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Dove advert in HomeBasics Magazine (Read 14168 times)

Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

Posts: 2797
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Dove advert in HomeBasics Magazine
Oct 13th, 2005 at 3:25pm
Dove advert from Home Basics magazine, Fall 2005

Hair care fact and fictions:

Are you caring for your hair in the way that it deserves?  Take our quick hair care quiz to find out:

I was my hair until it squeaks.  Y or N
I avoid washing my hair every day: to damaging.   Y or N
I protect my hair by using good conditioner.   Y or N
I brush my hair 100 strokes a day to keep it shiny and healthy.  Y or N
I try not to wash my hair too often because it causes hair loss.  Y or N

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, it may surprise you to learn that each of these statements reflects a myth about modern hair care.  Here are the facts and fictions of hair care.

Fiction:  Hair should be so clean it squeaks.
Fact: If you said yes, you’re not alone.  A recent study showed that two-thirds of women believe their hair is thoroughly clean only when it squeaks.  In reality, your squeaky hair my be crying out for help!  It may actually be “overly clean squeaky,” because the hair has been stripped of its natural protective oils.

Fiction: Washing your hair everyday can damage it.
Fact: There’s no need to suffer the not-quite-clean feeling that goes with skipping shampoos.  The right shampoo will wash away the bad (excessive oil and dirt and product build-up) without washing away the good (proteins and protective moisturizes that are found naturally in hair.)

Fiction:  Conditioner is the most important factor in protecting your hair’s health and luster.
Fact:  Many things you already know about can damage you hair: sun, blow-drying, ironing, chorine.  Did you know that it could also be damaged by some shampoos?  So while conditioner can help fight the damage caused by all these factors, it helps to treat you hair properly from the start by using a shampoo that won’t over-strip it.

Fiction:  Brushing your hair 100 strokes a day keeps it shiny.
Fact:  This little piece of hair advice helped women maintain luscious locks when shampooing was far from a daily occurrence.  Excessive brushing can erode the cuticle, weakening hair and causing split ends.

Fiction:  Frequent shampooing increases hair loss
Fact: It may seem that way because we tend to notice the hairs that fall out during shampooing and drying. In fact, the average person loses about 100 hairs a day.  Sounds like a lot until you consider that most of us have somewhere in the neighborhood of 100,000 hairs on our heads.

5 tips for terrific tresses:
1. Use a shampoo that cleans without damaging.
2. Pat hair gently with a towel to dry, don’t rub vigorously.
3. Use a comb, not a brush on wet hair.
4. Choose a brush with natural bristles – it’s gentler in hair.
5. Avoid using elastics, which contribute to split ends.
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Posts: 799
Gender: female
Re: Dove advert in HomeBasics Magazine
Reply #1 - Oct 13th, 2005 at 4:44pm
They are some good tips, but as far as Dove hair care products go...I can do without.  I tried their shampoo and conditioner when it first came out, it just did not work well in my hair, it left it very residue-y feeling.  I never even used the bottles up, I just pitched them after a while of non-use!  Embarrassed
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

Posts: 2797
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Re: Dove advert in HomeBasics Magazine
Reply #2 - Oct 13th, 2005 at 6:13pm
Maggie me too! what I did was I gave the shampoo to hubby to wash the car!  Cheesy
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Posts: 184
Re: Dove advert in HomeBasics Magazine
Reply #3 - Oct 13th, 2005 at 10:33pm
Also, notice how they said that it's okay to wash everyday, with the right shampoo? I'm sure it is...as long as it's *dove*.
Wink Of course they're not going to say that you can go for a few days or more without washing...they would lose money that way. More time between washes = less dove shampoo purchased.
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« Last Edit: Oct 14th, 2005 at 3:04pm by Sara »  

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Re: Dove advert in HomeBasics Magazine
Reply #4 - Oct 14th, 2005 at 1:07am
lol. I noticed that too, Sara!  Smiley
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1b MC ii/iii&&14.5/42/39 14.5/33.5&&"Bring me my pendulum, kiddies, I feel like swinging!" Vincent Price  &&
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

Posts: 2797
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Re: Dove advert in HomeBasics Magazine
Reply #5 - Oct 14th, 2005 at 1:33am
Juri, Sara  That's right!  That's there marketing ploy, to make money, the heck with the consumers hair. Angry
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Posts: 1671
Re: Dove advert in HomeBasics Magazine
Reply #6 - Oct 14th, 2005 at 5:38am
I agree- why wash hair every day when there is no need? My hair isn't in need of a wash every day.

I also wash my hair until it squeaks- shampoo bars make hair squeak, it's totally normal and does not indicate that the hair has been stripped.

So yeah...everything's relative...
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1bFii/waist length&&&&The flowers of wonder&&And the hidden treasures&&In the meadow of life&&My acre of heaven&&&&T. Holopainen/Nightwish
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Posts: 606
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Re: Dove advert in HomeBasics Magazine
Reply #7 - Oct 14th, 2005 at 7:04am
hi Smiley

  i enjoyed reading the dove advertising.  nice try dove! the soap is wonderful and is all i use on skin only.  the fact or fiction was fun to read.  one time i read that women dont start taking care of there hair until they start losing it. they said that about the american women. contrary to european and indian ppl who do head/hair massages.

good hair to all!
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 525
Gender: female
Re: Dove advert in HomeBasics Magazine
Reply #8 - Oct 14th, 2005 at 11:44am
I used to love DOVE, but after using it for a few month, my hair felt like it is weighing a ton.  Sad
Then I started reading some posts here on that board.....needless to say, it changed the way I care about my hair totally.
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