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Bangs (Read 4156 times)

Cowboy Take Me Away!!

Posts: 86
Gender: female
Aug 4th, 2005 at 1:44am
I was wondering if any of you guys know how to style the side swept bangs. I watched my stylist do it, but when I do it they look terrible.

Any suggestions are appriciated!
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Turning my gold to silver
one hair at a time

Posts: 812
Gender: female
Re: Bangs
Reply #1 - Aug 5th, 2005 at 12:35am
nope, sorry. I'm a complete dork with bangs Embarrassed
I am growing them out with the rest of my hair. 
Actually I think I look better with them, but they drive me CRAZY Shocked Angry.  They start out too short, look good for a week or two, then they're too long until I get around to having them trimmed again   arghhhhhh!  Roll Eyes
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30.75" ~78cm/waist&&1bFii&&&&"No chance at all if you think you can pull it off by yourself.  Every chance in the world if you let God do it."  The Message Mark 10:27
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Cowboy Take Me Away!!

Posts: 86
Gender: female
Re: Bangs
Reply #2 - Aug 5th, 2005 at 1:29am
I have to trim my mom's bangs every two weeks, but I am really liking the side swept look, it's just a pain to get them to go that way.
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Posts: 604
Gender: female
Re: Bangs
Reply #3 - Aug 5th, 2005 at 1:55am
I got bangs!  Maybe I could help.  the thing that helps side swept bangs(without blowdrying or heatstyling) out is to change the part.  After you lightly towel-dry the hair, part the hair so that it is asymmetrical.  Then, just push the bangs back a bit. (like they fell into your face.)

I was getting utterly frustrated with them, but I came up with this little trick.  Now I think I'm going to keep them around for a while!
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Cowboy Take Me Away!!

Posts: 86
Gender: female
Re: Bangs
Reply #4 - Aug 5th, 2005 at 3:30pm
Thank you so much panpeus!! They were driving me crazy but I'm going to try that tonight and see if it works. I was also going to trim a little bit off of them, because they fall in my eyes too much!
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Re: Bangs
Reply #5 - Aug 6th, 2005 at 3:52am
I love bangs - used to have 'em but then they were driving me nuts so I grew them out.

I do believe that side sweep has to be stick'em'd to stay.  Or if you have cooperative hair,  if you pin them that way while they are drying it could be all it needs.
Maybe a picture to let us see?

How they fall depends a lot on the shape of your forehead too.  Mine is high and slopy so there is no hope  Roll Eyes...g

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Cowboy Take Me Away!!

Posts: 86
Gender: female
Re: Bangs
Reply #6 - Aug 6th, 2005 at 1:20pm
Aww, Gabi! I had a picture on my digital camera but my Sis deleted it!  Angry It was in black and white anyways. I'll try to do something with them tonight and make a picture. Right now they are clipped off of my face, because if I am home trying to do something they drive me nuts!! But I don't mind to have them in my eyes when I go out. My mom thinks I'm crazy! lol
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Ex Member

Re: Bangs
Reply #7 - Aug 6th, 2005 at 8:22pm
Wow - I thought I was the only one with delete problems  Roll Eyes

Looking forward to the pic though.

It's funny, I had bangs for twenty years before they made me nuts.  I think it was being used to a semi buzz cut for almost ten years  Grin...g
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Cowboy Take Me Away!!

Posts: 86
Gender: female
Re: Bangs
Reply #8 - Aug 8th, 2005 at 6:55pm
I fixed them one time, and now they won't ever look like the way I had them! Seesh, should have took the picture the night I had them perfect!  Roll Eyes lol
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