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Finchquilts Frame of Mind (Read 20184 times)

Posts: 27
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Finchquilts Frame of Mind
Jun 26th, 2004 at 12:35pm
I last had a real haircut when I was 18 years old, when I had it cut short and frosted.  Because I have red in my hair it took 8 hours to frost.  I have thigh length hair now at age 53.  I wish I had done "all the right things" over the years so that it would be healthier, but I didn't!  I have always had very thick hair, but when I went on a diet drug and lost 60 lbs in three months, I also lost half of my hair.  It has filled back in thickness (as have my hips LOL  Grin), but causes a frayed look to my braids. 

I plan to order some Jojoba oil as a result of the messages on this site.  I use a boar bristle brush, but confess to another type of brush, the type of which will remain nameless,  Grin that I use when I need to really get the tangles out. I use Pantene conditioners quite a bit, but I try not to use the same products all the time.

I work as a secretary in a hospital, so I need to keep my hair neat and together.  I like to braid my hair and then pull it down through a hole in the nape of the neck for a twisted look.  I can then put a hair stick or comb at the nape into the braid. I want to take the time to practice other styles - but it is difficult doing them myself.  I also buy thin, long fabric covered elastic bands at WalMart and use a "wrap and twist" down the length of my hair to give a fake braid look, as if I was doing a pony tail but pulling the wrap down.  People always ask me how I "braid" my hair that way.  WinkMore later..............................................
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Re: Finchquilts Frame of Mind
Reply #1 - Jun 27th, 2004 at 10:38pm
I drove out to the closest Trader Joe's yesterday hoping to find some jojoba oil there.  Wasn't so lucky so I came home and ordered some on line.  I also ordered some of the Suave Professionals.  They probably sell it around here somewhere, but I was ordering anyway, so I added several kinds. 

I am not sure how to measure hair Shocked, but from the top of my head to the ends is 43".  Off to wash it.

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Re: Finchquilts Frame of Mind
Reply #2 - Jul 3rd, 2004 at 11:04am
What a week this has been.   I suffered a mild concussion - but I didn't lose any hair!  Undecided 

My Desert Essence organic Jojoba oil arrived from drugstore.com and I am very pleased with it.  It is messy, as was discussed somewhere on this site, but a very light oil for the hair.  I will report back any good results. 

I am thinking of putting  some highlights in my hair again.  I use the type of coloring that washes out in a few weeks gradually, but it probably isn't good for my hair.  I did purchase Ardell "Lights & Brights" color enhancer and it claims to safe and damage-free.  I like it because you can open the bottle, use just as much as you want and save the rest, unlike most where you have to throw it away.  It is temporary or semi permanent depending on how long you leave it on.  I haven't tried it yet, so I will test it first.
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Re: Finchquilts Frame of Mind
Reply #3 - Jul 17th, 2004 at 9:18pm
The Jojoba oil is wonderful stuff!  I especially appreciate the way it detangles a tough knot. The hot days have set in and it is more difficult to stay cool with very long hair.  The only thing that really bothers me in the heat is hair in my face, so I wear a headband.  I really like the "no-headache" bands, but they break so easily and my dog really likes to chew them up! Shocked

I have had some very stressful days at work this week, so I am very happy to see the weekend come.
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Re: Finchquilts Frame of Mind
Reply #4 - Jul 22nd, 2004 at 12:33am
AAACK have to cut my  bangs.  I have tried to grow them out, but they end up driving me nuts and I have to cut them.  Sometimes they turn out good and other times well....................... Shocked
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Re: Finchquilts Frame of Mind
Reply #5 - Aug 12th, 2004 at 12:46am
Just checking in.  I think will have to do something soonabout coloring my hair.  The gray is getting very noticable around the temples and the hair takes on a different texture.  Kind of wirey.   

Absolutely love the Jojoba oil.  I add it to the ends every week and if I get a mess of tangles, it helps very much to get them out.

I tried a new "do" but it didnt' look that good.  I made three braids and then braided them together.  If I had someone else who could do the braiding itwould have looked better.

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Re: Finchquilts Frame of Mind
Reply #6 - Aug 31st, 2004 at 3:12am
I think will have to do something soonabout coloring my hair.  The gray is getting very noticable around the temples and the hair takes on a different texture.  Kind of wirey.

What color hair do you have? If it's brown, you could try mixing some molasses in with a conditioner and applying it for awhile. I've read about other ladies who've had success with molasses darkening gray hairs, though in my experience it doesn't do much for your color as a whole.
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Re: Finchquilts Frame of Mind
Reply #7 - Sep 10th, 2004 at 1:59am
Thank you for the suggestion of the molasses.  I will definitely try it. 

I have been under quite a bit of stress lately and I am sure that is not doing my hair any good (or the rest of my body).  I have been informed that my job is being "eliminated".  They are going to try to find something else at the hospital for me, but I am not holding my breath. To add insult to injury, I have to teach someone else how to use the unique software I have taught myself over the last three years.

OK enough of my rant.  My hair right now is looking dull.  I slacked off using the jojoba oil, so I will step that back up.
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Re: Finchquilts Frame of Mind
Reply #8 - Oct 1st, 2004 at 1:26am
I think I will try to photograph my hair this weekend.  OK - set the camera, run in front of it and turn around! Tongue  I'll try to post it here.  I guess I could have someone else take it, but that wouldn't be nearly as much fun.

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Re: Finchquilts Frame of Mind
Reply #9 - Oct 16th, 2004 at 2:07am
Well, still haven't found the time to take the photos, but I did give my ends a hot oil treatment, although I didn't see much improvment.
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Shooting Star

Life is short, Break the

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Re: Finchquilts Frame of Mind
Reply #10 - Oct 16th, 2004 at 9:53am
A vinegar rinse might help get those ends shiny.

How is your job situation going?
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Re: Finchquilts Frame of Mind
Reply #11 - Nov 27th, 2004 at 2:01am
I still haven't colored my hair...I still haven't taken a photo of my hair either.  I have started my new job and love it.  It is so interesting. I am doing registration in the emergency department.

I am not pleased with my hair right now.   The gray is getting more prevalent on top and wirey.  The rest  looks OK but doesn't fell soft.
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Shooting Star

Life is short, Break the

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Re: Finchquilts Frame of Mind
Reply #12 - Nov 27th, 2004 at 5:41pm
Glad to hear the new job is going well.  As for the wirey, grey hair, can't help much.  I have lots of those myself.  Tongue
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Global Salon Moderator
LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.&&Life may not
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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Re: Finchquilts Frame of Mind
Reply #13 - Dec 1st, 2004 at 6:57pm

Have you thought of trying henna?  It comes in all colors (well its a henna mix, unless red). 

I recently read that it was effective for covering grey.  And it would be probably good for your hair.

Just a thought.

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strawberryfine&&2a F ii && &&
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Re: Finchquilts Frame of Mind
Reply #14 - Dec 3rd, 2004 at 1:17am
How reliable is Henna?  The henna I remember years ago was unreliable as to color.  I used a temp color tonight to cover the gray stuff around my face.  Hope it isn't too obvious!
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"Soft, yes.        Weak,

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Dublin, Ireland
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Re: Finchquilts Frame of Mind
Reply #15 - Dec 3rd, 2004 at 7:30am
The last time I used henna, I was 15 years old. It made my hair in lovely condition, but it coloured my roots and a good portion of the top of my head blonde. (It was meant to colour it red.)

It's not the most reliable COLOURING system you could go for, but at least you'd know that you're hair will be in top shape after using it.

Even though it coloured my hair light on top and red on the bottom, it made it so that the next time I used a home colouring kit (Feria) it did a fabulous job. My hair took to the colour really well.

I'm not sure if that's cuz the henna did such a deep conditioning or what.  ???
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