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my brother and curley hair (Read 8151 times)

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 77
my brother and curley hair
Mar 19th, 2005 at 3:08am
my brother, being fifteen now, would probably not like me refering to him as a child, but he's so tiny and I always do (that's what I tell people, anyway, in tryth it's because he's still my baby brother)

Anyway, he has had the same haircut his entire life, shaved at the back (a number four, I think) then is is combed out from the middle and cit straight across his eyebrown and like that all the way around.
I'm not sure what its called, bowel cut?

Anyway, he has fine straight whit-blond hair.  and when I say straight, I mean dead straight, or it was.  six months ago the hairdresser told him it would go curley, and he laughed.  three months ago he woke up with curls.  Yes, I mean this literally.  Not need little curls either, unrulery ones that are wispey, go everywhere and leave his fringe looking like this silly croocked tuff.

we were at a loss of what to do, he had it thined out on the top and wants to grow the back more, but it still looks like he hasn't combed his hair for a few weeks.  We could get him something to straighten it, but he's decided to become quite fond of what we call 'the perm'

Are there any ideas of what we could to to contain the hair, like something to define the curls?  How good are the 'curl defining shampoos'?  would they work on wispey hair that just grows everywhere?
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2b/2c F/Niii Mohagany

Posts: 78
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Re: my brother and curley hair
Reply #1 - Mar 19th, 2005 at 6:54am
LOL!  That so happened to my little brother, right when he was trying to grow a pony tail.  It was straight till he hit 15, then it turned into a white-boy 'fro, about the texture of sheep fur.  Poor kid kept trying to grow the ponytail, but instead he ended up looking like a Hendrix wannabe (which, come to think of it, he was...)

For him, keeping it pretty short seems to help.  My mother has one of those electric buzz-cutters, and she basically 'shears' him down to where it's manageable, then he smoothes it out with gel.

Other things I've seen involve a kind of clever layering, letting it be just long enough to weigh itself down a bit.  Gel might be helpful with that too. 

But yeah, the perming thing might be a bit much.  After all, guy curls really are cute when they're groomed well.  Has he tried shopping around for a good barber that specializes in mens' haircuts?
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 77
Re: my brother and curley hair
Reply #2 - Mar 19th, 2005 at 7:33am
he's growing it longer in the back which would hopefully fix things a little bit.  He can't grow it too long as his school has rules about how long the boys can grow their hair.

if he wanted it short, he'd look real cute if he'd use some jel and put it a bit spikey, but he doesn't want to do that.

I'm thinking if he lost the fringe it might not be so bad.

But why did his hair do this? its not just the length of the hair, its the way it grows, it used to grow in place, now it just grows everywhere!  Like Harry Potter (in the book, not the movies)  And I get sick of seeing him spen half an hour infromt of the mirror every morning combing his hair, twisting it to try and make the curls more curl-like rather than each individual hair having its own curl.

we'll see how it goes, maybe look for a barber like you said.

and what I said about 'the perm', thats what we call him now.  His old name was shrimp, but then he started to grow... and so now its 'the perm', only in the family though, we don't enbarse him in public or infromt of his friends!. 

Thanks for your reply though! 

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Posts: 20
Gender: female
Re: my brother and curley hair
Reply #3 - Mar 19th, 2005 at 3:19pm
This happened to my husband. He had straight hair until he was like 10 and then it turned kinky curly. He hates it but I love it. But due to his job (Houston Firefighter) I keep it real short with a electric razor which keeps it under control. I use a 3 on the sides and trim the top short with scissors. We are waiting to see which of our boys or both (2 & 5 now) will this happen to because their's is so straight.
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