw your own conclusions anyway. ::)

Offering to babysit may be a nice gesture, provided your motives are kept entirely discreet. You can subtly let them know that you're available to watch their children if they want/need without mentioning things which are none of your business (ie. their apparent lack of time together). You definitely don't want to come off like, "Hey, you guys don't seem to spend much time together - do you even know each other's names anymore? How 'bout we relieve a few of your distractions for awhile since they're obviously killing your relationship." :P Don't even bring that part up - it's not only tactless but rude. You wouldn't want virtual strangers making snap judgments about you and your husband, would you?

If you feel you can't offer without bringing these matters up, it's best not to say anything at all.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on May 14th, 2009 at 6:11pm

My hubby and I are like you two.  Perhaps it is like that because we don't have children.  How long have you been married?

Been married for 3 years, lived together for 11 years, together for 14 years. :)

This is a common family archtype. It may be that the husband is expected to be the breadwinner and the wife is expected to be the stay-at-home-mom. He works, she takes care of the kids.

In that family, I believe that the wife is the bread winner as well as the childrens primary care giver.

You definitely don't want to come off like, "Hey, you guys don't seem to spend much time together - do you even know each other's names anymore? How 'bout we relieve a few of your distractions for awhile since they're obviously killing your relationship."  Don't even bring that part up -

I wouldn't do that...I'm not socially retarded! ;D  I'll wait for the right time to bring it up, if I ever even get around to doing so at all.

Hair: My last CO was really great eventhough, I only rinsed and used a leave in afterwards.  My hair has felt moisturized eversince.  I think I'll try that again next time.  Usually, I do an extra conditioning step but could it be possible that it's been one conditioner too many? :-?

Yard Stuff: The shrub manager from our lawn service came out to look at my hedges.  He stated that privets shed in the fall and spring and that mine are just doing normal shedding.  I don't believe that he knows what he's talking about as I've never heard anything about spring shedding nor has any of the nurseries that I spoke to.  I'm still optimistic that they'll be okay though.

Family Matters: My sister informed me that she won't be coming to visit this summer.  I'm actually a bit relieved because she was planning to bring my 4 neices and her boyfriend with her.  Not that I don't love my neices, but she wanted to stay with me instead of in a hotel. We have the room but, I don't like being around so many people and so much noise for too long.  I thrive in peace and quiet, not chaos and noise.  My oldest sister will still be coming at the end of the summer but she's leaving her kids at home, so that will be okay.  I think we'll have fun. :)

Other: Went to another all you can drink vodka promotion party.  Had lots of fun!  There was a great crowd, great music and lots of dancing.  I suppose that my husband and I should start wearing our wedding rings again for when we go out to places like that.  Whenever I was alone because my husband or I would go to the bathroom or something, there would always be some guy tugging on me, giving me a card.  First, they would always ask if I was "with" my husband, I would say "yes", but then they would give me a card anyway. ::)  It became a game after a while, as I just stuck my collection of cards in my husbands jacket pocket.  

I was in lots of pics which should be popping up online very soon.  I can't wait to see them.  They were the first pics I've had taken since I cut my bangs.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on May 14th, 2009 at 6:49pm

In that family, I believe that the wife is the bread winner as well as the childrens primary care giver.

:o So the husband basically sits on his keister and does nothing? Might this be why they don't spend much time together? ;D

I suppose that my husband and I should start wearing our wedding rings again for when we go out to places like that.  Whenever I was alone because my husband or I would go to the bathroom or something, there would always be some guy tugging on me, giving me a card.  First, they would always ask if I was "with" my husband, I would say "yes", but then they would give me a card anyway. ::)

Yeah...don't take that kind of stuff too personally, hon. In most any public setting, you'll find the guys who hit on anything that moves, and a bit of metal and stone isn't going to make them stop. ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on May 15th, 2009 at 1:11am

So the husband basically sits on his keister and does nothing?

Well, up until recently he did mow the lawn and do yard work pretty regularly...now she has pretty much been taking care of that too.  He's never mentioned it to us but perhaps he's sick. :-?

Yeah...don't take that kind of stuff too personally, hon. In most any public setting, you'll find the guys who hit on anything that moves, and a bit of metal and stone isn't going to make them stop.

Yeah.  When I brought this up to my husband, he basically said the same thing.  He said that men don't think the same way women do. If a woman seems willing, a man will make a move regardless of a ring or her being in a relationship.

Pics: Found a pic of my husband and I online.  My hair was up in a ponytail.  I had 2 jade buddha hair sticks in but arrived home with only one.  I assumed that I must have lost it at the party but apparently, I lost it before we arrived.  This pic was taken only shortly after our arrival and I'm only wearing one. :-/  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on May 15th, 2009 at 1:27am
I love your dress!!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on May 15th, 2009 at 12:55pm

wrote on May 14th, 2009 at 6:49pm:

In that family, I believe that the wife is the bread winner as well as the childrens primary care giver.

:o So the husband basically sits on his keister and does nothing? Might this be why they don't spend much time together? ;D

Now wait a minute...  I'm afraid I have to jump in here.

As the primary bread winner for my 'family', which anymore consists only of hubby and me, I must remind you both not to jump to conclusions.  In my case, hubby looks perfectly normal and no one can tell he has a bad back that prevents him from doing a lot of things.  If our children were still young enough, that would also make me their primary care giver.  Please don't jump to negative conclusions without having all of the facts.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on May 15th, 2009 at 12:57pm
--Oh, and I like your bangs.   :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on May 15th, 2009 at 9:27pm
Yeah, I like your bangs, too.  Its just that I was distracted by the dress, its so cute!!  It would go perfectly with my Kanzashi!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on May 15th, 2009 at 11:56pm
Indeed, if your neighbour were sick, disabled or otherwise, that would be quite another story. I really thought that went without saying, but apparently not. http://smilieshq.com/smilies/rolleye0014.gif

By now, I can only guess that you've checked your car and front walkway for the missing Buddha stick...
Hope it turns up. :-/

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on May 16th, 2009 at 12:12am
the facts.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabeau on May 16th, 2009 at 8:44am
Wow honey I love your dress and hair! ;) Love yout new avatar!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on May 16th, 2009 at 3:02pm

By now, I can only guess that you've checked your car and front walkway for the missing Buddha stick...
Hope it turns up

Thanks. Yeah, I looked everywhere I could think of, but it hasn't turned up.  Hopefully, it's around here somewhere.  

Wow honey I love your dress and hair!  Love yout new avatar!

Thank you! :D  My avatar is a pic of Kat yawning and stretching after a nap. I think it looks like she's roaring! :D

Other: Saw "The Reader" last night.  Now, I've officially seen all of the top Oscar nominated movies for this past year.  Although, Slumdog Millionaire is still my favorite.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on May 18th, 2009 at 12:55am
Went out early this morning before the rain and removed most of the mulch from around my hedges.  We're still getting lots of rain, (although we should be getting a break over the next few days) and I don't want the mulch to make the roots retain too much water.  So, I scooped most of it up by hand, bagged it and dumped it over the fence.  Perhaps once the weather becomes drier, I will mulch again.

Hair: After working in the yard, I needed to CO again.  I've been CO'ing more than I should with my dry hair type, but luckily with the amount of conditioning I'm doing my hair doesn't feel dried out.  After my CO, I blew my hair out on low until it was damp and let it air dry the rest of the way.  It was a very nice treat as the bit of straightening from the blowdryer has given my hair a somewhat softer, silky texture.  When my hair dried, I set it with jumbo caruso rollers to give it a nice wave, I like it.  Although, I won't go back to blow drying on a regular basis by any means, and will continue to do so only very sparingly.

Been wondering why my hair always looks so red in photos. :-?  Indoors, it doesn't look very red at all.

Yard Stuff: Last night, I had the cutest visitor eating from my bird feeder...a raccoon! :D  I know that they are not liked for various valid reasons, but he was way cute.  He looked like a stuffed animal that I used to have as a kid.  My husband wanted to get the gun and shoot it, but I begged him not to.  How could he possibly want to kill anything that cute?  My Kali wanted at him bad too, which just goes to prove how tough she is as he was definitely bigger than her.  Luckily, she behaved as I cracked the door to get a pic.  I'm not sure what I would've done if she would've escaped and went after him. :o  Anyway, I didn't get a pic. :P  I tried using every possible camera setting to get the shot but no dice.  It was funny too because it was almost as if the raccoon knew that I couldn't get the shots and he was taunting me, by doing the most adorable poses.  He hung upside down, he jumped down and sat in the grass facing me before running back up the pole, he sat on the fence etc.   All the while he always made a point to look in my direction like " Hey, I'm giving you good stuff here, are you getting this?". ;D  I SO hate when my camera won't cooperate. >:(  When will I finally get a new one? :-[  I saw a cute rose colored Nikon, but I don't really know about cameras or which one to get.  Although, I guess anything new would be better than my camera that I purchased in 2004.

So anyway, the feeder has so far attracted a rat *yuck*, a few moles, squirrels, chipmunks, and now a raccoon.  How in the world are these critters even aware that I have a feeder in my fenced yard in the first place? :-?  They must have an awesome sense of smell.  Good thing I didn't plant an apple tree out there like I was seriously considering.  That tree would be so full of nasty animals that there would be no fruit left for me and if so, I wouldn't want to eat it.

I'm finally canceling my lawn service tomorrow.  We're still getting weeds here and there which is inevitable, as both of our neighbors on each side have weeds growing out of control.  However, my husband and I have been doing a really good job of picking the weeds by hand daily, before they have a chance to grow large and spread.

I'll be getting my compost bin very shortly which will put me on the road to having a chemical free lawn.  I've even found an all natural lawn care site where I can even buy pre emergent which was one thing I wasn't sure I could find in a natural form.  So with that, I believe I will be able take care of things myself. :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on May 18th, 2009 at 2:07am
Ah, a fellow Pyramid Collection shopper. ;) One of their rings has been calling to me lately. ::) I like a few of their coats as well, but they would be way too big for me.

How in the world are these critters even aware that I have a feeder in my fenced yard in the first place? :-?

Because they're scavengers, hon. It's their instinct to take whatever they can, wherever they can find it. You should see the racoons where I live...you'd think they were bears! :o

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on May 18th, 2009 at 9:49am

Please don't jump to negative conclusions without having all of the facts.

In my last post about this, I stated that he could be sick. Although based on seeing him playing basketball today with some local teenagers while his wife was mowing their yard, I no longer believe he is.  At least not physically. I think something is perhaps going on over there (more than what I've mentioned) but I only know what I see, I'm not drawing any conclusions.  I'm aware that their lives and what they do is totally not my business.  The whole thing is just an interesting situation that I can't help but notice as a nosy observant neighbor. [smiley=engel017.gif]  ::)  

However, my point of posting about them in the first place was because I was feeling concerned and was wondering if I could perhaps help them out by babysitting.  The topic just happed to go in another direction.  I wasn't trying to be offensive.  My stepmother is the breadwinner, while my dad was the caregiver to my little sisters.  He cleaned house, cooked the meals and worked full time outside of the home.  All families are different, whatever works. :)

Sorry if I came across as harsh, girls.  I'm a little sensitive when it comes to perceived man-woman roles.  --Didn't mean to bark at y'all, you know I love ya both.   :-*  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on May 19th, 2009 at 12:55am

Ah, a fellow Pyramid Collection shopper.  One of their rings has been calling to me lately.  I like a few of their coats as well, but they would be way too big for me.

Some of their stuff is really nice. :)  They have a few dresses that I like however, the last thing I need right now is another dress. :P  *thinks to self* I'm actually getting good at clothes shopping restraint. :D

You should see the racoons where I live...you'd think they were bears!


I once saw part of one that was about the size of a cub.  I only saw part of it because I darted in the house immediately.  At the time, I'd never seen a raccoon before and it nearly scared me to death. ;D

Sorry if I came across as harsh, girls.  I'm a little sensitive when it comes to perceived man-woman roles.  --Didn't mean to bark at y'all, you know I love ya both.

(((hugs))) :)

I've been up for over 24 hours and am not sure when I'll finally go to bed.  I wanted to lay off of the pills (sleeping and anxiety) for a bit and try to go at things on my own, but it doesn't appear to be working.  My problem is if I take the pills, I get the side effect of next day drowsiness.  Yet, when I don't, I'm bouncing off the walls and can't sleep at all...ugh.

Today, I put up new, dark red iridescent drapes in the dining room.  I really like the way they make the room look, there were no drapes or blinds in there before.  Since we have an open floor plan, with the living room right next to the dining room, I was wondering if we should put drapes in there too.  My husband said he didn't think so because the dining room is decorated in Dracula, which is different than the living room. :-?  So I asked, "what does decorated in "Dracula" mean?".  He said, "you know, it looks like a room in Dracula's house". :P  So, oh well, if nothing else, I created a new decorating style. None of that Contemporary, French Country or Shabby Chic type stuff for me.  I decorate rooms in Dracula! ;D  And I'm still thinking of getting the same drapes for the living room.:P

Family Matters: My sister called again today to reconfirm that she will be visiting this summer.  She just wanted to make extra sure that I wasn't going to move or make other plans. Perhaps, I'm giving off some new flakey kind of vibe...I don't know. ::) :P

I'd like to bring my 7 year old niece down for a few weeks.  I think it would be nice for her to get away as well as give us a bonding opportunity.  However, the more I think about it, it just seems very daunting.  I mean, she is a very active child, like A.D.D. type of active, and I'm sure I'll enjoy being with her.  Although, if after a few days in I can't keep up, I can't just drop her off like I could if we lived even remotely, closeby.  Spending time with her would be great, but I'm not certian I can do it. :-[Old Friends: Yay!!!  I got a very unexpected post card from my long lost elementary school friend, today!  We were in contact last summer, but then out of the blue she stopped corresponding. :-?  I figured that her long silence and not even a response to a Christmas card I'd sent, meant that we were done talking.  I felt a bit bewildered, although I'm not sure how this type of thing is supposed to work :-?  As little girls, we used to be bestest friends, but of course, I'm not expecting us to pick back up where we left off in third grade. We're still only becoming reacquainted, so it's hard to read.  But at anyrate, it was nice to hear from her again. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on May 20th, 2009 at 5:20am
"decorated rooms in dracula".  My husband is probably glad I never got my way with "decorating rooms in dracula" which I'm sure is what he thought of my plans at once too.  My plans are different now.  That's awful to have to choose between pills and sleep.  I have no words of comfort there but can't you talk to someone about the side effects and the problems it's causing for you?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on May 20th, 2009 at 11:42am

So, oh well, if nothing else, I created a new decorating style. None of that Contemporary, French Country or Shabby Chic type stuff for me.  I decorate rooms in Dracula! ;D

;D Wanna come do mine? ;)

Have you tried non-habit-forming sleep aids like Advil PM or a glass of warm milk? They always put me right out.
Daily exercise helps too.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on May 21st, 2009 at 3:12pm

My husband is probably glad I never got my way with "decorating rooms in dracula" which I'm sure is what he thought of my plans at once too.  My plans are different now.

Luckily, my husband no longer complains about my decorating. ;D  Years ago, I went through a really girly sort of decorating phase, everything was silky and beaded...very Indian inspired.

My mother came over once and wanted to know how my husband dealt with living there.  Then a while later, my niece visited and wanted to know if my husband and I were still together (he was my fiance at the time).   She was curious because she said that my apartment didn't look as though a guy lived there at all.  I called my mother to see if she put my niece up to saying that, but she didn't, although she got a kick out of it. :P  My husband used to complain about how girly our place was, but I didn't really understand what was so girly about it at the time.  Actually, I still don't.  However, being out numbered, I'll take everyones word for it that it was. ::)

Wanna come do mine?

I would, but I'd imagine that as a goth, you'd be much better at the whole "Dracula" thing than I. ;)

Have you tried non-habit-forming sleep aids like Advil PM or a glass of warm milk? They always put me right out.  Daily exercise helps too.

Seeing that I've had sleeping issues just about my entire life, by this point I think I've tried just about everything...well, except for warm milk.  I'm not a fan of milk, but I have tried hot tea and coffee, both decaf.  Sometimes things work, sometimes they don't.  Prescription meds don't work 100% of the time either, but they are the only thing that work most consistently.  

Hair: My hair has been up in a ponytail for days now and buns at night.  I am thinking about doing a wet set this weekend.  I haven't had one in years.  I used to get them done at the salon.  They'd use really small rollers, so the curls would be really tight.  As the days went on, the curls would loosen up and look much nicer.  I remember them lasting a full two weeks.  I wouldn't need mine to last so long, I couldn't imagine going 2 weeks without a wash my as I believe my hair to be drier now than it was then and it needs more conditioning.  So, I'll try it with larger rollers and see how it turns out.

Sleep Troubles: I haven't taken any sleep medication this whole week, but I am only sleeping every other day.  Although, I really don't mind it. :-?  

Yard Stuff: Yesterday a hummingbird drank from my feeder. :)  The feeder still had the sugar water in it.  I was going to switch it out to the store bought nectar but I'll keep it up a bit longer to see if any more birds return.

I received new plants from the nursery.  2 purple d'oro daylillies, a green envy cone flower (that I planted amongst the chianti sunflowers) and a poker primrose.  The poker wasn't packed properly and was completely disassembled in the box.  I was able to find the roots in all of the spilled soil.  Everything was broken off of them, but I planted them anyway to see if will survive.  I also called the nursery and had them send out a replacement for it as well as to confirm how the dormant daylillies were to be planted.  I had no idea which part was the top or the bottom. :P The customer service rep wasn't much help to me, so I had to look it up online.  Then, I had to dig them back up and re-plant them the correct way.  As it turned out, I'd planted them upside down. ::)

The flies are back.  I put out fly traps yesterday and they are already loaded with flies.  Although, I got bit anyway.  A sneak flew up my dress.  So now, I have a huge bite on my *ahem* rear end and one on my torso.  

My husband is killing the carpenter bee's out back and tells me that I should too, but I don't ...I like bee's.  However, he says that carpenter bee's are like termites so I should kill them.  I need to look that up to see if he's right. :-/  I try not to kill things that are outside, except for flies because the ones around here are vicious and bite. >:(  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on May 21st, 2009 at 10:05pm

I would, but I'd imagine that as a goth, you'd be much better at the whole "Dracula" thing than I. ;)

hehe Aw, shucks, girl. http://www.smilieshq.com/smilies/ashamed0002.gif

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on May 23rd, 2009 at 2:26pm
Yesterday, I rearranged some things in my yard (still not comfortable enough to use the word 'garden' at this point).  I dug up the gladiolus and put them over by the hydrangeas.  Their colors (neither have bloomed yet) are similar reds.  I figured they'd compliment each other if they were closer.

I moved the poker roots to the front (or back :-? depends on how you look at it) of the yard next to the daylillies.  I was worried about the daylillies because they didn't look like much of anything when they arrived and well they still don't.  However, at this point they are starting to look more recognizable as something that could eventually grow into a flower.

The last move I made was taking one of the clematis out of the planter box and planting it next to the swing set.  Last year, I had morning glories climbing the swing, this year, I'll do clematis.  Just like morning glories, they bloom from early spring 'til frost but they're better because the blooms are open all day and I won't have to worry about them self pollenating.  They will only grow where I plant them.  The only other trait of the morning glory that I wish the clematis possessed is the extremely fast growth rate.  Unfortunately, they don't grow as fast, but with time, they should become as tall.

Nightlife:Last night, our meet up group went to a club for 80's night.  I was so excited, as I absolutely LOVE 80's music.  When we first got there however, it was a bit boring as they were playing some CD with such great crowd pleasers as the themes from St. Elmos Fire and Chariots of Fire...zzz...

Then, right before I dozed off (jk) I faintly heard Prince music coming from somewhere.  So, I'm like shhh!  Don't you hear it?  As I'm looking around with my eyebrows furrowed, I'm sure my husband and everyone else must have thought I was on some pretty good drugs. ;D  So, I take my husband by the hand and say "come on, let's find it".  

We ended up in an empty room of the club where the dj was in fact playing Prince. :D  He played about 10 Prince songs back to back before switching over to Michael Jackson.  There was no one else in the room but the bar tender, the dj, 2 hostesses that later came into the room and danced as well, my husband and I.  So the 4 of us on the dancefloor had a really good time dancing to good music, in a wonderfully lit up room.  I imagined that thats what heaven would be like.  Some people say in heaven there are angels singing constantly.  In my version Prince and Michael Jackson would be singing. ;D  

Then, after a while a new dj came in and began mixing in contemporary music in with the older stuff.  I wasn't pleased because I went there for 80's music, not to hear Kanye West rapping over the beat of Thriller. >:(  So, I stopped dancing as a form of silent protest before we left the room.

Fortunatley, the room where we originally were was now playing more uptempo 80's stuff.  Wham, The Eurythmics, Janet Jackson, Sheila E., Duran Duran... nope.  That was heaven. :D  

Then, a girl whom I've never met nor ever seen before, came over to me wanting to know if I could request a song for her.  I asked her "why me?, "why can't you do it?". :-?  She said because she was convinced that the dj would probably turn her down, but he would do it for me. :-?  I declined and told her that there was no way to make a request anyway.  The dj booth was above the bar and you had to climb up a ladder to get in there.  I told her that I didn't believe that people were allowed to go up there, but she was welcomed to give it a try.  She asked if I'd go with her.  After telling her no several times, I realized that this could be a fun adventure so I said "let's go".  I told my husband our plan and off she and I went.  

We walked down stairs, hand in hand, as we were on a mission. ::)  Just imagine the theme music from Mission Impossible playing in the back ground. 8-)  Although, when we got downstairs, we had to stop & dance as they played Paula Abdul.  Once the song was over, the mission was back on, I said "let's go".  We walked over to the bar and I slid underneath the counter and behind the bar.  I reached out my hand, telling her to come on but she was reluctant.  She felt that perhaps we should ask permission first.  I said "nope, come on".  ;D  So she slid under, just as I had and now we were both behind the bar.  I went over to the bartender and said that my friend and I wanted to request a song and if if would be okay to climb up there.  He looked at me for a second but then he said okay.  Yes!  First mission accomplished! :D  So the tricky part and the part I was most afraid of was climbing up the pole ladder in 4 inch platform heels.  I told her to go first.  When I saw that she was doing okay, then I went.  She requested her song (which was not 80's btw, it was Jaime Foxx :P) the dj said he would play it after midnight when the 80's would be over.  Score! :D  My request to the dj was to let us dance in the dj booth until the Prince song that they were currently playing was over.  He said that their insurance frowns on them having people in the booth, I'm guessing because of the big hole in the floor...but he said okay, we could dance.  Another Score! :D  So we did our little celebration dance for the duration of the song before thanking the kind dj and making our way back down the ladder.  We arrived back on the dance floor to cheers and high fives.  Pretty cool! 8-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on May 24th, 2009 at 3:28pm
Hair Stuff:  I didn't do a wet set as I was planning.  I'm still enjoying the left over waves from the other night.  I did a really cute grecian inspired hair style.  It was wavy all over and the top part of my hair was in a large braid, braided from right to left across my head, like a head band.  The braid has since been taken out and my bangs are currently being held back with a silver barrette.

Yard Stuff: Yesterday I mowed the lawn for the first time, all by myself. :)  My husbands son was here and they were going out somewhere when I asked my husband if it was okay for me to do so.  He said he was totally against it but couldn't stop me.  So he got the mower out and ready for me and showed me how to work it.  It didn't feel like hard work but I was sweating quite a bit.  The lawn looks really nice but I doubt I'll ever mow again.  I had to wear a cap and goggles as so much debris was flying around.  I couldn't even help but breathe some of it in and I would've worn a dust mask if I had one...actually I do have a few masks around the house.  Maybe, I will try it again.  As if I didn't look dorky enough..can you imagine how extra dorky I'll look wearing a baseball cap, big goggles and a dust mask???  ;D

Today, I built a small utility table for the patio.  I'd wanted a little table for awhile and was going to buy one but decided that I could make my own with some scraps of lumber that I had in the garage.  I had to glue some pieces together and get some other piecces cut, but it came out nicely for my purposes.  My husband thinks that I should paint it to make it look less "rustic".  Although, I sort of like it the way it is because it looks homemade and I'm proud of that.  Perhaps I may paint it and my garden boxes sometime down the road but for now, I'm keeping them as is.

House Stuff: I'd been cleaning for a good part of the afternoon.  When I came downstairs, there was a mess everywhere I looked.  My husbands son stayed over and well, I guess neither of them wanted to clean up.  I completely hate it when my house is messy, so I went right to work.  It really didn't take as long as I thought it would, especially after stepson left and took his things with him.  Now, it looks like my house again.

Other Stuff:Went grocery shopping today.  I used to hate shopping but now I'm starting to enjoy it more.  

I never looked at prices in the past, I'd just throw stuff in the cart.  Now, I'm trying to be more responsible and pay more attention. It's actually fun looking for deals and through the buy 1 get one free bin.  It opens you up to things that you normally wouldn't try, and it's an extra bonus if it's your regular brand that is on sale.  

I've also gotten some reuseable bags.  Only thing, is sometimes we remember to take them, and sometimes we don't.  I tell my husband to keep the bags in the car, but sometimes he remembers and sometimes he doesn't. :P  Another thing that I've decided that we do is to forego shopping carts and use baskets instead, to help burn calories.  Walking to the store is also something that we've been doing more too.  

I was telling my husband that workingout can feel so unnatural (because it is) but when you make doing everyday things a bit more difficult, it doesn't seem like working out, but on some level you are.  He agree's.  So, I'm wondering what other things we can do the old fashioned way... but not too old fashioned.  I draw the line at hand washing dishes or clothes. :P  Although, I'm not sure what else that would leave? :-/

The table I made.

Clematis blooms.

Me and my girls. :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on May 26th, 2009 at 3:36pm

wrote on May 21st, 2009 at 3:12pm:
Yard Stuff: Yesterday a hummingbird drank from my feeder. :)  The feeder still had the sugar water in it.  I was going to switch it out to the store bought nectar but I'll keep it up a bit longer to see if any more birds return.

I can't recall if I told you this or not...  When the sugar water turns cloudy it's time for a new batch.   ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on May 26th, 2009 at 11:39pm

I can't recall if I told you this or not...  When the sugar water turns cloudy it's time for a new batch.


Hair: Hennaed my roots overnight and washed it out this morning.  I used dilluted Aubrey shampoo and conditioned with the last remains of neutrogena and hugo naturals conditioner that I wasn't initially impressed with.  Surprisingly, my hair liked the conditioners yesterday.  I guess it isn't too surprising though.  I'm sure I could wash & condition my hair with anything nowdays and have it turn out okay.  It isn't the conditioner, but over abundance of humidity we've had as of late that my hair likes.  

I haven't measured, but it looks a bit longer. :-?

Other: My husband's son has gotten bored with his iphone, so he and my husband traded phones.  Now my husband is obsessed with it and wants to get me one too.  I really don't see what the big deal is about them.  The games and the sounds of nature downloads are cool but I can play games and download sounds off of my computer.  My husband says that it's one of the greatest inventions ever, but nothing about the phone has impressed me. *shrug*

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabeau on May 28th, 2009 at 6:27am
Other: My husband's son has gotten bored with his iphone, so he and my husband traded phones.  Now my husband is obsessed with it and wants to get me one too.  I really don't see what the big deal is about them.  The games and the sounds of nature downloads are cool but I can play games and download sounds off of my computer.  My husband says that it's one of the greatest inventions ever, but nothing about the phone has impressed me. *shrug*

Don was the same way when he got his Blackberry.  Not to worry, he will soon bore of it or break it as Don did! lol!  ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on May 31st, 2009 at 9:35pm

...or accidentally flush it down the toilet

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on May 31st, 2009 at 10:33pm
Such cute kitties!  I miss mine a lot right now!

I also have a cartilage piercing.  It gave me a lot of trouble until I had a captive bead ring put in at a piercing place.  No trouble since!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jun 4th, 2009 at 12:48am
Sakina:  I had the beaded hoop last time.  Don't remember what went wrong.  I believe I took it out before it healed and couldn't get it back in or something. :P  This time I got a cz stud.  Unfortunately, it looks pretty fake (since it is) but so far so good.

Hair: Okay I guess.  I would love to have the type of hair that I can wash everyday... but as it is, I don't.  I'm still working out regularly, so I've just had my hair up in my ficcare and am leaving it alone.

Health: Went to the doctor because of knee pain after a run a few days ago.  He said that I pulled a tendon.  He recommended that I take it easy with the running and build up my hamstrings.  So, no running at the park for a few weeks.  There's other things I can still do though, like the elliptical for instance.

Other: Signed up on Facebook.  I thought it would be fun.  It was at first but now I'm already over it.  It's so difficult keeping up with everyone.  Perhaps I took on too many friends at once instead of easing into it.  Feels like I've been replying to emails nonstop.

Lastly, I just discovered a singer named Janelle Monae.  I love her! :D  Right now my favorite song is "Sincerely Jane".

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Jun 4th, 2009 at 2:03am
I cancelled my facebook account because the novelty quickly ran out.  Actually, I don't think you can fully cancel it.  My parents are on facebook. ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jun 4th, 2009 at 11:11am
[quote][/quote]When I tried to return the dresses today, I was told that they didn't offer refunds.  Only exchanges or merchandise credits.

GOD, how I hate that policy!!!   >:(  

I'm sort of half-and-half about Facebook.  It's a good way for me to keep up with all of my former student workers, who have moved away from the area and now have families, etc. of their own.  I've also reconnected with a cousin, so that's nice.  But it is a time-killer and I only get on there while I'm at work and have nothing to do.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jun 6th, 2009 at 11:35pm
the novelty does run out pretty quickly.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Jun 7th, 2009 at 5:09am
Oh thanks.  I'll try to remember my log-in details and see if I can delete my account completely.  I love looking at and dreaming about large houses and on huge properties but I know that something small, cozy and informal is really my thing.  I even feel lost on our property because I would've preferred a small, enclosed stamp sized patio with plants and flowers like we had at the first end row house.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jun 8th, 2009 at 8:16pm
I used to think a large property would seem entirely too large for just my husband and I but I don't anymore.  I'd like to have lot's of land to roam around and not have to worry about seeing another soul.  Although lawn care would be another story.

Activities of the day: Went to Zumba class.  I couldn't jump around as high or as much because of my knee and the fact that I didn't wear a sports bra.  It was also extremely hot.  I don't think that there was AC only 2 fans which was insane as it was not enough.  I'm sure the class would've been a lot more fun if it were cooled adequately.  

As we drove there my husband said that he hoped the class wouldn't be too gay.  I merely rolled my eyes at his remark but once we got going in class, I had to admit that most of the moves were gay.  It was way funny watching him trying to do some of the dance moves.  They incorporated belly, salsa and mambo moves but he was an awesome sport about it and made us women (he was the only guy) laugh.

Afterwards, I had (and still have) a headache because of the heat.  I felt it would be good to cool off at the pool.  I figured I'd lost enough weight to fit into my swimsuit.   Then, I realized that I totally overestimated my weight loss when I pulled out one of my suits.  It looked absolutely tiny just to the eye, as though it belonged to a child.  However, I couldn't imagine that the suit could be that small, so I tried it on.  Well after trying it on, I realized that it was that small and I'm not nearly as small as I thought I was. :P  Oh well, more work for me.  Hopefully, I'll get back into my suits again... one of these days.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Jun 9th, 2009 at 3:54am
I've done Zumba.  I love to dance so thought it would be great since they're no longer offering belly dance at the gym I was working at.  Ugh-with my spinal injury, my hips can't move that fast and with the torque on the knees, well its just not for me.  If they had a class that was at a reasonable speed so I could do the moves safely I'd probably be a regular.  I really like the music and the girl that teaches it is really in to it.  Oh well...  I'm glad your hubby's a good sport.  I brought my hubby to a belly dance class, luckily it was really small and he was the only guy.

Hope you're feeling better by the time you read this!  LOL-been there w/the swim suit thing...

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jun 9th, 2009 at 10:58pm
The Zumba class I went to had 2 instructors, one who did high impact and the other did low.  I think I did something more in the middle.  My husband really liked it and wants to go back.  I probably will if the class is cooler.  The instructor mentioned that the class, if done with high impact, burns 800 calories.

Hair: Been mixing coconut oil with my hair lotion.  It's been doing nicely.  The oil seems to work better in my hair now that it's warmer out.  I haven't been getting build up the way I was before.

Fitness: I did the elliptical for the first time since pulling a tendon.  I only did 15 minutes but my knee was fine.  I've been doing the leg machines to rehabillitate my knee so that it will heal more quickly.

Shopping: Went to the mall today to exchange my exchanged Forever 21 dress.  Their mediums are too large for me and I needed to get a small.  I finally got a dress that fits and now my transaction is finally finished.  The new dress that I purchased was 2.00 less than the exchanged dress.  I figured they'd just give me 2.00 in cash but nope, another merchandise credit. :P

I also planned on buying a snickerdoodle cookie.  I'd seen them last time I was there but resisted the urge.  This time I figured, since I haven't lost that much weight anyway, why not eat a cookie.  Only thing was as I was walking to the cookie stand we passed Godiva and the woman was in the window icing fresh brownies.  I didn't even know Godiva carried brownies so I had to try them, they looked so good.  I got 3 with milk chocolate on top and 2 with white.  I was so excited to try them, anticipating that they would be the best brownies ever but they were merely okay.  I've never tasted any brownies that I like better than plain ole Ducan Hines walnut brownies (with a cake like texture) and I guess I never will. :P  Although, the dark chocolate almond bark that I got was very good.  

Vegetable Gardening: I harvested my first potatoes today but it was too early, they were very small. :-[  I was going to replant them, but my husband decided to bake them so we could get a sample of what to expect when they are actually ready.  Surprisingly to me, they were really good. :)  I can't wait until they are full sized.  I'm thinking perhaps in a month.  

I also got out the Aerogarden and started some basil and chives.  I wanted to grow mint as well and thought I had some, but didn't.  I'll have to buy some more pods very soon.

Flowers: I planted green cone flowers out front amongst the sunflowers, by the mailbox.  They hadn't bloomed yet.  I went out to check it's progress only to see that they had been cut. :o  I don't know who cut it or why.  I asked my husband if he cut it but he said he didn't. :-/  Oh well.  Now it will take longer for them to grow and bloom but at least it was only cut and not pulled out.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jun 13th, 2009 at 12:56am
what's the deal is with people drinking in their driveways

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jun 14th, 2009 at 4:38am
Hair: Always feels so great this time of year.  Some how I need to moisturize enough so that once the weather gets colder, and the heat comes on indoors, my hair will still feel soft.  I've yet to get my winter moisture applications down to a science.

Night Life:  Made the right decision not to attend last night party.  We looked at the pics today and it wasn't exactly what we were expecting it to be.

I'd also cancelled another RSVP for a pool party that we were supposed to be going to early next month.  I figured I look good enough to get into a size S bikini, not my XS ones that I tried on last week.  So after taking my measurements, I ordered the new suit from VSC.  Then later, I looked at the photos from the last pool party and... well... it wasn't exactly what I was expecting.  

Everyone was fully clothed except for one lady that wore a bikini top with her jeans and no one was in the pool. :-?  I thought the purpose of a pool party was to get in bikinis or a swim suit of some kind and get in the pool. :-?

There are other pool parties, however those events are attended by twenty somethings, not people in our age group so I don't know how much fun that would be.  Oh well, at least I'll have my suit to go to the community pool...or maybe on a vacation later this summer.

Other: Don't know what is going on with me but I'm really missing fall weather. Only thing about the fall around here is, it only last a few weeks before it's seriously cold.  So I shouldn't complain. :-/

Yard Stuff:   Only 3 of the catnip seeds (out of perhaps 250) that I planted out doors sprouted.  So, I'm going to start some more indoors in pods and then transplant them later.  I really want my cats to enjoy thier catnip garden this summer.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jun 15th, 2009 at 1:20am
caffeine laden drink

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jun 21st, 2009 at 6:29am
lot's of the same.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Jun 21st, 2009 at 11:56am

Especially, because I'm still longing for the fall.  I can't recall a time when I longed for the fall, and Halloween so much or this early.

You can blame me for that one. I don't mind. Buahahahahaaaa! ;D ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Jun 21st, 2009 at 1:48pm
I used to prefer the colder seasons.  Now issues make me dread the colder months which is really a shame because Fall is still the most beautiful season to me, if it gets cold enough and we actually get those rusty colors before winter which hasn't really been what I associate with winter for a few years. ::)  It's all gone very bland.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jun 22nd, 2009 at 8:49pm

You can blame me for that one. I don't mind. Buahahahahaaaa!

I actually think the brutal summers here are to blame for my wanting to fast forward to fall...but you can take all of the Halloween blame if you'd like. ;)

I used to prefer the colder seasons.  Now issues make me dread the colder months which is really a shame because Fall is still the most beautiful season to me, if it gets cold enough and we actually get those rusty colors before winter which hasn't really been what I associate with winter for a few years.   It's all gone very bland.

So are the winters green where you are?

Actually, I hate the cold.  However, the autumns in the South are quite pleasant while they last.

Shopping: Today was like an early Christmas.  At our grocery store, they have weekly buy 1 get 1 free specials and they're usually good, but today they were awesome! :D  Celestial Seasonings were buy 1 get 1, so I got Chamomile, Sweet Apple Chamomile and Red and Lemon Zingers.  All Morning Star products were on sale as well so we got 10 boxes of assorted varieties as well as a few packages of nan to freeze, all brands that we buy anyway. :)  Then, an issue of my Body and Soul magazine subscription came in the mail today. Inside, there was a coupon for 3.00 off Natrol products, which is the brand of melatonin that I use (and currently need to buy) as well as a coupon for 1.00 off Aura Cacia essential oils.  I was so thrilled!  Apparently it doesn't take much at all to make me happy. :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Jun 22nd, 2009 at 10:07pm

...but you can take all of the Halloween blame if you'd like. ;)

Avec plaisir, madame. http://www.smilieshq.com/smilies/evilgrin0041.gif

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Jun 24th, 2009 at 7:47am
The winters here are beginning to look the way I remember winter in CA.  Rainy, foggy, grey, with leaveless trees.  The snowy days are becoming a rarity it seems.  We have a photo my husband took of snow over a field in our bedroom.  I like that kind of stark beauty.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jun 25th, 2009 at 7:57pm
Freaking out about Michael Jackson.

My whole family called to make sure I'm okay but ...well... I'm just extremely sad. :'(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Jun 25th, 2009 at 8:26pm
OMG,  I was at Schlotzsky's getting a sandwich when I hear the news.  I immediately thought of you!  (((hugs)))

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jun 25th, 2009 at 10:42pm
Thanks for thinking of me.  I guess it's sort of silly of me, taking the news so hard (at least my husband says so) because I didn't even know him.

I've just been such a huge fan of his, literally all of my life, so his death is so surreal and sad for me.  

I feel really bad for his family and his children.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Jun 26th, 2009 at 3:37am
*hugs* I've been taking it especially hard as well.  :'(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jun 26th, 2009 at 4:17am
(((hugs, Angel)))  I thought about you too and was wondering how you were handling this.  

My emotions have gone  from feeling sad to feeling angry at the coverage by some of the news media.  Some people find such delight in saying mean things, that even at a time like this, they still can't turn it off. >:(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabeau on Jun 26th, 2009 at 7:56am
((((hugs))))  My Don was really upset about MJ too.  I was shocked as well.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Jun 26th, 2009 at 9:32am
With all the horrible things that have been said about him in the past and I'm sure the jokes are going to come from unsensitive clueless people,Michael is now at peace and hopefully in a better place.  I hope his soul is at peace,finally.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jun 26th, 2009 at 10:12am
Yep, you were the first one I thought of last night when my daughter told me about MJ.  *hugs*   :(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Jun 26th, 2009 at 11:40am

(((hugs, Angel)))  I thought about you too and was wondering how you were handling this.

*sigh* I don't even know how I'm handling this. It's like being run over by a semi that you never saw or heard coming.

It's healthy and perfectly natural to run the range of emotions. Be sad, be angry, be shocked...indulge and explore each and every one as they come. Also, don't worry if you don't feel anything. When emotionally overloaded, people often shut down - it's a survival instinct. But don't be afraid to cry, yell, rant, throw things, etc. when you need to. It's part of the mourning process.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jun 27th, 2009 at 9:17pm
Hang in there, Angel and thanks for the advice.

I haven't pulled out any Michael Jackson books, movies or listened to his music.  I usually play his music on a regular basis, but now I don't want to hear it at all. It just doesn't fit with how I'm feeling right now. The only song that I have played is Morphine.  It was never one of my favorites or in my regular rotation however, in light of things,  I needed to hear it again.  I knew about the drugs, but had no idea to what extent and had no idea that the song was perhaps autobiograpical.  It makes me angry that he would be so selfish in that regard...he had kids.  There are so many things that are making me angry such as opportunistic people, Lisa Marie being one of them imo... but whatever.  Hopefully, in a week people will be on to another story.  I can't help but take this whole situation personally.

Last night, I figured that I needed to get out of the house and away from the news.  This sitting around in mourning feels crappy and it isn't fair to my husband.  So, we went out to dinner.  Today, we did yard work and bought some stuff for the house.  We got a new toy for the cats.  It was supposed to be the greatest toy but they aren't very impressed.  We may be taking it back. :P  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Jun 27th, 2009 at 10:02pm
I always need to get out of the house when I'm in mourning.  Sometimes I'll just drive, which is something I never do otherwise.

My kitty Jupiter thinks the greatest cat toy is the rubber ring that comes on Target prescription bottles.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Jun 27th, 2009 at 11:00pm

Hang in there, Angel and thanks for the advice.

You're welcome...and I'm trying. :(

I usually play his music on a regular basis, but now I don't want to hear it at all.

That was me at first, but his songs are all over the radio now. And you know what? They're just as moving now as they were when he was alive. When he was alive...Jesus, I can't believe I just typed that. http://www.smilieshq.com/smilies/sad0002.gif
   Yesterday, I pulled out Dancing The Dream and had myself a good cry. It lasted all morning, and I'm probably not done yet. But the poems and prose are just as good as they were when I first read them.

Even now, I still can't believe he's just...gone. It's so messed up.
As for the drugs, there were a lot of shady people behind that. I don't think anyone knew that he was still abusing prescriptions...except for the peole who gave them to him. Makes me bloody glad to be a straight edger!
   Lisa has been blaming herself for his death. She's taking it just as hard as anyone.

And unfortunately, I don't think the tabloids are done with him yet. >:(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jun 28th, 2009 at 5:27pm

I always need to get out of the house when I'm in mourning.  Sometimes I'll just drive, which is something I never do otherwise.

Yeah, getting out definitely helps.

My kitty Jupiter thinks the greatest cat toy is the rubber ring that comes on Target prescription bottles.

We took the other toy back.  The final straw was when I saw Kat excitedly playing with a paint stirring stick and neglecting the toy.  Sometimes simple is best.

As for the drugs, there were a lot of shady people behind that. I don't think anyone knew that he was still abusing prescriptions...except for the peole who gave them to him.

I didn't know for a fact of course, but I was pretty certain that he still was.  It seemed so apparent to me at times.  The same way it was pretty apparent that Paula Abdul was abusing drugs of some kind too, eventhough she denied it for a while.  I'm just shocked because aside from making him look silly at times, I had no idea that his drug use (or hers for that matter) was that serious.

I believe that his family knew too.  Several sources stated that they did, but didn't know what to do about it.  

Lisa has been blaming herself for his death. She's taking it just as hard as anyone.

You're right.  Her speaking out just pissed me off because she'd spoken so negatively about him on several occasions since the divorce.  I felt like she was only speaking positive about him now because everyone else is, thus making it cool or okay again.  But I can't judge her or say that she is insincere, only she knows her truth.

And unfortunately, I don't think the tabloids are done with him yet.

Yeah, it's definitely unfortunate.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Jun 28th, 2009 at 6:08pm

I didn't know for a fact of course, but I was pretty certain that he still was.  It seemed so apparent to me at times.  The same way it was pretty apparent that Paula Abdul was abusing drugs of some kind too, eventhough she denied it for a while.  I'm just shocked because aside from making him look silly at times, I had no idea that his drug use (or hers for that matter) was that serious.

I believe that his family knew too.  Several sources stated that they did, but didn't know what to do about it.

Right, of course. I was speaking more to the general public who couldn't have known...and to those around him who probably knew, but were unaware of just how dire the situation was. You know, the majority.
   Yes, there are those who probably knew...but his sudden passing came as a shock to everyone, regardless. Most addicts will go to great lengths to hide the reality, even from those closest to them.

You're right.  Her speaking out just pissed me off because she'd spoken so negatively about him on several occasions since the divorce.  I felt like she was only speaking positive about him now because everyone else is, thus making it cool or okay again.  But I can't judge her or say that she is insincere, only she knows her truth.

I don't think she's insincere at all. Having watched my own husband self destruct, I can most certainly relate to what she's going through. Of course she thought badly of him after the split, and when you have people coming at you, asking all sorts of questions, wanting honest answers, you feel compelled to give them honest answers. Not that I support trash talking exes or anyone else, mind you.
   Lisa doesn't strike me as a follower or someone who would do something "just because everyone else is." She is, however, just one more person who tried to help someone who wouldn't help themselves.

The final straw was when I saw Kat excitedly playing with a paint stirring stick and neglecting the toy.  Sometimes simple is best.

True that. Cats usually prefer to play with your stuff anyway. My cats wouldn't touch store bought items, but they'd go to town with whatever was lying around the house. ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jun 28th, 2009 at 7:45pm

Yes, there are those who knew...but it came as a shock to everyone, regardless.


Lisa doesn't strike me as a follower or someone who would do something "just because everyone else is."

I agree. She never seemed that way to me in the past.  I suppose it's like anyone who fights with a family member...it doesn't mean that you don't or can't still love them or care.

Yard Stuff: Today, I noticed the first cucumbers sprouting.  As someone who has never grown them and didn't know what to expect, to see the baby sprouts is so exciting!  The sunflowers are finally about to bloom too.  I'm so happy to see this because I was worried that without the blooms that they look a bit like weeds.

It's supposed to rain and I'm waiting in such anticipation.  The sky is dark but still no rain.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jul 2nd, 2009 at 8:22pm
House Stuff: Began painting my foyer 2 days ago and I'm still not finished. :P  I underestimated the whole thing.  It seemed and seems like such a small area, I thought that it would be done very quickly.  However, it turned out to be a more difficult job than an average room because there are so many smaller areas and nooks and crannies to paint.  I will be done tonight though.  It took a whole bucket of paint. Again, underestimating the job, I thought I'd only need a quarter of the can to do the whole area and planned on using the rest to do my bathroom.  It's good this way though because I'm sick of painting.  I'll probably do my bathroom in a couple weeks.

I also went through my closet in an attempt to get rid of almost everything. I failed in that attempt, but still came up with quite a bit of items to donate.  

Yard Stuff: The cucumbers are still growing nicely. :D  A few of them are already the size of sweet pickles.  

I have one sunflower in bloom and one partially in bloom.  The bloomed flower is only about a foot tall and the product of spilled seeds from the bird feeder. When I noticed they were sprouting, I decided to just let them grow instead of disposing of them.  The partially bloomed flower is from the chianti seeds that I planted, and is as tall as me.  I'm 5'8" so that's pretty cool!  Right now it looks dissapointingly black though, but I'm sure it will lighten up.  

Lastly, the gladiolus are finally beginning to bloom too. I was so excited to see the tiny bit of red petal peeking out.  Today, is a good day for my garden! :D  I always love walking around and making new discoveries, it makes me so anxious to plant more.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Jul 2nd, 2009 at 8:28pm
Your garden sounds lovely!  I can't wait until I have my own home so I can try some planting.  Right now I have kind of a brown thumb and I tend to kill things I put in the ground.  But I have a dill plant, a basil plant and some kind of flowering ground shrub in pots on my kitchen window sill and they've all survived for varying amounts of time so I have high hopes of someday having a successful garden outdoors.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jul 2nd, 2009 at 8:59pm
Thank you.

Ooh, I love basil! :D  I have some growing in my kitchen as well.  I have aerogardens for kitchen herbs.  I've grown lettuce in them as well.

I'm sure that you will be a successful gardener.  I used to kill things all of the time too.  That turned around for me when I began reading more about how to take care of plants properly, starting with plants that are easy to grow, and practice.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Jul 2nd, 2009 at 11:37pm
Gorgeous garden pics!

I was just wondering, are you still using henna?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jul 2nd, 2009 at 11:45pm
Thanks and yes, I still henna.  I think the last time I did it, I only did my roots.  That was maybe 2 months ago.  I probably won't do another one until the end of summer.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Jul 3rd, 2009 at 4:32am
Oh, I'd love to grow my own small cucumbers.  What's this nonesense with all cucumbers having to be long and perfectly straight these days. :-?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Jul 3rd, 2009 at 8:39am
Nice pics!!  Bet you can't wait to taste the fruits of your labor!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabeau on Jul 3rd, 2009 at 10:12am

Drear wrote on Jul 3rd, 2009 at 4:32am:
Oh, I'd love to grow my own small cucumbers.  What's this nonesense with all cucumbers having to be long and perfectly straight these days. :-?

OMG Thats too funny!!!!http://freesmileyface.net/smiley/Laughing/lol-020.gifsorry being a dirty old lady..

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Jul 3rd, 2009 at 11:43am
Isabeau: ;D

LD: Wow, girlie, congrats on your gardening successes. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jul 3rd, 2009 at 9:52pm

Nice pics!!  Bet you can't wait to taste the fruits of your labor!

Sure can't. ;)  Can't wait to try my hand at pickling either.  I did pick a very small one and cut it open to inspect it.  At that size they were very prickly and smelled like lightening bugs. I definitely didn't want to taste that one.  ;D

Oh, I'd love to grow my own small cucumbers.  What's this nonesense with all cucumbers having to be long and perfectly straight these days.  

Perhaps you can.  I'm growing mine in a raised bed that isn't very large.  The cucumbers that I'm growing will be about 8" when they're mature.  Although, I'll pick some before they reach maturity for pickling.

OMG Thats too funny!!!! sorry being a dirty old lady..
:o ;D

LD: Wow, girlie, congrats on your gardening successes.

Thanks. :)

Yay!  The chianti sunflower has bloomed! :D  It isn't as red as I expected...more of a auburn type color but still more novel than the yellow.

Went to lowes today and picked up 6 small low light plants for the house.  Can't remember the names off hand ::) (need to look again...and memorize :P) but they're interesting and nice.  Can't believe I had so few indoor plants, a touch of green goes such a long way.    

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Jul 4th, 2009 at 4:50am
I've had those dark sunflowers in the past and they've been everything from a deep maroon over the brown shades.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jul 4th, 2009 at 6:33pm
Drear: The ones that I planted were supposed to be more of a marroon color.  Hopefully, the rest will be.  

Nightlife: Last night we went to dinner at a restaurant/club.  It was after 11 o'clock so unfortunately, we had to eat from the late night menu which doesn't have as much to offer as the regular menu.  I wanted to make the best of it but my husband was a a bit dissapointed so he offered the waitress 20.00 to let us eat from the regular menu.  I opposed the idea but the waitress was more than willing to oblige.  

Later that night before we were about to leave, they played about 5 songs from Michael Jackson.  I sang along for a bit but began feeling misty eyed during "I wanna be where you are".  That was one of the songs I used to play everyday when I became a fan.  I was able to compose myself and not cry but it was difficult.  My husband saw the tears coming and did his best to make me laugh. :)

House Plants: Okay, off of the top of my head...



On the top shelf, an old Philodendron and on the bottom shelf a Nephthytis (had to look that one up ::)) and another Fittonia.

And another tree frog that was outside today.  I want to get a toad house to possibly attract more frogs but with my cat's, I'm not sure if that's a good idea.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Jul 4th, 2009 at 6:41pm
Cute! :D

Later that night before we were about to leave, they played about 5 songs from Michael Jackson.  I sang along for a bit but began feeling misty eyed during "I wanna be where you are".  That was one of the songs I used to play everyday when I became a fan.  I was able to compose myself and not cry but it was difficult.

*nods* That was me on the way home from work, just hours after he died, when the radio started playing "You Are Not Alone." :'( But I wasn't really in public so I bawled like a baby.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Jul 5th, 2009 at 3:46am
"He's" so cute! :D  I'm not mad about frogs or toads but we have loads of them here and they often sit on our driveway and look at me if I put the trash out in the evening.   You're welcome to them!  Sadly, I often see them run over by cars on the streets around here.    

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabeau on Jul 5th, 2009 at 9:09am
Cool houseplants! http://freesmileyface.net/smiley/Happy/happy-090.gif I love that froggy!!!! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jul 5th, 2009 at 10:56pm

*nods* That was me on the way home from work, just hours after he died, when the radio started playing "You Are Not Alone."  But I wasn't really in public so I bawled like a baby.

I've tried not to care about Michael Jackson at times in the past, but could never help it.  I really wish that he didn't affect me, especially now.

Will you be going to the Staples Center for the tribute?  

You're welcome to them!

I'd take them.  I actually thought about buying tadpoles to raise and release, but have read that that's rarely a good idea.

Sadly, I often see them run over by cars on the streets around here.

Cool houseplants!  I love that froggy!!!!

Thanks and  :)

Shopping: Went to Nike Town today and got some workout clothes.  I haven't been in the mood to workout lately, I'm hoping that the clothes will motivate me.

Also, had Ethopian for dinner.  I've never had it before and was so nervous that I wouldn't like it.  I never had anything like it before and was afraid that dinner would be a waste. However, it really wasn't bad at all.  I had lamb with sauted onion and peppers, it was very much like a fajita.  My husband had some sort of raw meat.  I tasted it, expecting to be nauseated but it was in so much sauce and spice that it didn't taste raw at all.  The food that we ate was fine but nothing that I would ever crave, but it was good to try.

Afterwards, we went to a Chinese bakery and my husband got pastries.  I'm not a fan of them, but he likes them very much.  

Other: Okay, something weird.  There is a 24 hour Kroger grocery store not far from us, so when Publix closes, that's where we go.  What we've noticed is that after maybe 10 o clock, Kroger becomes quite an interesting place to people watch.  The women show up wearing the skimpiest clothes, things like short shorts and extra short skirts.  Tonight, we saw a woman wearing a hot pink mesh top with a black bra underneath.  Her friend was wearing short shorts and a tight black tank with one strap hanging off her shoulder.  There isn't a strip club or anything like that nearby, so I really can't explain it.  I know that there is a trailor park not far from there and that the residents do frequent that store.  Now, I don't know if the crazy dressed, night time grocery shoppers are coming from the trailor park, but it's the only thing I can think of. :-?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Jul 5th, 2009 at 11:25pm

Will you be going to the Staples Center for the tribute?

Aww, I'm flattered that you think I have that kind of time/money. ;D
Even if I were independently wealthy and didn't have to work Tuesday, LA is still a 3 hour drive for me. ::) So I'll just have to catch what I can of it on TV.

The women show up wearing the skimpiest clothes, things like short shorts and extra short skirts.  Tonight, we saw a woman wearing a hot pink mesh top with a black bra underneath.  Her friend was wearing short shorts and a tight black tank with one strap hanging off her shoulder.  There isn't a strip club or anything like that nearby, so I really can't explain it.

Those are called...I believe the "PC" term for them is..."working girls." ;) They typically show up after everything closes.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jul 6th, 2009 at 12:09am

Aww, I'm flattered that you think I have that kind of time/money.  
Even if I were independently wealthy and didn't have to work Tuesday, LA is still a 3 hour drive for me.

Okay, a simple yes or no would've sufficed. ::) ;D  Honestly though, since I had no plans to go, I have no idea how much tickets are.  Nor did I realize that LA was a 3 hour drive for you.  

My husband has vacation time coming up so he wanted to know if I'd like to go, but I really don't.  So, I'll be catching it on tv too.  

Those are called...I believe the "PC" term for them is..."working girls."  They typically show up after everything closes.

Well, none of those women look like anything remotely like Julia Roberts but they do dress the part, so I'll take your word for it.  And oh, ewww! :P  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jul 6th, 2009 at 11:01pm

Sadly, I often see them run over by cars on the streets around here.

Very coincidentally, there is a smooshed toad in my driveway right now.  My husband must have ran him over earlier today.

Daily Activities: Today, I got my eyebrows semi permantently filled in.  I got them done before, years ago, but it had since worn off.  Ugh...they hurt a little right now, but I'm glad that I won't have to worry about doing them myself for a long while.  I might have to get them touched up a bit in a few weeks, but overall I'm pleased with the way they were done.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jul 7th, 2009 at 1:36pm

got my eyebrows semi permantently filled in

???  --Educate the old woman.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jul 7th, 2009 at 3:27pm

???  --Educate the old woman.

Awww...Trisha, you know that you're hip and with it. ;)

What I had done is typically called permanent makeup or cosmetic tattooing.  I only refer to it as semi permanent because it actually fades away over time.  

My eyebrows have always been very sparse so I've been filling them in with pencil and powder since highschool. This procedure just gives me a break from having to use makeup on my brows for a while.  The last time I had it done, it lasted less than a year.  At the time, I was breaking out pretty bad and using Retin A.  I didn't know back then that Retin A is something that can make the color fade and dissappear.

Here's more info about it if you're interested.  It's wikipedia but, I found the info to be accurate.

[timestamp=1247002542] Just watched the Michael Jackson tribute.  Was so relieved at how tastefully done it was, unlike that BET awards tribute.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jul 8th, 2009 at 10:33am
Aw thanks   ;)  
The first thing that popped into my mind was some sort of tattooing but I wanted to make sure.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jul 8th, 2009 at 11:43pm
Last night, went to the drive in to see Public Enemies.  It was a pretty good movie and a nice way to spend the evening.

Yard Stuff: Today, I did some gardening.  I pulled up the 3 foot sunflowers that I planted between the swings. They hadn't bloomed yet but I felt that I have enough bloomless sunflower stalks in the yard.  Disposing of them gave the yard a neater look.  I also trimmed hedges, weeded, replaced hummingbird nectar and put out two new ivy plants in the urns out front.  Oh, and I harvested my first cucumber. :D  It was 8 inches long and perfect, if I do say so myself. :D  I didn't eat it yet, it's in the refrigerator.  Tomorrow, it's going in a salad.

Indoor Gardening: We put up a shelving unit for my aerogardens.  Assembling it was more difficult than I thought it would be, so I'm glad I had help.  Well, I actually, I only assisted. ::)  Now, I'm totally anxious for the heriloom tomato pods I ordered to arrive in the mail...and I need one more aerogarden for lettuce and I'll be all set.

Other: Don't know what is going on with me lately.  2 days ago, I broke the top to my glass tea pot and tonight I broke a wine glass. :(  Next thing you know, I'm going to be drinking out of plastic cups. :P  Although not really, seeing that I hate plastic, but this can't keep up. :-/

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jul 11th, 2009 at 1:19am
Tonight, I really wanted to go to the drive in.  Bruno started today, so I figured we could see it but it wasn't playing.  Nor was anything else that I wanted to see, so we stayed in.

Pickling, Preserving & Planting:  Went to the grocery store and got some mason jars and pickle spice for my pickle making and home preserving projects.  Oh, and my book arrived today too!  It's a pretty cool book by Ball called the "Complete Book of Home Preserving".  It has 400 delicious looking recipies.  Can't wait to try some. :D

I wanted to try pickled pineapple but didn't have the ingredients...only the pineapple.  I only got the pineapple because I'm going to attempt growing them.  They're by no means a favorite fruit, but I stumbled upon the instuctions on instructables.com and thought it would be pretty cool to try.

While at the store I also got 2 Celosia plants, which I planted under the swings where I pulled up the sunflowers.  They look really pretty.  I damaged part of the root system on one, so I'm hoping it still grows okay.

Kitties: Kali was gone for several hours this morning.  We could not find her at all.  Then, my husband decided to drive around the neighborhood where he spotted her, about two blocks up the street.  He called my phone and told me to come out to get her, knowing that if he attempted it, she would run.  She came to me when she saw me but she was doing her loud scream thing.  She screamed the whole way home, only taking breaks to lick me.

Her screaming or loud meow, is actually part of my fear with her roaming the neighborhood.  She sounds like a little wild animal.  She has the raspyness of a lion cub but she's much louder.  I'm afraid someone might mistake her for a wild animal and harm her.  So, we finally decided to get an electronic fence to make sure that this doesn't happen again.  We went to Petsmart but they didn't have a cat specific one, so I had to order it online.  Definitely an expense that I wish I didn't have to pay, but a necessary one if I want to keep her safe. :-[
Other: Facebook account - offically closed! >:(  Had an experience with an old male friend that I wasn't very happy about.  He is married, know's that I'm married, but he felt that it was okay to hit on me.   The conversation turned so fast that I didn't even know how it happened.  Since the beginning, I felt that the account was more trouble than it was worth anyway.  So now, that's that.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Jul 11th, 2009 at 7:46am
Funny that you should say that about your experience with Facebook.  I refuse to open an account for the very reason you said.  A "friend" signed my name to one of those things,Facebook or Yearbook and I get e-mail solitations from men wanting to start a conversation.  I'm sure or think there is no harm meant,but I'm a married lady now and can't be bothered with that!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jul 11th, 2009 at 11:40pm
Curlgirl: I was talking to my sister about it and she said that lot's of people open those accounts just to hook up.  She said she'd heard of marriages breaking up because of it.  So yeah, if you're single it's okay, but otherwise  :P.  Unless of course, you're really careful about who you pick as friends.

Daily Activity: Aside from going out for a sushi dinner, today was a pretty nice and productive day at home.  My husband and I cooked up and canned some pineapple salsa and a pineapple upsidedown cake with the pineapple that  we purchased yesterday.  I took the top of the pineapple and planted it outside.  I can't wait to see what happens with it. :)

I've seen prettier upsidedown cakes, but this was soooo good!  Not bad for my first ever attempt. :D

My first canning project - pineapple and mango salsa.  Haven't tasted it yet but it smells good.  Tomorrow I'll be putting it on salmon.

Yard Stuff: My planted pineapple.  I think it looks so funny, like I burried a whole pineapple in the yard.

The celosia that I planted yesterday.  The leaves are wilted on the plant with the damaged roots.  I don't think it'll make it.

I harvested my very first sunflower seed ( Yes, "seed".  Singular.) today.;D  I plucked one out with a pair of tweezers.  It wasn't ready yet, but once I discovered the seeds, I couldn't resist picking out just one. ::) There is a hole where the seed was.  Doubt that I'll be planting sunflowers again next year, but this was such a cool learning experience for me.

I also got my first "real" chianti colored sunflower!  Just realized that this has been quite a day of "first's". :D

Anyway, this is what they're supposed to look like.  I really like this color.  Hope I get more of them.

Another pic that I took today.  Can you spot the insect in this photo?  He's camouflaged pretty good! I love all of the green. :D

Hair: It's been such an afterthought lately.  I didn't even think this section qualified for the top of the post. :P   Before bed, I've been applying hair lotion and doing 2 french braids twists ( don't know if there is such a thing as french twists but it's like the braid, only twisted) and undoing them in the mornings for waves.  Very simple.  Times like this are good though. When I don't think about it or manipulate it so much, it always seems to grow better.  

I was thinking about doing another relaxer tomorrow.  My last one didn't take well and my new growth is a bit thick but I'll see.  Perhaps I can hold off until the end of the month...hopefully longer.  It might be able to wait until I need to get dressed up for something.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Jul 12th, 2009 at 11:39am
Everything looks wonderful!!  The plants,flowers and your A1 first attempt at that pineapple upside down cake!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Jul 12th, 2009 at 11:40am

wrote on Jul 11th, 2009 at 11:40pm:
Curlgirl: I was talking to my sister about it and she said that lot's of people open those accounts just to hook up.  She said she'd heard of marriages breaking up because of it.  So yeah, if you're single it's okay, but otherwise  :P.  Unless of course, you're really careful about who you pick as friends.

This is absolutely right!  I'm on Facebook, and only allow people I actually know as friends.  If I receive a friend request from someone I don't recognize I reject it.  That's how you make sure you don't get wierdos.  I have enough of those in my actual group of friends!   ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Jul 12th, 2009 at 6:04pm
You're both right on the money.  I hate it when something is advertised as one thing but people either use it for what they want or change it to what they want.    Hmmmmm,welcome to life,Curlgirl!! ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Jul 12th, 2009 at 7:50pm
Baking in the summer?? :o

Thanks for reminding me that my overwhelming desire to make cupcakes must wait another few months. ;D ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jul 12th, 2009 at 10:50pm

Everything looks wonderful!!  The plants,flowers and your A1 first attempt at that pineapple upside down cake!

Thank you! :D

That's how you make sure you don't get wierdos.

Not always the case...

I have enough of those in my actual group of friends!  

Yep, that was my problem. ;D  Well, just one weirdo...but he had always been like that.  I guess it was my fault for not having a good enough memory, or for thinking that people change. ::)  

You're both right on the money.  I hate it when something is advertised as one thing but people either use it for what they want or change it to what they want.    Hmmmmm,welcome to life,Curlgirl!!  

You sound exactly like me!  ;D

Baking in the summer??  

Thanks for reminding me that my overwhelming desire to make cupcakes must wait another few months.  

It's okay to bake in the summer, just crank up the AC. ;)  It's always cold in our house no matter what time of year it is.

Health: Out of sleeping pills.  Out of the blue (well at least to me) my psychiatrist decided to pack up shop.  Now, I'm stuck without my prescriptions until I find another doctor.  Weird thing is, my primary care physician prescribed them for me when I first moved here.  I only began getting them from my psychiatrist because I was going to her regularly anyway and she agreed to prescribe them.  It was just a matter of convience.  However, now that she's gone, my primary won't re prescribe the pills for me. :-?  I have an appointment with him in a few days, I'll see if he will change his mind after a visit.  My sleeping is so screwed up (yet again) because of this.:P  

Other: Ugh...lost my bid on a new aerogarden.  The one that I wanted is on back order until Fall and only one was left on eBay.  :-[  (In my best Grouchy Smurf voice) "I hate snipers!" :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Jul 13th, 2009 at 10:50am
Just packed up without releasing a statement in advance to clients?! :o  Yikes, even my doctors release notices in the local papers, at the door and online when they go on vacation or quit and we're always given the details of the person who'll be replacing them.  However, they weren't always this informative.  

I hate baking.  I'm envious of anyone who enjoys baking and can actually bake something that looks edible.  I can bake but people always look hestinant at the stuff I've baked. ;D

We had those erh..."fury" fuschia things one year!  They're beautiful.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Jul 13th, 2009 at 6:00pm

It's okay to bake in the summer, just crank up the AC. ;)   It's always cold in our house no matter what time of year it is.

Not an option. My mother will not run any other appliances while the a/c is on because it blows fuses and wastes money, so baking waits until fall.
   However, I'm looking forward to making red velvet cupcakes for Devil's Night if possible. ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jul 13th, 2009 at 11:11pm

Just packed up without releasing a statement in advance to clients?!

Well, she did send a letter but by that time she was already gone.  She stated that I could request a copy of my records, but whenever I called no one would pick up.

I hate baking.  I'm envious of anyone who enjoys baking and can actually bake something that looks edible.  

I'm by no means a master baker but I like it.  I actually prefer baking sweets over cooking real food...it's more fun! :)

I can bake but people always look hestinant at the stuff I've baked.  


We had those erh..."fury" fuschia things one year!  They're beautiful.

Mine are now losing color, not sure why.  :-? Did that ever happen to yours?  

Not an option. My mother will not run any other appliances while the a/c is on because it blows fuses and wastes money, so baking waits until fall.

Oh well.  Well, at least you'll have something to look forward to.

However, I'm looking forward to making red velvet cupcakes for Devil's Night if possible.

Cool idea! :D  Both Devil's night and Halloween would be a very appropriate times to make them.  I don't care for red velvet cake or else I'd steal your idea and whip up a batch too.  Ooh, perhaps I can make white cup cakes with red food coloring. 8-)

Daily Activity:  Basically did nothing.  Went to one of my two scheduled doctor appointments this week.  Next one is tomorrow.  Anyway, I planned on going to the gym but I only fell asleep after putting on my gym clothes. :P  

Tonight, I will begin day two of painting my bathroom.  I started last night and did quite a bit.  Tonight, I'll just have to take the small brush to paint the spaces near the ceiling and baseboards.  I should get it all done.

Other: Thinking of dressing up as a waitress from Merlotte's (True Blood) on Halloween.  My husband likes the idea and was thinking of complimenting my costume by dressing as a vampire, but I'm trying to get him to go as Lafayette.  So far, no dice. :P  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Jul 14th, 2009 at 1:44am
I'd forgotten about the fading.  I think I remember that now.  Well, they didn't survive for some reason.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jul 14th, 2009 at 9:12pm
Drear: I did some reading on them and apparently the spent blooms fade, but new bold colored ones will take their place.

Health: Went to the doctor today and got my sleeping pills, YAY!!! :D  I'm not sure why he couldn't call them in, maybe because I haven't talked to him about this in my more recent visits.  But anyway, I'm going to sleep well tonight, finally. :D

Salsa and Cukes: Finally, got around to eating the pineapple mango salsa with the salmon and it really was good, just like in restaurants.  I was so happy it came out okay! :)

I harvested more cucumbers in an attempt to pickle them.  Now, I guess I should've shared my plans with my husband before he ate them. ::)  Oh well, I harvest some more in a few days.

 Their fence will be arriving tomorrow.  Hopefully, after we get it set up I won't have to worry about them hopping the fence anymore.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Jul 15th, 2009 at 6:38am
Nice pic!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jul 15th, 2009 at 10:13am
Aw, what a great photo   :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jul 16th, 2009 at 1:10am
Thanks, Curlgirl and Trisha!  I thought it would be a good pic.  When I saw her laying near the Buddha I ran in the house to get the camera! ;D

Kitties: Got the fence up, partially.  We ran it along the middle of the fence.  We aren't sure at which height we need to place it to deter them from making their way over,the instructions didn't say.  So, we'll have to fool around with it a bit in the meantime.  We put the collar on Kali, but she didn't attempt to jump even once.  So now, we'll have to wait and see if it'll work where it is.  We tested the shocking abilities on each other before putting the collar on Kali (which only seemed fair).  It felt like a strong static shock.  I put my finger on it several times.  It isn't very painful but it is strong enough to make me not to want to touch it if I didn't have to.  I believe it will have the same effect on the cats.  

I'm sure they'll test it tomorrow and I'll know for sure.  Those sneaky girls! ::)

Yard Stuff: Harvested 3 more cucumbers today.  Will try my hand at making pickles tomorrow.

The bell pepper plants are finally producing the tiniest peppers! :D  Not sure when they'll be full sized as they seem to grow pretty slow, but I can't wait all the same!  This is always so exciting for me.

Still trying to figure out what I should plant for fall.  I already have all of my bulbs picked but still can't decided on the vegetables.  Oh well, I'm sure I'll figure it out.

Sleeping Issues: Last night I slept like a baby.  My husband even said that I was snoring and I NEVER snore! :o  I wish he would've recorded it, that would've been a bit freaky to hear.  :-/

Indoor Gardening: Bought a hanging fern today.  I like it so much that I want to get another one.  And now since I've painted my bathroom, I want some plants for in there too. At this rate, eventually it's going to resmemble a rain forest in here. :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jul 16th, 2009 at 9:41am
You're turning into quite the little gardener!   :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jul 18th, 2009 at 6:05pm
the correction zone

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Jul 18th, 2009 at 11:39pm
That's a great pic of you three!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabeau on Jul 20th, 2009 at 12:31pm
Awesome Pic! You guys are sooo pretty!http://freesmileyface.net/smiley/Manga/flower-032.gif

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jul 20th, 2009 at 7:34pm
Thank you, Curlgirl and Lisa. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jul 21st, 2009 at 9:25am

I guess there's worse things to be reminescent of than a 34 year old mammaw.

You know it, sistah!   ;)  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jul 22nd, 2009 at 1:16am

You know it, sistah!    

Trisha: Yep, she was a sweet old lady, who raised a really sweet boy.  Nothing wrong with that. :)

Today, I went to get an eye exam.  My doctor saw something the "looked a bit suspicious" and wants to check me for glaucoma.  My dad had it when he was around my age and it was treated, so if I have it, I'm sure it's no biggie. ;)

Aside from that, my vision is really great. :D  I still need reading glasses from time to time (only when I get head-achey) as I have since second grade.  Eventhough the glasses I have are perfectly fine, the doctor recommended that I get a new pair because my insurance covers a new pair of free glasses every year.  So yeah, I agreed to get them since they were free.  Only thing, is after they added on extras such as coatings to protect from scratches and glare, they were not free. >:(  However,  I supposse 39.00 for a new pair of prescriptions isn't bad. :-/   I do like the frames.  They're tortoise shell and sort of look like the color and spotting of my cats fur.  My husband picked them out and has since named them my Kat 'n Kali glasses.  So, eventhough it turned out okay this time...I will not fall for their "free glasses" trick next year.

Indoor Gardening: My new aerogarden deluxe arrived today.  I was dissappointed because it was supposed to include a trellis system but it didn't.  I called the company, and they offered me a refund if I returned the aerogarden.  But, I still wanted it...just with the trellis.  So, I asked the agent if he could credit me 20.00 (the cost of the trellis) so that I could buy the trellis with that.  He agreed and issued the credit.  So it all worked out fine ,and now I'm finally planting the full size heirloom tomatoes that I've wanted to try for quite some time now.

Outdoor Gardening:  I harvested all of my potatoes.  They'd been in the ground for over 3 months and have produced nothing but runts.  It wouldn't have been so bad but some of the small potatoes have already began producing eyes when I dug them up. Others already had smaller potatoes attached.  It was really strange, like mutant potatoes.  I'll try it again, but this time I'll get more info from the company that I'm purchasing the tubers from.  This company provided very minimal information.

Yard Stuff:  The birds have really been going through the birdseed like crazy.  I've been buying one bag a week to keep up.  This week, I've also seen the return of the raccoon, the squirrell, moles and the rat. >:(  So none of that is making things easier.  Now, I've decided to make sure that I don't have the food out at night.   My husband wants me to keep the feeder there so he can sit out with the shot gun and "wait".  Me thinks he's been watching too much Tombstone. ::)  But he did sit out there waiting on vermin.  Fortunatley for ALL of us, it was a quiet night and now we're all off to bed - even the vermin :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jul 23rd, 2009 at 12:01am
Went to the dentist today for a cleaning.  It was a new dentist that my husband found online.  When we walked in, I thought we were in the wrong place, it was unlike any dentist office I had ever seen.  Fountains and leather heated massage chairs in the waiting room, marble fireplace, an ornately framed plasma tv on the wall designed to look like a picture...pretty cool.  Turns out it's a dentist/spa, pretty novel to me.  While I was getting my teeth cleaned, sitting in a heated massage chair, and staring at a recessed ceiling that is done up to look like the sky, complete with twinkling lights that change color, they gave me a complimentary paraffin wax treatment.  It's complimentary on every visit.  After I was done with my cleaning, the technician even offered me something to drink.  I declined of course.  Since I'd just gotten my teeth polished, I wanted to avoid eating or drinking just to keep them sparkly for awhile. ::)

Everything was going fine until I saw the doctor.  It's been confirmed that I grind my teeth in my sleep.  My last dentist suspected it, but wasn't certain.  Anyway, it turns out that that's been damaging my teeth something awful and I need to get 4 crowns to fix it. :'(  I'm not really concerned about the dental work, it's just that our share, even after the insurance amount is paid, is still pretty pricey...$1,600.00. :o  I could really think of a myriad of things that we could do with the money.  Ugh... :-[

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabeau on Jul 23rd, 2009 at 11:27am
Wow what a posh dental office! :D  Dental is not covered up here on OHIP so yeah, it royaly espensive  :-[

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Jul 23rd, 2009 at 1:51pm
All in all that is a good price!  I got charged $600 for one crown.  My first and hopefully only crown!
I'm coming over to use your dentist!!!  Man, that sounds like a really nice place!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jul 24th, 2009 at 12:07am
medical/dental was free in Canada.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabeau on Jul 24th, 2009 at 8:25am
thought all medical/dental was free in Canada.  

I wish it was that way...Medical is covered but Dental is not :'(

OMG that betta bowl is so cute!!!http://freesmileyface.net/smiley/Manga/japanese-049.gif

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jul 25th, 2009 at 2:16am
Strawberry Boy

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jul 26th, 2009 at 11:39pm
circus school.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Jul 27th, 2009 at 1:01am
Wow, that looks like so much fun!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Jul 27th, 2009 at 2:30am
Yeah, that looks like lots of fun!!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Jul 27th, 2009 at 4:05am
Looks like a blast!
Southern hospitality always renews the faith in humanity!  Just my 2!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jul 27th, 2009 at 12:40pm

Southern hospitality always renews the faith in humanity!  Just my 2!

Yep, and I had a good dose of it at a time when my spirit really could've used a lift. :)

Wow, that looks like so much fun!!

Yeah, that looks like lots of fun!!!

It soooo was! :D  Although, I'm very sore today.  I wish that I could workout play like that everyday.  We have so many empty store fronts around here, in fairly new plaza's.  It would be so cool if something like that were opened up around here.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Jul 27th, 2009 at 3:42pm
Keep hoping that a store like that opens up!  I kept wishing for a Petco to open up near where I used to live when the Rite Aid closed.  A sig when up a month before I was moving that Petco was coming to that location!  Bad for me that I was moving,but good for my brother that lives 2 blocks away with his boxer!! ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jul 28th, 2009 at 2:12pm
I've been wishing for new stores since we moved here but in that time we've only got a Pep Boys and a Dollar Tree. :P  I'd love to have a Michaels or a Bed Bath and Beyond move into the local plaza...I'll just keep wishing.  Although, I'm sure it'll be in vain.  About 6 months ago, they built another plaza on the next exit and they got the cooler stores up there.

Hair: Today, I'll wash and perhaps do a deep condition.  Too bad I don't have any henna sitting around...my roots need done.

Pickling: My first attempt at making dill pickles didnt' come out so great.  My husband tried them early, but it was soon enough to get a feel of the taste.  I have lots of other recipes in my pickling book, so I'll try another later on.

Gardening: I brought in a half dozen sunflowers for a bouquet and they'd been in the house for hours when I noticed the largest grasshopper perched on one.  Even when I tried to get him outside he didn't want to leave the flower, but with a little nudging he did.  I saw a caterpillar on my bedside flowers the other day.  It's funny how when insects make their way in on the flowers they tend to just stay put never venturing off the flower.  So, when I saw a tiny spider on the flower that I brought in today, I decided to just let it be.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jul 30th, 2009 at 4:40pm
walking around

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Jul 31st, 2009 at 12:47am

wrote on Jul 30th, 2009 at 4:40pm:

I also ordered a gift card over a week ago which for whatever reason, hasn't made it's way to me yet.  The other day, there was a mix up with the mail.  We got our next door neighbors mail, they got ours, and their other neighbor got theirs and so forth.  I'm hoping that in the mix up that my card wasn't stolen.  I hate to think that way of people, but you never know sometimes.  I'm trying not to dwell on it, so if I don't get it...I just don't get it.  Luckily, it wasn't for a large amount of money.  

I once ordered a gift card from Target and accidentally sent it to the wrong address.  I contacted Target right away via their contact email on the website,  and they actually voided the gift card and credited my credit card.  Then I just had to reorder it.  I don't know who you ordered the gift card from, but you might try contacting them about it.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Aug 1st, 2009 at 12:46am

I once ordered a gift card from Target and accidentally sent it to the wrong address.  I contacted Target right away via their contact email on the website,  and they actually voided the gift card and credited my credit card.  Then I just had to reorder it.  I don't know who you ordered the gift card from, but you might try contacting them about it.

If I'd ordered from a real company I wouldn't be concerned at all, but I ordered mine off of eBay.  I've ordered enough where I've had far more good experiences than bad but sometimes... >:(  Anyway, this seller has 100% positive feedback so who knows.  Maybe it just got held up somehow. *shrug*  Thanks for the tip though. :)

Other: Well, I've offically run out of space on my iPod.  I went to download Dark Side Of The Moon and only had room for 8 of the 9 songs.  I have 827 songs on it which isn't a lot considering a good amount of it are songs that clock in at over an hour, as well as Spanish lessons and audio books.  My husband has been trying to get me to get a "new and improved" iPod with more GB.  I didn't want to replace mine because it wasn't broke and I don't have to have the newest techie toys, I couldn't care less about most techie stuff. :P  Although, if it wasn't for my husbands insistance I'd still be buying cd's so I'll admit that some stuff is okay.  But now I'll finally have to get another one, at least one to have in addition to this one.  Maybe I'll use one for all of my new age music and the other for everything else.  

I guess this commerical is old, as I noticed it was posted on youtube months ago, but I've only seen it for the first time today.  It's my favorite commercial right now, so adorable and funny!  :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Aug 1st, 2009 at 10:29am
I love that commercial too!  It put a smile on my face everytime I saw it.  SO CUTE!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabeau on Aug 1st, 2009 at 12:37pm
OMG! That was sooo cute!!  I got a kick out of the grandma looking out the window ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Aug 1st, 2009 at 1:28pm
I love that commercial too!  It put a smile on my face everytime I saw it.  SO CUTE!

Yep, so cute.  "Those boys, those boys are much too much!"...  ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Aug 2nd, 2009 at 3:44am
cascading Pothos.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Aug 2nd, 2009 at 5:59pm
Body Works is pretty good.  They have tons of testers.  HTH :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Aug 3rd, 2009 at 3:27pm

Body Works is pretty good.  They have tons of testers.  HTH  

Is Body Works different than Bath & Body Works?  

Hair: Been playing with it, experimenting with new styles and revisiting old ones.  It feels weird because I hadn't been manipulating it before.  Over the past few weeks the hairzing, ficcare and scrunchies have been my close friends.  But it's my hair.  I should have fun with it sometimes.  

Yesterday was great.  Went out to dinner, had the most delicious seafood burrito, margaritas and great conversation.  During this conversation, my husband and I discussed things that we most likely should have talked about before but didn't.  It was nice getting things out there.  It was also nice to know that we're still on the same page about things.  On a lighter note, one of the things that my husband shared with me was how one of the things that attracted him to me in the beginning was the fact that I was "glamorous".  I shouldn't have laughed, but I couldn't help it.  I was just a kid working in a clothing store when we met.  Albeit at the time, I had some few and far in between modeling gigs but even still, I have no idea how I evoked glamour. :-?  I know that my laughter embarrased him though, I wish I hadn't done that. :-[  However, one of the things that we agreed on is that we definitely need some sort of vacation.  I guess we'll work that out once my sister leaves.


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Aug 3rd, 2009 at 3:41pm
I don't think it's different.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Aug 5th, 2009 at 12:40am
Maybe you are thinking of The Body Shop?  It is different from Bath & Body Works, and can usually be found in the same malls.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Aug 5th, 2009 at 7:22am
Nope,been to the Body Shop.  There was a store in two or three malls that I've been to either in Staten Island or New Jersey that had them.  I'll try to locate them and get back to ya!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Aug 5th, 2009 at 1:14pm
I originally went to Bath & Body Works and couldn't find a set of the fragrance that I wanted, they only had body wash, no scrub or salts to match.

I'd totally forgotten about The Body Shop.  I'll try them.  Thanks Michelle. :)  ...and Curlgirl. :)

Vegetable Gardening: Cucumbers have been turning out very bitter as of late. :-?  Perhaps I'm not giving them enough water.  I water them everyday, they sure are heavy drinkers.

Made my first salad with the new lettuce I've grown in the aerogarden.  It isn't romaine like I usually grow, but green and red leaf as well as butterhead.  I wasn't sure if I'd like it but it's pretty good.  The basil is growing out of control as it usually does.  I read that you could freeze it, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.  Maybe I'll freeze some and bake some.

Other: Been feeling stressed as of late.  Stress being something that I haven't felt in quite a long time and I don't like it.  I'm trying to make sure that everything around here is perfect for my family's visit.  Ugh... :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Aug 5th, 2009 at 8:41pm
If ya freeze your basil,don't wash it,just freeze it.  Trust me on this!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Aug 6th, 2009 at 2:13am
 I'll take your word for it.  Thanks! :D

Hair: Washed hair with a product that I'd wanted to try for quite a while now, Burts Bee's moisturizing shampoo.  I don't shampoo often because I CO, but I'd like to try their shampoo again along with their conditioner (I used Aubreys) to see how that feels.

Health: Been doing a body cleanse of sorts since Monday.  Only eating fruits, vegetables, vegetable juices and water, no wine.  It's been sooooo difficult.  Watching tv is particularly tough because I want to eat every item of food that I see on tv...everything.  But I'm going to stick with it for as long as I can, as well as adding yoga to my regimen.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Aug 6th, 2009 at 8:48am
Good luck with your cleansing!  Yoga,you say?  Sakina and I are both teachers.  What form are you planning on practicing?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Aug 6th, 2009 at 1:17pm

I didn't know you were an instructor too.  I'll just be doing basic Hatha yoga.  I have lots of Rodney Yee DVD's.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Melusine on Aug 6th, 2009 at 2:00pm
How did you like the Burt's Bees?  I have been using the volumizing shampoo and conditioner and really like it.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Aug 6th, 2009 at 2:27pm
I really liked the Burts Bee's shampoo.  It was moisturizing and had a pleasant smell.  It's raspberry and something else, some sort of nut I think. :-?  

Anyway, if I like their conditioner just as much, I may switch products.  I've been using Aubrey Organics Revitalizing shampoo and conditioner for quite awhile now.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Aug 7th, 2009 at 3:44pm
Trimmed an inch from my bangs today.  First time that I've trimmed them since I cut them in the spring.  I only trimmed half of my bangs so they are now cut on a diagonal.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Aug 8th, 2009 at 2:09pm
Any pics?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Aug 8th, 2009 at 4:38pm
No, I didn't take any pics.  Perhaps later.  

Indoor gardening: Froze the basil.  Need to find spice jars for storing in the future.  Didn't think they'd be hard to find, although I can't find what I'm looking for online (eBay :P).  Guess I need to look at other stores like Bed Bath and Beyond.  

Decided that once the herb garden is finished producing sometime in the fall, that I'll grow strawberries.  Aerogarden doesn't sell strawberry pods but the gardens have a strawberry setting and I have empty pods that I can put any type of seed in.  So, I'll give it a try.

Health: Last night, I had some pizza and wine so I guess I'm done with my cleanse.  Although, I will still be eating lots fruits and vegetables.  Yesterday, we stocked up on lots of vegetables and fruits and I just made a pitcher of orange, carrot, grapefruit and apple juice.

Halloween: Decided to put a cemetary in the front of my house.  I'll only be using 3 tombstones and a goblin from last year, but I think it'll be cool.

 Someone taped a flyer for their lost dog to my mailbox and of course, removing the tape took off more paint. >:(  I feel sorry that they lost their dog, but come on!!!!  I'm tired of having to repaint that box everytime I turn around.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Aug 9th, 2009 at 8:33am
Bed Bath & Beyond will probably have the jars you're looking for, but if you have any in your area, I would suggest checking out The Container Store too.  They have the neatest stuff.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Aug 9th, 2009 at 9:00am
Health: Last night, I had some pizza and wine so I guess I'm done with my cleanse.  Although, I will still be eating lots fruits and vegetables.  Yesterday, we stocked up on lots of vegetables and fruits and I just made a pitcher of orange, carrot, grapefruit and apple juice.

Wel always keep lots of fruits and vegetables.  I'm not a happy gardener.  I wish I was more enthusiastic about it.  I always have two full baskets of fruit and we always have salad or vegetables with dinner whether the boys like it or not. ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Aug 9th, 2009 at 2:34pm

I would suggest checking out The Container Store too.  They have the neatest stuff.  

I saw the jars that I need on Bed Bath & Beyond's website, but you're so right, the Container Store does have neat stuff! :D I actually found this website a good while ago but had forgotten all about it.  Thanks for the link. :)

I always have two full baskets of fruit and we always have salad or vegetables with dinner whether the boys like it or not.

That's a great thing to do, it creates good habits.  When I was a kid my parents always prepared vegetables with every meal too and I enjoyed them.  My problem was not knowing how to make them just as tasty.  Especially since I've noticed that vegetables naturally don't taste as good as they used to.  One of the reasons why I've started growing my own.

Other: Sat outside on the patio yesterday and got bit to pieces.  I have so many bites I can't even count them all...well I could ::)... but it's a lot.

Pictures that I took outside yesterday.

This bird has been a regular at the sunflowers.  He loves eating the fresh seeds...and he eats a lot!

Another regular has been this grasshopper.  He was the guy that I accidentally brought indoors on cut flowers from the front, about two weeks ago.  I put him out back and he's been out there eversince.  I typically find him on the cucumber vine, but he hopped over to the clematis to escape my watering him.

This spider is always found hanging around the table I made.  

Here's a pic of the growing bell peppers.  They are very slow growers, but they're coming along.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Aug 9th, 2009 at 6:53pm
I always look forward to your pics!   Thanks! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Aug 10th, 2009 at 5:46am
http://www.smilieshq.com/smilies/scared0011.gif @ that sider pic. Now I wish I hadn't looked at this entry.


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabelle on Aug 10th, 2009 at 10:23pm
Ooooh the Golden Finch is sooo cute! We see them up here eating the thisle flowers :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Aug 10th, 2009 at 11:48pm

I always look forward to your pics!   Thanks!

I'm so glad you enjoy them! :D

@ that sider pic. Now I wish I hadn't looked at this entry.

;D Don't worry, it won't get you...it's a Georgia "sider". ;)

Ooooh the Golden Finch is sooo cute! We see them up here eating the thisle flowers  

Yep, cute birds with big appetites! :D

Health: Went to the eye doctor and took my glaucoma test, which fortunately, came out negative. :D  Only thing is after the test my vision was blurry for an hour from the drops.  Ugh...not being able to see clearly was very frustrating.  I'm so grateful to have my vision back.  I also got my new reading glasses today.  My prescription is stronger than my last one, but at least not by much.  My last optometrist in Kansas told me that as I approached my forties I'd need stronger lenses...unfortunatley, he's appearing to be correct.

Daily Activity: Been playing happy homemaker today.  Made 10 bars of soap and banana bread, in between cleaning up after sick cats all day.  We think the cat's are sick from a new canned food that we tried yesterday.  Hopefully, they'll be better tomorrow.

Decided to end my search for the perfect pre packaged body scrub, body wash and bath salts and instead make my own.  I found recipes online and already began decorating mason jars to keep them in.  Today, was a good craft day. :)

Other: Wow, was True Blood really good last night.  I can't imagine how they'll top this next season.  My husband and I have made a fun ritual out of lighting candles and drinking red wine as we watch.  

My Merlotte's T shirt that I'll be wearing on Halloween, arrived in the mail today.  It fits well but has a small pin point sized mark on it.  I know it's anal, but stains on my clothes drive me crazy no matter how small they are.  I thought about returning it for an exchange, but decided to get over my OCD about it and not sweat it.  I doubt it will be visible to anyone else anyway. :P  Still trying to convince my husband to go as LaFayette...still not working... :-[

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Aug 11th, 2009 at 12:57pm
If the teeny-tiny mark is in a good spot, why not turn it into a "blood stain"?  Just a thought...we ARE talking True Blood.   ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Aug 12th, 2009 at 1:24am

If the teeny-tiny mark is in a good spot, why not turn it into a "blood stain"?  Just a thought...we ARE talking True Blood.    

It's near the top of the shirt but I'm just going to leave it alone.  Yeah, a blood stain could probably enhance my True Blood outfit, but to me it would just be a larger stain. ::)

Kitties: Still sick.  Not sure what is causing it but I've been cleaning up after them all day.  I'd gotten them new treats a few days ago (same brand different flavor) so I'll stop giving them those to see what happens.  I've also been making sure that they are keeping hydrated, which they are, so that's good at least.  If it's not the food then it's probably some sort of parasite and we may have to visit the vet....very soon.

Home Activities: Baked (Ugh...that fast I had to go and clean up after Kat again... :( ) The worst looking cup cakes today.  I filled the cups about 3 quarters of the way but they rose so high, that they spilled over into each other, looking like one big cake while in the pan. :P  I didn't have a cookie cutter, so I used a small bowl to cut them out into appropriate shapes.  It helped, but they still looked a little bad...good thing they didn't taste that way. :)

I also began making Christmas stockings today.  I already made one, so I just have one more to go.  I'll buy stockings for the cats.  Anyway, I used burgundy, velvety fabric that I used bits of Sunday, when decorating the mason jars.  I'll make the next stocking in a bit.  I'm sewing by hand, but it takes less than an hour.  After they're done, I'll just need to decorate them.  I'll need to get ribbon and stuff from Michaels for that.  But of course, there's no hurry. ::)

Other:  It was supposed to storm today but didn't.  The sky got dark and gray and there was even lightening and thunder.  I even suggested that we walk to the store because I wanted to get caught in it, but the rain never showed. :P  If I could, I'd make bi weekly thunderstorms a mandatory occurrence.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Aug 12th, 2009 at 1:48am

If I could, I'd make bi weekly thunderstorms a mandatory occurrence.

I second the motion! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Aug 12th, 2009 at 2:57am

I second the motion!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Aug 12th, 2009 at 11:29pm
Here are the Christmas stockings that I was working on late last night.  I remembered that I had an old leopard pillow in the garage, so I used that fabric to make stockings for my cats.  I still need to decorate them all, but that'll be fun! :D

Health: Finally, got a new sonic toothbrush.  The power button on my last one broke.  I planned on keeping it broke button and all, because I could still use it if I poked my finger in the hole where the button was.  Only thing is it was more difficult to turn on and off that way making it very irritating. :P  So, I'm glad that I got a new toothbrush and also because this one is so much better.  It has a smaller head which makes cleaning easier, and it also has a uv light disinfectant compartment attatched to the base.

Kitties: They're finally getting better. :D

Outdoor Gardening:  I'm running out of sunflowers! :o  I've gotten a bit over zealous cutting flowers for the house so now I barely have any outside.  There are still some buds that need to bloom.  Hopefully, they'll do that soon because right now they're mainly all stalks. :'(  

Other: We finally got our rain today! :D  It rained this afternoon so it wasn't the night time thunderstorm that I was hoping for, but any rain is good. :)  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Aug 12th, 2009 at 11:36pm
I'm glad your kitties are feeling better!  There's nothing worse than sick pets being sick all over your carpet and furniture!  Plus the worry of possibly having to take them to the vet.  :(  The stockings are really pretty!  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Aug 13th, 2009 at 9:19am
I think you and I have similar toothbrushes.  I love the UV sterlization compartment!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Aug 13th, 2009 at 10:38am

wrote on Aug 12th, 2009 at 1:48am:

If I could, I'd make bi weekly thunderstorms a mandatory occurrence.

I second the motion! :)

Third!   8-)

Were the kitties hurling?  --It may have been their sinuses draining and causing upset tummies.  Our kitties have that problem.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Aug 13th, 2009 at 5:36pm

I'm glad your kitties are feeling better!  There's nothing worse than sick pets being sick all over your carpet and furniture!  Plus the worry of possibly having to take them to the vet.    The stockings are really pretty!

Thanks! :)

I love the UV sterlization compartment!

I know, it's so cool! :D

Were the kitties hurling?

No, they had diarreaha (sp?).  Still not sure what caused it but I'm glad they're getting better.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Aug 13th, 2009 at 6:48pm
I think someone sent a message to my cat that she should join in the "festivites"!   ::) :o  She was sick three times this morning!  Not fun to spend your morning that way,for either of us!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Aug 14th, 2009 at 12:33am

Not fun to spend your morning that way,for either of us!

No, it isn't.  I hope your cat get's better soon.

Funny thing is, my neighbor said that her dogs have been sick lately too. :-/  I wonder what's up? :-/

Other: Just got finished with a busy day.  My sister will be here tomorrow and I wanted to make sure that the house was just right for her visit.  I spent the day white washing the baseboards and moldings, as well as transforming my husbands sons room into a comfortable guestroom for a woman.  We took out the big desk and put in a sofa table, on which I put a lamp with a beaded shade and some freshly cut sunflowers.  I switched the bedding, put a more decorative cushion on the window bench as well as a vase full of flowers next to it.  And lastly, I added a leopard print stepstool taken from my bedroom.  I think it came out nicely...and girlie. :)

I was going to make brownies, but after talking to her on the phone tonight for over 2 hours (she's never flown before and is nervous about it), I'm going to call it a day.  Maybe, I'll make the brownies tomorrow.  Oh, good thing is, we won't be taking pole dancing classes tomorrow.  She hurt her foot so she won't be able to do it...bummer. ::)  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Aug 14th, 2009 at 7:34am
She's lucky to have a sister like you!  You've gone to so much trouble in preparing for her visit.  It's nice to have siblings that care so much for eachother! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Aug 14th, 2009 at 10:34am
Hope you have a wonderful visit with your family!   :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Aug 15th, 2009 at 1:18am
frilly things

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Aug 15th, 2009 at 5:28am
Having seen an accident with someone lying on the side of the road and having been irritated until then about the slow pace on the freeway I know how bad that feels.  Sounds like things are really well between you and your sister.  I don't have a sister but five years ago I managed to bore my dad to death unintentionally with music videos of my favorite bands. :-[  Haven't seen him since. ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Aug 15th, 2009 at 12:27pm

It's funny, no matter how many times I  stray from it, I always go back.  Perhpaps there's no other brand out there for me...

*nods* That's how Pantene is for me. I'd probably die if they stopped making it, which fortunately isn't gonna happen. ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Aug 17th, 2009 at 5:42am

Sounds like things are really well between you and your sister.

Yes, I'm grateful that they are.

I don't have a sister but five years ago I managed to bore my dad to death unintentionally with music videos of my favorite bands.   Haven't seen him since.

;D  I'm sure it's probably unintentional, and if so, I appologize, but some of your stories really crack me up.  

Family Matters: We went to the Martin Luther King Center on Saturday.  My husband and I had never been the entire time that we lived here, or ever.  We just didn't have any interest in it.  However, my sister wanted to go, so we checked it out.  It was suprisingly very nice.  There were artifacts on display that belonged to him and is wife, as well as some that belonged to Rosa Parks and Ghandi.  It was amazing!  The coolest part of the tour was seeing the resting place of both Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his wife Corretta Scott King, they were laid side by side.

Me in front of the final resting place of Martin Luther King Jr. and Mrs. King.  My sisnter won't take any pics with me.  I'll work on that some more tomorrow. 8-)

An image of the late Martin Luther King Jr.

We also went into the original Ebenezer Baptist churh where he preached.

An image of Ghandi taken at the MLK center.

After our tour, we at an Indian restaurant and headed back home.  The plan was to rest up a bit, then change into club attire and go back out.   Well, we were so tired, that we instead stayed in for the rest of the night, talking til 6a.m and polishing off several bottles of wine.  It was nice. :)  At the end of our loooooong conversation, my sister asked me if I liked talking to her, to which I replied yes.  She was happy because she said that she liked talking to me too.  She says I'm very easy to talk to.  I guess I should think about what that means as I have been told that before by someone else in my past. :-/  But anyway, I told her that I was glad that she liked talking to me because I was frightened that I was perhaps talking too much and or boring her to death.  Yet, she assured me that neither of my fears were valid.  That was very nice to know.

Today, (although technically yesterday ::))  We went unsuccessfully looking for Tyler Perry's studio, my sister is a fan.  The address that we got off of mapquest turned out to be that of a  UPS store. :-/

Then we went to geisha house for sushi, had a very nice dinner and headed back home for more and more conversation before turning our attention to True Blood followed by the first episode of season 3 of Mad Men.  It was a great night!  :D

Other: Now, I'm finally off to bed, but as I lay here, thoughts went through my head about the future and the past.  I thought about how my future has promise to be a new and exciting beginning, and how there are people in my past that have passed on, that I'd love to speak to one last time.  So, my thoughts turned to the possiblility of buying a ouiga board.  I've never used one before and don't know if they work or not.  However, in the way distant past, I had friends that used them and swore that they work, but nonetheless, I was always very freaked out by the idea.  Now, I'm not.  I'm only curious as to wether they can or do work somehow.  

Does anyone have any experience with these or any other means of communicating with the dead?  Any tips, advice or warnings, you'd like to offer?  My husaband and I are planning to go to New Orleans around Halloween and are thinking of getting our palms read, and other such things out of curiosity.  Eventhough, I've already had my palms read twice before, I'm not sure if I belive in that, or any of it. :-/)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabelle on Aug 17th, 2009 at 12:50pm
So, my thoughts turned to the possiblility of buying a ouiga board.  I've never used one before and don't know if they work or not.  However, in the way distant past, I had friends that used them and swore that they work, but nonetheless, I was always very freaked out by the idea.  Now, I'm not.  I'm only curious as to wether they can or do work somehow.  

Oh my lord!  Please do not get a ouija board!!! :o  Yes they do work and man are they dangerous!!  You never know who or what your talking too.  You can end up with ghosts or worst in your house. :'( Trust me, I have seen to many people get into trouble with these things..

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Aug 17th, 2009 at 1:48pm
I think I'm with Isabelle.  Even with the best of intentions, you never know who or what you might be reaching.  

I once had a dream that my death was near, and as I awaited the final hour, I was asked by a good friend to "say hello to grandpa" when I crossed over.  I was puzzled, and my friend explained to me (still in the dream) that the souls of people who have gone before come to greet you when you cross over.  

Although the dream should have been a nightmare (due to my impending death), it was actually comforting in a strange way to think that I might see my loved ones that way again.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Aug 17th, 2009 at 4:13pm
How cool that you all were able to visit the MLK Center! :D

A Ouija board? Seriously? ;D
Sorry, they don't work. Someone else's hand (or your own) moves the marker - not ghosts. If someone wants to communicate (or mess around) with you "from regions beyond," they won't do it through a Parker Brothers board game. ::) Don't you think they have better things to do with their time?

That said, when paired with a few black candles and roses, they make lovely table centerpieces for dark/occult-themed parties. ;)

Of course, I already know you're going to get one and use it anyway. You won't find anything "supernatural" about them, but it will be an interesting, if not fun, experience. But you'll be disappointed and the game will either gather dust in a closet like everyone else's or you'll find some way to use it as home décor. ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Aug 20th, 2009 at 7:59pm
Thanks, everyone for your opinions and advice.  I've decided against getting a Ouija board simply because I'm not entirely convinced that there is an afterlife.  However, if there is, that isn't the way that I'd like to find out. :P

Family Matters: My sister went home on Tuesday.  I gotta say that it was a great experience having her visit.  My husband even had a good time.  Although, since she was here, we'd just been going almost nonstop.  So, eversince she left, I've just been resting...a lot.  

Hair: I need to henna badly.  My hair has oxidized from the sun.  The new growth is an ashy sandy brown color, which looks dirty although it isn't, and the red color on the top of my head has gotten so much lighter.  In certain lighting it looks like I have clown hair.  

I got my eyebrows redone on Tuesday so, I can't do anything with my hair until the weekend. I'm not supposed to get my eyebrows wet for 7 days after the procedure.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Aug 20th, 2009 at 9:42pm
Guess you have to be ultra careful when you wash your face,huh?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Aug 20th, 2009 at 10:10pm
What do you have done to your eyebrows?  Dyeing?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Aug 21st, 2009 at 3:29am
I'm happy if I'm cracking someone up. :)  How absolutely fantastic that you got to visit the MLK Center.  How do you get your brows to look so well defined?  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Aug 21st, 2009 at 5:28pm

Guess you have to be ultra careful when you wash your face,huh?

Yeah, at night I've just been wiping my face off with toner.  

What do you have done to your eyebrows?  Dyeing?

Sort of.  I got them filled in using permanent tatooing.  Although, it isn't really permanent, more like semi.  Certain products such as acids and too much sun exposure can make it fade.  Tyipically, people get it touched up once a year.

I'm happy if I'm cracking someone up.

How absolutely fantastic that you got to visit the MLK Center.  How do you get your brows to look so well defined?

Yeah, it was a nice experience.

Thank you.  I've been plucking my eyebrows since highschool.  I usually fill them in with brown eyeliner using a flat, angled application brush.  Although, I just got them semi permanently filled in so I won't have to worry about doing it myself for a while.

Other: Last night, I took my first bath using my homemade body wash.  It smelled so good and created such nice bubbles, I could've stayed in the tub forever.  Although, I had to get out sooner than I wished to, as the lightening storm that we had last night seeemed to get closer.  Being in a tub during a storm like that didn't seem like the best place to be...regardless of how good it smelled in there.

Today, I whipped up a few more bars of soap using more of the black cherry essential oil and chamomile flakes.

I spent part of my day looking for lip balm recipes.  I bought containers, so I just need to get the ingredients.  Hopefully, the recipe that I've decided on is a good one.  I want it to be tinted but so far can't find a recipe that states how to do this, aside from adding old tinted lip balms or lip sticks.  One recipe suggested adding Kool Aid, but I think I'll go with lip stick and colored Burt's Bee's.

Yard stuff:  Kali finally discovered the joys of home grown cat nip.  It finally blossomed so I picked off a bit and put it next to her nose.  She absolutely loved it.  She kept rubbing her head against it.  Kat didn't like it at all.  I believe the fragrance is too strong for her.  However, when Kali realized where it was growing from, I saw her do a little double take and she began to roll around in it.  Then, she just layed in the middle of the growing patch.  I was glad to see her enjoying it.  It was also nice to have hummingbirds flying overhead as I sat out with her.  The catnip is growing below the feeder.  I still can't get over how loud they are up close.

The sunflowers in the back have just about run their course.   It just signifies another season coming to an end.  I left a few out for the finch to eat but the rest I've pulled up and discarded.

Halloween: Got my tombstones in the mail yesterday.  They're made of styrofoam and really light.  I'll need to get longer stakes to make sure they don't blow away.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Aug 22nd, 2009 at 8:42am
When I make my lip balm I use a vegan lipstick(a little snip of it during the melting of the oils is when I had it)right before the flavor oil and/or food safe fragrance oil.  Works likes a charm!  I have used tinted mica powder also.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Aug 22nd, 2009 at 11:31am
Thanks for the tips, Curlgirl! :D  I'll most likely use my left over lipsticks (haven't been wearing lipstick much anymore anyway) and then I'll use mica powder.  I'm glad that you mentioned mica powder.  That's one of the ingredients in my Burt's Bee's tinted lip balm, I just never got around to looking up what it was. :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Aug 22nd, 2009 at 3:06pm
You could also use crushed up eye shadow or blush to color your balm.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Aug 22nd, 2009 at 3:45pm
Thanks, Sakina.  I'm gonna go with the mica powder though.  I don't have any blushes or eyeshadows in colors I'd like to use.  

Other: Just discovered a site called Organic Creations, today.  They have lot's of great products for making bath and body supplies at home. http://www.organic-creations.com/servlet/StoreFront

Hair: As I mentioned before, I really like the Burt's Bee's shampoo and don't care too much for the conditioner.  I really like Aubrey Organics Revitalizing conditioner, but don't care that much for the shampoo.  

So, is it or would it be a big deal if the shampoo and conditioner that I use aren't the same brand?  It just seems so odd to me. :-/  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Aug 22nd, 2009 at 4:36pm
Thanks for that link!  I want to try making bath bombs!!

The companies would like for us to buy both the shampoo and conditioner, I don't think it matters what you use as long as it works for you!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Aug 22nd, 2009 at 6:09pm

Thanks for that link!  

No problem. :)

I want to try making bath bombs!!

I got a good deal on some grapefruit scented ones on eBay a about 2 weeks ago.  I haven't used them yet. :P  If you make some, please let me know how they turn out.

The companies would like for us to buy both the shampoo and conditioner, I don't think it matters what you use as long as it works for you!

I think you're right.  If I decide to keep using both brands over the long haul, I might put them in different bottles.  Just so it doesn't "look" mismatched. ::)  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Aug 24th, 2009 at 1:52pm
Stepping on a wasp = not fun.

I got stung, but wasn't angry with the wasp and didn't kill him as my husband suggested I should.  I always assumed that anything would move once it saw my big feet coming, but apparently, the wasp didn't move at all.  He was too busy doing something in the grass, not sure what.  Anyway, it was a pretty interesting experience as I sometimes like to see how much pain I can tolerate.  

Anyhow, you would think that that would be the end of my walking around the yard barefoot.  Well, nope.  It isn't.  I'll still try to be extra careful where I step, but I enjoy the feeling of grass on the bottoms of my bare feet too much to put on shoes. :P

I will be buying cat nip oil to spray on as protection from mosquitos because I'm so tired of getting bit. >:(  I stopped using my store bought Cutter repellant because I don't like the idea of spraying on those chemicals everyday.  Also, my cats like to lick me so I'm sure it isn't safe for them either.  Although, with the cat nip spray, I'm sure I'll be getting even more kitty licks. :)

Hummers: Today, they get their own special category because it is official, I now know that I have 3 hummingbirds.  2 adult sized ones and one very tiny one.  Only thing is that the largest one is trying to block the other adult sized bird from feeding.  He'll sit perched on a tree near the feeder and chase the other bird away if it goes near.  I'd seen him do that before but I thought it was just a game they played.  

I thought about putting out another feeder.  However, it is my husbands opinion that the hummer has taken it upon himself to claim the entire yard as his own, so a new feeder won't matter.  He offered to shoot the bird but I declined the offer. :P

Lip Balm: Was going to try making my lip balm using all the same ingredients that are in Burt's Bee's.  With all of the ingredients that are included, I now understand why they charge so much for a tube.  Anyway, I decided to only buy the key ingredients and if I feel the need to modify the recipe then I will add more ingredients to the next batch.  For now, it just seems like way too much stuff to buy just to make lip balm. :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Aug 24th, 2009 at 3:23pm

wrote on Aug 24th, 2009 at 1:52pm:
Hummers: Today, they get their own special category because it is official, I now know that I have 3 hummingbirds.  2 adult sized ones and one very tiny one.  Only thing is that the largest one is trying to block the other adult sized bird from feeding.  He'll sit perched on a tree near the feeder and chase the other bird away if it goes near.  I'd seen him do that before but I thought it was just a game they played.  

I thought about putting out another feeder.  However, it is my husbands opinion that the hummer has taken it upon himself to claim the entire yard as his own, so a new feeder won't matter.  He offered to shoot the bird but I declined the offer. :P

Apologies to your husband but he's wrong.   :)  If you hang a second feeder about, oh, say at least 4 feet away from the other one then each of the hummers will have territory to guard.   8-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Aug 24th, 2009 at 3:29pm
Also, here's an easy, all natural recipe for lip balm that I've used before.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabelle on Aug 25th, 2009 at 9:05am
Ouch!!!  I had one bite me last year!  (((hugs)))

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Aug 25th, 2009 at 6:57pm

Apologies to your husband but he's wrong.     If you hang a second feeder about, oh, say at least 4 feet away from the other one then each of the hummers will have territory to guard.

No need for apologies.  I've noticed that the hummer also doesn't allow the other bird access to the roses, but I'll try another feeder and see what happens.   I've had my eye on an glass, amethyst colored feeder anyway.  I was just unsure wether they would drink from it since it isn't red.

Oh and thanks for the lip balm recipe. :D

Ouch!!!  I had one bite me last year!  (((hugs)))

Thanks.  It was painful but I've never been bitten by one before so I was a little curious.  Although, it's definitely not something that I want to have happen again.

Hair: Did my first ever ACV rinse today.  It felt nice in the shower but it dried pretty dry.  I'm sure it wasnt' the fault of the rinse.  My hair has just gotten a bit dry in general from being out in the sun so much.  Man does it get hot.  Anyway, I just need some major conditioning and I'll be okay.  I'll definitely try the rinse again under proper conditions.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Aug 26th, 2009 at 4:54am
I don't know if your hair is very porous like mine.  It soaks moisture like nothing else but it also loses it pretty quickly.  What works for me is to do the ACV then deep condition immediately afterwards.  Keep experimenting!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Aug 26th, 2009 at 9:23pm
I didn't know that Asian hair could be porus...it's so shiny. :-?  But yeah, my hair is very porous.  

I haven't deep conditioned in a long time.  Although, I've been seriously considering a hooded hair steamer for deep conditioning for when the weather turns colder and the air gets drier.

Thanks for the tip. :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Aug 26th, 2009 at 10:28pm
I have a Conair bonnet dryer and a hooded steamer that doubles as a facial steamer.  You won't be sorry if you invest in the steamer.  I don't use mine often enough,but when I do I never want to come out from under it!!  I think you'll really like it. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Aug 26th, 2009 at 10:47pm
Yay, someone with a steamer! :D   I've read lot's of positive things about them, enough to make me willing to try it.  I've just yet to find out how long the results last.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Aug 27th, 2009 at 6:31pm
That depends on your hair,what kind of oil or deep conditioner you use and how you react to it,(meaning the steam).

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Aug 29th, 2009 at 3:12pm
makes sense.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Aug 31st, 2009 at 4:28pm
under the impression

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Sep 1st, 2009 at 1:52am
Your peppers look yummy!

I always do an acv before I do a deep conditioning.  I thought it made the deep treatment penetrate better instinctively.  Thanks for the scientific proof!

Do you have special holders in the wine bottles?  There's a bit of glare so I can't see what it is clearly.  If the answer is yes, I'd like to know where you got the holders.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Sep 1st, 2009 at 2:07am

Your peppers look yummy!

I can't wait to finally get to eat one of the peppers.  I'm so impatient. :)

I always do an acv before I do a deep conditioning.  I thought it made the deep treatment penetrate better instinctively.  Thanks for the scientific proof!

Yeah, I thought something was up with the ACV making my relaxer penetrate, but I wanted to make sure that's what it was.  

Do you have special holders in the wine bottles?  There's a bit of glare so I can't see what it is clearly.  If the answer is yes, I'd like to know where you got the holders.

I put little cork candles in the bottles.  Here's a link to the site where you can get them.


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Sep 2nd, 2009 at 5:33pm

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Sep 2nd, 2009 at 6:57pm
:o And I thought I had a collection.

BB&B towels do tend to come undone at the ends. I had a pair of bath sheets from there that did the same thing, but I just let them be. ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Sep 2nd, 2009 at 10:21pm

And I thought I had a collection.


BB&B towels do tend to come undone at the ends. I had a pair of bath sheets from there that did the same thing, but I just let them be.

The ones that I buy never do, or did until now.  I still have my old ones.  I put them away instead of getting rid of them because they're about 3 years old and still look pretty new.   I buy the Royal Velvet bath sheets, cloths and hand towels. Although, I'm sure that they still look good in part because I never wash or dry my towels with anything else, nor towels of another color, to avoid pilling.

Hair:  I cut the right side of my hair.  It's where my hair is growing back from alopecia.  The shorter hair was intermingled with the longer hair so that side has always looked thinner.  So, I cut it.  The rest of my hair is BSL and now that side is APL.  I decided to just plait the short side and wear it pinned.  It's not easy to create a visual, but it looks okay.

Other:  Is it just me, or is it sometimes normal for compliments to make one self conscious?  We ran into a neighbor tonight at the bar/restaurant up the street.  She told us that her 19 year old son has a major crush on me.  We pass their house almost daily when we take our walk to the store.  I typically don't care what I look like when I go to the store and I'm pretty sure that it shows.  However, now I feel like I better not look too bad.  Not that I'm at ALL interested in this kid.  I guess it's just weird now that I know that I'm being judged whenever I pass their house. :-/

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Sep 3rd, 2009 at 5:54am
That plant thing is fascinating.  Never seen one before.  I'm not sure there's a safe place in my house for something like that.  No, we're not raising monkeys but accidents can happen and they will if I bring something like that in, I just know accidents will happen!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Sep 3rd, 2009 at 8:43pm

That plant thing is fascinating.  Never seen one before.

Hmmm...they're in a lot of stores here.  I know that they're pretty big in Alaska too, since it's too cold to grow most things outdoors.

I'm not sure there's a safe place in my house for something like that.  No, we're not raising monkeys but accidents can happen and they will if I bring something like that in, I just know accidents will happen!

Yeah, I'd be a bit concerned about them if I had kids too.  As it is, I had to move the lettuce to the middle shelf because I saw one of my cats snacking on it.  The herbs they stay away from.

Hair: Last night I rinsed it.  Just a plain rinse.  Afterwards, I applied a leave in and plaited it for the night.  When I unraveled the plaits this morning, my hair didn't feel so great.  It's not too bad, but it could be a lot softer.

Cartilage Peircing Update: My ear was feeling sore eventhough my ear has been peirced for 3 months now.  So I took out that fake piece of junk that they peirced it with and put in my real diamond stud. Afterwards, it seemed a little better but some of the tenderness remained.  Since I cut my hair (the same side that the pericing is on), it's feeling better.  Perhaps it was just a case of my hair and my hair products coming in too close contact with my healing ear.  

Health:  I had two appointments today.  One was for the dermatologist.  I needed more cleansing wipes, and some hydoquinnone for a scar on my face that I made with the hot curlers almost a year ago.  It's faded significantly, but it's still visible so I got some fading creme.

The other appointment was to see my psychiatrist.  You know, I still haven't looked into what she really is technically. I think she's my psychiatrist. Although, she basically just does medication management, so I'm pretty certain that she isn't an analyst.  Next time, I'll have to remember to ask.  

Soooo, anyway...I guess I confused her during my session.  I asked her to up my Xanax, and she did.  I've been having more frequent panic attacks lately as a direct result of my not taking the Paxil.  It just makes me sooooooo tired.  Even at the lowest dose.  So yeah, she upped my Xanax.  Only thing is, she didn't just up the mg's, she upped the frequency to twice a day...thats 60 pills in a month.  :o  She called it in, so I wasn't even aware until I got home with the meds.  It's okay though, since I'll only use them the way I actually need them, which isn't even daily.  So I guess the positive is that I won't have to worry about running out of them anytime soon.

I have, decided however to go back onto my Paxil.  She wrote me another prescription for that too. Even though I told her that I still had half a bottle left and protested the prescription.  But the way that she explained it was, in the end I'll catch up with the pills or something like that.   :-?   So... I spent a chunk of my day cutting the pills in half so that I can take a half  of a pill twice a day, instead of one whole pill once day.  I have to do it that way to eliminate the drowsiness they cause. Cutting up all of those pill made me feel like a worker in a meth lab or something.  ;D

Other: As I'm sitting here on my bed typing, I have the windows open for a bit of fresh air.  Well, my neighbor is in his driveway and drinking beer as usual, but is also playing loud country music.  He sometimes plays his music early in the mornings before he goes to work too.  Aside from his obvious disturbance of the peace, I always wonder.  Since he has that big house to himself, why is he ALWAYS in his driveway?  I just don't get it. :-?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Sep 4th, 2009 at 2:03am
I don't know if I could use it as a sales point: "If it's big in Alaska it could become huge in Denmark".

*Ouch*  I didn't know you could get burn marks like that.  I'll have to warn my mother who's just bought a set and is still struggling to make it work.  I'm glad you're dealing with your panic attacks.  I hope you're able to get help so that they don't become completely disabling.  I've had them for years.  I have no good excuse for why I don't deal with them.  Well, there's so much other crap going on in our lives.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Sep 4th, 2009 at 2:39am

I don't know if I could use it as a sales point: "If it's big in Alaska it could become huge in Denmark".

I don't see why not. ;)

*Ouch*  I didn't know you could get burn marks like that.

Oop's, I should clarify.  I got burned with an electrical curling iron, not steam rollers.

I'm glad you're dealing with your panic attacks.  I hope you're able to get help so that they don't become completely disabling.

Thanks.  I doubt they'll get to the point where I can't function.

I've had them for years.  I have no good excuse for why I don't deal with them.

What do you do when you get them?  And what do you mean by "deal" with them?  Do you mean medication?  

I've heard that yoga and meditation help with panic attacks.  I do agree, and meditation comes in handy when I have an attack and I'm out somewhere without my meds.  But, I'd rather take a pill and be done with it than do breathing exercises until they go away.

Other: I stopped in Ulta today to get my pur minerals.  Then, my husband and I began checking out different colognes and perfumes.  One of the perfumes that I tested was Versace's Versence.  Oh, it smelled so good!  I was going to buy it but my husband told me to try it on and see if I still liked it after awhile.  I did not want to wait to buy it, but I decided to just do what he said.  I kept smelling my wrist over and over it smelled so good, but then the scent eventually did change. :-?  It no longer smelled as addictive as it first did.  So, I didn't go back to buy it.  Although, I've heard of that happening, that's never happened to me before.  So I'm wondering if that was just a fluke. :-?  I'll probably go back and try it again tomorrow.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Sep 5th, 2009 at 12:21am
I didn't make it back to Ulta today, but I WILL try Versence again.

We did however, go to the movies to see Inglorious Bastards and then had an Indian dinner.  The movie was very good.  Very interesting and funny.

Outside of the theater, there were vendors set up in tents selling crafts.  Ugh...I'm such a
shop-a-holic, I did not need that pressure.  But of course, I gave in but I only spent 10 bucks.  Believe me, they had so much cute stuff, I could've easily have spent more.  However, I just bought one pair of very cute woven butterfly earrings.  I couldn't resist them.

Outdoor Gardening:  Forgot to mention that on the very first day of September, I ordered my fall bulbs, yay!!!!  The first is when they begin mailing their fall inventory.  I'm so excited!

So, sometime this month, I will be planting Brawny Tulips

Reblooming Iris

Burgundy Gaillardia  Apparently, butterflies love them.

...and lastly...although not technically, because they are very early bloomers, Berry Swirl Double Hellebore

A pic of my new earrings.

Family Matters: Drama!!!!  The drama doesn't have anything to do with me or my home, btw...just other family members.  Right now, I'm just feeling so much empathy for my family and am hoping that they make it through their individual tribulations.  Although, there is something that occured in my home, but it's relatively trivial.  However, nonetheless sad.  

My husbands son left today...he went home.  But before he left, he decided that he wanted his iPhone back.  The same one that he'd gotten bored with and gave to his father, my husband, who then, fell absolutely in love with the phone.  Even yesterday, he told me that if he ever lost that phone he would be a mess.  Yet, when his son asked for it back, he handed it over without hesitation.  My husband is totally incapable of saying no to the ones he loves.  

I told him that I'd forgo my allowance to get him a new phone.  He told me to keep my allowance because it wouldn't cover the price of a 700.00 phone. :o  Um...I had no idea that the phone was that expensive.  My only hope now, is that his son, this being his first year of high school, isn't suddenly interested in the phone again because he's planning on giving it away to some girl in an attempt to impress her :-/.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Sep 5th, 2009 at 10:26am

What do you do when you get them?  And what do you mean by "deal" with them?  Do you mean medication?  

I'm not on any medication and haven't had them diagnosed since I lived in the U.S. and it's not in my medical journal here.  I don't trust social services and insurance company with information like that.  When they happen, it's best if hub is home and he just stays close but doesn't talk to me and I'll try to lie on the bed, not think, not do anything, get some peace and breathe my way out of them.  It's been three years since the last time I became hysterically and just collapsed in a doorway screaming and I just couldn't stop.

In the U.S. I hear that the advice is to breathe deeply in and out into a doggy bag.  Well, we don't have paper doggy bags here so what am I to do?! ;D  

Cute earrings.  You have such beautiful flowers.  I'm so ashamed of my rose bushes that when the time is right, I'm going to cut them all down, then I'm going to dig up my stone flower bed.  1/3 weeds, 1/3 growing wild, 1/3 won't flower. :-[  I keep the curtain to that side of the patio windows closed.  I just can't bear to face that sight! ;D

It's so hard not to shoulder other family members dramas.  Well, I'm that way.  At least we can't be accused of being selfish. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Sep 5th, 2009 at 7:29pm
As usual, the pics are beautiful! ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Sep 5th, 2009 at 9:33pm
Drear:  I've never used a bag although I know that some people do.  Prior to being on meds, I handled my anxiety pretty much the same way that you do.

I'm so ashamed of my rose bushes that when the time is right, I'm going to cut them all down,

I have a knockout bush out front that I'm not proud of either.  I had it in the back and it didn't do well, so I moved it out front, and it's still puny.  I don't know if I'll replant it somwhere else or just be done with it.

What type of soil do you have?  Is it fertile?  We have clay here, so I'm a bit limited as to what I can plant unless I ammend the soil.

Cute earrings.  You have such beautiful flowers.

Thanks and Thanks. :)  Although, the flowers aren't mine yet.  I only just ordered the bulbs online a few days ago.  I'm waiting for them to arrive in the mail.  I'm just hoping that when they bloom, that they'll turn out as lovely as in those pics.  I copied them from the site where I purchased the flowers.

It's so hard not to shoulder other family members dramas.  Well, I'm that way.  At least we can't be accused of being selfish.  

You're right, but sometimes I do feel selfish.  I feel selfish for wishing that my family didn't have their struggles partly because I don't want to have to worry about them. :-/

As usual, the pics are beautiful!  

Thank you, Curlgirl but I only took the last picture.  The others I copied from online.

Outdoor Gardening: Dug up the gladiolus bulbs today.  I believe it may have been too early as the foliage wasn't completely brown.  But, if that's what it takes too bad.  I don't want that brown mess in my yard. :P

Anyway, I went to Home Depot to get a fungicide to dust on the bulbs before I packed them away for replanting next year.  But the funicide was 7.00.  I figured for that amount, I could just buy new bulbs.  Actually, I didn't like the ones that I had anyway.  I saw some others that are a really deep burgundy color that I'd rather have.  So that's what I'll do.  I'll still hang onto these bulbs and if they turn out okay without the fungicide then I'll replant them too.  

I also got 5 bags of soil so I can prepare a flower bed for the new bulbs.  I doubt it'll be enough, but I'll buy more later.

Other: I was at Wholefoods the other day and saw the most unique flower.  It was dark red and shaped like a triangle and the top was ruffled and the same texture as a braided silk cord.  I don't want the flower for myself but I'm so curious about it.  It was a part of a bouquet, so the name of it wasn't listed.  I looked it up online but found nothing.  Today, we made another trip to Wholefoods, and this time I took my camera to take a picture.  Only thing is the flower was gone.  Now, I guess I'll never know what it was. :-/

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Sep 5th, 2009 at 11:14pm
Roses love fish emulsion.  It stinks, but it works!

This is the recipe I wanted to share with you.  I made it for my hubby and he really liked it.  I couldn't find the sweet peppers it calls for, so it wound up too hot for me.  I was thinking you could use some of your bell peppers mixed w/hotter ones.


I like your flower choices.  Could that unusual flower be an orchid?  That's what came to mind based on your description.

When we were at Lowe's today I picked up the MSH magazine.  I'm glad you mentioned it to me, I haven't been buying her magazines for a long time and I think I'll get a lot of use out of this one. ;-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Sep 5th, 2009 at 11:54pm
I'll have to check out the fish emulsion, thanks.

Oooh, those peppers look so good, I can't wait to try that.  I have more peppers sprouting so I'll have to wait until I can harvest them.  I'll most likely add chunks of beef or chicken though. I'm sure that my husband will really love it because he is a HUGE fan of spicy foods.  Thanks for sharing. :)

Nope, the flower wasn't an orchid.  It was very unusual looking.  Maybe I'll see one again someday. :-/

Yeah, that edition of the Martha Stewart magazine is a good one. :)  At first, I didn't even realize that that was her on the cover. :o

I'm going to do the cat pumpkin mask, but I'll paint the cat on instead. I'm also going to do the pumpkin vase and the pumpkin votives.  I also want to try the cocktail that uses beets to look like a pierced heart and the one with the black ice and liccorice.  I'm so excited about it! :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Sep 6th, 2009 at 2:32am
The peppers would be great along side a roasted chicken and some rice.  My pleasure!

I didn't recognize Martha on the cover, either.  At first I picked it up w/o looking at the name, just on the picture thinking "Hey, this looks really gothy and cool".   Its funny, my decorations are going in the vintage direction this year.  I love the old fashioned black cat and I also want to try the black ice cocktail.  I'm thinking of something other than anise-hubby doesn't like it.  I might just make it and he can drink something else.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Sep 8th, 2009 at 6:11pm

I also want to try the black ice cocktail.  I'm thinking of something other than anise-hubby doesn't like it.  I might just make it and he can drink something else.

Or you can make seperate plain black ice cubes, that's what I'm going to do.  That way I can put them in whatever I want.

Hair: Last night, I tried to do some extra special things.  I did an ACV rinse, shampooed (why does that look funny? sp?)  and conditioned.  I used the Burt's Bee's conditioner that I don't like because I didn't want to waste it.  So, I applied honey with it.  Then...I sat under the dryer with a cap on for 20 minutes.  Rinsed, applied a leave in and plaited my hair for the night.  This morning, I was NOT impressed. :P  My hair didn't feel any different than any other time I use that conditioner.  None of the other things made it better.  So, I'm totally done with it.  A 10.00 bottle (or however much it costs, I don't remember) of conditioner isn't worth my not enjoying my hair. :P

Outdoor Gardening: Did a good amount of weeding, edging the hedges and other chores.  However, when I was watering, I noticed that 2 of my roses were broken at the stems. >:(  I'm sure that the cat(s) broke the stems while chasing a gecko or something.  But, the broken stemmed roses did make for a nice floral display.  I'll put them on my nightstand when I finally go in the house.  I've been outside pretty much all day.

The two broken roses...and the guilty parties in the background.  

I already had the tart warmer burning because my neighbors dogs go to the bathroom in their yard, and they don't clean it up. So, when the wind blows the scent this way...well, it pretty much blows. :P

Health: So, far this summer I've lost 5lbs. :D  Now, only 4 or 5 more to go and I'll be good!  I'll be off in a bit to do our nightly walking.  Tonight we're doing 3 miles.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Sep 9th, 2009 at 1:57pm
3 mile walk/jog,

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Sep 10th, 2009 at 12:14am

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Sep 10th, 2009 at 9:40pm
day at the pool.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Sep 10th, 2009 at 11:08pm
Wow, awesome pictures!  I wish my husband liked to take pictures like yours does.  I am the picture taker in our family!  :)  Your apartment building looks really beautiful and elegant!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Sep 11th, 2009 at 2:38am
Totally great pics!  I like your swimsuit-cute!

I've never been to Pittsburg, but have been to PA.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Sep 11th, 2009 at 10:26am

wrote on Sep 10th, 2009 at 12:14am:
Other: Saw Tyra Bank's real hair today.  She's been wearing wigs for so long, I thought that her real hair would've been down to her ankles because it's been protected.  It wasn't as long as I thought it would be (about shoulder length) but it appeared to be in good condition.

I just watched a clip of her real-hair reveal and the clip where she tells paparazzi (sp?) to kiss her fat a** and I have to say... GO ON, GIRL!  I realize these are in part publicity stunts.  But I wish more female celebs would embrace the body they're in (and the hair), thus encouraging the rest of us to just be content with ourselves.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabelle on Sep 11th, 2009 at 1:47pm
Wow what great pics!  Your sooo lovely!! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Sep 11th, 2009 at 2:04pm

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Sep 11th, 2009 at 5:32pm
Yes, has anyone else had a problem?  Please let me know!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Sep 13th, 2009 at 4:11am
locked out

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Sep 13th, 2009 at 10:45am
How funny she is!  I like that show too.  You're right; it does get pretty disgusting though.  Did you see the one about the sharks, with the one eating all the other siblings in the womb?  *shudder*  Creepy!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Sep 13th, 2009 at 9:11pm

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Sep 15th, 2009 at 12:46am
Daily Activity: Finally got to the business of taking out the old litter box to make way for the new one.  I was going to just change processors, but the customer service guy told me that the new processor won't work in the older model.  

I was also going to buy an old processor and put it in the old Genie to sell that one too,  but the customer service guy said that they don't sell them anymore.  *sigh* Oh well, I'll just have to dispose of the one that I have.

Anyway, the job got a little gross and messy, but I cleaned up thoroughly and all is well.

I finally ordered some more items to sell on eBay.  I was going through my old sellers feedback for the first time the other day, and it inspired me to sell more.  Can't wait! :D

Halloween:We're going to attempt to decorate the outside of our house to look like Merlotte's for Hallowen.  It won't be scary as say Fangtasia would be (not because it's a scary looking place, but simply because that's where the vampires hang out), but Merlotte's will be easier for us to do.  And since I'll be dressed as a Merlotte's waitress, it'll be fitting.

I most likely won't do that part of the decorating until Halloween.  That way, when I'm giving out candy in my costume, it'll make sense.

Ooh, and I loved the finale of True Blood last night.  It was much better than last seasons, imo.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Sep 15th, 2009 at 6:28pm

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Sep 16th, 2009 at 6:27am
I hope I don't upset you.  I'm writing this out of general concern for your over all health.  I'm worried that even if you don't feel you need the sleep, you may weaken your immune system and leave yourself vulnerable to infections, etc.  I'm not trying to scare you.  If your doctor hasn't voiced this concern.  Then I apologize for the hysteria.

Please post photos of your house if you get it decorated!  I never cared that much for Halloween but it suddenly bothers me that it isn't that big a deal over here now that I'm an adult and all of that and can do whatever I want to. ;)  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Sep 16th, 2009 at 7:32pm
concern. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Sep 16th, 2009 at 10:03pm

wrote on Sep 16th, 2009 at 7:32pm:
My husband believes that it's a tactic that companies sometimes use in order to lowball people into taking lower settlements.

I believe it, and it's definitely one of the (many) things wrong with our health system!   >:(
Hopefully it works itself out soon!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Sep 17th, 2009 at 1:04pm
womens special

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Sep 17th, 2009 at 4:33pm

I was thinking of buying aloe juice today for my hair.  I know that people use it but I'm not really sure what it does? :-?

One thing is that it's a natural remedy for ulcers. :P If it can smooth over a stomach lining, perhaps it does something similar for hair?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Sep 18th, 2009 at 12:06am
Perhaps.  Good observation.  I'll have to give it a try and see.  Thanks! :)

Hair: Did an ACV rinse and my hair feels better now.  Although I did something that I never do.  While it was still wet, I slicked it back and after applying my leave in, I coated my hair in a protein gel and smoothed it into a high pony.  It looks nice but it is a little hard.  I didn't put gel on my ponytail so it's soft, just the hair at my scalp is hard.  Maybe I can keep it in for a few days.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabelle on Sep 18th, 2009 at 9:30am
Silica Gel is great for your hair and tummy!  I use it myself :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Sep 21st, 2009 at 3:16pm
Thanks for the suggestion, Lisa.  I've seen it on the internet but I went with the Aloe juice because they have it available at my local store.  And it's one of the main ingredients in an Aubery moisturizing spray that I purchase sometimes.

Hair:Need to wash or rinse tonight to get all of the gel out. :P

Other: It's been so cloudy and rainy for almost an entire week.  I really do miss the sun.  It seems that it's either been one extreme or another weather wise.  But tomorrow is the first day of fall.  I believe that the clouds may be here to stay.

It's been raining so much and so hard that our whole patio got drenched.  I had seed packets in an envelope, inside a planter that was on a shelf on my table that I made.  Even the seeds got drenched.  The cucumber seeds sprouted inside the packet.  I had to throw them all away unfortunatley.

And with the rain (and perhaps with the help of some animal) we now have a huge gaping hole under out fence.  We got lumber from Home Depot to repair it but it's been so wet that we're going to wait. It's much larger in person...

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabelle on Sep 22nd, 2009 at 9:21am
No problem ;)  Wow that hole under the fence looks like it was done by either rabbits or ground hogs...hopfully not skunks! :P  OMG the seeds sprouted right in the bags!  Which reminds me I have some herb seeds still in the fridge :)  I would love to get one of those Aero Gardens you have. :)  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Sep 22nd, 2009 at 3:14pm
I'm thinking that the hole was done by something attracted to the birdseed.  I've seen so many critters in my yard that I can't even speculate at this point.  All I know is that I won't be refilling the feeder until we fix that hole.  

Aerogardens are pretty cool.  They have space saver ones that are about 80.00 on their website.  You may even find them cheaper than that on eBay.  That's where I got my first two.

Check this one out...it looks like a ladybug. :D

First Day Of Autumn: Going great! :D  The rain has finally ceased! :) On the news they stated that this sort of rain is unprecedented in this area.  There has been and still is so much local flooding.  Most of the schools around here are closed.  That's one of the things that I don't like about today.  It's finally a nice sunny day, but so many people are off from work and school.  So instead of it being quiet, it sounds like a Saturday afternoon outside.  Kids playing, cars going up and down the street, lawn mowers...etc.  

My sweaters that I'm selling on eBay will be arriving today.  I wanted to model them outside, in the front of my house by the tree, but I don't want an audience.  So, I'll probably do it tomorrow, provided things return to normal.

Outdoor Gardening: Pulled up all of the sunflowers out front by the mailbox.  They were done for the season.  Later, I'll pull up the cockscomb out back too.  They still have some color to them but it's time to go.  When my fall bulbs finally arrive, I'll place hellabores in their place.

Broken Stuff: Don't know what my problem is, but I broke my new laptop adapter and my flat iron today.  I wanted to flat iron my hair a bit for my pics but the clip that holds the water reservoir in place snapped off. I called Conair and they're going to exchange it for a new one.  I already replaced the adapter earlier today.

Hair: Last night, I did a CO let it dry in a low ponytail.  This morning when I awoke my hair was still a bit damp.  I put it in a french roll and went about my day.
Went to Ulta and got some new leave in.  They were having as special where you buy 2 get one free so that was pretty cool.

While in Ulta, I respritzed myself with Versaces, Versence and it still doesn't smell great on me so I've given up on it. :(  They do have another scent that smells pretty good.  I didn't look at the name, I just saw that it was in pink packaging.  My husband said that he liked it on me but that was when I initially sprayed it on.  Later, I'll ask him if he still likes it.  I can't tell what it smells like because I  sprayed it on my neck. :P

Other: My husband said that if my obsession with Michael Jackson weren't so hilarious, he'd be jealous. :-/  I know for a fact that I'm not obsessed.  When I was a teenager, I was insane and now I'm nowhere even close.  

Although, the straw that broke the camels back was my saying that I didn't understand why La Toya wrote "singer" under occupation on his death certificate.  I said, I felt that he was so much bigger than that.  I told him I would've wrote "are you kidding me?".  But, I guess I better lay off before he does become jealous.  But it isn't like I'm talking out of thin air.  Things come on tv and I comment. :-[

Ugh...my neighbor is now blasting his country music! >:(  Now if I were that type of person, I'd blast my own music just to get under his skin...perhaps some Parisian rap.  I don't even understand it as I don't speak a lick of French... but I still like the sound of the music, even the vocals. But I'm certain it would drive my neighbor nuts!  Ah, I'll just have to be content with the fantasy. 8-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Sep 23rd, 2009 at 4:26pm
Took my pictures for the items that I'm selling on eBay today.  I didn't flat iron my hair as I planned, I Carusoed it instead.  A much healthier choice. :)

I don't like the pics, but the sweaters were so hot that I just went with the best that I had and I'll see what happens.  

I ended up taking pics indoors because people are still off work and out of school today, so that ruled out taking pictures in the front of our house.  I tried taking pics in the back, but again it was just so hot.  Then of course, I had a great idea of putting a fan in front of me like certain celebrities do with wind machines.  I thought it would A. cool me off and B. be a nice pic like my hair was blowing in the wind.  Both wrong! >:(  I was still hot and my hair looked like I had got caught up in a tornado. :P

Oh well, I'm off to watch Oprah.  I couldn't wait to see Mckenzie Phillips.  Wasn't sure what she would reveal but unfortunately, there are spoilers on yahoo's front page. >:(  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Sep 23rd, 2009 at 5:11pm

Then of course, I had a great idea of putting a fan in front of me like certain celebrities do with wind machines.

;D That's great, the hair & sweater flying as you put a fist in the air, shouting, "Oooohhhhhhh!!" Whatever that was all about. Probably not the best idea for a sales pitch though. ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Sep 23rd, 2009 at 6:59pm

Probably not the best idea for a sales pitch though.

Definitely not but it would've been funny!  Too bad I didn't keep one of those pictures to post.  It would've been good for a laugh. ;D

Outdoor Gardening: Harvested the last few cucumbers and pulled up the plant.  I'm done with them this season.  There were still some growing but the leaves were getting yellow and yucky looking.

In place of the cucumbers, I planted a sprouting organic yam that I got from Wholefoods.  From what I read, yams grow in the hot weather whereas potatoes can be grown all year round.  They're so similar that I'm not sure if what I read is correct, so I'll see what happens.  

I bought an organic potato to plant as well, but it hasn't sprouted yet.

Other: My husband said that he found a pretty big snake in our yard today.  He thinks that it was just a larger version of the brown snakes that we've seen here before.  I'm just glad that it wasn't me that made the discovery. :o

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Sep 24th, 2009 at 2:09am
LD, I was reading about making your own beauty products on this website, and when I got to the soap making I thought of you!

Maybe you will find this interesting:

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Sep 25th, 2009 at 10:42pm
Oh Michelle, thanks so much for thinking of me girl! :D  I really appreciate it.  I haven't gotten through all of it yet, but any additional info that I can get my hands on is of great help.  Thanks again! :)

Health: Going on a very strict diet and exercise regimen for a week.  My first day is down.  I'm doing a combo of calorie restriction and lots of exercising.  My goal is to get around or perhaps 1 or 2 lbs lighter than I was as a high school senior.  I'm 5lbs away, so I believe that it's doable in a week, 2 max.  I never want to stray far away from that weight again.  

I'm so tired now that I may not even need my nightly sleep cocktail.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Oct 1st, 2009 at 7:41pm

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Oct 2nd, 2009 at 7:36pm
Fitness/Diet/Health/Whatever :P: Last night was fun, however I did completely ruin my diet.  Aside from the burger and pizza, I had a steak salad.  Then very late night, after a few drinks, my husband and I went to Waffle House where I inhaled grits, bacon, half of a biscuit with jelly and a small hot chocolate.  Goodness! :'(

Today, I went to my "medication specialist" as she is called but I'll continue to call her my psychiatrist as it is less confusing.  Well, on my last visit, a month ago, she prescribed more xanax for me.  I hadn't had an anxiety attack (that I can recall) since then, so I told her that the extra xanax must have been working.  Then, I asked "the extra xanax is a preventative measure against anxiety right?".  She said no, but to continue taking it if it's working and she would write me a prescription for 60 more. :o  I was so stunned that I didn't even ask her why she was prescribing it for me to take daily if it doesn't prevent anxiety.  I still don't get it, but whatever.  I still have a good amount left from my last refill and recommended that she only prescribe me 30 instead of the whopping 60 that she was going to. I use them to help me sleep, so I'll continue taking them, but only at bedtime, not several times a day.

Hair/Other: Anyway, I found that in the area there was an Indian grocery store.  Oh, it was so exciting seeing all of the products!  I didn't know what most of the stuff was as it wasn't written in English, so I kept bothering the poor clerk to tell me what certain products were and what they did.  After awhile, I noticed that although he was Indian, he could only read English as well, and most of the time he was just as confused as I was.  He did try his very best, but his confusion was very obvious. ::)

I did recognize a few things like shitaki powders, cool dosha themed products like face wash, shampoo's etc.  They had LOT's of oils, most of them I had seen before online so that was cool too.  But, the one thing that excited me the most was finding Jamila henna and pretty cheap too.  It was a dollar and some change for 100grams. :o  I'd been paying 10.00 to have the same amount shipped to me.  So, I bought two boxes.  If I like the results as I've never tried Jamila (although I have read wonderful things about it) I'll just buy my henna there from now on.  

I've already mixed it and I'll apply it tonight, I believe...no scratch that.  I'll be doing pretty major yard work tomorrow, tilling almost half the yard to transform into a flower garden.  So, it'll be smarter if I did my hair tomorrow, after my yard work.

Next to the Indian grocery, there was a Jewish restaurant.  It wasn't what we expected, thank goodness.  I didn't even want to go in there because Jewish food just never looked appealing to me.  However, the food turned out to be standard Mediterranean fare and was pretty good after all. Not so great that I'd return, as it wasn't as good as my favorite Mediterranean restaurant, but still good none the less.  Although, the cake we got for dessert was gorgeous!  I love cakes that look like works of art, so beautiful. :)

Today was so busy but I got lot's of errands out of the way.  For the rest of the day, I'm just going to relax. :D  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Oct 3rd, 2009 at 1:34am

wrote on Oct 2nd, 2009 at 7:36pm:
Today, I went to my "medication specialist" as she is called but I'll continue to call her my psychiatrist as it is less confusing.  Well, on my last visit, a month ago, she prescribed more xanax for me.  I hadn't had an anxiety attack (that I can recall) since then, so I told her that the extra xanax must have been working.  Then, I asked "the extra xanax is a preventative measure against anxiety right?".  She said no, but to continue taking it if it's working and she would write me a prescription for 60 more. :o  I was so stunned that I didn't even ask her why she was prescribing it for me to take daily if it doesn't prevent anxiety.  I still don't get it, but whatever.  I still have a good amount left from my last refill and recommended that she only prescribe me 30 instead of the whopping 60 that she was going to. I use them to help me sleep, so I'll continue taking them, but only at bedtime, not several times a day.

"Doctors" like this make me so angry!  How irresponsible can you be?  I used to work in a pharmacy as a certified tech and saw many people with ridiculous prescriptions like that and doctors who didn't care that their patients were clearly addicted.  Kudos to you for having the good sense to only use the meds when you need them.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Oct 4th, 2009 at 8:00pm
a doctor so liberal with prescriptions

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Oct 5th, 2009 at 12:11am
I'm sorry someone's been messing with your decorations.  I don't put mine out too early because I don't want that to happen-I'm so paranoid about it I check the front door every day where I placed a wreath I made.
I don't understand why anyone would mess w/someone else's yard.  My guess is that its the kids that are messing with it, not the parents.  You might go around and innocently ask if anyone's noticed someone has damaged your props.  Then they might be safe outside.  Good solution with the bottle!

Your henna looks really beautiful.  Nice emulation of the box.

Ditto on the Alice In Wonderland!!!!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Oct 5th, 2009 at 8:19am
Really nice pic and the henna came out great!
Sorry to hear about your props :( >:(  Why do people feel that's ok to touch someone else's property?  My motto:  If it's not yours,don't touch it!!!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Oct 5th, 2009 at 5:59pm
Thanks, Sakina and Curlgirl.  Yeah, I don't understand why anyone would damage someone else's things.  I replace my decorations earlier today.  I'll see what happens when school let's out and people get off of work.

I also spruced up the fireplace a bit more by adding vases filled with candy corn and candles. I tied ribbon around the vases too.  I like the results.

I also got my ghosts in the mail today and I put those out back.  I like those too.  I'm thinking that next year I'll put tombstones with them.

Hair: This morning it was feeling a bit dry, so I oiled it really well and put it in a French Roll secured with a ficcare.

Shopping: I've been trying NOT to buy clothes this season because I really don't need any, but I really can't help it. :'(  I didn't go overboard, but I did buy a few things.  Now, I want to get this really cute jacket, but I'm trying to be strong...but the price is pretty good so I may not hold out. :-/  

Aside from the price, I think this jacket has a classic look, so eventhough I don't need it now, I could keep it forever.  I'm just wondering if the puffed shoulders would make it look dated?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Oct 6th, 2009 at 4:28am
I think the jacket would look great on you! Just my little ol 2 cents!
The candles look nice!  Like the ghosts,too!  I wish people could put things out  like that  here without someone either stealing it or vandalizing it!  The only homes that put holiday stuff out are the ones with gates or a porch!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabelle on Oct 6th, 2009 at 9:21am
Wow!  You look great as the Jamila henna girl! :-*  I have used that henna on my skin before and its great!  I really like your lawn decorations. I love the the things you make , for your home, your so creative :)
Poo on the people who cannot keep there hands off >:(  I say the jacket is really nice and would suit you! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Oct 6th, 2009 at 12:05pm
Sounds like the local teenagers have been in your yard. They do that in my neighbourhood with some people's Christmas decorations sometimes...bloody sods. It may help to keep the outdoor decorations in until the last minute if you don't want to risk them being messed with or stolen. :-/

The sleeves on that jacket have a kind of vintage vibe about them. Half of my wardrobe is Victorian or vintage inspired, so I probably couldn't offer any decent advice if you're concerned about looking dated. I don't mind looking tastefully dated. ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Oct 6th, 2009 at 4:51pm

I think the jacket would look great on you! Just my little ol 2 cents!

Thanks, I think I'm going to get it.  Now, I just have to decide on the color...red or black. ::)

The candles look nice!  Like the ghosts,too!  I wish people could put things out  like that  here without someone either stealing it or vandalizing it!  The only homes that put holiday stuff out are the ones with gates or a porch!

Thanks again.  No one in our community has a front fence so it's basically impossible to keep anyone out.  Thankfully, no one has touched my decorations since I put them back out. :)

Wow!  You look great as the Jamila henna girl!   I have used that henna on my skin before and its great!

Thanks! :D  
I really like that brand.  The one that I used was for hair, but I read somewhere that Jamila makes one for body art too.  I'd rather use the body art quality henna for my hair, but they didn't have it at the store where I bought it.  But for less than 2.00 a box, it's all good! :D

I really like your lawn decorations. I love the the things you make , for your home, your so creative  

Thank you so much.  Although, I don't know that I'd consider myself to be very creative.  I get inspiration from all places.  Even from you ladies here.  That's one of the reasons that I love this board so much, you all have taught me a lot. :)

Poo on the people who cannot keep there hands off
Yeah, that stinks but hopefully, I won't have anymore issues.

I say the jacket is really nice and would suit you!

Thanks, I'm going to get it. :)

It may help to keep the outdoor decorations in until the last minute if you don't want to risk them being messed with or stolen.

Yeah, probably.  But I'll take my chances.  I can't get in the mood without my decorations. :-/

The sleeves on that jacket have a kind of vintage vibe about them. Half of my wardrobe is Victorian or vintage inspired, so I probably couldn't offer any decent advice if you're concerned about looking dated. I don't mind looking tastefully dated.  

You're totally right...and I love the term "tastefully dated". ;)  Thanks.

Halloween: My pumpkin vase got extremely moldy inside.  After carving it initially, I sprayed it with a water and bleach solution as I read that, that would help the pumpkin last 14 days.  However, it only lasted 6.  

Anyway, I debated throwing it away since the mold wasn't visible otherwise, but I decided to get rid of it.  When I picked it up, as sturdy as it looked, it was like mush in my hands. :o

I took the flowers out and rinsed them off in soapy water.  Then, I put them all in the dryer on the air fluff cycle for about 5 or 10 minutes.  Currently, they're airdrying the rest of the way.

I've decided to put them in my artificial pumpkin that I removed from outside, which is cool because I had no idea what to do with it anyway.  I cut the top off.  So now, all I have to do is wait for the flowers to dry and I'll have a new pumpkin vase that won't get moldy.

Hair: Oiled with avacado oil this morning, and put it back into a french twist held by the ficcare.  I think I'll do the same style until the weekend when I'll do another acv rinse.

Kitties: The new Cat Genie finally arrived today.  It's actually pretty cool.  I thought that it would be exactly the same as the other one aside from the new recycleable cartridge, but it has some other performance updates too.  I'm happy with it. :)  

Outdoor Gardening: My flowers for the spring arrived today too.  The iris, gaillardias and the hellebores which I'm most excited about. They'll be the first to bloom, in late winter. :D  I'm still waiting on the Tulips and the hyacinths, but they're coming from another company and won't be here for a little while yet.

This past weekend, my husband and I created the beds for the flower gardens.

Updated floral pumpkin display.  I like it but it looks like a pumpkin with a flower afro! ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Oct 6th, 2009 at 9:55pm

it looks like a pumpkin with a flower afro! ;D


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Oct 7th, 2009 at 3:28pm
Gardening: I replanted the gaillardia's.  I felt that the soil they were in still contained too much clay so I did more amending with the potting soil.

Got an email today that the tulips and hyacinths will be arriving tomorrow, yay! :D

Family Matters: Never got a response from my grandmothers niece in regards to giving me my grandfathers ashes.  As I mentioned before she isn't a very nice person (and that's putting it lightly) so I'm really not suprised.

However, he has been on my mind so much lately.  I've decided to make it my project to learn more about his history via genealogy.  He was born in Washington DC.  So, I called their vital records department to request his birth certificate.  As much as he talked about his father (he never mentioned his mother) I have no idea what his parents names were. :-[  

Anyway, the woman on the phone said that since I wasn't immediate family, I couldn't request the certificate until 100 years since his birth.  So far it's been 97.  She did mention that I could probably get help through the National Archives, or the Social Security Administration. :-/  This seems like it's going to be an uphill battle, but there are things about his youth that I am very curious about.  Hopefully, I can get somewhere with this search.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Oct 8th, 2009 at 6:47pm
Today was a very nice day! :D  It was so sunny and warm.

Gardening: I got my bulbs planted today.  Also, the Whole Foods yam that I planted is growing very nicely.

There was a chipmunk outside, poking around my flower bed.  My husband shot and killed it.  Normally, I would've been upset, as I made it clear that the only animals that he was "allowed" to kill were rats. I wasn't thrilled, but I am happy that he protected my bulbs from being eaten.

I saw a praying mantis outside yesterday, the cat's were "playing" with it.  Today, I found it in my planter that I keep some of my gardening supplies in.  I didn't want it to get hurt, so I picked him up and put him in the ivy plant.  Yesterday, as I moved the Clematis to another spot in the yard I accidentally picked up a worm...and I didn't freak!  I feel that I can now I can honestly say that the term "city folk" no longer applies to me. ;D

Other: After my gardening, I took a shower and decided to dress up a bit.  We weren't going anywhere except on our daily walk to the store, but I felt like getting dolled up...so I did.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Oct 9th, 2009 at 12:23am
LD, I have wanted to learn more about gardening for a long time, and your updates about your garden give me inspiration!  I know I will freak out occasionally when I see bugs (I particularly hate earwigs-ugh!) but maybe I will be like you and eventually get used to it.  :D  We are hoping to be able to buy a house when our apartment lease is up, which will be in February.  So maybe I will be able to start a garden next spring.  Otherwise, if we are still in an apartment I will try pots.  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Oct 9th, 2009 at 1:51am
I'm glad that I give you inspiration. :)  As I mentioned a few posts ago, I get inspiration from you all, all of the time. :)  As you know, Lisa does potting and has lot's of plants.  So if you can't garden outside, I'm sure that potting would be great too.  There's just something about being surrounded by greenery, even if it's only a few plants.

I used to be the biggest chicken when it came to insects, snakes and things.  But seeing them so frequently, makes you a little immune to the shock and icky factor.  Although, I've yet to see a large snake.  I can't wait to see how I handle that. ::)  I talk lot's of stuff about being a country girl now, but I think that if I saw a large snake, I'd probably faint. ;D

Wouldn't it be cool if we were neighbors?  I could teach you what I know about gardening and you could teach me to embroider....and we could learn to use a sewing machine. :P  Actually, it would be cool (imo) if we were all neighbors.  We have a fun and interesting group of women on this site. ;)  Too bad we all live so far away. :-[

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Oct 9th, 2009 at 1:32pm
That would be awesome!   :D  I am glad also to have found this site and gotten to know all of the ladies here.  

Next year in the spring I will definitely be picking your guys' brains!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Oct 9th, 2009 at 4:09pm

wrote on Oct 9th, 2009 at 1:51am:
I talk lot's of stuff about being a country girl now, but I think that if I saw a large snake, I'd probably faint. ;D

Even country girls born and raised out in the sticks get scared of big snakes...trust me.   :o

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Oct 10th, 2009 at 6:58pm

I am glad also to have found this site and gotten to know all of the ladies here.
I am too!  :D

Next year in the spring I will definitely be picking your guys' brains!

We'll try to help as best as we can with you questions. ;)

Even country girls born and raised out in the sticks get scared of big snakes...trust me.

Awww man! :P  Well hopefully, I won't see any. ;)

Hair: Yesterday, I bought and used Chi Silk Infusion leave in and Chi Keratin Mist.  So far, I think that I like both but time will tell.

Fitness: Still working out pretty hard.  Got a heat exhaustion headache yesterday.  Today, I made sure to drink lot's of Poweraid.


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Oct 12th, 2009 at 3:49pm
Ugh...it was very chilly and rainy this morning.  Instead of my ususal breakfast of cold cereal, I had cream of wheat with cinnamon.

Family Matters: My grandmothers niece did call me after all.  Didn't talk to her (thank goodness) she left a message.  She said that she'd send the ashes but wouldn't offer any sort of a time frame, and that was it.  Oh, it was followed by a very harsh "BYE" and a click.  Um, okay.  Well, at least she's cooperating.  It seems... :-/

We'll also be going to visit pretty soon.  My FIL is having an operation tomorrow so we'll be going up to visit him as he recouperates.  We'd planned on going to New Orleans but we're still trying to work things out.  We may just go to New Orleans and go to Pittsburgh at the end of the month...a day or two after Halloween.  We're still debating though.  Pittsburgh is going to get flurries while New Orleans will have lovely weather...and we already planned it.:P

Hair:I don't want to keep doing frequent CO's eventhough I'm working out daily, so I've just been wearing it up.


View of the Autumn leaves from my yard today...

My planted yam is still growing nicely... :D

New Halloween flower arrangement.  Wasn't liking the flowers in the artificial pumpkin. :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Oct 14th, 2009 at 5:47pm
just hang out.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Oct 15th, 2009 at 3:48am
Have patience with your weight.  Do as I say not as I do/feel. ;)  I'm glad your FIL's surgery went well.  It sounds like your really like halloween so I can understand if you're disappointed.  I think I could get into Halloween too if it was something we'd traditionally celebrated here.  Some people make an effort but I think it's watered down from what I've seen in the U.S. and just nothing to get excited about here.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Oct 15th, 2009 at 6:02am
Glad the surgery went well! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Oct 15th, 2009 at 9:18am
I'm glad your FIL's surgery went well too!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Oct 19th, 2009 at 11:34pm

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Oct 20th, 2009 at 1:31am
Whew!  That was a whirlwind just reading about it! lol :)  Glad you had a nice time!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Oct 20th, 2009 at 4:18pm
No kidding!  Makes me tired just reading it!  :)  

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Oct 22nd, 2009 at 12:05pm
Curlgirl & Michelle: :)

Halloween:  Forgot to mention that someone stole my tombstones while we were away.  I would've suspected that they just blew away, but since the stakes that were firmly in the ground are also gone, I'm certain that they were taken. :P

Hair: Done looking for new products, yay!!! :D  Right now my arsenal includes my Aubrey Revitalizing Conditioner & Shampoo.  I still have Burt's Bee's shampoo left although, either shampoo is okay, conditioning is usually my main concern.  

After washing, my products are Rusk leave in conditioner followed by CHI silk infusion and ocassionally CHI keratin mist.  

I'll still do ACV rinses.  I no longer need to mist my hair with moisturizing sprays and I'm done with oils (which I never really liked anyway).  I still have a big almost full jug of aloe juice and a half bottle of avacado oil.  I may just toss the aloe juice and I'll use the oil on my body.  

I'm still thinking about getting a bonnet hair steamer, I just haven't figured out where it is going to fit in, in my regimen.

Vegetable Gardening: My aerogarden still hasn't produced even one tomato.  I think I'll call them and get some free lettuce or something.  This is the second time that I've tried tomatoes in the aerogardens with no success.  I'm giving up.  I'll try them outdoors next year.

I finally got a chance to try the peppers that I've grown. Yesterday, my husband made a pepper steak.  It was VERY GOOD!!! :D  The peppers were so tasty!  I was a bit dissapointed with the black (purple) ones though.  They were tasty too but only the outer skin is black, the inside was green, so it didn't make for the colorful dish that I was expecting.

Fitness: Been doing excellent with my "sticktoitness" and it's showing.  My body is definitely getting smaller and firmer.  My husband thinks that I'm running the risk of getting too small, but I know my body, I'll be okay.  

For me right now, it's all about cardio.  I'm doing anywhere between 2 to 4 hours a day.  Once I get to my goal weight, I'll cut down signifcantly on the cardio and do more yoga and bellydancing.

Other: We're getting new next door neighbors.  Not shocked though.  The guy has been out of work for a long time.  However, his wife just got laid off, so now they're both out of work and can't afford the rent.  They're sad, and I feel a little sad for them, but we've all been down before...that's life.  It just makes you appreciate so much more what you have when you have it.  They'll be staying with relatives, but I hope that they're able to get back on their feet soon.  

Here is a pic of a cake that my husband and I made last week for Halloween movie night.  It was a yellow cake and I separated the batter and put red and black food coloring in it.  It was fun making it and fun eating it.  

My husband makes the best cakes.  I'm not sure what he does but they come out so much more moist and fluffy than when I bake them.  He's already realized that baking part is his job now. ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Oct 22nd, 2009 at 2:11pm
The cake and the whole set-up is just so gorgeous for lack of better wording!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Oct 23rd, 2009 at 4:20pm

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Oct 23rd, 2009 at 6:07pm
What a pretty tree!

wrote on Oct 23rd, 2009 at 4:20pm:
Called Aerogarden yesterday, the rep told me that I'm most likely not getting tomatoes because I haven't been pollenating them.  I really didn't know that I needed to.  I thought they were self pollenating but I guess not.  He said that if I do so, they may still produce.

How do you pollinate tomato plants yourself?  I would never have thought of that!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Oct 23rd, 2009 at 8:26pm
You just shake the plant around a bit to losen the pollen.  Typically the wind or insects do that but since I have no wind or insects in my kitchen, apparently, I have to.  

Nothing else that I grow in my aerogarden flowers, this is the first time that I've had this experience indoors.  The peppers and cucumbers that I grow outdoors produce flowers first, but I don't have to worry about them. I hope I can make it work.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by kittennoodlesoup on Nov 1st, 2009 at 7:28pm
LD, have you considered just putting an oscillating fan near your tomatoes? I hear that those work pretty well to help tomato plants pollinate.

Commercial greenhouses have large vibrating plant trays to pollinate tomatoes.  ;D

I'm jealous of your continued success in growing. Over here in the 'Burgh, we've hit freezing a couple of times overnight already, and everything that didn't get taken in or put up right against the house and covered died.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Nov 2nd, 2009 at 2:44am

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Nov 2nd, 2009 at 4:16am
Mmmm...looks delicious.  I was such a party dimmer during my teens that my friends only got me out twice for Halloween.  I was so well disguised one year that a friend's parents who were supposed to let us in for a party after trick and treat, kept handing me candy and closing the door in my face when I rang the bell to try to get in to the party. ;D  I finally had to scream at her brother who was thankfully sitting by a slightly open window, to let me in.  No one else had a Danish accent so of course it couldn't have been anyone but me. :D  I generally preferred to stay at home and hand out candy. 

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Nov 2nd, 2009 at 4:16am
Judging by the site of things,it looks like you had a good time in the kitchen!!  Hope you enjoyed!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by kittennoodlesoup on Nov 2nd, 2009 at 6:00pm
No worries about the fan! Twas just a suggestion. Shaking the plants when you check on 'em should be enough.

And. Wow.

Just looking at those super delish looking pies and reading all that talk about sushi is making my stomach growl at me!
... Care to fedex me some?  ;D

And yes, da 'Burgh is what us yinzers call Pittsburgh, 'n'at.   :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Nov 2nd, 2009 at 6:02pm
And. Wow.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by kittennoodlesoup on Nov 2nd, 2009 at 6:19pm

Would you believe that it's gone already!?!  My husband really enjoyed it! There was only one slice left when I got up this morning.Grin

Oh, I believe you. The question is whether or not my stomach forgives you!  ;D

Later that night, my husband and I were driving around and I pointed out the "Jineeagle".  I shouted, OMG! I have a Pittsburgh accent! Grin

I don't usually call it "Jineeegul" I stick with "Jiggle".
My other favs are chipped ham, nebby, slippy, redd up, and the quaint dropping of "to be". As in, my hair needs washed. I'm not actually a native, but I do cringe sometimes when I hear things like "Shaur" and "Tawl" come out of my mouth.

Pardon my ignorance... but what's carusoe?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Nov 2nd, 2009 at 6:31pm


Yeah, that would be the proper way to spell it...eventhough there is nothing at all poper about pronouncing it that way. ::)

I do cringe sometimes when I hear things like "Shaur" and "Tawl" come out of my mouth.

Yep, that's cringe worthy. ;D

Pardon my ignorance... but what's carusoe?

No biggie.  "Carusoed", is my word for curling with a Caruso steam setter.   

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Nov 3rd, 2009 at 12:28am
Your blueberry pies and quiche look amazing!  At first I thought the quiche was a spinach pizza!   ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Nov 5th, 2009 at 11:55pm

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Nov 6th, 2009 at 2:47am
12 bottles? :o  You must really love Aubrey!!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Nov 6th, 2009 at 11:19pm
Lucky Vitamin

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by kittennoodlesoup on Nov 7th, 2009 at 10:04am
Hee, that always happens when I get some new hair-washing stuff. I want to go wash right away, but I've already just washed!

Sorry to hear about your foot! Is it a no-impact type injury? You could try biking or ellipticals if it is. If not, do you have access to a pool? Water aerobics and laps are good exercises when you're injured.

Butterfly house and bird feeder are cute! I really like the blue color. I didn't realize birds would mess with bulbs?  :-?
I like feeding the birds year round, because they really can use the helping hand in the winter, and in the summer, they'll stick around and eat bugs!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Nov 7th, 2009 at 8:28pm

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Nov 10th, 2009 at 4:11pm

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Nov 10th, 2009 at 6:14pm
Isn't nice to get a chance to kick back and take pics when you're relaxing? :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Nov 10th, 2009 at 9:26pm
What a lovely back yard!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Nov 11th, 2009 at 12:03am

Isn't nice to get a chance to kick back and take pics when you're relaxing?

Yes, so very nice! :)

What a lovely back yard!

Thank you! :)  I know that the hedges seem "unkept" but I like them that way.  They look natural and not overly manicured.

Hair: Simply rinsed it today after my workout.  It was in plaits and I didn't bother to undo them.  It's still a bit damp now. 

I was contemplating doing indigo this Friday as I'm anticipating a busy weekend, but I'll wait until I have my hair steamer. 

Fitness:Walked to the store for the first time in about a week, as well as doing the elliptical for an hour and 15 minutes.  I'm sure that's a record for me.  I don't think that I've ever been on it that long before. 

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Nov 11th, 2009 at 10:10am

Godyssey wrote on Nov 11th, 2009 at 12:03am:
I know that the hedges seem "unkept" but I like them that way.  They look natural and not overly manicured.

Not at all!  I like them looking natural too.  :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Nov 11th, 2009 at 6:55pm

MichelleR wrote on Nov 11th, 2009 at 10:10am:

Godyssey wrote on Nov 11th, 2009 at 12:03am:
I know that the hedges seem "unkept" but I like them that way.  They look natural and not overly manicured.

Not at all!  I like them looking natural too.  :)


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Nov 12th, 2009 at 11:48pm
a whole lot of nothing. 

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by kittennoodlesoup on Nov 13th, 2009 at 1:22pm
Oy! Weeding isn't nothing! At least, that's what my back says. :-)
I've come close to planting my gardening gloves, too. And my trowel. I always seem to misplace my trowel, only to find it the next day in my bag of potting soil.

Facebook is kind of scary. I finally had to hide my details from only those I've directly friended, because at first I only was letting friends and friends of friends see my profile. But even that was enough that tons of people I barely even remembered from HS were flooding me with friend requests.  :o

Ooo! Nice idea about the swings! My hubby works from home, so he'll occasionally take phone calls outside on the patio. Or eat lunch there, weather permitting. We don't have a yard as of now, but when we do, I'll be sure to suggest swing-set-conferencing to him.  ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Nov 14th, 2009 at 12:17am
That's definitely one of the (potentially scary) things about Facebook and Myspace.  Once on the internet, always on the internet.  :(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Nov 14th, 2009 at 7:33pm

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Nov 14th, 2009 at 11:16pm
Cool safari pics-how many animals did you see?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Nov 15th, 2009 at 5:13pm
Very cool!  It looks like you had a good time! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Nov 16th, 2009 at 1:02am
Cool!  Isn't it neat to see those animals up close?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Nov 16th, 2009 at 2:41pm

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Nov 16th, 2009 at 4:48pm
I remember that song!  It sounds like you and hubby had a great time! :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Nov 21st, 2009 at 10:49am

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Nov 21st, 2009 at 9:26pm
Star Trek

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Nov 21st, 2009 at 10:42pm
Very nice stockings!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Nov 22nd, 2009 at 10:14pm
Looks like you had a great time at the bonfire.  You look so beautiful in your costume!  I especially like the holly crown.  :)

Ugh, Christmas decorating.  I can't believe it's that time of year!  I love to decorate for Christmas, but I don't know if I'll do it this year since we're in this little apartment and we don't get visitors.  Maybe I'll just put out a few things instead of going all out. 

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Nov 22nd, 2009 at 11:45pm
Thanks, Curlgirl and Michelle. 

Michelle: I'm sure I get fewer visitors than you do.  I don't decorate for visitors, I decorate because seeing them makes me smile.  Go all out if you want to...or not.  Either way, do it for you. ;)

Hair: Did a CO after my workout.  I'd been trying to use up my Silk Elements conditioner because I didn't like it so much. I used the last of it today and ironically,  this time I really liked it.  Not enough to buy more as I still have a case of Aubrey in my closet waiting to be used.  Perhaps I may try Silk Elements again in the future.  Maybe you don't get the full benefit unless you've used it several times. :-?  I guess the best stuff was @ the bottom of the jar. ::)

My hair is now drying in a bun.

Facebook: Been getting on regularly but only talking to friends that I know and family.  I made the mistake of talking to an old highschool friend about quantum physics and the law of attraction, one of the best conversations that I've had on FB.  However, my husband wasn't happy about it.  He'd perfer that I converse with him as opposed to another guy...the fact that he isn't interested in the subject is of no matter, so I just let the conversation go.  It wasn't worth potentially getting my husband upset over. :P

Anyway, I came across another guy that I went to school with.  I'd heard he'd died years ago.  I asked my sister if perhaps the rumors were wrong, but I haven't heard back from her yet.  I'm just curious I guess.  I mean, it could be his father.  Although, it would be cool if he were still alive because he was really a nice guy.  The type of guy that you rarely came across in High School.  Not that I'd befreind him, but it would be great to know that he's still among the living.

Other: Did not even attempt to venture outside as I said I wouldn't.  Very cold day.  My husband made the mistake of walking to the store in the cold and the rain.  He was miserable.  I'm just glad that it wasn't me. :P

I didn't make soup today, but it was still a good day to snuggle indoors. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Nov 23rd, 2009 at 9:56am

Godyssey wrote on Nov 22nd, 2009 at 11:45pm:

Michelle: I'm sure I get fewer visitors than you do.  I don't decorate for visitors, I decorate because seeing them makes me smile.  Go all out if you want to...or not.  Either way, do it for you. ;)

You are so right!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Nov 23rd, 2009 at 2:12pm

You are so right!

Fitness: Already did my morning walk to the store and back.  Later, I'll do about 45 min each on the elliptical and Wii's, My Fitness Coach. 

My husband has made it quite clear to me today that he doesn't want me to lose anymore weight, citing that he "likes my curves".  I always hated the euphemism "curvy". :P  Anyway, my goal really isn't to get smaller, I just want to continue to change my fat to muscle ratio.  I feel that I could be way more toned. My ultimate goal is to have a body like Jennifer Anniston or Courtney Cox, and they're still curvy.

Hair:  Looks pretty good today.  This morning, after unwinding my bun, I had some loose waves.  Then, I carusoed the ends some to make them more defined.  I like how it turned out.

Other: Can't wait to see Hero's tonight...it's starting to get really good. :) 

Speaking of tv, Lady Gaga was EXCELLENT on the American Music Awards last night and I'm not even a fan.  Otherwise, the show was pretty boring.  Although, that Adam Lambert had a pretty entertaining and shocking performance too. 

...And I have to admit that I got some joy out of seeing Jennifer Lopez fall during her performance. [smiley=evil.gif]  I know it's mean (I'm only human ::)) but, I typically don't like bravado.  So, when she came out wearing a boxing outfit and proclaiming "the champ is here", I felt that she'd better live up to that self proclaimed title, especially after that Lady Gaga performance.  But she didn't... she just fell on her butt. :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Nov 23rd, 2009 at 3:20pm

Godyssey wrote on Nov 21st, 2009 at 9:26pm:
Today, my husband and I went on a very long walk around town (I believe 3 hours).  We decided to visit all of the small shops that we typically drive by simply wondering what they are.

We visited a tea house/restaurant.  It was converted from an old house, each room uniquely and beautifully decorated.  It reminded me of what I'd imagine the "old south" to be or someplace that the ladies of the show Designing Women would visit.  I also got a few ideas for Christmas decorating while there.

We also visited a cool antique store.  I really wish that I'd had my camera with me.  Among the antiques were a vintage gas pump and clothes washer.  I'd never seen anything like the washer ever.  It was yellow with two tops that looked like pots.  When you lift the lids (which came off completley like a pot lid would) in one pot there was the obvious agitator but we couldn't figure out what the other pot was for.

I believe the other "pot" is for rinsing out the clothes.   :) 

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Nov 23rd, 2009 at 11:37pm
Ahhh...thanks, Trisha.  That seems to make sense. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Nov 24th, 2009 at 3:30am
Yes, those stockings are really nice and bells and ribbon sounds cute.  You looked beautiful at the bonfire.  I'm catching up...
My ultimate goal is to have a body like Jennifer Anniston or Courtney Cox, and they're still curvy.

I agree with you.  Curvy is proportional to the rest and that's individually going to be very different.  Wish I had your discipline.  I'm just trying to get my act together to do those one hour walks every day.  Don't know when I broke with my routine.  Still regularly on the stepper and I try to do some resistance exercises in the livingroom which is difficult if the rest of the family gather around and some laugh. ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by kittennoodlesoup on Nov 24th, 2009 at 11:22pm
Hey! Just wanted to chime in with the rest and say that ultimately, it's your body and you have to be happy with it, too! So long as you are still healthy and energetic, I say go for your goals.  :)

Have you seen www.presidentschallenge.com? I use it to track my fitness during the week, and you can form groups with your friends who are also on the site. I think it'd be pretty cool if we formed a longhair fitness group. What do you think? We could all motivate each other!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Nov 25th, 2009 at 3:22am
Thanks, Drear and you're right.  Curvy is more about proportion than size.  Personally, I think we or most of us fall off track sometimes when workingout is concerned.  The most important part is picking yourself back up. ;)  Even starting out small is better than nothing.

Hey! Just wanted to chime in with the rest and say that ultimately, it's your body and you have to be happy with it, too! So long as you are still healthy and energetic, I say go for your goals. 

Fitness: Speaking of which, I got a good 2 1/2 hour workout in today.  Really need to get some pads though, I want to get back on my rollerblades to make it a bit more fun.

You're right, and thanx for the support.  A longhair fitness support group on this site could be a good idea.  :)  One can never have too much motivation. ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Nov 26th, 2009 at 9:57pm
Angels and Demons

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Nov 26th, 2009 at 11:07pm
Sorry to hear about your father!  :(  I hope he'll be ok. 

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Nov 27th, 2009 at 3:23am
It's understandable that you're very upset.  I hope your dad recovers and that you never have to experience something like this again.  It seems like your sisters had some misguided reason for wanting to shelter you, but you would've found out some time anyway. 

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Nov 27th, 2009 at 2:39pm
Egad, sorry about your father. :( Hope he makes a full recovery.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Nov 27th, 2009 at 2:49pm
Sorry about your dad!  I totally realte to your being pissed off with not being called eight away.  I wish family members would just think how it would feel if the shoe were on the other foot? :-?
I hope you can get passed this.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Nov 27th, 2009 at 6:47pm
Thanks ladies.  I spoke to my dad again and as long as he takes the blood thinners and begins some sort of exercise regimen he should be okay.  It's in his hands now.  I'm still angry about the whole thing but I'm trying to get over it.

Other:Been really tired today.  Woke up way late...like 1:00 pm. :o  Didn't feel like exercising but we did walk around a lot today.  Also began holiday decorating.  Nothing is completely finished yet, but it looks pretty festive. The outside is what I need to work on most.

Pics:  Yesterday's dinner table and todays xmas decorations.  Similar to last year with a few updates. 
thanxdinner4.jpg (99 KB | 237 )
trees1.jpg (72 KB | 235 )

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by melusine on Nov 28th, 2009 at 1:52am
I am so glad your father is okay.  I hope he follows his doctor's advice and you have him in your life for many years.  I lost my dad when I was 20, to ALS and it was very hard.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Nov 28th, 2009 at 6:54am
Great pics!  Glad to hear your dad will be ok if he does what he supposed to!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Nov 30th, 2009 at 5:41pm
Melusine: I'm so sorry that you lost your father at such a young age.  I know how tough losing parents is. :-[  Hopefully, my dad will take care of himself and I won't lose him anytime soon.

Thanks, Curlgirl. :)

Dad news:  Need to call and check on him again today, he went blind for 20 minutes on Saturday and the doctors really don't know why.  If nothing else, I can look towards my father and my mother (who has passed) as more motivation to take care of myself. 

With that, I'll make my segue into Fitness: I've been workingout religiously, trying not to let my extra caloric intake as of late, turn into extra pounds.  We're not doing our daily walk today because of rain.  I will forgo my wii Fitness Coach today for about 2 hours total of bellydance cardio and the elliptical.  The fitness coach is now boring me to tears.  I need to find a new workout disc.  I have the Active, but I don't like it...thinking about selling it on eBay.

Speaking of eBay, ugh...I'm having a horrible time selling right now.  I was doing well for a while but then it just stopped.  I guess it's hard to compete with the major stores right now.  It wasn't something I thought about because I was selling really well at this same time 2 years ago.  I guess I'll have to wait things out.  Maybe things will pick up after Christmas. :-/  I'm just glad that I didn't throw anymore money into inventory as I'd planned.

House Plants:  Took down the hanging philodendron and hung up a poinsettia.  I just hope it lasts until New Years.  I think the some of plants are getting too hot from the indoor heat. :-[
Hangingpoinsettia.jpg (133 KB | 233 )

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Nov 30th, 2009 at 10:05pm
Pretty!  Just make sure it's hung high enough so the kitties don't get at it.  Some say it's poisonous,some don't.  I lean on the side of caution and keep it away from the pets!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Nov 30th, 2009 at 11:35pm
Curlgirl:  Thanks.  And yeah, I know that they are poisonous to cats, so it's hung out of their reach.

Although, of all of my plants, the only ones that my cats ever pay any attention to are the day lillies out back.  I heard that some day lillies are also poisonous, but mine aren't, so I let them chew the leaves as much as they want. 

Surprisingly, they totally ignore the catnip that's growing out there as well...unless I pick some for them.  That's the only way they seem to be able to smell it. :-?

Dad News: Talked to he and my step mom today and as it turns out, his blindness in one eye was caused by a stroke (which I assumed).  His main artery in his neck leading to the brain is 90% blocked. 

They're going to operate later this week but they said it'll be a simple surgery, so we're all optimistic.  I'm just glad that his stroke happened while he was in the hospital so they could take care of it as quickly as they did.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Dec 1st, 2009 at 4:04am
I hope your dad recovers fully.  You're really good with decorations.  I've done nothing yet. :-[ 

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Dec 1st, 2009 at 9:19am
So sorry to hear about your father's health problems.  I hope he recovers soon.  As to the sisters keeping you in the dark, well... Yes, they were misguided in doing so, but remember they were trying to do a good thing, if only in their minds.   :)  I guess what I'm trying to say is that life is too short to hold grudges.  We never know what's coming at us from around the corner.  So yes, be upset for a little while but let it go.  *hugs*

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Dec 1st, 2009 at 2:15pm
I hope your dad has a speedy recovery!  *Hugs* to you!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Dec 1st, 2009 at 3:40pm
Thanks again ladies for your concern.  I'm still optimistic...we all are. :)

Trisha: As for my sister, I only have an issue with my one sisters really.  She is my only full blood sister. I don't really like to make that distinction as I love all of my sisters, but it's the truth.  So, even if I don't hear from anyone else, I EXPECT to hear from her.  So when I didn't, yeah, I got really angry. 

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Dec 1st, 2009 at 5:17pm
I don't blame you one bit; I'd feel the same way.  I'm glad you stuck to your guns and didn't give up the rings since they mean so much to you.  *hugs*

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Dec 1st, 2009 at 5:23pm
LD,I sent you a pm. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Dec 1st, 2009 at 8:28pm

I don't blame you one bit; I'd feel the same way.  I'm glad you stuck to your guns and didn't give up the rings since they mean so much to you.  *hugs*

Thanks, Michelle.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by kittennoodlesoup on Dec 1st, 2009 at 11:33pm
Don't question yourself about stuff like that!
Your mother gave them to you, and you have NO need to give them up for some idiot excuse of your sister's!
If this had been the first request of your mother's items that your sister made, that would be different, or, if you'd gotten the lion's share of the inheritance. But it's apparent from your story that she has gotten MORE than her fair share, so don't let her bully you around!

I know that family can have the most abusive hold on you. Since there is so much emotional investment, it makes it easier for family members to take advantage of you, your time, your money, your stuff, etc. I'm still working on standing up to my family, myself. Good luck!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Dec 2nd, 2009 at 4:57am
Don't apologize for ranting!  It's your journal.  Glad you stood your ground on those rings.  My mother is mishandling two rings of no monetary value simply because it has no monetary value that my paternal grandmother gave her.  I can't do anything about it.  My mother also only cares about things of monetary value and will fight for inheritance just so she can sell the things.  She has no regard for the nostalgic or personal value things may have to other family members.  It makes me so angry to think about so I think I understand your reaction.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Dec 2nd, 2009 at 3:06pm

Godyssey wrote on Dec 1st, 2009 at 3:40pm:
Thanks again ladies for your concern.  I'm still optimistic...we all are. :)

Trisha: As for my sister, I only have an issue with my one sisters really.  She is my only full blood sister. I don't really like to make that distinction as I love all of my sisters, but it's the truth.  So, even if I don't hear from anyone else, I EXPECT to hear from her.  So when I didn't, yeah, I got really angry.  I'm getting over it...kind of, sort of, but I'll never forget.  I'm not certain how that will affect my actions or relations with her going forward, and I know it's not really a good way to be, but that's my way. 

And...now that I think of it, she could be intentionally acting out of meaness or spite.

(big snip)

*Note*  Sorry for the long rant.  I removed a bit of the end, as I felt I crossed a line that I shouldn't have. However, the rest I'll keep as I'm too lazy right now to edit any further.

Oh.  In that case she sounds like a word that rhymes with "witch" and she deserves the full brunt of your anger, sweetie.  *hugs*   8-) 

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Dec 2nd, 2009 at 4:22pm
potato chips

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Dec 2nd, 2009 at 8:53pm

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Dec 3rd, 2009 at 2:16am
I'm glad the air is cleared.  Gosh, I should be the last one to point fingers at anyone ranting.  I don't expect people to read my entries but sometimes I just need to see my own thoughts in writing.  Sometimes I suddenly see things in a different perspective.  I don't know your sister.  Perhaps she feels guilty having asked for those rings in the first place if she's had some more time to think.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Dec 3rd, 2009 at 2:22pm
I'm glad things are better between you and your sister.  *hugs*   8-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Dec 3rd, 2009 at 10:47pm
I'm glad you were able to clear the air and feel better about things. 

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Dec 4th, 2009 at 4:27pm

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Dec 4th, 2009 at 5:32pm
I never smiled

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Dec 6th, 2009 at 2:08am
like a cartoon

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Dec 7th, 2009 at 2:44am

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Dec 7th, 2009 at 9:36am
Long hair or short, teeny bopper or grown woman, you're cute no matter what.   8-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Dec 8th, 2009 at 2:02am
Awww...thank's Trisha, that's so sweet of you to say. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Dec 8th, 2009 at 6:26am
Read the new entries and back five.  Feeling very emotional.  Made me think of things in my own life too.  I hope your dad pulls through.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Dec 9th, 2009 at 11:02pm
roller blade

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by kittennoodlesoup on Dec 9th, 2009 at 11:29pm
It's great to hear that your dad is making a speedy recovery! It's always super scary whenever your parents are in surgery.

Aww, roller blading. I haven't been roller blading since I was really little. Maybe you could cover up any marks with some concealer? That, or you could wear pantyhose?  :-?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Dec 10th, 2009 at 3:57am
Good news about your dad.  Yeah...colorful legwear is fashionable these days.  Take advantage of the fashion and get yourself some colorful thights or leggings. :P  Plain black will do too. :)

Excuse my unsolicited advice.  I hope the soreness and any visible marks pass soon.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Dec 10th, 2009 at 4:44pm

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Dec 10th, 2009 at 5:43pm
I'm sorry you've had so much trouble with your shoulder!  I hope it stops dislocating on you!!

I love that movie, "Frida".  Its one of my all time favorites.  What an amazing woman.

After you do your weights, are you stretching out?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Dec 11th, 2009 at 2:14pm
Thanks, Sakina.  The ambulance guy told me that I should probably have my shoulder re checked.  It's been about 13 years since I've been seen for it.  Perhaps there are some advances in medicine that can help me now.

As for the stretching, no. I haven't been stretching after using weights.  I guess I should. :-/

OMG!  Frida, really was an amazing movie!  I'd like to buy it.

Other: Got an email from Allen Anthony yesterday!  He has a new album coming out...finally.  I heard the first song and I really like it. :)  He said that he's having a listening party in San Francisco in February and would like me to come.  I asked my husband and he's considering it, but isn't sure.  He said he doesn't want me to become too friendly with this guy.  Not sure what his problem is? :-/

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Dec 13th, 2009 at 3:37am
Fitness:  I haven't worked out in a few days as my shoulder is still sore and I want to continue to rest it.  I have walked to the store since my accident but that's it.  As a result I've been sluggish but otherwise I'm okay... :P 

Health: My bruise is purple.  The party that I'm going to is in a week, so hopefully it will fade a good deal in the meantime.

Christmas Movies:Saw both Scrooged and It's A Wonderful Life, today.  I've seen both many times but, It's A Wonderful Life will always be a favorite.  The end is such a tear jerker and I love Donna Reed!  Her show, was one of my favorites, her family was so perfect.  I used to watch those old black and white shows and movies as a kid, which was a time when I used to think that life could be so effortlessly perfect like in those types of shows.   I even thought that the married couples even slept in seperate beds.  My mother told me later that, that never happened in real life.  They just didn't want to show a man and a woman together in bed on tv.

Of course, Scrooged was my husbands pick.  He isn't into It's A Wonderful Life.  If someone says gosh darnit or something similar in a movie...it's a deal breaker. 

However, this world can be so crude sometimes that I like the escapism of the more pure movies.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Dec 14th, 2009 at 10:59pm
Last night,I saw Gone With The Wind...again.  I always loved that movie because of Scarlet and Melanies characters.  Scarlet being an extrovert and Melly being an introvert, really interested me when I first saw it when I was of Middle School age.  I've always felt both intoverted and extroverted and always felt that I needed a balance.  I still haven't found the perfect balance but I feel that I do well overall.

Christmas Party:
Got my outfits together.  Will dress in my idea of santa earlier in the day and for the party later on will put on a green dress.

Nails:I was going to get a French manicure.  It's my favorite and I haven't had one in years, but I decided not to waste the money.  I don't remember the last time I noticed someone elses nails...and I doubt that anyone will care that I got mine done either.

Not quite sure what I'm going to do with it yet.  Perhaps a deep condition and some curls.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Dec 15th, 2009 at 2:43am
I've never had my nails done professionally.  I only tend to notice other's nails if I'm considering new nailpolish colors or wonder if I should change the shape, which I never do.  I use clippers, cut them straight over and if I really care, I round off the sides. :-[  I'm incompetent in that area.  My husband and sons know how to use a nail scissor. ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by kittennoodlesoup on Dec 15th, 2009 at 9:35am

Godyssey wrote on Dec 14th, 2009 at 10:59pm:
Last night,I saw Gone With The Wind...again.  I always loved that movie because of Scarlet and Melanies characters.  Scarlet being an extrovert and Melly being an introvert, really interested me when I first saw it when I was of Middle School age.  I've always felt both intoverted and extroverted and always felt that I needed a balance.  I still haven't found the perfect balance but I feel that I do well overall.

Christmas Party:
Got my outfits together.  Will dress in my idea of santa earlier in the day and for the party later on will put on a green dress.

Nails:I was going to get a French manicure.  It's my favorite and I haven't had one in years, but I decided not to waste the money.  I don't remember the last time I noticed someone elses nails...and I doubt that anyone will care that I got mine done either.

Not quite sure what I'm going to do with it yet.  Perhaps a deep condition and some curls.

How's your bruise? Still on track for fading in time?

I watched Gone with the Wind too late in life. I've been spoiled by short movies with lots of action, explosions, and little dialogue. It was still okay though, just thought it was a bit long. I did love all the outfits though.  ;D

Maybe you could apply your own french manicure? I don't know what it is about french manis, but nobody ever notices when I do a regular nail shade (even something like bright red), but I always get positive comments when I do french nails. Even after all the white is mostly chipped away, since manis + typing all day don't get along.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Dec 16th, 2009 at 12:33am
"I can relate"

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Dec 16th, 2009 at 7:57am

Can't believe that Christmas will be next week.  Time is going so quickly!

I know it's frightening!

I couldn't watch old Donna Reed or something like that growing up. I watched the Lawrence Welk show on PBS when I lived in CA.  I have an unhealthy obsession with Coronet instructional films from the late 1940s-50s.  "Drop and cover!". :D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Dec 17th, 2009 at 12:22am

I know it's frightening!

Yah, I just sent out Christmas cards...hope they get to their destinations on time.

I couldn't watch old Donna Reed or something like that growing up.

For me, all of those old shows including the Cosby Show, were like a doube edged sword.  They portrayed what to me, was perfection and how life was supposed to be.  So as a kid, I had really high expectations for myself, others and life.  As a result, I was very much a perfectionist robot and very judgemental of others if they didn't live up to my expectations.  That was bad.  However, at the same time, having high expectations kept me out of trouble that lot's of young girls (and boys) around me were falling prey to in front of my eyes.

I had to realize as I grew up, that tv was not a realisitic reflection of life or what to expect from it. ::)

I have an unhealthy obsession with Coronet instructional films from the late 1940s-50s.  "Drop and cover!".   

I'm not obsessed with them, but those movies are cute.;D

Christmas Shopping:  So, my husband and I went to the mall today.  I was insistant that he purchase a new outfit.  He is very particular and I hate shopping with him.  Although, I figured I'd be patient and wait all day if I had to.  But he couldn't find anything that he liked, and we left the mall with only a shirt, a hankercheif and earmuffs. >:(  He really needs new jeans (and I admit, he did try on a lot) but he didn't find any that he liked.  Tomorrow, we'll try the other mall. :P  It's so funny (not ha ha funny, but frustrating funny) because I can go into just about any store and come out with something.  I've never seen someone so picky in my life. :-[Other: We rented "The Hangover", it was pretty funny! :)

Oh, and the manager at the video store said that he would give me the "This Is It" stand up cut out after the DVD's release.  Somehow I doubt it because when I worked in retail, we always had to send that sort of stuff back to the company.  Anyway, if I do get it, I'll try to sell it on eBay. My husband said that I should keep it but I'm a 34 year old woman.  I'm too old to have posters and stuff like that around... regardless of who's likeness it is. :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Dec 20th, 2009 at 9:08pm
santa con

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Dec 21st, 2009 at 12:02pm
Well if you're just going to give them away...!!!  *hand up in the air*    8-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Dec 21st, 2009 at 1:50pm

Well if you're just going to give them away...!!!  *hand up in the air*

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Dec 21st, 2009 at 4:33pm
I've heard a lot of people have success with those "sun" lights.  I hope it works for you, dear. 

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Dec 21st, 2009 at 10:22pm

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Dec 21st, 2009 at 11:36pm
Oh, I loved Captain EO when I was a kid!  I was so bummed when they took it out.  I'm glad to hear they put it back in.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Midnight Angel on Dec 22nd, 2009 at 12:53am

It was about 42 degress at the time which doesn't sound cold,

You're right, 42 degress doesn't sound that threatening. 42 degrees, now that's a whole 'nother story. ::)

How dissapointed am I that Captain EO is being shown again at Disney Land.  Seeing that movie was the only reason that I ever wanted to go there.

Then you're better off just getting the movie, eh? The happiest place on Earth is crowded enough already without haters.

If I lived there I would go though. :-[

My pass expires in February. Perhaps I'll go in your place. ::)

Nice pix of the neighbourhood, by the way. I wish to God I could take some around where I live. It's insane.
    And my family puts fake poinsettias in our flower bed every year. Real ones don't fare well in SoCal...or anywhere else, really. ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Dec 22nd, 2009 at 3:14am

Oh, I loved Captain EO when I was a kid!  I was so bummed when they took it out.  I'm glad to hear they put it back in.

It's only for a limited time though. :P

You're right, 42 degress doesn't sound that threatening. 42 degrees, now that's a whole 'nother story.   


Other: Made this funny video tonight.  Now, I'm off to bed.  Good night everyone. :)


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Dec 22nd, 2009 at 11:50pm
Daily Activity: Did lot's of cleaning.  Sometimes I just get in a mood where I want to clean everything, I was even cleaning at the hotel even though it was a pretty nice place.  Anyway, I cleaned the fridge and my bathroom.  As I was organizing the kitchen I decided that I really need to get some organizational shelves.  I found what I wanted on the container stores website, but I'll hold off on ordering until after Christmas. 

Speaking of Christmas: Another gift arrived today.  I had to open it because I didn't think ahead.  I ordered a champagne gift basket for my husband and I.  He likes champagne but only buys it on special occasions.  We even have some in the cupboard but he won't touch it, so I bought some.  Only thing is, it included Godiva truffles.  I can't keep those out, so I had to put them in the refridgerator.  Because of that, I'm imagining that he knows it's a gift basket, but he hasn't let on.  I told him not to touch the chocolates though.  He rarely eats chocolates, but just seeing them made him want them. :P  It'll be interesting to see if he'll wait.

So, I wrapped the champagne basket minus the truffles and I really like the job that I did.  I hot glued ribbon that I had to the box.  My husband said that it looks professional.

New Years: Found a party that seems like it may be lot's of fun.  It's at another hotel but all of the rooms are booked. :-[  I asked if there was a cancellation list but was told that I'd just have to check everyday.  Doesn't sound like fun, but if I can get a room that way, it'll be worth it.

Well, I'm off to finish my egg nog spiked with a bit of vodka and call it a night. 

Oh, and my cake that I baked yesterday turned out to be disgusting.  It was a butter pecan flavored cake.  A flavor that I'd never tried before or even knew that anyone made. :-?  I love butter pecan ice cream, but the cake...uh, no. :P  I'm glad that I didn't like it though.  Since I'm still trying (somewhat) to watch my calories, it all worked out. ;)
wrappedgift.jpg (79 KB | 258 )

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by kittennoodlesoup on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 2:30am
Excellent job on the wrapping! I agree with your husband, it looks very professional.

As for cake, I can't say that I care much for any cake that isn't just plain chocolate.
Okay, I'll make an exception for chocolate beet cakes, too. But they taste just like chocolate cake, so I guess that's cheating to consider it different.  ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 5:53am
Catching up - I love all those earrings!  I have to modify them if I buy them that big because my neck is too short.  But I love big, flashy earrings.  I wanted to make Christmas earrrings from ornaments as well but I haven't found any that are light enough and fit me in proportion to my short neck and stature. 

we drove around viewing the decorated houses and took pictures from the car

I completely forgot about this "tradition" when I lived in CA.  I miss that.  Well, I never thought I'd say this but I miss CA even the damn valley!  Uhm...gonna stop before I start crying. 

I've gained a lb or 2, which I'm not happy about, but at least I can get back to my workouts.  Amazingly when I work out, I make absolute sure not to go crazy with my eating.  I hate and refuse to be on a good cycle of working out and blowing it because of reckless eating habits.

Mmm.hmmm...Kicked myself for that in the past. 

Omg!  I was going to pull myself away from this screen and get those presents of my dad's wrapped!  Thanks for reminding me. 

Back from wrapping!

Although, I figured I'd be patient and wait all day if I had to.  But he couldn't find anything that he liked, and we left the mall with only a shirt, a hankercheif and earmuffs

I'm glad I don't have that problem.  Hub always comes back with two pairs of pants, 2 pairs of jeans and 2-4 shirts.  I'm glad that he has an alright taste.  He's a classic casual so it's easy for him.  It's not just his taste it's also the only style I can see him pulling off. 

My earrings are jumbled into boxes too small for them that I can't find half the time, in various jewelry boxes, and hanging off the back of an old wooden folding chair.  Well, that does have its charm but I think I know what I want for next year's birthday or Christmas. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 1:04pm
...Which reminds me that I need to go through all of my costume jewelry and donate the pieces I no longer wear.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 3:53pm
Kittennoodlesoup: Thanks for the compliment on my wrapping job and yeah, if it still tastes like chocolate, it's cheating. ;D  But anyway, what is beet cake, is it exactly how it sounds? :-?  And while I'm @ it with the questioning...I've always wondered, where did you come up with the name "Kittennoodlesoup"? 8-) 

Catching up - I love all those earrings!  I have to modify them if I buy them that big because my neck is too short.  But I love big, flashy earrings.  I wanted to make Christmas earrrings from ornaments as well but I haven't found any that are light enough and fit me in proportion to my short neck and stature. 

Hmmm...I'd never thought about long or short necks being a factor until yesterday.  Trisha mentioned something about that.  I guess that could be why I like huge earrings, I have a long neck.  However, I think that long earrings are good because they're more visible when you have big hair too.

I completely forgot about this "tradition" when I lived in CA.  I miss that.

I didn't know it was a tradition...I guess that explains why there were others out last night doing it too. :P

Well, I never thought I'd say this but I miss CA even the damn valley!  Uhm...gonna stop before I start crying.

Ugh...after my very first trip to LA (don't think I've been to the valley though) I was very depressed to be back home in Pittsburgh.  I used to play "California Dreamin'" a lot during that time. :-/

Anyway, I hope you don't cry. (((hugs)))

Actually now, I'd like to live somewhere around where you are Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland...  I heard that everyone that lives there seems to be really happy. I'd just be too afraid of standing out to live there. :-[
Daily Activity: Woke up @ noon.  Had a protein shake.  Made a few eBay purchases. Posted and responded to comments on Facebook. Checked the mail...disappointingly, my cat's charms didn't come today.  Although, I still haven't found a charm collar for them anyway.  Maybe they don't make them. :-/

Later, I'm going to meditate, do some reading, exercise and watch some movies that arrived from Netflix.  Geeze, I get to plan out my entire day.  Is it obvious that my husband isn't home? ;D  He had to go away today, but will be back tomorrow. :)


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Dec 24th, 2009 at 11:14pm
Christmas: My husband couldn't wait to open presents.  I suggested that we open only one gift and of my choosing.  He agreed and he opened the chess set that I bought him....or us.  He's been trying to get me to learn how to play for years.  I was hoping he would like it.  It wasn't super expensive like some I saw, but it's pretty nice and matches our home decor.  He says he really likes it and he taught me the basics of the game.  We played but I felt bad for him as I was confused at times.  I think I'll practice playing on yahoo games so he doesn't have to deal so much with my inability.

Then, I told him that he could open another gift, the gift basket.  He said that he knew right away it was food, but of course he was wrong.  He was suprised when he saw the bottle of dom, but he doesn't want to open it until NYE, which is fine with me.

So then, he convinced me to open his gifts to me.  I pretty much knew what I was getting though.  I got another iPod and this one is actually cooler than I thought.  It's super skinny, so I was afraid I'd break it at first but it seems sturdy.  Anyway, it doesn't need speakers and it shows and takes videos.  It also has 4 times the capacity of my old one. 

I also got an iTunes gift card and a gift certificate to Ritz camera. :-?  I didn't quite understand the latter one, but he wants me to pick out my own camera. :-?  I know absolutely nothing about technology, but I'll do as he says.  I'm sure he won't let me buy a piece of junk.

I thought that I was getting a new computer too but didn't. I don't need one anyway, as mine is only about a year and a half old. However, my husband keeps talking about the "new technology" which is why I thought I was getting a replacement today. :P

Anyway, it was fun.  I also tried making my very first ginger bread house today and it was a total disaster!  It kept collapsing.  At first, I was so frustrated...like really.  I kept thinking, if kids can do this, so can I! >:(  When my husband looked at the house and laughed, my first instinct was to be embarrased, but I quickly realized that it was okay to laugh at myself.  I mean come on, it's a friggin' ginger bread house, nothing serious. ::)  It also made me feel good when he ate it anyway. :)

Hopefully, tomorrow we'll still go on our movie and Chinese dinner outing.  My husband isn't feeling well (not from food poisoning :P) , he felt bad yesterday too.  He may be coming down with a cold.  If so, I'm okay with staying in.  I'm a happy girl. :)

Oh, ooh, I forgot.  I also got my first tree ornament today.  My BIL and his wife sent it to us.  I'm so excited about it :)!

xmasornament.jpg (117 KB | 265 )

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Dec 25th, 2009 at 11:55pm
groundhog day

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by melusine on Dec 28th, 2009 at 12:08am
If you don't want to take the Chirstmas decorations down, don't.  I have an aritificial, pre-lit tree and usually leave my decorations up until I get tired of them, which is usually the end of Feb.  I always used to take them all down on New Year's Day because my mom always did and HATED doing it.  I live in the Chicago area and Jan and Feb are the coldest, ugliest, nastiest, darkest days of the year, so why not leave up the gorgeous decorations until you are ready to take them down?  We have a party around Valentine's Day with the Christmas tree still up and serve Thanksgiving dinner because my husband gets a turkey from his employer every year and we are never home at Christmas.  We are known for this party among our friends and they all look forward to it.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jan 2nd, 2010 at 3:39am
know what happened

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jan 2nd, 2010 at 2:15pm
Over and done with. 

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by kittennoodlesoup on Jan 3rd, 2010 at 7:40pm
I'm a big fan of letting the body recover. However, sometimes I find that if I'm really sore, a gentle workout helps make me less sore. I really wanted to hit the gym today, too, but the class I wanted in already was full AND had 14 people waiting in case of cancellations in front of me!!! Wow.

Yikes about the shoulder! I agree with your husband that you really should get that looked at! Something that painful really shouldn't be ignored.

I really admire how into the holidays you get. I never seem to really get into the swing of things in time. In fact, I betcha that the little Xmas tree I put up will probably still be hanging around my living room come Valentines day.  ::)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jan 4th, 2010 at 1:39am

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Jan 4th, 2010 at 2:29pm

Godyssey wrote on Jan 4th, 2010 at 1:39am:
Thinking of getting the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred.  I heard it's tough.

I have that DVD!  Level 1 kicks my butt!  Of course, your exercise level and mine are at opposite ends of the spectrum but it has 3 levels of intensity so I'm sure you'll get some benefit from it.   ;D

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jan 6th, 2010 at 7:28pm
the cap

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by kittennoodlesoup on Jan 8th, 2010 at 12:49am
Tell your husband that my weightlifting buddy swears by that DVD. He really likes it. :)

As for the hair steamer, I think that actually looks really cool. Very comfortable and inviting!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Jan 8th, 2010 at 7:33pm
Very cool steamer!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jan 17th, 2010 at 5:45pm
Thanks ladies, I'm still really liking the steamer.

Kittennoodlesoup:Thanks for letting me know that about the DVD.  My husband said he'd do it with me...I just haven't gotten around to buying it yet. :-[
Hair: I did buy a new faux jeweled hair comb, just like a pink one that I bought a few years ago.  I was surprised to see that they still sold them.  I love the way the wide teeth of the comb smoothly glide into my hair, so I got another in my favorite color, blue.

I did a vinegar rinse today and then used porosity control conditioner afterwards as my hair has been feeling pretty coated as of late.  I know it's the CHI silk infusion that I use daily but it's fine until I get build up. 

Purchased a bottle of Neutrogena leave in hair conditioner.  It used to be a regular staple of mine, but I haven't used it in a very long time.  So long that I'd forgotten how my hair behaved with it.  As it turns out it was a waste.  I still prefer Rusk, the brand that I switched to.  Only thing is, it  isn't conveniently availiable up the street like the Neutrogena is which is why I tried it.  The Neutrogena works fine on dry hair but Rusk is great for detangling wet hair and it's good on dry hair too, it's a twofer. ::)

Lastly, on the hair front, I gave myself another trim today after my wash.  I never trim the sides (only dust) just the back which seems to be growing (like always) faster than the sides.  I didn't measure it my hair or what I took off.  So, I'm not sure where I am, but my hair is more even now so I'm good.

Valentines Day: Put up my decorations on the 15th like I stated.  Luckily the rose wreath (which is made of wood) is holding up over the fireplace.  I wasn't sure if the heat would damage it but it hasn't. 

Still not sure what we're going to do for Valentines or our birthdays but we're thinking about it.

Shopping: Lucked out and got a dress from Newport News that I'd been eyeing since perhaps last spring or summer.  It was originally 89.00 but went on sale for 59.00 so I scooped it up. Hopefully it'll fit! :)  *crosses fingers*

Other: Saw Avatar in 3D at the movies last night.  Didn't like the violence, I wish that it were a more peaceful movie. :P   However,  the imagery was sooooo amazing, wow! :o

Counting down the days 'til "This Is It" is released. :-* 

I watched the Jackson brothers series, simply out of curiosity.  Was a bit surprised at how they couldn't get it together. :-?  I know it's been a long time since they've performed, but for them I suppose it's not "just like riding a bike". :-/

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jan 18th, 2010 at 5:49pm
Gardening: My bulbs that I planted in the fall are beginning to sprout, yay!!! :D  I'm so excited! 

Fitness: Today was a very nice sunny day, it got up to 59 degrees.  This morning when I saw the sun shining through the window, I thought it would be a nice day for a jog in the park.  Being out there was wonderful!  I can't wait for it to get warm enough so I can go out more often like we did last year.  Anyway, I jogged 2 laps and walked 2.  During the second lap, my hips began to hurt, so I walked after I completed it.  The pain went away and I felt that the walking was better than nothing.

Health:  Went to my psychiatrist today and she wants to ween me off of xanax or at least cut my dosage.  I'm fine with that except she said that without it I will most likely go back to suffering from anxiety. :-?  I don't want that to happen...we'll see.

She made me angry when she criticized my weight.  She asked (as she normally does) if I'd had any changes in appetite.  I told her that I'm still watching my calories as I don't want to gain any weight.  She told me that I look as though I could use a few more lbs. >:(  I explained that I lost 8 lbs since the summer and I'm proud of my accomplishment.  I also stated that I'm not trying to lose anymore weight but trying to maintain and become more toned.  She said okay, but I really don't feel that it was her place to make that comment.  How would she have liked it if I commented on her weight?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by kittennoodlesoup on Jan 19th, 2010 at 1:57am
Congrats on your bulbs! I can't wait until I have a yard so I can also plant bulbs. They're so spiffy.

It sounds much warmer where you are than here. We probably won't really see the 50's until mid March or April. And that's when you see all the people get out and start jogging!

As a psychiatrist, maybe she's just keeping an eye on it as a sort of mental health barometer? One of the signs of depression or anxiety can be changes in weight. Perhaps she just has a bad bedside manner in finding out if your weight loss is healthy or not!  :-?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Jan 19th, 2010 at 3:48am

I'm sure our posts are ridiculously hilarious if read by others...gotta love sisters! 

I'm not on FB (because my parents and every other person is!) and I don't have any sisters.  I'm trying to imagine the scenario. ;D  Don't know why that makes me laugh.

That was a lovely deep blue shade you wore.  I've been looking for something in that shade of blue since...I accidentally threw out a blue cocktail dress in the same color. 

She told me that I look as though I could use a few more lbs.   I explained that I lost 8 lbs since the summer and I'm proud of my accomplishment.  I also stated that I'm not trying to lose anymore weight but trying to maintain and become more toned.  She said okay, but I really don't feel that it was her place to make that comment.  How would she have liked it if I commented on her weight?

Some people's manners!  I understand that she's a psychiatrist and perhaps she's going through a mental check list of what certain "symptoms" might be indicative of but you shouldn't have to justify your weight or shape to her and after doing so she should certainly stop commenting! >:(  I'm an ex-obese and that was tough enough.  I wasn't prepared for how nasty people can be if you're slim.  I'll stop before I hi-jack your journal with a long rant.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Jan 19th, 2010 at 2:39pm

Godyssey wrote on Jan 18th, 2010 at 5:49pm:
Health:  Went to my psychiatrist today and she wants to ween me off of xanax or at least cut my dosage.  I'm fine with that except she said that without it I will most likely go back to suffering from anxiety. :-?  I don't want that to happen...we'll see.

Er... then why does she want to ween you off of it?  I mean, does she want to try a new medication?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Isabelle on Jan 19th, 2010 at 6:57pm
Hmmm... sounds like she does want to change your meds.  Mine doubled my script and it has made me dizzy at times.  Perhaps one day they will make meds that do not have nasty side effects.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jan 19th, 2010 at 7:27pm

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jan 20th, 2010 at 7:21pm
Fitness: Woke up early again and headed out to the park.  Rollerbladed for awhile and then ran the hills.  My calves are totally sore.  I was going to take tomorrow off, but I ate 6 crab rangoons today that I'll have to burn off.  Right now, I'm really sluggish.  Hopefully, I'll have more energy tomorrow.

Hair: Kept it in plaits all day today. 

My hair seems to be growing faster as I've had to trim my pointy back twice in a month.  I've been thinking that it may be because I've been inverting regularly lately. :-?

Gardening: Will go to Lowes tomorrow to get plastic sheeting.  Want to make sure that the tulips are protected just in case the temps get below freezing.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Jan 21st, 2010 at 1:09am
Mmmmmmm, I love crab rangoon!!!!!

Did you stretch out your calves, hamstrings and quads?  That'll help with the soreness.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jan 22nd, 2010 at 11:58pm
Yep, I stretched.  I'm okay now.  Just my thighs are sore but that's because I haven't really given myself much of a rest over the past few days.

Ooh, and yeah, crab rangoons are really good!!!!  Too good! ;)

Hair: Wore it out for the first time in a few days today.  The humidity made it feel soft.

Fitness: Ran the mounds in the park again today.  Funny how running up and down the grassy mounds doesn't wreak havok on my joints.  We ran back and forth 5 times and then jogged around the track.  It was a good workout day. :)

Tomorrow, upperbody.

Other:Heidi Montag (I believe her name is) is on tv right now.  She's had lot's of cosmetic surgeries, like 10 in one day.  Personally, I think she looks better, but she definitely looks way different than the before picture.  I'd think it would be weird to look in the mirror and see a completely different face.  Although, who knows?  Maybe it's not much different than changing hair color, or getting a drastic cut or something...just potentially dangerous. :-/

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jan 27th, 2010 at 12:40am
Got my copy of "This Is It" today. Well, my husband got it for me. He was upset because he also wanted to get the MJ cut out for me, but the store said they threw it away yesterday.  I didn't know why he wanted me to have it.  I don't even know what I would've done with it, but I'm glad that he went out of his way to do something like that for me...not that he doesn't all the time anyway. :)  He's absolutely the sweetest. :-*

Anyway, I keep watching the DVD over and over. My husband isn't a fan, but was really astounded by it and said that he is convinced that if the concert had come into fruition, it would've been the best show ever done. I agree but couldn't get over how impressed he was as a non fan.

He also stated that he thinks that my seeing the movie at this time was good because enough time had passed. I agreed. I feel that if I'd seen it in theaters when it was released so soon after Michael's passing that I would've cried. Although he said that I would've done more than just cried. He said I would've "lost it" and he would've had to carry me out of the theater. I don't think it would've been that bad, but it's okay to disagree. :P

But none the less, it is a great DVD and I'm glad that I have it because unfortunately, this is it. :-[ Fitness: Finally got my Jillian Michaels DVD the other day.  I decided not to go with the 30 day shred, but the body sculpt one, as I'm only trying to tone and no longer trying to lose weight.  Only thing is I haven't used it yet.  I want to wait until my husband is ready to do it with me but he's been pretty busy working lately, hopefully we'll do it tomorrow.

Although, I did do the warm up and I can see that it has potential.  However, on a weird but non pc note (hope no one takes offense). I wish the people working out behind Jillian were in better shape.  The people exercising behind her are overweight and it's hard for me to be inspired by that.  I guess what I need to do is just focus on Jillian and I'll be okay.

Gardening:  Even with the temps dipping into freezing overnight for the past few nights, my tulips are still doing great.  I'm glad that I covered them.  I'm on pins and needles.  I'm hoping they'll be in bloom by the end of next month.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Jan 27th, 2010 at 3:25am

The people exercising behind her are overweight and it's hard for me to be inspired by that.  I guess what I need to do is just focus on Jillian and I'll be okay.

In a around about way I understand it because when I was overweight and later obese, it was all the fit people who obviously didn't get that fit and toned on those exercises alone, who put me off exercise videos as they were called back then.  A mix of people with different fitness levels to inspire different people? 

If it's completely unrealistic for someone unfit to start with this DVD then it's misleading but if it's to demonstrate that anyone can start with this DVD then there should be a mix of people doing the exercises with her. 

Right now I need to lose a few lbs and I'm in poor cardio condition, I need to be careful with the toning because I tend to bulk up.  I just need the snow and ice to clear so I can get off my *** and get out and walk!  The "dancing" and mini-stepper is only doing me so much good.  Other body types might respond better to mini-steppers and dance/jump exercises.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Jan 27th, 2010 at 7:01pm
Drear: I totally agree.  A mix of people would be good.  I've read reviews on some bellydance DVD's where some people didn't like seeing thin girls teach because they felt it didn't represent them. I'm sure everyone is different in what inspires them.

Working around the house can be good exercise.  Actually, I prefer it because it doesn't feel like "exercise".  Unfortunately, I don't have much around the house that would get me toned. 

I doubt a mini stepper would work for me either.  Dancing can be good, but it depends on how intense it is.

Fitness:Today, I didn't work out but I did do lot's of cleaning and some garden work. :P

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Feb 5th, 2010 at 11:00am
Just noticed you haven't been on for a while...hope everything is all right.   :(

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Feb 5th, 2010 at 4:13pm
Hi Trisha.  Yep, I'm okay, thanks for asking. :)

Been working out pretty hard lately.  I had to take my body sculpt dvd back as it would no longer play, it kept pixilating.  They exchanged it. 

Level 1 wasn't much of a challenge so I skipped right to level 2, it kicks my butt.  I'm still bellydancing, doing the fitness coach, the elliptical etc.

My Birthday: Was going to go to New Orleans for my birthday, but the weather is going to be yucky so we'll remain local.  Not sure what we're going to do though.

I got on the scale the other day and it said 123, pretty cool. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Feb 6th, 2010 at 9:39am
I'd really like to try some exercise DVD that combines bellydance moves/exercises.  That sounds like my kind of thing. 

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Feb 8th, 2010 at 11:49pm

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Feb 12th, 2010 at 1:27am

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Feb 12th, 2010 at 8:24am
:-[   I'm sorry I'm late!!!  I wish you the most happy bithday wishes and good health for the coming year!! 
The pics are great and you look so happy!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Feb 12th, 2010 at 11:55am
Aw, how sweet of your hubby--looks like you had a wonderful birthday! 

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Feb 13th, 2010 at 11:19am
The balloons and cake are so sweet!!  Happy Birthday!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Feb 13th, 2010 at 1:45pm

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Feb 13th, 2010 at 4:34pm
Those masks are beautiful!  A very belated happy birthday!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Feb 14th, 2010 at 9:40am
Those masks are really pretty!  I especially love yours,LD!  What can I say, I am a pink girl!!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Feb 14th, 2010 at 11:04pm
I'm so glad you had such an awesome birthday!!!  I hope you have an awesome year!!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel on Feb 15th, 2010 at 1:39pm
Hey, girlie. Sorry it's late, but cool mask & happy belated b-day. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Feb 16th, 2010 at 12:31am

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Feb 27th, 2010 at 1:45am
hilarious and unexpected.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Feb 27th, 2010 at 5:59am
Your hair looks beautiful!  If you feel you needed a haircut and now it feels healthier,heavier,well, then good for you! ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel on Feb 27th, 2010 at 11:19am
:-? Just tell them it'll grow back?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Mar 1st, 2010 at 9:49am
I think it's safe to state that LongLocks is not just about the growing of hair; it's about striving for healthy hair.  You're doing just that.   :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Mar 1st, 2010 at 7:54pm
Your hair looks great!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Mar 7th, 2010 at 12:38am
freaking out

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel on Mar 7th, 2010 at 1:08am
Weird. My dad & I both write songs in our sleep. I'd thought it was just a musician thing. ::)

Hope you can find the dog's owner.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Mar 7th, 2010 at 1:38am
Well, I'm sure that you and your father probably are given much better material :) but it is werid. 

I asked my husband if he's ever received a song in his sleep and he said no, never.  However, he's never been an artistic sort of person. 

Although, you'd have to wonder what criteria would determine who gets songs of not? 

I know it was more frequent when I was in school for music production and I was in singing groups and stuff.  Now it rarely happens. 

I guess the most obvious answer would have to be, the more you're around music, the more you think about it, and therefore dream about it. :)

And thanks.  I hope we find the owner too.  Unfortunatley, we haven't seen any signs or anything.  Doesn't seem like the owner is interested or looking.  It makes me angry because it is definitely domesticated.  It appears that she was thrown out onto the streets by someone she loved and trusted.  So many houses are going up for sale around here, maybe people are leaveing their pets behind.  It's so sad. :-[

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Mar 7th, 2010 at 4:46am
Sookie is beautiful!  If the owner isn't looking for her then in my opinion they don't deserve her back!  She looks very comfortable in front of the camera!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Mar 7th, 2010 at 10:15am
In the past, I've only asked once if fx. a cat was missing before deciding to keep it.  Of course, if someone had reported it missing, I would've returned it but that's never happened.  That sort of thing upsets me too but I don't think you're doing anything wrong by not advertising that you've found someone else's possibly missing pet. 

People these days, let pets out in all sorts of irresponsible ways.

Btw. your hair looks great. I agree with what Trisha wrote.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Mar 8th, 2010 at 10:18am
Sookie is a cutie and looks right at home.   8-)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Mar 15th, 2010 at 11:22pm
Thanks everyone for your concern about Sookie.  Actually, we did walk her everyday, asking neighbors if they knew anything about her, or who owned her.  However nothing ever turned up. 

We knew we couldn't keep her as that never was the plan but she also began to get territorial with my husband and me.  Since we were feeding and doting on her.  She didn't want to share that affection, so she'd growl at the cat's and chase them away.

It was so cute to see my husband get protective of the cats.  He set up a doggie hotel in the garage for Sookie, with lot's of ammenities.  Although, I'd ususally let her out and we'd sleep on the living room floor together.  While the cats slept in bed with my husband.

Anyway, I wanted to take her to the shelter to be adopted or euthanized instead of roaming the street, but my husband disagreed.  On our last walk, we unattached the leash.  She followed us a bit at first, but then she went in another direction.  We didn't see but we heard someone call for her and that was the last we saw her.

Yesterday, we noticed new missing dog signs around the neighborhood that weren't there before and they had Sookies face on them and a phone number.  I thought it couldn't be the same dog because we were told that the dog was roaming for at least a month and there weren't any signs then. 

But since it looked so much like her, my husband called the number.  He asked if they'd gotten their dog back and the owner said yes.  He explained that we had the dog for a few days, in which we fed and bathed her and then let her go. The owner said "I know".  That confused me because we've never met or spoken before. :-?  And the woman didn't even say thank you.  In hindsight, I feel that she thought we stole her dog. :-? 

Anyway, aside from those signs being up and making me suspicious about the whole thing, today was wonderful!

I cut some branches from a flowering tree to bring them indoors for a nice spring decoration.  They look like cherry blossoms but I don't know what these trees are.

Also, on the way home, I saw a discarded chair and ottoman set on the curb waiting for trash pick up.  I decided to take them instead.  I put one chair in my back yard, the other I don't think I'll keep for lack of room.

Flowers are blooming or about to bloom...new growth is everywhere!  It's so exciting and I must make my annual report that today I saw my first butterfly of the spring, YAY!!!!  [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] 
Catvasebouquet.jpg (58 KB | 255 )
diningbouquet.jpg (43 KB | 269 )
Hyacinthinbloom.jpg (102 KB | 233 )

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Mar 15th, 2010 at 11:25pm
The chair I found.
Margardenfoundchair.jpg (158 KB | 246 )

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Mar 15th, 2010 at 11:41pm
Its good that the dog got back to its owner, and I agree it is strange that it took so long for the owner to post the notice.  Maybe the dog goes missing for long periods of time as a matter of course.
I find it weird she didn't thank you for taking such good care of her "beloved"? pet.

The branches are so pretty!  They look great on your table.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Mar 16th, 2010 at 12:13am
Who knows? Perhaps they felt guilted into taking it back seeing that we were trying to hard to locate them.  It was strange.

I'm glad you like the branches!  I need to find out what they are and how to keep them healthy for as long as I can.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Mar 16th, 2010 at 3:47pm
The branches are pretty.  Maybe they're a hybrid of a chrysathanimum?
Some people are strange..........If it were me,thank you would have been the first thing I said.  Who knows,maybe they thought they said it or thought they did. :-/

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Mar 16th, 2010 at 10:57pm
I wasn't really looking for a pat on the back.  I just didn't like the way she said it, as though I did something wrong.  But that could've just been my weird perception of the whole thing. :-/

Anyway, thanks for the potential lead on the tree.  I'll look that up. :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Mar 17th, 2010 at 1:30pm
People are weird, period. 
--Is that perhaps a pink dogwood?  I can't see the blooms clearly enough to tell. 

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Mar 17th, 2010 at 3:44pm
Ding, ding, ding, yay, that's it!  A pink dogwood tree! :D  Thanks, Trisha!  I would love to grow one if I could. 

Easter: My husband and I are thinking of dying eggs this year, I haven't done that since I was a wee little one.  Only thing is, we don't want to do pastels.  We want to make faberge looking eggs.  Dark tones and rhinestones.  I think it'll be fun, but we aren't sure those dye colors exhist. 

I suggested that if we can find the dye, that we only do 6 eggs, 3 a piece.  Then, he could eat his 3 and I'd eat mine and it wouldn't be too much.  He said that people don't eat Easter eggs.  He said they're just for decoration and then thrown away after Easter. :-? 

Is that everyones reality?  As a kid, we always ate ours along with the jellybeans, chocolates and whatever else. :-?

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Mar 17th, 2010 at 9:31pm
Prior to my pescatarian lifestyle..........we as kids ate our Easter eggs,too!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Mar 17th, 2010 at 11:33pm
I eat Easter eggs!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel on Mar 18th, 2010 at 12:35am
Your husband is the first person I've ever heard of who doesn't eat his Easter eggs (what a waste), so yeah, he's definitely wrong. ;)

We keep ours in the fridge after Easter and eat them as a snack or sometimes turn them into deviled eggs. http://smilieshq.com/smilies/party0021.gif

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Mar 18th, 2010 at 11:33am
I always ate my Easter eggs!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Mar 18th, 2010 at 12:25pm
Thanks for the answers, ladies.  I was thinking that perhaps my family was weird. 

I did find a good bacon and cheddar deviled egg recipe.  Maybe I'll try that with the eggs.  Last night, I got a Paas glitter egg dye kit.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Mar 18th, 2010 at 1:48pm
Ooohh, deviled eggs-yum!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Mar 19th, 2010 at 11:29am
Oh no, we always, always ate our Easter eggs!  Mmm, deviled eggs...now I have to make some this weekend!   :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Mar 19th, 2010 at 6:47pm
I FOUND it!!!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Mar 22nd, 2010 at 12:39pm
Yeah, I was going to say...I would simply put that in the letter to them (what you said about his birthdates) and maybe the researchers can find him anyway.  I hope so--good luck!   :)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Mar 23rd, 2010 at 11:35pm
fairytale garden

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Mar 24th, 2010 at 1:26am
I'm so glad your garden is becoming what you envisioned.  The chair looks great with the paint job!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by kittennoodlesoup on Mar 25th, 2010 at 10:24pm
Your garden pictures are lovely! I can't wait for spring to catch up here, so I can start digging into my garden.

After reading about the homework issue with your husband's son, I am very worried for him. Is he doing well enough on the tests? In college, if he is interested in going, the workload was at the same times less and more than in highschool!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by la diosa on Mar 29th, 2010 at 12:45am
Hot Tub Time Machine

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Godyssey on Mar 31st, 2010 at 12:51am

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Mar 31st, 2010 at 2:12am
That's a great pic of you-the dress color looks great with your skin!!!

The squirrel is very cute.

When I saw the new name, I freaked out just a little.  I'm glad its still you.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Godyssey on Apr 1st, 2010 at 12:55am
carnivorous plants

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Apr 1st, 2010 at 1:02am
The tulips are gorgeous!

I don't play any games on Facebook.  Too time consuming and I think I'm on the computer enough as it is.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Godyssey on Apr 1st, 2010 at 1:05am
Thanks about the tulips.  I'm so happy with them. :)

As far as games on Facebook, I totally agree.  Too time consuming.  I'd rather be doing other things.

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Apr 1st, 2010 at 11:23am
Your backyard garden is really great--so much color!  And I love the little squirrel; they're so much fun to watch.   :) 

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel on Apr 1st, 2010 at 12:35pm
Quite the lively garden you've got going on, girlie. ;)

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Apr 4th, 2010 at 7:33pm
What a lovely garden!  I love it!

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Godyssey on Apr 8th, 2010 at 12:41am
faceted amethyst hummingbird feeder

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Apr 8th, 2010 at 1:36am

It's so funny that people still have such views in this day and age.  I had no idea that people still held onto such old fashioned ideas.

:o  Yet I read about a hairdresser who trained in the 1940s and worked through the 1950s-60s and she said that women of all ages got their hair dyed but especially older ladies would come in with a dress and say they wanted her to order a rinse to match it.  Aside from a mini trend in pink streaks in blonde hair, it now seems that the only ones who do "outrageous" colors are teens and a few bohemes who go for deep berry shades. 

I'd love for everyone to embrace their natural hair color even those with greys, moussy tones and dishwater whatever...but no one should be judged by their decision to dye their hair, have a crazy cut or do whatever they want to their hair...like grow it really long! :)

so suprised that this place that was so near to our home existed.

I usually find *the* places in other people's towns and vice versa. 

Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by MichelleR on Apr 8th, 2010 at 8:49pm
Anyone ever watch Are You Being Served?  Mrs. Slocombe always had different hair colors that usually matched her eyeshadow.


Title: Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel on Apr 8th, 2010 at 9:36pm
In the south, some people do consider dyed hair trashy. Same goes for tight or revealing clothes and strong makeup. There's a song called Trashy Women by the band Confederate Railroad that clearly defines this. ;)

Title: Re: Goddessey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Godyssey on Apr 12th, 2010 at 2:28am
No, I've never watched Are You Being Served?  However, I'm always of the opinion that people can do whatever they whant to themselves and shouldn't be judged for it.

Although, when I see commericaials for that tatoo ink show, I'll admit that I judge.  It's actually more of me questioning how these people whith their enitire bodies painted could fit into society.

Never heard the song Confederate Railroad but it seems to me that these people need to mind their own business and move on.  Some people can be so unnecessaryily superficial.

My Outdoor Gold Fish: Urna and The Nameless One Passed away.  We're all a bit sad about it in our house, even the cats.  But we'll get more fish, pehaps next month  I'll try to be more careful.

Hair: Did relaxer and cut off 1 half inch.  I'm so happy with my hair at this point.  It isn't long, just a bit past APL but it is mostly the same length with the excteption of my bang and it is thick.  I'm lovin' it.  Currently, I feel like I am at the beginning of my journey.

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel on Apr 12th, 2010 at 10:12am

However, I'm always of the opinion that people can do whatever they whant to themselves and shouldn't be judged for it.

Ah, if only that were true. The unfortunate reality is that people form opinions of others within seconds of seeing them. First impressions are everything.

Although, when I see commericaials for that tatoo ink show, I'll admit that I judge.  It's actually more of me questioning how these people whith their enitire bodies painted could fit into society.

Case rested.

it seems to me that these people need to mind their own business and move on.  Some people can be so unnecessaryily superficial.

It probably isn't much consolation to know that people you judge undoubtedly feel the same way about you.

My Outdoor Gold Fish: Urna and The Nameless One Passed away.  We're all a bit sad about it in our house, even the cats.  But we'll get more fish, pehaps next month  I'll try to be more careful.

:( Sorry about your fish. I really don't think that there could be a more temperamental pet. They tend to die a lot in general.

Currently, I feel like I am at the beginning of my journey.

That rather depends on where your journey ends, doesn't it? ;)

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Godyssey on Apr 12th, 2010 at 11:52pm
in a perfect world

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Apr 13th, 2010 at 1:48am
Congratulations!  What a sweet gift.

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel on Apr 13th, 2010 at 1:54am

Like they say, unless you walk a mile in another mans shoes...

If you wanna walk a mile in a man's shoes, you go right on ahead, hunnay. :P ;D

Totally dig the crystal cat. 8-)

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Apr 13th, 2010 at 5:15am

What I was trying to get across is that in a perfect world we would all mind our own business and not judge.  However, because of conditioning from society, sometimes we can't help but to

I actually give this a lot of thought both when I experience it or notice others experiencing it but also when I catch myself doing it or realize it later. 

I'm not really a cat person (aside from that cat that was mine who thinks he's a dog) but I like things with cats on them.  That crystal cat is  beautiful.  I like cats, we just don't "click" as well as I do with dogs. ;D

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Apr 13th, 2010 at 10:07am
Congrats on the anniversary! 
The roses and kitty are beautiful!  :)

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Godyssey on Apr 14th, 2010 at 2:23am
What the F is up with spinach??? 

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Apr 14th, 2010 at 8:21am
It's called excerise burn out.  Once you've got it, it's hard to get rid of it right away.  If you alter your routine like you're doing by working in the garden, you'll be fine. ;)  Variety,duration and just plain fun works well!!

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Apr 14th, 2010 at 12:36pm
Congratulations on being together 15 years! 

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Godyssey on Apr 14th, 2010 at 8:57pm

Curlgirl64 wrote on Apr 14th, 2010 at 8:21am:
It's called excerise burn out.  Once you've got it, it's hard to get rid of it right away.  If you alter your routine like you're doing by working in the garden, you'll be fine. ;)  Variety,duration and just plain fun works well!!

Curlgirl: Yes, I believe that I do have exercise burn out.  My husband is still pushing me though.  If it weren't for him, I'd just let it go for now. 

I agree with what you said about fun.  I was chasing my cat around today and it was so much fun.  I then suggested to my husband the "we" play a game of it tag.  It's so much fun!  He said no because it would be "gay".  He asked (in jest) if we would have a tickle fight if we both tagged each other at the same time. ::)  Too bad I don't have my nieces or nephews to play with. :-[ 
Trisha: Thank you. :)

Gardening: I snapped this pic today, I'm so loving it!
catterpilar2.jpg (113 KB | 436 )

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Godyssey on Apr 20th, 2010 at 1:41am
lots of days out back

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Godyssey on Apr 20th, 2010 at 2:13am
my weekend...

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Apr 20th, 2010 at 5:15am
What a fantastic way to celebrate your anniversary!  Lovely patio area. :)

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Apr 20th, 2010 at 11:58am
Great pics!  It looks like you had a blast!!!
I can't believe how much older Al B Sure looks!!!  I remember him with a baby face in the 80's! :o

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Godyssey on Apr 21st, 2010 at 11:11pm
Thanks, Drear!

Curlgirl:  I still think he has that babyface...well, for a man in his forties.

Hair: Don't care.  It's healthy and I'm enjoying it at it's current length.  I will be growing my bangs out, but aside from that, I'm loving it!

Other: This is sooo my favorite time of year!  I've come out of hibernation and I get to live again.  Just like the plants and flowers that I love so much.  I am nature, it is me!! :)

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Apr 22nd, 2010 at 11:09am
Cool pics--sounds like a great time!  BowWow's eyes are gorgeous; I can't stop staring at them...   8-)

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Godyssey on May 10th, 2010 at 1:07am
Still really busy... 

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on May 10th, 2010 at 5:20am
*ouch!*  How awful for your cat!  Unleashed dogs, don't get me started.....

The dress is gorgeous.  Nearly bought a top similar to the one you're wearing in the first pictures except it was in jersey and for casual wear and they were so cheap yet looked great but I wasn't sure if a woman my age can pull them off.  How silly of me.  I like all the earrings I've seen you wear too.  I like danglers but I need to wear proportionally smaller ones.   

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on May 10th, 2010 at 7:26am
Poor Kat!  Hope your baby is feeling better soon!

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on May 10th, 2010 at 3:26pm
Aw, sorry to hear about "kat" -- how scary for you both. 

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Godyssey on May 11th, 2010 at 4:47pm

Drear wrote on May 10th, 2010 at 5:20am:
*ouch!*  How awful for your cat!  Unleashed dogs, don't get me started.....

The dress is gorgeous.  Nearly bought a top similar to the one you're wearing in the first pictures except it was in jersey and for casual wear and they were so cheap yet looked great but I wasn't sure if a woman my age can pull them off.  How silly of me.  I like all the earrings I've seen you wear too.  I like danglers but I need to wear proportionally smaller ones.   

Thanks, Drear.  You crack me up.  You aren't old...of course you could pull off that top. ::)

As far as the dog...well afterwards my husband wanted to shoot it. :-/   I completely disagreed with that, but I am angry that such a dangerous animal was roaming the neighborhood.

Thanks, Trisha and Curlgirl for your concern about Kat.  She is fine now and even back to hopping the fence. :o  I'm going to schedule her dental cleaning soon and also I'm getting medical insurance for both Kat and Kali.  It will only cover injuries and illness but at least they will be covered if something out of the ordinary happens.  Only drawback is that the insurance is a reimbursment program.  Apparently vet's can't or won't bill the insurance company.  They want their money up front and the insurance will reimburse me 80%.  The price is 20 a month per cat which I think is a bit steep, but it'll give me peace of mind. 

Oh well, off to workout. :)

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Godyssey on May 12th, 2010 at 2:41pm
Red Bull

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on May 12th, 2010 at 3:30pm
I personally think you look better and healthier in the second photo.  In photo #1 you look a bit too thin.  But again, just my opinion. 

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Godyssey on May 12th, 2010 at 4:17pm
Thanks for your opinion.  I brought it up and he said that he wasn't calling me fat. ::)

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel on May 12th, 2010 at 4:28pm
All I'm going to say is calculate your BMI. It sounds like your husband may be projecting some of his own insecurities onto you.

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Godyssey on May 13th, 2010 at 9:18am
  It looked so much prettier in the vase.

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Godyssey on May 15th, 2010 at 4:02am
I used a creamy leave in

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on May 15th, 2010 at 9:22am
Even if you don't have a relationship with your stepson it still sounds good.  You're not expected or certainly shouldn't e expected to take on a parental role.  So I think you should feel good about it.  Uhm...I'm just having trouble expressing myself today.  Must be the stars...

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Angel on May 15th, 2010 at 12:03pm
Whoa, those are definitely not the irises you ordered, eh? Perhaps you should try a different vendor?

I've also talked to my (geeze this always sounds weird) stepson more tonight than I have in years.  In recent years I felt that he didn't like me (not sure why) but I suppose we're okay.  It's just that we don't have anything in common.  I mean, he's 14 and he's not my child.  What are we supposed to talk about?

:-? Begging your pardon, ma'am, but you do have something in common. You're married to this boy's father. It's perfectly normal for kids to resent their parents' new significant others at first, but they usually come around. Well, unless their parent married someone awful or someone who ignores them. Ahem. Anyway, he is your stepson and one of the most important people in his life is the most important person in your life. That really shouldn't require an explanation.

In Drear's blog, we were talking about doing house work in dresses.  Last night, I saw Sade's newest video for the first time and I thought it was so beautiful.  She's cooking dinner, doing chores and looks absolutely lovely.   

Sweetie, that's a music video, not real life. ::) The whole 1950's ideal about women vacuuming in pearls was a farce. That shouldn't need explaining either.

Did a CW with Long Term Relationship.  I loved the way my hair felt when it was wet but it dried very dry.

Ah, LTR...don't you just love the fragrance? Reminds me of a Revlon perfume that I used to wear in high school.
    It's alright as a conditioner, but not overly moisturizing. More fragrance than moisture, I daresay. :-/ I thought you were into all natural products...?

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Godyssey on May 18th, 2010 at 11:05pm
has a negative filter

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on May 19th, 2010 at 9:38am
Nice pics! :)

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on May 19th, 2010 at 1:21pm
I love the negative of you in the cemetery, very cool.  It makes me think "voodoo" for some reason.   :)

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Godyssey on May 20th, 2010 at 12:14am
Curlgirl: Thank you!

Trisha: Thanks.  I think it looks more like I'm a blue faerie visiting a grave site.

Other: I'm home now and happy about it, although my cat's weren't excited to see us as they usually are.  They didn't come down to greet us like they usually do when we go away.  When we came in, they acted like we'd just went to the store or something. :-? 

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on May 20th, 2010 at 4:31am
On a day like today, I wish that was me at the sea. :)

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Godyssey on May 21st, 2010 at 11:28pm
lit a fragrant candle

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Godyssey on Jun 17th, 2010 at 4:01am
has had it's up's and down's

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Drear on Jun 18th, 2010 at 3:37am

My right side is still shorter than my left but at this time I can finally say that it itsn't by much

I'm going through a phase of evening out some parts too.  It helps me to think the same way too.

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Godyssey on Jun 22nd, 2010 at 1:56am
I think that my condition may be a chronic one.  I believe that my left side just grows extrememly faster.  I've been taking my biotin for years, as directed by my doctor.  My hair hasn't fallen out since, but the rate of growth on that side compared to the rest is uber slow. :P

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Godyssey on Aug 25th, 2010 at 3:22pm
I'm still alive. :) 

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Curlgirl64 on Aug 25th, 2010 at 8:26pm
Glad you're ok and back! :)  Missed ya!   Sounds like you've had a good summer and are doing pretty well.
I like the kitty's wall. ;)

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Trisha on Aug 27th, 2010 at 11:31am
Good to see you writing again; I was starting to wonder if everything was okay with you.   :)  Sounds as if your summer has been a busy one!

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Sakina on Aug 30th, 2010 at 10:45am
I was wondering about you!  I'm glad to hear you're keeping busy, and that your hair is doing well.

Sorry about the garden...

Title: Re: Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths
Post by Elaine84 on Aug 31st, 2010 at 2:49pm
It so wonderful that you were able to re-connect with your old friend!  It sounds like you guys must have been uber close to be able to pick up the connections again!  Also, I love your kitty bathroom!   ;D

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