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Leaving your hair down (Read 26484 times)

Posts: 745
Dhaka, Bangladesh
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Leaving your hair down
May 5th, 2003 at 12:26pm
For those of you with coarse/thick hair, do you find any problem leaving your hair down? Does the hair sometimes feel "poofy?" What are your solutions to these problems? (Haha my solution: I don't leave my hair down unless it's wet ...  Cry)
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Re: Leaving your hair down
Reply #1 - May 6th, 2003 at 9:55pm
i don't really know but i feel your pain. i've got thick curly hair that i just put up in a ponytail every day. i've been thinking about getting thermal reconditioning, but i've only seen pictures of people with thin hair and it makes me mad!
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Dhaka, Bangladesh
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Re: Leaving your hair down
Reply #2 - May 6th, 2003 at 11:10pm
What is thermal reconditioning, and does it thin your hair down?
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Shooting Star

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Re: Leaving your hair down
Reply #3 - May 7th, 2003 at 1:55am
Here's an article at the Hair Boutique that explains the process.  http://www.hairboutique.com/tips/tip1104.htm
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Re: Leaving your hair down
Reply #4 - May 7th, 2003 at 5:55am
Just reading about it makes my extremely straight hair stand on end.  I would never consider doing that to my hair.  Course, I'd give anything for curls... except the health of my hair.  No perms for me!

I hope you think long and hard about this one.
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Susan Maxwell Schmidt
LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Dhaka, Bangladesh
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Re: Leaving your hair down
Reply #5 - May 7th, 2003 at 6:15am
Oh! I've heard about this - there's this new thing called hair bonding too. I think that's just terrible, just consider this before you go and do that to your hair: there are more straight haired people in this world, which means there are more people who want curly hair!  Wink My hair is wavy and easy to curl but my mother, who has dead straight hair, killed her hair by getting perms and using mousse and gel and all sorts of things to make her hair curly! She's finally learned to live with it and accept her straight (might I add gorgeous!!) hair, and I hope you grow to accept your lovely curls.
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Shooting Star

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Re: Leaving your hair down
Reply #6 - May 7th, 2003 at 10:52am
I have seen pictures of before and after thermal reconditioning, and it can be beautiful when done correctly.  I falls under the same category as perms as far as permanent changes to the hair, but apparently, when done correctly and conditioned afterwards, the damages are minimized.  I've not seen how the hair looks 6 months or a year after it has been done, which would be the true test.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Posts: 745
Dhaka, Bangladesh
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Re: Leaving your hair down
Reply #7 - May 7th, 2003 at 12:38pm
One of my friends who has a slight wave in her hair got this done to her hair. She got it done in July, twice, because it didn't work the first time. She also got an all over dye and highlights after that. She has a ton of split ends and guess what... still a slight wave in her hair  Wink!
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Global Salon Moderator

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East Nottingham, PA
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Re: Leaving your hair down
Reply #8 - May 7th, 2003 at 10:52pm
I've not seen how the hair looks 6 months or a year after it has been done, which would be the true test.

Yeah, that's the question, isn't it?  My hair always looked great when it was first permed, too.  Then I spent *years* fixing the damage.  Many years.
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Susan Maxwell Schmidt
LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Rapunzel never had it so good...
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Posts: 745
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Gender: female
Re: Leaving your hair down
Reply #9 - May 7th, 2003 at 11:36pm
Yeah, why hurt your hair if you have other, better ways of curling/straightening your hair?
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Re: Leaving your hair down
Reply #10 - Nov 16th, 2003 at 5:08pm
If you have thick , poofy , frizzy hair and wish to keep it down , then I have the solution for you. You could get it thermaly reconditioned, but that costs so much money and its so damaging for your hair. First of start with a deeply moisturizing shampoo and conditioner, like Nexxus Hummectrus shampoo and Therrape Conditioner. After your shower apply a leave in conditioner and a straightening product like Beyond the Zone Board Straight spray from Sally Beauty Supply. Then divide your hair into sectiona and blowdr y your hair with a boars hair brush , making sure to point your dryer down and keeping plenty of tension on the brush. When hair is completley dry. Divide your hair into section and flat iron 1inch section starting at the root and slowly moving towards the ends. For the best results I recommend the Farouk CHI Ceramic Styling Iron, this iron is a little pricy about 100 to 120.00, but you may find them cheaper. This iron gets so hot so fast and gets hair straight, but the ceramic is gentle on your unlike metal irons, you r hair will feel wonderfuly soft. After flat ironing mist hair with a shine spray like Biolage Shine renewal. I hope this will help taking your thick poofy , frizzy hair and making it into sleek , shiny hair. Goodluck
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Controlling the hair-beast
Reply #11 - Feb 2nd, 2004 at 8:04am
This tip for controlling thick hair is so tried and true that I am sure that it is somewhere else on this message board . . . I originally read it in Allure magazine.  I do this treatment about once a month, but I have resorted to doing it once a week at times when my hair was just plain uncontrollable.

Get good-quality olive oil or almond oil, about 1/2 cup.  Comb it through dry hair, concentrating on ends and trying to avoid roots.  Work some of your usual hair conditioner into your hair to create a kind of "seal-coat".  This process is very messy so it is best to have towels handy.  Wrap towel around your head and sit it out from anywhere from 15 minutes to a half an hour. 

Shower and wash hair thoroughly.  You can even lather twice.  Rinse thoroughly.  Once you have, actually condition your hair once again, just for 2 minutes this time, and rinse. 

Towel dry.  My hair loses its coarseness if I do this treatment.  I've tried the V05 Hot Oil Treatments but they do not produce the same results.  Olive oil works the best.  I also hate how poufy my hair is at the bottom end, so it helps control that too.

Some other tips for super-thick hair--never wash once a day.  All the natural oils wash out and huge, unmanageable hair is the result.  Also, I can't say enough about my straightening iron.


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Shooting Star

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Re: Leaving your hair down
Reply #12 - Feb 2nd, 2004 at 1:19pm
You could turn your conditioning process into a hot oil treatment by warming the oil before putting in on your hair, and warming the towels as well.  Replace the towels every 5 minutes with another warm towel.  This does a great job of conditioning your hair.

To warm a towel, get it slightly damp then put in the microwave for about a minute.

I've never had any luck with the olive oil (it seems to dry my hair  Tongue ), but jojoba oil works well with this type of conditioning.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Leaving your hair down
Reply #13 - Feb 7th, 2004 at 4:08pm
I prefer to leave my hair down, but it doesn't seem as poofy as it used to be. My secret is using "ultra" moisturizing conditioners. I know that they're probably just weighing my hair down, but at least it's soft and silky now. As long as I don't use conditioner on my scalp, I'm fine. Smiley
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Anais Satin

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Bill Gates' backyard, WA
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Re: Leaving your hair down
Reply #14 - Jun 8th, 2004 at 3:58pm
Hey Folks

my hair is extremely thick and coarse, but I found the perfect conditioner to manage it... and it looks like everybody else's volume now. BioBasics Conditioner by Suave Professionals is my new favorite.

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