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Leaving your hair down (Read 26482 times)

I love American Pit Bull

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Re: Leaving your hair down
Reply #15 - Apr 25th, 2005 at 4:54pm
The only problem I have when leaving my hair down is that it gets tangled underneath. All I do for that is comb it or add leave in conditioner and then comb. I almost always wear my hair down.
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I love American Pit Bull

Posts: 27
Gender: female
Re: Leaving your hair down
Reply #16 - Apr 25th, 2005 at 5:05pm
THE BEST CONDITIONER EVER! I strongly recommend NATURES THERAPY, available in Sally's Beauty Supply Store! This stuff is awsome! it is usually about $8-$12 but it is worth it, ladies. If you have thick, unmanagable hair, put this stuff in your hair for a few minutes up to a few hours or even overnight (depending on what you have time for) Your hair will be easy to manage and comb and should loose its poof. Be very careful not to apply to roots. This is an ultra conditioning and thick product that will weigh your hair down if you are not careful!
YOU MUST GIVE IT A TRY!! I give it a 10! Best conditioner I have ever used.
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2b/2c F/Niii Mohagany

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Re: Leaving your hair down
Reply #17 - May 6th, 2005 at 3:01am
what works for me, is using a cone-free CO as a leave in, smoothing it through dry hair in small doses.  A little olive oil added tends to help too.  Honestly, though, I usually wait a day or two before I leave it, gives it a chance to relax a bit.  Having it in a chingon for a day or so helps to hold it straight-ish.

And since the opportunity presents itself...  am I the only one who sees the phrase 'won't weigh hair down' and screams 'NO!  For the love of God WEIGH IT DOWN!'?  First thing I look for in a CO is keeping this fluff tamed, and that means weight Smiley
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Posts: 83
Hampshire, United Kingdom
Gender: female
Re: Leaving your hair down
Reply #18 - Jan 14th, 2006 at 10:06am
I am new to this site and read the notices on leaving your hair down with great interest.

I have waist length ginger/auburn (never sure what colour it is as it has been described in so many different ways, even strawberry blonde!). I have tried all sorts of conditioners and yesterday tried one with 2 whole eggs and 3 tbsp.olive oil (though I had to trebble the amount due to so much hair) mixed together with a whisk. It should be left in for about 15 to 20 minutes but I left it in for about 4 hours hoping that is would do it more good. It was very  successful in conditioning my hair even to the ends but I was a bit worried I may be trying to wash out scrambled egg by the time I got to the shower. I left it to dry naturally but being fairly wavy, fairly coarse and very thick it looks like a bush this morning so I will be getting our my hair  straighteners as soon as I can. The only thing with hair straighteners is that I am worried about the damage I might do to my hair even though I use products to protect the hair from the heat. Has anyone got any suggestions as to what is the best hair protector for straighteners since I couldn't possibly go out like this, I look like the wild woman of Borneo, I use Tresseme at the moment is there anything better?
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One of the ways I've been
torturing my hair in

Posts: 78
Gender: female
Re: Leaving your hair down
Reply #19 - Apr 1st, 2007 at 12:01pm
Jojoba-oil and a good conditioner does the trick for me...!  Cheesy

Oh, and wearing it in a braid the fist day after you washed it can be recommended too.  Roll Eyes
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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
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Re: Leaving your hair down
Reply #20 - Apr 3rd, 2007 at 2:18pm
Good Morning all,  I leave my hair down most of the time.  I have begun to put olive oil in it at nite before a wash the next day.  That has removed the poofy heavy look.  My hair is laying much flatter now.  All I do is:  1.  split dry hair in 1/2.
2. Then take 1 small section at a time and apply the oil.  I start at the ends and work up.  NO oil on the scalp.
3.  After completing 1 side, then I go to the other until whole head is done.
4.  I put a towel on my pillow, and sleep w/oil in my hair.
5.  wash the next morning, ACV rinse, then condition.
My hair has gotten sooo soft, and I have been doing this for about a week.
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