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Long hair on "older women" (Read 66229 times)

Turning my gold to silver
one hair at a time

Posts: 812
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Re: Long hair on "older women"
Reply #15 - Jan 19th, 2005 at 11:35pm
After all my years of short, long, short, medium, layered, etc. I have found the longer hair is really easier to keep looking good.  I don't have time to fuss over shampooing, blow-drying, and curling every day - at least it sure isn't high on my priority list.  Definitely need hair minions to make short hair look good all the time.
Nightowl, I don't know if you've noticed in your workplace, but I have noticed that people who are confined in bed for whatever reason seem to have less "bed head" problems if their hair is long and kept braided etc.  Short hair really gets "bed head" bad Shocked  I'm a physical therapist and have spent most of my career working with elderly people too.  I expect when my hair is long enough to really do some nice styles it will look much more professional.
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30.75" ~78cm/waist&&1bFii&&&&"No chance at all if you think you can pull it off by yourself.  Every chance in the world if you let God do it."  The Message Mark 10:27
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sleepwalker by day

Posts: 112
Central California Coast
Gender: female
Re: Long hair on "older women"
Reply #16 - Jan 20th, 2005 at 1:30am
you're exactly right, precious locks!
The "poodle perm" or short 'do' always seems to have the ever-present 'bald spot' from the pillow (as hair is not washed daily) which is very difficult to disguise upon wakening.  They cannot tolerate wet hair in the early morning, and no matter how the staff try, their hair often just looks fuzzy or frazzled.  The few of my residents with long hair have lovely up-dos, as the CNA's love braiding their hair and styling it daily. French and crown braids being the most popular styles.  These ladies positively glow each time someone comments on how lovely their hair looks.

What a wonderful career you have!  So important in the lives of the residents!  My folk LOVE their therapy sessions - Many feel it is the highlight of their day - Not only are they strengthening physically and feeling more self-sufficient, But the emotional contact - 1:1 - and the praise for even small accomplishments is so valuable, and positive for them emotionally.  Keep up the GREAT work!

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Turning my gold to silver
one hair at a time

Posts: 812
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Re: Long hair on "older women"
Reply #17 - Jan 21st, 2005 at 9:43pm
Thanks for your encouragement, nightowl.  I needed that tonight, it's been a lo-o-ong week.
I noticed that about CNA's liking to braid and style long hair.  It really does make a difference - both for the "braidee" and for the "braider".  I think a special bond develops between them and they both glow from compliments on the styles.  CNA's sure could use them, they work so hard and are among the lowest paid staff.
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30.75" ~78cm/waist&&1bFii&&&&"No chance at all if you think you can pull it off by yourself.  Every chance in the world if you let God do it."  The Message Mark 10:27
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sleepwalker by day

Posts: 112
Central California Coast
Gender: female
Re: Long hair on "older women"
Reply #18 - Jan 22nd, 2005 at 2:28pm
AMEN to that one!!! 

The CNA's have such valuable jobs - not only for the nurses - our right hands, and all - but for the residents.  We have WONDERFUL staff where I work - when they go on vacations - they bring little things back for each of "their" residents.  One year (very cold for us) it was REALLY cold at night - and our city just isn't accustomed to it.  But - 20 degrees outside and insufficient insulation in the old part of the building makes for very chilly ladies.  One of the CNA's on that assignment went down to Tijuana on her 2 days off (about 5-6 hours one way) and bought beautiful, extra dense, soft blankets for each of her ladies - selecting a different pattern for each of them.  They were SO surprised!!!

I was happy to hear that each CNA in our place is receiving a $1.00/hr raise this month!!!

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here baby there momma
everywhere daddy daddy

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Upper Midwest, USA
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Re: Long hair on "older women"
Reply #19 - Jun 28th, 2005 at 10:50pm
Second blessing - In working with the elderly - All of my residents seem to love my hair - and ask me to squat down next to their beds so they can examine the styles at close range.  I even have one lady who wants all the lights on (remember, I work at night) so she can see which sticks I'm wearing each day.  She has even caught me wearing the same pair twice in one week (can't help myself - I DO have favorites, after all) - and she scolds me for the "re-run".  Too funny.  A few quotes from my ladies:"oh, it's so lovely to see a real woman - someone who doesn't think she has to fit in with the men's world by cutting off her hair" , or "oh, dear - you remind me of how I wore my hair as a girl - it's so lovely".

Many years back, I worked as a nurse's aid in a facility that was both rehab and long-term care. I always admired the residents who kept their long hair, even if it was thin as a rat's tail and hardly able to be pinned up.  And I got some of the same reaction as you seem to get, that I reminded them of days gone by when women didn't cut their hair.

I still see ladies with fairly thick buns or braids, particularly Mennonite around here. Must be the wholesome living that does it.  Wink  Grin

p.s. I'm new hair, er, here, and am 50 myself!
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st. louis, MO
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Re: Long hair on "older women"
Reply #20 - Feb 4th, 2006 at 12:47am
I read this post a while back, but i didn't remember this until yesterday.

The thing i remembered was that my great grandma had long hair.... i think it was down to her waist. Anyway, i really admired her hair she always wore pretty dresses, with matching ribbons braided in her hair, it was red with some white.

She was 95 when she died last summer, it's true she was 95, but she was very healthy and very stylish..hehe

Anyway, i never thought of her as too old to have long hair, and not anyother "old" women like styg said it makes them look younger
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Posts: 83
Hampshire, United Kingdom
Gender: female
Re: Long hair on "older women"
Reply #21 - Feb 14th, 2006 at 9:24am
Oh such and interesting article.  I always remember a friend of mine, not knowing my age at the time saying that she thought women should cut there hair after the age of 40. I was about 42 at the time and I am now 56 and as you can see I still have long hair. When I was younger I did think there would be a certain age at which I should cut my hair but now as I get older I am just going to please myself how I have my hair. I love it long and will keep on growing it until......oh I don't know when, maybe I'll never cut it.
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Angel Spun
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Re: Long hair on "older women"
Reply #22 - Feb 14th, 2006 at 9:37pm
Amen, jules. Rock on!
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Shooting Star

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Re: Long hair on "older women"
Reply #23 - Feb 15th, 2006 at 10:55am
I love it long and will keep on growing it until......oh I don't know when, maybe I'll never cut it.

You took the words right out of my mouth.  Grin
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.&&Life may not
WWW Bikerbraid  
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Posts: 42
West Virginia
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Re: Long hair on "older women"
Reply #24 - Feb 17th, 2006 at 11:47pm
Well, I couldn't read the article (the story moved or something), but I have seen older ladies with long hair (beyond the shoulders).  The woman who taught me how to put my hair in a bun had beautiful gray hair all the way down to her knees.  And there was a woman who worked at my college who had hair that was about as long as mine.  She always had it braided, and it was the most beautiful silver-gray you ever saw.  Every time I saw her I thought, "I hope my hair looks like that when I'm older."   Smiley
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Ex Member

Re: Long hair on "older women"
Reply #25 - Mar 12th, 2006 at 12:54am
Wow!  What a great thread.  I'm new here, and almost didn't join up because I'm 55 and thought maybe I'm too old for long hair.  What great encouragement to read all of your posts! Grin
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Posts: 83
Hampshire, United Kingdom
Gender: female
Re: Long hair on "older women"
Reply #26 - Mar 12th, 2006 at 6:22am
Hi Silvermane, welcome to the site, I thought I was a bit old until I read some of these articles. It teaches you really that you are never too old for anything in life, if you can do it you're not too old eh.
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Ex Member

Re: Long hair on "older women"
Reply #27 - Mar 12th, 2006 at 7:20pm
Hi Jule!  Your hair is SO beautiful!!  I have a ways to go before I can even start growing mine out and I need all the encouragement I can get  Smiley  The last haircut I got (about 8 months ago)  the hairdresser cut the layers then backcombed each layer with a razor comb, so even the layers have layers!  I remember watching in horror as she did it, not knowing what to say.  Shocked  This thread is wonderful inspiration, and I'm sure I'll return to it again.  Thanks again!
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Long hair is so cool!

Posts: 228
Gender: male
Re: Long hair on "older women"
Reply #28 - May 15th, 2006 at 8:48pm
  I have always believed that "older women" look years younger with long hair.  Long hair looks good at any age...period!  Jules is a great example!  Jules looks like she is in her 20's or 30's from behind with her majestic long red hair.    I am sure all you other ladies do as well.
Get it long as long as you can!  You all look wonderful!

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The longer...the better!  I love long locks!&&Just wish mine would grow longer than my waist...............
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La nuit a des douceurs
de femme

Posts: 476
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Re: Long hair on "older women"
Reply #29 - May 15th, 2006 at 10:12pm
Yep.. I don't care if they call me the "crazy old lady" but I'm keeping my long hair forever.... I don't know, to me, I'd rather be in my "golden years" with a well-styled bun at the nape of my neck than a short frizzed "set" as I've heard them called. 

And all that business about the hair "just hanging there" well, no, it doesn't, when you have it all wrapped up!  I like hearing things from older women who see my hair, and one woman, when I had fashioned my hair into one of Rapunzel's neat little hairstick styles "The Victorian" said to me that she thought it was so nice that women still style their hair.

I think "style" by todays hairdo lingo means "cut"
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