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SOS For Thinning Hair (Read 22766 times)

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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SOS For Thinning Hair
Oct 14th, 2005 at 12:06pm
I read this in the October issue of FIRST:

Women are 11 times more likely to experience hair loss when they are highly tense or anxious, according to a report by clinical nutrition and preventive medicine expert Susan Lark, M.D.. And new research has determined why: Elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol cause the brain to slow its productiion of corticotropin-releasing hormone, a key modulator in healthy hair growth. But while escaping day-to-day pressues is impossible, sidestepping unwanted hair loss is not. Here, the simple strategies proven to ease stress and help restore hair growth.
Green tea. Taken a tea break is a popular antistress ritual, but making it green tea can relieve tension and contribute to thick, lustrous locks. The brew is rich in theanine, an amino acid proven to help maintain healthy levels of the calming brain chemical gamma-aminobutyric acid.  ....and research suggests that catechins, antioxidants in green tea, can slow thinning and stimulate new growth by combating the hair follicle  inflammation that contributes to the loss. To enjoy the benefits, Pastore recommends sipping up to 4 cups of green tea and taking 500mg of green tea extract daily; One to try: solaray green tea extract, $ 11 for 30 capsules, at vitaminshoppe.com, a brand that was ranked tops in a customer survey by ConsumerLab.com.
           Massages are proven to lower cortisol levels, but for a hair-beautifying bonus, use a blend of lavender, thyme, cedarwood and rosemary essential oils. Research published in the Archives of Dermatology found that 44 percent of subjects who did so had significantly thicker hair within seven month. All four oils act as antiseptics to fight the bacteria and yeast overgrowth that can cause hair loss, and the aroma has an relaxing effect. One ready made mixture to try: Stimulating Scalp Massage Oil, $ 8 for 1 oz, at naturesgift.com.
                Some 90 percent of women with hair loss are deficient in lysine, according to British studies. And experts have also linked a shortfall of this essential amino acid with increases in anxiety. .......Lysine is found in protein-rich foods, but since our bodies don't absorb it adequately, consider taking a supplement. One to try: GNC L-Lysine 1000, $ 8 for 90 tablets, at drugstore.com.-------END

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Shooting Star

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Re: SOS For Thinning Hair
Reply #1 - Oct 14th, 2005 at 12:11pm
Great article - thanks for sharing it. 

Not being fond of tea or coffee, the thought of that many cups of green tea, makes me............
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Re: SOS For Thinning Hair
Reply #2 - Oct 14th, 2005 at 3:42pm
As we all know, I am extremely fond of coffee, tea is good too...however, I usually want to ruin it's natural goodness with cream & sugar.  I could drink naked tea, though (WHOA- the tea is naked, not me....it's way to dangerous to drink a hot bev. naked you know!) I guess it wouldn't kill me to switch over to something healthier sometimes!  Undecided  Isn't green tea also good for weight-watching?
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Re: SOS For Thinning Hair
Reply #3 - Oct 14th, 2005 at 11:14pm
maggie wrote:
however, I usually want to ruin it's natural goodness with cream & sugar.  I could drink naked tea, though (WHOA- the tea is naked, not me....it's way to dangerous to drink a hot bev. naked you know!)

I usually doctor tea with honey and milk.  I don't drink naked green tea (me or the tea, I'm with you there maggie Wink ) but usually only a bit of honey.
Not sure I can do 4 cups of green tea a day though.  Tongue  Coming into the cooler months I will be drinking more of the stuff and might as well make it the green variety.
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Re: SOS For Thinning Hair
Reply #4 - Oct 15th, 2005 at 2:32am
Heehee, I think this is the first time I've heard of naked tea!

Anyway, thank's for posting this, Moonchild! I knew that green tea has lots of antioxidants, but I didn't know it's also good for the hair. Hmm, that gives me a good reason to finally finish off the box of green tea in the fridge.
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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Re: SOS For Thinning Hair
Reply #5 - Oct 17th, 2005 at 5:02am
I personally love tea.  Smiley Hot or cold, and all different kind of flavors. Nativa Green Tea is what I drink in the office all day long. And I take Green Tea Diet pills a few times a week - not very regular - since I discovered that it takes care of my swollen legs.
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Re: SOS For Thinning Hair
Reply #6 - Oct 31st, 2005 at 6:33am
i enjoyed reading the article moonchild, thanks hun.

is green tea caffine free? im going to buy lysine tomarrow. i love hearing these natural remedies for wonderful hair.
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Re: SOS For Thinning Hair
Reply #7 - Oct 31st, 2005 at 6:54am
Hey, Curlygirl! Well, I think some brands make decaffinated green tea, but generally speaking there is a little bit of caffeine in green tea. However, it's a lot less than black tea or coffee. I think the Republic of Tea says something about the caffeine content in different teas.
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1b MC ii/iii&&14.5/42/39 14.5/33.5&&"Bring me my pendulum, kiddies, I feel like swinging!" Vincent Price  &&
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Re: SOS For Thinning Hair
Reply #8 - Oct 31st, 2005 at 2:50pm
thanks juri 8),

i already been drinking green tea for a while but stopped. i will now start drinking again.  on the oprah show this doctor said if you drink grean tea for 3 months you will lose 10 pounds. im not sure if it works i didnt try it. interesting though.
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Re: SOS For Thinning Hair
Reply #9 - Oct 31st, 2005 at 9:11pm
Thanks for posting this, Moonchild!  It was very informative.
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Re: SOS For Thinning Hair
Reply #10 - Sep 11th, 2006 at 6:29am
Great article, lots of good tips for me to take note of.  Good news is I already have a head start on the green tea, I was sipping blueberry green tea while reading the article.
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Re: SOS For Thinning Hair
Reply #11 - Apr 7th, 2007 at 9:27am
Hi Moonchild!! I loved your article..very helpful!! I am a huge tea drinker..wondering, does the caffeine make a difference in the effect it takes on your hair?? I have heard that caffeine is actually bad for people who are trying to grow their hair out..not sure if that it true or not. In terms of massages..I have a question..maybe someone knows..How exactly do you do the massage?? I ask because I don't want to damage any more of my hair..

tx!!  shay;)
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Re: SOS For Thinning Hair
Reply #12 - Apr 7th, 2007 at 9:31am
Oooops, a few more questions..how do you all measure your hair?? I noticed there is a ticker on some of your posts..I would like to start one too. Do you measure from the top of the head, or..let me know!! Also, in terms of brushing your hair..I hear that stimulates the hair follicles and gets blood rusing to the area, which helps to grow your hair..is this true?? If so..what kind of brush is best for stimulating the scalp?? Or..is it best to just stick with the massage??

thanks in advance for any suggestions!!!  hugz~s;)
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Carpe Diem Noctemque

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Re: SOS For Thinning Hair
Reply #13 - Apr 7th, 2007 at 11:43am
q1: click on my or anyone's sigline and it will direct you to the ticker site
q2: most common way to measure your hair is from your hairline, over your head and down on your length. whatever way you choose, be consistent and always use the same way.
I would advice against measuring all the time, though.
q3: personally I never brush my hair and hate brushing with a vengeance. so I'll let others answer that
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Shooting Star

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Re: SOS For Thinning Hair
Reply #14 - Apr 8th, 2007 at 2:27pm
I'm not a big advocate of brushing either.  I only use a boar bristle brush to "finish" my hair when I wear it down.  I use wide toothed combs (wood or horn) the rest of the time.

I do use the pads of my fingers (never the finger nails!!) to massage my scalp.  I ususally do this when I wash or rinse my hair.  It loosens and hair that was going to be shed anyway and the warm water and massage helps stimulate the circulation.
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