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Classic anc Chic:A Tale of a Curly Girl (Read 268023 times)

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Classic anc Chic:A Tale of a Curly Girl
Mar 15th, 2005 at 1:18pm
Dear online journal,

  well its a sunny day in chicago, and i finished my good morning routine for hair and housework.  well my daily routine consists of an extra cold water rinse and then combing out all the knots. then i put it in an elegant bun.   i made some soothing yummy rasberry tea.

  im also trying to go raw because of my health and my hair. also i want my hair long and strong like demi moore. she is a raw foodist. she looks soooooooo good. her body for a woman that age is unbelievable.   Shocked

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« Last Edit: Nov 2nd, 2008 at 7:35am by Curlygirl22 »  

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Re: Classic anc Chic:A Tale of a Curly Girl
Reply #1 - Mar 15th, 2005 at 1:39pm
dear online journal,

 well as u know im trying to go raw so i ate  2 bananas cut up , raw walnuts, raisons and honey. scrumptious! Also another herbal tea its delicious. so soothing and and calming. I used to be a coffee addict. but i kicked the habit because it did nothing for my hair and depleted my body out all of those vitamins and nutrients. i only drink it when i visit a friend or someone comes over but its not an addiction anymore. Yes Coffee Drinkers Anonymous I am not an addict anymore. Wink  I still love the stuff but i dont make it and revolve my life around it any more.  Plus it makes my teeth yellow Shocked

 well i just took my vitamins biotin, msm, a prenatal, and an evening primose oil.  I vow to take extra care of my hair for it is gods gift and blessing. I will whatever it takes to grow my hair as long as possible or until im happy with the length. I take an oath to live everyday to the fullest and take care of my luscious locks as best as I can.

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« Last Edit: Nov 2nd, 2008 at 7:36am by Curlygirl22 »  

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Re: Classic anc Chic:A Tale of a Curly Girl
Reply #2 - Mar 15th, 2005 at 1:55pm
dear online journal,

   Well im watching a sad oprah show now.   Cry well i just always hope and pray that god will help us in this life and we wont get hurt anymore. 

    We rented this movie Gacy, its about John Wayne Gacy and his life about how his dad used to beat him for no reason and he turned into a monster. Its scary to think that there is people really like that in real life. Its bonechilling.  Life is scary.  Undecided

     Anyways  I hope I didnt depress anyone but i heard that prenatal vitamins are great for depression. They help your brain hormone balance out with the vitamins.

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Re: Classic anc Chic:A Tale of a Curly Girl
Reply #3 - Mar 15th, 2005 at 2:16pm
dear online journal,

i just  wanted to post some tips that i learned through research, hardwork and through my own personal  dedication.

First, i read cold water makes hair grow faster and really shiny.

Second, Prenatal Vitamins can make hair grow 3/4 an inch in a month(i heard that).

Third, If you keep your hair in a bun everyday and only let it down for special outings it will save your hair , keep it healthy, chic, and damage free.

Fourth, dont color it will keep your hair healthier and healthy looking.

Fifth, dont stress . It kills, literally. I like to destress by drinking herbal teas from a health food store. Take a long bubble bath. Go to a great  bookstore browse buy and relax. Go shopping. Put on makeup, buy makeup.

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« Last Edit: Nov 2nd, 2008 at 7:43am by Curlygirl22 »  

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Re: Classic anc Chic:A Tale of a Curly Girl
Reply #4 - Mar 15th, 2005 at 2:25pm
dear online journal,

 well since my hair is in a bun  i need to accessorize with big earings . I love fashion and style and some models on the runway have a chic bun with awesome earings. its fabulous. i need to buy big hoop earings both gold and silver they are chic and classic. they never go out of style.i feel like one of those french models with my hair this sleek. usually i let my ringlets drip dry, but im trying to keep it in a bun so hopefully it will grow faster be healthier and neater. Kiss

 also i feel much happier being raw. im about 70% im doing a great job.


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« Last Edit: Nov 2nd, 2008 at 7:44am by Curlygirl22 »  

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Re: Classic anc Chic:A Tale of a Curly Girl
Reply #5 - Mar 15th, 2005 at 4:51pm
dear online journal,

 well i just had another herbal rasberry tea and i put rosemary in it because on the news they said that rosemary wards off premature baldness.  thank god we have hair. i know that my hair has been so damaged and still is from chemical burns to blowdrying abuse. but im doing my best god, please help innocent ppl (like me)who dont know how to care for hair, and make hair healthy. but after all the research and everything thank god i still have hair. Undecided
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« Last Edit: Nov 2nd, 2008 at 7:46am by Curlygirl22 »  

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Re: Classic anc Chic:A Tale of a Curly Girl
Reply #6 - Mar 15th, 2005 at 4:56pm
dear online journal,

 well now im eating almonds to make my hair long and strong.  healthy hair starts from inside. one time i got a book from the library( i forget the name of the book), but it listed top ten hair foods and top ten hair snacks.

i cant remember all of them but for food it was

3.not sure about the rest but i think bananas
4. oranges i think
the rest i forgot

for top ten snacks it was

1. almonds
2. i forgot

if i remember i will be sure to post it
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« Last Edit: Nov 2nd, 2008 at 7:53am by Curlygirl22 »  

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Re: Classic anc Chic:A Tale of a Curly Girl
Reply #7 - Mar 15th, 2005 at 5:25pm
dear online journal,

 my sisters greek x-neighbor( a nice older woman), used to tell my sister that dates stuffed with an almond is a sure way to have that thick shiny hair. so i hope it works.  i just wanted to add that for all those healthy hair lovers. Also to biker braid i used to have a mister that i filled with olive oil and i didnt like the effect it had on my hair so i filled up my mister with water and jojoba and so far my hair loves it. also before i go to sleep i put one drop of jojoba on the ends.


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« Last Edit: Nov 2nd, 2008 at 7:55am by Curlygirl22 »  

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Re: Classic anc Chic:A Tale of a Curly Girl
Reply #8 - Mar 15th, 2005 at 5:29pm
dear online journal,

how do i do that ticker thingy?[color=Pink][/color]
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Re: Classic anc Chic:A Tale of a Curly Girl
Reply #9 - Mar 15th, 2005 at 6:32pm
dear online journal,
  now im drinking a tall glass of a banana smoothie that i made thats good for the hair. i made it with 2 bananas , water, 2 tablespoons flaxseed oil(good for hair and eczema)1 tablespoon of alcohol free vanilla. blend in blender.delicious. yummy.

i made an all natural hairspray. it really works with frizz and flyaways.  you squeeze one lemon juice , extract it with a drainer, and then boil with one cup of water. let cool then put into spray thingy. you can use an orange if you want. i found this recipe somewhere online and has been very helpful. im running out so im going to make more with an orange.
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« Last Edit: Nov 2nd, 2008 at 10:36am by Curlygirl22 »  

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Re: Classic anc Chic:A Tale of a Curly Girl
Reply #10 - Mar 16th, 2005 at 12:47am
dear online journal,

   well i  am going to try hypnosis for growing my hair faster. i will hypnotize myself by repeating this mantra"Long hair will grow out of my head faster longer and thicker".hopefully it works. maybe  wishful thinking.

 well i went to walgreens and bought myself Garnier fructis shampoo and conditioner. i lather the shampoo on my scalp and then condition . but it made my hair fall a little bit. its called long and strong it just came out.usually when i just rinse my hair not alot comes out but this was more than the norm. should i continue to use it? we shall see.

i have been eating almonds like crazy.  i want hot hair! im going to have some more destressing soothing herbal tea. Smiley im watching sex and the city and she said that women cant wear scrunchies out in public. I always do. Is there any logic to that?
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« Last Edit: Nov 2nd, 2008 at 4:35pm by Curlygirl22 »  

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Re: Classic anc Chic:A Tale of a Curly Girl
Reply #11 - Mar 16th, 2005 at 8:56am
dear online journal,

    well i just cant sleep good.  my hair is still in a bun. so classic and chic. it will never go out of style. all i need is accessories.  i will  go shopping later.  the garnier did make my hair much shinier( a big complaint from my mom and sister about my hair always looking dull and
too curly
Angryhow can my hair be too curly!!!!! hello ppl i was born with curly hair. this is how god made me. also sunday we went to a wedding and  my sis said my hair looked nice, and my mom said it looked not so nice.  can u say confused? Tongue
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« Last Edit: Nov 2nd, 2008 at 4:36pm by Curlygirl22 »  

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Shooting Star

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Re: Classic anc Chic:A Tale of a Curly Girl
Reply #12 - Mar 16th, 2005 at 10:31am
dear online journal,

how do i do that ticker thingy?[ color=Pink ][ /color ]

If you want the ticker as part of your signature, like I have mine, Click on "Profile" in the strip menu at the top of the screen.  Scroll down the page to "Signature".  Put in the starting image tag [ img ] (without the spaces), then the URL for your ticker, then the closing image tage [ /img ] (again, without the spaces). 

The ticker will then show at the end of all of your posts.

As another "hint", when you click on the YABBC tags for your posts, both tags will be placed in the message box.  You then need to put the text or location information between those tags.  In your message above, if you wanted your text to be pink, your question would be placed after [ color=Pink ] and before [ /color ].
My text here is between the tags for red.

And here is navy

And here is your Pink!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.&&Life may not
WWW Bikerbraid  
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Re: Classic anc Chic:A Tale of a Curly Girl
Reply #13 - Mar 16th, 2005 at 4:27pm
thankyou so much bikerbraid Grin. also i love your hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!how long is it? its gorgeous i wish that was my hair! its looks like you have a loose curl. i love it.
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Shooting Star

Life is short, Break the

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Re: Classic anc Chic:A Tale of a Curly Girl
Reply #14 - Mar 16th, 2005 at 5:13pm
Thank you ::blush::

That picture was taken last August, so my hair is a few inches longer now.  The "wave/curls" in the picture are the result of having worn my hair in braids for several days. I have pictures of my hair wet and in braids in this thread.  My natural hair is straight with a few loose waves.
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Global Salon Moderator
LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.&&Life may not
WWW Bikerbraid  
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