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The Long & Short of It -- Megan's Hair (Read 7687 times)

Posts: 21
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The Long & Short of It -- Megan's Hair
Aug 17th, 2004 at 3:15am
I've been meaning to start a hair journal here for a while, so I finally sat down and here it is! I feel it's good for multiple purposes, mainly to see progress.  If it's a written record, I feel the progress is alot bigger, like my ol' sketchbooks! lol.

Anyway, this'll be by far the longest entry because of the hair history and whatnot, heh.  Well, here it goes:

When I was little (up to about 5/6 years of age) I had waist long, platinum blonde hair with bangs.  Then, I got it cut to shoulder length.  (this pattern becomes quite evident Tongue) When I was in first grade (6 years about) I grew out my bangs, and have never gone back.  From here, I kept it around shoulder-length, maybe slightly longer, for years.

Somewhere in there, I made my first big mistake.  I somehow got a brush stuck on the side of my head, and instead of untangling it, I took a scissors to it.  Thus, leaving me to a side part until that grew out (about 2 years)

When I was 13, I went from BSL to mid-neck length bob.  I loved it, as did everyone else.  But, I still grew it out.  

2003 was a horrid year on my hair.  Because of heredity, I was going to a darker, more brunnette color.  I wanted to stay blonde, so I dyed it.  It never worked. I went for blood red, but instead followed my mom's advice (because it would've "look really good") and bleached my hair.  Yes, bleached.  Instead of a light color, it turned yellow.  I hated it, as oppossed to everyone else, and cried over it.  I tried dying it back twice about a month later, it toned it down, luckily before school started.  Then I just let my roots grown in.  February 2004, I dyed it one final time, and it finally looked good, IMO.  By this time it was mid-back length, and in actually very good condition.  But March 2004, a horrible salon accident happened.  I went in for a 2" trim, and asked for some long layers (i've always been fond of layers, for shame on me Tongue)  She asked if I wanted it done with a razor, it was something new for me, and she said everyone else loved razor cuts.  So I went for it, and well, the layer's varied from the base of my head to mid-back.  Again, I cried (at home) & didn't like it because I lost so much growth.  So, in May, I cut it of to shoulder-length, and am satisified.  People at school have since told me they "liked me with longer hair" so, score there!  

And that's pretty much up to date....

Hair colour: a dark, dirty blonde
Current Length: from front hairline, back 18.5"
Very thick.
I lucked out with genetics on that my mom & dad have very thick hair, and my dad's hair grows at a very fast rate (a good inch or so a month)

One thing people have said, is they've always admired my hair no matter length or color.  Yay, happy!  (god, i sound so self-centered.  seriously, this is the most i've ever talked about myself. EVER)  Despite some old, bad habits, it's luckily always remained in good condition.  I'm growing it out because I've always admired long, long hair (mainly because of my obsession with middle ages/renaissance related things Tongue)  And just because.

Anyway, that's enough for now. byebye.  
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Posts: 21
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Re: The Long & Short of It -- Megan's Hair
Reply #1 - Aug 23rd, 2004 at 2:50pm
Lately, the hair's been acting very well.  Smiley

I'm going to pamper it today, due to yesterday,  I went to a concert where everyone heavily chainsmoked. Bleh.  So, it reeks of smoke and is a little dry. 

Had to go back to washing each day because of Marching Band (not very fond of band at all, no offense to anyone out there.  i like the piano, not clarinet  Tongue) it gets all sweaty and crap. But at night, I've been trying a new thing.  I'll leave it in a ponytail, and rub a tiny, tiny amount of my conditioner on it.  Wake up, it's all nice & soft, with no hint of grease! 

Oh!  Measured again yesterday, about 19" that's 0.5" growth since August 1st! Yay!  Must be taking advantage of the warm weather all summer long.  Too bad  it's been really cold at night, suddenly.  Too bad Minnesota's summer's are short, with really long winters.   Meh.  Ah well, the end.
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Re: The Long & Short of It -- Megan's Hair
Reply #2 - Aug 24th, 2004 at 4:10am
Today, as part of Spirit Week for Marching Band, was "Bad Hair Day"  Teased, crimped, curled, hair products, just overall horror everywhere (obviously) (actually, only about 1/2 participated) But did I?  Oh no.  I went around telling people "I'm growing out my hair, and taking real good care of it"  felt nice.  everyone was respectful.    Although, these late nights & parties might have to change for better health.  Oh well, atleast no teasing & tearing for me Tongue
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Re: The Long & Short of It -- Megan's Hair
Reply #3 - Aug 30th, 2004 at 7:55pm
So, being in the sun due to Marching Band's doing a number on my hair.  Although, the extra oil it seems to be producing rather balances out any could-be damage. 

Went to the State Fair today, the sun wasn't that bad.  Still deep-conditioned when I got home.  I need some better deep-conditioning stuff & some sort of UV protection, leave-in conditioner....

Ah! I want it to grow even faster! In mid-August, when I measured, it had already grown a half-inch!  But still, I want long, gorgeous hair like everyone else here  Cheesy
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Re: The Long & Short of It -- Megan's Hair
Reply #4 - Sep 2nd, 2004 at 9:19pm
Last night at work, had a conversation with a girl about hair lengths (I work at DQ, so its all casual there, Tongue)

Her: I don't like my hair, I like it short, but its grown out so it looks bad.
Me: I like my hair its current length, but I'm still growing it out to hip-length! Cheesy
H:  Shocked that's creepy!
M: What?
H: People with hair that long are only creepy, old, witches.
M: Not if its in good condition, then it looks wonderful. 
H: It looks creepy.
M: Then I'll be a creepy old lady.  I'm already pretty morbid and creepy. Yay!
[another co-worker walks in]
M: Do you think its creepy that I'm growing out my hair to hip-length?
Him: I don't care, its your hair.
M: Exactly!
Her: It's still creepy.

Ah! I wanted to slap her!  Not really.  Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, I 'spose Tongue

And today, one of my art teachers complimented me on my hair (i have a bond with art teachers, yay!).  I told her I was growing it out, and she thought that was cool.  Yay!
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Re: The Long & Short of It -- Megan's Hair
Reply #5 - Sep 2nd, 2004 at 10:51pm
Yeah, she's creepy. Cheesy
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Re: The Long & Short of It -- Megan's Hair
Reply #6 - Sep 3rd, 2004 at 12:35am
Nah, she's just silly.  Wink

Yay for art teachers! They always understand these things.  Smiley
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Re: The Long & Short of It -- Megan's Hair
Reply #7 - Sep 11th, 2004 at 3:15am
Not much has been happening.  Haven't "sinned" for quite awhile  Cheesy So the hair should be in good condition

But last night, while "dusting" I found this random lock of hair, fried & splitted to no belief. T'was about 1.5" long, and the only one, so I had to take a scissors to it, so that it wouldn't spread.  It luckily blends in nicely, makes my "bangs" just flow into the rest of the length. 

Anyway, that's my latest hair scare.  the end!
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Re: The Long & Short of It -- Megan's Hair
Reply #8 - Oct 3rd, 2004 at 8:40pm
WOAH. it's been a while.

Just trimmed 0.5" off today.  I broke my promise to myself of not letting scissors touch my hair for a year, and it was 5 months...  But now, there are NO dry ends or layers.  But there are bangs, but I like those =3  So, completely healthy from root to end.  And no more scissors until... we'll say... Spring Break.   Tongue
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Re: The Long & Short of It -- Megan's Hair
Reply #9 - Oct 10th, 2004 at 4:41pm
Last night was the homecoming dance -- it rocked.

I wanted to curl my hair, but due to work, i couldn't do rag curls (aka leave rags in my hair ALL day).  So I got home, deep conditioned, and used heated curlers ::flinch::  Actually, it came out very nice (no damage -- really!), very 1940's starlette.  Everyone loved it (there were probably 3 out of 400 girls with their hair down, due to everyone went to salons for cuts, colours, and styling).  And this morning I deep conditioned it again.  So, all is still well.  And there's about 0.2" growth since the first!

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